THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 PLATTSmOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL.' PACE 3. '& SOJ. v lvel ones for . bv Calumet. For daily use in millions of kitchens has proved that Calumet is highest imt only in quality but in Icai-ening iwtrrxs well un failiiii, in results pun: to the extreme and ncraJerfully economical in use. Ask your Tocer. And try Calumet next bake day. Received Highest Awards WarU' taadEx Catcua, fans Expati tiaa, Frmau, HUrck. 1912. .' aunte wbca aa ke cio ar bir-e f pawner. Daa't fca miiieti. Boy Calumet. 1: f aura acaaamical awre wbsIoobc grvts best rcsaiu. f r.i-nmj m iar taDenar to zocr anik aad arid. ' I ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF GUESTS FROM GLENWOOD, IOWA From Monday's Dally. Th ilasan! liome or Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin in tin's city was lh seen,. i T a vry happy palhfrin; of younjr people yes terday, when they had as Iheir puests Misses Lena Rhodes, Catherine Carlson and Lucille McNurlin, who came over from ilenwood, where they are acting as nurses in the state institute at that jdaee. Miss MeXuiiin re mained for a' few days visit here with her relatives prior to her de parture for Montana, where she will spend a month and then po on to Los Angeles, California, where her parents reside and where she expects to make her future home. Miss McNurlin is a graduate nurse and is one of the best at the state institute'in ( denwood. Never U5ec1 Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills fr headache? Better start now. You will feel better. Advertisement. You may rely upon your sales being properly looked after by AMOS 1SKE AUCTIONEER who has had many years ex perience in the ring, and has always maintained the reputa tion of securing the higb-dol-Iar for all goods and stock placed in his aire. Numerous sales have been successfully conducted in this county. Dates can be made at this of fice or by writiDg A.C.ISKE,LaP!&t!8, Heb. CU PapHUon ExctaBt'e. Chestnut J2ul Entertains St. Mary's Guild. From Wednesday's Daily. Si. Mary's iiuild held a very enthusiastic anil pe,innt meet incr at the home of Miss Hai-lmca fJerin' yesterday afternoon, there heingr ; larpe numher of ihe ladie in al tendance. A short, hut interesting husiness essiou was hehi and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in husily stilctiiir on dainlj' articles for the Christmas shop, which 'tin; ladies will have during the early part of lecemlier. Iain!y i re freshments were provided ly the hostess, which materially added to the pleasures of the afternoon. APPEARS FOR THE FIFTH TIME BEFORE . JUDGE ARCHER From Wednesdays Dany. Yesterday Charles Allen, a farm hand, who has heen employ ed on a farm near this eily, was a visitor at Ihe court of Jude M. Archer,, ln'iiifr escorted there; la the police to answer lo the charge of heingr in a slate of intoxica tion. The jude scanned the features of the'- prisoner and thought that his face looked familiar and referred Pack to his docket, to find that this was the tilth time he had stood iwfre J he .jiultre on- a similar chnrpe, and in recognition of the fact that Charles had been such a persist ent caller, at his court, the judse decided to let Jiim lari'-rmh in the prison until the amount of his fine ami costs had been liquidated and lie was accordingly removed back to the jail to board out his line. MR. AND MRS. W. A. ROBERTSON ENTERTAIN AT 6 O'CLOCK DINNER From Saturday's Daily. