THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE 5. I i i United States for gold at the maturity tf such one year notes an amount evial to those delivered In exchange foi such bonds, if so requested by the secretary, and at each maturity of one yeai notes so purchased by such fed eral reserve bank to purchase from the United States smcli an amount of one y?:ir notes as the secretary may tender to such bank, not to exceed the amount issued to such bank in the first iitdanee. In exchange for the 2 Ier centum United States gold bouds; said oblwntion to purchase at maturi ty such notes shall continue in force for a perinl not to exceed thirty years. For the purixjse of making the ex change herein provided for the secre tary of th treasury is authorized to issue at par treasury notes in coupon or registered form as he may prescribe iu denominations of $100 or any multi ple thereof, lairing interest e. the rate of 3 per centum per annum, payable quarterly; such treasury notes to be payable not more than one yar from - the date of their issue in gold coin of the present standard value and to Ik? exempt as to principal and interest from the payment of all taxes and duties of the United States, except as provided by this act. as well as from taxes in any form by or under state, municipal er local authorities. And for the same purpose the secretary is authorized and empowered to issue United States gold bonds at par, bear ing 3 per centum interest, payable thirty years from date of issue, such ltnnds to be of the same general tenor and effect and to be issued under the same general terms and conditions as the United States 3 per centum bonds without the circulation privilege now issued an 1 outstanding. Uin application of any federal re serve bank, approved by tbe federal reserve board, the secretary may issue at par such 3 per eeutulu bonds in ex change for the one year gold notes herein provided for. See. 10. Demand liabilities with in the meaning of this act shall com prise all deposits payable within thir ty days, and lime deposits shall com prise all deposits payable after thirty days, and all savings accounts and certificates of deposit which sire sub ject to nt less than thirty days' no tice before payment. BANK RESERVES UNDER THE LAW When the secretary of the treasury shall have oilicially announced, in such manner as he may elect, tbe establish ment of a federal reserve bank iu any district, every subscribing member biii.k shall establish and maintain re serves as follows: id) A bank not in a reserve or cen tral reserve city us now or hereafter Jefiued shall hold and maintain re SlTvos etiual to 12 per centum of the iiVregate amount of its demand de posits and ." per centum of its time de posits, a3 follows: In its vaults for a period of twenty four months after said date five twoifths thereof and permanently thereafter four-twelfths. In the federal reserve bank of its dis trict, for a period of twelve months aft er said date, two-twelfths, and for each succeeding six months an addi tional one-twelfth until five-twelfths have been so deposited, which shall be the amount permanently required. For a period of thirty-six months after said date the balance of the re serves may be held in its own vaults, or in the federal reserve bank, or in national banks in reserve or central re serve cities as now defined by law. After said thirty-six months" pe riod said reserves, other than those hereinbefore required to be held in the vaults of the member bank and in the federal reserve bank, shall be held In the vanJU of the member bank, or in the federal reserve bank, or in both, at the option of the member bank. (b) A bank In a reserve city, as now or hereafter defined, shall hold and maintain reserves equal to 15 per cen tum of the aggregate amount of Its demand deposits and 5 per centum of its time deposits, as follows: In its vaults for a period of twenty fcur months after said date six-fif teenths thereof and permanently there- j Iu the federal reserve bank of its dis trict for a period of twelve months aft er the date aforesaid at least three fifteenths and for each succeeding six nonths an additional one-fifteenth un I six-fifteenths have been so deiwslt l. which shall be the amount per manently required. For a period of th-ty-six mouths after said date the ha. nee of the reserve irmy be held in its,Wn vaults, or in the federal re iser, bank, or in national banks iu re serv,or central reserve cities as now defniq by law. Aft said thirty -six months pe riod of said reset .