THURSDAY, NOVEMBEH 20, 1913 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. iff -w ww The Arctic Tlte Kenwood Tint Hyde Park, 'Thu Academy The Strand -? The English HAWL COLLAR COATS here in chin chillas of all colors at all prices -we have prepared for the vo-ue in a thorough way you'll like. Lots of other styles too convertible collar coats, vel vet collar coats, etc. Altogether the greatest stock ever shown. Remarkable values at every price $12.f0, $15, S1G.30, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 and $:J0. Stetson I fats Manhattan Shirts ANOTHER VERY SUCCESS FUL DUROC JERSEY SALE I i. . i ... I......... ... I... I i i : ' -a ! , uiiii iit i .ium' ii :ui :-' tin- high dollar in I Ik-mi tor I he al rpi s- breeder, as well as himself, lie never loses :m opportunity lo increase tin strains of his herd, making I hem The I uroc. Jersey hog sale inciter w hen-vcr possible, ami in gien by V. V.. Perry at his h"MM' J i ; c;i!ni, thereof is rapidly vest nf Mynard. Tuesday of gain i:i.r Ihe leputal ion of being la-t week, was iv more iii'c-ss-. , ,,f jiii foremost, areeders o! fill v-n! i I :i I .TI Hi.- credit s ii ! of this exfe'lent young breeder's b-dgr. I . i I y pur chasers wee jis.-!il from ViiriuiK counties in .Wbra-ka and (his stale. Th" im'I sali- will tn ibablv 1-c eondud il from his Tii-w home, over n'ar Wabash. Hit 1 1 1 1 farm that In purchased about a year apt from Oscar Al- lnwa, an. I the ire, h d placed in J ten. Ii which place In will move . i ii i. .. :n ill ine cany spring, lien in win Iium1 tin ideal hoiiii for lln hog mill all of tin formic sili held j business, ami when Mr. I'erry the ring brought good prices. The average was fully up to "::" hy Mr. Perry, with some of I lull.-! animals I r i 1 1 u i n ir a lop pi ice. Mr. Perry is a gn at lowr .if lln ;i n in mi int-s his .-al next year il will prove lln biggest ami most i n.x-s lnl of Iht-in all. Arrival of Baby South. .Tin v.t'ws has lict'ii received ht-ri' (r lln arrival at lln home r Mr. ami Mrs. icorge South, in Lincoln, of a tiiii new hahy girl, which math lu-r appearand' in the world on Monday last. The lillle on'', the lirsl chihl in the family, is Ihe ohjed of much ad miratiou from tin' delighted par-t-nls. Mrs. Siiuth was formerly Miss Ina Hall of this city, ami the friends lien- of the mother will it. juice wilh her in Ihe ar rival of the lillle daughter ami trust that she may live to lie. a comfort io her parents in their declining years-. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. IJ lad 4 -- V- f--..l y-.4 m Til Illl ill llillll DAYS Our 10-Day Bargain Sale hoses mmuM mm, mmrnm 22nd. Our Pall Sn'c still offers you some exceptional bargains, and for the next two days only, you will find here the greatest bargains of the entire season. !n other words, YOUR DOLLAR WILL GO FARTHER THAW EVER BEFORE! Our entire line of itiSllilys do Ear The season is rapidly drawing to a close, and all our new and sea sonable lines MUST BE SOLD. For two days only we also offer you our entire line of m EfliSSSS' AO OHiLOra'S COATS AT A GREAT REDUCTION 1 14 i '4 MEN'S A?0 BOYS' SUITS &0VERG0ATS Owing to labor difficulties in the big eastern factories, we just received our new fall and winter line of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Boys' Suits at $2 Up Hen's Suits a! .$ Men's Overcoats from -. ... S9 up Boys' Overcoats from 2S8 up Lien's heavy Sweaters roll cdlar 55s Men's heavy Union Suits 88c Men's Flanne! Shirts in fan, gray ok and blue, at .s..B5c Lien's and Boys' Caps at -. ISciip JOST BEGEBVED a line of Ladies' and Misses' Skirts. Every garment new and up-to-date, all of which we of fer for the next ten days at a very close price. We still have a few Coats and Skirts from the Iowa Bank rupt stock that are going at genuine bargains. Ladies', Men's and Children's SHOES'.: . Sold cheaper than elsewhere during this sale, but remember it is for only two days longer. V. Z (JOKER, Kanascr Platismoutb, Nebraska JOURNAL REPORTER TAKES AN AUTO TRIP WITH SHERIFF QUINTON Spoakinpr of pretty driveways through this seclion, Ihe nn from this city west to Louisvillo and Iheuce In (irt'enwiMd, over the autniiiiihih' road, takes one through I In. richest, seel ion of Ihe county and the larjre hills and frenlly i-ollin- prairie land makes a most beautiful appearance to the eye and one thai cannot lie well forgotten. fn company wilh Sheriff Ouin lon Ihe writer made a trip over this road