The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, SEPTEmLiEft 6, 1913.
September 2tl! to
Everybody should come b
Automobile Floral Parade' Tuesday ?n.SEPi3fi-iw
f JSernan Day Parade. Thursday Afternoon. October
cA Irvin Bros. Frontier DayAYild West Show '
Every Afternoow . September Z7 to October'" p)
Bis lii??0DROME Show:
w SjsT
A Brother's Tribute to a Dead ;
Sister Sketch of the Life of
Miss Rebecca Ramsey.
JF.D Thursday
r.i;. at I : in ot -!-t
a. ru of
c.tnyesl ma of the -tiM!ach. at
the old home in'V.-t- t-.wu-
-hip. Jeae- cololiy. I'elHI-
-yI:inia. Mi-s e..-ca Ram-e.
ayeil lit
IT .lay-.
ii '" a i ii - a !
IieCta-tI wa- a tinea! .i-e, i .1
ant. mi the father'.- .-ide. of ! !i
ancient Ram-ay family of So.l - : .iiiiiiih'!.
I.tnd. aiel on the moilier"- -ide of , r.a! bein n
I tie Van Sweriusrn family f'tiv )o
Keem-ler'lam. Ibdlaml. j And n
She wa- tin- yipiiiiyt'.-l tdii'n f ; fit i ; ; : 1 .
a family of eihl children. : ly j -Letch
two of whoti! now -uivive Ill'i-ela-t and
Ma-il S. Ram-'-y. re.-iiliir-- a:wor't.
Plalt-mtnith. .Whra-ka. and Mr-.
Mella R. Waterman, now re-idiny
aj Hay Spriny-. Sheridan county.
.'I'he lir-t break in tin- fainilv
group wa- that of the youne-i
brot her.
;The neJ to pa-s life- limm-
Best-Hated of
xt xi -i
j of the great
W illiam, win. ,)ied Ma , liei-ember lSSn. i-.-oIve. to
tlary was the fathe-. William ! born. Tins they mo-t tailtitully
up constantly in barn yards, stables,
and stalls, is a gloomy one. Those
pile mean much disagreeable and
hard work. It must all be loaded on hiq-h
wagons. It must be raked off in piles in the
fields. Then every forkful must be shaken
apart and spread.
Compare that old-fashioned method with the
I II C spreader w-ay. You pitch the manure
into the spreader box, only waist high, drive
out and the machine does all the rest. And
it spreads evenly and far less wastcfully.
I H C Manure Spreaders
are farm necessities. The man who uses one
- . will get the price of it back in increased crops
before its newness has worn off.
Kvery detail and feature counts. They do
best work always and stand every strain fjr
years. They are made in all styles and sies,
for small farms and large, low and high ma
chines, frames of braced and trussed stj l.
Uphill or down, or on the level, the apron
drive assures even spreading, and the covering
of corners is assured by rear axle different ills.
In all styles the rear axle is placed so that it
carries near three-fourth? of the load. This,
with the wide-rimmed wheels with Z-shaped
lugs, makes for plenty of tractive power.
Winding of the beater is prevented by large
diameter and the beater teeth are long, strong
and chisel pointed.
The I II C spreader lines will interest you.
See them at the local dealer's. Get catalogues
from him, or write us.
International Harvester Company of America
Council Bluffs
October -5lJ 1913 M
"New Carnival Grounds
" 17 So Howard
i 1 1 a 1 1 1 -". wh" died (h-tober l' J,
; IN7.
j 'I'll. i vii-l'i tip a lit'.- "I
mole l!i;tn t7 i';m of mm!'-
v . titanli I vv;i- t iiat of Hit-
tin .1 1 1 -1 .Mai It ;i in . whi.-.
i i i a i I ' 1 1 name ;i- .Mat y Swvar-
It'll, wll.t tli'-d I li-CMIlli'-I"
j I sso.