-s. except those herein.fore required to be held per manent Ja the vaults of the member bunk an in the federal reserve bank, shall beheld in Its vaults or In the federal rrve bank, or iu both, at the optioiijf the member bank. (c) A bafc ia a central reserve city, as now or ire-after defined, shall hold f ml iuuiutal a reserve eqnaJ to 38 per centum of c-aggregate amount of its demand l)(isits and 5 per centum of Its time dibits, as follows: In its vaults-ix-eighteenths thereof. In tbe fedeii reserve ' bank seven eighteenths. " The balance of-dd reserves shall be hell in Its own V-! iilts or in the fed end reserve bankt its option. . Any federal re-Vve bank may, re ceive from the miber banks as re serves, not exceedi one-half of each Installment. e!igibUvaper as describ- m in sc iion rorrtea properly Indors ed atld aeept-t:lb!i tv nol.l rnurvA bank. LIKE RESERVE DEPOSITS IN NATIONAL BANKS It m state bank or trust company is required by the law of its state to keep its reserves either in its own vaults or with another state bank or trust company such reserve deposits so kept in such' state bank or trust company shall be construed, within the meaning of this section, as if they were reserve deposits in a national hank in a reserve or central reserve city for a period of three years after the secretary of the treasury shall have officially announced the estab lishment of a federal reserve bank in the district in which such state bank or trust company is situate. Except as thus provided no member bank shall keep on deposit with any non member bank a sum in excess of 10 per centum of its own paid up capital and surplus. No member bank shall act as the medium or agent of a non member bank in applying for or re ceiving discounts from a federal re serve bank under tie provisions of this act, except by permission of the fed eral reserve loard. The reserve carried by a member bank with a federal reserve bank may. under the regulations and subject to such penalties as may be prescribed by the federal reserve board, be check ed against and withdrawn by such member bank for the purpose of meet ing existing liabilities; provided, how ever, that no bank shall at any time make new loans or shall pay any divi dends unless and until the total re serve required by law is fully restored. In estimating the reserves required by this act the net balance of amounts due to and from other banks shall be taken as the basis for ascertaining the deposits against which reserves shall be determined. Ilalances In reserve banks due to member banks shall, to the extent herein provided, be counted as reserves. National banks located io Alaska or outside the continental United States may remain nonmember banks, and shall In that event malntalu reserves and comply with all the conditions now provided by law regu lating them; or said banks, except in the Philippine Islands, may, with the consent of the reserve board, become member banks of any one of the re serve districts, and shall, in that event, take stock, maintain reserves and be subject to all the other provisions of this act. Sec. 20. So much of sections 2 and 3 of the act of Juno 20, 1S74. entitled. "An act fixing the amount of United States notes, providing for a redistri bution of the national bank currency and for other purposes," as provides that the fund deposited by any na tional banking association with the treasurer of the United States for the redemption of its notes shall be count ed as a part of its lawful reserve as provided in the act aforesaid be, and the same is hereby repealed. And from and after the passage of this act such fund of " per centum shall in no case be counted by any national bank ing association as a part of its lawful reserve. Bank Examinations Twice a Year. Sec. 21. That section 5240 United States revised statutes be amended to read as follows: "The comptroller of the currency, with the approval of the secretary of the treasury, shall appoint examiners who shall examine every member bank at least twico in every calendar year and oftener if considered necessary: provided, however, that