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Kobertson entertained most delightfully a number of their friends at a 7 o'clock din ner at their charininp home on Norlh Sixth street. The table wa-. decorated in a very artistic manner with chrysanthemums, which made a very pretty set tint: for Ihe occasion, and at each plate there was a tiny hand painted pi ice card with a design of an acorn in recognition of the fall season. The dinner was served in four courses and was ne that w as most tempi in-, and the guests feit that this occasion was one of the. most delightful informal affairs they hail taken part in for some lime,' The hos tess was assisted in entertaining by Mioses Jessie Robertson and Leinese Newell. The guests for the dinner were: Messrs. and Mesdanies C. Iia hr. . C. (1. Fricke and I- L. dimming MUCH BUSINESS DID IN THE COUNTY COURT From "Wednesday's Dally. The probate court, presided over by Judge A. J. Iteoson, was quite bus yesterday, there being several matters in this line to come up f r consideration. In the estate of Mrs. Sophia Kulle, de ceased, from near Klmwood, final settlement was had and the ex ecutor, W. S. Waters, of Klm wood, discharged from his duties. The will of the Iale deorge Reitler, sr.. of Eagle was admit ted to probate and the son, ficorpo Reitter, named as execut or of the e.-late. In the mailer of the imicli Jiligatcd Union restaurant the re plevin suit of Frank Hoggs vs. Sheriff Q'linton was continued over until next Friday, when il will be threshed out and the stains of the owner of the restaurant, who purchased il from Iiahlen, will be determined. The stock of goods in Ihe reslauranl, which is now owned by Boggs, was attached by I,. R. Upton to recover a debt contract ed by the previous owner, Haitian. A. IL Kraeger of the vicinity of Mynard was atlending to some important business matters in this cily -yesterday, and among fit her things look time to call at Hi is ofiiee and order the Plat fs mouth Journal sent to his ad dress for a year, not being able to keep house any longer without it. We are very much pleased to place Mr. Kraeger's name on our list. CASS COUNTY ii lEHS hi '! t?ila!! HOLD MEETING Drew Up List of Names for the Jury for the Coming Term of the District Court. From 'Wednesday's laily. The hoard of county commis sioners were in session at the court house yesterday and loday looking allei- the business in terests of the coiiuly and allow ing the claims auaiusl the coun ty. John Mo?ford was. on the petition of a number of the resi dents of Slove Creek precinct, appointed as constable for that precinct. The First National bank of F.lmwood als,, tiled Iheir bond for .s' as a depository for county funds. In addilion to these mailers the county commissioners also s. lecled a list of names from which Ihe jury for the next term of tin district court will be taken, as follows: Tipton precinct, Iick Klliotf, John I'.ecker, A. :. Reed; Stove Creek. Frank ohm, ("Jus I'.oinenieier. Will ilulfish; W'eep-iu-' Water precinct. Torrance Fleming", Theodore Davis; (ireen wood. Frank Cook. Le j Wald radt; Salt Creek." Lyman Money, J. C. Lemon; Klmwood, Christ Miller. Ceorge Nickels. Henry Mejerju vgen ; South J'.end, M. W. L'ddy. (!uy Carson; Louisville. John II. Albert, James Alloway. W. A. Cb'g horn; Avoea. Charles Spohu. W. 11. TV-Ms, jr.: ML I'le'isan!. Wilson Cilmore, Ib-n I.' fler: Nehawka. Henry Knabe, J. W. Magney. H. F. Moore; Liberty. K' Chapman, Hen Porter; Center, II. P. Sniilb, W. W. Kirk Patrick; Kishi Mile Cirove, Philip Albeit. William Heil. F. J. llen nings; Rock Bluffs First, I. M. Davis, a. F. Schlicht meier. J. P.. SeboIt; Rock Hlull's Second, C-U Splilt, jr.. Charles Yv'a rga; IMatlsmoulh precinct. A. S. Wib-s. Jo!m Wehrboin, Roy Howard: Weeping Wilier eily, W. M. Phi!-p- I, W. M. Coalman, (o-orge Sloner: Plat t smoul h Cily First ward, Fr d Ma.ior, John Claus; Second ward. James Newaek, Thomas Wiles. Anion Janda; Third ward, W. R. Bryan. August Cliu.ll. Antmi Kanka. jr.', F. P. Lulz; Fouitii ward. Ward Clark. J. C. Peterson, W. 1). Smith: Fifth ward. August P.adi. ie rge Perry. A. J. M'KIHNEY, INJURED IN RUNAWAY THURSDAY, IN CRITICAL CONDITION The condition of A. J. McKin ney, who was injured in the run away Thursday eveniiiir, is very critical and his recovery from I he effects of the accident is vcr tloubfful. He was thrown out of the buggN' as it turned over and suffered very