The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 05, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 6,-1914.
(Special Correporent.H -Ki
We xvrh oneVhrrd.'aU uVlJuppy
and Prosperous VixY' ,Y.eaj . .V
i 1 i 1 1 1 Holler hx-5 been visiting..
Iji's parents during the holidays.'
t E. V. Everett was visiting rela
lixes in Smith -liei4-Teiay.-
Mrs.. Verna -Hrjt t inu -,w us diome
for a week visuDg Vtf"
and friends.
3 ()Ig;t Nritzi-4' and utec; llia
fryn, vert Omaha e.u!iertv.Tucs,
ilay. .i:r,. ... v.
i A nimber oC our j-t.umg 4im3r
injoycd ihe -roller-:, s-kal inpr last
!JSaf urfcay jif''jira ri': and : CMini,'.-; i
1 Mrs! Addynmn imdr-it (if-.WiJ-lianistbxvn,
N. - D.." 'aiuf A.), .s-ueivd
the holidays- willi . liar. uiui her,
p!rs. E. T. Tool, and tier sisters.
,'Mrs. Euiil. JKuebn. .and Mi;s Paul
'-chexve. ' i
Abot:t Ti.jrcl'ti' M'i.Iay morn-
ling, December - ;!,. the alarm of
lire mounded at Miinli'ck aiil ift
an hour's time Martin &i Tool'
general store, with . id 1 its con--;te":its,
lay smouldering iif riiius,:
jwiiile the. many, kind rien,.,xvho
lJ:ad rnhi d to Lh,e scene uf the
'lire, with willmp-jJiaiuls to'a?si.l,
.if possible, iii.j5Wi8g part of the
?s lock .at least, looked helplcsslx
To!i or. turned lhir .rtlenjhfn to
;tln safety 'of the surrounding
;dx eliingy Tmd fd-ncr of hsmss-r-
Anna Amgwert was home dur
t i 1 1 lt the holidays.
A Lewis"' Ilorjibok . was' visiting',
- i -let'-' . i i; 1 int-jtlii stuiljlax'
5 Ida Vied;ief ' wa vi.itiyif her
-sisters neai- EffnwH.'d If few-days
lat week.
I or, Mrs. G. II. Hudson. .j.
r JCiuiJ Obirle hadihe .uiiiUortune, . NEHAWKA.- J-Jf-cul
ooi of.lhe'corils .f his' 4. ' ' : , I 4.
3hi"3av ui'tfu-no6u and ;;.k4:4WV7...T..I,4.
as 'Yi Yesull Iserrylhg liis liand hi
a sling.
' '5itn "'IcknVfrJ'.' a resident of
.fcbi yicjnity iny years iryo,. was
inTt'jvii the , fore part f lle week
lookii'ip "after the' Wesley I'entlor
(state and (-allii: on old friends.
LUr. JJIHiiiiru m dhec uwin-d. the
larm envnttd hy Fred Obcrle,
"jrtyr asro. ' 'p -
" W (). 'Wriffhtj has piirc1taed
Uurviosf; Frohlieh'j house, north
ra.jl f m iwn, 'ind will movi;. it
iu')t' titwn h-hi the j lots-which ' Jic
pu chased. froin Charles Alien.
Vi e undirstand! that f!liiT intends
i.i pjit f;ii,ivinjr and' move hi
fjiinjiy-LUv rT"ni j .
I. V(Usu-pi Albert l'ruuly was horn
i'a4i4Jelaua.rt,: 0hi(,,A4nCiiiber
'J, 1830. He inoed to central
Lu'd.a. With parents .when, leal
a child, then iviowd to,r"elraka
iin 48C,-.?efHiu,-r on ; ljome.stea'j
one and a quafter miles east of
tlh u 1 e." .vile vv as 1 n a rr i c d to- ;M is s
.Vjuianda, ;Vansickle on !5eteinber
t-.,. ItSJSl, at Peru, Neb." He di,d
-at, his hgne.ea'st of Eatrle bw'.'iii
ber 2f, ,,H'.Kl, ' at the ase of (:
years, 1 month and r chiy; lie
leaves H moiiiii liis loss a vvile
and one brother, Fred M. Prouty,
or A'U o. '
i 4- 1 ; u. v
tive near KoYiUi'ITt'fl?! ft?yis ."t(,i;- " aTT.I " sfops" the coutili
. loss of slep
la-t w eekt-T - i ': ..-
Mr. and Irs. W. O. ( JiJIespie iiljn-' .relaUve's jn laiwoln
."J'hur.-day ami l'r iday." , i
. r.arrie (iakeiHi'er wa a pas
Fenier from. Lincoln .011 N. I
Tu.sd3y. -
Intelligent people realize tliat
common colds should.. be treated
liryur.ptfc'. ' If ihero'Us sneezing
iu1 1 f' ' c ii i 11 i ft p'sV 'vrf I h h o a r sen e s s ;
t if kli n t ; Th r iv. f.'apiL j." nl? 1 11
:'in proinjdly Hie use of Foley's
Ilonev and 'lar ('omtxnind. It is
whicti can
tlKi M resaiiee; i
sal? lo-If .fruisfs' '-' '
... :.c. ...i
IloJ;i'li l.o;;uze.
