The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1913.
! f!
. ,
i :
Sixteen Years Supremacy
More than 1,650,000
men bought a pair of
"Headlights" during the
past 12 months but
We will not be satisfied
until we sell you a pair.
If we can induce you to buy one suit of "Head
lights," you will never "afterwards be satisfied
with any other make. '
Wear a Pair 30 Days
Your Money Back if Not Satisfactory
To all overall wearers we make this offer
Come to our store, buy a suit of "Headlight"
Overalls (price $1.00 per garment). Wear
them 30 days. If you do not find them
the most comfortable, convenient and
generally satisfactory overalls you have ever
had. on, bring them back and get your
money, a The manufacturers stand behind us in
this cUtirantee.
. E.
Mrs William Lau Passes Awav :
- ',
at Her Home Near Louis
ville, September 1.
M'.iiday a I'lei iir...a. Sept ember
at In-r liouie. sj !ai!e south
e-t ,, r I. ,li is I Me. Ol-Clll i-e.l t Ii
all, of Mr-. William a II . r j
l.'Oi. niii ,
c ..I
o ! , II e.t I' ! ;
a i tavern
ihree eal'
t:: ' .';';'..;:.::.
i.i. Ninth lormnuv. Marcli J,.
a n
sr,ti. She came io Am.M'ii'a with
her pare::l - whi-n a ouuu lady.
She was mari'ied :.i Mr. Wil-
! i; 1 1 L.i 1 1 i i i l '. Ilr i 1 1 n i"M
was i.ies.,"., with Ion- -l! i Idrcn : ;
Mrs. Am. in. !a Pauls, h . , f ..,u
r-. .nan la a I ! i eri .mo.
. , ,
i -. Amelia Paulseii of Mauley.
, I
ami Wi::,am jr.. of m-ar
Lou, !i were ai h.-r bed -
-id.- wn. n ih.. ,1,-alh an-.-l called
h-r s. The husband
pass,.-! awax Pri! i lS.;.
... t
u r i wi i lit i" : i .
: r.-a! iy III IsS-
i-iriiiiiiuiiii y
d by the wind.
w here sin- v, a
ie;e s n , was o V, e MIO'All l"l
. , . , i
r manv d is of kindness audi
, . . , ,r !
itheilv i,i!ere- jii Ihe Welfare,
xllo.VII f"'
of .-.ioae. Although a preall
siitl'eier the la-t few years, she
was eer t h-m-: !l I I II I of those
about her. She hole in ; aftlic
lioiis iiii ecejt! ioual Christian
!",'! i! ude. and as the .-ml dii'W
near her tai'li prew si i-oiiiier in
lb - Saioiu- s!(- had aUvays fol
lowed from c!ii!dii . She was
one of the !.-w v.,'io o--- a ii ied tin-
cliurcii woj. iii-re m pioneer uaysj
ami for man years was their
chorister and always ready lo
hold up ih" hands of her co
work. rs in -er- voo.l work.
The funeral was in M e.l n-s-
lav al'tei;ooi from the (iermau
ulheran ehuieii. of which she
w a
i i.iemler. conducted by It.'N.
I'lieodoie ilatlmau. who preached
an impressive serni-.n on the life
of those who -lie in the Christian
faith, and wa lisjruc.1 to by a
larpo ami s.irrowinvt- company of
relatives and friends.
IM... .:il!bearers Were: Messrs.
p.. I,.,. Vouler. John Sails Johnl
..r m. emii. y .
Mockenhaup' :''d Wm. Slolilman.
The remains' were laid lo r-s
Hp- smV of the Iriishand in Ihe;
' " ' ' ' ' ;
euiet.-ry .
- Vi..'. i-ei -eaed laiiili-s have the,.
irlfell sympalhy. of Uie enl.ii-e
iu.unily m th-u- sorrow. .
j.ouisNill" Courier. j
Hichtr fi
Everybody's Store
Death of Sister in Arkansas.