the federal reserve board may authorize examination by the state authorities to be accepted in the case of state banks and trust companies and may at any time direct the holding of a special ex amination of state banks or trust com panies that are stockholders in any federal reserve bank. The examiner making the examination of any na tional bank, or of any other member bank, shall have power to make a thorough examination of all the affairs of the bank, and in doing so he shall have power to administer oaths and to examine any of the officers and agents thereof under oath and shall make a full and detailed report of the condi tion of said bank to the comptroller of the currency. The federal reserve board, upon the recommendation of "ie comptroller of the currency, shall fix the salaries of all bank examiners and make report thereof to congress. The expense of the examinations herein provided shall be assessed by the comptroller of the currency upon the banks examined in proportion to assets or resources held by the banks upon the dates of ex amination of the various banks. Iu addition to the examinations made and conducted by the comp troller of the currency, every federal reserve bank may, with the approval of the federal reserve agent or the fed eral reserve board, provide for spe cial examination of member banks within its district. The expense of such examinations shall be borne by the bank examined. Such examina tions shall be conducted as to inform the federal reserve bank of the condi tion of its member banks and of the lines of credit which are being extend ed by them. Every federal reserve bank shall at all times furnish to the federal reserve board such information as may be demanded concerning the condition of any member bank within the district of the said federal reserve bank. No bank shall be subject to any vis itatorial powers' other than such as are authorized by law, or vested in the courts of justice, or such as shall be or shall have been exercised or direct ed by congress, or by either house thereof, or by aay comrcittee of con gress of either house duly authorized. The federal reserre board shall, at least Snce each year, order an exami nation of each federal reserve bank, and upon joint application of ten mem ber banks the federal reserve board shall order a special examination ani report of the condition of any federal reserve hank. See. 211 No member bank or any officer, director or employee thereof shall hereafter make any loan or grant any . gratuity to any bank ex aminer. Any bank, officer, director or employee Violating this provision shall be deemed ' guilty of a misde meanor and shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year or fined not more than $3,000, or both; may be fined a further sum equal to the money so loan ed or gratuity given. Any examiner accepting a loan or gratuity from any bank examined by him or from an officer, director or employee thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and shall be Imprisoned not exceeding one year or fined not more than $5,000, or both, and fined a fur ther sum equal to the money so loaned or gratuity given, and shall forever thereafter be disqualified from holding office as a national bank examiner. No national bank examiner shall per form any other service for compensa tion while holding such office for any bank or officer, director or employee thereof. Other than the usual salary or direc tor's fee paid to any officer, director or employee of a member bank and other than a reasonable fee paid by said bank to such officer, director or em ployee for services rendered to such bank no officer, director, employee or attorney of a member bank shall bo a beneficiary of or receive, directly or in directly, any fee, commission, gift or other consideration for or in connec tion with any transaction or business of the bank. No examiner, public or private, shall disclose the names of borrowers or the collateral for loans of a member bank to other than the prop er officers of such bank without iirst having obtained the express permis sion in writing from the comptroller of the currency or from the board of directors of such bank except when ordered to do so by a court of compe tent jurisdiction or by direction of the congress of the United States or of either house thereof or any committee of congress, or of either house duly authorized. