The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8.
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Republican. -
Mrs. O. M. Lake of Fremont
came in Wednesday night for an
indefinite visit with hor sister,
Mr. M. FJIedsro ami family.
William (iiardet of I -lt a.
county, Colorado, came in last
week for a visit with his unci', S.
F. ('lirardct ami family.
Mr. ami Mrs. O. T. Leyda and
familv Iff! Monday morning fur
their home at Imperial, aflep sev
eral weeks' visit with relatives.
Mrs. Mary Pool went to Lin
coln Monday, where she experts
to stay a couple of weeks while
she is having one of her ears
deorge Carey Went to Omaha
Friday to meet his slaughter, Mrs;
It. Marlovv, of Tullei-ton, who was
corning home to be under her
mother's rare, as her health is
Jim Harden, who has been
working- for Ole Olson ami board
ing at .Wis Snell's. left sometime
Wednesday night. Sonic clothes
that belonged to Henry Christen-
sen left also and Nels' money
drawer was short fourteen or
fifteen dollars.
Mrs. F.rp Hammond and son,
Howard, who have- been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Mary P.aty, and
other relatives for several
months while tier husband has
been moving from near Stoekton.
Kansas. I Coleridge, Neb., left
Monday for their new homo at
r.ob ridge.
Mis Kmma Clizbe of Omaha
was home over Sunday for a fare
well visit with her mother, Mrs.
Amelia C.iizbe, and her sister,
.Miss IMifb. who' left Tuesday
morning for California. Miss
Kmma may join them in Cali
fornia a little later in the sea
son, if it is possible lit gel a
vacation from her duties in
Iiick Koester brought to the A.
f. Italston market today "JG hogs
that brought him the nice sum of
A7rvi.ll. This was probably as
good a bunch of hogs as ever
came to this market. It was not
to 1 lick's uitnil looks or winning
ways that we attribute to the
raisins: of these dollar bringers.
it was probablv due to the care
and proper feeding done by Harry j
MeOrady. who works on the rami
for Mr. Koester.
Croup and Cough Remedy.
Croup is a terrible, disease, it
attacks children so suddenly they
are very apt to choke unless given
the proper remedy at once. There
is nothing belter in the world
than Dr. King's New Discovery.
Lewis Chamberlain, of Manchest
er, Ohio, writes about his chil
dren: "Sometimes in severe at
tacks we were afraid they would
die, but since we proved what a
certain remedy, Dr. King's New
Discovery, is, we have no fear.
We rely on it for croup, coughs
and colds." So can you. HOi; ami
1 .00. A bottle should be in every
home. At all druggists. II. E.
liucklen & Co., Philadelphia and
St. Louis.
First Mask Ball of the Season.
The first of the masked balls
to be held in the city will be.
given Wednesday evening, De
cember 31. on New Year's eve at
Coates' hail by the Cosmopolitan
club. A large number nf cash
prizes will be given for the host
costumes shown and the event
will start the season of masquer
ades out in full blast.
J"2 !!" I"iI,"I"J
Charley Kelberg came in Mon
day morning from Minnesota,
where he had been for the past
several months.
Mrs. David Sampson, who had
been visiting her niece, Mrs.
Charles Hates, for a week, re
turned to her home at. Jackson,
Nebraska. Monday.
Mrs. John I. Long; ami the two
smallest children went to Red
Oak, Iowa, Tuesday for a week's
visit to Mrs. Long's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Gray.
One of Hugh Warden's teams
got loose at the slock yards Wed
nesday and ran up through town
and down over the tracks before
finally winding ' up against a
Mrs. Seeley and her daughter
left last week for their homo in
Mabel, Minn., after a visit of
several weeks with Mrs. Seoley's
sister, Mrs. Isaac Pollard.
Mrs. Robert Vial! left yesterday
morning for Hlair, where she will
assist in caring - for. her aged
father, S. E. Cae, who has been
bedfast for some time and who is
getting worse. - '
A Mr. and Mrs. Roseman were
Ladles White Waists, Fancy Aprons
Embroidered Velvet Collars, Lace
Collars and Cuffs to match.. Silk
Rateen Collar and Cuffs to . match.
