The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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are always io
Railway Officials Say They are
Great Sufferers, and Want
Towns and Cities to Es
tablisn Rock Piles.
A Burlington rhief special
apenl. lit Ijas pt'iil a long t i m
trying to solw the tramp prnb-
iii. makt's Hi'' following tatf
niiMil. which is also cuncurred in
by ollicjals of tint road who have
had th matter to contend willi.
'l'li. tramp il lias berome a
linMiact' of paramount importance
Hi1 eountrv over arid safety of so
Ten Special Points of Excellence
Found Upon Racine Sattley 's
New Stawana Gang Plow
Please Note All Are Exclusive
Features Not Found on Any
Other Plow Made.
First Steering Gear.
Automatic style direct and
position, no springs allows- the
plow to turn at right angles,
either to the right or left, pre
vents sliding; of the front land
wheel and takes all strain from
same when turning-. Every time
the front furrow wheel turns
either way the front land wheel
is forced to turn in exact unison.
Second Hitch.
Two horses on EACH SIDE of
the pole, regular farm
eveners, no patent equalizers
needed. Center of draft lies ex
actly between the two teams, per
mitting them to walk as straight
and naturally as though they
were hitched to your old farm
Third Land Wheel.
Front land wheel is set direct
ly opposite the front furrow
wheel, the arm holding same be
ing at the extreme front corner
of the fram. The land wheel is
set at an angle or inclined in at
the bottom, same as
the furrow
Fourth Side Draft.
This construction "Hitch and Racine Sattley company this year
Land Wheel" secures greater made a killing and with it clean
leverage in controlling the course ed up the plow trade of Kansas,
of the plow and does away with Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Fifth Control.
The tongue controls all three
wheels by placinsr the land wheel
at the extreme front of the frame.
enables us to connect it direct to
the tongue post.
Sixth Sinale Bail '
Beams and bottoms being hung
frame on one bail gives this
plow a flexible
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
he found ai the Department Store of
The latest creations in shapes ana designs,
the newest articles in trimmings, prepared under
the experienced supervision of our most excellent
designer. Miss Wallick, one of the best designers in
the state, are at your command. Our prices are
always right. Call and see us now, and place your
order for that new hat, that you have been con
templating the purchase of for the past few weeks.
V. ZUCKER, Manager
ciety demands that some concert
ed action be taken to curb it.
"The tramp class is not mere
ly confined to the mendicants who
travel from one point to another,
depending for sustenance on
charity bestowed from the kitchen
door, but embraces the murderer,
bank and train robber, house
breaker, pick pocket, and petty
thief, who adopt the guise as a
convenient protection to their ne
farious callings.
"The police do not furnish a
remedy when they order the
tramps to the railroad yards with
the surest ion that they get out
of town on the first train that
comes along. This merely unloads
the evil on the railroads and the
neighboring- city, town or village,
which in turn pass it on to the
next point.
"The railroads are great suff
ers from the (ramp evil, and while
they maintain an expensive ser
vice to police their property they
are unable, single-handed, to
cope with the situation, and for
scliish interests alone, they
should have the hearty co-opera-
and insures at all times every
pound of weight, including the
drivers, being carried on the
wheels. This gives us our light
draft and allows the wheels to
pass over rough ground without
in the least affecting the depth of
the furrow.
Seventh Furrow Wheel Control.
Automatic steering rod no
side thrust on tongue; adjustable
rear furrow wheel not affected b
horse motion.
Eighth Foot Lift.
Extremely high- double bear
ing adjustable to small boy or
large man conveniently located
and when bottoms are raised no
levers are in the way and it
comes just right to be used as a
step for the operator to reach the
Ninth Main Frame.
One piece no joints extra
heavy stock will not spring.
Tenth Shares.
Made of "Sattley Special" sofe
center steel, absolutely guaran
teed against breakage and war
ranted to scour in any soil.
The New Sattley Stawana Gang
Plow is no experiment. We hav
ing built it for three years with
this plow as now perfected. The
Ohio and Indiana, and iniend to
do the same in Iowa and Nebraska
this fall and the spring of 1914.
The tdow speaks for itself.
Every live dealer and farmer, af
ter going over its many excellent
points not found on any other
nlow made. : must admit its
We absolutely guarantee
gang plow in every way.
a Eaimrav
tion of the counties and municip
alities through which they pass.
