The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1913.
Am .m ai
rm&WJm To have
lit, 's J' IWi'iriiAiim
n ,.- -w xi. x. xa, -ii.
Is like what you warxt
your hair to be
Lustrous, bright and
glossy; soft, silky
and, wavy.
this, use
m if
It's just what its name implies just to
make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more
beautiful just to make it easier to dress, and
more natural to fall easily and gracefully into
the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to
give that delightful fresh and cool effect, and
leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume.
Will not change cr darken the color of the
hair. Contains no oil ; therefore, cannot leave
the hair sticky or stringy.
Very pleasant to use, very easy to apply
s!mply sprinkle a little on ycur hair each timo
before brushing it.
To thoroughly clean your hair and scalp,
lariSiony Shampoo
A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, snoct!: ?tvi beautiful,
an instantaneous rich, foarriing lather, penetrating to every part of the hair
and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only
a few moments.
It leaves no lumps cr cticiincss.
Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness.
Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance.
Doth in odd-shaped ornamental hollies, wilh sprinkler fops.
Harmony Hair Ecsutifier, $i.oo ; Harmony Shampoo, 50c.
Both guaranteed to you, or your money back.
Sold only 1T tbe mora tban 70 OO RexaS Stores The World". Grckteai ErcS'or, rii
mdt in our own bie P-rstn lAS-irMoncs. whero fli the delightful HARMONY. VIOL&1"
DULCE utd BOUQUET JEANICE Pcrfu&sj cnJ Toilet reparations mx mod.
It gives
Sold in this community only at
iM&r s ir.' isisi . ssJa & s b 'ii a fork, it? a a y ad jmmvsSrimsVe
"in in iiirii'imi
u:i htnte!! MA trade mar mwiwi'
yl.i ..,,i:.:'Vj: .:i::1i ;.;i; uL.,.. A:i-!lil!:'l.': :!'.-:,! .1, ,IIHI:,:i:J!?,L'!!:;i!:aiLj:j'ill..:J --ii
Local News
Krom FriUay'B Daliv.
It. C Hailfy i.f uruv Murray,
was in llu fiiy fur a lVw hours t
day allrndin' ! - some Inisiiies
AltMiny C. E. Tt-iTI of Wvp
in lt Walcr was jii Uie city tulay
alt'nJin lo s.tij)M leyal mat
It' is.
Charles Head, A. L. Jtaker ami
Klmvr JlaHslrom niitureil up
from Murray last evening and
spent several hours here, looking
after some items of business.
Mi Nelli Kaufrnann departed
lh alternonn over lhc"Kurliufr
ton for Alliance. Nhra?ka, where
f-lie Till make a visit with friends
for a short time.
Mis. . A. Meisiuper was ;i
isiloj' in Omaha yesterday,
spending I he ilay at Ihe hospital
with Mrs. Fred Nollin. Mrs.
Noll ins i S'-Hins alous nicely
from Ihe ejVeets of Ihe operation
and sickness Ihronvh which siie
has jnst piissed.
Atlrney William Dlesnerjiier.
Ihe emii'enl I'.lmwood attorney,
was in the city today, looking af
ter so'tie matters of business.
Mrs. C. F Hartford, accom
panied by her sne.-ls, Mrs. Ititer
ami Mrs. W. K. Zinda. of,
Iowa, were pasenirs this morn
ins lor Omaha, where they will
visit for I he day.
Hex. ;jnd Mrs. .1. II. Salisbury
of Anhurn. Nebraskn. caine up
thi- mi.rnins from their hone to
attend the funeral of the bite Mr.
Thomas Pollock. Iev. Salisbury
h:ix iuir -charge of (lie services.
John Oroup of Louisville was
in the city yes I ere ay for a few
hours atleiidinir to luiyiness at
the court house and visiting with
his numerous friends.
C. II. Iloedecker of Murray
came uj) this mornins and visited
here for a few hours, looking sif
ter business mailers, returning
home on the 8:53 Missouri l'u-cilic.