-.Io;, jsitej hei; lliHs, wy:k. ,vit
:.hj- aialu-, Mrs, 4vale, -P;'ibblf..t .j
i i H 'V. Uilll'l l-J. i VVUSi: .UvUH!r.lVAljl
iareiits and olf!
.. . ; !
Efirih - turit)Lr
i-it 'Willi . hi
fi'S-nds.j v
Mrs.- Jlethi Shtnder- and lilt!)
dtiuWej-.-T rha;"0" .re.t-U-i'V('c1, I1'"
v i 1 1 with rtlalives i;i the viciii'iy
of Nehawka. .. ..
Mi?s Fr-eda, Carlson, of OluuTiii
. sp'iiit Hie paL.wcek. at' I lie home
. of her Jure!:ts, .Mr. aud Mr
Aui-'Us.t Cari.-on. . , ;
Mis . Folmer of Cak and MiVs
Hathaway of I.iiicidu ire yues,'.
al lite home of lr. aiid.Mi. E. ii.
Worl hinan. . 1. ... .
Mrs. .W, i'.. bt'aik y . and .,
. (lL-n, 4f Jreeuwuod. visited dur
ins tlie holidays at the homo of
tier faljie'r, J. M. Jaekinan. :
. ; F r e,d M e J-ain Ay.s t jwi j tin s
week vi?itii:vt .iuieiids and rela
tives. . lie liiiij lived in. Cliyeago
since "- leauu; Liuislle, having
bci'omt' an e.xpei t .tdeclrieian, bui
for Ihe past few mouths he lias
.'.Je'ii leachiuK in t li. electrical de
partment of a, college atlOtlowa,
Kansas. :.. .
The JJurliiiKtou. paint anl; has
recently paid , Louisville, a visit
and now . Station '..Aent " EnloW
Veai s a. smile and .politely 'asks
all callers to' clean .' . their, .-ht-es
when they enter his " anode ' so
nicely are the surrounding since
.;t new eoat'of paint has been ad
i d. Our frie;i.J, .EtibW, is a
. proud cuss anyway. - J
...Just at the do-e of a beautiful
, Iiecember day, as the 'stars were
apearin one Ly fne. surround
d by those near and dear , to, he;;,
x r.Irs. Fricdrich Iiers, nudher . of
o ir to.vnsma:i. W..F, Jliers, pass
ed away at the home 'of her
daughter, Mrs; H. J.' Tarr-reman.
at clretna. Neb.. Saturday, IV -cenibufv
-21, ;1913.';'. '"; ,
1 k
TosllUUUsl--- J'ctraUll
duty. ev in a L r.l a y 1 la? 1 7t v -k ?o
.a.(rcuiit of siciiiiess..'--!
- Mrs; AI J. Anderson. left .Tiies
dav t-venin for !irad Ka-v. A-r
. a two months,' visit with reiutitvi
', Mr. and M-i- August MaUul
are leioiejuir over the arrivatsof a
l.ov al -lheir liuine.-on.Wedn-sda:.
.-;;tud UiidaurlI"Ct Hmn f'itiva-i'?
-filter ' iLv- Ui s3::jui.v;.. iviutui.
M r . a nrj a 3 1 1 si . - K U " ? ' f
Jeferoii LLarried here of , Jvyeniog -JjLiUiiial irveredf.lpf
Wednesday iiuctn ai-.verper weefc.. Trjic ?J?
