The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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PA ML 7.
f -
Tickets on Sale Monday at W'eyrieh & Hadraba's Dru Store
"That's what yer face needs smiles." Mrs. VViggs is com
ing with smiles for you all. That determinedly happy wo-
H man and droll feininc philosopher "Mrs. Wiggs."
Account of heavy guaran
tee. Hrlanager Shiaes will
offer the season's best of
fering at the following low
scale of prices
25c, 50c, 75c and Si.00
,-; . iil
:". '
.j -'--
. .. . . --p-'U;i
-r . '
f .;-;
Alice Megan Rice's Books-
Si fo !P r-
ijfc t-a. a
"It looks like everythig come riht if we jes" vail lonj enough.''
"I've made it a practice to put all rny worries down iu the button of my
iNiatf, then tct oa the lid and smile."
"Somehow I nevtr feel like the ood b"Jong to mc till I pass em on to
somebody else."
"Vii never kin (ell which way any pleasure is a-eomin. Who ever would
& vV.i. J i 'a' thought, when we aimed at the cemetery, that we'd land up at a lirst-elass
8 :l:l:A':"vi ! fire-
Miss Hazy
"1 jes" t'-.) the best I kin where the gaod Lord nut mc at, and it looks like I
a lijppy feelin in me 'most all the time."
mm mm
i - 2 .. .-. ;,. f I
ATIONERY and all
Hiram Stubbins
K. J. M'.-uucy and wil'o vi.iited Saturday and Sunday, wil li j
relalivi's and frii.'iids in l'aiulliuii.
Mi?s Joseihinc Mueller of
Cedai- Haiid, Iowa, came Uirt!
Saturday and spent, a Jew day.--1
visiting Win. Mueller and fainily. !
Mrs." II. Mat I in of I.os Anueles.!
Cal., arrivt-d Sunday and lias bct'iil
visit inir with her cousin. Mrs. J.i
I . Lewj-, nurlhea-t of t'vn.! 'all-!ii of IMails-i
niontli lia- Im-i'11 asi.-tinu- In'-!
t . ii. i if j . ..... :.. i I... '
innilii'i, -l. M . i .11 i t'l m :l. ill iii- c
I'.ank ij t.'ii"ii, whil"' Mis la
Mousey i- enjoyju- In-r Miinnierij
vacat ion. j
Miss iva Mouuey, Hi.- as-i-.taut.ji
easliier of the jank of I'ni'Mi, lias's
leen ; i.j ir.' a aeatinn ilie pa-t!
two weeks, visilii::.: h-r rilalies)
in diUi'reul part- of tin- .-t-ile. ja
1.. .J. Hall and iajniiv .l.-art.-.l
hy auto 'e!n'stla nii'iiin- for!
J'elershur-'. "!.. to .-pnd -ev-j
eral das willi relalies there and!
other places in that part of the,
Ulys-es j. Aiir-tin a;i"l wife ofJ
'.i'ona, Cal., hae h'n hero the
pa-t two week making a iritlJ
with relatives aiel niany friends 2
i in and near i hi s villaye, and they ' 2
jtind a cordial welcome hack to S
jilie !! Ict'T- to-.n." Their ar-S
i r., . .. i ... , i o :. .. . i i i ,.-.,..!: 2
';l-eaU-e We lo.-t a Pi'-e frojil l.ilfiK
; r. ol hoi i !. . i s
Mi-s A!ic" a-i'i I : l i t . cry 4
ill Iu( week wlii!" Ni-ilin;-' rela-i
live- in V.'eepin-- Waler. and up-:?J
O l I h' al ice of Iiec phy-ician -lie I
imm oi
Can be found at
The Journal Stationery Dep
lypewnccer l
Ribbons for All Machines
Typewriter Paper of all kinds
Carbon Paper, Erasers, Pencils
Oils, Desk Stands and Brushes
vas taken a ho-oha! in I.iu-
piwwr k m 'i .mi .mi ij i a i i cium rtn -m- m it mi n w w if turn m mmm mmmm i i i mwi iit- a mwmm mm w w im wmmwi pww
; ' I ! i 1 1 ! i ' -" , ; !-! hoof JJe j eali .I.-he-.c a:-! hi ; -i!ce, ,??X!2-:'X-
; i i ! arra i-;!"'l a! I . i i.- ! . jOia. --i-e inn oo'o ,y an an:o- 2" "
II. .! ! pp had ;. I.-.-! pr-! ::f'i'ih- at tin- c.,n.-r ii":;r .t..!in I LOUISVILLE. r
. ' diy -:.!a-!i.,d hi-l Thur.-Sav ! Whiieman's ahoul i':.'!" Si'n.liv Ootjffer. v
!;-i.ln II w:l - ri!o::"!l! at ti' -i IliTl
Pi ! . ; . . h
l a -ur-M-al opei ation wouli ik t ;
s I u 'cessarV. I.'ut I he a j linen t yielded 'I
r : t ireatnient vii'i.eil i and on!j
-iiinii io the hiTu".' of her s i -1 r in : !