Tin- moi-niii". Mrs. I . C. How
ard received a ii ! o -a iio aiinoiiiio-j
;int. the d.-alh f her" si -.1 er. Mrs.!
.1. S. I'.ales a! Siloam Suriir.;-. Ai--.
Lau-;ls 'i'l'o death ;f Mrr
i h;id ! .'ii looked for tor
I '.a'.-,
i i - a- -he had I.-.-m i, l i
... r f ; I .. I. :
lli'iijlll lor- Miii' lllfll . lllf
Mr. ami Mrs. Howard wr ihejei
' ! ; i -S Y.iiiie'- xi-itin- li 'C wa- m :
i-piile bad -haie. )winr"lo t i i - t
; fact t hat t he funeral will :. held
; i r....i.i i h
I ;i' . home. : ' .
i ' 1 ' i
will be impossible for Mrs; l!.nvi,,
:a,.(i (, i.ach Ihoro for the se;-ei-- trimmed Ihe far-fa. I'a'l
! ice-. '!'!) iupalhy of lo-rjcji-. jeam al the bcal Pad park
" a uy fri.-mis will be extended l j
Mis. II. .ward on the death of Iter
m m n0ySE girls
Sa I u rJ;i v a f I -ni I 111
!,,;.,. emnioed in th
1, , ,, . ,- , ,, .-.
lioll-e. j n- ei i ,i i i s i 1 1 1 1 . i
, . ,. .,.,n
!abi.r. decided lo hold a small
eeb-iua I am. ami a mui m . 1 1 -e w as
; - "1 I"'"""1- -xoral lar-e.
w:il-r bms. and Hum Mm
:.!"" e. owd proc led lo make
HIMMIIII-I I I I I 1 I I ' . 1 it' "ill '
".re.! abb- leature of Ihe colehra
liini was lh- ciowd of hungry
i .1 .1.
o!i:ce-hohiers and olerks who
. ,
were c. impelled lo slam! aiou nl
if,,, II, i -, i
aad view the feast from (lie stair
way, as the yo-inir ladies failed
to take note -of the love thai,
the male members of the court
house force have for walor-
iii-lons. and the boys were eoin
! pell.-.i to j.-.. nut on tin- street ami
j buv I heir own t real .
Platform Dance Very Pleasing.
The platform dance piv. n al the
j Tub-iie ".rove west of this city last
Saturday eeniny was a niosl
pleasant affair and was .piile
largely alien. led and all who
journey oil there fell well repaid
for their trouble as Hie music
furnished by ho Soboda orches
tra was excellent and the general
" lime had by all .in atlend-
mice was iroof of Iho -.moral j locals the holding .r Mit.i'i was
success of the arrangements. An jthe feature of '.he aflern 1. as
other dance will be ;:iven I here j he secured sev era dimeuM 'lys in
the coming Saturday. I1'1" Js'den thai ".eaiv aided
j in brinyiiiK viclory to Iho Uoosl-
Safest Laxative for Women '"'-s. Pole lloi old ..r this city did
. ,. .Jthe roeeivim: for Ihe v;.-i!ors hi
Nearly every woman mods -ii , .1
. . T - . -v- ...
I It K o 1 " s N evv
i Life pills are "oo.l because they
are prompf. s.ifo. and d ijot cause
pain. Mrs; M. C JMinlap, of J.eatl-
i 1 1 " 'f.n i.i.s .,., :u- "III- l illLT's
New Cip- nils iieipcu p.-c i ro'iim-s
i "ica! !y." C.-t a box J.-day. Pricoj
iP-coauu'.nded by (leiing- &
- w - my -T -r"B--7j He rz
' Wider, d;utuibt
Y - f uspnUrrs
M f Improved ZAlurf
Smaf-fltilnjrj, V f watch and
.diu.Ubl. CO'.Ijf . tLy- Jl5l 'll If""'""
Kith". tro.r. yXV fX.