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be pun ished by a fine of not exceeding ?5,(jO0 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. Except as provided in existing laws this provision shall not take effect un til sixty days after the passage of this act. Sec. 23. The stockholders of every national banking association shall be held individually responsible for all contracts, debts and engagements of such association each to the amount of his stock therein at the par value there of in addition to the amount invested in such stock. The stockholders in any national banking association who shall have transferred their shares or regis tered the transfer thereof within sixty days next before the date of the fail ure of such association to meet its ob ligations or with knowledge of such Impending failure shall be liable to the same extent as if they had made no such transfer to the extent that the subsequent transferee fails to meet such liability; but this provision shall not be construed to affect in any way any recourse which such shareholders might otherwise have against those In whose names such shares are renster ed at the time of such failure. FARM LAND LOANS PROVIDED FOR See. 24. Any national banking as sociation not situated iu a central reserve city may make loans secur ed by improved and unencumbered farm land situated within its fed eral reserve district, but no such loau shall be made for a longer time than five years nor fcr an amount exceeding GO per centum of the actual value of the property offered as security. Any such bank may make such loans in an aggregate sum equal to 25 per centum of Its capital and surplus or to one third of its time deposits, and such banks may continue hereafter, as here tofore, to receive time deposits and pay interest on the same. The federal reserve board shall have power from tiire to time to add to the list of cities in which national banks shall not be permitted to make loans secured upon real estate in the man ner described in this section. Foreign Branches. Sec. 23. Any national banking as sociation possessing a capital and surplus of $1,000,000 or more may file application with the federal reserve board, upon such conditions and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the srdd board, for the purpose of securing authority to establish branch es in foreign countries or dependen cies of the United States for the fur therance of the foreign comt-itrce of the United Stites and to act. if re quired to do so. as fiscal agents of the United States. Such application shall specify, in addition to the name and capital of the banking association fil ing it. the place or places where the banking operations proposed are to be carried on and the amount of capital set aside for the conduct of its for eign business. The federal 4 reserve board shall have power to approve or to reject such application if. in its judgment, the amount of capital pro posed to be set aside, for the conduct J of foreign business is inadequate or if j for other reasona the granting of such application is deemed inexpedient. Every national tanking ass-jation which shall receive authority to estab lish foreign branches s'l.f.; bo required at al! times to furnish iu formation concerning the condition of suck branches to the comptroller of the currency upon demand, and 'ie fed eral reserve board may order special examinations of the said foreiga branches at such time or times as it may deem best. Every such national banking association shall coi;miet the accounts of each foreign branch in dependently of the accounts of other foreign branches established by it and f Its home office, and shall at the end of each fiscal period transfer to its general ledger the profit or loss accru ing at each branch as a separate item. Sec. 20. All provisions of law in consistent Avith or superseded by any f the provisions of this act are to that extent and to that extent only hereby repealed. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to reieal the parity provision or provisions con tained in an act approved March 14. 