Joseph Fidget t of Cfiica'ft came
lsifvMl eei KfMnitud ,tJi:-b.oMdays
viih his sous, Walter and (ieorfre,
and his brofher, Johii LIdgett."
, .Lou Crawford, . a .funnel-, .resi
lient of this vicinity now. located
jie-ar .t.oie.riciire-,.. arrjve.i ' 1 uesua
niht to visit his relatives ;a;id
friends. . , t . ,..
Mrs. Orr; a traiiied iiurse; came
fivcn -Omaha last : Friday nitrht
and is Jakinir care, .of .It, 11. Frairs.
wliu sMiT r.d a stroke of paralysis
last Friday-'afieTnonn.. .j
Jolnrchalfant arrived Saturday
from Lusk,! 'yorning, where ' he
had bee:t ' spending-' sonie time
with his daughter, Mrs. Wesley
Wolfe, and his Bdi; Dan and
Hugh. : ' ;
Edward Fofdeii, :frnier resi
dent of this pface," arrived yester
day from Scott's Hlulf, Neb., 'and
is visiting-' his' sister, Mrs. ( J. N.
Ljiilile; 'and other relatives here.
Efmer Parks, who has been residing-
at Wausa, Neb., came
down last wvek fn visit 'ami look
after business alTairs. m We are
informed that he wilt locate here
and work al the carpenter trade..
' Miss Delia MfOuln, who" served
as clerk in Hie postotTlce the past
two years, resigned last week and
accepted a" position m the Farm
ers' State ' bank. ' Miss " Hazel
Frans is to laTir the clevkstiip in
the ' ''prrs't o (lice, ""beginning next
Monday. " ;
The barb-wire di-pa'.clies in
form us that on or aboiit Feb
ruary '2 i there will be a wedding
in this state and the groom-will
be a former citizen of this vi
cinity now employed as a guard
at. the penitenlinrv. Please don't
mention it wliero Syl Hathaway
will liear if, or he may think you
refer to hi:ii as Hie man. '
What, i-i a "possum apple?"
The answer was soushf by W. B.
Hanning 'Ttiesday evening- when
he received a'box of 'fruit from a
friend in Missouri, 'Hie boxing be
insr inaik'eft'posfnm apples."' Mr.
Banning hunter! a; native of that
siate' CJiifi Lewin and the liiimde
Jim gof his riose near thelnix he
sliouted, "p'rsimnions','by gosli!"
Arid the iiiystery'was solved.1 ':
w Mrs. Peter Opp is feeling proud
over the "' recent - ' arrival of a
grandson .at- t he -home f her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Lloyd, in
Los Angeles, California.
Mrs. Joseph Malcom came in
fram Talnage Wednesday morn-;
ing for a. few .-days' tv is it with her,
hu.lajui,"who i? rptining Hie milt
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Iloback arc
niourningth'e death of their 3-i
weeks'-ofd infant daughterwhich
occurred Tueslay. The little one
was .buried at Mt. "Pleasant yes-,
t'.-rday. '; ' . ; . ' ' : . r
.' 'Ilessle "; and AUon Clark, a
couple of Johnson .county school-;
inarms, ; visited from- Sairr:a
until Tuesday with their uncle,
Hie ediUr -and family. Their
home is in Vesta.
Frank Doedeker returned from
Omaha Wednesday, where he had
been with his wife, who was
operated ;on .a week ago at Irn-
manuel hospital. She is getting
along nicely.
Mrs Mron Bell and Mrs;
Seheussler of Oklahoma, nieces
of W. H. SchomaTer, are here
visiting their 1 relatives. Mrs,
Bell was a passenger to Syra
cus'e Syilurday, wnpre she expect!
ed to visit a few days.
r.hnrTes",'HeeIner "was a ias
senger for Lincoln on the early
morning train Tuesday, where he
Expected to join the other Cass
county members of . Hie board.
They went to consult the state
engineer in regard to bridge
plains for theeoming year.
'John MYita k '"and - wife' 'Teff
Tuesday evening for their
in C.rand - Island.' '-aft er spending
a few days'-'anioiig- Mrsl Mulick-
relatives-.who- was -fornM-ly Mi-5-5
Minnie. atau-r. . Mr. Mulu k: ;is a
cpnu,e-lor. on .Hie U. P. motor he
tff.eKii iirandrTsjjjiid- acd -ffr.d.