Wider. ,Cnt"'j i
Mrni ill
I i i """"""
ii 7
" larnerf, Carter If A
Ifirwl, Hicb: -C5
Prt Karen. JSiifc. HC
St. Uuis. K. Mil
Sunday's Game Resulted in thai
Defeat cf the Visitors by a
Score of 11 to 4.
. - ...... r. . i... I.
i score of 1 t to 5. and t he
j jailors made most ec.dleit b-1-
t . .
;timr practa-e o- (lie i.-i-vs. n
iracta-e o- iii i:o.s. inn
failed to !ie up to their reputa
tion, and if the team plai:iu here
numbered any of the f'ormei Mink
league plaers. Iliey eeri.iinl y did
i.o siiiw it. Tile l!'osters aii
were I: i 1 1 -i fast bail, and
jailer the .second inning beuaa !
; make tilings hum. I'alls r.ity se-
cured lluir opeuinu:- run in l!o
.second innin."-. w lam successive
sin-les t.v Low. Lee and science
, ,.
lesuiie.i in Mr. ii!iiM;i. f
III.' isilnrs. Tile Hoo.-i. , si a ' ' I -
ed lo do business in hi,. .unin":.
aiso. wb.-n. after ( is-r-iiknii had
been walked, singles by inliram.
L. Smiih. Mason and Leal, and a
saeriliee resulted in nehi au lour
i mis for I ho locals.
Plat I sinoul h ai:ain stalled I he
swalfesi in Ihe I bird. ilea! was
walked by Prior, who - -ieialed as
fusser for the visitor-. Carle
sinv'i.-d ami lln-y .both sc. !,-' on
an error. I'm: Ii ram seccied a safe
hit and on Louie Smilli's single
lie came home with tin- !!iird ni!1.
of the inning.
In !h- sixth innin-j :h- Tails
City boys look a spur! ami laid
away three runs lo their cr.dil.
when Lippold doubled aud suc
eessive singles h Mars. II- roai
and resulted in lle-ir addin;-r
llieir lis) of scores, imi Ihev
were loo far behind lo ye I in siht
of wiiiniiiir. and as a punishment
for their m-rve, 1 1 1 , Hoos-ers li
coede.l lo rab four n r-- rur.s in
(In- eighth. hiakiii: .'heir unal
mire It, while Iho visitors were
only able to el 1. ,
Outside of Ihe batiiu;-- of I he
l; 01 1, 1 SIIIOM I i 1 1-1 I I H 1 I . I I . I1IM III,-
missed Iho train. The lim -i n of
Ihe teams was as follows:
Piooslers Carlo, catch: Connor
pilcher: C. Smith, lirst; Salsimi",
sei-on.d: In.hram. third: L. Smilii.
-boi l : - O-o-eakop.
-i Li Ii I
ceiiler: Mason. left.
Falls Cily Ilerold,
Prior, pitcher: ifiicc, firs. : Low,
second: Ueok, .third; Lippokl,
short; Lee, riuht; Mars, cenltr;
Lane, left.
Preparing for Hog Sale.
V. :. Pony, Hi.' kin of Hi"
I Mirm -Jersey Imir business of
(lass enmity, from ' near Mynard.
was in the cnunly seat last Sat
urday, ami while here paid the
Journa 1 oiViee a brief call. In
conversation with .Mr. Perry in
reward to the hot' business this
season, he tells ns that he has
some of tin' linos! that he has
eer raise.!, ami is propariiiir for
a biir ooinbinalion sale on fJ"ues
ilay. November 11. The offering
litis fall will be exceptionally line,
and will have new blood lines for
Irs old customers. lie does ml
know tlie exact nninlier that will
be 'placed in the sale rinir t his
fall, bul lite ipialily will he the
best known t'the popular Dnroc
.lersey breed, of which Mr. Perry
has gained .piile a reputation, al
though a comparatively v. mm-'
breeder. lie knows what Iho
farmer w;mls and every elVorl
will bo exorlcd in Irving to please
hi custom. is. The sale will bo
held al his homo. lio miles west
of Mnard. and will no doubl be
ptlended b all the breeders of
I he red h-2 in county.
