The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
What's the matter with Sul
zer? Oh, lie's all right!
. -:o :
W here, oh, where was Mr.
Murphy when the light went out?
The candidates to MI vacan
cies in the election Tuesday
were democrats.
-Mainland, My Maryland'
eleeled a democratic United
States senator Tuesday.
The republicans sweep the
stale of New York, but that was
expected. Murphy was respon
sible for that.
The democrats have lost noth
ing in the recent election. Presi
dent Wilson should feel proud of
the endorsement of his adminis
tration. :o:
President Wilson comes near
er complying with the Monroe
doctrine than any man that has
sal. in the presidential chair for
fifty years.
In a Missouri city the marshall
has instructed his aids to shoot
at the tires of speeding automo
biles. That would certainly
proe an effective remedy for
high speeding.
The .School Masters' club need
not be blamed for the single rea
son that Dr. Thomas was black-,
hailed by one or more of its
members, when his name was
proposed. There are loo many
reasons to account for a black
ball, as most secret society
members are aware.
"Fainting Bertha" no sooner
gets back to Omaha than she at
tempts some of her old tricks
ami enacts some of them right in
the police court. The authori
ties threaten lo return her to the
Hastings asylum, from which she
was released about ten days ago.
She should, probably, never have
been released.
:o: -
Of course there are some peo
ple who would delight in a war
between the United Slates and
Mexico. But there will never be
any war as long as it can be pos
sibly helped and therein Presi
dent Wilson displays his wisdom.
Those who are dissatisfied with
the condition in Mexico, cannot
influence the president into do
ing a thing hastily, When the
time comes that it is impossible
lo avoid war with Mexico yu
will see President Wilson acting
soon enough.
Lincidu Star: Is it wrong for
an applicant for a posloflicial ap
pointment to agree to issue a
democratic newspaper if he gets
it? That is a question solemnly
considered by the senate in ex
ecutive session with reference to
the postmaster at Salem, Oregon.
It is easy to believe that it is
wrong. Hiit if one who has been
issuing a democratic newspaper
agrees lo lake a posfofliee for do
ing if, he ought not to be held
criminally liable for it.
:o : .
Congressman Mas u ire, if is al
most positive, will be a candidate
for re-election. He knows who
were his friends in all bis
previous races, and now that he
has an opportunity fo reward
true friendship, lie should get
busy, and see that he makes no
mistakes. This paper was a
friend of John Maguii'e long be
fore lie became a -candidate for
congress, and is so at the pres
ent time.
at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
Some years ago, about Thanks
giving, some kind farmers form
ed the habit of presenting the
editor with a fine, fat turkey. But
those good old days have passed
and gone long ago. Now, if the
editor gets a turkey for Thanks
giving he pays about 25 or 30
cents a pound for it. Our
memory reverts back to those
good old days every time Thanks
giving and Christinas arrive
Those days were the happiest in
our passage down the stream of
Time, and as old age comes
creeping on and our time on
earth cannot be very many years
longer, we cannot help remem
bering them with renewed
Will you tell us, some of you
merchants in the thick of it every
day, why the wife of a dry goods
merchant in a small Nebraska
city sends to Omaha for a piece
of staple cloth of a quality finer
than her husband carries in his
store, pays the retail price for it
here, and at the same time her
husband says that he would have
no call for that quality if he car
ried it? Is that true, is it con-
islent, has it been tried? If
that merchant's wife can afford
better quality than he carries
we'll bet dollars lo doughnuts
that there is enough business on
that quality in his trade to war
rant his carrying it in slock.
Omaha Trade Exhibit.
The following from the Lin
coln Star contains more truth
than fiction: "There is a fellow
named Pardo running a paper in
New York under the title of 'Be
low the Hio Grande.' Its mission
is to discredit the policy oftTficIe
Sam in regard lo Mexico and up
hold and extol Hureta. If he
were to run a paper in Mexico
and denounce Hurcta's policy, the
wiley old despot would string Mr.
Pardo up to the first post." And
at such a crisis as is hovering
over this country, it should be
suppressed in this country.
The state board of education
has awaked the friends of Dr. A.
O. Thomas, who has been re
moved from the presidency of the
state normal school at Kearney,
to a stern opposition. How they
intend to help themselves we are
unable to perceive. The same
authority removed J. W. Crabtree
from the Peru normal. Dr.
Thomas may be a good man, but
not any better than Prof. Crab
tree. Mr. Crabtree's friends
kicked and kicked hard, but it
done no good.
