! i I PAGE G. i PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 191- I I Murray Department I Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Tf any of the readers Of the Journal know of any so;ial event or Item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail same to this office, it will ai-lx-ar under this heading. We want all news items Editor We Take Pleaseure in Extending Our Best Wishes to Our Patrons for A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Murray State Bank Happy New Year! The Journal desires to extend to its many readers in and around Murray, and our friends in general, a most Happy New Year, and may prosperity, happi ness and good health attend them throughout the entire year, is the prayer of the entire Journal family. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Adam spent Christmas week at the Long home. Mr. and Mrs. Classman spent Christmas with their parents at Springfield, Neb. Miss Margie Taylor of Omaha is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Carroll. Mrs. vanee Pitman is visiting' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, near Plattsmouth, this week. W. 1). Wheeler is building cattle shed. 2ixG0. Mr. Wheeler look out the lumber Tuesday. . I). Smith and familv of Ilaveloek are visiting relatives in this vicinity during the holidays. The date for the Lyceum num ber. Frances Cable, is January 16 in place of December 19. A mis take in dates was made. Miss May St. John, Alvin Part let t and A. L. Paker were pas sengers to Omaha Sunday even ing. O. E. Powers went to Platts mouth Monday to relieve Hush Norton at the M. P. station for thirty days or so. Will LaRue returned from St. Joseph, Mo., Monday night, where he went to secure a position, but he could find no job in his line of work. Mrs. Lucille Benedict of Tip ton, Wyoming, came in on Wed nesday, December i'i. for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rice, and will return to her home some time the latter part of this week. Rev. Albert Gordon of Lincoln will conduct evangelistic serv ices in the United Presbvterian church during the week of Janu ary 11. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carroll depart ed Saturday morning for their radeoptican durin home at Orchard, Neb., after Remember these meetings spending a few days with Mr. without cost to you Carroll s parents. Mrs De Shrader departed for C. E. Pettit came in Mondav Hu.shnell, Illinois, Friday morn evening to relieve Mr. Powers at in" lo visit wilh friends and rela the station here, while the latter tivos fuI" a week or ten days. Mrs. Charles Carrell was a passeng er to Plattsmouth Monday even ing. S. G. Latta gave a book entitled "The Vision of Joy," by the author of "Victory of Allen Ruth lidge," to the library. If you want to rent or buy a good 7-room cottage call on Mrs. Berger, at the hotel. Well located and in line shape. W. D. Askine of Lincoln is in this vicinity for the purpose of enrolling new members to the older of the Woodmen of the World. De Shrader has added another business to his shop, lie is now prepared to mend shoes and har ness with neatness ami disualch, and guarantees satisfaction. Uncle George Shrader accom panied his daughter-in-law, Mrs. De Shrader, as far as Omaha Fri day on her trip to Illinois, and while there transacted some im portant business. Misses Margie and Marie Shrader are spending the holi days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Shrader, in the country, during the absence of their mother in Illinois. A new man will be here to take charge of the lumber yard this week, at which time Mr. and Mrs. Weideman, the present manager, take their departure for their former home at Greenwood. The Library association will have their regular December meeting Friday evening, January - All interested in the library are invited. Ttie association will give an exhibition with their the evening. are . Murray Girl Married. Miss Edith LaRue, one of Mur ray's handsome young ladies, and Mr. Earl Tiijiny of Berlin, Otoe county, were united in wedlock in Omaha on' Wednesday, December 2 5. Miss LaRue is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will LaRue of this village- and is a young ladv of many line attainments. For sev eral months she was in charge of the central station of the tele phone company here, ami her social qualities have made her popular with all who know her. Mr. Tanny is said to