yesterday afternoon, and Ihe farms alon? this line cer tainly show the wealth and splen did management of Ihe Cass eoiinly farnifrs, as there is ,no more than vone or two of the places in had shape helween the entire distance from this city dear to ( i reenwood. and this cer tainly shows. that the Cass county farmer has heen very successful in Ihe past few years. ltesides the larpe and palalial homes that dot the roadway, the mails them selves are in line hape and for miles and miles the driviutr is ideal, and while the road from this cily to Louisville is p'noi!. the road from that cily into (irecn wood is the hest over the whole route, and work is still heinjr Hone liy nie mail superxisors on them to put llieiii ill heller shape. The people of l.ouisxille are sure helievers in the .rood roads proposition, as they have placed their roadways in excellent shape which makes it a pleasure o travel over (hem. The farmers in the western part, of the county were no as fortunate as we were here in the east end on Ihe crop proposition this year, as their corn was much lighter and the wheat yield did not quite touch the hij-'h record made )y this section of the coun ty. The sheriff is a ery careful man in driving his uatomohile. and Ihe trip was a most enjoy- tide one. with perfect assurance of safely in the afe and sane driine; (,f the represent at ive of the law. A Strong Poison. The food we eat is not always perfectly diuesti'd, some particles of it remaining in the body. In healthy persons, where every nriin works regularly. these particles are heini; expelled with out any trouble. If the disc-dive organs do not work as they should, the undii-M'sled particles ferment and decompose, forming a slronpr poison, which the blood distributes throughout the body. This explains why the whole body breaks down so quickly when Ihe intestines are clomped. In such cases Triner's American Elixir f Hitter Wine is a de pendable remedy, because it thoroughly cleans out the bowels and keeps them clean. II will drive out all waste matter and at the same lime strengthen the in testines, so they can do their work without assistance. It is frond in all diseases of the slom ach, liver and the bowels. At drus stores. Jos. Triner, Manu facturer, 1. J-1 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. In stiffness of Ihe muscles and joints, in swell-inj-rs and spranis. Triner's Lini ment will frive the promptest relief. REQUEST FROM THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Postmasters at rural delivery offices and rural carriers are di rected to bring to the attention of patrons that it. is the desire of the department that all lirst-class mail matter deposited in rural mail boxes shall he stamped he fore being deposited. When this is not. practicable coins left in such boxes for the purchase, of stamps should be deposited in coin-holding receptacles and not inclosed in envelopes, wrapped in paper, or left loose in boxes. Postmasters and carriers should give this notice as much publicity as possible without incurring any expense to Ihe department. . .fames I. Blakslee. Dance at K. S. Hall. On Saturday evening, Novem ber 22, the Kalholitky Sokol so ciety will give another of their pleasant social dances. . Music by the "Weary Willies." -The public, isi cordially invited. . v. Thanksgiving Service. Union Thanksgiving s.-rvices will be held at 1(1:15 o'clock in the morning on Thanksgiving day at the Presbyterian church. Rev. I. L. fJunkleberger of the Chris tian church will preach the ser mon. The Prebylerian choir will furnish the music.; F. M. Uruliner, pastor of Ihe Methodist church, will preside. Lei. us not mock by our absence the worthy motive which gave us this great. American holiday, but let all lake time to gather in the place of holy worship wilh deep gratitude to the benelicient iiii of every good and perfect gift. DEATH OF GRANDMA ATWOOD IN CALI II OR A WEDNESDAY Mrs. Sarah Jane A I wood pass ed away Wednesday morning, November lit, l'.M:5, at tin home of her niece. Mrs. I'.mily lioiiham Haver, in Pueblo, Colorado, she had been enjoyiir-r a visit wilh two of her sister's daughters and their families for secral months. Mrs. .1. W. .Newell, a granddaugh ter, of Chicago, was wilh her during- her illness and will ar rive over Ihe Hurlinglon I'riday morning with the body, and in terment will be in a grave beside thai of lu-r lale husband. William At wood. Miss Sarah J. Swill was born in the state of New York on June L'i. IM-'fi, and was a d.