Tilt' In
i:l i I II ! 1 1 i In-
! kii-u ii world
,;is Hit- .I.e-
jtr! Alielba Si ;i':tii-ll, molller
, .Mile-
Slainli-b. I i -: i ! i! tf M
rav. I .a-- i
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I-'eitruarv 1
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1 I:
an-wers t
to a I lol I:
I)eeea.-ed wa- b"in on the obi
home farm near where -he died,
.in March ;sr,-J. and had pa-s
et 1 her -i!yi:r-t year. She am
an older -i-ter named Sara Ann.!
ill tile tlealll ii! llie lilollier oil
Farm Tasks
i r i xt,
heaps of manure p'nn.-r
s f
i. M
: . I
i remain upon ami" lake care of i
old liollie win-re they Wefe
I ..... I
S ;
did tinlil the death of Sara Ann
on June 10, 100a, after which
1 lie faithful -i-lc-r, Rebecca, -on-linueil
the care of the old home
as be.-t sin' eotild in her failing
hi'allli to lh euil of htT lift.
Neil her -i.-ler was ever married
ami nothing could alienali their
.-Irony affections from that Wear
old birthplace and tin home of
I heir well spent lives.
A most beautiful and fondl
ing incident in tin' lives of Sara
Ann and Rebecca Ramsey, oc
curred a number of years ago,
which largely illustrates their
-Irony and highly con-i-tenl
fet'liny fur the helpless and their
own hii:h Christian characters.
A emi-in. Mr-. Kli.abeth Dav-i.l-iui
had suddenly died and left
an infant bahy hoy only a few
weeks old. The two si.-lers loolc
Ihis niol lierle-- hahe to tln ir own
hi.nie and there eared for if as
if bound In them by elo.-ep ties
if ei insan '- u i u i I . They eared
f,.i- (hi- little inotlierle-s babe
through helple.-s infaney.
through young boyhood. inln
i.f'.iiii.-iii?. manly young man
hood. And t!ie affection between
'! these fi-ler niothei-s ami their
'Jfo-ter child. '-Tew and became as
"-!roT-r if Uiil -I runner. than
jibat b.'iween many nal ural r 1 1 f 1 1
"It rs and children. This oiint:
ii-al'.v buy a- naiiietl Itiarle- I'..
i I a i.i"i n and although bury pas-
-.ti bi minority years, his af
lachmetit wa- so -ti'iiiy li'i in-fo.-ler
mntbei and 'r the Imme
W ll i-It he wa.- ear'''
d f.
in !
.. ! . . i..- - ; ! f , i, i.i.i 1 1 o'. .i i Ii
oxhood into M.uny manhood. !
i:al li
he iiv
remained there and -aw
of both the-i noble.
l-T Kill
i - i el'S 1 1 a - S 111
ay .!:-ea:i:le-.-
wiii can
ca. i he
wi.;i'!er tnai wiien
.,f Ibe
!:,'.'--ly ami p"ace
,a, r.harb'v. a- be
!;'!-. -o p;
;;! . ; ( ! a
.. as familiarly ca
L: lo lief bed
!!.-, . while sil-
w a t ' n i n
; 'i.- dickering I i jhf yo out. -In nib I i
v n as he had m-ver wept !'-!
: io. e and that, loo as if lie had
!!o - i tin- dearest frfer.d on carlh.
I lie llllli'i ai -efVlces ol tie- I
t ea-ed were he!. I mi Friday. Auy-u-1
Si h. at two o'clock p.
m.. when a very large concoiir-e
of reatie- ami friends had gath
ered together to pay a .la.-! trib
ute of love ami re.-pect to one
who had been for .-o buiy a lime
a loM'd and ioxini: relative, frientl I
'ami nei-hbor.
Rev. McCartney of Hurgetfs
liiwn. penn-vlvania. comiticteii
the cervices, ami delivered a most
beautiful sermon on the many
Chri-tian virtues of the decea--ed.