:o :
The city of Plattsmouth is
more prominent on I lie map to
day than ever before in its his
tory. It is noted for many things
and especially its substantial
business blocks, fine, artistic
store rooms with large slocks of
merchandise, pretty homes and
more miles of concrete walks
than any other city of its size in
the slate. If you want to enjoy
the pleasures of life, buy a home
its dimensions in Nebraska,
its diminsions in Nebraska.
Democrats won au election in
Illinois last week, electing the
man of their choice to the su
preme court. Another instance
of the democrats "bidding their
own," as some of the republican
papers have remarked in refer
ring to the special congressional
election in West Virginia. . But
of more signficance is the fact
lhat I he progressive candidate
ran furl her behind the republican
candidate than the republican
was behind the democrat.
The coming of the millennium
may be a long way off, but it
"" l" ' "V" '
the movement to unite the Chris-
Hall CHUl cues ui lilt- vtuiiu nnuuiu
result in tearing down the sense
less barriers that have separated
them inlo divers denomination.
. . - . . i
This movement received con-
sicserame encouragement at
I . A
big church convention during the
past week, and it has many
friends and advocates throughout
the world. It has long since
reached the proportions of a
world movement, and it seems
highly probable that it will grow
more rapidly as it becomes bet-
ter understood. And to an in-
nocent bystander, it certainly
looks good enough to take home
to the children and divide among
the neighbors.
may seem
somewhat sacriligious on our
part lo suggest that the Chris-
lian world might dispense with a
ot of the old junk that has ac-
mi tn ii in el 1 1 peli e reei 1
uuw.u.v. ....
dogmas and leneis oi iann, wui
. . . . -.1. ,
lo our way of thinking there is
much of this material lhat has
outlived its usefulness and ought
o be discarded. We do not mean
by this that we would change a
ingle syllable nor strike out a
single word that has come down this year, and when the winters
to us in the book of Holy Writ, are to be cold the husks are 111
but we mean that the hair-split- variably thick. And there you
ting distinctions, the worn-out
hones of contention, anu me
foggy, unintelligible and man-
made doctrines of the church
might be safely lopped ofT and
thrown away. The churches do
not disagree on the real essen
tials of the Christian religion,
nor on any matter lhat pertains
fo man's duty to his Maker or to
us rcllowman. ine uiuerences
that have kept denominations
pulling at each other's hair, have
been invented wnony and en-
tirely by man, and these differ-
ences nave ween as a minsione
i 1
about the neck of the Christian
church. It seems to us that it
would not require any very great
acrilice nor any excessive
stretching of the conscience, for
the churches to wipe out and for-
get these differences, and to
unite in one great Christian
church, including in its mem-
bership every believer in the
Christian religion. Instead of a
lalf dozen or so different de-
nominalions in Plattsmouth, all
iaded for the same haven and I
the same heaven, but going by
different routes, would it not add
hundred fold to the strength
and efficiency of the Christian
church if all should unite under
a single banner and march with
an unbroken front? It seems to
us lhat there is a whole lot of
ammunilion wasted in quarrel-
ing about the different methods
f baptism, about the doctrines
of predestination, of infant hap-
tism, of falling from grace, about led up his place so that it look- hooked. It is when the money is Hie Independent Telephone com-
flirt frinilv mill n lof nf nlliorL.I libn ;i cnlnnn mul xmeM like!.. .1 :.. .1 .:.... ..i.. .1 r 1 ,.;,, f ...I HmMPailV at TeCUIHSeh to . test the
Ihinfrc I Ii a o oil 1 i'irL- In 1 1 I
1. w if-. v u l i v" - v n. .--ie
iniple-minded folk. Most of us
- I
lave reasonably clear ideas about
wliaf if fakes fo make a man or alsavs 1 1ml. all he lacks is a little
- -- - - - I
woman n r.hrisitnn mid n cood I
citizen and neighbor. but we
(loin care a rap whether me
Christian has been immersed,
sririiiLle,! nn nr.nroil Tf n ninn'w
v J' J K "'- ' At AIILI. I
heart is in the right place, it is
not for the doctinaires to say
iKot k ; .. -i...: .1:. . .. 'i.i
niixi, lit; i nut ti wiiii isi lull, it nut
we shoiihl likp fo ee would he
I )l iiti i-.i i,f ll lm Plirli.iti
vftiw ti iiivii j x it i i tut: i in i i.iiiii
people of Plattsmouth and all
pulling together for the better-
ment of the citv.
" - i
Miss Jane Addams expresses
uuiiiii anon 1 : rs. ia n k ii ii rs . i
It is possible that America has
been overestimating Miss Addams
in her efforts for the uplift move-
V Missouri judge approves the
slit skirt on the ground that the
wonderful - human machine is
nothing to be ashamed of. KviJvwM .lmi who talks as
dently the judge has taken ad-
vantage of bis opportunities.
across the
Missouri river at
this, point
would increase the population of
Plattsmouth to double its pres-
enf. size in two years. Why
L.wi .h nmmu.i ,i.1Pn nr.