If each city would maintain a
well-supplied rock pile and see to
it that these undesirables are es
corted to it on their arrival, it
would have a salutary elTect. A
farm of Free Masonry exists be
tween these travelers and the
news spreads quickly. Let, a
chain of cities and towns adopt
the rock pile plan and the tramps
will soon give that section a wide
berth. Counties could have many
good roads built by utilizing the
(ramp and at the same time ma
terially diminish his number.
"Texas has solv the problem
by the establishment of convict
farms, and now the tramp ques
tion is one. of the Lone Star
state's least troubles.
Poor Police Motto.
"The railroads bring in the
tramps, let the railroads take
(hem out is a poor police motto.
The railroads bring them because
they cannot help it and they lake
them out, often at the cost of hu
man life and heavy property loss.
Hardly a day passes but that
some employee of the railroad is
assaulted by ' tramps loitering
around stations or stealing rifles,
murders are no uncommon occur
rence. Railroad employees are
reputable citizens and they de
serve the same protection that is
given to other members of so
ciety. They do not get it when
desperadoes are turned loose to
battle with them in the darkness
in railroad yards ami on rapidly
moving freight trains. Many
costly wrecks, involving heavy
loss of life, are chargeable to
these knights of the road, and
public safety demands the adop
tion of methods to check the
growing menace. This can be
brought about by a proper co-operation
of the municipalities and
the railroads, who are more than
nnvioiK t o abate the danger and
are entitled to the proctection
which has long been denied them.
Some Tramps Worthy.
"It is not to be denied that
among the tramp class there are
many worthy objects of charily,
seeking an asylum among their
friends, and in these instances
the interstate commerce commis
sion provides that railroads may
carrv them to their destination
free of charge, and some of the
railroads are willing to do this.
It is only necessary for the city
officials to satisfy themselves that
the claimants are deserving and
the necessary transportation will
be forthcoming.
"Statistics show that in 1912
the railroads of the United States
killed 5.434. trespassers,, or thirty-nine
times the number of pas
sengers killed in train accidents
and seven times the total number
killed 'in train accidents. If a
trespasser is killed or injured on
a railroad, no matter how unjust
his claim may be there is usually
some unscrupulous lawyer on the
lookout. for a contingent fee and
the railroad is called upon to de
fend an expensive damage suit.
At everv session of every state
legislature a multiplicity of bills
are introduced to correct evils,
real and imaginary, inflicted by
the railroads on the public, but
an investigation of -the statutes
will show that the railroads are
denied the protection public safe
ty demands and that are afforded
other classes of property holders
"Certainly the railroads arc
entitled to public sympathy and
me active aia oi me siaie, coun
ties and cities -in -their effort to
eliminate the tramp evil, which is
manifestly, a mutual menace. The
Burlington railroad, for instance,
spends annually for police protec
tion $110,000, from which the
public receives many benefits, and
to which fund no taxpayer con
tributes one cent. The railroads
are doing their part to rid the
country of tramps and desper
adoes. Why not let the cities help
instead of hindering them in their
good work?
"Don't rush the tramp to the
railroad yards. Put him on the
rock pile. Sift the dangerous
criminal from the harmless but
useless mendicant."
Local News
From Wednesday's Dally.
W. A. Ingalls came in this aft
ernoon on .No. 2 4 lor a snort mm
with his family in this city.
Mrs. Harriet A. Sharpe and
Mrs. J. R. Porter were passeng
ers this morning for Omaha,
where they will visit for the day
wilh relat ives.
Harry Henton came up from
his home near Mynani this after-
noon and was among me iimum
going to Omaha to take in the
Ak-Sar-Ben this afternoon.
Mrs. Mollie Schoegard and lit
tle child, of Ken saw, Nebraska,
are enjoying a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Godwin, near Murray.
W. D. Wheeler came up yester
day afternoon from his farm
home, south of this city, and
spent several hours here looking
after business matters with me
different merchants of the city.
Joseph and Rose Mae Creamer.
who are attending the Mosher-
Lampnian business college in
Omaha, came down to this city-
yesterday morning to attend the
funeral of their, uncle, S. Cecil,
which was held yesterday after
Mrs. Wesley Campbell and
son, A. R. Campbell, of Lincoln,
who have been guests at the
Henry Steinhauer home for a few
days, departed this morning for
Omaha, and were accompanied to
that city by Mrs. Steinhauer and
Miss Lula Gladys Steinhauer.
Mrs. Campbell will return this
evening for a more extended visit,
while her son goes on to Lincoln.
Mrs. T. B. Salmon and son,
Tommie, departed this afternoon
for their future home at Port
land, Oregon, after an extended
visit here with the parents of
Mrs. Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
Fox. Mr. Salmon is now employ
ed in the auditing department of
the Oregon and Washington
Railroad and Navigation company
in Portland.