-voled Christian and member of the Methodist Episcopal church from childhood. She was united in marriage to William Alwood on March I'd, IX i. in Illinois, where they spent mot of their useful lives, coming to Plallsiiioiilli jn August, lS-Si', and were well and favorably known by all of lln old citizens here. Their names ap pear on two of the east windows in the Mi-thodist church in this cily, and above lln name of one is a cross and above (lie name of I he of lu-r is a en w n. Mr. William Alwood passed away in his home in this cily on December .Ml. I'.III.J. The deceased is survived by two sons, A. W. Alwood of platls moulh and S. 11. Atwood of Lin coln. Neb. The funeral of this worthy lady will takep lace tomorrow morn ing at t' o chick f nun I he Methodist church, of which she was such a devoid member for so many years. Tor the friends who desire to take a la-t farewell the casket will be opened at the church from !::h lo 10 o'clock. Children Cry for Fletcher's WWWWWwvvwvv.x.wwvrf J as? i J CO"! rY r I r mmrtm C" MRS. VAL BURKEL EN TERTAINS KENSINGTON CLUR VERY CHARMINGLY The Kensington club was entertained most charmingly eslerday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Yal JUirkel and for sev eral hours the ladies spent Ihe time most delightfully in their dainty needlework and in social conversation, which made the time pass very swiftly. The ladies were treated to a very dainty and appetizing three course luncheon by the hostess, which served to make the enjoy ment of Ihe afternoon complete, and it was wilh regret that the jolly parly of ladies disbanded lo return to their homes, feeling the occasion had been one of the most pleasant they have enjoyed for some time, and they were loud in their praise of the gracious hospitality of the, hos tess. Mrs. L. W. Harger of Davenport, Iowa, was a guest of tin (lub for the afternoon, heing here on a visit lo her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pelerson. Pleasant Afternoon. The Sunday school class of Mrs. Cowles, known as the U. It. C. class, met with Mrs. Johnnie Halt yesterday afternoon. There wen about twenty present and a most enjoyable time was had. A delicious luncheon was served at the usual hour. How's This? We utTiT On HiiDilrod nollur Krwnnl fir finj pan- it Catarrii that caurnit I fiml ljr llalll 5'atarrh Cure. . . K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Tol. Jo. O. Wp, tlit upiIerHlKuetl, have known F. J. fbt-nev for tCT lat 15 T"r. '"1 lx-liTt nil" Verft-i-llv hoiiori.lilii In all blisliu-s transact Hit Umini-ially all to i-ai-ry out any 4)liliKatll Oiade by lila llrm. NAT. BANK OK COMMERCE. Tolnlu. Ohio. nail's Catarrii Cure li taken Internallr. r!l:n illreotlT nnon the bkma and mucous aurfare 4 Ue syafein. Teatlmnials tw-ut frM. i'rloo "!t crutt pr lMttlt-. oll br all t-ruiejtWtsi. TakM UnLl'a t'aiull 1'tlU tot vuiuitlitaliua. The Kind You Have Always Bonglit. and whirh Ii.i.h hem in use for over SO years, lias borne the signature t and has been made nmler M- nr Ss rs--f- ' sonal suiiervislon I nee it s Infancy. v-caStyjZ -CcccAiC Allow no one to derri v you in t li i. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and Ti?st-as-giMi are but Experiments that trifluMith and outlangiT tliti health of Infants and Children Kxpcricncu ajaiiiat ilipcrimciiU What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless snhstitnte for Cator Oil, Par irorie, Irops ami Noothin; Syrups. It in pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Alorphino nor th-r Narcotic Mihstanee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm- mid allays I-'everislmess. I'or mure than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, I laiuiency. mi none, an 'leetltincr Troubles and Jiarrhoa. assimilate The CLUdrcu y9 ltiun inn-, mii Ai-fiiiinK- iroiiuiet and i. It regulates the Stomach and Jlovwli, 4'S the Foot I, git-insr Jiealthy and natural fcltrp. dren's l'auaeeu The ?Iother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Fine Thanksgiving Turkey. Tin- morning Henry ;. Soen- llictl-ell l'eCeiid a Ill" Welcome pre-. nt from hi- friend. "Jack" roiighlin, who i-i al preenl lo cated at She!by il !e. Tennessee, looking after the inlefe-ls of a liaclion company. The pr-c-cul wa a large I hirly-poniid turkey, which will make a feast til for a king- on Thanksgiving day. Mr. (loughliii has been ipiite -ucc fill in hi-, new