The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
We solicit your banking business
Our depositors are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the State of Nebraska
We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits
for one year.
This Bank is a County Depository
Personal Taxes are now due, and delinquent
December 1st. You can pay your taxes
at this bank without any
extra charge.
Murray hk Dqi.Ii
W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier
Thomas Ruby has a very sick
A. L. Baker was a IMatts-mouth
isitoi- Monday evening'.
The hog- cholera scare reported
last week has somewhat abated.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sporer
were Omaha visitors Monday.
Mrs. A. L. Baker was a Platts
mouth visitor Monday of this
James Holmes and son. Ralph.
fV'k in the tights at Omaha
Mt sdames P. P., J. F. and J. T.
P.nvidel were Piattsmouth shop
pers Monday.
Walter Sans and wife and Mrs.
fleurg-ia Creamer were Omaha
visitors Monday.
Mrs. Dr. L II. (ulmoie spent
Thursday and Friday visiting
friends in Omaha.
Miuford & Creamer shipped a
carload of hojrs to the South
Omaha market Tuesday.
Jacob Minnear of Wausa. Neb.,
came in Monday night to spend
the holidays with home folks.
EHie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Smith, has been ill for
several days, but is improving
poo Shrader, W. A. Scntt and
operator Thornburp were Omaha
isitors Monday night, and took
in tlit Orpheum.
M. ;. Churchill, wife and
daughter were Omaha visitors
Monday night, retuHiing on the
midnight train.
Mrs. ;Imi Perry-went to Oma
ha Sunday evening to be there
arly Monday morning to do some
Christmas shopping.
Jarm's LoughiMge, Dr. Gilmore
and W. (i. P.oedeker were Plat I s
inoulh visitors Tuesday eening,
a! tending- the Klks' lodge.
The date for the Lyceum mim
ber. Frances Cable, is January 10
in place .f December 10. A mis
take in dales was made.
To all the people of Mur
ray and vicinity we
extend our best
wishes for a
and a
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If you want to rent or buy a
good 7-rooni cottage call on
Mrs. Berger, at the hotel. - Well
located and in fine shape.
A 9-pound boy was born to
(leorge Morrow and wife, near
Union, Tuesday, December 23.
Mother and son doing nicely.
C. F. Harris' little son, Folkom,
lias been very ill with pneumonia,
and is not yet entirely out of
danger, but is improving some.
Louis Puis, William Puis and
Miss Mattie Fngelkemeier were
Piattsmouth visitors Tuesday of
this week. They made the trip in
Louie's car.
John Farris returned from
Minnesota Monday night. Mr.
Farri8 on this trip bought a farm,
and will become a permanent
resident of Minnesota.
Ralph Kennedy returned home
Saturday and will probably spend
the winter in Murray. Ralph has
been sojourning the past three
months in Knox county.
Mesdames J. W. Edmunds and
W. E. Duell wt'nt to Omaha Mon
day evening, where they remained
until Tuesday morning to get in
early on the Christmas shopping.
Miss Margie Walker and her
nephew. Walker 5iImore, were
Piattsmouth visitors over Mon
day night, guests at the II. N.
Dovey home, returning home
Tuesday morning.
Searl Davis of Lincoln was a
guet at the Ran Munford home
over Monday night, going home
Tuesday. While here he paid a
short visit to his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, west of
Chalk Vallery was one of the
lucky hunters this week, when he
landed a large, full-grown wolf.
Chalk is a great lover of the
hunting game and a pretty sure
shot, and was very much proud
when he nailed the big boy of the
A.' D. Rhoden's little baby is
on the sick list.
Here's wishing that everyone in
Murray and vicinity will enjoy a
Merry Christmas.
Alvin Bartlett and A. L. Baker
were business visitors in Piatts
mouth Monday evening.
Virgil and Dan Suddeth depart
ed Monday night for their old
home at Dermegars, Missouri.
Mrs. Jane Totten, who spent
Sunday and Monday with friends
in Piattsmouth, returned home
Mrs. ii. M. Minford, daughter,
Ogla, and son, Will, returned
home from Lincoln to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carroll of Or
chard, Neb., arrived Sunday night
to spend the holidays with Mr.