The a ii iiounoenirnl of Ihe
Ti;arna.e of a former Plalts
moiilh ouni: lah ha been re
ceived in (his cit. ivinu the
o i i icular of the marriage of
Mi-s l.ena l.ind-a. ilauliler o
l Mrs. Callieiii.e I.iiid-ay. former
' 1 of ;hi )!. to Mr. Harry I..
! I
nu of Modal-'. I"a. The wed-
din- occurred on W'edne-dav .
S pteinber at the home of the
biide' mother, at iuju North
Sixteenth -tieet. Soutli Omaha,
and the ounu people al once left
for Modab. where the prooni has
pepareil a home for liis bride on
a farm near that place. The bride
j- a ouu-r lady ..f much charm.
w'iio w ;i bora and reared in I hi
ici; where her par. uis re-ided for
a number of r:ii'. and she pos
, e.s a larue circle of Jrioiiils.
who wii! b-arn of In-r marriage
wilh much pl-asi,i-'. and trust
thai she and h.-r husband may
eu.jov many years of happy wed
ib d bliss. The .".room is a oun
farmer of near Modale and a
ouii", man of si erlin;.' character
and inle"ril I one whom im-
p jesses eeronc Willi his Splen
did trails of character. Mrs.
I.oi!".- is a " rand-Ian" hi or of the
many ear a resident of this
Ia!o James llicksoti. wlio was f'.'r
A Welcome Visit.
M. P.. l-'aidley. the la-nl leinan
who has contracted to-put I t.-I I
i-ourehe in the "najNies."' .-alb-d
al this ollic- shorlly after his ar
rial with a letter of introduc
tion from frank 1. (Ire.-n of the
Lincoln I :ii!y Journal. . The
v isit with .Mr. Kaidb-y that fol
lowed was like a fresh breeze
from Ihe old home at Plalls
moulh. Nob., wh.-re tin- nianat:er
of this paper and Mr. (irei-n were
asso,jal"d in the newspaper
business for a collide of years.
In many ways Mr. l-'aidb-y is a
eounlerparl of our old friend,
(b-nial I 'rank" Croon, one of Iho
es fellows oil earth. and to
listen lo him was almost as
entertaining as seeing and hear
in r I'rauk himself. Uy the way,
we notice thai Mr. Creen is now
II xaltetl ruler of Ihe Lincoln
I odvo of I'.lks. but that won't
make him any heller fellow be
cause ho always was thai and
lliell some. Here's lo you, old
scout, and may your bald head
always shine as bright as your
genial smile. Hello 1'onrcho (S.
h. Host.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale aL all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. Jl have now an extra
fine stallion", the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Plattsmouth, Aeb.
It. I'. D. No. 1.
Spiro Powder 25c size, this
week only, 17c. .Gering & Co.
Phone 36.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Sjjr JTffSU
Signature of (zX
Sunday Morning Clinton Totten
Died at His Home, South
east of Murray.
Yesterday morning al his homo
on I lie W illiam Troop farm,
southeast. or Murray, Clinton
Tolleii. one of the obi residents
of (he county, passed to his final
reward. The death of Mr. Totten
was caused from stomach
trouble, it is thouprhl. by an ac
cident that occurred to him this
summer in Kansas, when ho was
thrown oil of a wajion in which
lie was driving, and the ehiclo
passed over his stomach and
abdomen and siuco that time lie
has boon in very poor lioallli. and
for Iho past two weeks has been
ipiilo sick and never recovered,
gradually prowinir worse until
dealh came (o his relief.