1900, entitled "An act to define and fix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money is sued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt and for oth er purposes," a ad the secretary of the treasury may for the purpose of main taining such parity and to strengthen the gold reserve borrow gold on the security of United States bouds au thorized by section 2 of the act last referred to or for one year gold notes bearing interest at a rate of not to ex ceed 3 per centum per annum or sell the same if necessary to obtain gold When the funds of the treasury on hand justify he may purchase and re tire such outstanding bonds and notes. NATIONAL BANKS TAXED ON NOTES Sec. 27. The provisions of the act of May 30, l'JCS, authorizing national currency associations, the issue of ad ditional national bank circulation and creating a national monetary commis sion, which expires by limitation un der the terms of such act on the Doth day of June, l'J14, are hereby extend ed to June 30, l'J13. and sections 5153. 5172. 5191 and 5214 of the revised statutes of the United States, which were amended by the act of May 30. 1P0S, are hereby re-enacted to read as such sections read prior to May 30. liMj.3. subject to such amendments or modifications as are prescribed in this act; provided, however, that section 9 of the act first referred to iu this sec tion is hereby amended so us to change the tax rates fixed in said act by mak ing the portion applicable thereto read as follows: "National banking associations hav ing circulating notes secured other wise than by bonds of the United States shall pay for the first three months a tax at the rate of 3 per cen tum per annum upon the average amount of such of their notes in circu lation as are based upon the deposit of such securities and afterward an additional tax rate of one-half of 1 per centum per annum for each month until a tax of 0 per centum per annum is reached and thereafter such tax of G per centum per annum upon the av erage amount of such notes." Sec. 2S. Section 5143 of the revised statutes is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: "Any asso ciation formed under this title may, by the vote of shareholders owning two-thirds of its capital stock, reduce its capital to any sum not below the amount required by this title to au thorize the formation of associations, but no such reduction shall be al lowable Avhich will reduce the capital of the association below the amount required for its outstanding circula tion, nor shall any reduction be macla until the amount of the proposed re duction has been reported to the comp troller of the currency and such re duction has been approved by the said comptroller of the currency and by tha federal reserve board or by the organ ization committee pending the organ ization of the federal reserve board." Sec. 29. If any clause, sentence, par agraph or part of this act shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be in valid, such judgment shall not alTecL impair or invalidate the remainder of this act. but shall be confined iu its operation to the clause, sentence, para graph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judg ment shall have been rendered. Sec. 30. The right to amend, alter or repeal this act is hereby expressly r served. He Was Quite Serious. Some lime ago the father of a beau tiful girl noticed that a certain young man was pulling on the doorbell with remarkable frequency for one who wasn't supposed to be on 'the visiting list. He was there on Tuesday, be was there on Thursday, and be was there on Saturday. This continued for a couple of weeks, and finally the old man concluded that if lie was jroing to have a son-in-law lie ought to know something about it: hence be tot busy. "Just a minute, young man." lie re marked as the visitor emerged from the house one afternoon. "I wish to have a talk with you." "Certainly, sir," politely responded the young man. "What can I do lor you?" "It's just this way." answered papa, getting right'clown to the question at once. "I have noticed you have been calling on my daughter for some time now. and 1 naturally want to know If your intentions are serious." ."They certainly are." was tbe prompt rejoinder of the young man. "I nu trying to induce her to buy a now piano and let me take the -old one in the-parlor in exchange." Philadelphia Telegraph A PERSON s OF SOME ffiPORl I rail Viz LLOYD OSC0URNE Copyright, 