McCallum Silk Hosiery. Phoenix
Silk Hosiery. Silk Petticoats. Em
broidered Center Pieces. Fancy
Neckwear. Mesh Bads. Newest
Novelty in Hand Bags. Silver and
Gold Coin purses. The newest
Pattern in Cheeney Bros Foullard
Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs.
Fancy Lace Edge Handkerchiefs.
Holly Boxes for Xmas.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
hero 'Monday ami Tuesday visit
ing at the Isaac .Pollard home.
Their home is in Syracuse, New-
York, and they were on their way
to California, where they usually
spend their winters.-.
John Hough shipped his last
car of sheep, a double-decker.
Monday. His shipment two weeks
ago topped the market. He ex
presses himself as fairly well
pleased with the venture, but in
sists that he did not make any
great thing feeding.
Brand now boy babies are re
ported at the home of John Mur
doch and Oscar Shrader, the
happy events oeeuring during the
past week. Laler The above
item is all .1 mistake as far as
John Murdoch is concerned. They
have a GIRL; and as this is the
first visit of the stork in thirteen
years lliey are very inucii
pleased. Their only other child
is a boy.
Stomach Troubles Disappear.
Stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, weak nerves, lame back
and female ills disappear when
Electric Bitters are used. Thou
sands of women would not be
without a bottle in their home.
Eliza Pool of Depow, Okl., writes:
"Electric Bitters raised me from
a bed of sickness ami suffering
and has done me a world of good.
I wish every . suffering woman
could use this excellent remedy
and find out, as I did, just how
gooil it is." As it has helped
thousands of others, it surely will
do the same for you. Every bot
tle guaranteed, 50c and 1.00. At
all Druggists. II. E. Bueklin A
Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Thoroughbred white Wyan
dotte cockrels for sale. Inquire
of or 'phone Julius A. Pilz. -
A Beautiful
Our stock of
Watches, Diamond Rings,
La Vallieres, Cuff Links
Fancy Combs and
Barretts, Silver, Cut Glass,
Brass Goods and Novelties
is larger than ever, and you can find
just what you want at just the -.,
right price.' You are invited
to call early before the
assortments are ' "'
broken. . . '
tens For
B. A. McElwain
Jeweler v.;
'On the Sunny Side of Main St.
I Leader-Echo. -
A bouncing, baby boy arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Monroe Saturday mroning.
Harmond Beck of Murray was
in town between trains Tuesday.
He. was accompanied i( home by
Mrs. CorbtX.'
Mrs. Ed Earnest departed Wed
nesday for West Point ami Fi.
Madison, Iowa, for a visit with
her. father at the former place and
her aunl, Mrs." It. J. SnifT, at the
latter place.
Mrs. II. L:. Oroeson and daugh
ter, Verria, until recently of York,
but now 'of Fairbury, Xeb., were
I tie guests of Elmwood relatives
and friends 'a couple of days this
Misses Xorma West and Minnie
Kaezmark went lo Lincoln Mon
day for a visit with Mrs. Roy Jef
fers. From there Miss West went
to Xorth Bend, Xeb., to make her
homo with her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Win. Senf and family arrived
Wednesday afternoon to again
lake up their abode hero. They
come from, Heiriingford, Xeb.,
where. Mrs. .Serif's health was not
the best. We are glad to welcome
them back. . They will move onto
the F. Hendricks' farm in the
Xenstiel & Son have sold their
blacksmith and auto livery busi
ness fo W. E. Palmeler, former
owner of the blacksmith business.
Mr. Palmeler takes over the
agency also of the Empire tour
ing Car. It gives us pleasure
again to Wish' Mr. Palmeler suc
cess upon re-entering the busi
ness field in Elmwood.
On Tuesday-. evening the K. of
P. lodge elected officers for the
ensuing year ' as follows : C. C.;
H. Brockman: L. C, W. C. Bart:
letf; prelateM. It. Tyson; M.'at
A., Ed Earnest: M. of'W.. L. W.