Germany's experience with air
craft is not only proving costly
A wagon bridge
but extremely fatal. Their latest
blow-up together with the loss .of
twenty-six army officers would
seem to indicate that, future cf-
fOIts should be confined to
ground operations.
Corvallis, Oregon, has a hen
that has laid 283 eggs in one
year. With the present price in
eggs, this fowl is almost as valu-
able as the hen that laid the sold
0n egg. May her descendants!
be Inany and aid in fighting the
cost of living.
Thanksgiving is only four
weeks off. Some oT our people
will have lo eat their Thanksgiv-
hnpr di,iner without turkey. They
I .... . . 1. : 1. r . .. 1 1. ...tini . . . r 1 1. I
an; iuu uioii im mi ijumii-s ui
l . - . ..
poor people, and then, again, they
are very SCarce. Only the rich
cau Cnjoy the luxuries of this
Those who notice uch things
Lay the husks on corn are thin
have it. The almanac says the
winter wi I be hard unless mild
wealher prevails. We take lots
oi siock. in wnai ine aimanac
1 1 ?. .!. il... 1
Huerla will insist, of course,
lhat he did not stuff the ballot
boxes. That makes no differ
ence. None hut a foot would
ttnnk otherwise. The returns
would indicate that something
was very rotten down in Mexico.
ill the powers stand such a
daring attempt of the old
. . ...
inureifrer lo keep himself in
Charles M. Bronson of Lincoln
has just gone to the canal zone
to serve as collector of internal
revenue there. It is explained
by the Star that "Mr. Bronson
was for many years a repub-
Mean and upon several occasions
aspired rather aggressively lo
office under that parly, but with-
out success." ' The present ad-
ministration will find out, one of
these days to its sorrow, tfiat re- .
warding republicans instead of
democrats, is not the proper
thing to do at this stage of the
. Bishop Samuel Fallows some
time ago set up a saloon in Chi-
cago. He sold "near beer." H
looked like beer, it lasted like
beer, but when it was swallow-
ed it was only pop, and although
(ho bishop advertised it and fit-
n. cnliinii ln'. rtfiT tuiPP In
ow m.ii f III."
fill fhe achintr void. But the
bishop is not discouraged. He
1 1
unL i u i f ti. i iii j i ill iirun vii i
" I 7 l I "Wl 1- ; -M. - ' J ' . - . " " ' - -
more eanifal ami as soon as hel.,.w .... .i..,.,Kr.-.i,11.,i mi, I lliaf
eels it together he will start his
weer saloon again and try annpnii, leouy is iu ooum iul-ulu,
show the world that the working
.nfin enn l.o lino 1 1 i 1 oil inlo i r i Ilk-I
llillll V I I ' ' I I ' '"' 1
ing stuff that neither cheers nor
;u .
Theodore Tlousevelt. has al-
unii.lir .lal'lml k . 1 1 1. 1 1 1 i 11 ill 11lflll
i mi t 1 11 i ti i ntoiii. iiiiiin - i
America, although it
doesn't seem to be his fault this
time. lie was quoted, ei-
- i
reoneously he says.
..r .iinrin?
that the United States must be
oa ra moil n i. in :miiii .viii.-i iuh ouu i
, . .
Brazil in South America, bince
f hey are the richest ami greatest
countries on the continent. Th
aroused animosity in" the Argen
ii.,.. w..w.i.ii. iiieh seems lo be
jealous of Brazil. A Brazilian
editor is said to have made I lie
statement attributed to noose-
much as T. R. does is bound to
get into trouble.
An enthusiastic old woman
whose enthusiasm, pays divid-
i ....,. ...n;.,,, -
"""" " w
t American sufTs lhat dynamite
and deviltry are essential in the
British battle for ballots. The
speaker is Mrs. Pankhurst,
naiens and Ieadinir iails through-
out the United Kingdom, and
ought to know what she is talk,
ing about; she ought to, we said,
anu ine-pay is sue uoesn i. ii
she did, she would tell a different
story, and the cause she supports
might fare better at the hands of
a peeMsn parliament, rnmi mis
unprejudiced distance, it is ap-
parent that the mangling milit-
ancv of I lie 'nnk nirs . lvne.
. . . . , . .