1511, by the Cobba-Merrill Company CHAPTER XVIII. Lctoalcfa. -a- lOTOAI.OFA was in sizht. a 9 I straj.M:ig row of dbs to th-we 2J 0; tlie bridge surf, beacln , --- palms and shining shadowy la goon to the watchers iu the foretop. Gathered on the bridge, and surround ing the venerable monarch vho re clined in a deck chair, the little part' privileged to' be Avith him Matt, with binoculars to his eyes, standing beside stout old Von Tod'oben. and overtopping him by a head. Chris, Iu an officer's cloak, seated on the elon gated end of the emperor's chair, a po sition of honor to which she had been specially called. Urardt-is. now Yon Tripwitz. in a borrowed, ill fitting uni form, punctiliously remaining aloof from tlie frequent consultations. As night closed in r.:i animated di-cu.i-ion took place, with M.-'tt in the eenler of the group, and for the mo ment tho most Important individual 4 here?, for it turned on him Avhether or not the vessel was to I. old her -.-sitiou till morning, or venture the en trance of the lagoon by moonlight. Mutt's counsel v. as for caution, for the man-of-war drew twenty-six fv'et of water, and while be felt rea sonably s ire of piloting her safely through t-i- northern channel (tin-re was another, the western channel, deeper but more tortuous;, be shrank from assuming so great a responsibil ity in tbe dark. Admiral You Tod'.o ben sided Avith Matt, lis did the crap- tain and the navigating lieutenant. Hut tlie o'.d emperor, lying in the thvk chair, could net be to appreciate the risk. lie reiterated his request to have the ship taken in at once. From suave he became i'npath nt. "Your majesty is unwise," he said bluntly, waiting till the old man had recovered his sorely thakon compos ure. "If you Avill mo to sug gest it, why not take one of the steam pinnaces, and let the ship hoid oil till dawn';" This simple expedient was hotly re sisted by the ofiicers. to Avhom the per sonal security of the emperor Avas of almost sacred importance, but the lat ter Avas more than pleased with tne Idea and welcomed it enthusiastically. While the pinnace was being hoisted out and steam raised in her loi!er, the warship's searchlight began to Hash its dazzling and spreading beam, and as though in answer a spot of light glimmered on the horizon like a red hot coal. It was a primitive beacon, reared and brightly burning on the beach of the island, to help the ship keep her position and lide out the night Avithout danger. Such concern for strangers surprised Matt and made him Avonder. In his whole previous experience but three vessels had ever ent jred the lagoon, and John Mort had resented their In trusion and shortened their stay wiih the utmost bitterness, refusing them water and firewood, banning any iu tercouse and disputing, ride in hand, their light to land. In contrast, this friendly beacon struck Matt as odd, in deed, and at variance Avith every thing Le remembered. Hut he had lit tle time to give to suoh rejections, for the pitnaee Avas soon ready, and they descended the gangway and took their places in her cockpit the emperor, Chris and Yon Todloben, Avith himself at the tiller. The end of the pier Avas clustered with natives avIio stood waiting Avitli out a sound for thy boat to approach. It made a bumpy lauding at the stone steps, the boat hooks scraping the slimy sides of the pier and bringing it slowly to rest. Matt leaped out first. cryingJ.'Talofa" rjsht and left and was mobbed in tbe throng of half naked humanity that surged about him, call ing and repeating bis name Avith unre strained joy. What nose rubbing! What excitement! What a rusli and jostle of Kanaka affection! lint wh it was I'eau saying. IVau. grave and dignified in even that press, with his chiefly carriage and earnest eyes? To be prepared for evil tidings! What did he mean? Where the chief? What was all this about the hand of flod? "Where is he?" quavered the em peror. "Why is lie not here? "lie is dead,- Matt said at last. The old man tottered and Avouid havo fallen had not Matt sustained him. lie Avas assisted to an upturned canoe, where he sat, half fainting, supported by Von Todloben. lie beckoned Matt to him and in a tone strangely color less and so low it Avas almost a Avhis per, asked, "When did it happen?" "Ho tells me it was about four months ago," returned Matt. "It Avas a fevor; he Avas hardly ill two days, though for some time before he had suffered attacks of pain; he passed aAvay suddenly and was conscious and Avithout any thought he was in danger till an hour before the end." "And did he leave no word, no let ter?" Matt translated the question toTcau. A "N"o. ex "::. !!