The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Beginning Next Saturday September Oth, we will in
augurate our
Saturday Special Sale
and continue it as an experiment each Saturday dur
ing the coming season. Also on day following Pay
Day an Hourly Sale. Our experience with these special
sale events in the past leads us to believe they are ap
preciated. We want to make this store the most satis
factory buying place in town for men'sand boys' wear
a place of real service to the public and to this end
we are willing to exert ourselves in bargain-giving.
We intend to t retch, the P1attMouiIimale Dollar so Jar
that it trill want to la at home. All we ask is that you
keep your eye on this store and its offerings. If you don't
find it pays you then we do not expect your business.
Men's Hose, 6 pr.
for 60c guaran
teed for 6 months
Cecil Davis has bn assisting'
as compositor on the Republican
this week, F. II. Speck having
severed his connection with the
Mrs. Roy C. Wiles and the i hil
dren went to Grand Inland Wed
nesday mornins to visit lier aunt.
Miss C. M. Paine.
Mrs. Chas. Fredrick, sister of
Dr. Thorno, an. I .Mrs. Hush
Thome of Lincoln were visit in?
Dr. an. I Mrs. Thorno this week.
S. S. Pennel. our new lumber
man, ha.l the misfortune to gel
the front finger on his left hand
br..ken Tuesday while handling
some heavy lumber.
1). M. Cline of Union was up
Wednesday visiting his nephew,
J. W. McKee, who fro I his log
broken in the motorcycle accident
a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. F. H. Cheek, her daughter.
Miss Lottie, and son. Leon, left
Wednesday morning for north
western Kansas to i-il her
mother and old neighbors.
J. T. r.ollister, who was severe
ly hurt in the runaway accident
two weeks afro, is gelling a Ion?
tpiite well. He was down town
Tuesday morning,, but his Jiead
and lace resemble that of a prize
fighter, lie can consider himself
lucky fha-t he was n,. hint worse
I ban he is. '
Charley Philpot earn.- in from
I he ranch at 1 a -t week and
reports things in fair condition
out there. Says the hay crop is
very fro... I and pasture in the hills
is frood. but the crop is jather
lifrht and spotted. However,
there will be lots of feed and
roue lines?; for the slock.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Poly, who
have been visit irifr relatives in
this vicinity, left this week for
their home at Alva. Oklahoma.
Charley left Wednesday night in
order to attend to some business
matters in Kansas City. Mrs.
Ioly left a day later and would
meet her husband in Kansas City.
Charley is in the oil business at
Shave wath a
For a limited time we
UlilHams Shavlm
to every purchaser of a
Durham Demonstrator Razor at 35c
F. G- 'FRICKE- $k O
AS vo Emotes
visf or
Yfact'T va a Stale Fair
Tu es-lay.
I.earnlor Friend reiurn.'d from
Lincoln Tuesday.
Peter Klyver was taking in the
stale fair Tuesday.
F.J. Casey was doing business
at Greenwood Friday.
Ed. Casey was doing Lincoln
Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Alex skiles returned from
University Place Tuesday.
J. A. Shalfer Sunday..! with
Dr. .lopes and family at Murdoek.
A. J. Friend and wife were tra
ding in Lincoln Thursday of la.-t
Glen Weaver was M'siting hU
.home folks at Sou.h Bend Sun
day. Mrs. Charles Rosenow and chil
dren were attending ihe state
fair Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea
and daughter alien-led the stale
fair Monday.
Miller I hoi hers returned from
Montana Sunday, where- lliey -.vero
looking for land.
Fay Parsed or the Slat.- Farm
al Lincoln. t was callinfr on
friends Sunday.
Harry Arpl( man relumed' to his
home at Lineoln Saturday even
infr on No. 17.
-Chas. Roser.ow went to NoiTolk
Sunday to attend It. F. D.
meet in? r Monday.
Dr. and- Mrs. Muir and chil
dren if turned from Des Moines.
Friday of last vrl;.
Miss Hazel Foreman of Have
lock, is visi.ina with the Misses
lnf,woron Ibis week.
C. H. Jordan went to Platts
mouth Monday to meet with the
county commissioners.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles went
to University Place to Mr.
and Mi's. Povietz Saturday.
The Rock Island reporls l2'
tickets sold for the state fair on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Charles Appleman went to Lin
coln Tuesday to visit his brother.
Harry, and ?ake in the hi? fair.