Verner K. Perry, Ihe boss
Duroc -Jersey hos rai.-er, is pretty
busy these days prepaiins for his
bis fall sale, which will be held at
his farm on Tuesday, November
1 1 Ih. The mere announcement of
Mr. Perrx's sale is sufficient
suaranlce that, it will be a 'suc
cess, for he has alxvays had the
reputation, even from the lirst, of
oJierins not bins but the ' y l't
blond knoxxn l Ihe Dumc stock,
lliis also beuis "," secret for his
sales beius well attended, and all
stock hrinsius a sood price. The
Journal has just completed Mr.
Perry's catalogue, and while we
are xvillins to admit that we have
not had a sreal deal of experience
is one of the best offerings, thai he
in line hogs, xve do know that this
has ever made. If you are a lover
of the luroc-Jersey swine and in
need of something to enrich and
strengthen the strains of your
herd, we believe that it will be lo
your interest to attend this sale.
Send for a catalogue, and remem
ber the date Tuesday, Novem
ber lith. iV
From Friday's I'aily.
The funeral of the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. .Moore was
held yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the home of the
grandparents of lit lie Raymond
Floy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward,
on Wiulersteeu Hill, and was at
tended by a large number of Ihe
friends of the. family, who all
feel keenly Ihe death of this lova
ble little boy, whose lifetime had
tilled only Ihe space of sex en
months and Ixventy-eiyht days,
ami his death is a xery sever
bloxv to the parents and grand
parenls, and in this, their hour
of grief, I hey xvill receive Ihe
deepest sympathy of the entire
community. The serx ices xvere
conducted by Rev. I. I,. Dunkb.
berser of the Christian church,
who delivered a very touching
sermon of the little one, who had
been called home In hjs maker
before the sorrow and troubles of
the world bail come lo him, and
of the great love thai Ihe Master
had shown for Ihe innocent, babe
in his lifetime on earth. The
choir of the Methodist church,
under the direction of Mrs. K. II.
Wescott. sang very sweetly txxo of
the xxell loved old hymns, whose
melodies fell as balm on Ihe
hearts of the sorrowing relatives
and friends as the form of Jhe
lit lb babe xvas born away to -its
linal resting place in Oak Hill
cemetery. '
Lodge for their kindness and
sympathy shown us durins the
sickness and death of our darlins
baby, Raymond Floy Moore, and
also for the beautiful iloral
51 r. and Mrs. A. F. Moore
and Twin Sister.
Vivian Fern Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. It. 15. Ward and
Mr. Fxerell A. Ward.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sin
cere thanks to our friends and
neighbors and the K. & L. of S.
The Young Men's Itible class of
the. Methodist church has been
very fortunate for the next num
ber on their program of xvinter
lectures, in securing ex-Superin-lendenl
J. W. iambic of Omaha,
who w ill deliver a talk to I lie
young men along the lines, of
managing a business, and the ad
dress xvill be well xvorth hearing.
The lecture xvill be gixen at Ihe
rooms of Ihe young men in the
basement of the church on Mon
day evening, November 3, and a
cordial invitation is extended -lo
the young men of Ihe city lo at
tend and enjoy the lecture, Mr.
(Jamble is secretary and treasurer
ofihe .': National Association of
Sales .Managers and a very able
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Miss Rose Mae Creamer came
in last evening on No. '2 and will
spend Sunday with her parents
On the farm south of this city. Mr.
C. L. Creamer came up from his
home to meet his daughter.
The annual hunt of the JMatts
montli Sporting club look place
on Tuesday last. Agreeable to
custom tile club met on Monday
evening and elected Hon. Sain M.
Chapman as leader of one div ision
and Dr. R. R. Livingston leader of
the rest of the I'lattsiuouth Sala
manders. Hy special permit Mr.
(Sen. Holdrege xvas allowed lo
hunt on Mondax and haxe his
game counted by proper authority.
lie maue 105 points. Pretty good
for a Massachusetts man. Mr.
Vivian, also, being subject to
chills every Tuesday, was allow
ed to hunt on Monday, and re
turned Hot points. Tuesday
morning long before the un even
thought of rising, the valiant sons
of guns assembled to the number
if : Read slow : Chap
man "Hit em Ouick, Dick
Streight, A. Cunningham, Alex
Schlegel, '. M. Harrington, Ld
Ruu'ner, Wiley IJIack. Win. Jones.
. J. Streight, John Christiansen.
U. V. Matthexvs. W. A. Donelan.
llarxey Sage. .Jim. Marlins, Dr.