I!" impr-iv.-nii
-hr will prohaidy come
A complete line of all Wedding and
Announcement Cards
Calling, Visiting and Business Cards
Announcement and
Correspondence Cards, Etc.
i : i i 1 1 i 1 1 , ; m i .
;v-Xvvvv;":vHvvvvv ; i-lx several hundred pounds
' I ei I i in Ins nun l loot a uu
ieore '" . i i - i it-- .a : "'-I
i i j i i : i . i' ; lie ; o . I o . i ' i i i I a : 1 1 1 . ;
ha'. ii - ;'!;:- d a k "'d i !:;":-: ii
file a u e,.- . . i ii " I ; i :-.
Mr-, l-'.-aiik Ai'-n '.:', i:- "t v. .
- il ls ;.' S;iiii!-.;;- !'"; a i -ll !o
.Mi--. Al !:'.- car.-!-. Mr. and
Mr-. Pr a! M--d .,,-d. k!a.
h. '.. To. Id -nipped ii i
of hi- "'A.I r.'.i-i:::- i" I ;,,;. ha !l -!
v . -ek that i ii I ii i i i a ! 1 1 I I'"
i:y s I i o .;.(!(. and ihey v.e."
(lit.. ('.. ii-;-" ! I i i;i - h'-ei : j 1. 1 ; i . : '
around so'in- 1 1 ; ' - wild lie
rheumatism, and Sained.!." ni-h
In- w.-nt to I.ineoin. wlier.- Il- wil
lake iieaiiifiif. a! a ua an n : n.
P.. S. I 'ril idi !ie!d. a re.-n'i
uliTi'V. wa- i.i I'.'.vn :;: a'n,
o..k Poi.. r! Tliotnp-.. ) i;i .diar-"'.
Tim of:':eer wa- h'-re a !-.v das
ha- J.ieen u-m- a cru.cii
iT IU""'.
Ilie -J- ear-old da. u-j liter
i- eiiiiiL.-. IIk'owii Irons the J.iippy
in which, limy were ndi:i- anl
hruist-d ui con-ileiai!'. t.1!"
oiiiic: lady iein- luiconsci'-us fop
so-ie t inn". Ti:' c-i-. a Tord,
jih-ieu 1-y lienry Velle of Aoea, i- r-ai'i.ha.l u-Mhin--: hut he
e w i ! i ': ' d pii Si 'io;iiaker !ii d Sur.d.'.v
a! !;! family home in-ar Murray
and wa- l"iiri-"l Tin'-i);iy al the SI.
.5 1 : 1 1 teiiicf . , noilli nf town. Tin
Au. u-l ( ) ekop ' urm-d
M"' from '.!:e e:n;e. win-re he
Wen! o :H j j . . J the frontier ihy
di'iw. Je :! i- wmili I he
dash lamps hum inf. The hu.-cT - i -rice.
was i!eni4"li-!ied.
:y i" !! .- a-!v a ;
o . i -. a i . 1 1 t ; : e b
is a "- ere j ...
I S. k Ke.-kier iei! Wc du-.-.lay
J !'.: p-wjcii. S. !.. Io aec-imoauy
I III-I-I I his w i i'e and iuidre.i h'.me from
J-jan ev;.-uded -ii-ii . villi Mr.-.
o.ireais. who nae in.- ,,
tt t
V" i ivt'.jvier S ,al" a-i -.
5 i .Mrs. I.ii- ariii-d 'Pin
- n i pa ! h ! iueir juau ii-K-ao-j a i .lav nnirniuu i'r;n leu'er for a
ii- re. ! VXX"HX4-i'j '' wiih h"i- -i-i'.-r. Mrs.
Mail-on! Poii,.id, n i:o w il h ' ilk A. Uiclie. Mr-. iai- w iiJ nial.e
Mrs. I'olki rl r. tuni'-'l reccnlb M(. jJU!j Sd wari aiul Mr-.!u?i future hoaie in itiii th i.
:''-..m a !;! tin; old home in !v,m. lleunw ..r Xehraslia Cit ! Tlie Courier nereis .. Icaru of
' j Vermont, report a delightful i-it . an. uue-is at the home of l!t!. the "Hiiess of iran.hna IP-ieharl .
Ialle;--s Cou-in, Mrs. Win. Dek's-N1" iia 'Utined I h.-r hed
i,v it. i- prehy ili-y ,,,,.;,.,.
i i'nlence o i,.