Carroll's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown de
parted Saturday for Vilisca, Iowa,
where they will spend the holi
days with Mrs. Brown's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, living
west of town, are the happy pos
sessors of a brand new baby boy,
born Monday morning. Mother
and little one getting along nicely.
John Wiles, who was thrown!
from his spring wagon a few
weeks ago and dangerously in j
jured, is getting along nicely,!
and will soon be as good as new.
Prof. J. Asch is improving;
some. Prof Asch is one of the!
finest artists in the west, and his
many friends will be glad to bear
of his entire recovery, and that
in very short order.
Roy Adams and wife of Traer,
Kalnsas. are spending the holidays
with relatives and friends in the
vicinitv of Murray. Mrs. Adams
is a niece of Henry Long and Mrs.
B. Dill. j
Mark White returned from
Kansas City Monday evening.
where he received a week's treat
ment at the Thornton & Mjnor
anitarium. Mark was feeling
verv much refreshed over his visit
and treatment.
Mrs. Carl Weideman was taken
seriously ill on Wednesday of
last week with pneumonia ever,
and her husband was very much
alarmed as to her condition.
However, at this, writing, she is
improving somewhat.
Frances and Neda Cook went to
Piattsmouth Monday night and
visited with Uncle Henry and
Aunt Jane Boeck. returning home
the next day. While there Uncle
Henry took the little visitors to
the picture shows.
We are pleased to learn that,
our old friend, A. M. Holmes, who
has been confined to his home
for a couple of weeks, is improv
ing, and we hope he will soon be
able to get around among his
The plumbers have started in
again on the work at the Berger
hotel. When the work is fully
completed Murray can boast of
having ovne of the nicest, up-to-date,
iiioderti hotels in the coun
try, and one in which all enter
prising citizens should take a
deep interest.
Library Meeting.
The library meeting will be
Friday evening, January 2. Fol
lowing is the program.
Radioptican Views of a Recent
Trip Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman.
Reading Ella Hamilton.
"How We Can Obtain a High
School Within the Next Tear"
Or'a Davis.
Business meeting.
Library Entertainments.
The following program will lie
given a number of times during
the winter for the benefit of the
school libraries and the Murray
library. The lirst appearance
will be at the Trietch school
house Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 30;
Ladies Quartet Mrs. James
Holmes, Miss Margie Walker,
Mrs. James Loughridge. Mrs. V.
A. Kennedy.
Radioptican Views of a Recent
Trip Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman.
Vocal Solo Miss Mable
Reading Pauline Oldham.
Ladies Quartet.
Reading Mrs. Alvin Ramge.
Vocal Solo Miss Mable
Reading Mrs. Alvin Ramge.
Fa rc "I Jurglars Visit" Mrs.
S. O. Pitman as Mrs. Joshia
Oreen; Rex Young as Joshia
Cii-een; Toby, S. O. Pitman; Kitty,
Mable Adams.
Refreshments of sandwiches.
coffee and popcorn will be served
Admission, 15 and 25 cents.
If any of the rcadors of the
Journal know of any social
event or ittm uf interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office. 1t will ai
Iear under this beading. We
want all news items Enmrn
It "Wil Stick to yon always, ot enures
it will, because it's a ilazoI-Ylenthol Plaster
tnarto to stick on until it drives out the rain
of lscura!g:ft. Lumbago, Hheumatirim, etc.
Yard rolls $1.C0; regular size 25.:. At all
druggists cr direct by ranil from
Paris & Lawrence Co., S'ttt York.
Snmpre nze mai:ed on Toqr.rht. fi. stumps.
used when attacked by a Cough
prevents dangerous bronchial
and pulmonary ailment3 such
as Croup, Asthma, etc.
Contains no harmful tirugn.
25c. 60c. and $1.00 Bottie.
To Omaha Charity.
The Library association box to
Miss Magee of the Associated
Charities was very well tilled, and
those who contributed will cer
tainly be the happier , for so do
ing. The folb "Wing gae con
tributions :
Mrs. Frank Ithoden.
Mrs. Robert. (rood.
Fmily Kniss.
15. F. Itrendel.
J. F. Piend.-I.
(George fJilmore.
