MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1913. PLATTSKIOUTH SECII-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. NOTICE OF DELIN QUENT TAXES On Hral Olate in Can Count-, Xe- braaka, for the Year 1912 aad Prior Vram. Notice Is hereby glveo that I. W; K Fox treasurer of the county of Cass, in the state of Nebraska, will on the first Monday, being- the 3rd day of Novero. ber, 113. as required iy law, com mence selling at the office of the coun ty Treasurer or said county in the city of Plattsmouth. at public anc lion, bo much of the following tracts of lands and town lots as shall be necessary to pay the taxes, together with interests and costs that may have airrufd thereon on that day, being the delinquent taxes for the year 1912 and prior years as appears from the tax lists or said yearn. Said sale will be held between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. m. of said date, and continue from day to day between said hours until all said property, upon which de linquent taxes remain unpaid, shall be cold or ottered tor sale. W. K. FOX. Treasurer Cass County. Nebraska. I'lattsraouth. Nebraska. LAN US. Town hip IO, Kange 1. fee. N-. nw, N w4 . . . . ... 1 . - . - ........... ...... . j KVj ne'j 33 TanuKblp 11, Jtauge Sec. AWj ne'. 3 7 13 Amt K'i se AV ne i N't, se4 SI SW1.. N 100 ft of lot a se1, se'4 ; ii oi tut se" se . . J-t 1 . . . -1 T . 1 ..... 1 I tf V.4 CW-4. ........ TowpKklp 12, Kange 9. Sec. 4 2 33 33 34 34 34 ne'4 w ., Se"4 sw NeU nwH Nw' cU 3 and Lot 1 s -t nw ' ... Lot 10 ne 8WI4 . N ne',4 Sw ' ne'i - Ixt 1 wii se'i... South pt lots 2, 3 w 'i se I.ot li t w seU . AV, set, I .ot 16 aw '4 se .... Sub-lot 1 and 2 of 17 Pfl; It lot 7 se"i nw',4-.-jtt 13 se' nwtj .... i;s se' SW 'i . 14 .. 14 .. 14 . . 14 .. 14 . . IS .. 1C . . 20 . . 20 . . 20 ..' 20 .. :o . . 21 31 31 32 K'i ne Sw JH sw ' Se '4 se V XI- ne1, N1 nw'i Sw i n w U .. ... i . - ToniMkip 1, Kngr lO. Sec. 1 27.75 18.07 34.01 7S.15 30.25 Arat. 26. H 10.70 33.27 34.22 28.53 28.55 10.06 9.45 1.83 Amt. 20.46 24.77 2 2.25 19.10 17.84 .95 2.72 28.42 ll.S6 4.25 2.25 .S3 32.5S 11. SR 60.06 12.05 75.21 J - SW 'i z. w K- 1 . 1 . A Sec. Ne'i 25 SeV 25 Township 1-, Hugr lO Sec. AV'-i swU 6 lot 2 w'j nw' 7 X'". lot 3 wVi nw'i 7 Nw", se'i 7 3 10 11 20 o 23 23 Amt. 3 4.80 13.8D 13.91 31.45 29.93 31-11 30.3 37.63 32.14 Amt 56.61 73. SO Amt 16.85 2.34 1 .92 31.74 5. OS 3.45 16.32 60.37 16.32 2.1 .45 IV nw'., 14 SwU neli 18 Si nw'. nj sw'i 18 lit 22 -s1. nw4 21 Lot 23 Ki nw1, 24 Tonnnbiu lO. ItauMTr 11. Sec Amt. Ixt 25 sw', ne'i 1 1.38 lt 26 se1, nw'i 1 2.66 Lot 28 n4 sei 1 24.87 lt 30 nw 4 se4 1 10.07 At 1 sw',4 fe'4 1 4.14 AA'i nw, 2 53.49 Lot 4 sw, se, 2 44.8 It 12 sw' ne'4 3 23.7 4 1't lot 8 se'.J nw'i 3 4.49 Lot 10 se'i nw',4 3 1.8 8 JO ' . swi,, 3 30.79 A Ci ne'. 2 29.74 KV. sw 35 24.45 SeU 1 5 Tovuhlp 11, Kiacr 11. Sec. SW 1.4 3 Se , 5 Ne'., ne'i S A" V- nw'4 13 v 1 11 Nw'i 14 AV of sub lot 2 of lot 9 sw'., ne'i 13 Lot 3 ne'i se'4 15 Lot 4 ne', se'i 15 Ixt 5 ne1,, se'i 13 Lots H and 12 se'i se',,... 15 KU sw. j 23 29 AV h-. w'4 ne1,, . . . r. I J V -,4 :f Nw '4 sw ',i 33 Townaliln 12. II n H trr- 11. Kan . . 1 " v, 12 .. 12 Lot 1 i.oi i nw K'i lot 12 ne1,, sw'i Lots 4 and 11 sw',4 sw . . 12 It 15 to 18 se'4 sw1,.... 12 NeV, nwVi 13 Iots 8 and 9 nwl, nw ', 13 Lot 1 se'i nw'4 1" Iot 4 15 uis iu ani io 1.' Iots 6. 7. 9 and 10 20 lot 11 sw'i nw'i 22 Lot 35 sw', nwi, 22 Ne", nw' 23 Lot 1 w' sw', 36 Tnnuhip lit, llaacr 12. Sec. Sij sw", Si 2S K se', 27 K ne' 3 4 Lot 5 nw', n"'i 31 Lot 6 sw', tied 34 Ne4 se' 34 Lot 7 nw'i se U 34 Ne'i Xe n'i . Sec. 1 1 13 . 1 i:S ne', - 2 TonaaklB IS. Hanse IS. Sec. 1 jt 16 fw'i nw', 5 ljot 13 nw', swV, 5 TanRnlIp i:t, Kanice 12. s.