His beautiful won! painting
of the life of deceased, her in-tere-t
in the disti-essctl ami af
flicted, her devotion to the church
which he hat! -o long been a val
ued member, tier own bodily .suf
fering for so many years, her
Christian quiet .resignation to
the inevitable ami the peaceful,
painless passing of (he soul in
to immortality, brought tears ami
weeping to many of that vast au
dience. StiTable musical selections
-ucli as vvert favorite.- of tie-'
ceased, were beautifully render
ed by a choir chosen for that pur-po-e.
The pall bearer s, rlm-en
from the relatives and friends of
deceased were as follows:
M, --r-. C. i. Sw earingen. .1. C.j
Swearingen. Samuel Swear mgeii. I
'.. V. Swi-arinyen. T. I. Hoyd. W'.i
! M. JJoytl. Interment was made inj
iKinyscreek cemetery. near
Frankfort Springs. Heaver cotin- wiiem f:ither mottle
one brother and three sister-
years have been quietly resting
in that long, dreamless slumber
and where manv of the Ramsey
family for the last two hundred
years have been laid to rest be
neath oak. evergreen, flower and
Rebecca Ram-ey. early in girl
hood life, became a member of
what then was called, the "Fnitcd
I'resby t erion Church." ami
through life, was a sincere be
liever m the tenets of that relig
ious faith. From the time of
her membership, through her life,
she was an attendant at the
Kiny's Creek Pre-by t erian church,
located in a beautiful oak timber
liai only a -hurt distance from
! he old home. .or were her acts
of Chri-lian help and benevol
ence routined to the needy of her
own reli-rious denomination. Iter
Chi i-t ianily was more illustra
tive of the true Christian charac
ter. If any members of any oth
er church denomination, or if not
a member of any church, when
i:i need of help or sympathy, Ihe
hand of Rebecca Ramsey was
there, o aid and assist as best
-he could. It was Ihis concep
tion of Ihe highest Christian char
acter and of duty to the afflicted,
io practically illustrated through
a long- life by deceased, that at
tracted to her so many faithful
friends and which so impressed
that large assembly -who stood
weepiny over her eollin a? the
Rev. McCartney in that, beautiful
sermon euloyized her lifework.
And in conclusion, as was said
of her sister Sara Ann "And as
in the morning- or child-life she
first saw the foliage, the leave?,
vines ami flowers around the
home of childhood, and their oft
repeated ressurrect ion during a
long life, so as they hail again
appeared to her for the last
in the morning of tier last
day of conscious earth life, she
gently went to sleep calmly,
peacefully . breathed into lhc
morning of another existence."
Hrot her.
Is One of the Leading Fraternal
Societies in the City and
Very Prosperous.
From Friday's Dally.
I.a-I evening the Kniyht and
Ladies of Senility held a very
well atleinled meeting at their
hall, de.-pite the fact that the
weather wa- very warm and un-
Cfinfiirlartle. and the members of
I he older who braved the heat
t well repaid for their trouble,
a nio-l interesting meeting
wa- enjoye.i. 1 ne principal
feature of the evening's bu-iness
was the election of ollicers for
I he en-uiug year, which resulted
in the .-election of the following:
Mi.-. Laura A. Thrasher, the
pre-elll ellicieut pr
sitlent of the
ortb-r. who has bet-u such an aide
worker for the advancement of
the lodge in this city, was re
el, -etc, 1 to the position she has
tilled -o ably and well during the
past year, as the members felt
that they could not possibly find
another who would till the place
so faithfully. The other officers
chosen were: First vice presi
dent. Mrs. Robert Ward: second
vice president. R. H. Windham:
prelate. C. A. Taylor: correspond
iny -erretary. A. O. Moore; finan
cier. August conductor.
Mrs. Carrie Leyda: guard. Paul
Ll.ulz: sentinel. Mi-s Clara Woiii-
After the close of the regular
bu-iness scs.-ion of the lodge the
members proceeded to enjoy ,a
.-holt social lime among them
selves, visiting ami talking over
matters for the betterment of the
order. The Knights and Ladies
have one of the most active or
ganizations in fraternal circle
in the city and have made a
splendid record in increasing the
membership of their bulge, as
well as providing for the welfare
of he members socially and in
extending to them help and sym
pathy in their hour of need.