Charles Petersen, accompanied
by his friend, Mr. Wallace, de
parted this afternoon over the
Burlington for Omaha, from
where they leave f'r the Pacific
coast for a short pleasure trip.
Messrs. Petersen and Wallace
came in Sunday, ana nave ueeu
visiting here with the parents of
Mr. Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Petersen, and Mrs. J. C. Linder-
niann, an aunt of Mr. Wallace.
Returning- home the young men
will go by the way of Kansas City
and St. Louis into Chicago.
The Proof Is Here the Same as
For those who seek relief from
kidney backache, weak kidneys,
bladder ills. Doan's Kidney Pills
offer hope of relief and the proof
is here in Plattsmouth, the same
as everywhere. Plattsmouth peo-
nle have used Doan's and Platts
mouth people recommend Doan's,
the kidney remedy used in Amen
ca for-fifty years. Why suffer?
Why run the risk of dangerous
kirlnev ills fatal Bright's dis
ease Here's Plattsmouth proof
Investigate it:
Jonathan Hatt, general store
keeper, 414 Main street, Platts
mouth. Neb., says: "I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills a very good
remedy for backache and other
kidney troubles. They have
proven their value to me. Others
of my family have also tried
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at
Gering & Co.'s drug store- They
think iust as much of them as
I do."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co
Buffalo. New York, sole agents
for the TTnifpri SrMAS" " ""
-Remember the name Doan's
and lake no other.
ST. P., M. AND 0.
First Railroad to Hand In Its
1913 Figures.
Other Roads Will Give Railway Com
mission Their Data by November 1.
New Bank Inspector Named Inter,
urban Buys New Cars.
Lincoln, Oct. 2. Combined freight
and passenger earnings on the Chi
cago. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Oma
ha road amounted to $1,975,9S9 during
the year ending June 30, 1913, accord
ing to a report just filed with, the
etate railway commission. This is an
Increase over last year, when the
same item showing a total of $1,959,-
158. Total operating expenses for the
fiscal year of 1913 amounted to $1,441,-
949 and for the year previous to $1,
337,582. This is the first road to make its
1913 report to the state regulating
body. Other reports are looked for
from time to time, all being due by
Nov. 1. The M. and O. spent in this
state for additions and betterments
the sum cf $C9,303 in cash and $332,-
SS3 in securities. Total taxes paid by
the road amounted to $100,575. Two
hundred and eight miles of main line
are operated In this state.
Want a Jobbing Center.
Traffic Commissioner Bell of the
Sioux City Commercial club and rep
resentatives of other interests in the
Iowa town called on the state railway
commission to urge careful attention
to revision of class freight rates under
moDosed eeneral order No. 19, which
makes a general reduction in this con
nection. They are fearful lest South
Sicux City, a Nebraska town, will be
discriminated against as a jobbing
center and that Omaha, now enjoying
the same rates as that place, will be
given a 10 per cent advantage under
the new order. Representatives of
the Commercial club will be here at
the rate hearings, Oct. 7, to look after
their interests.
Buy New Cars.
New equipment is soon to be put on
the Omaha. Lincoln and Beatrice m-
terurban road, which operates between
here and Bethany, according to an
nouncement by Manager Norton. This
6tep is looked upon as evidence that
rlflcials of the road are planning on
putting the line in tiptop snape ior
sale to the McKinley interests later
on. The Illinois concern tas lately
acquired the old Nebraska Traction
and Power company's properties ana
the purchase of the local line would
be a valuable adjunct in connection
of Omaha and Lincoln by an interur-
ban route.
Talk Over FJege.
Points of the new trial of William
Flege of Thurston county, wno is al
leged to have murdered his sister dur
ing the summer of 1910, were talked
over by nortueasi .-seurasKd.
and Assistant Attorney General Edger-
ton. Flege was tried twice for the ot-
fense and both times nis case uas
been sent back to the lower courts by
the state high bench. The first time
he was convicted of murder la the sec
ond degree and was given a life sen
tence. The second tinv? he was con
victed of manslaughter and was given
sentence of from one to ten years.
Scrub Women Helped.
Scrub women, who depend upon the
money they maKe cieamns um,
banks and stores may work between
the hours of 10 p. m. andl 6 a. m. de
spite the new female labor law. Such
ia tho Ruhstance of a ruling maae dj
Tnw Commissioner Pool in the case
of an Omaha scrub woman, who took
the matter up with him. The com
missioner based his finding on the fact
that this class of female laborers does
not work In a "manufacturing, mechan
ical or mercantile establishment, a
lfinndrv. hotel, restaurant or office," as
provided in the new enactment.