be a very clever young man, and made! . . . " i . I many nieiiiis miring Ills sojourn in this vicinity. The Journal wishes the young people all the happiness imaginable as down thes tream of Time thev glide. IWI man if you want the finest old, mellow whiskey, order I OLD 1 !. W. HARPER WHISKEY I WHISKEY J l In 50 years its equal hasn't f been found. ED EGENBERGER ' ' - - " -l-T--. .... - THE CHILDREN ENJOY A FINE TIME AT GEM AND GRAND THEATRES goes to Plattsmouth to relieve Hugh Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tutt, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry attended the Ma sonic banquet at Plattsmouth on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Porter's 4- year-old son, Ansil, is quite ill, but nothing alarming at this writing. We trust the little fel low will soon be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poeck of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Eliza Young, Misses Pauline Oldham and Pearl Hinton at Christmas dinner. .Mrs. A. L. Baker returned to St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha Saturday morning, and at the present writing she is reported as improving nicely and expects to be home in a few davs Shrader was born and raised in Bushnell, where her parents still reside. Please Settle Up! The firm consisting of S. O. Pitma'n and O. A. Davis, existing under the firm name of Pitman w imms, naving Keen dissolved by The success of the show for mutual consent, we take this the children at the Gem theater method of requesting all those on Christmas dav was unlimited. luuemeu io us to please call and both in the large number of chil- settle their-accounts as soon as dren attending and in the excel possible. And greatly oblige, lent pictures shown. There were Pitman & Davis. about !(') childre'n nresent. and it required two shows to permit GEORGETOWN, TEXAS. J. A. them all to see the pictures. At Kimbro says: "For several years Hie drawing for the line auto past Foley's Honey and Tar Com- truck given by Mr. Shlaes Wed- pound has been my household nesday evening Johnnie Sat tier remedy for all coughs, colds and carried off the prize, while the 2 lung troubles. It has given per- in money fell to the lot of Clifford rnanent relief in a number, of cases of obstinate coughs and colds." Contains no opiates. Re fuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. Duxbury. At the Grand Manager Grybsky distributed a barrel of candy to the little folks, and these two theaters aided greatly in making the Christmas of 1913 a pleasant one for the little folks. MARTIN a TOOL'S STORE AT MURDOGK IS BURNED EARLY THIS MORNING Singular Affliction. Mrs. (). A. Davis, on Monday, was attacked with a severe pain in her left arm, near the shoulder Made. It is a case that baffles the doctors. Dr. Brendel was called ationce. and he thouirhf il I... T i . i I ui. aim .wis. menuei enier- would behest to call Dr. Cook of tamed the following children of PlattsnioYilh. The nrm heenn.P me lamily on Christmas day: Dr. more swollen and the tin in was J. F. Brendel and wife. T. J. T?nirwini o.wi -:r, t it., .... . . rom Monda s lany. ,. ; Hie entire night in close At an early hour this morning ..ii.-.. it in ct-junu, e kiion attention and eonso at on with tin. dnro. to,. it .i f . , tit . I I " ' 1 IA CI I I 1 11 VV X M.F I CI I rWll O V HAPl On 1 lltl T t Wit ' .... Z I w-v ... I .,-v.,,,r i,.,,,, --mjoj - !). ijrendel. am the neTl. mnm. Mhp,i,-pL-' in H. ; r., w.i . . . . i . ' iv, in nil.! V VUlll.', an U13 J .. " l"u ",M1 ,,,uM"ff, no conclusion as to the cause covered in llames as the result of nioiiier.s Kino. ,.r ft,,, t ..,.,,.!. t,.,.i n.., t - . Will Seyholt will at. After sulTerinir unfold ncronv nml ih. nnm. u-.ip ....r. i,nnH entertain the following on New through:, the nisrhf. the nalini hill n..nip.'.i nn.i ;., 'r. i,',.,,,- lears day: lr. and .Mrs. B. I . was made niore easv nn,l Tnos, J ili . ,p. .u-Iii.'u-j;. ...... ' .r o.n Brendel, Dr. J. F. Brendel and dav evenmir wns restinir v.t-vl lnrVi i.. ih , wife and T. J. Brendel and wife, comfortably, considering the se. part of I his ' county, was a total All the parents and brothers and Vcre case. Mrs. . Davis has the ruin.- The full particulars of the wir.s oi air,. eiou. nere will heartfe t svmnathv of the onfiro nwif wnc imnAil.l,. i,. good dinner of the communitv in loo nfftirlion with inn. ti, i-.. i.. i... r. making of one who knows the the hope that she will receive ' the building and stock will be tl'fllWfl .f f hi MlAlll.in, fi.i.L.Itr..' I t - - I : . ,. H.OI.