J. A. Walker.
Katherm Capon.
J. W. Sdmunds.
II. L. Oldham.
Mini McDonald.
William Troop.
1). C. Rhoden.
Warren Wiley.
S. O. Pitman.
Margie Walker.
Helen Oilmore.
Fit a Nickels.
Miss Nita (Hook..
Miss Pauline Oldham.
Miss Fay Oldham.
Miss Kster Rice "
Miss Clara 'Young.
Miss FJIn Hamilton.
Rev. Hutcheson.
Albert Young.
Walker (iilmore.
Mrs. Ocorge FitzpalrJck.
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt: '
Mrs. E. S. Tult.
Mrs. V. A. Kennedy.
Mrs. I). A. Young. ,
Mrs. William IIamiltoi.
Mrs. Ob'nn IJoedecker.
Gift to Missionary Society.
Mrs. William Hamilton gae a
very pretty gift to the Missionary
society in the way of a patch
work quilt. She said she gave it
ii the name of her little daughter,
r.elva C.nle. Mrs. A. (i. Lalta
bought the quilt and the Mission
ary society appreciated;, t'e gift
and the work of Mrs. Hamilton.
Please Settle Up!
The firm coniling of S. o.
Pihna'ii and O. A. Davis, existing
under the linn name of Pitman
& Davis, haingbeen disole.i by
mutual consent, we take this
method of requesting all those
indebted to us to please call and
settle their accounts as soon as
possible. And greatly oblige.
Pitman & Davis.
Hobson's Ointment Heals
Itchy Ecezma.
The constantly itching, burn
ing sensation and other disagree
able forms of eczema, tetter, salt
rheum and skin eruptions
promptly cured by Dr. Hobson's
Eczema Ointment. Geo. W. Fitch
of Mendola. III., says: "I pur
chased a box of Dr. Hobson's
Eczema Ointment. Have had
Eczema ever since the civil war,
have been treated by many doct
ors, none have given the benefit
that one box of Dr. , Hobson's
Eczema Ointment has." Every
sufferer should trv it. We're so
positive it will help you we guar
antee it or money refunded. At
all Druggists or by mail, 50c.
Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Phila
delphia and St. Louis.
Try a sack of Forest Rose flour.
Your money refunded if not satis
-?.. -.
J - Auctioneer,
J Murray, Neb.
J Ready to cry your sales,
and guarantee satisfaction.
J- Dates can be made at. the
J- Dank of Cass County, in j
J Piattsmouth. Neb., or the
j Murray Slaie Hank. Murray.
AIvo Note:
John Murtey went to Omaha
Monday on busine.-s.
Fred Kear was in Lincoln
Monday and Tue-day.
J. A. Shaffer was in Murdock
between trains Monday.
Miss Kate Sutton returned
from Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. ;. P. Foreman, sr., wa
in Lincoln Monthly and Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Cook entertained
her mother, Mrs. Davis. ia-t
C. R. Jordan and son. Sam. re
turned trom Lincoln Tui-mIih h
No. 17.
William Newkirk was a pas
senger on No. s5 to Lincoln Wed
nesday. Mrs. II. A. Paib-y pent a Tew
days in Omah.i and Plat turnout Ii
iat week.
Jesse Hnrdnock went to Lin
coln Tuesday to take in the
Mi-s Edith Foreman anil her
brother, (ilii 11, returned from
Lincoln Sunday.
Miss Marie stioemi-r went (
Marneslon. Neb.. Tuesday Jo
spend Christmas.
Charles Stout returned from
Primrose, Neb.. Tuesday, where
he had been working.
Mr. Ciarles. S:iae!y went to
Lincoln Thursda to remain un
til after Christ mas.
I.. P.. Appleman. Charles Ap-
pleman and J. II. Foreman. r.J
auto.-d to LiiHoln Fridav. Mullen went o LiiH-o!;:
Wednesday eeni:ii--. where he j.
working at the barber trade.
Mr. and Mrs. Ml,, patfers. u
and sop vvi'iil to I I ica Tuesday f
spend Christmas with r!alies.