Mr. loll on was about ( years
of a"e and had been a resident o
litis counly for many years until
about four years a";o. when lit
removed to Waukeoney. Kansas
where lie resided Uillil about
throe weeks a"o. when he return
ed to Nebraska to make his homo
Mr. Totlen was married in I In
city to Miss Jane Ann Lloyd
who is left (o mourn his untimc-
lv dealh. and lo (lie sorrowing
widow the deepest sympathy of
Ihe community will ".o out. a
Mr. Totlen was one of the lincf
men that has lived in this pari
of Ihe county and his dealh will
cause a profound sense of "iio
ft Ihroimhoul this locality, wln n
he was so well and favor.imy
Tin funeral of this worthy
man was held this inorniiijr al 11
."clock from the Presby I orian
church al Murray: I lie services
were ooiidueled by HeV. lleil"e
of Nehawka and IP-v. Howard
liulchiiis of Murray. and tin
body laid to its final resting plact
in Ihe Youn.- cemetery. The loss
of Mr. Totlen is one thai will bt
hard fo replace, as he was one o
those slroii". sturdy figures in
the community. whose oins
ba es a place that will he hard lo
till and .for hm-. years Ihf
memory of Clinton Totten will b
kept preen by Hie many old
friends he leaves behind.
Sure Some Boys.
Mrs. I'r.-d Wauvh and twin
sons. Richard and Heed, of J.winir.
Neb., are isilinv Mr. Wauvh".
tnoiher. Mrs. Samuel Wauvh. The
younv twins hae been entered as
contestants in the baby show
now in progress at the fair. Tin
prospective I'nile.l States presi
dents are certainly line specimen.
of coining manhood and are un
usually handsome y ounvstors. a
well as line physical examples of
Nebraska's juvenile products.
Lincoln Star.
Yesterday Hist riot Judve Har
ey l. Travis, who has been lak
inv' trealinenl a Iho Iniinauuel
hospital in Omaha for the pasl
month, returned home for a isil
of about two weeks, as il was
thouvhl that the ipiief of his
home would prove beneficial t
his health and assisi in building
him up. The judve is feeling
some improved over his previous
condition, and il is thought, wilh
a few weeks oT resl and tpiiel. he
will regain his slate of
health and be able to bo around
in his old-lime viyor. The ill
mss or the judvo has been the
cause of much regret anions Ihe
many friends of this tlislinguish
ed jnrisl. and they have boon
anxious lo learn of his improve
ment. Entertain Their Four Sons.
Hay Lhrisw isscr, who has boon
xisiliny: hero for a few days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. lb-n-nelt
Lhrisw isser. doiailod this
morning for liis home at Osmond,
,-h. His mot her accompanied
him home and will visit for a
short lime there. Mr. and Mrs.
llonnelt. t'.hrisw isser lasl evening
had the privilege of fnttrlaininy
at llioir homo all four of their
sulls Hichard of Oloo couiily.
Charles of Nehawka, Hay of
Osmond, and Park of this city
and the reunion was much enjoy
ed hv all of them.
Phone 36. . . -
E. G. Dovey & Son
wish to call your attention
to their stock of Carpets,
Rugs and Linoleums. We
have a complete stock and
can supply your needs in
this line.
Carpets range in price from 25c
to $1.25 per yard.
Rugs, 75c to $33.
Linoleum, stamped patterns 50c
to 70c per square yard.
. Linoleum, inlaid, 98c to $1.50
per square yard.
Our mattings are of the best
quality and we can show you a good
many patterns 8c to 40c per yard.
Watch for Our Special
Friday and Saturday.