. rIrilPs .vith 1)mil,,s and
bIackjackSf Ratchets illul hatpins,
has accomplished tittle beyond
bowing the necks of the British
statesmen, and removing the pos-
sibililies of eaual suffrage in that
realm some distance info the dim
mill rlroarv fiilnr. Men n wli i le
maiilinir mailvrs
of the
o -
Cause spend their vacations en
joying hunger strikes in durance
vile, and their working days seek
ing the blue blood of the British
ministry. But it is possible that
there is method In their mad
ness: an illustration may ne
found in Mrs. Pankhurst' s pres
ent farewell tour, which should
pay better than regular employ
inent in her native land. For
such profits may be the campaign
of rough stuff; a desire to pro
long the struggle because it pays
better than any office they might
hope to attain if granted
blessed boon of the ballot.
The advertiser, while benefit
ing himself, helps his town. A
town in which the business men
advertise in the newspapers is
always a live town. The mer
chants who use printers' ink an
alwavs the progressive spirits of
the place, and deserve the pa
tronage of the community they
help support and push forward.
Deal with the business man
whose advertisement you see in
.i i ,, ;n ,.,i n
lie newsnaper and you will make
no mistake.
Nearly all fhe southern states
are "dry" as a protection against
Hrimken netrroes. As a sub-
... . ., , , ....:
sfitute fhe nearroes are now using
. . . . . .
cocaine. It has ween iruiy saia
. .w..,; ..,. -,.. w..n
I llltll llll I f. IS cl il lllllliuui.) fi"-
in every pint oi corn
. .
, , ,f
But observing men of
the outh say (hat there is more
hell in one dose of cocaine than
there is in a gallon of corn juice
Where will you draw the line,
The averase community is
really only benefited by an in-
crease in faxes provided the ex-
penditure is for needed improve-
niPnts judiciously expended. That
view of it should not be over-
i l. U , n,.. .nnln.-J
IlIM lUllllTlJUlUl IltlS NIL' (jllUUCI
n..i.- n.i,.,;
JIV. V . willing, .
:o: ,
ir ...... t.i.k- wm.l Hiei-e
. 1 1
the fighting had only started.
o mi m ...1 1 . ; . cz....ii
and we observe that progressive
caild idat es ill N('W Yol'li ai'C W'i i II -
- " - I
drawing lo give the republicans
a better chance against Tain-
l.,,o.. - I
II is saiif fhaf. a certain mother
in a neighboring town was in -
" w - - " i
formed by a note from a teacuer
that her son should be treated
fm- n s f i ir in a is m . The faithful
mother wrote a note back that
h"" v j
threshing and hoped he would
w.i ii. ;i siirnin
llV't l' l lf-H.H I
The policy of the democratic
administration towards Philip-
pine independence is now Known,
and while it puts the time ai
quite a sale distance it tuaiac-
terises another paramount issue
of the peerless citizen now filling
the position of secretary of state,
oung Charley Gates, inulti
millionaire and greatest monev
spender since Coal Oil Johnnv
ias died at an earj a
1 e
while on a burning expedition in
Wyoming. Gates is an exampl
of the curse of great wealth lo
the average boy. He was a good
a natured chap of ordinary menla
Icaoacilv and disposition fo
demoeraev and rhHv hi wi
lions having failed to make o
him an offensive snob. Had not
i .
his father been a great million
aire leaving him an enormous
fortune he would no doubt have
been a useful and exemplary citi
zen in some of the prosaic but
respectable walks oi life anu
would today be a highly thought
Mf citizen of . some neighborhood
I . . I l.:. : . . i i ii.:. ..... i
anu ms miiiu at tins momem
would have been rivited on
preparations to attend revival
"feting this evening. His great
me Wuna 1,1 s0,c,al nam am
.'-""'. ioki-
. i. : .: 1 i.
at aU ,,U! Mon,c Car,w IJ,aces a,ul
1 ",J' ,l l" i"iiiii-iitiu: Jia
I 11L,lueiiL umis io rrencii
II...... 1... r...... . I i' i.
Lick, Hot Springs and other
health resorts. He wore out the
machinery, however, and the end
came. His life shows the folly of
going fast, seeing it all and dyin
young as compared with living to
a ripe and honored age with de
lighlful outings to look back up
on such as a trip to the state fail
and the excursion to Niagara
. :o:
No matter what your opinion
may be, the chances are you can
furnish statistic? lo prove il, if
I are uisiioseu io yo aiouiiu
i : l i .. , ,1
making a noise like a tabulated
report. And yet it should be re
membered thai- proof isn't always
convincing, particularly when it
conies in mathematical lorm.