Mother Wants Her uoy.
nHven away from home by his
father. Levi Wagaman of Ellis. Kan.,
is being sought for by his motner, wno
e virions to learn of his whereabouts.
The boy wrote home once, according
to a letter received by LaDor uommis
sioner Pool from the mother, but the
the letter and Mrs.
Wagaman could not learn the name of
the Nebraska town where tne Doy w
staying when he wrote.
Butterlne Season Opens.
The opening of the' butterine season
"was signalized by the application oi
eighty-one firms for the food commis
sioner's permission to sell that prod
uct in this state. Previously about
COO firms had been granted the same
privilege under the existing law. To
tal receipts from this class of permits
have amounted to $2,607 since July 1.
Another Nebraskan Named.
Henry W. Bingman, for several
rears past in the printing business in
this city, has left Lincoln to take a
place on the customs force of the Pan
ama canal zone. The place was given
him by Governor Metcalfe. Mr, Bing
man's salary will be $1,800 a year and
expenses, it is understood.
New Examiner Named.
. Thomas Reilly of Omaha has been
named by Governor Morehead as an
examiner of the state banking board.
He will take the place at once. The
vacancy on the stafT was created
througn the resignation of "Eugene
Moore of St. Paul.
Nebraska ppesbyterlans Have Import
ant Matters Coming Up.
Omaha, Oct. 2. The Nebraska synod
of the Presbyterian church, which
convenes Oct. 19 at North church,
Omaha, la expected to develop several
matters of unusual interest to these
church folk.
Indications are said now to be for a
very interesting contest on the elec
tion of moderator of the synod. Two
men are in the field, not of their own
motion, but on that of friends, Rev.
Alexander Corky, the pastor-author of
Wayne, and Rev. Mr. Campbell of
The most delicate matter of busi
ness which the synodical delegates ex
pect to come before them is the re
opening of the synodical college prop
osition. Pursuant to action of the synod a
few years ago, Hastings college Is
maintained as the synodical school of
the state. Bellevue used to be and
its friends are said to be anxious to
have it restored to such auspices, pro
posing to divide the state for the pur
pose of such support between Hast
ings and Bellevue.
Controversy Over Lands Within
Right ot Way.
Omaha. Oct. 2. Relative to the con
troversy over title to the lands within
the rieht of wav of the Union Pacific,
acting under orders of the executive
committee of the road, President A.
L. Mohler has issused a circular, set
ting forth the plans which the com
pany proposes to pursue. In this cir
cular. President Mohler says:
"It has been brought to the atten
tion of this company that a misappre
hension exists in some localities as to
the policy of the company concerning
the titles to lands held or claimed to
be held in private ownership within
the limits of the rights of way granted
to its predecessor companies by acts
of congress. The company intends
tn defend its title to the full extent f
the right of way so granted against
trespassers and persons claiming pos
session only by virtue of the operation
of statutes of limitation. But, not
withstanding the decisions of the Unit
ed States supreme court to the effect
that the title to the right of way was
of such a character that it could not
ho alienated bv the grantee, the com
pany does not intend to assert title to
any lands within the limits oi me
right of way granted by congress
which have voluntarily been conveyed
hv this comcanv or Its predecessor
companies, but intends to recognize
the validitv of all titles so acquired.
"In any case in which a property
owner, deriving title to land within
the limits of the right of way granted
by congress under conveyance of this
company or its predecessor companies,
rermirps or W ill be benefited by a con
firmation from this company of the
titio Intended to be conveyed by sucn
earlier deed of conveyance, a quit
claim deed will be given by this com
nanv. uoon Dayment only of a nominal
charge to cover the expense of pre-
narinsr and executing the deea.
"This company, however, reserves
tfco rltrlit to determine In eacn case
whether the facts bring the case with
in the policy hereby announced.
Springfield Boy Shot by Companion.
Springfield, Neb., Oct. 2. Fred
O'Connell, aged nineteen, was accl
Aantanv stmt hv his companion, Oscar
Dill, while hunting muskrats south of
here. O'Connell was on the creek be
low Dill and raised his head just in
time to receive the charge from Dill's
shotgun. Dr. Peters removed a part of
the back of the skull, where the shot
took effect. O'Connell was taken to
Omaha. There is little hope of his
recovery. .