Miss Mari: rie Ci'.rr went home
Fridav evening to spend her'
week's acation from school
Mrs. Charles Kirkpatriek and
her guests. ie Mjss,.s McKiiir.e .
were pas.-eni:ers !! Lincoln n
No. H.") Monday.
Mrs. Ed Casey returned from
Lineoln Frida, win re. she at
tended the funeral of Iter Ilieee t
Miss Hlanch.. C.-rim r.
Will Sutton ant'e-d to Cre.-n-wood
Friday evening" to bring
soni" passengers to Al to gif
a'n entertainment.
Mrs. Cleason and Mrs. Collins
of Purr Oak. Kansas, are isjling
with their jip.rents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chuk. during- the holidays.
Ralph Pai-sell. Clay Foreman
and Clifford Aj'plenan were
visitors at Havelock and Lincoln
tin- latter j-art of la-t week.
11. Moore, wife and daughter
came in front Li:)f-!n last week.
Mr. Moore holds the position of
station agent for the Rock Island
at this place.
Mr. anl Mrs. James Foreman,
sr.. ent ;i ined at dinner Sunday
their son. James Foreman, jr..
and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. ;. J.
Appb-berg of Alliance, Neb.
Miss Laura H ihlerhrand of
Primrose, Nb.. is vis.'tinu- at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Stout during' the holidays.
There was u Rock Island
official in AIvo Friday setlliir-'
the claims of grain an. I pasture
buiiied last summer. There wa
quite a loss for them to pay.
Mr. and Mrs. Kf.wly and chil
dren of Omaha canu i n Tuesday
to spend Christmas with her si
ter. Miss D Muir and family.
Miss Amelia Kamni returned
Friday from a few das' -isji m
Lincoln. She was accompanied
by her siserin-law. Mrs. Lou
Kamm. who remained here until
Monday eenir.g.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Apphberg
of Alliance, Neb., came in Sat
urday to isit their daughter.
Mrs. J. H. Foreman, jr. Mr. Ap-
plebelg left llle first of the Week
for Florida, and Mrs. pplcherg
will remain here until after
Christ mas.
Mr. and Mrs. o. Redinsky an
nounce the approaching mar
riatre of their ibumhter. Anna
Olga. to Averil Allen, b.dh of
University Place. Lincoln Stale
Journal. Mr. Allen formerly li-.l
at this place and his many friends
here extend best wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeoi-ge Curea
returned home last week from
their visit in Iowa, rn their new
Reo automobile, which was
driven by their nephew. Oeorire
Jones, who is an expert chnuffuer.
Mr. Jones returned home after n
few days' visit.
We place a guarantee wiih
each pair of Round Ticket
Hosiery. E. O. Dovey A: Son.
V ,f
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240
Lay fi
Local (Mews
from Tuesday PaSljr.
John Miller, who i at lending
school at Mexico, Missouri, i
home for the Christmas vacation.
Mrs. E. O. Steitmi arriwd I a t
eenmg from Lincoln t i-it f"T
a short time with h-r p.irents.
Mr. and Mrs. j. i:. Dmiglas-.
Roeit Walling, wh- is amend
ing Ihe Creiyhtoii High .-rli'",) at
Omaha. is home to -u-ii.l tt.
holidas with his parents anj
Mrs. J. W. Newell departed last
eeiutg on o. 2 for toT ll'-llie it t
Chicago, after a sh-'i? -it in
this locality with relatives aid
A!in Murray and wife depart
ed this afternoon for MC'-o,
Where they Will sf o ef III''
holidays with relatives and
Ward Smith returned to hi
home at Omaha this m,. n w.-.
afl-r a si,.rt h'-re w I It b-
sister. Mr-. T. P. liat.-s and fam
ily. W. II. Puis a,,d brother. L. II.
Puis, of near Murra. weie jri th
city today for a few hour- !'
im; after some b'i-ine-s ma!!ei
at the court houe.
Mr-. William 1 1'.-! a' d
d.ilihl'T. Mr-. Walter i;e. i:. a' d
children, of Murrvy. wr- -'-iiL'i-r
this n.-'ruii' for it-n tli.i.
whi'le they will spend the dt
o,kil.g alter s..!,e li'lllel- of
Mrs. i. p. K,or;l7 a.d h:U
daughter came in tin- ato-ruo..;,
on No. -J i and will jsij lot-,, with
the of Mr-. K-- .'. Mr-.