II. J". Kru'i j- er ciril icall;. il!.!
:haiu- taken to his l"-d im-
for I lie pa-t V.eek. lief IiUlUy
fi-i'-ads will imp"' :! In r -peedj
; j-eeo cl'V.
oiith.;-. aii'l from there L.'
meiHaieh fo.'lowiair hi- relmc' .
Will Wo-d 's expected home
a - o : i " ) i
"'livd e id' 1 1 "' ' aaill-l ,W"..-!.
from n-a. h
lis in have
lion !' I he
m.milh. Will
d' ilie deeora-
W i..;.i:mi colir:
jji i i - i r jHj'.uw'Kiwt-. - !
r-. i
! , V, .' i I .,' j X- , ' i
A Wm- . j
f -tw...fVi?- .'-".?''r:?--.-:. f.iu.vJlrt-5;.- 2
l" i. it;v,5.;:, -.-,,1..- i'2A.!L" - J
.d'irV-: ?v v? .v.s: . Hsv'f;w . i
from a we-lcin trip the fori- pari
jof the Week.
. Mo-, .Jo-ephme Muelh-r ai ;in -d j ,. ' h , ... ly ;il Ai.
MiM'lay evening lrom .. ! i- ;-,,,, , .
Uapids, Iowa, for an extended! ' j, j Sj ( wu Ve,k;e.-dav
M-ii with he,- parents, .Mr. and ; .ni,,i,i .,.,., p, ac-
Mr.-. Adolpi, Mueller. t .i.(1; Si(.(.,!t , ,.,
Mrs. Ir. liaryer and two clni-j i,, ju p,.u:-viile. llemy is a
Ire::, of Chicago, came in Sat ur- j "Pul!;, "" -o.... fellow and dtiriap
day for a i-il at the home of ihc!iijs -horl lay here has made
formerks parents, Mr. and Mr.-. (;M n f r , . . , ,.j
Heitry Clapp. j i:,-lr, Maxiield arri..l Thurs-
.Mrs. Anna L. Morfi'id. an ex-jday from ciMahoi.ia 0,1 a -horl
penenceil teacher, has h.-ea cm-lvi-il with hi- parent-. Jte .-as
ph'.' til to take charge of tiiejlhat o dira.-kau s l:ae in,,' the
, .J. I Ka a -a .-. am e(l here Wcdim-day
:-:--x-:--x-xx-x i vi-:i . hi- s"n- ,;- w- "(';jp
aim lamny. ne was a re-iueni m u
thi- pari d' the state aimut liflylg
year- ac. ai Phil t smutii Ji jj
and a! ihmv. ooil. I'.wa. lie made 5
a few. (rip- "an oss the plain-"1 in j
early da-. and r. -mem!" rs that;
he wa- accompanied on one trip;
hv I hi.- editor's h-rolher. Oal'B
;rai -. nw of North Yakima,
Wn-h.. au-1 Hia! Ikil -wore only
tv. ice ou ( he I rip.
Scene from Mrs: Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.
Parmelle Theatre, Thursday, September 11th.
One Night Only
is a ,-irl. vci-hl normal and ar
ried a! I he 'and.. eiiP.-r home o.i
l!;al all ihe world likes a pretty
I'ui;iev school his coming year,
and llu-y are to he coipjialulaled.
Mi-s J.illian h.-.-ler of IMalts
moulh was a guo.-t for a few das
I I'e fore part of the week at Dh
home of her cousjn. .Mrs. A. If.
cichel. yoin- from here i- AUo
for a few davs' i-it with rehi
ties" in that viciaiiy hefore ic
I ui uinv; home.
William Itoetlp.-r lell mi Mon
day for I'rt'iii'iul, Nch.. to allejnJ
Ihe l.'ojge counts, teacher.-" in
stitute. 1'IL)1U i!ir-e in- voe.s to
Hooper, Neb., to a.-sume his dulie
as j.rincipiil of lie Hooper Hih
scliuol ou J-eptemijei J.
Stanford Ci'-nu-nl- h-!f Tuesday
fijT Curl is, Nch...lo pin' wiiii the
1 . Il i il :
uurus ,M icam in a . a ree-.;a Do You Fear Consumption?
louniiiuiiu aiar uiu-i. ncoe- No mail e,- how chroiiio your
ha si concepl imi of v hat I he word
ilroulh means as compared with
;,,i-n 'p., M,-. and Mr.-. Hay.