- lot 6 Sec. 25 28 Amt 4S.71 55.64 14.52 35.96 60.17 65.7 5.74 15.32 4.19 1 .60 13.92 33.46 12.21 30. 69 47.57 Amt. 14.95 9.42 3.87 7.55 15.95 20.15 20.15 5. 45 R.07 R.24 17.84 .73 "..4 5 3.61 13.85 8.99 Amt 37. 4 36.12 31 .80 35.69 8.26 21.41 4.93 23.88 8.36 23.75 44.88 5.49 4.70 14 .39 23.38 26.53 55.26 23. "6 20.04 3.72 3.72 6.37 3.28 24.93 1 1 . 56 16.16 Amt. 66 . 2 15.;9 38.06 Amt. .52 .61 Amt. 14.67 47.50 Tmvtnnhlp lu. Hanice IX , Sec. Amt. XU nw'i 5 31.44 lit 7 sw'H nw'i 7 '12.80 AVV, se w M I K i: 14 1.46 11 25 sw, . 18 15.74 1 t 13 nwi sf.,A 18 '15.71 lxt 4 ne'i ne' 19 4.28 11 13 neu ne'i 19 11.48 1-ot 7 ne1, neV. 19 1.52 lxt 9 nw'i ne'i 19 21.18 Lot 3 nw',, ne', 19 .97 lxt 6 ne1, ne1, 19 6.41 l-t 4 ne', nw' 23 5.89 NwV sw'h -J4 21.92 lxt 22 ne'4 nw'4 26 .95 SwV, swV, l'6 26.40 A', ne', ::l 13.60 AV se1,, :ji ! 13 ;.ot 4 sw', tie' . 34 1L62 lHt 13 sei,, sw'4 34 12.60 Pw'4 so' ;!r 25.06 Tonnnbip in. Itance 14. xa Tie 5 17.25 Lot 10 swU ne1, 3.05 Lot IS wV 15.34 Vj BW14 8 22. Lot 1 neVi nw4 ..... 28 Sw4 se'i 2S Nw'4 seVi 30 Sw'i sw4 s4 nwVi sw4 32 Lot 2 sw'i se4 32 Lot 4 nwi nw Vi 33 Lot 1 34 - TowBMhip 11, Ha age 13. Sec. Se'4 and sw4 7 Se . . : 8 NW. 9 Nfc nw',4 18 Lots 4, 22. 28 neVi nw', 33 Lot 18 nw',4 nw 23 Lot 27 nw',4 nw1, 33 Lot 23 sw'i nw',4. lot 2t se'i nwl 23 Lot 7 ne'i nw'4 2 4 Lot 9 ne'i nw'4 24 Lot 2 seVi nw'i. lot 11 nwii 2 4 AV nw 28 Lot 1 ne4 ne'4 23 Lot 11 seVi nw'i 32 SVi swVi 82 Towuahlp 11. It a axe 14. Sec. SeU ne'i Lots 4 and 6 eU sw'4 Lot 5 se',, sw se h se W Lot 10 ne ne'i Lot 2 se'4 nwU Lot 1 nw'4 sei Lot 22 se'i ne'i Lots 8 and 13 ne'4 nwVi ... 28 7 9 16 18 19 20 20 21 Lots 14 and 15 se'i nwVt . 28 Lot 12 nw'4 sw'4 28 Lot 11 sw1, sw'4 se'4 sw', 28 swi4 31 Lot 7 swi sw'i 31 Township 12, It a ace 13. Sec. A''4 ne1, 5 Nli nw'i 4 se',, AVIOa s1. mvU Ki iot 8 all 9 ne',, se'.. 11 se ' se Lot 4 ne Vi neU Lot 43 sw 4 se1,, . . S1 swU Sw ' se 4 SVa sw'i Tow dm alp 12, Range 14. Sec. It 13j seVi sei Lot 8 Lot 21 Lot 23 9 , .. 10 11 14 .. 24 .. 25 . . -5 ,. 31 19 20 20 . 20 Lot 40 20 Lot 42 20 Lot 1 nw1, ne'i 29 Lot 8 ne'i 29 Lot 48 se'i 29 Lot 1 ne', ne',, 30 AV nw'i 31 X twi, 31 Lot 16 nei nefi 32 Lot 7 nw1,! ne'i , 32 Lots 22 and 23 33 VILL.IGK OK KI)K ( HKBK. 53.13 166.84 20.38 16.47 2.47 3.78 88.21 Amt. 150.31 73.28 57.67 36.11 10.55 9.63 2.33 5.07 8.11 12.00 10.58 35.50 .63 1.67 30.79 Amt. 10.78 12.54 5.86 9.60 7.57 3.61 1.37 .79 5.00 17.84 1.67 10.78 19.47 4.45 Amt. 21.88 4.33 27.24 3.72 13.77 22.90 30.79 4.90 33.76 22.42 22.88 Amt. .67 2.98 3.03 3.75 .93 9.24 1 .08 1 .08 7.44 i 37!24 31.36 1 .08 2.69 3.14 Lots 1 8 and 9 .1 7 to'l2".'.".'! 5 and 6 . . . . 7 to 12 1 1 .. Lots 3 '. '. 4 . . 131 k. Amt. 2 2.70 2 .7a 2 2.37 2 4.00 4 .85 4 1.52 5 8 . 56 5 3.35 6 2.86 -. 6 .26 6 1.55 7 8.81 VIl.l.Ain: K JH.M.KV. Blk. Amt. 1 11 and 12 23 and 26 VI LLAC.K OK Ml HHtl. Lots Blk. 5 and 9 3 9 to 11 4 Ijlti'a Kirat Addition. 20 and 21 7 2 12 village: ok mv.mhii. Lots Blk. 6 to 8 l-onsc') Klrat Addition. 20 and 21 Ida A. Lone Addition. I and 2 "vii.LAGK OK '.AEHAwiiA. Lots Blk. Vz'l and all 1 5 8 5 3 and north 2-3 of 4 S , II and 12 8 KVi 10 N 60 ft 11 s 60 ft and all 12 19 23 and 24 5 and 1 and 2 1 ' 54 ft 1 to 3 4 N Vx 5 1 to 6 1 VII.LAliU OK AVAUAMI. 9 9 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 1 4 15 .. 16 Lots 1 1 to " .". 1 2 I and " 2 '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. II to 13 y, of 6 K. of 6 9 10 Ki 22 23 and 24 1 to 6 13 to 15 .. Blk. A A C 2 S 8 X 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 10 . 10 Horton Addltloa. 1 anfl : 6 VILLACiK OK ROCK BI.ITF. Lots . All t to 12 1 2 11 Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y '. 12 1 to 12 1 and 3 to 12 2 and 13 to 16. . . 