Ann. her triumph has been ad
ded to the career of Platts
inoufh'sj own actress. Miss Alice
1 ovey. who has just started me
eason of lidll in "The Merry
Martyr," a new musical comedy,
at the Colonial theater in Bos
ton. The appearance of Miss
1 lovey in the production has
caused the dramatic critics of
"Ihe Hub" to grow loud in their
praise of her wonderful voice,
and the .-how has made a great
hit in the city where it was first
presented. The Hoslon Ameri
can bus the following- to say in
regard to the show and its tal
en.ed little prima donna:
"The performance could not
have been half as complete if it
had been served without, the
charming grace ami delightful
voice of Alice Dovey, who burst
into view as the tiniest prima
donna of a generation. Miss
Tiovey established herself with
her first number and never let
go. She
was as refreshing as a
.May morning
New Son at Kruger Home.
From Friday's Dally.
Wednesday evening a fine new
son and heir made his appear
ance at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Krueger and announced
his intention of staying with
them for a number of years. The
mother and little ono are dping
nicely and Harry is just about
the happiest and proudest man in
town over the new additioy to
the family.
Local News
From Friday's Dally.
Nicholas Halmes of Weeping
Water was in the city today for
a few hours looking after some
business matters.
Carter Albin and wife of near
Union were m the city today for
a few hours looking after some
trading with the merchants.
Miss Hilda IJrinkinan departed
this morning on No. 15 for
Crcenwood, where she will take
up tier school work in that place.
Miss Alba Jerousek, who has
been visiting at Lawrence, Neb.,
with relatives and friends, re
turned home last evening on
No. 2.
S. II. At wood came down last
evening from his home at Lin
coln to attend to some matters of
business in this city for a few
Fred Janda of Haveloek arrived
last evening on No. 2 and will
visit here for a short time with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Janda, sr.
Miss Catherine Henson of
south Omaha returned to her
home this morning on No. 15, af
ter a week's visit in this city with
Miss Esther Olson of Pacific
Junction came over this morning
on No. 15 and spent a few hours
here looking after some matters
of business.
Miss I'mma aFlter departed
this morning for Osceola, Neb.,
where she will resume her work
in the public schools in that eity
for the coming year.
John Kaffenberger drove in
this morning from his home near
this city and spent several hours
here looking after matters of
business with the merchants.
J. F. Tubbs of the vicinity of
Mynard was attending to busi
ness matters in the city Tuesday
and took time to call at this office
and renew his subscription.
William liudig departed this
morning on the early Burlington
train for Chicago, where he will
look after some matters of busi
ness for a few days.
George A. Kaffenberger, wife
and little daughter were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where they will visit, for the day
and attend to some matters of
Miss Frances Broz of St. Louis,
who has been here for air-cut a
week visiting with her frientl
Miss Frances Koubeek, departed
this afternoon for Omaha, from
where she will go to her home.
A. J. Ingrim and wife of Awada
Wyoming, are in the city visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M
s. Briggs. Mr. Ingrim is at pres
ent station agent for the Bur.
lington at Awada.
Mrs. Frank Ohm returned last
evening on No. 2 from Denver
where she had been for several
weeks visiting in the mountain
city for her health, and returns
feeling very much improved.-.
Mrs. R. W. Clement and daugh
ter. Miss Barbara returned this
morning from Lincoln, where
they attended the funeral of the
late E. F. Pettis, a relative. The
funeral was held yesterday from
the late home in Lincoln.
W. J. Streight and wife and
daughter, Muriel, motored down
to Wyoming-. Neb., yesterday,
where they visited for the day
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl West
They were taken to Wyoming by
s. O. Smith in his machine.
Arthur Huntington, chief en
gineer for the Nebraska Lighting
company, was a passenger lat
evening on No. 2 for Red Oak.
Iowa, where he was called to look
after some business matters for
a few hours.