Lot No. i.
Lot No. 2
Let No. 3.
or dark stripes, ages SSig
4 to 12
Lot No. i.
T Tk T
L.Ot 1NO. O.
Lot No. 6.
bed, closed
See these items in our 5th Street Window
, J. H. Slroener and C. II. Snave
ly autoed to Lincoln last, Thurs
day to have a milk car overhaul
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fly Parks of
SI orling, Colo., are visiting with
.Mrs. Parks' mother, Mrs. Mary
Jiio. . Skinner returned home
from Hooper last Saturday
where he was visiting his broth
er and siste'
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bevies. Miss
Flora and Dale, went to Lincoln
Monda, by aulo route to attend
the Fair.
S. C. Bojles went
Friday to meet his
was visit mg in Iowa
t Omaha
mother who
and aecom-
panv her home.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Knolls of
Waer!y. was Mrs.
Knolls- mother, Mrs. Minerva
Knot Is Sunday.
Alfred Stroener and Sam Jor
dan returned from Barnes ton
Sunday, where they had been
fishing for the past week.
Mrs. J. H. Foreman, jr.. re
turned from Alliance on Satur
day, where she has been visiting
her parents, the pasj mouth.
T. N. DobbiM who has l,cen vis
itine his son Will and family '.he
:ast few weeks returned home
Wednesday ce of last week.
Sam Cushner, Mrs. W. S. Jor
dan and Z. N. liobbitt left on No.
17 on August '.S to visL the
Clones and P.obbitts a! Morehea.J,
Mrs. Mary skinner vho has
Veil staying with her father at
Deer Creek for several months
returned home Wednesday last
I'. J. Linch who has spent U
summer on his farm in Color
ado returned home Saturday. He
ermijdains of the heat .since he
game baek.
Miss Orpha Mullen, who has
been visit in? Ler brot her, John
and family, in Texas for the past
month. returned home Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Will JIamel and
wife of Nora, Neb., were visitors
at Orville Quellhor-t's Tuesday
nipht. Mrs. Ilamel is a sister of
Mr. Quellhorst.
Mrs. Jvl. M. Stone went to Lin
coln Tuesday evening' In visit
friends and :L(end the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cvans went to
Lincoln Tuesday ni.uht on No. 17.
Mrs. Dan Williams is visiting1
her jrrand parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Thomas a few days this
week. ,Sbe reporls their little
son is ieltintr heller al an Oma
ha hospital.
Thid Grove and family have
moved onto Ihe farm thai his
father farmed and is oOinf? lo try
farmin?: the next year. Uncle Jim
is goinpr lo put his time in look
ing" after the porkers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Snave
lv storied for Illinois' in -iheir
Melz auto, k'oing by easy stages.
They did not tell us what part of
Illinois they were going to slop.
Guess Charles won't, get. lost.
Colonel Bates Ihe editor of the
I'laltsmouth , JournaL- was circu
lating among- his many friends
in AlvOjon Thursday oT last
week. ,We predict tha'l the Coj.
is growing younger as his hair
is not so gray as when last seen
here two vears ago.
The name Doati's inspires
confidence Doan's Kidney Pills
for kidney ills. Doan's Ointment
for skin itching. Doan's Regulets
for a mild laxative. Sold at oil
drug stores.
Men's Blue Cheviot Shirts double
sewed, faced sleeve. Exten- O Q
sion collar with pockets. . .OCW
Men's Work Suspenders, good strong
web, leather ends H&A&tf1
per pair :
Boys' Shirts, plain blue, also light
Boys' Bib Overalls in plain
blue with suspender back. . v
Boys' Porosknit underwear
Only a few garments left at " "
Men's Union Suits ecru rib-
crotch, medsize
New Fall Caps
and Cloth Hats
at from 50c up.
I lie Journal has oeen given
the priviK'ge of publishing the
following beautiful tribute paid
to the memory of the late Wil
liam Wynn by Hev. A. A. Itandall
o.f Nebraska City, a former pastor
of the Methodist church of this
city and an old friend of our de
parted citizen.
Nebraska City, Neb., August LM,
1 1 3.
The Hev. W. L. Austin, Plaits
mouth, Neb.:
My Dear Austin I find it will
be impossible for me to go to
Plait smouth tomorrow for the
funeral of our sainted Drother
Wynn. I cannot, express my re
gret at the news of his death.