13 and 14 10 5 and 6 I to 10 1 to 10 1 and 2 1 to 8 1 to l'oY.Y.Y.Y.Y." 1 and 2 3 and 4 S to 10 1 and 2 3 and 4 6 and 7 8 9 10 1 and 2 3 to k 2 to 7 3 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 12 1 to 12 1 to 3 1 to 6 1 to 12 I to 12 1 and 2. . . . Blk. 1 K 2 K 2 A" 2 W 2 AV 2 AA" 3. AA- 1 N 1 N 1 S 4 S 13 S ...IN IK ...IN .IK ...IN 4 K . . . 2 N 3 K . . . 3 N 4 K ..IN 1 AA" ..IN 2 AA ..IN 2 AA" ..IN 2 AV IN 3 AA IN 3 AV IN 3 AV IN 3 AV IN 3 A" IN 3 AV IN 3 AA 2 N 3 AV 2 N 3 AA" 3 N S AA" IS 5 AA" 1 S AA .IS a AA' .IS 5 AA IS 6 AA 2 S 5 AA" .4 S AV . .1 S 2 K ...IS 3 K 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 11 and 12 1 to 38 1 to 10... . S 2 H 2 S 2 K 2 S 2 K 2 S 2 VI 2 S 2 K H S 2 K . . . 4 S K . . 9 S IK . 4 , .29 .29 .20 .65 .48 .29 2.52 Amt. 4 .66 2.84 2.10 1.01 Amt 6.86 1 .97 1.4 Amt 80 .1 1.26 7.09 8.64 .68 31 .83 1 .26 14.80 7.06 50.10 7.50 7.S 46.3 7.44 15.61 24.96 Amt 1.23 .16 4.00 3.46 11.80 1 37.07 11.55 1.97 1.97 .13 2.69 2.60 .21 1.S5 Amt 2.32 .31 .13 .62 .16 .16 4.51 .31 .83 .16 .40 10.68 .24 .60 1 .18 .61 2.03 .16 .20 .16 .16 .13 .16 .13 I! .13 .16 .24 1.31 .16 .13 .16 .16 1.22 1 .03 2.0:! .54 .16 .13 .13 .13 .13 .16 .16 1.0 11 7.1 11 69.97 Ol T MT TO HLTTMOI TH. Ta-nrnablp 12, Range 14. Sec. Amt S 63 ft lot 11 7 7.07 Lots 53 and 54 ne'i swU.. 7 285. 7.0 Lot 7 w4 sw 7 12.7a TvwBKhlp 12 if a nice . Sec. Amt. Lot 71 se'i sw'i 12 TxHs 63, 64 and 77 se', sw'i 1 t 58 ne'i se", 12 ljt 51 se1 se1'. 12 K pt lot 53 seU se 12 AA" pt lot 53 KeM seVi..... - 12 AV14 lot 13 nwU ne"i 24 Lot 40 neVi seU 24 lot 45 ne'i sVt 24 Lot 46 se'i ne'i 24 Sub lot 1 of lot 46 seU ne'i 24 ii.US Tvntp 12, Ranne 14. Sec. Amt. lrft 6 s4 8WU 18 8.76 Lot 13 hU, sw'i 18 393.00 Lot 24 s'4 sw' 18 175.9 19.. 25.35 1 .94 12-21 1.16 .RS 2.13 16. CI 24.72 14.69 Lot 100 nt of lots 27 and 28 sA swU is 16.62 Lot 30 s swVi 18 21.26 Lot 79 AA w4 18 12.26 Lot SO bV. swU... 18 7.35 Lot 84 s swU IS 7.35 Lot 93 S y 8WU 18 17.18 Lot 94 s4 nwU 18 7.85 Lot 97 s, sw'i 18 2.37 S 68 ft lot 11 nw'i nw'i.. 19 9.87 22x208 ttft nwu nw'i s of. lot 11 (lot 142) 19 3.67 Lot 138 swU nwU 19 27.2 Lot 111 sw', nw', 19 14.09 Lot II' WW nwV2 19 ! CITV'OK PLATTSMOITH. Lots Blk. Amt. 1 to 6 2 87.04 8 3 15.53 5 and 6 5 14.53 12 '. ; 5 11.71 10 6 19.4 6 7 13.6 7. 8 and 9 7 19.42 8 9 45.31 9 w 10 9 132.44 9 10 Shi 11 and 12 11 77.33 12 12 39.91 4. 5 and 6 13 34.87 2 and 3 19 24 3 20 34.8 10. 11 and 12 20 191.2 2 21 8.13 3 21 15.55 5 and 6 21 169. 8JJ 5 22 7.8 6 22 13.01 9 and 10 n4 11 and 12 22 35.93 4 23 10.61 5 23 10.51 6 23 8.78 7 23 1.65 5 and 6 26 19.4 N 50 ft 1 and 2 27 152.36 4 27 184.1 AA" 'A 10 30 38.74 80x140 ft bet blks 32 and 47 on I'earl st 56.0 AV21 2-3 ft 4 33 48.40 K21V6 It 1 34 87.01 6 36 32.94 3 eVi 4 37 11.69 6 38 21.35 4. 5 and 6 40 32.89 12 40 31.97 2 41 17.48 7 and 8 41 31.01 10 42 7.8 11 42 2.99 1 45 3.96 N 40 ft 4 46 18.87 11 47 17.49 Pt 1 48 9.84 4 and 5 48 418.35 13 48 11.69 Pt 9 49 4.59 5 50 7.83 7 and 8 52 31.01 9 and 10 52 15.5 7 55 3.35 8 55 2.7 9 55 1.18 9 58 15. AA' 2 and 3 '53 34.87 61 21.34 7 61 12.2 8 61 11.5 HA 7 62 9. 76 8 62 3.18 3 65 11.79 3 and 6 73 20.51 4. 5 and 6 73 12.33 1 to 6 82 19.42 11 and 12 84 19.4 7 86 9.76 8 86 2.03 1. 2 and 3 88 23.66 4. 5 and 88 63.06 7. 8 and 9 88 33.35 1. 2 and 3 89 6.98 7. 8. 9 and 10 89 26.77 All 90 7.82 11 93 9.27 12 93 11.69 7 94 23.29 9 95 13.07 10 95 8.83 9 to 12 96 50.33 Lot 10 and w 4 ft 11 97 3.96 K 40 ft 11 and all 12 97 28.11 9 and 10 98 38.74 9 Ill 19. 9:1 10 Ill lt.49 11 Ill 1.0i 12 Ill 15.55 1 and 2 122 96 10 122 7.41 11 and 12 122 91.30 4 123 4.1" 9 138 S.77 10 138 12.2 12 13S 18.45 8 to 11 151 17.49 5 164 74.15 12 165 13.96 1 166 20.36 7 166 566.28 R 166 16.63 K'i 1 and 2 172 127.51 5 172 19.42 12 172 19.42 8 to 12 173 31.47 13 and 14 173 25.21 2 221 12.30 7 and 8 221 16.19 1 22 5 1.06 2 223 1.06 3 223 1.06 5 22 4 5.51 7- 224 4.6." L'nd ',2 8 224 .74 Mlrkeln alt's Addition Lots Blk. Amt 2 1 120.55 3 and 4 1 2.03 1 to S 3 4.41 1 to 4 4 2.42 Tonrasend Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. 