Mi-s. HenrvSturm got her ham
cauchl in a power wringer Tut
day, and as a result is nursing a
preltv sore hand. Her. right hand
was drawn into Hie wringer, fo
Hie wrist, and while no bones
were broken, the member was
bruised and .-.crushed until it 1 Hi-at)! ;f fcejuleiidu w iUraNi:ia?
very painful injury
"Wischicf - Quartette"
It's Work.
En h ' y e a r ' i h e ' m o n t h o f J a 1 1 u -ary
numbers its lisf nf-yictihis
from , in truen.a," la grippe, brou
chilis ... aiwV "''pneumonia.'' Thf
p n n r 1 .t 1 1 e'. 1 f yi 1 ey 's I b n eyr a n d
Tar Coihponiid w ill t:l;erk Hie fniL
se4 of a colV' ;md : st'fp a coiig'li,
pl-e ntiHJD-Jiufr W. kj-l!;)ment to
1 iipi f ; j er. io B s : unj it i 1 ri . - Keep ij
on handi-;.-. t' 'r- ale-'X all drug
gists. . ;
Best Cough Kledicine for Children
aui vej-y.ghul ,Uk sy ;i .few
words in of Chamberlain's
Curgh Remedy," writes Mrs. Lida
Dewey, Milwaukee,, Wis. "I have
nsnl it for vears both for uiy
children -and myself and it never
f;uJs t .-relieve- and cure a
cough or cold. No family with
children should be without, it a
it gives .almost imniedia'e relief
in cases of -croup." Chamber
Iain's Cough Tinnedy is pleasant
and safe to take, which is if
great importance when a .medi
cine must be given to young chil
dren. . Ir sale by all dealers.?
(Special Correspondent.)
-. The new- year of 1914 is . in.
Holidavs of FJl'V are Jiumbered
with the past, 'and if-you have not
formed any good resolutions for
the coming ear, do so at once,
ami don't forget them hi the next
3;r days.
The many friends of Martha
Barker will be 'pleased to hoai
that: she is released from the
hospital and will be at home with
her ,'aunt. Mrs. WeJenkamp, in
the near future..
Mr. L. Fields of Kansas City,
Mo., visited with friends a few
days last week. , . '. ,
Our congenial h acksmith. as
sisted by. Willie Propst. is very
busy nowdays shoeing horses.
Pupils of l!ie Plattstnoulh High
school from this district," No. 3
have, again taken up their w.ork
in school, after a nice rest of two
.weeks. v . ..
Mrs. 0. K. Parmele of Plaits
mouth visited at the home of the
Propst' family Tuesday. ..
. Frank Mai ler, jr., of Murray.
viilcd hTs grandiiarenls, Mr. '.am!
Mrs. Mailer, for a few days last
week. , .
Mark Wile?? and family pnit
Sunday witli Mrs Wiles mother),
Mrs. William Wetenkaiiip. -.
- W. l, .porter-Jransae-t-ed busi
Hess in the metropolis Tuesday.
DoeJi.i- r.i ow n, : Chai les Stiopp
nid H. L. .P"'psl wej in Oma!i
Veilnesday, 1 . .
MMHUl J-'ighl-, ll.-c tr fiapcii
.indVCiouderl -Hirnard returmd
fronp J ' M'.dnes. ,.Jo;va. where
thf-y; hee.11 r'atlendiiu: - the
tofkrm'Sts' cojneni i'n, ,; lmhl at
that, plac!:.--nd fepqrt a very en
joyable vljm?, .ras; projiti
Prof essox . Jean of . jPeruy-Nel
braska, v isjled vith . hi; jiqriif,
Mr. and Mrs. 'C. L- Jean. itlUTing
the holidays.' 'x- '"
Rev. Baileyd Omaha, diviner
pastor of Liberty chuiyMi, galled
on memlers of the churcii' dur
ing the past weeki ; ; t
Mrs. P. Lair, : '.jl.anghter and
son, l.eia anr ooruoir, 01 i'iaus-
mouth, visited friends in town
Our good-natured mail car
rier, Uncle. Jap loung, is very
much -relieved since the Christ
mas packages have somewhat
abated. - And had there been one
more package a -trailer would
have been resorted to too accom
modate the patrons.
Mrs. E. R. Om en was visiting
friends in Union Monday and
L. F. Fitch and wife spent
Sunday with J. D. Lewis aiul
family. , -
Lloyd Lewis and Roy Cline at
tended the play in Plaltsmouth
Thursday night.