Hoettger; K. of R. ami S., E. J.
Jeary: I. CI.. Win. Hullfish; O. fi.;
Win. DelesDernier; trustee for .T
year's. A. (. field.
W. II. H. Eassel, who recently
underwent a special treatment for
cancer of the eye at. Mound Val
ley, Kansas, is ery much en
couraged, according .lo his state
ments at this ollice Wednesday.
This We we re"p leased to learn and
the many friends - of Mr. Cassel
rejoice with him in the hope that,
he. will soon be divested of hU
troublesome 'afflict ion.
Constipation Poisons You.
If you are constipated, your
entire system is poisoned by the
waste matter kept in the body
serious results often follow. Use
Dr. King's Xew Life Pills and you
will soon gel rid of constipation,
headache and other troubles. 25c
at Druggists or by mail. II. E.
Bucklen .V Co., Philadelphia and
St. Louis. '
Mrs. W. L. Ross is here from
Maitland, MoT, Visiting relatives,
and will remain until after the
holidays. '
Mrs. Ed Taylor was called to
Oreenwood to attend the funeral
of her grandmother, .Mrs. E. P.
Jones, Tuesday.
At the last meeting of the
school hoard it was decided to
have but. .one week vacation for
I lie holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kilgore will
leave this week for their former
hoine in Columbus, Ohio, for a
mouth's visit, with relatives.-
Frank Depuy, of Two Harbors,
Minn., is in town visiting his
mother, Mrs. I. Depuy, and his
sister, Mrs. Ocorge Reichart.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Barker
have returned from Two Harbors,
Minn., .where they have been
visiting their (laughter, Mrs. Win.
Wade and family.
Mrs. Peter Mockenhaupt and
little son arrived from near AI'vo
Tuesday for a short visit. Mrs.
Mockenhaupt recently underwent
a critical surgical operation in a
Lincoln hospital.
Frederich Sfnhlman took one
of his daughters to Omaha Mon
day, where she underwent a very
critical surgical operation at St.
Joseph's hospital. Mr. Stohlman
returned homo Wednesday even
ing and stated that she was get
ting along" nicely.
Mrs. W. . W. Valentine of
Schlaler, Missouri, a sister of the
editor of the Courier, who recent
ly underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis in. an Omaha hospital,
is 'now-considered out of danger.
She will visit with her parents in
this city foia short time before
sbo returns to her hfeifle In
.Misseuriij z:'J.-iz.--j---
2- EAGLE. 3
: Beacon.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Xicn
Becker, Tuesday, December , a
ten-pound boy.
Mr. Patsey O'Haller'on went to
Minneapolis, Minn., where he will
remain until spring.
Mrs. Agnes Carper fell down
the cellar slops last week, receiv
ing several bad bruises, she is
recovering' rapidly.
Mr. ami Mrs. R. E. Allen are re
joicing over the arrival of a 7
pound girl al their home Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. C. E. Barrett, who has
been at the St. Elizabeth's hos
pital at Lincoln for the p;i-l
three weeks, was brought borne
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Leon Burdick went t
Lincoln last Thursday to take
care of her mother, Mrs. s. D.
Archer, who fell down stairs one
ilny last week and injured her
spine. She is mending- slowly.
Roy Jones arrived from Ver
don, Xeb.. last Saturday lo take
up the duties of station agent for
the Missouri Pacitie at this place.
Mrs. Jones and their two children
arrived Wednesday evening. They
are now occupying the Ouy
Adams property.
Arb-ne, he 1 K-mon t h s-oli I
daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. F. W.
Mi'Manis, caught the index linger
oT her left hand in the coj? wheel
on the Beacon job press today
(Friday I tearing an ugly gash in
it. A doctor was called and sev
eral stilehes were retpiired to
close I tie injured member.