1 1 9.84 2 1 9.84 1 and 2 4 1.06 1 and 2 5 4.13 3 and 4 5 4.15 7 to 10 5 19.42 1 and 2 6 4.15 3 and 4 6 19.95 5 and 6 6 4.13 1 8 195.43 1. 2 and 3 12 18.47 I and 2 13 " 12.45 8 13 7.76 AVhlte Addition. Lots Blk. Amt 1 and 2 1 7.35 N'A 1 and 2 4 9 SV3 1 and 2 N 0 ft 3 S 70 ft 3 1 to 4 1 and 2 1 to 3 Smith Addition. Lots Blk. Amt SA 44 and all 43 to 47 12.17 Imik nnd Ilnyea Addition. Lots Blk. Amt 2 17 2.03 3 and 4 17 2.03 1 and 2 18 8.79 5 and C 18 2.52 7 IS 11.69 8 18 1.26 1 to 4 20 17.49 1 and 2 22 2.03 7 anil 8 22 17.49 3 and 4.... 23 15.06 7 and 8 24 9.76 4. 5 and 6 26 19.42 2 28 9.76 7 and 8 28 15.55 SVi 1 and 2 29 11.69 1 and 2 30 19.42 5 33 - 13.62 7 and 8 39 37.79 1 and 2 40 19.48 1 41 15.55 1 to 8 44 105.08 3 and 6 45 282.5 7 and 8 45 31.01 1 and 2 47 17.49 1 48 11.69 Orehard Hill Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. 3 4 3.35 4 4 .68 3 4 .68 8 and 9 4 1.26 10 4 1.70 Kxcept I! AV 11 to 16 4 3.58 21 and 22 4 1.26 33 4 4.77 24 and 25 4 1.24 26 and 27 4 10.69 L'8 , 4 4.62 29 4 .68 36 4 .68 31 4 11.00 32 4 .62 All . 5 .4.06 All 6 3.09 1 and 2 7 .68 7 1.39 6. 7 and 8 7 9.38 ..- 7 4.31 10 and 11 7 .84 1 8 2.76 , 8 2.76 3 8 5.44 - Hasea Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. 1 to 2 13.51 8 2 3.75 Vallerr riare Addition. Lots ' Blk. Amt. 24 to 28 10 2.17 11 .58 13 .38 13 to 20 . . 18 11.11 4 9.76 4 1.56 4 1 .06 6 5.16 7 9.31 8 5S.06 19 . 3 1 to 26. 4 Duke Addition. . 10 and 11 3 1. 2 and 3 7 4 se 2-3 of 6 7 10, 11 and 12 ; 7 1 8 4. 23. 3 and 4 1 C 7 to 10... .. 8 and 9 10 and 11... SeVi 12 .... 1 to 4 8 and 4 14 4, 5 and 6. . . 1 to 12 1 and 2 Lots Clark Addition. 8 8 11 11 11 11 12 13 19 20 20 22 29 32 Blk. 12.28 2.99 1.45 17.96 5.41 16.10 5.30 8. H9 .86 19 64 8 12, Lots 1 .. .. 13 and 14. Kin-hie Addition. ,3 3 Blk. 1 . 9. 3L 13. U . 9. 25. 10. 03 01 04 41 76 21 32 Addition. Blk. 1 3 and N 36 85-100 ft Thompson Lots 14 SVi lot of 4 S 4 f t 4 and ne 5 to 7 Sw',4 5 to 7 8, 9 and 10 2 and 3 and and 7... to 14... 11. , to to 3 13 and 3 and 10 to 3 to 6 21 to 1 to . 9 .i 13.. Vi 13 .. 18 19 to 24 14. 4. . 13. . . and 26... 18. . . Mile, Addition. 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 ilk. 1 1 1 1 Amt 13.63 Amt 6.11 7.82 61.90 11.19 5.04 16.03 1.06 72.39 2.52 13.62 2.03 1.45 10.96 10.7: 8.22 123.28 721.12 2.42 4 .01 69.04 69.01 81 .64 13.62 Lots 2 and 3. 4 5 s V3 6 . NU 6... Donelaa Addition. 16 2 17 and IS 2 1. 2 and 3 3 Ktadelmanu Addition. 10 and 11 pt 12 1 6 and 7 2 18 2 C 42 ft lot 19. 20 and 21... 2 1 to 8 n pt 18 4 Kltstrerald Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. 10. 15. 11.69 13.62 15 . 55 13. 17. 8. 12. 23. 3 Knrenberner Lots 1, 2 and 3. or I'lraoant llill I'almrr Addition. Blk. 1 Amt. l.r.s 1.55 Iddilion Amt. C.84 Lots Blk. Amt. S' 1 5 7.8 2 7 to 10 2 7.4 2 11 and 12 2 6.66 6 3 63.25 1 to S 7 9.76 1 to 6 8 7.63 1 and 2 9 . 4 to 9 10 5.99 Slrrilnelpirr Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. outh Park Addition. 11.69 K.30 11.69 Lots Blk. Amt. 1. 2 and 3 3 1 .56 1 4 9.96 1 to 4 S fi.53 12 and 13 8 5.79 14 8 .58 13 S .57 16 8 29.75 1 arrt ii 9 12.65 r? and 4 9 12.65 9 and 10 9 12.65 15 and 16 9 13.62 1 to 4 K 10 25.21 9 and 10 10 3.43 13 and 14 10 2.17 15 and 16 10 23.21 12 to 14 11 21.45 3 and 4 19 6.74 5 19 3.56 19 3.56 1 , 22 13.14 6 22 5.89 7 22 1.56 1 to 4 23 7.01 10 23 3.61 11 and 12 : ". 23 1.06 1. 2 and 3 24 9.67 1. 2 and 3 25 10.11 7 and 8 25 6.96 10, 11 and 12 25 9.91 1. 2 and 3 26 1.94 4. 5 and 6 26 9.9 4 7 .' 27 3.13 10 27 3.13 1 and 2 28 6.77 3 28 2.9 4 4. 5 and 28 9.84 10. 11 and 12 28 9.8! 