severe injur ies to his head, culling a deep gash in his mouth and (earing the skin oil' the light side oT his lace, spraining his rigid ankle and jarring him internally, so as to make his recovery ery doubtful. The three men in the buggy, Mr. McKinney. Will N'ewland and Jacob Keyes, were going home abou! C o'clock from work and Mr. N'ewland was doing the driv ing, and as I hey neared the turn at Ninth si reel and W ashington avenue the lug became unfasten ed, striking Ihe horse on the hind leg and frightening her so as lo start Ihe animal to running. Holh Mr. Keys and Mr. N'ewland at tempted to keep Ihe animal under control, but as she started to furn up Ninth street Ihe left line broke, throwing- Mr. N'ewland out ami severely injuring his left leg and side. The mare I hen turned and started out the avenue, throwing- Mr. Keyes out and spraining; his back. Mr. McKin ney was carried a block further out on the avenue, when the bugcy overturned causing the in juries to this gentleman, as noted above. Mr. and .Mrs. (I. (I. Meisinger of the vicinity of Cedar Creek were visitors in this cilv today. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought S3? Bears the Signature of COMUSSO aaaaaaaaagaiaaiaaaaaaaaanaarraaaaaaaaiaaaaaaB ' i i ' f Public Sale Having derided lo quit, farm ing on account -of the dealh of my son, August Feins, i will sell a I. Public Auction at my farm, three miles south of Plat t smout h, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, the following property: Five Head of Good Horses. One roan Belgian mare, wilh foal, age !, weight l.C.oo. One gray mare, v. illi foal, a-:e in, wejobt t,.':oo. One brown mare, wilh foal, age 10. weight l.e'm. One good roan gelding, age 3. weiphf about, l.nrio. One bay gelding, age 3, weight about '.. . Fleen head of cattle, consist ing of three spring calves, four yearlings. sceral good steers, four milch; cows. Farming Implements. One Beerini." binder, practical ly new. One Deere two-row cultivator, new. One Deere coi n planter, nearly new. One Hoosief seeder, new. One new fanning mill and grader. One two-section harrow. Three cultivators, fine Bradly tt-ier. hie disc harrow. One. wagon. New Bet tend. . rf wagon and hay rack. One M c Co r m i f k m owe r. One walking plow. Two sets good heavy work harness. And numerous oilier arlicles. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock sharp. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale. On all sums over $10 ix to twelve months' time will be given at 8 per cenl interest on ap proved security. All sums of 10 and under, cash. No property to be removed until settled for. MRS. A. W. BF.1NS. O. K. Parmele, Auctioneer. R. F. Patterson. Clerk. Burlington Conductor Dies. The news has been received in this city of ihe death Wednesday at his home in Credon, Iowa, of Charles B. Slough, a well known Burlington conductor. Mr. Slough was welt known among the railroad men in Ibis city, as In- ran through here for tin? past several years on one of (he Bur lii:glon fast freights, and the news of his death will be a source of much regret lo hi fri. nds. No particulars as o ihe cause of his death are known at this lime. GOMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS I'lattsmouth. Ned., Nov. is. 191-7. ll.iHfil met pursuant to adjournment . Present. C. P. Jordan. C. I-'. ! ami Julius A. Pita:. County Commis sioners: 1 . c. Moriran. County Clerk. MinuO-s of previous session read and tpploveil, when the following dttsi iiess was transacted in recnlar form: Cairn from St. John Catholic church for tnv paid under proteston lot 1J. dlock 1J. Plaltsmouth l.'itv, received and County Treasurer instructed 1 refund tnxot for the years l'.ill. 1!1. no::, and County t'lerk instructed to strike said property from assessinetit roll. 4 'on Tit y Clerk reported the bond r.f .k.'in tlroup. assessor for Louisville fffiint t. lad been approved dy the Countv .Imljre. 