F. F. Nickels and wife of
Pierre, S. D., spent the holidays
with William Nickels and family.
Mrs. Arthur Crunk is a guest
of Miss Etta Nickels this week.
Pearl Dugay, is spending the
holiday vacation with friends in
this vicinity.
Prof. . Asehe is reported as
.-lightly, improved at this writing.
Wayne Lewis and si-ter, Mis
Mae, were Nebraska City visitors
Wayne Lewis and Earl Merret!
are doing the inside painting 011
ii. W. Shrader's new home thi
week. R. II. Frans, who is sulierhr-'
from a stroke of paralysis, is re
iM.irled belter at this writing.
H. C. Creamer hail the misfor
tune to cut his hand pretty badl
last Saturday while butchering.
;:Jli-v and Mrs. -Charles Swab
entertained a company of friend
Wednesday evening to a real
Christmas tree and . oyster .-upper.
Everyone present speaks of
nn"-'evef'-i. a- a iery "pleasant if-
fair..-;i ,!':. JivV . :!:;
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Oueen ceb'-
t i ce: jf I hii 1 i t L'l e fo Iks o f i he i r
re!ati es.
H. C. Creamer and wife enter
tained, the imn'iediat e'-fainily for
Christmas, dinner' ami a tree.
. The. Lewi s.t on' ("dee club met
with F. E. Rhoden aiid wife Sat
urday evening, ami an election of
oQicers was had as follows: I-'.
I.. . Rhoden, president; Lloyd
Lewis, v vice . president ;. Elta M.
Nickels, secretary and treasurer.
The club has planned for a few
entertainments, which will be
given within a few weeks; the
dates will be announced later.
Mrs. Rhoden served a delicious
luncheon at a late hour, which
was duly appreciated by Hie
membership. Next regular meet
ing January 10, HUE
Well, Christinas i oyer. Let's
get ready for Valentine night-.'
Something doing; listen for the
announcement, at Lewiston.
Uncle Oeorge .SJirader was
looking after some business mat
ters in the county seat last Fri
day. '
Glen Thompson and sister.
Miss Myrtle, froni Wood River,
Neb., arriyed in Cass, county la.-t
Wednesday for a visit with
friends , and relatives, and in
company with Elizabeth Hall, and
Jsaac Hall, of PlaltsmouUi, ami
Miss Ciussie Oood. look dinner
New Year's day at Hie home of
Mr. and Mrs. (icorge Ray,' being
guests of Miss Esther Ray. They
had a very pleasant time.
Mr. and Mrs. Levy SlagJe, who
for a great, many years, in fact,
most of their lives, have been
living over east of Murray, have
moved up near ForVlyce, Neb.,
near where the parents ofMrs.
Slagle reside. Mr. Slagle has
rented a farm up near I'oidyce
where they will make that their
future home. The Journal joins
with their many friends in wish
ing them an abundance of hap
piness and prosperity in their
new .location.
ind Mrs. II ay
Born To' Mr.
Kreider, Monday,.
an 1 1 -pound boy. .. .
Jim ami Clyde Filzpatrirk ;;re
Frely sick boys ilh typhofd
Fever, as '.''.I,nl'Vil,-uS Dr.. Welch.
E. II. Nrj iV, s'out.iea-l of -town,
left. Wedfiesday. luot jiipg , Jor .a
visit-with his father Jn southern
Kansas, : -"-.,:' :
i. :pr.r Fred Reed report- a 'ca-e
of scarlelina, at the.C. E. Joyce
home, just west of town. It is
ine youngest child. JLIie house is 1
under quarantine and m further!
development is expected. j
Mr. ami Mrs. Robert .lame., and
family of Minnesota were nt.-l-aJ
the (Jco. Dennis home Ike last j
of the week. Mrs.J:;;ne a for-:
iiierly Mis Vandei-ar, daughter oT
the once W. W. oil king.
'What can he i ne during the
year 11)1 i to help our town?"
Thi is Hi" suhj'-ct of (he di-cus-sion
that is to appear in tin.' Re
publican's column- beginning
next week. If you are interested,
write an article.
Mrs. Addemar of North Dk-ta,
Mr. Kmhii and Mr-. Chaxe, o!
Murdock were visiting their .-is-ler,
Mrs. F. II. Oorder, Tuesda
and Wed: esday morning-.