Edward Tunnell of King City,
Missouri, arrived this morning
on the early train to join his
family, who have been here for a
few days visiting at the home of
Mrs. Tunnell's mother, Mrs. Adah
Moore, and will visit here for a
few days before returning to
their home. '
Mrs. Joseph Hadraba and
daughter. Miss Helen, and their
guest, Mrs. Frank Schmidt and
daughter. Miss Margaret, of
Cleveland, Ohio, were passengers
this morning on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha, where
they will visit for the day.
W. A. Sharp of Omaha came
down this morning to visit for a
few hours with his mother, Mrs.
Harriett Sharpe, and to look af
ter business matters, and while
at. the Journal office renewed his
subscription to the Semi-Weekly
edition of the paper.
Mrs. 'William Ost and son,
Will, of the vicinity of Nehawka,
motored to this city yesterday to
attend to some important busi
ness matters. While here they
were pleasant jailers at. this
office, renewing their subscrip
tion to this paper for another
From Friday's Dally.
A most deliphtful social
gathering was held yesterday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. C. A.
Rundstrom, who entertained in a
most charming manner the Oma
ha Kensington club, of which the
hostess was a member when re
siding in Omaha. For the de
lightful occasion the rooms of
the home were decorated in a
very tasteful manner with sun
flowers, which made the scene
one of much beauty and added
greatly to the enjoyment of the
members of the club, who arrived
on No. yesterday morning. The
afternoon was spent most pleas
antly by the ladies in playing
various card games, and the
prizes given were Plattsrnouth
pennants as a reward for the
skill displayed by ttie ladies. At
an appropriate hour a most de
licious three-course luncheon
was served by the hostess, which
served to greatly aid in making
the event one of the most pleas
ant that, this club has held. The
afternoon passed very quickly
and it was with regret that the
ladies departed at 7:45 for their
homes in the metropolis, having
agreed that, it was one of the
most, delightful times they had
experienced. Those iu the party
were: Mestlames A. W. Iart,
Will Faulkner, F. R. Faulkner,
Robert Smith, S. W. Creenman,
L. C. Hart, F. E. Underwood and
Arthur Tent any.
From Friday's Daily.
From all appearances Platts
mouth is to be treated to some
foot ball this season, as the boys
around town are forming a team
to plav during the early winter
months. There is much pood
material to select from in the
city and every effort is being
made to get the best talent, out
for practice in order that a choice
mav be made of the team. It is
expected to hold the games at the
base ball park during the season
and they should prove good draw
ing cards for the lovers of this
great game. The boys have had
several preliminary practices and
this evening they will meet at the
ball park for the purpose of
electing a captain and forming
plans for the work of the season.
Through an error the announce
ment was made that the team
would meet for practice at
o'clock, when it should have been
6:30, as the approaching fall
evenings make it too dark for
much effective practice after
o'cock. All those who are in
terested in the project to boost
the foot ball team should be on
hand this evening and assist in
the forming of an organization
to carry out. the plans to make a
successful team here this year.
Hold Business Meeting.
From "Friday's Daily.
The Shakespeare club held a
business session at the home of
Mrs. W. A. Robertson last even
ing, this being their first meet
ing since they disbanded for the
summer months. Miss Barbara
Gering was chosen leader and
the play, "King John," was se
lected as the study for the com
ing winter months. Misses Mary
Foster and Lillian Cole were
voted in as new members of the
club. ' .-y
Death Caused
From Mouse-o-cide
Says Hornick, More & Porter-
field, Wholesale Dm Com
pany of Sioux City, Iowa
On April 1 a representative of
MFG. CO.. placed their extermin
ator throughout our warehouse;
since that time we have not had
any rats or mice of any descrip
Before usine same we had con
siderable goods destroyed annual
ly by rats and mice.
Mouse-O-Cide can be obtained
from F. G. Fricke & Co., Drug
gists, the Rexall Store, Platts
rnouth, Neb.
It reauires no mixing. No
odor after death, cats and dogs
will not eat it, cannot be carried
away. 25c and i.uu sizes.