4:iaim from Adam W. Meisinger for refund of tax. aect.unt idotdle assessed, received. and County Treasurer in structed to refund the sum of $7.70. Petition of C. s, and others, reijnest i 1 1 vr the ji pj.oi n t ment of John Mi r'drd constable in and for Stove Creek precinct ieceied and the ap pointment made. First National llrit.k of Kim wood el their bond for $ 1 o.a'lil.ti.i as oouiitv deno.sitory for year l'jll, and same was aptnoveil. The following claims wre allowed in the ileneral fund: C. I-;, lleedner. salary and mile- ape $ 1. IS. F.ireri bei-rrer, mdse. ami frroc-eries to paupers and jail C U. Jordan, salury and mile age J. 1. Holcomb Mftr. Co.. brushes to court house Nelson Jean A: Co., coal to paupers and court ldittse.... Julius A. I'itz. salary and ntile ape "!. Knapii, labor for court house I. A. Yountr. m.lse. to Tom Palmer Nebraska Liprhliny; Co.. sra-"5 to jail. court house and street Limp Klopp Hart l-t t 4 'o., sup plies and records to county Lincoln Telt-nraph and Tele phone. Co.. rent and tolls.... TI. A. Schneider, pnstape .... 1 r. K. I. Cummins, insane .Vitpiist Mielke J. M. Leyda. same James Pobertsron. same '. t . dtiinton, frame J. II. Thrasher, bialiffs certifi (".tp J. W. Crablll. care of tower i-ltiok one y'ar V F Sevbert. ticket to pauper II. H. Heidlintr, part payment m poor house 4-ontraet TL M. Soenn ichsen. tndse. to paupers and court lious.... "2 .CO :;c. in 10.70 t. .o.-, 107.02 44 .r.o 1 - Of 1 It.?'.. 80.52 1 " . '. L'i . OS s . 041 :t .4ni r. . r.o 22 . S2 4 .00 40.00 1.10 7."0.00 2T..7S The followincr claims Were allowed on the l:oal funds: J. C. Nidav. ro:ul work, road district No. 11 Walter Uyers. same. N. L'7 . . 104.23 Marvin A. Carr. same. No. 1C S.4;o L. A. Tvson. same. No. 1 " Lee Arnett. frrader road dis trict No. 1C Lee Arnett. trader repairs, road district No. 27 SI'J James;. road work, road district No. 1" F. W. Nolting. same. Xo. 1.. M. Tlansladen, same. No. 1'7.... Tlio. Leavls, sarnt, No. Ii a. r.o 11.00 2 CO 17 . 00 9 . 20 1 . "0 J7.00 5ers Towle, same. Xo. II... Karle Towle. same, No. 14.... A. Usui. same. No. 14 Ij. 1,. Caysill. same. No. 14.... Christ Johnson, same. No. II.. .loe Vi-kers, same, N. l'i.... Dick KerscholT. sunn-. N. II.. I'.'iul C.erard, same. No. 14. . . . Christ Kii kniiiii, suiiiv. No. II . . A. A. WallinRfr, s;'.ni-. No. 1 ." A. I-'. Sturm,, road dis trict No. ft A. i-'. Snirin. same, N.. 1 s . . . . A. V. Sturm, same. No. 1 :: . . . . A. F. Hev lx-rt, road wwk, rmul district No. J I'.en I ;.-iknan, sat ii. No. lit.. Avucii I, milder '., Iumier. road d isl rict No. 11 Avoea 1. Hinder Co., same. No. 1 : fi .Ml I'll.l :. . 4 ii r. . iii . : . " z " 1 . Ml 1 . "a i 1 . Ml 1 . T 1 . ' f. I . 1 0 r..:.7o :. i . ;o Tie following claims were allow-d on the Cenim i.ssioiters' IToad ftmd: M. S. McCleerv. n.Mi rHH work Com. road district No. ID", .2ft .l:-iieS Miller, same. No. T;j.::' The lollowiiisr cl-iims wen; alliittr.1 on the Uihlpe fund: Nebraska Construction Co., ad vance on I r id ire woi-k Jiaoft.o.i A. F. Sturm, di-ide material.. -In Avoea I.umlier Co.. dridp: 1 um her f ".il Omaha SI met u r.i I Steel Wot ks. tiridpe material I". .T.O l;.ai-l a.!.io;i ri.eil to m-et Vt-.ini'; la y. No vender li. HO!, 1 . C. MuCCA.V, Counts Clerk. I'iattsinouth, Ned.. Nov. 19. 1!'ir?. T'.o.-u-.l met jiiiisiiarit to Hdjoiirntnetit. with all mcmt.ers present, when the ridlowinjr dusi le-ss was transacted in regular rorm: Tie- follow in;r 1st of narneu vn sele. le.l from which to e. . Jut v for the nct loin n" the li'striit Cott: Tipton Precinct lick laiiott, .lohn l'.eck.