f HUflSDt'r, AUGUST 23, 1913. TLA TtSWIOU III SfcMI-WkfcKLY JOURNAL. PAtla. riiHl off '"safe," all the tiuio 1 '.vr.sjLc "refuse" sort of wife. I votiU alt an-1 listen while the other wive talked over the men in utter bewilderment and most times terror. tlon 1 would force myself to a little more forgrt tjug. and poor Mr. Carter must have suffered the eoia'oqueiKes. Hut v. 11 that was a miid sort of exasperation to what a widow h.is to go through with in the matter of of. well I think hnzin? is about the best; name to giro it. TFi" Jrc.tt!;;,- aiti viritff . : 1 : 1 1 1 !..- 1 - - . t . 1' : ( 1 " ' 1 ' V :' 1 ' lMM 111 IMUtl .;.' - c-u (.i ti r ..rv. "i .. , , -., .'AO. -l- i n hi t .. III! HIS ft o ti h rivj u r i s iv5 &x ;.& i i'i io.i i p.. r , . . Th- -01b Ai.-iwa! M , I l h.-i.l hi- ;o.! -;.:.--!;'. v a-:-.- ; . V Iii 1 in- i-q;u i i -1 : 1 1 ! ; : i ! 1 : !'';, ; 1 . I.- : 1 -1 ; 1 i : 1 .i . 1 ; in -! !',:.: 1 j i iii-' ' 1 . 1 j -' i 1 - - : 1 I 0 PROLOGUE. Jlolly rva.t the fairest and mer riest of widows and the plump est ! Thai too, too solid flesh p-as the causa of all the trcublc. Jtolly loved Alfred Bennett in her girlhood days. -Vok.' he was coming home a distinguished diplomat and wanted to sec Mol- ly in the same blue muslin dress waist ncasurc twenty inches) Tshicii she had wnrn at their ten- ;cr parting years before. So Molly had to f,rcw slim as a siring bean in fast three months, And, as she had at least four -.?,--- ., ryMnrf T-ii-zi-r-cc fairly complicated business- was often interrupted. The gay, irresistible Jlolly, alt sweetness and spice and every thing nice, is a most fetching heroine, and the longer csic knows her the more one's admiration grows. She has wit a-plcj:ty and a very keen sense of Jiumor. Furthermore, no one can toll just what she will do next. To rhapsodize, she is but wait, let the witching Jlolly tell her cwn story herself. "Mary, I -wi ll to spoil; to you in the li'Mf r," and taci w.Mlo-d b:i'-k tliroucli it""; P"r without even looking in J'l-l-i- V;..!.'a dire, ti m, tho ah he had v. :'. ! h.it w j:Ii i-ne "f his mother's e'.va Mui'-'s v le u !' h.i.l seen her be f - I lid. "' ' of my li-o-t i:ni'-.-n;e !''( i ; w hvu h..-re is jv;'; ii:g cl.-o to r; I !;i'!uh. i ! d it then and it saved ('- !:iy, i",.r v. .-it !i 1 ,i:-!;id int'. er.eh I'i.' , ;.; so :n:l tljuo. ami beforu v r. ;ih:o d it v.c were withlix w l.L:;er- -.'. I .:-;rt-u ..i'L-n.-cd v.ny !"g," I v;.;d -f. 'y. baroly g!a J:eij. out fro:n mi I.t i::y laI.cs :ii!o T was aTraid ; i; k J..-'l.::! .-::-;-;hf. at h'.m acraiu ! . 1 1 f.-:;:ly feel Aut Ade !; 's i- i '.' int my b:vlc 1; v. ..-.'-l ,.:'.. i .;o hydra beaded to ! -r l'-: i ay I l-rio usy iolhtr to .:,:! v'- 1 the M;.. 1 remle:-- ,n Y' 1 a I ?-o'ir.-..l ti e wo::d-.r -tr.!!e a'l .; n. f. Aain I almost caught n-y ;:!'!. "I i'.. v.j-.h y.oi v.!!M. Aunt Adeliuo Is s- f"i' I ' f Mr. V'ad":'' I said "i'i a p.,itivv l' ;:irr -r.t I ho.(. J,.w. didn't s. but I ai.t afraid he did. for Lo i'.M 1 if he wanted to say .s';ne-th:-. t" al.:i me. then bowed niTei f :'.' a: d we:,t on tiown the street, lb- didn't p.t -n tho h it l;o Lad lioltl !: hi; hand : 'i i'i" wbiie ho sb-od by I f.!i ut'fil 1 ' h ol looked back and l- i .-iL'-ht. 1'P'Mi I felt still m'tre ;rd :j 1 v cr:t iat the lem-e. but 1 n-.;.-ied th- thi-d cold i Pi!i'e Z the d-iv w b.-:i I lea -' .-d Ihe l'r-ut hail. 'Mary,'' l'd Aunt A'h i.oe in a voh o I'i.. ; .-mi.;.. . a if it hid he:i buio-l .'1 i.- t e a: i i'tcd. -f jo-i are go-ir-z t .')': ii:ue yi s:a h att U!!e-m'y n'!:r.-f i c.:.diiet I bop y..ti will re t'l'.oe jour m-.i fiiiTitr. wiii-di an emp ty in"' lo ry and an 3::ui!. to my own T ''. ''. la." '!." -V.--. .uat .Wine. I'i! go take it it tl-.is a -ry n;;ut:f T heard myself v: -:r i!-r aiiiiy i toy ami abnih-J.i-i L I n ight have hi. own t! at if I f'i r 'd t'tn; ( f tho o it WOU'd p to tey la ,ol! Without another word I sai'.-.l into my room and clo.ed the ih ors-.ftly. I v.-oi.der if Clod -o:;h1 ::iTerMlix.e'l v. hat a tend.-r t'-i: ho vns leaving ! to 1-fe i'i the garden of the v...:M ft or ! had flt.:hed making a v.'o;.i?ti? Tradidonally, Ave are creat ed out of i'i-o b.