11 and 12 33 5.36 1 to 4 34 3.96 AI,e Addition. Lots Blk. Amt. 36 to 39 53 60 and 61 Porter Place Lots 8 and sub lot 3 of 9.. Sub lot 1 of 14 Addition. Blk. Addltiou. 13.62 6.86 11.69 Amt. 14.59 1 .54 17.48 O'Aell Lots 1 and 2 1 and 2 7 to 12 1 and 6 iMnhella Lots 1 to 16 OCT LOTH TO AVKK.PI WATER Township IO, Rautve 11. Sec. nw U ne'4 2 OK AVEEPI.i WATER. Blk. Terra ee Blk. 1 . . . 9 . . . 10 Addition. Blk. Pt lot 19 CITV Lots 4 and Amt. 2.17 5.63 5.89 10. 22 1.06 Amt. 4.51 Amt. 18.18 8. anil and and A 5 and 4 . . . NV, 1 and and 4 n Vi 5 and 6. . 8 and 2. o 8 '. '. '. and 6. . Sub lot 3 and sub lot 4 of 3 and 4 . 30x40 nw pt 5... 28x44 5 AA' V, 7 AVU 6 S',4 of 4 of 10 NMt of " of 11 ' S-l or ! a 3 eU 1 A" 1-3 2 e 1-3 3 and 2 AA'1 11 and 12 14 34 36 36 36 36 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 .48 49 50 50 62 63 64 Amt. 3.85 4.91 31 .79 2.60 36.27 25.81 5.26 5.88 10.99 10.43 1 .39 and 6 . . . . to 11 and 7 and 8 s 66 ft 12. 11 and 12 and 2 Pt 3 all 4 Klemlnic nnd Itaee Lots and 4 to 12 to 4 64 . . . 61 . .. 64 . . . 64 . . . 66 . . . 67 . . . 67 . . . 6S . . . 69 . . . 71 . . . 72 . . . 73 ... 74 ... 74 . .. 75 . . . 81 . . . 88 . . . 88 . . . 99 . . . 102 . . .102 Addition. Blk. . . . 1 . . . 1 8 33 9 54 71 29 106.33 9.78 4.93 3.49 .41 2.46 16.16 7.84 11.62 4. SI 267.75 72.32 11.72 10.41 34.97 1.71 C 1-3 3 V 1-3 3 N 22 ft 2 N pt 8 and 9 ( 'a rt rr Iots NVi 1 1 and 2 4 8 4 and 5 Krl Lots 67 ft 1 to 4 NA 1 and 2 NVi 3 and 4 S 3 and 4 and 6 3 3 8 11 Addition. Blk. 1 1 5 7 7 7 15 Addition. Blk. 1 4 10 10 10 10 11 13 IS 33 16 1 13.01 111 .29 23 .34 1 .07 11.72 Amt. '.'.is 13.01 2.8 4 IS. 58 19.30 32.97 6.65 3.33 43.84 69.25 Amt. 4.95 Lots 10 16 Lots 1 to 10. All .. Park Place Addition. Blk. Cha,e Addition. Blk. 2. 111.04 Amt 3.04 3.0 3.01 37 Amt 1.73 Amt 4 5 14 Rector Addition 6 7, 4.95 4 3.0S 4 4.00 4 4.00 Lots 1 and 5. to 14 . to 8. . Clark Addition. B'k. 1 1 to 9. and 11. Treat Addltiou. 3 3 Blk. AoMe HrltthtM AA'.- 12... Walnut Hill Addition. Blk. 8 Addition. Lots 3 . . Lots L pt All VILLAGE OK LOLISV1LLE. Lots IS 27 to 30 31 to 40 73 and 7 4 7i and 77 87. 8S and 89 99. 100 and 101 129 13C to 13S 141 and U2 164 So 1x60 ft ISO all 181 1S2 1 190 213 261 A" pt 291 and 292 N 37 ft 291 310 324 Amt 3.54 - 4.84 5.26 .87 1 8 11 Amt .8 Amt .17 5.25 Amt 7.18 3. 7.97 24.8" 2.47 9 . 2.4 6 14 16, 17. 12.10 4.0 39.47 19.00 3.25 39.47 to 226 3:: 3 339 310 341 351 to 353 Pt 354 all 423 to 427 E pt 4 52 and 4t7 and 468 478 and 4S . and 491 .84 .76 .76 76 except II li. . . 355 and 356 . . . 453 all 451. 1 4 4 4 3.91 1 .25 4.61 4 4 .61 .61 .45 .61 .10 .78 4.5 4-rt 507 519 574 610 618 619 620 62S 6; 0 63 1 6." 5 67 2 673 710 712 715 727 7.10 71 7S7 7S9 Lot Lot Lots E -i 7 N f2 " 7 and 1 . .. 1 and 3 and EVs 3 1 and to 519 ex to 576 . . to 612 and and to to 621 . . 629. . 6:::' '. '. '. 657 .. . 24 11 19 1.67 8.1 15.8." 19.00 2.07 3.2? 2.46 5.61 4.0 1 -7 18. '21 1 .67 .88 5.61 2.46 1.86 to 675 2.46 to 702 2.46 to 711 11.37 and 28 I.61 to 732 15.52 to 783 1.96 to 7-s 7.97 to 793 19.09 OIT LOTS TO SOI TH HEAD. Township 12 linnee 10. Sec. Amt 9 13 1.40 20 13 .58 A I I.I. A f K OK SOI TH REM). Blk. Amt . . . 5 1 . 20 10 .75 8 12 1.88 ; , 15 .17 2 15 1. 4 16 4.00 IS 1.43 2 19 .16 19 1.07 f.KEEA AYOOI1 V ILL Ad Its 13 14 e lit 15. . . 201 and 202. 203 201 23 3 249 V .E. 270 291 24 4 374 .:s9 418 423 136 r5:: 557 576 and 203 to 237.. and 250 4 4 ft 7 in Amt 10.21 66.22 6.0S 4 to 252. 265 to !6. s1 : and to 3' 113 to 422... to 429 to 4 41... and 55 4 . . to mi WEST ilt EIi WOOII. Lots 28 and 29 31 3 and 6 10 12 15. 11 . 1 . 40. 4. 9. 82. 6. 6 . i5; 1. 15. 