-r. A. C Kce.l. :ree!iwood l'reiinef Frank Cook. Levi Wal.lradt. Salt i'r.ek I'rec'nct Linion Mowrev, J. C. Lemon. Watson llnwii).!. Stove Creek 1'reciie t Krank hitl, Clni! n-.memler. W.ll HnMish. Precinct -Christ Tiller, (It iit i;.' Nickel, lleiir v M id .i u rji -ti. Si.ull I'.end 1 'l i- itif t W. M., die i'.irson. Weepitie- Water Precinct Torrejiec FlTiiin-. Tlieo. Tavi. Cei,fr ei inct H. 1. Sin;o W ' ii: "Kpatrirk. mZ4l3iBS Wcepintr Water First war-1. . -o. 0.iiMii: Second ward. Wrti. t'oatmaii: Thiol ward, lirnri'.' Stini'-r. Louisville Precinct John H All.ert. .Luees Aiiowav. William A. iVsnm i. Avo.a Preiito-t Charley spi.t::. V. II. Letts, jr. Mt. I'leasatit Pieein-t Wil-ori f'il more, Lci.j. L'ller. Lil.t Mile :. ve pr-. inct I'hilij. AO it. William Meil. 1'. .1. 1 1 ei. n i n ir-. Nehawka l'r-( i-x t -lienrv Knade, J. W. Mai!iiv, P.. I. Moore. Lidet-tv Precinct r.ine-r Cha'.rr.aid IHi-ir porter. l:o(k P.hTlVs Fir-T 1. N Tavi.. I '' htemier.. .1 H. Seyd'.lf. i;.. k H'nlTs Second tins S'T-Iitt. .'r . Cl.ftlie Wari-,1. TMatlsnioutli I'tcfin'f Stee A. Wilis, John Wehi dein. Ley li-a'.. f'l;,tt-iiic.ii1li " i t l-'irst ward. Fred Mai. ns. Jf-hn Clans: S-'nd ward. .las. .1. Ni.wncek. Tie iti;i Wd-s. Tet.e -1 land.i: Third ward, W. 1:. I'.rvan. Aug ust Cd-'idt. Anion KaiiV.i. jr.. I'.. 1 Luf: 1'omth ivat.l. I . Ward ci.ok. .'. I O.-.t c,-. YV I I Sft.'l'i.' T-Vfti. w.-o.l. An-, i-t i;...H id'.-o-L... 1 'crrv I Tne following f hi:ms were ,i!..r.-" I in the i;.-noral fnr.: J. W. Kinser, lepairs to cave !.. jail f C. 1 . ijuinton. fe's in w.unitifs of ndmis; ion. insaie' I . A kew- ' IK, The foilowin?- ilain.s vveie on tlu Kri.lire fund: j Wf ! ci man launder A- Coal C.. i. retire ..... j 'mai'i. St met in .. 1 Ste-1 W.uks I cidire material "0 . it lia.-irit aiij.unie-d to nwet Tj'.---la. 7e. em her 2. 1 !M 1. C. M'l:;AN. Coui ty Cieik. Mrnu: to 'iir.iiii'Oitx. In Countv ( ourt. STATIC 4F NLFKASlsA. ass Coiiutv. ss. In the Matter of the Kstnte of Ivan P. White, lieoeased. Notice is hereby eivcti to the credit ors of sanT defeased tlat w.ll de dad upon clfiims tiie.I acamst said estate. I.efore me. County .indue of Cass County. Nebraska, at the Ciart loom iti 1 'la t tsmon 1 1.. in s.ud 4'ountv. on the Ltth day of I lec.-m tel. l!i:',, and on the dav or June. 1 ! 1 a. at ! o"ilok a m. Ii tlav do examination, ad.'usitnent and aiion a tic-. All claims must de filed in said court on or before said iast Lour of d.-aiiiiir Witness mv dari.l arid seal ot sail Countv 1'i.iiit. at Pdittsmo.ith. Ne braska. tins l.'.tn tlav of Novornl.t-r. Hl::. i Seal) ALLKN J. 1 : l"KS V. Coi'tiiy Ju'l,:". l ( III T l II T. STATIC 4i-' NKOKASKA. 4 'omit v c-f 4'ass. ss. In the Matter of the F.states of line .Kaiieii. Iieieased, and J dot en. ln'cfasfil. Ca ro I Vler To All Interested: Von are hereby notified has been tiled in this curt N. Kauen. jidminist ra lor that there dv Prank ot a dove estates. Lis repot t aad t.etiti"ns for filial settlement of said estates, and that a decree be entered in each of said estates of d 1st ri da t ion iind assign ment to the heirs entitled thereto aid for the discharge e!" :iid admin ist rator. That a hearinir will be had upon said report and petitions before thu curt in the Court ilou-e at Plu 1 1 siuoi: t d. in s;iid 4'ountv, tin the 2th 'ay of No vemb. r, Ii'i::, at 111 o 'clock a. m. Ail objections thereto, if any. must be til.-.l on or before said day ami boiir of n.-ariiiK'. W itness mv hand and the sea! of ti e Countv Court of said County this l;t:i dav of NiHi-lillT, 1 S 1 tSeall ALLKN .1. HICKS" N. Coitnly Judge. N4ITI4 I". 4F ill-AHIMi I'CTII ION Kll triMUM'MIAT !' III1IIMMII I o. In Ibr County 4 ourt of hm Ci.niitJ. elirnskn. ! STATIC 4F NKIIKASKA. I Chss Countv, ss. In the Matter of the lCstate of William t II. Celts. Sr.. Iieceasod. Notice is hereby iriveu to all p. rsonl intelcsted that a ) e;iiiiiir will l e had l it Ptm a petition for the appointment of i an Administrator of the .-state of said deceased in the Countv Com I room ef Cam 4'ountv. N.-l-ra.-ka. at Platts mouth. therein tit tue hour of 10 o Hock :i. t.l.. Iecember !M h. IMF'., and thai all objections to said petition must be filed on or before the time tor sail hea ritiK- Witness my hand and tl.e seal of the Count v Court of Cass 4"ontit. Ne braska, this Hth day of Nucml-r, liO::. iS.ali ALLKN J. KFKSON. Countv Judi;e. 4'. K. TKFFT. Attorney. 