Wall, Momkn. Aun-I a, a -ill.1
l!,.n:-Tii Mi-, and Mrs. II. Ik I
Smith. Satwrday. August -JLt, an S-
pijund i:iri. I
Mrs. .i-ear K'il relurn-'d home j
Tuesday eeniu;r fro in-a three-!
week.-'' i-:t wilh i-eialiN cs and j
friends in Iowa a!i.i Missouri. ;
J'red Spaiiuh- traded his Abboll j
ear edne-ikiy alternoon to a
liavelock man for a model ;jd,
IP 12 I5ui-k. J'red is well pleased
wilh the trad'-.
Mrs. Jnim Olson of rniversily
Place was in town last Tu-sday
anil while here h-ase, ,er 8'-acre
farm, two miles south of town, to
Win. T. siacks fer three cars.
idiarby !!ciiii"T, jr.. is iu re
ceipt of a letter from Conductor
M. F. I'erry. who is now at La
Pi l ie, Wi.-.. taking medical treat-
fancv stationer?
Here is where we carry the most
complete line in the city. New de
signs in Box Paper, Pound Packages
and Tablets. In fact, most every
thing in the paper line.
repe ana tissue Tapers
In all colors and shades. Many
new designs. Paper Napkins a
large assortment.
ianic BOOKS,
Pearl Vurdeu-ni er is h:pp. mciil. iu which -Xie slates lha! he
Tin-re i- no ime-iinn ahouf il. It is feeliuy much better and lutvui,
a line tune loaiin. fishing. !.
The Jku-h' .schools open Mon-
J"ue.-iiay aflerr.':m. Pearl sasUia, Seid ember S. w il h the follow-l"sa!-e
too eouinio,; anwav and! in"; leaehcrs iu charm-:- Prin
cipal, Prof. Wilson of Lincoln;
grammar, Miss Siuilii of Liueolu:
nr? its
memo docks
Ik 1!. Sini-oi- im- inoe.i hi-' iuiermciiate, .Mi-s Lola Curr of
family hm-e froja Lan.ed, Ivas.,
;u;d openc'I a jewelry .-lore in Hit
new po-i oiiice h-aihlin-'. Pusl-ma-ler
O-si nkup v. ill Jiene his
olliee p. ti;i. i..-w ijuarlecs ju-(. a
soon as hi- I'li'-h- Sannul will
iuive hi- ciai-enl.
to Alliance ! ayain tr;ke up his
work as one of the in.-l rue! ors in
the Ailiati'-e srhools.
Mf-s Je--ie du-lice of N" i ; a a-ka
City, who has be.-u il! al the P. M.
Trapp home In-i-e for .-erne lime.
trough or In.iw se ere j our ihroai
ailnn-nt is. Ir. J'in;-r's New lis
tuery will surely help you; i!
ma sae our life. slilluiar.
ireen, of Maliehile, C... wrie-:
''Two rkielors raid had con-ump
died Wednesday en in;-. She ; t roirand could not 1 i e I wo ear-.
came ..up from '"the city"' ahout
two months ayo. and" has . never
been able to return. The re
mains were taken to Nebraska
City this ninruin. where ihe fun
eral will Jjc held and inicrmen!
made. Miss Justice is a si-er of
the late Mrs. Trapp and also Mrs.
Owen, '. ho now. as for a number
of years- past, has made her hulne
at the Trapp residence.
f used. Dr. Kind's; New I )L--ta-i ery
and am' alive ' and .we!!' . Your
money refunded if if fails Io bene
tit 6u. The'' best home remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and lunur
troubles, prrce 50c and -1..00.
Guaranteed by Geriny & Co.
If you need anything for har
vest call on Ed Donat. He will
treat you right.
Music; primary, Miss Maie Dil
lon of Lincoln. j
Mrs. Lura Lee of Tori land.
Maim-, arrived today (Thursdav'i
for a few da-.-' i.-il al the home
oT her cousin, D. 1". Jundkius and
family. Mrs. Lee is n juinins"
b:iic' from a trip to (In- Pacilic
coast, ui:d when she reaches her
ho ne at T'arlland she will have
crossed the continent.
ii. W. Peterson "received word
Tue.-day tif this week of the death
of his uncle. Isaac Johnson, of
Uaxles. Ills., which occurred i:i
1'ebruar: . ' 'I'his was the only
uncle liiii-.r on eilher Mr. Pder--.(jv"-;.'
father's, or iiiolher's skle.
arid'he ren Is " ory miich The
news of his death, as he was
plannine; to make hint a visit in
the near future. Allnouh his
ilea lb occurred in February Mr.
Peterson was just informed of it
iu Tuesday's letter.
Receipts, Notes and Money Orders
in fact, if it is in the paper line
you will find it at this office.
All kinds ol
.egal Blanks and
Bed results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
7 iLP IP0!?
Letter tm
Call and see us when wanting any
thing in this line.
The Plattsmoiith journal