THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. PL ATT8 MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. IWMB C For .:H Xmas v A Brownie Camera X Picture-taking is a manly sport, and the most entertaing pas time you can offer a boy, girl or grown-up. And no end of satisfac tion in the possession of the pictures. Brownie Cameras 1 ' Everything1 for the Amateur Photographer WEYRICH & !' Jlr5;,lt."l.flMrf reports - the l r . -..i ..i it. t. ... r 1. rtrtiffi t gn til tiie nouie 01 -uvi onii, Victor olen, at Ashland. J. G. Richey and bride of Kan sas City i sit ! over Sunday at Hie home of the fnrnuT's nephew, C. A. Richey. .Mrs. M. Peterson will leave to day (Saturday " for San Frah-ci-co In spend the winter wilii her daughter, .Mrs. E. palmer. Frank Heini of Vienna, S. I)., returned tiriie Tuesday after a pleasant iit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. lleim, and oilier relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Craig of Powell, Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and two children of Alvo motored down from Alvo Monday to spend Hip day visiting relatives. Mr. C. E. Noycs left Tuesday fr Gordon, Neb., for a three weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. J. V. Glover, ' after which she and her mother will go to California, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blake and daughter, Vivian, went to Manley Sunday to visit Mr. Make's neither. Mrs. Mary Simpson, who was ill when they were sent for, hut she had almost entirelv re 4- - LOUISVILLE. ; . . 4 CrabiD's Jewelry Store We extend a personal invitation to every Christmas shopper to call at our store and inspect our splendid lines for the Holidays. You will be surprised by the extent of our stock which is varied and complete. We wish to em phasize that in three different ways QUAL ITY, VARIETY and PRICE we lead. HEADQUARTERS FOR New Diamond Mounted Rrings, Brooches, La Vallieres, Scarf Pins, Links, Bracelets, New Gold Set Rings, New Gold Fobs, New Gold Coat Chains, Parisian Ivory Diamond Mounted Cameo Rings. Hand Painted China, Sterling Silver Cut Glass, etc. Howard, Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham and Ingersol Watches. Victrolas and Records. J. W. Crabill $1.00 to $12.00 HADRABA covered when they arrived at tier home. KIiiht Anderson, John Polk, Victor Lee, Florence and Eliza beth lirodiue came home from the state university to spend Thanksgiving. The Wesloyan students wh:. came home to eat turkey were Talmage Spence, Mary and Spence, Myrtle Clifford and Rachel Stander. Mrs. T. E. Sluyter of Auburn was here visiting her son Charley Sluyter and family and grand daughter, Mrs. Will Pankonin and friend, Mrs. J. I. Dixon. While here she celebrated her eightieth birthday anniversary on Nov ember 13, ll1 13, and her many Auburn friends remembered her with a post card shower. She re ceived 180 cards, all cmigrat ulal ing her and wishing her many happy returns of the day. Good Things at the Market. Anions: the tempting articles prepared by the ladies of St. Mary's' ;uild for their market on Saturday, which will be run in connection with the Christmas shop, can be found chickens, pies, cakes, baked beans, salads, bread, doughnuts and everything: rood to eat. For Sale. A line Shorthorn bull, seven months old. all 'phone No. 3-X, Nehawka exchange, or write II. J. Thiele, Nehawka, Neb. WATCHMAKER and JEWELERS Alvo Notes Miss Esther Rosenow was at M unlock Tuesday. Sam Jordan was in Lincoln on business Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Evans returned from Lincoln Tuesday on No. 18. John Murtey left Monday even ing for Sterling for a few days. Dale Boyles was in Lincoln on business Monday and Tuesday. John Murtey shipped two tars of hogs to South Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Casey spent several days last week in Lincoln. Mrs. Ed Casey returned home from Lincoln Wednesday of last week. I. I. Jones of Murdock was in town between trains on business Tuesday. Alfred Stroemer bad business in Lincoln with the automobile men Tuesday. Alfred Cochran oT Omaha spent Sunday with his brother, J. V. Cochran. Prof. A. I). Dick and brother, Everett, of Lincoln, were guests of R. A. Stone Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner en joyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey. Miss Orpha Mullen of Roca spent Thanksgiving with her brother, L.l). and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Strain