Livingston "Blaze Axvays," L. 1).
Bennett, Ceo. Holdrege, Jason
Streight, M. B. Cutler, R. Vivian,
W. L. Ilobbs. (it'n. Lex ins. Jim.
Shannon, peter Petersen. Billy,
Neville. Ben Ileinpel. :
Agnexv, (iilbelt Holibs. Ceo. Smith.
Kach couple started out singly
and alone, armed and equipped,
as the law directs, with a pocket
full of crackers and cheese, a
small black bottle, 1 ul. of sail.
Li i i 1 1 a dollar and lifty cents in
curency to hire small boys with,
you know. About noon il com-
menced raining and the boys
commenced s shooting under
cover xve mean: along toxvards
night it began to get dark, and a
good many "hit 'em quicks' cam
staggering in under a heavy pres.
sure of game. As the sun de
clineil to shine ton this part o
the world i more and more, the
"blaze axvavs" commenced to droi
down, one by one, singly and in
airs, and the game dropped in
loo, only not so fast as the hunt-
ers. When they all got good and
wet. and tired and hungry, thex
counted the game and found the
"hit Y;n mucks" (Chapman ' had
i 1 r points, and the "blaze axvay?
(Livingston tallied l..5. It is
only fair to stale that Chapman'.-
men shot, Ihe most game on tin
day of the hunt. Mr. lloldregi
and Mr. Vixian had a clear day !
bunt in. and did exceedingly well
but it was not Tuesday's hunt
Doc. Jones made l'.m points, tin
best tally made on Tuesday
Chapman was heavx- on geese
Doc. Livingston went his length
on ducks. Rabbits and squirrels
had Ihe Held.
They do say Billy Hohbs xxent
coon hunling all day. Uncle
Streight caught his by pulling
line snaps on their toes. Cutler
served a xvril of man dam us on
his game and brought them in on
execution. John Shannon used
Cherry Bounce, and Ben Henipel
Switzer Kase to catch their birds.
AmongsL the "hit Yin quicks"
Lou Cunningham ate- all his
crackers up at home, Alex Schle
gel used up all Ihe salt out at
Louisville, Fred Dorrington threw
stones at his, Bill Jones set Ihe
dog on Iheui and brought them
in, by hound; Hank Streight put
salt on their tails, loo; Matthexvs
sat doxvn and whistled so melodi
ously, birds fell into his trap at
once, ami Parker Wise coaxed his
game in wilh a duplicate tax-li.-d
and future promises. Ceo. Smith
got his by habeas corpus. Alto
gether il xvas a jolly day. and the
titT, sore, and hoarse chaps. xho
gailv hunted Tuesday, xxill set
down to a magnificent supper to
night, judging by the glorious
pile of game that lax in Sam
Chapman's ollice yesterday morn
To be held at farm, one-half mile south of
Piaffsmouth, Hsbr., on
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 1913
Sale begins at I o'clock. Free Lunch at li'ocn.
m iears
In this ofl'ering there xvill he a lioice lot of uood tutT "ld mid
it will contain a lot of richly bred animals with lors of individual merit.
The herd boar used is IVtite Teeiuiiseh and he w ill also lie included in
this offering. Do is a two-year-old sired by Matchless Expansion, out
of a grand-daughter of Miller's Tecumseh. A numltT ot the spritis
pigs are by him. Others are by the good Uiar Futurity Jack, a son of 1
Am UigToo. We have a good spring litter by Guy Trice's Last, out of
a dam by Hig Victor. There will lie some fall stutl sold and this is
sired by Teddy, a son of Hi;- Mischief by Mischief Maker's Best. Thi-
will be'an excellent place to get some good, st retchy spring lioars and
gilts and good, useful fall stulT. If you are interested write for catalog.
Crates will be furnished to all those shipping out.
E3rs. IrasS 1
COL. II. S. DUNCAN, Auclioneer.
M. has kindly agreed lo give the
boys passes lo Omaha and return,
for which he will accept
We are sorry to learn that Miss
Laura Oaxis met with a very
painful accident on Thursday
evening. She xvas canning fruit
xxhen she upset a cup of boiling
beeswax on her hand, scalding il
Stephen Jlobsou. Mt. Pleasant.
sent four very handsome apples
to the B. & M. collections. Win.