1.28 S7 16 90 90 01 54 88 6 97 0 67 96 70 J one Addition. Lots N pt 7 9 10 17 and IS 31 34 K Idem Addition. Lets Blk. 1 and 2 6 and 6 6 1 to 9 8 3 and 4 9 12 9 HIT LOTS TO KM. I.E. Towiixhin IO. It autre II. Lots ne'i se'i... seV se'4 1 of lot 30 sw'i 1 and 2 of 12 se'i 1. .. to 12 to Pt lot 60 21 nw". IS sw'i Sub lot se'i Sub lots se 'i VILLAGE OK Lots 1 and and sVj :i and 2. S 25 ft 1 6 and 7 Pt 1 SVj 3 4 - 17 and IS 1 3 12 15 13 16 OCT LOTS TO Township in. Lots 10 ne'i se 'i 10 and 11 sw'i nw'i Sec. 20 20 20 : igi.e. Blk. . . . 5 . .. 10 . . . 11 . . . 13 . . . 14 . . . II . . . 16 . . . 19 . . . 19 . . . 19 . . . 20 A I I.LAI. E Lots N 175 ft blk to II it n d 2 11 and 12 13 an.l 14 12 and 13 4K 23 23 26 26 KI.AIAYOOfl. HauKC 10. Sec. 9 15 ELWAAOOIJ. Blk. Amt 6.0s 8.47 9.67 Amt. .96 9.51 1 .00 2.49 3 .69 1 .29 Amt. 7.39 6.41 1.87 11.0 .67 Amt. .59 7.20 11.94 5.44 11.91 Amt. 8.98 5.6 10.2 4.01 5.63 2 . 56 2.33 .82 1 . 8. 98 5.71 1.S4 13.64 7.10 R.7- 20.91 nnd KVj 1 7. . Amt. 6.55 1 4 . 30 7.62 6. 23 2.94 .84 10. All AA" pt 10 all 12 to II 1 and 2 13 a nd 11... 11 . 1 v2 7 8 . . 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 . 13 . . . . 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 21 21 21 23 23 . . . 25 28 . '- 30 . 33 Rivett Addition. Lots Blk. 13 and 14 35 Ferguson Lots 5 2". ft 6 all 7 1 and 2 6 and 7 . . . . . Amt 118.43 4.08 Amt. 7.14 74 00 96 77 22 96 00 70 55 60 07 40 AV 2 V 37 ft 1... S '4 4 s4 r, S'i 7 5 to 1 , 8 13 and 14. . S'i of 5 ni. 13 14 3 and 4 12 and 13.. 1 to 3 4 , . : 12 and 14 .. 6. . 17 19 13 5 15 13 19 12 9 31 12. " ."f 15 37. IS. 24. 29. 9 . "2 is! 36. 30. 14. 23. 32. 7. 2 20 '. 19. 8. 11. 15. 5. Addition. Blk. 1 3 3 Amt. 5.76 Amt. 1 2 . 70 21 .52 12.99 1 4 1 and 2 9 7 and 8 9 C 1-3 5 ; 12 A" 1-3 6 12 E 1-3 7 1J AV 1-3 7 13 K 2-3 8 13 AV 1-3 3 19 8 and 9 21 10 21 Carter Addition. Lots Blk. 1 and 2 6 13 to 16 9 1 11 OI T LOTS TO CMOV. Towa,hlp 10, llanjce 13. Lots Sec. 33 sw'i se'i 23 1't lot 4 ne'i nw'i 23 VILLAGE OK I'.MOV. Lots Blk. 9 3 Lynn Addition. Lots Blk. 14 and 13 5 11 and 15 6 16 6 13 and 14 9 1 ami 2 11 3 11 Cnd 3-4 4.... 11 Cnd U 4 A. 11 SOITH l.MO. Lots Blk. 9 and 10 2 llauuinK'a Addition. Lots Blk. 7 2 A1LAGE OK MlltIMM K. Lots Blk. 8 to 10 18 VILLOGE OK A LAO. Lots Blk. 17 and 18 1 8 2 13 2 15 2 17 4 14 5 MutiKrr'H 1'lrM Addition. Lots Blk. 5 34 ft lot 2 all 3 3 3 and 4 4 6 5 2.55 9.11 .50 .37 4.63 5.1S .01 8 1 69 Amt. 6.10 4.74 10.32 Amt. 8.94 13.27 Amt. 7.81 Amt. 16.56 10.90 7.::o 9. 36 8.3 3 8.13 19.15 3.97 Amt. 47.43 Amt. 11.52 Amt. .66 Amt. 15.63 8.29 5.11 3.6.1 S.83 7.90 Amt. 16. 4S 15.95 0.93 NOTICE TO CRKDITOR1. In the County Court la nml for Caaa Cnaa Coaaty, A-ebranka. In He Estate of Orln P. Monroe, t'e teased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified tit hear ings will be had -itf-n all claims apainst the above estat" at the oltic of the County Judite, Court Iloiife. Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebiak;i. on the 21st dav of October. A. I). 1.11:1. nnd on the 21st day of April. A. 1 1V14, at tert o'clock a. in., on eacli of said da vs. You are further notified that all claims not filed bv said honr on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. (sByuthe Court. County Judge. KAAVLS & nOBEP.TSON. Attorneys. Women Who Get Dizzy- Every Avoniau who is -troubled with 131111111?: and dizzy spells, baekache, headache, Aveakness, debility, constipation or kidney troubles should use Electric Bit ters. They give relief Avhen noth ing: else will, improve the health, adding: strength and vigor from the first dose. Mrs. Laura (iaines, of Avoca, La., says: "Four doc tors had given me up and my children and all my friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Hitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." Just try' them. 50c and i.00, at all druggists or by mail. II. E. Huck len & Co., -1'iiiladelnhia or St. Louis. Public Sale! I Avill sell at public auction at my home, three-quarters of a mile north of the M. P. depot in Plattsmouth, all property listed below. I am moving to Colorado and every article offered - will positively be sold to the highest bidder. So by-bids. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913. Sale Starts at 1 O'clock P. M. 1 Coach colt, 3 years old. 1 Coach colt, 2 years old. 1 Jersey cow, fresh, 7 years old. 1 Jersey heifer, 3 years old. 2 yearling heifers. 1 Jersey heifer, 7 months old 1 heifer calf, 2 months old. 2 dozen Plymouth Rock chick- ens. 5 stands of bees. Several tons alfalfa hay. , 1 wagon. 1 McCormick moA-ver." 1 hay rack. 1 hay rake. 1 stirring plow. 1 three-section harroAA. 1 log chain. 1 Avheel-garden hoe. i steel tank. 1 Avater separator for milk. One kitchen cabinet. One cupboard. One lounge. Tavo Axminster rugs. One commode. One bed and springs. Six dining chairs. One rocker. Dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under cash; on sums over that amount a credit of 10 months time will be given on good bankable paper bearing 8 per cent interest from date of sale. No property to be removed until settled for. CHRIS ISKE. George O. Dovey, Clerk. Amosc Iske, Auctioneer. .OTICK TO Cltl-'IHTOIt. In the County Court In and for Can t'aaM County, euraka. In He Kstate of Julius t 1'agot. Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that hear ings upon all claims against tlm above estate will be had at the ofln of the County Judtre. Court House, Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, on the 21st dav of October, A. I. IH.. and on the 21st day of April. A. 1 . 1914. at ten o'clock on each of i-aid da vs. You are further notified that ail Claims not filed by said hour on said last day of hearing will bu fureer barred. By the Court. , (Seal). ALLEN J. BI'KSON. County Judge II AWLS & nOBKHTSON, Attorneys. NOTICK TO CltKOITOim. In the County ourt In and for Caaa Caaa Count), .Ntlimnkn. In Be Kstate of Helilali Schwab, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: A'ou are hereby notified that hesr inK uiMin all claims ajrainst t'1" above estate will be had at the oflice of the County Judsre. Court llous-, Plattsmouth, Cass Cotintv, Nebraska, on the 21st day of October. A. 1. 1913. and on the 21st day of April. A. I . 1914, at ten o'clock a. m., on each of said days. You are further notified that . nil claims not filed bv said hour on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. Bv the Court. (Seal). ALLKN .T. P.KKSON. County Judge. RAAVI.S & IIOBEIITSON, Attorneys. Avoid Sedative Cought Medicines If you Avant to contribute di rectly to the occurrence of capillary bronchitis and pneu monia, use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An ex pectorant like Chamberlain s Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding place for the germs f pneumonia and other germ diseases. That is why pneu monia never results from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is used. It has a Avorld wide reputation for its cures. t contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. .AOTK'K OK HKKKIIKirs 8 4I.F lu the District Court In and for ( County, IS elrakn. Anna Amelia Monroe, Plaint iff. vs. Agatha Stull. AVIdow of John Frederick Stull, Deceased, et al., I lefenda nts. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a. decree of the Dis trict Court in and for Cass County. Ne braska, entered in the above entitled cause on the 17tli day of September, A. D. 1913, the undersigned sole referee, will, on the 1st day of Novernlsr, A. D. 1913, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at the south front door of the Court Jloufe. In the City of Plattsmouth. (.'ass County. Ne braska, sell at public auction to tiie highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: The east half (KV of the northwest quarter NV"ti and the east half '"'. of the southwest finai ter (SV f4l of Section two (21. Township twelve (12). Kange thirteen (13: lot four (41 In Section thirty-sis C'6, Township thirteen 13. Kange thirteen (l-'U. and all of lot three in Section six b . - Township twelve (121. Range four teen (lit. lying west of the light-of-way of the B. & M. railroad, and sit that part of lot three (.'). in Sect ion six (6), Township twelve I2i, Kauce fourteen (14), lying east of the said right-of-way. which lies north f the bridge or culvert linomedlaiL- tioi;th of Swallow 1'oint, all in Cass County, Nebraska. The above described land will be sold subject to the life us of Agatha Stull. widow of John Frederick Stull, deceased, in and to fifteen (l.") acres in t he said east half K '-j ) of the northwest quarter (NVV'i ) ami the half (I-'Va) cif the southwest quarter (SAA''i) of Section two 2). Township twelve (12), 1'ange thirteen (IS), In cluding the buildings, orchard and grove thereon. and u right-of-way twenty (20) feet wide thereto. Said fifteen (l."i acres and the right-of-way are designated by stakes sot at the corners thereof and will lie de scribed in the deed to purchaser by metes and bounds. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dalecl at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 29th day of September, -A. D. 1!13. C. 11. TAYLOK. Bcferee. BAAVLS & KOBni'TSON. Attorneys. 9-27-5wks NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received up to 11 o'clock a. in. on Tuesday, October 21st, l'J13, for the re building of the County Poor House, lately destroyed by lire, located on the County I'arm, in Cass County, Nebraska, three (3) miles Avest of Plattsmouth Ne braska. Plans and specifications can be seen at the ollice of the Coun ty Clerk, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or in the ollice of Eisher & Lawrie, architects, Omaha, Neb. A certified check of ?5W).0( must accompany each bid. Coun ty Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Iiids to be filed in the wflice of the County Clerk at PJatlMiiouth, Nebraska. (Seal.) I). C. MOIUJAN, ('unity Clerk. Plattsmouth, Neb., September 17th, 1913. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. liids Avill he received at the. ollice of the County Clerk in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, up till noon on Monday, October G, 1'J13, and will be opened on Tuesday, October 7, 1913. for the con struction of one eight (8) foot concrete arcli and one tAvelvu (12) foot concrete arch. Plans and specifications on lile in the ollice of the County Clerk. Location of bridges as fol- Ioavs : One eight (8) foot concrete arch on Locust street, between blocks 14 and 17, Young and Hayes Addition, Plattsmoiilli City. One twelve (12) foot concrete arch on Locust street, between blocks, 110 and 111, Plattsmouth City. Bid.? to be made separately on each bridge and a certified check for One Hundred Dollars lU 49 K WW IK , Jlj It lots 2X and 27 sA swU IS 55. 4 16 .57 Kicker Mare Addition. 8 Lots .75 OIT LOTS TO AVOC., Hawr 12. T.ot- . 5"c. 7 sw'i nr.-t.i- . 31 10 wW nw'i 31 19 nwU nw'4 . . . . 31 VILLAGE OF AYOCA. ($100.00) to accompany each bid. Lot 53 s'fc sw'4 IS 13.62 'At 54 s- swV, 18 466.24 Lot 62 s"i swU . . 18 12.74 Lots Blk. Amt. 1 and 2 2 36.13 River Side Addition. Blk. .1 ' Amt. 420.20 8.00 5.26 Amt. 3,92 3' ' 'l5 If you noed say thing for har (Seal) D. C. M (JIK1AN, . County Clei k. 9-4-4wks-wkly 10 2 .89 to 3. , and ' I to 6.. vest call on Ed Don at. He will treat you right. ' Lot !3 -U swU 18 71.81 txt 7J M, swU in 4.K2 1 to 16 3 6.27 17 3 5.06 Let 78 B4 BWhi 18 12.26 18 3 34.60