-.H-J.3 permanent relief from intense close to $25,000, .18.000 of Ml iui ion-. UllfTpp nf I i - v...- . i Milan A family reunion and n ins - , our .next excursion leave Plattsmouth. via the Missouri Pacific, January tith, midnight. for the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. All you fellows that "Wished you'd a knowed it and you'd went along" the last lime. now have the opportunity. Get out the old carpet bag and join the bunch, in our own Pullman cars on the night of the fdh. We have the goods, and can show you and get you rtays. W. E. back in eight Rosencran. J. H. niKEN BOIES HOUSE SUCCESSFULLY A GREAT PLAY AT THE PARMELF LASHMG A Slave Girl of New York- Was One of the Best Plays ter In This City. From Tuesday's Jjaiiy. The residence which was pur chased recently by M. S. Brigu from It. M. Shlaes, and which Ik had moved from the lot at tin corner of .Sixth and Vine streets to a lot on South Seventh street. has been landed at its destination all safe and sound, and the firm of J. H. McMaken, who had tin contract for moving, done the jd in first-class shape, and with their fine equipment for this line The presentation of l-V under world story, "A Slave Girl of .New York," at Go- parme.V theater last night, was not attended by as large an audience a the play desered. as the company pre senting it was a ery km,1 and carried out tfieir different roles in a capable manner. The play deals with a stry a young woman from in Hampshire hills, who had Imm o infatuated with a ung er..fc from New York. and who had brought her to the big city ami was holding hep as hi '-woman" in the eat side of the loe- of work were able to place the ,..... ..i; th.i .nrtnin wn mmr up on the hrt act, but through house in its new location in first- class shape, and both the con tractor who moved the house and the owner are feeling well pleas ed over the result of the job. YOUNG WOMEN: NUMCER How to Bankrupt the Doctors. A prominent New Y'ork physi cian says, "If it were not for the thin stockings and thin-soled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a coJd do not wait for it to develop into pneu monia, but treat it at once. Cham berlan's Cough Remedy is intend ed especially ' for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputa tion by its cures of these dis eases. It is most effectual and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. MAKES A OARING ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE FROM MOVING TRAIN the efforts of the young silT the misguided girl sees her way clear ami leaves the man to re form himself before he can com to her, ami returns to the old home. There are several strong situa tions in the drama and the com pany presenting it gae a wry relastic production. As the man. Mr. Townsley was strong and forceful in his acting and he brought out all the character istics of his part in a splendid manner. Miss Kennedy, who en acted the role of the woman, was one of the best emotional ae tresses seen here this season, and her acting greatly pleaded every one m me audience. Mi Dorothy, as the sister, and Mr. Castle, as the crook, were both good in their respective part-, and these two persons furni-hed the comedy for the play. (From the Union Ledger). There was some excitement ini this M'cinity last Saturday fore noon soon after passenger train NOT BEYOND HELP AT 87. Sleep-disturbrr.g bladder weak ness, stiffness in joints, weak, in active kidney action and r.heum.i. tic pains, are all evidences of Ltd. ney trouble. Mrs. Mary A. Iearr. 17 E. Walnut St., Taunton, Mas, writes: "I have passe, rny 87th birthday, and thought I was 1- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Waiker and '""""'"T -V1 ho,(1.at th ho,,, Miss Margie entertained Mr. and Mrs. II. I,. Oldham and daugh ter, Fay, and Mr. and Mrs. John Stones and Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and family at Christmas dinner. Dr. Gilmore accompanied Mrs. tarl Jenkins to the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha Monday even ing, where she will be operated upon for some serious trouble. Her husband also accompanied her. Her many friends hope she will return in a short time fully recovered. . . r n i - . oi iur. iiuu iirs Christmas day. rather and Mother Pitman. Mr and