Seward Church Wins Suit for Bequest.
Seward, Neb., Oct. 2. The supremo
court rendered a decision In the so
called Congregational . church case,
which has been pending in the courts
for some time. The case Involved the
validity of two gifts made by the late
Jane E. Douglass, deceased, in her
will to the First Congregational
church society of Seward. The de
cision of the lower court, which up
held the will, was affirmed.
Ak-Sar-Ben Parade at Omaha. 1
Omaha, Oct. 2. Hundreds of thou
sands, packed from the buildings to
the curbstones along the line of march,
viewed the annual electrical parade
ho Ai;-Snr-Ben festivities last
night. "Stories of the Arabian Nights"
was the theme of twenty magnificent
floats. Each float was numbered and
ahead of each walked a servant carry
ing' the banner that gave the hint of
the picture.
Ross Back Into Play.
Lincoln,' Oct. 2. Nebraska football
stock mounted higher when it was an
nounced that Clint Ross, the giant col
ored guard of last season, would again
don the moleskins. Ross is badly need
ed in the line, where his experience,
weight and ability would add material
ly to the Nebraska defensive play.
William Scott Is Shot by Accident.
Valentine, Neb., Oct. 2. William
Scott, thirty-five years of age, was ac
cidentally killed near Newton when
his own gun. which he was carrying on
his lap in the wagon, slipped off his
lap and vras discharged," snooUa him
through tho heart. , ...
V ofTer a few special lotus
from our dry : goods department:
Bed Comforters, pood quality,
full-size, pun colton-iilled ; good
covers at $2.00. '
We offer 100 pair of Col Ion
Blankets at bargain prices; 50
piece Silkuline, Creton, Chally a
special selecfion for making com
forters. 10 cases Cotton Batts that are
all cotton.
20 pieces of Outing Flannel at
8 cents per yard.
2 pieces of No. 470 and 1021
Outing Flannel at, 10 cents per
If you are looking for Unions
- the best' at, the price buy the
Munsing from us.
Local News
Mrs. Jacob llenrich and daugh
ter and son were passengers this
morning for Omaha, whre Ihey
will visit for the day.
. Miss Carrie Schulhof came in
this afternoon from Omaha, whre
she had been al tending to some
business matters.
Attorney W. C. Ramsey of Oma
ha came down this afternoon to
visit wilh his mother , for a few
hours, as well as attend to som
matters of business.
C. V. HafTke and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Wis were pas
sengers this morning on the early
Burlington train for Omaha,
where they, wULvMit. fop the lay.
Miss Kiltie Cummins was a
passenger , mis anemoon ior
Omaha, where she will look after
some business matters for a few
Henry Klinger returned this aft
ernoon from Omaha, bringing
with him a fine full-blooded bull
dog which he secured in the me
tropolis. Miss Josephine Murphy of Lin
coln was in the city yesterday for
a short visit with her mother and
sister, returning to her duties this
morning in the state capital.
Jacob Meisinger was among the
representatives of the. Germans
journeying to the metropolis to
day to attend the big German day
A. L. Becker, the celebrated hog
man and Ford automobile rep
resantive in this county, was in
the city today looking after,. mat
ters of business. . .
Mrs. D. A. Hilton was a pas
senger to Omaha yesterday, where
she will establish an office as a
Mrs. Arthur Keffler of Lead, S.
D., and Miss Gertie Beeson were
in Omaha last evening taking in
the carnival and the electric
L. II. Vrontan, wife. and son
were passengers this morning on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day and take in the carnival.
Miss Christine Soennichsen re
turned this afternoon on No. 21
from Omaha, where she had been
visiting with friends for a short
time and attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
, '
John Kopia, the West Main
street merchant, was a passenger
this morning on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha, where he
was called to look after some
business matters.
Mrs. U. F Man'speaker ' and
Oliver Osborn were passengers
this morning for Omaha,' whero
they go to secure "a new team for
use on the hack line operated by
the Manspeaker stables.
William Weber, William Stark
john, S. H. Shoemalver and Adolph
Wesch were passengers this
morning for the metropolis to
visit for the day and enjoy the
German day celebration.
Charles Malley, of Galesburg,
Illinois, arrived this morning and
will make a visit here, in company
with his wife and little daughter,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Shea, the parents of Mrs.
R. D. Stine of Union was in tho
city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business at
the court house. Whild in th city
Mr. Stme called at JLhe. JIsurnaL
office - and renewed, his subscrip
tion for another year. Thanks,
Mr. Stine. i .