Remember the name, "MOUSE-
O-CIDE." Advertisement.
In County Court.
Cass Count, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Clara White. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to lb.
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be hail upon claims
filed against said estate, before
me. County Judge, of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, at the County Curt
room in Plattsrnouth, in ai.
County, on the of h day of October.
191.'t, and on the 7th day of April.
191 I, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day
for examination, adjustment and
All claims rnu-t be filed in sai l
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Piatt -mouth,
Nebraska, this Mh day of
September, 191. 'I.
County Judge.
Statement of the Condition
First mortirair loans
.?iixvt; r.3
Mir-k loans -
DHiiHujent intrsi. rr-nniuns nd
fintfc and duty
Insurant- nd taxes paiti wi aU-
UaJ estate ontrat-
Kent, account
liJ"4 -.ti
lu.c:-' c
4.703 M
. 3.7:1 in
414 f-7
t Total
Capital Stock paid ud
RfstrTH fund--
L'ndtvlflea profits
ir.:42 07
..... 7.fi04 IXi
, . . . -.73--' 4 -i
147.7 :c
Beceipts avi Expevdittres tor the Year
E.vdixo Jcve 1913.
Balance on hand.T uly 1. 1912 ? 1W4
Hues 2X6.'il t)
Interests, premiums and fines i.T.9'1 i i
Loans repaid ......... 17.0C4 7
Insurance and Taxes paid and ad
vanced 11 M
Rent Account - 17 Cl
Iieal Estate Cont "
.1 73.900 !H
Stock re-leemed
Cash on hand
Insurance and Taxes paid and ad-
t a need
Rent and Repair
$ 00
l.j;7 0
n j.719 C.1
lO.tiTJ (
1.47 C7
J7V 13
$ 73,900 14
I. Cail C. Fricke. secretary of the above
named association, do solemnly swear that the
foivtfuliis statement of the condition of said as
bociation. U true and correct to the txstof my
knowledge und belief.
n. n. smith.
F. li.
Subscribed and bworn to before me thlsfth
day of .Tulr 1913. A. L. TIIM.
1eai.) Notary Public
My commission expires ict. b. Jli
Sealed bids will be reclved up to
noon on Monday, September, 1913,
for the rebuilding of the County lvor
House, lately destroyed by fire, located
on the County farm In Cuss County,
Nebraska, three ili) inllea wekt of
Plans and Fperlflcations can een
at the office of the County Clerk.
PlattKmouth. Neb., or In the office of
Fisher and Lawrie, Architects, Omaha,
A certified check of $C00.00 must ac
company each bid.
County Commissioners reserve the
right to reject any or all Litis.
County Clerk.
Plattsrnouth. Neb.. August 13. 1913.
Uids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk in
Plattsrnouth, Nebraska, up till
noon on Monday, October 0, 1913,
and will be opened on Tuesday,
October 7, 11)13, for the con
struction of one eight (8) foot
concrete arch and one twelve
(12 foot concrete arch. Plans
and specifications on tile -in Ibe
office of the County Clerk.
Location of bridges a fol
lows :
One eight (8) foot concrete
arch on Locust street, between
blocks li and 17, Young and
Hayes Addition, Plattsrnouth Ciy.
One twelve (12) foot concrete
arch on Locust street, between
blocks 110 and 111, Plattsrnouth
Bids to bo made separately on
each bridge and a certified cheek
for One Hundred Dollars
(inn.00) to accompany each bid.
(seal) D. C. MORGAN,
County Clerk.
Decree in Wells Estate.
This mroning in county court
a decree was given, in the estate
of Jennie R. Wells, deceased, and
the property, which consists of
one-half of lot 8 and lot 9, in
block i0, of this city, was ordered
divided among the heirs of Mrs.
Wells. W. E. Wells of Red Oak,
Iowa, a son of the deceased, was
present to look after the in
terests of the heirs.
Don't fall to attend the dance
Saturday evening at the German
Home, as a good time Is as&urred
to you all the time and the best
of order will b maintained. .