Mrs. O. A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Pitman, the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pit man, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shafer, sister and brother-in-law of the hostess. Mrs. v. f. Stall, seven miles southeast of Murray, was oper ated upon for some trouble Monday. Dr. Allison assistant came down from Oma ha to Plattsmouth and from Seed Corn for Sale. S. O. Pitman on T have ..JO lmshel of D-rm.l conH WHICH inCllUJcd I pnpn fill- snlo nf $ HO nnn luichnl hno.lo o lJnl u-mw.1- r i - - " - - t'vi j i tii, i hi ci iii ci iifi ui i. iv ipi i in: nil i in is covered by insurance. The building burned was a two story wooden structure with a and the llames soon J. T. Porter, Murray. ing and stock. HAVE YOU OUR CATALOG? When we say OUR, that's just what we mean; and in our catalog you will find everything listed by any mail order house and at the same price in many cases, the price is lower. Every article is guaranteed to be just as represented, and if not satisfactory to you when you get it, we pay you back every cent. Now honestly wouldn't you rather give us your order than send it to a stran ger? And, if you have any kicks to make wouldn't it be easier, quicker and more satisfactory to talk to us than write letters? If you have haven't our catalog, come in, or drop us a postal today. We can save you money, give you good goods and our personal word is back of our dealings. HDATT & TUTT MURRAY NEBR. Like a Poison. People .who do not enjoy once in a while fresh air and sunshine are not- much better off than prisoners. You can tell it from the pale, yellowish tint of their complexion and poor annetite. serious Their digestion is, as a rule, very "- weak. If their occupation does not permit them to go out, they CrTlllI 111 o IaQ ol 4 n v-vnAnn... there to Murray m an auto, and lheir hoalth an(, slren?lh and to in company with Dr. i.ilmore, Df, n ,;m , ,,,' went to the home of the unfor- Pri,,. oi..,i.i rr.r .n ,.." . iii . -j . .... I j n ... hi i u i.-.t; limn r aim:i i- tunate lady, and it is reported the nn vrtxir f nmr. v,,. Ti,ia operation was a success. At la.st m.nnai;n ,,. ,'. . I 1" t' mil. n "111 "ini! OUL ill! Stall was resting wasle matter hloekimr ihi in easy. I IncUnna o rMI c-1 ; kv, 1 n I oil organs to work. It will create a REV. DUNKLEBERGER From Tuesday's Dally. Rev. D. L. Dunkleberger, who has been pastor if the Christian church here for the past few months, has closed his work with the local church and will con tinue his work at Murray, with the church there, for the present at least. Rev. Dunkleberger is one of the strongest and most able men that has represented the church in this city in recent Residence Property for Sale. he.nithv nnn(.iii nn.i -iii i90 years and his leaving: the pulpit White residence Lt;,,!; t , here will be much regretted by w,. ir( i i. .- I ; ; i .r.: : mar.?. but it'ri .'uiii, in. inur uu i nil ii? ing the report Fnlev Kidnv Tillj 1.. I I - -......- ..n . iiiiiini lli.'ll ;i uri . mi.r I . . I..,. I ......o I r i.. 11 '"J va.-rr. r J ' ' U Jl 'III UI I'llll ri i jumping through a window of i i i ne car, ami nououy seemed sure that the desperate fugitive would not invade this town. The man who escaped was Vincent Adams, who was being taken by soldiers to the federal prison at Leaven worth, from which place he had escaped about eight months atro. At the time Adams made his dash for liberty the train was not go ing at full speed and had reach ed a pohit near Craham's mill, south of here, and as the guard sale by all druggists. or MRS. W. D. JONES FALLS ON SIDEWALK AND INJURES HERSELF From Wednesday' Cany. Yesterday afternoon Mr. W. D. Jones met with a ery painful accident that will keep her ri.u. IflTI'll V rr lllo liri.iiKin . " i.tj" . . ..... ... - - . . '. . 1 . . " . i 1 1 . v : I r.ili.n.. t . !...r.,.l II r.U It .. IKm .1 handcufTed as he was, and after in walklnff aIllI1f rolling for some distance he got walk iu ,ome JMami k ' up and started eastward from foot, will, the re.it thai Vl a he railroad lie stopped at a thrown to the walk am, farm house, but being denied ad- several ..malt bruises about the mittance, he continued his flight face which r,,,,,, .1 'Ut. and endeavored to hide behind of a tdivirii, ri. "nwn ;rn embankment. kvhM.. i,'. V . .V.., . ' '"Jwrie. o i I'.iuiuii, are not run. Soon as the escape was d s- si, i,.rfli . ' . . " covered the train was run back to to to tiase. It was not a prolong- (iav- o. " "T. fc r . . I ' ii t um aiie io tie no i-i.i ase, for in a short time the around p 3,1 1 aCK lfto tier from Ilia f.. .i . the scene and the guards took up and it is th, ,,ICrit it,,, ' ' fhe rim.. It .u,i n rin.,i,.r, J . M 1 '"''bt that in a f.