Frank Schaller i here for hi
vacation. He has been running an
engine fur a construction com
pany in Iowa. Frank xpects to
go to Chicago when he returns to
work, as they have twenty mile
of railroad to build there.
The Dnw.-on boys and Frank
Doty. noi-;hea-t of town, captured
a large bunch of rabbit" since !lo
snovx'. They shipped ii Hie Oma
ha market Monday altogether 1
bunnies. 110 collonail and I.'!
jacks, after supplying
wants and some of the
with fried rabbit.
Items f IntrrcM tn Our l?rdrr
Cleaned Ifm ihr rjper
I tics of Many ) cara Ago.
P. O. Did. -on of I'll -
re-iib-nt of Cas -..tir.tx
tathi'i-ia-laxv of J. Dl:i !; :u' r,
It ll -! (-
caiii'ii on in.- irraiu i;to-iy. .,
Samui-1 Ri'i-top f.r Ve pini: V;i-; 1 re
tr, one of th" Herald's !e.-t : f;.t-e
frii-ntl-;, xxa n to u- tbit in-! H;e
V I A- an in-ta:;' of t! . )-
ful p.-We" i.f P' xx i, ' t
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Married I i-
iege ..r
F. J. Filch reports hi
nicelv recovering from a
i( kees.
Elder L. W. Mxers i.-rt M"iid.iv
for a fexv ilay-' xiit with hi
f.;l't"r in Kansa-.
Homar Davis oT Coxxb-s. e!i..
( ;o i. in l'riday night and - "i.
-exeral days xvitli Carl St-hm-ide.-;oi-i
other EImxviod frn-nrt-.
J. . D , Hrit tell re4 e;e.l xv. rd
ye-derday. morning from Ntdi-ii.
Neb., of the .-erious illue-- .f !ii-
youngi-.-t (huiphf.-r. .Mr.-. "!.;
Dr. Ivj:j Tighe of We-,' p.. int.
Ni b., 1 el urned ! hi Imin.' Sat
1'iiiay. after a ciiUfd-"1 of d:ys'
xisit at the home of hi- aunt.
?Irs. William Smith.
Will Hayes ami daughter.
Mary, of Plam-v ille, Ka-.. xxho
are visiting' the home fo!k and
dd neighbors, called at the Ii. O.
Morgan home Sunday.
Mr. ai-.l 'MrsT (I. W. D!.--ing
iif Auburn came up Saturday for
a fexv days visit xxith Hn" lall-r"-tmreTits,
Mr. ami Mrs. R. Tol
hurst. and their numerous
;p.le Current came doxvn from
Oin.'.lia Saturday" evening for a
xisit at (he home of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Worley. - dale is knoxvn a
O'Hrien's "candy kid" at some of
Omaha's most popular theater.
Arthur- Lofenz came in Wed
nesday from his home at Fort
Morgan. Colo., for a xisit over
an imleiinile period xxith relatives
and friends'. Arthur -ays til
parents are xxell pba-i-d with
that portion of Colorado in
which they reside.
The pastor of the M. E. church.
Dr. VanFIeet, ha- been special
ly favored in the way of Chrl-t-nias
gifts. If they keep on coming-
Hie way they have in the wny
of beautiful furniture, the church
xx ill be obliged to enlarge Ihe
parsonage, lo.make room for
them.: -
hri.b-- mother's m Rock lUiitT. b;.
Rev. fi. R. dripp.-u. Mr. Win.
Pol ..f Plait-mouth to Mi- La-ui.-a
i !:irroir-h if lio- f-.r-m"-plai
i-. Al-o on t;.e at Ml.
Pb-a-ant. by l!..- -.m.e, Mr. C.
Wellixer of Auri'ta. Neb., fo Mi--Mar-ery
Frew of Mt. Pb .:-a: t.
.V pile of sxe.-t
I'.if-illp Je-tifx 1o
that prince of gem
W. J. II. --er. !;:-
again ! the Ibia
Mid :t
Ho- f.i.l tt
; 01 i - f 1 ! low -.
1 11 ar-oiM'-l
Id ...; - e. ;u, I
d j !
.:.e h ir.
Th- M. th.
JiaUlj l--!.
; .o ki d xv ! ii
.I.--.1 hat d-e
w'v- th r-.
i::g' fe-i-e."
t :i:;.-. d-..x ;:
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ed that l-
1 f: '.