Surely a great, saint of God has
laid down his armour lo receive
his cr.wn. A truer man I never
knew. I never have known any
who, to Iho fullest limit of his
strength, was so entirely given up
to Ihe service of his God and fel
low men. Knowing, as he did
know so well, the fullness of
salvation through the merits of
the atoning blood of Christ and
experiencing in his own soul the
joy, the happiness, tlie blessing
and eternal security that comes
to a redeemed soul, he was
anxious that all men should taste
and see that his God is good.
Brother Wynn was the source
of great inspiration and help to
me while I had the honor to be
his pastor. His gentle, kindly
disposition, coupled with his
keen sense of justice, made him
an excellent couneelor. Many
are the times I have gone from
his presence, after an hour's
conversation, feeling -that I had
been in Hie presence of one who
was in the closest touch with the
Heavenly Father, and by my as
soeiation with him I have been
lifted nearer to God. His was a
child-like faith, and yet it had in
it the strength of a giant. Doubt
and distrust had no place in his
thought. He was one of God's
noblemen, humble and lowly and
The church, with hundreds of
hearts, will miss him; miss his
prayers, his cheerful greeting,
liis glad smile, his warm hand
clasp, and above all, the helpful
ness of his holy life. Dut none,
aside from those nearest to him.
will miss him more than L ne
was my friend, my father in
Tsrael; I. loved him. May the
blessed Heavenly Father comfort
and bless these stricken com
panions, the sons and daughters
and all who are afflicted by his
going. His life was well lived;
may we imitate it, following him
as he followed Christ.
Brother Austin will you carry
to the family my regrets because
I-am not able to be at the services
with you. With regards I am
vry truly your brother,
A. Allen Randall.
Farmers, mechanics, railroad
ers, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns,
bruises. Should be kept in every
home. 2rc and 50c.
John Woodworlh of Omaha
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after business
matters at the court house, re
turning home on" the . afternoon
Burlington train.
The Journal ads pay.
for- the Journal.)
it be true
that 'my friend is
And I shall
see his face no
That, his spiirt, from this world
has lied.
To rest, where foil and pain are
My friend, though born in a for
eign land,
So far bevond tlie deep blue
Yet the kindly touch of his gentle
Hound him
to me.
forever a friend
we labored
m dailv
I'lattsrnouth shop
morn till night;
he never feared hi
s Yrom
to soil,
If only his spirit might
His cheerful ways and his pleas
ant, voiee,
Through time well spent to
gether there.
Made his friendship still to me
more choice, '
And leaves a memory bright,
and fair.
But, memories sweeter than these
by far
Are centered in the house of
Where oft we met.
at hour of
walk the
With those who
Heavenly road.
faith was strong in God's
holy word;
In it he truly did believe,
"new version" just direct from
The. only change he would re
ceive. A
the Bible
school he had his
And oi. him they
all could de-
And there he (aught
he grew
in grace,
While all could truly call
friend. .
he ha
rone, his work is
But he was faithful to the end:
nd when al last I shall be "gone.
In Heaven above I'll meet my
C. W. Green.
The base ball fans of this city
are promised ;he appearance here
Sunday of the Falls City base ball
team as an attraction, as the
management has secured an
agreement from Ihe boys living
down the road to slop oil" here-for
a. wrestle on the local diamond
for Ihe gate receipts. The Falls
C!.y team is supposed to be
"some" team, and will find they
have struck, some pretty fast
company in tlie Boosters and will
be kept busy trying lo save I hein
selves from defeat. - The addition
of several new players in' the last
few weeks to the line-up of Mie
locals has strengthened them
very materially and they can give
a good account of themselves
against the strongest teams in
this part of the static, as was
shown in the game' Labor day
against the A. O. U. W. team of
Omaha. The season will soon be
drawing to a close and the fans
should turn out and give the boys
a boost for their excellent work
this season on the diamond.
$25.00 REWARD.
The City of Plattsmouth will
pay a reward of 925.00 for the
arrest and conviction of the per
son who cut and injured Ihe trees
which were set out by the Park
Board along Washington Avenue.
And the sum of $25.00 .for Un
arrest and conviction of any person-injuring
or destroying any
trees set out. by the Park Board
anvwhere in the city.
Why the Platte Mutual Insurance
Company' solicits your business:
First. Because they , have
saved the policyholders one-half
the cost of their insurance.
Second. Becalse they have
never had an assessment - for
fifteen years. '
J. C. Petersen, Secretary.
Office in Dwycr Blk.