A meeting was held last
Thursday night for the purpose
of organizing a gun club. The
following otlh'ers were elected:
C. O. Wright, president; W. P.
Yoho, secretary: E. p. Belts,
treasurer: E. " F. Oelsoh lager and
Ed Warbler, field men. Members:
Melvin Turner. W. P. Yoho, C. O.
Wriglit, E. P. Betts, A. M." Truiit
ble. Ed Wachter, D. B. Thorpe.
Ed Oelschlarger and P. F. Vernier.
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent Xew York physi
cian says, "If it were not for the
thin stockings and thin-soled
shoes worn by women the doctors
would probably be bankrupt."
When yoi contract a cold do not
wait for it to develop into pneu
monia, but treat it'at once. Cham
berlan's Cough Remedy is intend
ed especially for coughs and
cohfs, and has won a wide reputa
tion by its cures of these dis
eases. It is most effectual and is
pleasant, and safe to take. For
sale by all dealers.
Wo will buv chickens December
29th and 301 li. Watch for price.
Zuckweiler & Lutz.
12-1 5-1 f-wkly
W. B. Banning departed Sun
lav evening for Kansas City.
where he spent a few days look
ing after some matters of busi
Mrs. May Wilkins came home
Tuesdav from La Platte, where
the had been visiting her brother,
Joe Childestor and family.
John Hoback. jr.. ami wife have
cause to rejoice because the good
old stork visited their home on
Thursday, December l. and left
in their care a tine little son.
Mrs. Mary Tucker of Strath-
more, Canada, arrived Wednesday
for an extended visit with her
father, (leorge Chnppel, and oilier
relatives in this part of the
Charles Hanson of Xehawka
was here Monday, going to Oma
ha for the purpose of bringing
home his wife, who has been in
one of the hospitals there for
several weeks.'
Fritz Trow of Kingfisher, Okla.,
arrived here -yesterday morning
for a short visit with his many
obi-lime friends, and goes from
hero to Louisville and Lincoln to
make a visit, with his daughters.
R. M. Weinier of Pawnee, Okla.,
gave bis Union friends a pleas
ant surprise Tuesday, when he
topped off here to make two
days' visit in the good old town,
where he spent several years as
a clerk and postmaster about 15
years ago.
Robert Banning, a jovial young
man, who spent the past year in
iliiu Inwn and vic-nitv. departed
Wednesday evening for his borne
at Dillon, Montana, intending to
remain there during the winter
and will probably be with us again
in a few months.,
Dr: "D. " F." Huston received a
telephone message about 10
o'clock Monday night that was in
deed a 'vory Severe shock-tn
nmvs . that :'hia molhoc. had: died
The crops this year are hetter than ever. Se
the display in our window.
We have a large supply of Xmas Trees and
Apples of every description.
Our china department is complete and we are
offering some bargains in fancy handpainted china
that are hummers and will make fine presents for
In eatables we have anything the market affords.
In our dry goods window we have a curtain
made out of Eucalyptus Buds which was imported
from California and would make a nice Xmas present
for someone.
We can -help you select a Xmas present for
every member of the family; come in and look them
ouer. We believe you can find something to suit
taste as well as price.
suddenly and without any
previous illness al tier home in
Crawfordsvillc. Iowa. Dr. Huston
and wife started for that place on
the first train Tuesday morning
to attend Hie funeral.
For Rent.
A farm in Southern Albt-rla.
close to toWll. See S. O. Cole. M-
nard, Xeb. 1 2-1 5-2w k-w
(Special Correspondent.) !
Fxci-lleut weather for winter
months, and ev er hod seem- to
enjoy the beautiful sunlight of
the past Week.
Allien and Willie Wetenkamp
are sojourning in the southern
part of Kansas, where they ltae
a large tract of laud in the
vicinity of Hie oil and district.
Mis Minnie Wans of Albany,
X. Y., is visiting at the home of
her cousin. Mis. W. B. Porter. .
W. P. Kiser ,,r nlra! City.
Xeb., is visiting relatives au'd
friend in the precinct.