11-17-: w ks MiTio: f ici:kkhi:k- i.i- In the lllrirl 4 niirl in antl for I 4 mint y, Nrrmika. Anna Amelia Monroe, Plaintiff. VB. ha Stull. Widow of John Frederick St nil, 1 eccaseil, et al.. tieferdant". Notice Is hereby civen that under and by virtue of a decree of the I.j triet Court In and for Cas I'mitity. Nebraska. ontered In the above en titled cause on the 17th dav of Sep tember. A. 1 . IS 13. and an order entered l.v said court on the 1-lth nay of November. A. I.. UM .I, the tind.-r-sipned sole referee, will on the iH'tli day of liM-rtnln-r. A. 1 . 113. nt 11 o'clock a. m.. at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of I'lattsmouth. Cass Comity, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the Idirloat responsible bidder for rash tpe f, lowinf; descrl'tied real e'tate, ti-wit: The east half 4K'I of the t.orthwest quarter ( N W U and the at half iKm of the southwest iiarter I S W I of Section two i J i, Township twe've I 12 1. KariKP thirteen 4 13 1: lot four 4i in Seetiuti thirty-six t'!f. i. Townshin thirteen 4l3i. Hanir.. ihirieen iir. . :.:i. I all of lot three 4-i. in Section six nil. Township Tivi-Ivp (12 1. Kansre fo:ir teen 114 1. lylnfj west .if the ritrht-of-wav of the H. M. liallroad. ard nil that part of said lot t! r.-e i3 Ivms east of tl.e said ritrht-of-wa v. wi n:, lies north of the Lr; Ice or culvert im mediately north of Swallow Foint. all in Cass County. N'braka TIim abovtt daisriLad land will b sohl suhject to the if.- us- of Airatha Stiill. widow of John Frederick Sl;rl. leoea ed, in ami to fifteen il". no- in the said east hnlf L I of the north west uarter N W 1 , i mid the easr half I I; '... of the sou t nw est .iiart.-r SW i i'f section two :'i. Township twlve 12, Lanire thliieen l::i. ire 1,1. 1 cir the l.a i 1 . 1 in rs, orcdaril and urov thereon. at. 'I a riir it-of-wa Ihi;Iv (.'O feet Wide thclfto. Sai.l rifo.-n i 1 ." i acres and tie rljrlt-of-way are designated dv M,.k-s -t at the corners t r..-r- if ntid i.l 1-.-scrided in the deed to purchaser t-y met.-s and Said sale will ! 1, e' ,1 o,.en f..r or.e lueir. Iiate.l at T'la t tsnio n h. Ndr.i - k.-i. this lTth ila- of Novcm d.-r. A. I'. I'M.;. C. II. T Wl,i lit. Lefcree. ILVW'LS A.- 1U iliKLTSi . At I'ji iiPV. 1 1-1T-.. w k Mll( !- Ill:lll; III I'MHT AM i i:i ri iv i- tiii mi i: III the I ouiil.V i wurt if aa ent. rbraakK. In the Matter m t i.e Tr ivt-e . i p CreatPd Py th Will i.r I.j.l.a 'J'.-Pl. I lerea e-1. To .Ml Persons Interested: Notice is l.eie'n. t'ivefi that L. Todd, trustee. pr.o , ted for - t .e of certain funis in tie i,i! f L dia Todd. .P-. eased. ,a rid-d a report of tl.e I.iopevs tccivd llf,. -penile. I to date 11 Sllcll tru-tee, :.--. also a petition m ccompa ri v i r :r tte same f..r allowance thereof and for k.i.'i otder oidcrs and direct ion a tie tiustee .ti-f m advi'adle :.t tt i ii'i..-, and akinir th;t said accmi.t te s t -tied, allowed and approe. ;.. i'.,t. V on a re fut I he i- not i led t a t t ' a i 1 Countv Court da-: set said a-'icut a-.-) letition for lo-.iririr ons i-U-t. ti and ali.iw.i ii' ' on the r-tli !.: if N...ii-d-f. l!'i::. at lt oc o k. it. in., in -.lid Com C at Plat tsf!iot,!i. Nel.ra-ka. ami that ii n v arid all ode-Mums. Mna:-ti-.ns and core- id-r it i-.r.s ri-iative t- said a'i-onrit ate! ptiti.u wi'l l.- heard .- t said tin;'-, arid t'e -ame ..,a ' ' v and fi.llv passi . I upon ami .1. t i r.. i n, .1 Witness the land and t he . :, I '. f said I'ourt llth .Iar of N-oem-der. 1 V.:- t " e C.cirf. t Pen i. ,m.I i; i. io:i:s-iN. County J:i !-. In thf iiHfity liinrt tf 41 l ugiil, Nrl.rMl.. In th Matter .f the ltato of Wiiliam J. 4 ' I '.i i.-n. o. i To Alt Pet-soris It, Teres!.-, ,r, ( V. t.lte t-t Wiiliatu .1. ll'.riTi. (e..;,-e,t: oil lire 1 1 I 1 1 . ;iiti:,.! on t'e Tlh day of N'ovetn Ii-r. 1 J ' "a Mi.ll.A, owutrii of ti e est. tie i.r W I -iiani J. 4i:re-n. .d-ias.