Dewey Zuckweiler returned la i I
evening from Lineoln, where be
had been visiting for a time with
relatives and friends.
S. C. Tabb of Waco, Texas,
came in yesterday to look after
some mailers of business hre in
regard to his line of educational
Mrs. L. A. Wurl and two chil
dren returned last evening" on Xo.
2 from Omaha and Council Bfuft's,
where lliey had been Visiting for
a few days.
Mrs. O. M. sireight and 1 it t lo
grandson, Guy, of Omaha, are in
the city for a few days visiting
at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs.
James Sage.
Mrs. George Backs of Troy,
Kansas, who has been here visif
ing for a few days with relatives
and friends, departed Ibis morn
ing for her home.
Albert Cottier, and Kdgar Sfein
hauer departed this morning on
No. in for Lincoln, where they
will take in the closing days of
the state fa ir.
T. M. Carter departed thi
morninir on No. 0 for Folsom,
Iowa, where he was called lo
look after some matters of busi
nes for a few hours.
(I. V. Slaats 'departed thi
morning on the early Burlington
train for Lincoln, where he will
prepare for bis work at I be I'ni
versify School of .Music.
Frank Iliatt of Sidney, Iowa,
was in the city yeslerday for a
few hours en route from his
home lo Murray to attend the
funeral of Uu late I..n White.
Frank Hubbard and wife ar
rived yeslerday from Klliotf. la.,
to visil their son. Phil Hubbard
and family, in this city for a short
t ime.
J. M. Hiber returned this morn
intr nn No. l.r from Cre-fon, Iowa,
where he had been engaged in
doing some work in connection
with the installing of a furnace
in a residence near that city.
George A. Meisinger. K. J
Mcisinper and I'd G. Meisinger
were passengers this morning on
I lie early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they will look over
the automobile market with a
view of securing one.
Mrs. F. It. Gobelmau, accom
panied by her sisters. Misses
Lovy, Annie and, Martha Hiatl,
were passengers this morning on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day with friends.
IL R. Nickels drove up this
morning from his home, south
east of Murray, lo look sifter
some business mailers far a few
Mrs. J. L. Hoot and
daughter were passenger
afternoon to Jieir home at. Omo
ha, after a .short visit here with
Mark WhVe and wife came up
h:s morning from their home
near Rock Bluffs to attend to
some business matters at the
court house.
Mrs. William Morley and
daughter were passengers this
morning for Lincoln, where .they
will altend the stale fair for a
short time.
Mrs. Henry Steinhauer and
daughter, Gladys, and Clarence
Coiner were passengers this
morning on the special train for
Lincoln, where 'they will attend
the state fair.
N. P. ShuKz, wife and daughter,
Nellie, were passengers yesterday
afternoon.for Omaha, where they
visited for a few hours and Nel
lie was taken up in order to be
examined by Dr. Gilford.
Mrs. Ed Frye of Red Oak, Iowa,
who has been a guest of Mrs. L.
B. Egenberger for a few days,
tleparted last evening for, her
home, going on No. 2 over the
. Mrs. II. T. Batton departed this
afternoon for Alliance, Nebraska,
where she expects to visit for a
short time wLh her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Grassmann and
"Mrs. Wiggs of iho Cabbage
Patch" a play that appeals to
young and old at Parmele thea
ter, one night only, Thursday,
September 11th. ' 9-4-ltd
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
CluirnT No. 7i,
nrorjiorn t r1 in tlio talo of Nf-l.rn'il.-a,
-lose of business Aiic. v-'v'-
at. tho
Loniin a'nd flN-roniit. 3174.1M ft
OviM.lrafis I.'"-; ''
J (otitis. s'ciiit ifs. judirrments, claims
,.t.- r..r.: o:s
I5atil.ii!.' lious'.furnii iiro nni nios " l. lT'.t CM
lical .".latp otlu-r than t.i a 11 U i ti i:
house 10..WJ On
Current ixi nsos. taxes ami interest
IKiUI ' 4.0 o i-;
Cash it.-rns " .").,.
iMiffrom nalimial and tatf batiks. . V. ,''! 4
hoi-ks and li.-ms of fvtiant"!
Currf-iir.v f..,7i v
Cold coin :.'o-' '
silver, iii.-k Is amli-t-nts l.i."4 :.'7
;, t-r.