Agnes t.hapinaii and famiy. or
Chi-i-t mas.
Louie Hhejnai kb- and w:fe.
from the j.-initv of Murr. v. w.-ri-
in lite city je-teiday afNrn !
for a few hours l""kn g an r
lll.jlles ,,f bll-lll' With li,e
merchant .
J. ti. Iiiihe a;. l will- departed
this n-ion i. u the l!o-r i-er the
Mis-oiiri Pacilic for Kan-.i ".;!.
where tlo will i-it ni-r the
led iday
friends. with relative
J. A. Whitemau of N-hawkn.
who has be.-n lore fop !!: p.s-l
two looking after ii'inw
matte'--, departed ibis afternoon
lor his home, coing over tin- M:-
souri P;i"i;ir.
Charles Ma Hey. wife and Ml!.-
laughter, who have l.en tore
vi-iting jit th- home of Mr-. M-H-b-y"s
parents. William slo-a ami
wife, departed this morning on
No. ( for their home.
Ralph Doud and Chri- D-r. i-..
of Hlooriiinuton, Nd.. who have
beeTi here for a few d ivs j-iJing
at the borne of their uncle, i;. E.
Cook and familv. d.-parled tin
morning for their home.
Mr. . p. Alvswoi th of K i 1
sas City. and little grand-oii.
Albn. who have been li,-'c for t to-pa-t
few day- visiting at the
home f Mrs. Kate Oliver, de
parted this noon for Ih-'ir home.
Jaune and Donald Patterson
arrived last evening on ". '-' and
will visit her, i over the Indiltv
at the home of their grandpar
ent. Mr, and Mr-. William Mc
Cauly. before returning to their
home at Lincoln.
Mis. Lillian Cob-, uho i-teaching-
in the lli!i - h o at
I law son. M inn., i- tirc t i-it for
the Christmas acatiori vith li'T s-r'!iol7 t-iri --r.i t r a
mother ami sist.-r. an.1 a- atr.roufc: t!;- n ..;: ar.-J -' f i
p;tss,Miger tlii- after: ti fori l" I " r ''-" & ra r- -rr. f -.
ii.. . .t... i.. .......i r ... i., ..:.,
Seed Corn for Sale.
I li;ie ill Idlsliel- i: I 1 i
....... . . .
corn i-T -ate ai -t nu-tiei.,
.1. T. I'orter, Murray.
I- O. San.l n. I. V. M.. -
- praIuate of ftie Kan-T- i'.ity
-J- V ternary College, j- pi-r-
manually locatej in llat!
'I v. ill J m
, i. . .. i
- mouth.
jijf t: i ii -j-
r day cr night. 'I'lmne HZl
i Oflice G(J Main. .
I WW llltollhay U III Ulal UU
Flatala and Atl Ractal DUaaaaa earad rit!-
attha half a. Ptrmimnt tut r'
Writs mr Trmm I lltr.f raf mt hnk mtm S(Ctal
Claaaaaa and tt ctlmoniali at biiMlrMt 1
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Constipation, if Neglected,
Causes Serious Illness
. i " i i
rr - ; -
to aln-o: ir:;r:: t..' r-
trr-'i'ii t i'Tf,
j7; -n :.' "i ait
r -, , r f c c r e ti -
X. -, , -sfU. -
;A K ? . A rr .. f. 5-' i
t' r? St.. M .r.r-e. er.
jr- s-rj at t:n t- K"i 1 I
wn-iio trow Hi- n'-i -i4. I f .n hs-
fr.utnl m tt r-nrf.!ii nu-r r'-rt-m.