-.l, tn.-l ;u soi I''t l.r final acio'.n;. fe:- sts. I. -eeutrix and that '.ii 1 til. Hi a- .'oi.tit i!t he heard in tl.e t.ti: !n r,; lie.enil-r. l!'l::. at the hour .r l'i 01 l... k a in . t the County Court to..:ri- in u, fitv o; Pl.t t I - npeiT h. C.,s -..;, titi. .M-I.r.ltj, and voa ar" ,ei.-.,'- ::.! to at;--ir t th- Line and (d ice . t...e ip--'r.;'d a'.d .-how an..-, if at: v ex tt w I v -1 . - . u r t and i-1 1 1 :ou f .r .Ii" I a r ire s :.. , , j Hot l.e all'.Med it is hkllov r : r r: i : i : f-- stiid Jo'.an'i.i. .vl.-tlj. T',-.. ti.e Hot i'e to u'.l fw- oti 1t-ret,.. i s;. I state, . - lau-ini; a i.-t.-. ' ''.i-i . !-r to de i..;diish.-d ,n t-e ., r ; - r,,.. , .i.oirnal. h tiewsj..; t-r J-t o.te.l ard p-i d- l.-heii in said Coin.'., lor -. - r.-.r.- ww-k-. prior t t! e i:.i: X-r iJIld K. liateii tti-K Tt'i :.v ft Vi-i- j 1 3. Al.LLN .1 .l.!. -N". i '.i l lit J i ! j-o 1 1 -: 'i- k IN Till'. IHSTNI4T rlltT F OH Ml, M ill K . Albert I'.-ndi. Plalr.tilT. s Iavid Karwi'krr. m nl. I if n -! a .-. f . T- P.tvdl Ka - .. e ej . r.e iirkr'.Tn If.-ir s add I'l-i i"..." r Pin ;-t t:..t- ii k.-r. dec t-sed S- ivirn i; Sm.r. Warroi M sn.,1 i. .! vrt e j I'.ei, Il tii.r I., s'rr. t. Is., soi f M ' - ti:-. i:op.'-rt 4 ;. i.!,. le-.Tte c Iot ovf.n. W. ii.irn '.. 'ci c-n. u iik tiuw ri l- .r " a id .lev;..-. vi W , Ham V. . id ! i-.r,. .t.-i e.i - l. I: T St prop, the off'i t,e t or,. i de. i'f TC. T. s! nr :p. e a e.1 Si.niue! l'.l"V, tV e uiikrin tl I . ra aid i'ei--ee of .s;innr fj-'V, O-- t eased; M.try A m '.-;-. t - n kriown l-irs tin.. i!i.vio. of Mi"--, .ri? Cfl-v, it .-.-a .-d. ... n - r e -. e . d-f.-ndants in tl.e ado.e eri!.to.t ' t ion : i"i and ea-'i of '-..-i a e potitied it. at tn" ;f ias mencid n a'ti.ti iikji'.-l v..i in in. I istri t .'ourt of 4 ., l' . ,r.' .-. N -t-t iirki. for t ! e j.-i r rf o : . ; , r t -fee titl" m ft t-ta ri " j-, ;,.,. lo tlie follouinir d-e-.r.dcd 'e,l es.,re t..-wit: l't -l If t! - S ., Of e SW', ef S.-c 7. Twp. 12. Li." II. F. -1 of tue .t!i I". M ii '.,s-i . tv, IrfSska. Ii-rc rao-e part ;.r.v de-s.ride-1 ps f..,v,ws: c,.r- m-... i-.r r a point !..- chain-' north arid L .'7 da.Ti. east .f the s-.-ll d ,Ves forr..r r.f t t - SW"', of aaul see. 7. TTrp t.. N. II K. of t t,e i n. p M t! e.,c. r r. ninir north 1.37.77. cl a.n. 1 1 t.i e.t 4 s:i chiuti. ti i-ni soutti 1 1.7.". !- : n tence West 4 :: .rji-rM to 1 j.:,.m -K Ti r i r. sr : also frjn ioiat d. a rircl 2 .n the west half ef ti. S'.V', of Se. ool Suffer Lender! RELIEF IS WITHIN YOUR GRASP Don't try us as a last re sort, but try us as a first resort, and you will never be disappointed. In acute cases our re sults are marvelous, quick and positive. The acrompaninj; illiL'tration depicts a spinal roIurnn, surmounted with the raadtt handiwork of the Creator, the head, through which passes a cronduit the spinal cord carry ing the vital force Lire. Two sections of the column are enlarged, showing two nerves leaving the spinal cord on their way to some organ within the body. See the difference in the size of the nerves. The lare one is the hecJth-giving one: the small one disease in the organ in which it er.ds. If you are suf fering or ailint thi have one of these, caused by luxation of the vertebrae. L?t us fix this trou ble before you become a chronic sufferer, if your trouble is alreaiy chronic, we can still conquer it. Examination and consultation free. If trouble is not within our line or ability we tell you so. BAGEi'LlAWn & DAGHtlAnn CHIROPRACTORS Two Blocks North of the Catholic Church T. Twp. ir. N f:ir. 5 t !:.' . ' : ' ' I. M. in 4 ';..- I . .- . -r- - . ., I f ' r . ii rn-e parr . ; 1 1 : . . - - . . -fo i io- : ivriwi. i' sr .. ' a t - c. iains r"nt!i an. I 7 . - - ..- t he soli t flT e--t t l.rl'T lf 7. T .'. ... U North. LriL-e I i:.i- .-f . - I .M . ri.t.l. roT t! en. e r J .. - t Ti.- -l e ea f 1 I - a i ft . t - . - - e . . l.itit,., an! f.-r..