District. Xo. :t. F.liner Fran,
teacher, gave a b social Thurs
day evening, and a nice liltle sum
of money was realized from I to
sale of boxes.
J. A. Kiser is spending a few
days at Lincoln, visiting with hi
Miss Porter spent the
week end in the metropolis doing
The Ladies' Aid gave a supper
in the Woodmen hall Saturday
evening. And to say that is wa
greatly enjoyed by all would he
putting it very mildly. .Among from I lie county seat were
Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson. F.lhcl
'frit soli ami Catherine Sr brack.
Martin Thacker and It. L.
Prop.), visited in Xebra.ska City
Wednesday ami Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are visiting
at the home of Mrs. William
Wetenkamp. Mrs. Shaw i a sis
ter of Mrs. Wetenkamp.
What to (Give
Where to Get It
You will find an immediate answer in
Our Stock of Holiday Goods
Diamond Rings
La Vallieres
Mesh Bags
Vanity Jtoxes
Bar Pins
Souvenir Spoons
We offer the Best at Tempting Prices.
Goods Engraved Free.
J. W. Crabill.
Watchmaker . :: Jeweler
. Frank Mailer and finolv t
Murray -..-ul Salurd.i v:-ili i.
the parent of Mr. M.irl.r.
.Ralph Sp.ihne- hi -i -.,.. lo
r.-.d caMle f,.r Will J.-.l:i t!(l
w infer.
California Woman Striously
"A short lime ao I on! ";" f d
a severe cold which ettU-d on i i
lungs arid .i 1 1 - t m. n gr nt ! at
of anna:iee. ouM hav It id
coughing spell ami iu Inn-
were s,, ,,,re and iuil.uii'-d I be
gan to lie -eri'-u-ly alarr.iej.
frierj'l recommended Champ r
lain's. (U'U-'h ItMin-dy. avmg
had u-ed it for I low.tif
a bottle and it relieved my
the first nihi, and in a e-k 1
was rid of the n.!d and oreri--
of my lung." write Mi- Marie
Oclb.-r. Saw telle, Cal. For a!e
by all dealer.
Katolitky Sokol Elects Officers.
The Katolitky Sokol .. j. ty of
thi city, o!l of Ihe leading
physical culture organization m
the town, ha chosen tor :le
coming car the foil. wing ofiic-.
who witJ ai-l in the ovcU p
inent. and upbuilding of th
President Frank K-m frt .
Vice President .M il f e,l..r .
Corresponding s-creta" -Vi t
ceiii slafin-ky. ;
Financial s'cretary I. Se.l
lock. Treaurr Frank J. Lib-T-shal.
Trustee Three Year Joe
$100 Reward, $100
Ti r.t-r .f ikU pmprr !M pl I
lri Iht IIm-t I t V-t m lr.. dls prl-n ha h-fi jt.l t. rr. In U n
tlacn, ami Ilia' l .nrrh. 1111 a mrrii ur
I lb. uti y j i f . T eur l--w fcTy,.n i.. t H m-.l
l-ml rrlrnli. ( atarrh b-lnc a il'!itfcrfiil
v r'"tr a oiftlif'Ul'fial Traln.
Hall rtjrr!a I'virr - latmall. line
lir.-tij U.ti fb I.L.hI ami m-"i irf--r "f
1tN y1im. t!i-r-'jr llr.tT r tb f.urnf jf '.
..f lli .lir. ana (1pj lh rail-"' -rn B
I jr liull-llr'f u It"" r.otllj'l"H n4 -ifiri -luri.
la ilt-Wir l wli. T .rir l-t.-- t
niu-h filia la lf "rt: r-wr. mat s
fir ti- 1 Italian, f.., in? that It
fail l.t rnrr. J"! f r l'.t f f. i lnxxilal..
a.uw r. j. fiif-irr a co. t ... .
! ill tnitslM. TV
Tike Ha'!' ! ami'. I'.!U t- rnaatlpaitiaa.
Seal Rings
Fobs and Chains
Fountain Pens
Coat Chains
Big Ben Alarm Clocks
Cuff Links