You have heard, frinslance, that
the booze brigade backs the state
ment with a revenue report,
howing facts and figures. After
which the W. C. T. U. and kin-
iireu uniiii organizations seuu
i t ito r i - ,1
their adding machines inlo action
to prove that the reverse is Irue,
and also furnishing figures. Af-
t'i' which, and much more or the
same, ine average man grows
dizzy, ami wonders whilher he is
In an address at the rededica-
I lion of old Independence hall, at
Philadelphia. Saturday. Presi-
dent llson commented upon
llwi .lin'nl'iknnii in lllO I 1 1 ll 1 1 1 1 f
I i hi; iiiiiiiiiii. ill. iii ... -.
atmospheres of Washington ana
Philadelphia and observed lhat
if you think too much about be
ing re-elected, it is very difficult
to be worth re-electing." Which
perhaps, will set a good many to
A'1' deputy labor comniis
sioner has brought suit against
M11' HfH Telephone company al
Broken Bow and suit also against
I m'll-IlMlir IilV for WOIlKMl with
reference to their employment at
uighl. That is the proper capci
If corporations are to neat un
nine-hour law with impunity
let's know the reason why
Here's what the democratic
I) I a I forill said Oil t III subject :
"We oppose the so-called Aldrich
bill, or the establishment or a
11. nl 1:1 1 limik." And thai is why
v. ......
President Wilson is enm i i o-
lo live up Io it. Every democrat
in the senale should sfipport him
m his endeavor.
The dogs are si ill barking ai
the heels of Secretary Bryan.
thev always will.
... .-..i-, -
But Mr. Bryan should remem
her Hie old inaxiiii. lhat "a bark
- - - j
ing dog never bites," and pas
them up. as he has always done
such common curs.
From present indications
Plattsmouth will take on a big
ger building boom next season
than she has even this year or
the year before.
When Robert Louis Stevenson
wrote "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
people Wiought it was a wonder
ful work of the imagination.
Since that time numerous cases
of the sort have turned up. The
most recent is that of William
Baslian. He lived in San Fran
cisco and was reckoned lo be a
responsible citizen with a profil
able jewelry business. His prop
erty investments were numerous
and large. He sent thousands of
dollars lo his old mother in Cer
many, and he lived with his young
sister, whom he provided with
many social and educational ad
vantages. Finally, in al templing;
to rob the house of a citizen, a
pet bull dog drove him info a
corner, and held him until the
daughter of the owner of the
house came to the scene and
telephoned for the police. When
Baslian's residence was searched
plenty of evidence was found of
his operations. He said himself
that his" work was easy. He told
the police: "I have always been
a natural thief, but I never killed
or injured anyone, and I have
never been disturbed while at
work. The people I do business
with believe me to be what I rep
resented myself. absolutely.
ewelers bought my diamonds,
and the mint took my melted gold
without question." lie attended
o his regular business during
the day and at night burglarized
private residences. Usually a
thief is caught when he at tempi s
o realize on his property, but
IJasfian's business as a jeweler
nablcd him to dispose of his
plunder without much chance of
letection. and he says that if he
had used his revolver to shout
the bulldog or the girl he could
have escaped. lie is now in
prison and faces a long sentence
in the penitentiary.
The one central bank idea is
not taken seriously by the great
majority of the people of this
country. They think that it is
imply borrowed from the Bank
of Kngland or of France lo be
incorporated here. While those
janks in the countries slated are
proving all right, it must be re
membered that those countries
are not much larger than a fair
ized state in this country, and
while here we have altogether
liffeient conditions existing.
his is a country of diversified
industries, needing different ap
plications of a principle lo meet
the wants of the business condi
tions that exist so that a regional
bank is required practically for
each division of the country.
There is no question but what
the bankers of New York would
like to have it one bank and they
have that one bank. That is
only the selfish side of the ques
tion. The voters of this country,
however, will never stand for
such a solution of the matter.
John A. Maguire has an
nounced that fie will be a can
didate for re-election to congress
next year. He gave this informa
tion to a Lincoln friend who was
in Washington last week, and he
is already quietly making a cam
paign for renomiiiat ion. More
head is also campaigning for tin.'
nominalioi: and the fight is
... a 1
warming up. II is going n w
lively affair from now on to the
close of the race. Lincoln Her
Halloween Thursday night.
Kveiybody knows what to expect.
iT the police are not active in the
discharge of their dunes. i.ei
Mayor Saltier put them next ami
see that n property is misplaced
.. . . i - . . r
or destroyed, lhe destruction oi
property on Halloween niht is
altogether wrong and entirely out
of dale.
Jim Hill says this country i.
too much in debt, is what s nie
matter with if. Can Jim int ,,(
time in the last fifty years
when it was any other way?