Sladelmau furnished some hand
some pears.
A( the meeting of firemen last
Saturday evening an invitation
xvas read from the Omaha lire de
partment, asking the fire hoys of
Matfsmouth to join with them in
their annual parade on the 301 h
inst. The invitation was accept-
d. and about .twenty of our boys
xill go lo Omaha to assist in the
parade. Col. Morse of the B. &
ban McKiiinon. dear Dan, has
returir'd from SaU Lake safe,
sound and hearty wilh lots of
whiskers on his face, lie says he
has gained twenty pounds of
new llesh. hut it is very expensive,
meat costaing about lo a pound.
Ann Kliza inquired of Dan after
the. good people of Cass county
and Brigham sent his regards lo
Judge Haines, Ihe city aulhorilies
and Dr. Miller of the Omaha
Win. Sladleman, e-.j., and Dr.
!co. II. Black, xx ho have just re
turned from Bloominton, Frank
lin, and thai section of the He
publican x alley, bring home
rather cheering reports. Frank
lin is represented as being on its
feet and fair prospects of making
a nice toxvn one of Ihese days,
while in regard to Bioomiuglou
they are enthusiastic. This toxvn
is noxv Ihe county seal and also
the place xx here the F.rS. land
ollice is permanently located. It
has a number of stores, good
hotels, a newspaper, mill, and lots
of good land around il. They re
port the inhabitants as not dis
mayed by grasshopper mania, bul
of cheerful heart and good cour
age and although their county has
been injured severely and Ihe
business of the town somexvhal
crippled, temporarily, there are
no starving or absolutely desti
tute persons, they hope to hold
out. manfully until another crop
and livelier limes sets them on
their feet once more. Hurrah for
Franklin ami Blooininglou and
that's the xvay to talk it.
Try Ihe Journal for stationery.
From Frlday'H laily.
The police xxere .-umnioncil to
the telephone ex bange last even
ing about 11 o'clock by a mes
sage announcing that some parly
xvas Irving to force an entrance
into the building and greatly
alarming- the operator. The polico
failed lo lind anjone there, when
I hey arrived, as the parly had
become alarmed and made hi-
getaway. The person had come
up the outside slairxvay and xns
trying to force uu entrance into
the building xxlmu the nojc at
tracted the attention of the
operator, xho 'summoned ' ' t he
police. n is reported I Ii :i f a
similar attempt was made to gain
an entrance to tin building Wed
nesday night, xvhich was equally
unsuccessful. Whoexer the party
is they should In very careful or
they xvill be carrying Iheiu-elxes
home tilled wilh sho, as the
police instructed the operator to
shoot at xvhoexer il xas through
the door in Ihe future if another
attempt (o gain an entrance is
Old Lady Injured by Fall.
From Friday's Dallv.
Mrs. Lewis Bird met with a
very painful accident Monday
cxening at the I. .1. Mougey
home, northwest of town. In attempting-
to xxalk up the steps she
fell and sustained a fracture of
the right hip, xvhich is of a very
serious nature. ,s she j x:j
years of age the accident win no
doubt cause her man., das of
siill'ering, but if is hoped (hat she
may l ecox er xx it bout aux perman
ent disability, although tin
physicians ate ind. e able to
give assurance of such favorable
results. Union Ledger.
Sell your property through tho
Journal Want Ads.
EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 18th Winter rates to Florida nrul
Gulf Resorts Jacksonville, Palm Beach, Tampa, Key
West, Mobile; New Orleans; slightly higher rates to Flor
ida, one way via Washington, D. C, Also to Florida
one way via New Orleans.
EFFECTIEE NOVEMBER 1st. Winter Tourist rates to
Texas, New Mexico, Cuba, Galveston, Houston. Fort
Worth. San Antonio. Dallas
Third Tuesday.
TO CALIFORNIA the usual Winter Tourist' rates, nine
months' limit. Thrbudh standnrd
TRAIN SERVICE Highest class Burlington throudh
trains to Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis Chimon
WINTER PUBLICATIONS "Low Rate South," "Califor
nia Excursions," Pacific Const Tours,"
"One Way Colonist Ratess,"
VV. C. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent
L W, WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent, Cn2ha, Kebr.