-w ed cha pursuers found their man where he had hidden and took him in charge without any trouble. They took him to Xehrnskn f!ilv nn.iui.i. . . ... ... l""urn so suddenly ih Croup and Cough Remedy. Croup is a terrible nnen The I. S , rr.i luIiay ,s )nerea Ior eases of the stomach and the in- saie. 1I11S IS an excellent piece Inclines in .nnemir, nn,l vvnntnoa o iiopeii cinu will DC SOIU nf fhn Al ,lr., ,l. Pirrtif LVv. nnnl..i..lnn. if i il I ..f..... ini ii in. ui.ii s filll .11 tile Tf Trinop n.ia.niO Acli Murray State Bank, or Mark lan)1 Ave- Chicago. You should V line. I nlimi V. Ol-rt. n I Ko-lt Tnl-.n' liinj.-. .... u .41, IIUI1U J. i 111V.-1 Liniment, for emergencies rreacning at murray. preaching next Sunday at the A Delfahtful Scene. nrisuan cnurcti at Murray at 11 A rich vineyard surrounded a. m. and 7:30 D. m. F.vetlincr I hv hilla arA n-nnilo rlali'frhte subject, The Coming Woman." eve of everv lover of nature. The inis is one of the evangelist's juicy fruit of European popular lectures. Pleases all everywhere, '"wise and other wise." All are invited to attend. Come Sunday evening, January i. at 7:30. his many friends throughout the city. He will remain here for the present at least, until he makes other arrangements in regard to his future work. Rev. Dunkle berger has made many warm friends since coming here and has a very warm spot in his heart for the people of this city. Notice to All Patrons I All parties who are indebted to anri the estate of August Gorder, de American vineyards presented by ceased' wil1 p,ease cal1 and sett,e lively maidens is both a rieliraev ab "vr I . t L and a nourishment. The hills couni ai Cured of Liver Complaint. I was suffering with liver and woods supply aromatic medi cinal herbs and roots, which the skillful hand of the chemist combines with wine into Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, Store. Will find the ac- Gorder's Implement Fred Gorder, Executor. Letter files at thn Journal office. waited there until the afternoon are very ap in choke .,7 flyer arrived, then continued their the ir7n" :,!.nJ.Ms journey toward the federal prison i3 nothing , ..e inr ' at Leavenworth, where Adams han Dr Kin', V" will probably receive all that is "1-ew, f 'ovry. due him, in additbn to the cut. Ohio wri7. 3in- of ncHt- and bruises he sustained in his 5? leap for liberty. Iacks Wo at- but since we proved i.U a When father was sick about Disrov-r .' "r Km ?'w six years ago he read an adver- We riv ' V.' , nave pt r,ar' tisement of Chamberlain's Tab- and cn I U croup cough, ii . t. ... i . . 1 cn,li, J-o ran you. 50c and - '"' Ji.DH. A not I Io c Margaret home Philadlphia and Fit His Case Exactly. J" P'U'eis inui in. ins case Sinn, a t.nm. i. exactly " writes Miss Margaret ,' ...7 " "Ui'1 r,"n "ry Campbell of Ft. Smith. Ark. ''iu n,.. ,' . dnu81,,v K. - uunirn . i-j-i iuiuiu5i-u u, vox. vi mem ana neist rn.ia 1 ... . . I " nas not oeen sick since. My sis ter had stomach trouble and was also henefifpii w !w.m tr-l? - ... ,. ....i. ii. A. tjl sate hv sill Honloro li complaint, says iva bmith of the well known family remedv. Point Blank, Texas, "and decided This is shown in Triner's Wall to try a 25c box of Chamberlain's Calendar for 1914. A copy mail Pile -j 'mTTm; ,T .TmmTmm. Tt REX YOUIQ, J Auctionr, Murray, eh. Rady to rrvVour aat- J m m - w-m FISTULA-Pay.Aftcr You Are Cured iw-.V, a 'I f A mild system of treatment, that cares Piles. Fistula and other M rank of Ca Count v ir, f Buy your stationery Journal office. at the v ior iyn. a codv man- -i t-i: i . , .. ... . - . . m Tablets, and am happy to say ed to any address uDon receint of Ether or other nerai anasthetic used, a cure miarVriteert in r. MM -Z : l" mf"tft jSPD-' r the J I that I am completely cured and ten cents, sent to Jos. Triner cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book os J u,rTay StatIiank, Murray, jl. ncciai aueuesi wuu irauiuuuiiiu 01 (innoiBcai people wso dstb DctQ permaneaUy .n, .1 1 lll.vl,, Jt can recommend them to every one." For sale by all dealers. 1333-1339 So. 'Chicago, 111. Ashland Ave., s r V t DR. TARRYtJ) SuIIdIr$-rOmaha. if n