location, and this in formal ion will le ery pba-ing io hi-, ninny-I rien. is hen. A PLEASANT GATHERING AT THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. HARVE GREGG MRS. J, V. HATT EN TERTAINS MEMBERS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL GLASS La -I Salurd.iy exening-. at the home of Mr. and Mi-. Harve tJregir. we nf Murray, occurred a ! deliglilfnl galheriug of ini ig j pie in honor of the i-.r of Mrs. 5regg. Mi llott-en-e lienhei d..n, of Omaha. Much pleasure wa deiied by the jolly Crowd of young' people by the playing of ariou-. game and other aniu-emenl s. Inning the Colioe of the eeniuir de licious refreshments were sered, consisting of fruit salad, cake, colVee and wafer.-. Al a late hour all departed, thanking- Mr. and Mrs. Cregg for Jin- plea-ant evening'. Tho-e who look part in the deliphl ful gathering were: Misses I'.thel and If ace hill. Myrtle nice. Janet le Young. Hal lie and Amanda Itoyer, I'.lta Swart z, Clara Young', Viian. Adcll and Lola Kilzp.-il rick. Asnes Llod. I'dylh Itaiusey. Ka Hailey, rtlie Sinilli. t'ern McVey. I.orene. Mayone and Lota Chamber. Marie Davis. Iloilen-e Shepherd son; Messrs. Alph Heverage. Charles Valb'ry, llur-bel lely. Moi-m Mailey. Carland Til-on. Chester Mincer. John and Will Hire. Jim I'.hrliarl. Hoy flregg. Frank hill, l'rank I'lrich. Hoy and Arnold Kilzpalrick, Arthur Crunk. John Jenkins. Waller Hamilton, l'rilz and James Tigner, Jari Lancaster and 1'nnis Hover. 'Mo home ,.f Irs. J. v. Hit: wa- Hie -ci.... Itf ; f- gatlnriiig ye-lerd-iy a f I i ! '!. wlon Mr-. Ilatt .-i.ter taine. 1 1 - - mem!,T- of lo-r Siin.l.i cla-s .,r the Mi I i li'jn h. The -la-- consj-i- ,, itie mrirrieii ladies nf lln church and Ihev snnt a ino-l njial'e a ff . nn !! in th tud of I In .- r i f t lire- and their on-, as w-H as a gen eral good oM-fa-hioni'd m-iI amou t hm-e '-. an.J I'o e-ca-ioll Will be I. f--r i . , -1 . i .. t .-.( for il- i!eanr. and tin fad lli.n il w:t- Ito large- al I )?.!... ,, illg ilie c!;". has It.-'.J -(?;' l- orgnnialiou. and Ho re-uli of the meeting wa- t grai if in to Hie membe- and tfn-ir t r- The Halt home wa- eii . i!ii! iieci al ei wi'h bi! (: -. which, with their btigh: red I . r -lie-, made a -r haiiilsnme aj. A! a:i appropriate hour a t-ry li-mpling 1 1 1 ! r J ; .-. r was sefM'ii by the tio-le--, a--i-t-e.l y Me-il.uils Autu-f l'rank Cobi lman. Will Mo..i.- ai 'l Andrew; Moofe. ami the d.-i i-1. n -lefr'shinent broughf ! a do tin' verv f?.io a Ie occasion PLANS FOR THE NEW JUL HAVE BEEN SUBMIT- Mr. and Mrs. L. I'. Terr berry an.l Miss Clark, all nf Whiting. Iowa, motored to this M'cinity Saturday and are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Terry -berrx's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Warner, w.-t oT this city, as well as with oilier rela tive. Mr. Terryberry will re lurn home today, while Mrs. Ter ryberry and Miss Clark wilt re main for a more ele.'oe. visit. While here Mr. Terr berry loo?; lime to call at this o.Vice and re new his allegiance lo Ihe Old He-liable. Henry ttorn was a passenger this morning- for Omaha, where he will visit his sister. Mrs. Charles Sloehr, at Immanuel hospital for a few hours. Mrs. Sfoehr was reported last evening as. having stood the operation in good shape and the hope for her recovery are bright. The plans for the new jnil were ye-tcrd.iy submitted for the i sideratiou of (he county -ronimi-sioi er.s, and if the -p.ei t'e.if i : -can be gotten into th allow a; .- of S'L'.omii they will pri.h.ll: be accepted. The IleW plans a -range for- a wa-h room and cel lar in I In basement of the bud-ling, while on the fir-' ib,,r the nriartments of the jailor and fam ily will, together wilh the war-l-for women and children placed. on the .,,. i, j i!..or wards and cells for the pri-on-er- will be placed and all will ! made as sanitary ami uio.Iern as possible. The boiler room will be placed in a room purate from the jail. This bud. ling wiM be made as near lire-pro.. f a-po-ible and will he abb fo coa tine the rno-t d.-pi ia!e cfinunal thai will be brought in. "1 h commissioners have been .o?ne what delated on the work nf !;.!. inn up the matter of the j ul. owinsr to the need of etcting t'i new building at the conntv fan,', but now that they hae irofl-n that under way all plans will thoroughly dicussfi and mr..f. readv in order that work caa slaH on the huildinsr early m lie- spring. WANTED A K '.ofl s.vorl hnnd I vpewi ilir. Cha. K. Mf i'" Y1