In.. I i.- ir -..
a-.- apt I-.
kil.'W. 'Ihe
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-hoxx- that he t h : 1 1 - poor- 1 - r - . d !
nii-h to hax- i lit t i-l ?: ia- !.- j -1 ti
ns xxell a other pei. pie. Thank.! pi
and a
II r.
Chri-t :m 1-
Tm-dax x.a
Fir-t it blexx.
ami then it
a-.1 Com
ler gr-xx,
o x 1 1 ; 1 .
It -! .'W .
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ler t!
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XX ef e
Ir i-t
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hi- . TO.
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that it -b . fed. too; an I - ii! th
xxeallwr ki pl on in-: i a-j: g and
getting louder and imam
biilixing. r. !.. ami xxh-n
and 11
lit 1 -
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I.x fi
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1 .
.1 :
1- b
might ! Hen -:' f. and la-', b-.t r
clo-i'.l in the e!ei i.-n! fair ly .-ur- i the fr xx a unhid
roundi-il u. ami xxe .-re, f.-r HiejanJ tlox xxre p:'--1:
1st time thi -ei-ou, "ci -mpb-l'- j t. r Sa:da '.U':-.
ly taken by -lorm." j gen! ;.-n;.i -i in xti:V
(had oia-riied up '
! 1 -
d ;;'
j a;.-r
Buy your rancy stationery at
the Journal office.
Prof. R . formerly principal
'f the High -clioo h.-re. resign
ed his poition n Momiav la-t.
f.r rca-on which xxi!l be. r .:
full ma.le known h. reafl.-:-. The
common council oil-red Hie poi
lion o prof. Wi-i-. and the pi"-fes-i-r
took a day to think "011 it."
At a special meeting of th" com
mon council on Tim-day evening
Prof. Wie d'-clined the honor of
a po-ition which xxe would all
tiki- to see him placed in. for Hie
rea-011 that he had already been
elected ! 1111 a high and import
ant po-t b the people of (hi
COUnty, ailil lie did !l"f feel like
giving that up for -x-n She p.ii
lion of principal of the Hii-h
-cliool at Plat I -mouth. Mr. siar
bird piv-enf ! hi r-.ienl i.i!- !
the council, and his name i na
iler adxi-eno'iif at the pr nt
writing-. Meanwhile, urn'.-r th-managi-menl
of h able ta' her
alr-aily Ho-re, ami the -up.T-vi-ioTi
of the city up"t inf.-n-b n!
iegnai'il i.
-.x ho'U be xx a ; t . d b r-
-hi'xx. r I up-":. i-ho
ill a :w rry 1- r.
i th
; e ed.' -r ca mv
xx hat vo?i!-l b. ne-rnit: g.
i I hi- '
An Ideal Woman's Laiativs.
!io w - f to !,ik- - .t'.' -. r
-a-t-r ml, xxin Itie-e , r- 'h '
bett.-r th;;i Dr. Kn-g - N a I ;
Pi! I f.-r a'l boxx.-l r .'.' !- The
the et d,i
all d''g
ar.d riiii.rallx
and lr.r, lii-ml
x u r t - -.x !
.x , . - -. Pr :
gi-l. II. V.. I'.t.-kl
t ?
1 1
I, -h
Amount Was Too Small.
Ill lb'- ai '-oe.r ? ' f Hi- d- o -
a ay h I- n.ig' T O
. r a id t li' .''T
exe the X a ! ! of III'
IllXe been glXe'I a
-r.. a- ! appe.ire.i
;i !
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and our honorable major.
High -cho.d .fill liv.-
ur i Thi i a
and mot o f..r
nourihe-. md iiihIit Hi- ro-e
but without the R"--.
a -II
r .i.
very Iirg
tti.-'d- '.l
.. b- P
f Hi- p-.b' '
a -' - ' : '
. lio- It
d (;-!.
pi 1 ipi m
Mil l?(SIlPAiSQ?x(l
SSHOR o5nr nnRnn Ann?
tm r
and we wish to inform all of our patrons that our store will be closed
all day FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th, at which time we will be busy
Everything in our big line of goods will be marked at a price that
will defy al! competition. Watch for our big ad later, and
remember our store will be closed all day Friday-
tSss rx ;-3 ttv5
- P-j h l
k27 l-r W
V. 2UCKER, Manager
i !
.1 1 Jl I