Caiiitril storK- paid in
Siirjdus fund
I 'ndivhit'd jirotlts
individual tli-jimits subjei-t to chi
1 li'mand r-rt itical.'i of ot'posi!
Time rcrl iticatt-sof U'I:-il
CTti!Kd Hnvks
iJeiM.-ii tor's (rnurant y fund
.70.000 fill
. H.4 -j i .v.
:.;. 7 ! .f
.j 141
Total ..r. n.-.
Stath of Nfhraska, I .
I'lirsTYorlA-is t 1..T. M. i:o!-rts
cashier of tln a'oovn nampl bank, do Inifi.y
swear thai the alove statement is a correct,
and true copy of the rejjit made to the slate
liankintr Hoard, J. M. UoUKUTS.
; Cashier.
. ) V. If. Nrwn i.. Director.
Attest. ( 7 u 1!rf hf;a D;,T.,.. or.
Subscribed and s'voiti to tiefore me this "i d
day of Srjit. l'.iirs. II. II Hixwiam,
Notary Public.
Sa!! My commission expires Oct. p., p."i.'..
Misses i:ilen Pollock and Hall ;.
Parmcie were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
will spend the day.
August Cloidi was a passenger
this afternoon on No. 2'.i for the
metropolis, where he will have,
his eves treated.
Misses Nora and Jennie Ballon
departed this morning on the
Burlington special for Lincoln to
lake in the fair.
William Fahison was a pas
sensor lhi morning for Davy
Neb., where tie will isjt for
davs with his family.
Karl Barclay came in this
morning from Lincoln lo visit for
the day with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Barclay.
William Daiiy and wife of
outh Omaha cam- down yester
day to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Daily's grandfather. Ivon White.
George Pick was a passenger
yeslerday anernoon lor umana,
whore be was called to look after
some business matters for a few
A. S. Will was a passenger Ibi
morning on the early Burlington
train fur Omaha, where he will
visit for the day and attend to
some business mailers.
Mrs. H. W. Clement and daugh
ter were passengers this morn
ing on the early Burlington train
ror Omaha, where thev will visit
for a few hours with friends.
Miss Ellen Windham was a
passenger litis morning for Oma
ha, where she will visit for the
day with friends and look after
some -matters of business.
For Sale.
One "b-foot lower Sampson
windmill and one 8 horse power.
Inquire of W. G. Meisinger, six
miles west of Plattsmouth. or call
phone No. 2322. S-lO-tfdSw
'Mrs. Wigsrs of vhe Cabbage
Patch" strongest cast of char
acter players, at. Parmele theater
soon. -' -ltd
The Bank of Cass County
of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
incorporated in the state of Nebraska, at Jhe
close of business Auir. :M. I'.'I.'i
Loans and discounts sifiifur. 41
Overdrafts ... 1.773 '
Bonds, securities. jiidtrmems,elaims.
eto , I.s:l r,!I
B.inklntr house furniture and fix
tures 00
Ileal est ato ot her than banking- house 12..';."ii 7
t'uM-ent f xiH-nses. taxes and Interest
paid : 11. 00 7:
Cash items !!. 1 1
One f mm national nd state '
banks ;s.T0 f.l
Currency H.:ti J
Hold coin ll.:.v.) M
Silver, nickels mid cents .7Hs 7
C-iiKO t"s
Capital stock raid in ? "W0 00
Surplus fund .'fci.iVN. ui
Undivided protlts , 11.714 i-ti
Individual deposits subject
to cheek l-tfi.4-11 ."7
Time eert Itlcates of deisit .'iM.'ni ir'. '
Cashier's checks outstanding- C.r-ltJ hi
Duo to national and state
hanks --'.'21 ti7-44.-..0.
Depositors' tf-.'.antnty fund 3.402 &0
Total S.43.170 G
TATE or SF.nn.tSKA, I
CimsTTovC.M 1" T. T. St. Patterson,
cashier of the abovtj named bank tlo here
by swear that tlie abovt statement. Is cor
rect and a true copy of the rervr mnrletntho
State Hanklnjr Board. T. M. Patterson.
a.i , .tfiiAS. C. I'An'in.E. Director.
Attest. -( ."KEDlj. EtiE.N'BKHOKIt. bii-wtfir.
Subscribed and sworn to U'orp this "nd
day of Sept. lulX Versa ITatt.
Notary Public.
Seal My commission esplres.Iuly HtL 1617