of Hefhany spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, Mrs. 1). A. Vincent. Paul Froehlich of Lincoln spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Ilucknell and family. Jack Kanim returned home .from Lincoln Wednesday, after a few days' visit with his son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Casey look a load of dressed turkeys to their customers in Lincoln Tuesday evening. C. R. Jordan went to Plaits mouth Monday to bold session with the commissioners this week. Mrs. Dan Manners and children of Havelock were visiting from Saturday to Monday with her mother, Mrs. Knott. (Jus Dorencey and Will Atche son each shipped a double-deck car of sheep to the. South Omaha market Tuesday on No. 8fi. Mrs. I,on Toland and family started for Oklahoma Monday evening to join Mr. Toland, who left here about six weeks ago. Misses Alia and Verle Linch returned home from school to spend Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch. The people of Alvo and vicinity can have their shoes and harness mended at home by a Mexican located in the old restaurant. He is a good workman. John Aehlers of Jlarnestnn, who has been visiting with his cousin, Alfred Stroemer, the past month, returned to his home Monday evening. Mrs. Wiggens and little daughter, of Lincoln, and Mrs. Peters of Angus, Neb., visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. an.l Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Alex Skiles has a brother from Keokuk, Iowa, visiting him. The brother had been visiting in Colorado and slopped on his re turn from the west. . Charles Oodbey received word from Kearney this (Tuesday) morning notifying him of the death of his father. Mr. Godtrey started for Kearney at once. Phil J. Linch and Mrs. J. R. Rouse received word from Syra cuse Tuesday morning that their nephew, Charles Davis, had died. Mr. Linch started for Syracuse Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Iloyles entertained on Thanksgiving the following guests: Mrs. Hyder and daughter, Miss Verna, and son, Ralph, of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Skiles and Mrs. R. A. Iloyles of this place. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr., entertained at dinner on Thanksgiving their daughter, Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt and family, and son, -Joe, and his friend, Tom Neighbors, of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, jr. Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir entertain ed Thanksgiving the doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Muir, and brother, J. G. Muir and wife of Mil ford. Neb., and Mrs. Dewey, a sister of Mrs. Muir, of Lincoln, and her son, Prof. A. Dewey, of Tecuniseh, Mrs. Muir's broth er, Henry Craig, of Omaha, and Elmer Barrett and family. Homestead No. 1715 of the Brotherhood of American Yeo men elected officers for the en suing year as follows: Dr. L. Muir, foreman; J. E. Parsell, M. C... re-elected; L. D. Mullen, M. A., re-elected; Clo O. Shairer, Cor., re-elected; J. 11. Stroemer, re-elected; Alfred. Stromer, overseer: Cr H. Snarely. W.: A. 11. Klyver. G. R. W. Stewart, S., re-elected; Cornelia Ml 3 rove, L. L., re-elected; Nancy B.'Snavely, L. R., re-elected. Thanksgiving w as a joyous day at the hospitable borne ut Mr. and Mrs. R. A Stone, tliqse present being: Grandma' Stone, C. R. Jordan and family, W. S. Jordan and family, E. M. Stone and fam ily, Joe Vickers and family, Miss Willa Mundt, C. M. Jordan ami wife, Vernon Cochran, and from University Place Fred Dreamer and family, Sam Cashner and wif -and-the. ..Misses .Ree-and Crystal Baldwin. CASS COUNTY ITEMS, J. PERU, NEB. A series of inierclass nasket ball games for both boys and girls has been scheduled. Two of the girls' games were played Saturday afternoon one between the seniors and sophomores, re sulting in a victory for the form er with a score of 34 to 15, and the other between the juniors and freshmen, score being 18 toll in favor of the juniors. Dr. Gettys and Colonel Major of the slate board of education visited the Normal Friday. At chapel period Friday morn ing Miss Kate Mcllugh of the Omaha High school gave a very interesting ad'lyess to the students. The Everett Literary society gave an operetta in the chapel Friday evening, to which the members of the Philomal beam society and the faculty members were invited guests. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. cabinet members were very pleasantly entertained at the home of President Hayes Satur day evening. . Among the Thanksgiving. visit ors at Peru were: Mr. William Roettger, who is now teaching at Hooper, Neb.; Miss Rachel Liv ingston, who is located at Colum bus, Neb., ami Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mapes of Verdon, Neb. UNION. Ledger. G. S. Upton departed Sunday evening for Burwell. Neb., to spend a few days looking after some business affairs. W. II. Belts of near Avoca was here last Friday evening, starting on a few days' business trip down in Kansas. Miss Freda Mueller, who at tends business college in Omaha, ame home yesterday to enjoy Thanksgiving vacation. D. Ray Frans has been nftieiat ing as cashier of the Farmers State bank this week while John R. Pierson is away on his wed ding trip. Lee Faris arrived home last Friday from Marion, Va., where he was called a few weeks ago by the serious illness of his mother. Rev. W. A. Taylor went to Elm wood on Wednesday, where he was the otliciating minister at the wedding of Mr. Howard C. Brown and Miss Maude Colbert. Everett Hunt and sister. Miss Lucy Hunt, departed last Sunday for Farmington, Mo., to spend two weeks with relatives and friends at 'their former home. R. H. Henry returned Monday from Omaha, where he had been lo visit his wife, who has been in a hospital the past two weeks. Her many friends are pleased to learn of the steady improvement in her condition. - AI D. Hathaway and D. Blair Porter went to Lincoln yesterday to visit Syl Hathaway, who is one of the guards at the penitentiary and they had hopes that Syl might be able and willing to help them "mooch" dinners with the convicts. III"J "I!!!!" ,IJI',I MYNARD. 4 (Special Correspondent.) 1 1 I A i' i We hear that Harry Henlon is somewhat under the weather, as he is not feeling well. ' Mrs. Emma Shaw of Platts inouth has been spending several days with her sister. They say the pen is m:gutier than the sword, but Mr. Porter writes on a new typewriter. One of T. L. Amiek's children is reported as having a mild case of dyphtheria and is doing nicely. Mrs. W,' T. Richardson enter tained a number of her friends in honor of her sister," Mrs. Kier, of California. Mr. Mahoney and daughter, of Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving day with his sister-in-law, Mrs. R. L. Propst. ; Miss Martha Barker spent the day last Wednesday at her home, -iiD.vo oq uo viiuuio oj Suiujuiaj ing tram. Mrs. Anthony Howard, whom we mentioned before, returned last Tuesday morning to her home at Ravenna, Neb. Mrs. Welcnkamp spent the day last Monday in Plattsnmuth with her' sUtejvMrs. Anthony. Howard of Ravenna, Neb., who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity. The reporter hears the sound of buzz-saws ringing in her ears, which makes her think that cold weather might be here soon. Mrs. Martha Welenkamp enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kier and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Richardson ami daughter, Emma, at dinner last Saturday. E. II. Warner and family, Ray Howard and family and W". S. Welenkamp and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Will Spangler of Weeping Wa ter. We hear that several of the farmers around Eight Mile Grove are losing- their hogs from hog choler a. And a good many whose hogs are not sick are doing their butchering "a wise plan." We notice that G. W. Snyder i making an improvement on his farm in the way of building a large shed, in which to house his threshing outfit. Jess Brown is doing the carpenter work. P. H. Meisinger of perry, Okla.. who was here recently visiting his parents and relatives, has rented the farm where the Tulene Brothers live, and will move up here with his family. One iinre vote for good old Cass county soil. It does not seem that the weather man has much control of the weather or else he must like cloudy weather, though the rainfall is good for the wheat and puts the ground in nice condi tion before winter. The Ladies' Aid society will give a bazaar at Woodman hall on December 13. They will serve i efreshment s during the day and a general supper in the evening. Don't forget the date December 13. li13 and everybody come and have a good time and see what they have to sell and what they have to eat. Christmas time will soon be here. Maybe they will sell you something you would want to give someone for a Christmas present. MANLEY. Ralph Rich was visitor last week. Mrs. J. OT.eary