I'h-PUini 1 1 rot i- s -!.!- t
do m r I 1 t---."- m
wk n.I ffr at t m !
r.n rrk l"'f -- I r t A
cf It fe' l Ti'' '.
ifttr u'rr tlm f i-.t I I r--.r
trii ar-rtn o-. .t --fl tu "i
it..m1 an1 T--t v rt- rr I !--.' "
I hr t Uit to-mrl .ti rro-sj tiit
a:t xr.y c "
Thcusar rf p;tr ar -.'er?r
from .b r-ia! c t; im a-ri
tih.! p it'y T?'. t.w z ' ' Z
ot t-.r rfr.CT r c -! r - yi
TfKlrct t-o I'-c f rrr.;.: r ;rr
curative rner.-t r ::r';! t- : to
nes rfcn re-utt 1 r i ! i
atl fh-v'trn-: i. v b-"fl
dean, anl :: g. 1 ict.
I)r. T-ar3t:v- T-'-? ar-
mll by a d-'-g at e- a
box 3 d It n -t
fouod sfttis-factory, j&-r rr. r.e is
return ed.
M1LX& METUCAU CO E.'kXart. IrvA.
Swtitors of Wreck Siaia Atler
wartls bj fi:!l:!S.
XT'" Ti c C" . r. 2 1 A f ra n nrr
fr.g a . f J' ! tt-.i rt r iovr,-;, i,v
trio; i on a t ' i r rt;.'or? e,n r .
r.T a r-l'l i" &. wr rr..:." v- jr fr.
r m sr.! 'it J TW' V l'--TO"""!. A
mjjriry of r. f---ica'.-j f.o --a;- -i
d' iith m tJ e o:: k. ! i .-
tritr.!-. y t! rt :!.
tj.e r ! i j i t t.criU of I..
Pot as: an-! i. tt f.irtU- r.' -t .'
to l.;(h xtv licrtr.rfn r .?: fc- a i
ranc. d.
Hw-rta Gets f.ui'9"t Fry U. S.
W'i. hrr'nn. Tc. " t Arr.'j
an. a:. i ;.Trn ir :ii -:i f"- I'at-'t. t-
ri'-d (' t ;- "- c : -n To M- n. -
b :r.c ah 'n" ' - ' '
tn, rifti-sp-. ar t r-t..t r'
ti Mx'o. Ti-" .ri -m- lr.rrr t
f'ia" t.T'. hr. if "i f .t..; t..' i
!:'."" b:rn-t r t r ! n ' ! tu'.
Jtdf Wat.-e, -3tateert cf Tact"
With Mu:i i-teret-An.
t' 2 l : V
pre.-f r.t.-d i' h. tl." fi: w
(!rin -l Hi ?' ' ru-jrt -' -
Jflz" TI ms P.
"The,- :.?" i- 'r.T'v', !t ' t:
tr. h-ir;rtr of M C. M
r!..irc 'I hai'.rg ni-rr-l a ..!--
tig T-i-r, v w r m.' a !. n - T'"
'Ii f r.d.i ri s;i;-1 t m .. r.' i i " ' -:
tfafhev. ; u r -i' . g ! r. -and
rr.-'.f I : r .- T:
rrn-1 i '! s " M" - '' j 1 r.. o' ' a . n - ;
1 r:'T.r f-f - r' z h '";,
ar. who iffd-l :
I Ul.oir ho tr rT." .! t ' J r- .
".t'sr " t". t.t"S"'" T'- ; 3' !
a'l f-n-ir .ti S - .:! 'V. -eij'
prr.t" rnd'h r.:"-- h i:-r-s? -
l.i'r I'l inT ?jVi n a '. , ; r '.
New Orlirs Wjwii Sucett Hi
bancl ef Seii-a Irfefai Machine.
V rr Ure-ar.-. 1 - 21 A : '! .e
ra:tl fri.ii of ..-t i ;
Inr-d t in ir.r'Krrt ''J. r-f
Sift a'a-rn- ! M'-. J- rt Ta: .if '
nn i 2-Bg th-' pi..-' fr ,r-i i --
an I ran. A i .f:f:.r.f I .- r :: ri; ;.-;.
, r-ti!ovMl ii, o if- r ' r
t'nn !.! r.. t'.r.' t" - .r--
I r '
.r-r a te 1 ' . i ! '
r- z "
(, , r .,r, , ar . i,,.,,
K-;..trii'! to -:' ;''
at -r: ! m- - nr-- '. ' j r :
Tarar. -:.:- th- v ' n r., t
Plymouth Recks for .!.
A i.u- ii-T of f I"'-:.
, . ,
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