E. G. Dovey & Son
There was quite a number of
farmers m the city Saturday at
tending to Iradini: and the se
curing of household supplies for
;he wp.-k, and the fact of the ex
cellent showinir made demonstrate-,
the fact that the farmers
of the county are always lad of
the opportunity to come to this
city to do th.-ir trad in;:-. if the
propel- inducements aie offeled
iioiu. and the business nnm of
Ihe town should see that a special
effort is made to brin to this
city all Ihe farmers in this j
'inily who would make' this their
trading point and a field thai
.vould be a fertile one to work in
v.Aild be that of Sarpy county, in
Ihe vicinity of La Plalle, where
there are a lare number of
fanners who would be ".lad of Ihe
opportunity to trade here, and
wiih the wa-on and automobile
!rid;:e in use over the Plalle it is
tin easy mailer lo have I hem
make Ibis city (heir Irad'inu point
if some inducements would be
held out to Ihem ill the shape of
free transportation over the
bridge, and this could be secured
usily by the different business
'louses of Ihe cilv and make for
(he men-hauls a Lireal deal more
'ban the outlay for Iho tickets
vould be. It is a question that
should be looked after by the
Platform Dance.
The Tuleno Mrolhers will L;io
mother .me of those social dan
es at their place next Salur.lay
veniu, September l:lh. The
usual Linod lime may be looked
foT-. Music by Iho Sobo.a or-
chest ra.
Miss Nickels at Miss Myers on
Thursday afternoon from 1 to
o'clock. Spirolla eorsels.
Are Here Ag;ain
Our supply of History Note Papers,
History Note Covers and Rings, Ink,
Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Note Books,
Spelling Books, etc., is complete. As
Should Convince Every Platts
mouth Reader.
The frank statement of a
neighbor, lellinu the merits of a
I!is you pause and b--iee.
The same endorsement
ly some si ranker far away
Commands u belief al all.
Here's a Pia 1 1 siuoui it case.
A Platlsmouth testifies.
Head and be con ino-d.
i:. M. Hutieiy. Tenth and Wal
nut streets. Plat I sill out h. Neb..
says: "I still nn T loan's Kiilney
Pills occasionally and recom
mend them jnst as highly as
ever. I used I Joan's Kidney
Pills for pain in my back and
hips and other symptoms of kid
ney I rouble. The quick relief
they brou"ht warrants me in en-ilursinu-
When Your Hack is Lame
Remember Iho .Name." hnii'l
simply ask for a kidney remedy
ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney
Pills Ihe same that Mr. Hullery
had. o'e all stores. Poster-.
.Milburii Co.. Props.. ItulValo,
.. Y.
Miss Nickels will be at .Miss
.Myers' Thursday afternoon. Sep
tember II. from 1 to T o'clock in
Ihe interest of the Spirolla corset.
$100 Reward, $100
Tho r,-;ul-'is of tilts iuMr wit! In- f ln s-,I t-
1,-nrii Unit lli,-r, at li-st .m,- ,lri-n,l.',l .IN.-ae si-l,-iir-- li:,s b'-n lil-K- t. ,ur- in a!l il
l:i-.-s. iinil tlit N Catarrh. Hull- Cwtarrli Curu
is tti,- .-lily K-sitivo -ur,k ih,w kmtuii t- th iiim.1
i- iil fmli-rnlt.v. atarrli Im-Iiiit a miiUIiiUii:iI
.li-.-ns,-.- r,-iiir,-s a ooiislilillimuil I real ri'i:t.
Jliill's Catiirrh fun- 1m t:ik,-n int-riiiilly. lu-linir
.llr.-ctly ill-ill tlii- blotxl iiml mucnir HiirfiiriH
tin- K.vstriii. tlii-n-by ili'Mtroviirs tiro f-inmliitioii
ir tin- ilisiasf, and c'vliiir 1 lit? nati.-ut tr.-ni;il:
l-y hiiililintr uti the ooiistHutirii anil asistlnff ii.e
t nr. in l-iiiK Its work. The i-r.-Trrli-tiirs Iiiivm
hr murli f ii ii li III its ciirntivii Niw.-rs that f!i,-y
-IT,'r Our- llniiilrpd lKlhir f-r any - that It
fails t-i run-. Send f-T list of 1,-stiiuonials. I". J. CIIKXKV & CO., T.J'.tlo. .
Sold by nil nnictlsfs. "."n-.
Ttki: lla'l'u Family I'ills lu' mm tin,tliti.
.. . jr.