wa l Manley in Omaha shopping Monday. Frank Honey was transacting business in town Tuesday. Mrs. Louis Burke was shop ping in Omaha Monday. John Fleisehman and family spent Sunday in Louisville. Lemuel Lane spent Monday evening with Virgil Miller. The Star Workers met with Miss Mable Coon this week. Virgil Miller spent Sunday af ternoon visiting in the country. Jake Miller drove to Murray Monday, visiting with Dr. Long'. Rev. Lambert took Sunday din ner with George Reckard and family. Jake Miller and Harris Rose were Plattsmouth visitors Satur day. The regular choir practice was held at the home of J. J. Miller Ibis week. Mr. Essick spent Sunday in Weeping Water with his grand daughter. George Coon spent the past week visiting with his brother at Archer, Neb. Minnie Burke spent one day in the country visiting with Henry Ash and family. Miss Helen Coon spent Thanks giving visiting' al home, return ing to school Monday. Bert Fischer and wife Sn ring fleli I were visiting at of the Hie the home of J. Embery Sunday. Mrs. Ed Fleisehman is on sick list this week, but at present time is getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Market are viiling with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Walker, east of town. Remembered on Her Birthday. Monday eening the many friends of Mr.-. Jake Miller de cided to give her a surprise, this being her 3!lh birthday. The affair was certainly a surprise in every way to the guest of honor, as the party, which had be.-n ar ranged by the Surmn eiioo ladies, had. te-en kept a profound secret frenn Mrs. Miller," as she was unaware that there was any thing doing until the company began to pour in upon her. there being about thirty neighbor and friends present. During I he even ing delicious refreshments were served lo the company, and Hie whole event is one that will long be remembered with great pb-a--u re by all who were fortunate enough to be present. and especially by the guest of honor. Those present Were; Messrs. and Mesdames George Reckard and family, A. King and family. Mrs.. Alex Miller and daughter. C. M. Andrus and wife. Mrs. Fred Fleisehman and children. Lemuel Lane of Weeping Water, Mabel Coon and Carrie Schaffer, Mr.-. Ross Dennie and Marie. At a late hour Hie many friends departed for their homes, wishing Mrs. Miller may live to enjoy many more happy birthdavs. 4- WEEPING WATER. s Republican. -r C. N. Hansen went to Omaha Wednesday with Mrs. Hansen, who will remain at a hospital there for treatment. Mrs. J. S. Sill of Lincoln came down Monday for a few days i-if with tier friends. Mrs. G. II. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Sill were former citizens of Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Bulli were over Sunday visitors al the Geo. Towle home, near Wabash. Mrs. Bulli went up Friday evening and Mr. Bulli Saturday evening. Tuesday, November 5, at tie' home of Mr. and Mr. T. L. Wiles, at high noon, ociured the mar riage of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Reuben Groe.erf of Sutton's Bay. Michigan. Mrs. Robert E. Drav r, n.-e Mis Irma Peters, of Calamus. Neb., arrived Wednesday after noon to spend Thanksgiving and a couple of week with lo-r par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will peter. Ray Rich ami In horse failed lo have their minds in the same direction while turning a corner Sunday and the rider struck the ground heavily and to remember Hie occasion is wear ing a bruised and swollen face. Herman Mitchell will be very lhankfui this Thanksgiving that he did not get his b-g broken Monday when his hors kicked him. It is a pretty sore leg. but he can walk with a cane which is belter than a crutch. Mr. and Mrs. . T. I.eyda and family of Imperial arrived Sun flay morning to attend Hie wed ding of Mrs. Levd.i's si-tec. Mi Ethel Wills. to Mr. Reuben Groesser. which oecured Tues day. Also for a ten davs' visit with relatives. Mrs. J. S. Tewksbeiry. who has been visiting in Omaha, came down Monday night and will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Cor ley. Mrs. Tewk-ber- rv js one of he oh settler of this community. We see h-r hus band's name in the advertisement of the Valley Mill, one mile west of town; Hubbard v. Tevvk -berry. Prop., which ad appear in I he Nebraska Register, of DeeemLrr 23. lS7r. '-.t.r. .''z.i.u .j?.r. ' I- NEHAWKA. -I- Mrs. W I of Rapid iCty. S. D.. came in Tuesday for a visit to her brother. J. M. Stone, and other