-r. pTi.-d th- l.itt. r in Samoa?!. H.misrh 1 asked for ia)!' in our protM.ti' i: !et we l .".-rrn-ed of hi- death. Itut Iu a:iw tr-d mockingly he did not irtend to die. and Avas not Mirovn.i there. le-idc, r spe.i!; for u? Matt repented tbl with !me oniN fions. Tien dterm!nl:i? t roixil nothing I.e went en: "lie wc n t a lore, your majesty; le l.a I with him here a young and beautiful woman, who loved hint devotedly and who till ed herself on grave. lie called. ber Mirovna a very beautiful Tney nre burb-d dde by d le." Tbe ld man listened unmoved. "It is iiot for rue to J'id-:e hT. lie a!d. r.d Avith this comment never r fern-1 to Mirovna again, remnhiing tolcnt f-r a long while and sunk in n sort f stupor. At l ist he r-'-i; unstea lily to Ills feet and asked t-- le taken to the grave. "It Is the end of my long jour ney," he k.u.1. "The end of many, many tldm:." Tie little pirty. gnldod by I'cnu. f'"-und themselves In a barren re.-i..n broken in little hl'.'ock ami p n to the unshaded brilliancy of th imx n. Here. In a sandy h-'!'ow and unutter ably melancholy In tl.e!r ni-ct. td two small wooden crosses painted white, surmounting a pair of narro-.r mounds side by side. They stopped, and the white men un covered. I'eau. who wore nothing on Ms glistening, black hair, reverently 'neMrrvl his ht:nl. "Which is my son's? asked th era peror, gazing at the ground. I'eau pointed at the nearest grave. "The chief sleeps there." Le said in native to Matt. The e'.d emperor had fallen on his knees in prayer with one ami ait:t the cross. It Seemed a sacrilege l watch him. though not an eye wa dry and rug-red "Von ""ToniuN'it n:' shaking with sobs. Tlie uweaiiig moaa .f the surf, the wcirJnss and loneliness of tbe siot. that frail. tr:'ic fiirure crouching in the iif iili-ht all affected th little company profoundly. Nothing Avas said; the unspoken wbh was oboyel. They slowly retraced their steps, tho old man walking apart, unassisted. In this funereal tin-inner they reached the pier, Avbere tha em peror at last broke the oppressive si leuce. "And you?"' he asked, turning to Matt. "Tell me what I may do f -r you. Tell me how I can reward you." Matt did not answer, though ix-rp'x-It" and di.-niay Avere evident on hi." face. "You are tiirht." continued the em peror. "It is for me to give, not fr you to ask. Would it please you would it content you to remain "it this Island and receive it from me as a Rift?'' "OIi. your majesty, nothing in the world could make me happier." "Then assemble these savages and let us inform them that you are now the master." "It is not recesary, your majesty. They wiil le!ieve rae when I tell them. "And 1 must do more," went on the old man, Avith pathetic earnestness. "That sum once ffend yon as a bribe and so honorablj' refused it must also be yours. I shall send it to you by a vessel, and if then you find this isola tion greater than y u can lear my o'.ll cers avI'.I be instructed to take you where ver you wish. Matt was overwhelmed. "I should be most glad of tho ves sel." he said after stammering his thanks. "I'.ut as for money, what there Is here must already be a for tune." "Accept the one from me and the other from my son," returned the em peror. "Goodby. my friend, and keep ns lioth in your remembrance, as I on my part will ever cherish yon in mine." With another wjrd to Chris, who hand he bent over and saluted with stately courtesy, be descended Into the pinnace and took his place with Von Tixllobon. The lr.tter looked up and raised his cap. Uren an he did jo tbe loat was pushed off. and the water Ie gan to 1k)II under her stern. A mo ment later she was skimming over the lagoon toward tlie lights of the man-of-war, now twinkling at tho entrance of the pass. Matt and Chris, hand In hand, gazed after her spelllionnd. A d-precatory cough brought them tack to earth. "The great house has leen prepared for the reception of your excellencies. said I'eau. -And if It le yoor high chief desire a trife repast awaits jonr condescension." T1TK KXD. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, fop the next 100 years, unless I die in the meanliine. I have now an extra line stallion, the best in the stale, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Win. Gilrnour, Plallsmnuth, Neb. it. r. d. No. i. You may need an AUCTIONEER and we want to inform vou that dates can be made t this oflice for 8ol, mi mmi tlie Weeping Water Auctioncjr Careful Attention to Public Sales. Rates art Reasonable I- H0TICC! I- KEEP YOUR rflONEY AT 4- HOME. -:- v Common Senso Counts a Much In Making a Tcn - I- as Anything EIsa. WESTERN IT.ACHIK; AMD -I-FOUNDRY CO. -I-of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Fourth and Peae Streets. ' I"":T:leri V litl'pie tl-.. A? Cl- -.di. f l ;.! ..f . fl ! lid We ! lite al" e . . ; a - wit ! .i i . ; "f ep.iudii.g 11. b'.-t; . iner 1 1 l,i We y-U.l I ;!! tll.tip; f.le! lire lb-- I .- 1 1 l..l'dme l'.::-;;e I ;i f V 1 ;ide j;, tb. -e v.. -'.. f ,,- (J..- re.i n I h it i:t ti ; : i ; ! it is I he - t - I ! I -i !!;: Ill it Uv.-' "f; I ll'- I nf litis -r i ' w 1 1 I h.'Wlired. l!;e i" I lie C pee m ;i j . r ;i ! . e. Hit- ;iim -!.:.!! ! t. . i- pb'V Hilly ! !! . pet . li.-.- we -hall !( r. .i f.i-t a- Hi- l'U-i .,.!-. run I . and may fr. i I t . f time n .,!;r o t1; i -Imp f r M 'h -peet.if 'k 'i a tiny l,e re.pi r-e. u t:l , N..!'i'i:e ..f w..ri -1 - ; I r: '!. I,'t. ir perm w. t.i t -:i:::z: in I'lill-m.. ;!,. The fmimlry and r.'T flop ill Jl! I lie e- , e :md a -i-, n .j.t : t. ) ..' i;. !. I ill ; : P I ! v ;i:id rT-'-'T r.' n-id. i ;! in m.mhi iery V- p;i ! .- i e-J ' i I p 'I e' !i f III'! IM.1 l.e WaMl' d. I I ! !l- t i m ! o; r r 1 r t w u.ll nti'i r l.i.- t" : ..'.! a r. J i ' b is'. I at; : . "i: d i ', r alien I b. r-pai "t;,'im-in:-; ! if i .1. h rief y r.i rai; bmM t ia h: i ery when i e, j-; i r-.-d fr. -pi rn!o:iier "'At: i I - - i a i p!-ip-;. and. ir: g.-r:er.i!. f;r-tii-li u-!i eri.-.. ;i tu i epee,.d frmu any da- tii:u fi:iie rdmp. We a!' art a p'j-.hi--in - -'tits f. r :uy !n,. f marh;ne; y :n , .!,... and ran ft:rnt-!i -a; :i sh..rt WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO. of Plattsmouth, Mcb. Platts. 'Phona 3S2. Omaha "Phono D-5S37. . W 9 9 For Rent. A farm jn Southern A!'.i-r!a. rbe t l.wn. See S. ( . tl. le. M . -nan!, Neb. IJ-b'-uv. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. i:. M. .M.I..miM will II. dire that the ;ir-f .i.e. ..f, I !.".. M. rh.r. a j 11 - I ire . f til' p. 'are , , f I .., . - ..!;,- ". Nebra-La. i-;e, ;in (.j.!.-- .." attachment f. .r lb.- .i f !.' ' in an artmn p'-ndm -; ie-f.-re b; ,. wherein .bdllt l'.'f I pl.liPli', and r.. M. Mr.M.iL i- .. f. -...! ant. that property ..f .! . fep iap . c.p-'i-l iii-r ..f nmii.v m ib.- p...- ej. .f) f Jhe rtl I - llee. fl , been atla. be.l iin.i.T -a ! ?.! -. Said raue wa- ; 1 1 hp .J .. ' ir.lh day ..f January, i 'li. a : o'cb.rJv ;i. in. John t:itv. i;.itt-t , r. i.t-.i. i. Mrm i . In tb IMlrt-l mrt mmt. rl.ra.ka. I' A. r... . T. V i-- K. ! .t :-. I.. '. it -. V' M : - " II. I .. . . V ' u r . re t r ' ..... t 1 K r t -I'iv!';. .n l-fi' :..v ! ... I . I f r; com ru. ri a . i .r n . e ;t i v - I '-i. I . I ' , : I i . lien in I ! e I l I r. t ' "' . -tv. N. I.r.i.k:.. .. I ' '( - I i f -i r ... 1 1 n.l .!. t , Y.Mt ;ire r.-Mt:r.a r w , a i - - t r .ri ! - I., f - - r V ..-..I. i r ' - . . . I .i.i v r I'- '-r . i r v. A ' I 1 Kir INK . lOVI.r I V. r, . T j. i:. i - i i ; i.a.-s. a I.- I : -; ; in ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court. S I V I II ill' M.t'.Il .w; A. r.a-- r...iipt. --. In ib.- Mait.-r ,,r i;-v c William II. Ib II-. - . I?-: N"fl''e I hec!. z t" l 1. 10 -1 I i t r - of -ai. I heat a u--- will l.e ha I npi.l rlvr"- lib-. I a-'am-t -aid e!a!e. Tre in-, ('...iinty Jud-e ..f Ci j 0 ..l.i;i-!vi. al Ifi- Zf..i.'y d irt I ie PI i.i I'laf t i,i"P ! h. i;: -.. I Omul.'-. tl the l.';!; t.i f .la - nai, I'jI'i. ai d mi l ie l.VU '. . ..r Jniv. i pi at io ..'.;. ;. a. ... a'd: day f'.r ea n 1 1 t:a; e n. 1 -'- hp i t and all".-... n.-e. All claim- i.m-t b- J d i i - .1 i-.aul i.ii .r be!"...-.- -li.j i:-f !. ...r if hearin-'. Wilri. -- my ham! a d -.! . f -aid t:-.;i.,l :.';rt. a! !:..--moi.lh. Nel.:-aka, laj. '.'lb day ..f I i. remie r. 1! !.'!. seal ali.i.n J. i:;:rxi, C. C. TLITT, AU j: j.. y. i I !! if