-- e-i .. , , -. . .. t lie place of ! i'l" 1 . ' I v. ,n f.e SV'4 of tr -V.'i, nf s in Twp. 1-'. lOfe. 14. i i '. i ,. . . e i .r.i - Ka. I'-i'.k r..r I i ... ' -s.iit.e.1 li a ( C..-:, !.. -.k. !!." i fHi' s n,'-t of t - ' - wet corner of I l.e .-X1. ef ... I T. r then... e.i r Ti t t l-e pin. e r f , r : . r. if. I " - . r i ' "O'l i t of i n s. f I - e ;o e .- n - T -, . t den f" S- "1 t ! ;.". .. ' t ' West i-i,.n I" tie .. : jr . -. - riir.u. a'.-l -i.o a-1 ot I. , ... I-.a..-snihl i .Vll.tio't t..e C,:-.- r p. triiiil I.. I as I'.iiin'v, N '.r:t i. . . I : (i.'Mfr -l. loin o t a-i-t e-- o! i f r la . tti mir an r ir T. t . '. . . i e ! or t e. es I F jP'l ! t' " - fi I I I.e. I eal estate, a !. I ' ' ' ""-'' ' ' tain i '.mi. from p!.-.T t ' ' -I to sji,l e., estate. ;,...! f . e , . i- reite;'. v,,-, a ..t e.t- -. . r - r- I - l-ed f.. a" -I i'e-.- '. d. l.oe t,e l.t'i .!.e of 1 V ' e r V I .. f!'. iir.d it r.o.i-l ' ' - df.i'.lt W..I l-e .1 . !. .1 t " ' I m.d i 'k-irier.f t iketi a- pr.f - I : . . s f ,ion AI M :.;'i' PLNLI. 1 '.. . " f:v A. U TIT'lV !; .". T'e- IITTI.I. MiKT..: i:. N'otce c r-ret.y r.-.en tl. f ', -,- v-.--t-ie ot a rl.,i'i! ri '...- ! f,r-f .lav of M . ! '. ' t .. in ! ... . . ..f t' e ,- ' k ' I .. Ci.cirit .e.m - ka. on !.!.'. or .r.i-,-. p. i -. .. ...i ot- t i.- ; - I'- n;,jw i.p.- -. ii.. '-ii ; . s. t'e p.i.oi-ri: t - - -i of t 7.. ". and u -.-: ' - ' .. .e r -e .i,. ,f S 7 '- . u r . . k ' ' . " l.-tlt I r. f r e t f ...;i r e c. i . ot M.t . Pi: ,.,!:,-. a i ' i ' ! 1 ITl.'tlir;.!;-' I - 7 . f IVI.r'i..r. I ' :. a- - t .- ' - i ' ' .-thee .-f tl I'o-.T, ' - tl. . a - K .1. O'l t - . : .i ? - a v. 1 - I .:. and e t. . . I ' . - O . ; T. L T I ; I e t ' . I I II - ! ' e . - o , , n I : r . n e i 'o. I i rr. , . -' t r . - .-;-. f'.-vmr' ..f t ; - m -i I--, a I - " U,,. l rrf. . f,.,iv , j f. . '!'$ t t.-tfe't.-r w;-i i f-: T T'" ' : ' ale t.r . ' . t 1- . t ' r ' ri I te 7 1 ' i . a .- .f T '...- : : d. -f r .n.e, l ,-' ..-" ' I.-' .f . . T t - der.t . e . f - 't t e e t J , . :iss,vr.e.l I t ' . - f- ' '. f - .i-r- -an-. t T'- It . -. K ' l-v I. - n.of v -- i -r .'-f.C.t I .1 ",tr leer, .e f l-.enr ,.f .,,.! . ,., t .... 1 i - ..I S A T" ' - . . ' - t itol rr. lerive I - v .. - t.-eie.-f. f r.f'" 1 . . - i ' - er t y r t- ? ' r s .. . I e - - fc . n -, r iy; ! 1 J ! . . r t .1-1 f i ' 7 ' - I 'if-' e," ,i. -i ' s. ' ! t f t'e a ' ! ,. : - t r - . - . i ii . ! .:r ,:: r -. t -r. ! ! - - - . i. I- Hi.:- iTl-,Jf..., ;.! t.r.i , - ' -. M . ' . - . - - t .- . T -. f '.-I '.e ! , r, . . i . '. -. f J " . . t ' e n f .' I to.... I s : : . - e - - . w,. --:.-. M''d .ta' i . r. 7 - I'l.H.r e , . f . t r . - , , oI.e f',11.' le, J . r.,'..- ,f j-,. , f. r.i t . iv il- I . . . ' -.- t ' . '..!--.;. i. ir r ' r y,. r I -. 1 . i .tje.r, ! r r r . a t-r . - f -v-r fc-r. .r. e .1; I -er a t ..-- sr., . . -. ri't.-r. -r.-.e ! . .. f ,t r,, . a ' : ria- t ' - - I f-.'i' irr e ; .,r. ... . , . ff e - -.- T.,il ' . . - I , : ,r. . 1 ..., ' !'! I e I,. .. " ' n ,r i- t ' . .. .1 I.; ... t . .. . , J i. A. ' ' T ' .- f . . , . - . I ... - - or i- i r -. N'.t.r... V . .... ;. -. r n r. t : t . . - : e - a p in. t.t . ! ol N- t- :. i : Til-; il . K f'K -s . . . V . - - i . ; N-.f I a... . en ?) r ;l ,,s ,r - . ; ; . - r f 1. t , . f -. j . I :i . i . , .- t'e' in t . . l-e . . . . , - , -. ' I -. . ' , , - . V . , - , . , , . , ; i- -f i . . - r. ':. ' - , - .!-. " A ' ; - ' -. ... -e,e,- r ..' r ' - -.-ft:. . .. , i e r. " . . .,..,-. . . . . - . . , - - - . . i : ' ' v - v. . - t .'e . f r t T.e - . - . ' - - -. ' . ' ' 7 1 . - ' . . I-..--, r- i : e t- : i.r.. - t , t r.-s,;..r.- .-rr-r-- -.'., , w . . i-. ;-. i o !! . r- a, . .! ' it j-- ;-' -.r... i V : . I - ' t Jir-.t t ." t -.! .! r . r t.,.w t 1 f-. . 7 . !' r i . .. . - , . -.! i t . a f . . e f r -..m ., ' i. .? T .. . m T .. " . t . T, . t i . - : s . . t r..-J .' l.e f . N... - 1 I - ! ". u t ' - t ;':. o r rn Tfli: :a:.:s 4 7 C--i "'"'.-TT. S .la-