relatives and friend-. Mr. Stone met her at I'nion. Mrs. Delia Halt and two chil dren came ilouii from Plaits mouth yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Halt' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. New man. SherirT Ouinton and family went through here yesterday morning, bound for the dd home place near Avoca. and a turkey dinner. J. M. Palmer accom panied them from here. R. Keltelhul got the index linger on hi left hand mixed up in a corn elevator last week. lo ing the nail and lacerating it un til he will carry it in a s'jrui f..r a few day. We heard a traveling' man oiler to wager a i-ensonaoie ITer to wag-r a reasonable irnount the other day that a cr- ain stor e in N'ehaukn sells r r r am lam goods than anv three concer n- in a neighboring village lo h northwest of ns. After the rain Tliur-biy night llenrv Rofs. wh had been a!-: lending b'dge in Nehawka. start-J B mnj tS IT fT F e, home in the mud. but a his;E Ba VtCm SLtU car turned s.piarely around jo-t after leaving town Henry i""n. Ihc; h nt and came back. , C. 1. lleebner i hav; ig a ha:'d - , .11.. . t.. I line i o inuj " i"-" I'' i i i ' . iniy him for hi- team kill"-! t-y the railroad a vear buj. The company sets up the rt.i:rn tfiil the team got n the track ihr--;-h the quarry feyce. smd tl- should pay. Tlie ij iarrj pc..;. say no. Albert Alford. who wa- - seriously injured lw.. ee'. from l.eju- kicked by cw. j sjowly regaiuii g the of In- faculties. Re has io r . I of jul how the .-icci, cut j .- t. ed and only re'iiem'-rs that Io wa milking a the tree. William Balfour won -..;:,; prize at an " i. l eUI' i'. Com- tesf held 111 the big Y. M. C A. auditorium al oi,a'i.i ! i-t Tlcr-- la FllglP. There We'e s..r , IT. contestant- and the t: prize went o an Omaha ma; . I !: papers s..ike very kindly of Mr. Pa! four's plavi'ig. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. J. Joe .d. Oils caitie lip f'o'il 1,1 home near MeTiav .! .ii-iio-ss inatt- r- arid t p- V !-l at tl.e home of A. C. I i so;i a nd fa 'ii i ! . G. I!. W..J ! v and f t:ml Lincoln and Mi-- K.!!i- .-r and D iane Current" m-u i!, i spent Thank-.: iv ing " it U ""Grand pa" and '"Grai Im.i" Wo l-y. Mr. ai .1 .Vr-. Al ,. t.. I e:.:. r tanied the fallowing Cole and Mi-- l.nli in '..!. r ..f Mvnard. I'.. Miil- r ai d . f near Aivo ai d Mr. ;; ! M ' -. Mat r Mar - ha I. Mrs. A. J. V t;i I'm and - .;- dren departed T'!e-.Ja ,(r;.! noon for McMuiviPc. Ore.. ., ..n Mr. Von! ossei. Ml t! e e-t , nienl of H'e;r felt. re ;., ie. I ! car of hoii-.diold g I wa- -'. , - ped Monday. The r...w..od orche-'ra ! , rented tlo W, od.ud fd! !, a- a'e preparing- f .. eon biej a ' .-. -ing rink therein tin- ". . under-tand r n;-.c v..;: f ni-hed in connection. I t!i; g something I- happen i; f.-r aillll -elie,t ,,f ,,. ;.....!.. We wi-h the promoter. !. --. EAGLE. Deacon. Mr-. C. V.. I'.arreit. w, ojieraled oi n it I.iui-o!n li"-; o 'I la -1 w ei k i - getting a ! g '. R. A. McClanahan and t . o : ' of Faiibury. .Neb.. arr;d Tues.lay f..r few da-" M-i1 i I. hi- mother. Mi -. M. I'.. lira- e Mi-s peat 1 I tell, a. -con. j .e I by fo r fm-nd-. Mi-- M i ! U came home f:..r p. : n T!r.r-l t morning to -pend 'I b k - - v -with home folk-. Win. Ley .- ral'e i I. . t' latter pa r t of la-t . f; : Wiilthi'l on account oT I ; r : - illness ,,f their- iv.fant. W . : g lad t : !...! t hat i! I- ;:'., t - I. r. Mi-s perl I ran.-k. of '.. , ..-. Neb.. '. 1 Mr. -I 'll!. I . .: -. - f'.agl-. . Were t : u 1 1 e d r ' :l ' riage ed'ie-d . .oe-,,. r t ' t'.M.'I. .'it tin- I.utlo ran -!i':rH. - mile- north of It-n net. ;.. ! i o v pcrformc.1 the ccremory. G. W. Peterso;, entertain. ! ! following o!. sold r- a: -ui Tu'--'! i of tin- we, k: . I". -b-n. S. D. R--b:er. .-.- T-' i- ' . It. N. Wright. A. It. II- : ; n .. ! I'd Wi'li.iin. J. C. t'.er z wa- -.: of town. a"d P. V. w,- i. - abb to attend. T!- -e.-..;. n w , in lenior of 1 1 1 - lift nth an; r.r sary of tlo- rharge of, Ii--n. H;dg.' at CVo'a: .....!. I '" ... i which bali-e Mr. Pe!er-on j-;.--I icipa! 1. For r--'! tr :Mi.m f tin Miv-I; ca-. n. ilncal mo. -, i relief of con -I I ; at en . t;v D-.i:" Ileglllels. ;, nil stole-. rn - Z' . V I- . . I -.. ' - '- i- s - - K -;'--' - 1 '-" " ' - .," ' 1 . '. iL5? '-IT . 1 j f 'vv',5w--' i ; .X- tt f V J - ry fieaaiUiCT . i J The s'ar act cn every UiL (of Lire) is an ii OLD V US KELT ' . T' , - h..Sian. I! y. --rrl f. N-t r f .T x f j '-S ' - I - i" . ' . iw-J.,Lt. ED EC1KOERCLR