-avfs and star dut and the harmony r,f tiie wind?;, but we r.eed B st'-el chain iKtliag to fend vs. Slow ly 1 vnbuttonol that black dres that hrmii'ili.c'l the '-I'ding of six yearn of the blackness rT a tsiarrie3 l:fr. from wlii'h I had been .powerless to feud mysnif, and the r sy, dimpling thin hi r Ii'jt.v linivu'ie with :s cf blue I'LPon tiu.t stood in front of my mir ror was as new bora as any other hour t '-i iIli!.r bundhf of linen an l l.iee !a Iti'l boi". 1'er a. I'orpimtoly. an oid. ti "r bforo h":?', white lawn dress t" I'd ho i iiilc-d frcm ti.-e top slielf of tli.. -;osrt in 4i hr.rry, and the Molly li.: t fame oof. of that room was ready for lite-and a lot of it quick aud frst And again, fortunately. Aunt Adeline l .'i'l retired v, ith a violent headache Rod b:.T k .h.dy 'was carrying her In a hot valor hot He villi a broad gi'm on h-r ::'. .Ir.dy sees ths world from tii'i hiielo-n v. ir.dow ami understands fi i hi.ig. She had laid a large thick 1-ttr-r or, the hall table where I couldn't fail to S-e it. I urA. pov e.-- ion of it and carried it ed at me from all over his darling face. (. a U-:i-!i i;i the garden that backs up i ' - ;i:..not the purple sprayed, lilacs and j LEAI" ,RD' . -.u J- thnnVod by two rows of tall purple B'l!y's Apology, a... v. i.ite iris that stand in line ready i "f jy"jOLL,Y. Molly." he said Tvlth f.-- a Yi'-L-ioia i-.-e! with a delicate row 1 i J a perfect rapture of cJiuc of the poei's i.aiei.-; j.is across the broad : r 'f5 kie in his rolce. "now you I : tli. I lose my flowers. I lore them j isSf !o ju-t as pretty as you swaying on ti: ir ssc;n in the dnA' i & -AV'JP J"yu fc bed allvhityall By MARIA THOMPSON DAVIESS Copyright. 1012. by tho 3obbs-MerrliI Company v.xv I like to sn.nteh them anil crush tho life out of th(-ui asainst uiy breast ami f:u-c. I linve heeu to bed every r. I " 1 1 r this snrin" with a buuch of cool j violets against my cheek, and I feel that I am jroira.; to flirt with my tall rovr of holl.vhoeks as soon as they are il cii-n'jrh to 1'okl up their heads aud . T - . . i , . . . .. . rl " li t- n lit'i r mmlnil m n j of vory s,.1((,y ?(n(!crucI1 aml x have vroiwlered ii the tinfTy little butter and j cz;.: weren't shaking their ruffles at them. ! A real love letter oirlit to be like a cream putt with a drop of dynamite in it. Alfred's was that kind. 1 felt warm and happy down to my toes as I read if, and I turned around so old I.ilac Hush couldn't peep over luy shoulder at what he said. lie wrote front Itome this time, where he had been sent on somo sort of diplomatic mision to the Vatican, nud his letter about tho unci cut city on her seven hills was a prose poein in itself. I was so interested that I read on and on and forgot it was al most toast-apple time. Of course anybody that is anybody would be interested hi l ather Tiber and the old Coliseum, but what made nre forget the one slice of dry toast and the apple was the way lie seemed to he connecting me tip wit'.i all those wonderful old antiquities that had nev er even seen me. Jtecauso of me he had felt and written that iona descriptive of old Tiber, and the moonlight had lit ui tji. old'"l'-""' -tu-t- because -T-J was over hen: t;ui.:;:: u: - Hillsboro. Tenn.. with Mr. Carter dead. O" course that is mt the way be put it all, but there is no place to really copy what he did say down into tlus imp book. Anyway. Hint is the sentiment he ex prjred . when it is boiled down and sugared off. That's just what I mean. T.ove boil ed down ami sugared otl is mighty apt t -et an explosive favor, and one had better be careful with that kind if one Is timid, which I'm not. As I said, r-.iso. I am ready for a little taste of lil'2, so I read ou without fear; and, to The Most Subdued Billy I Ever Saw. Tk? fair, Alfred had well boiled Iii3 own la;t paragrajdi. It snapped, and I jumped and grasped both. I almost thought I didn'tjjuite like itaud was t;oinglo Tcud i tb v erasai ITTo "see v.htu there came a procession from over to Dr. John's, and I laid the bombshell down on the bench. I'i rst came the red setter, that is al ways first with Dr. John, and then he came himself, leading Uilly by the hand. It was Iiilly, but the most sub dued Billy I ever saw. and I held out my arms and started fotj him. "Wait a minute, please. Molly." said the doctor in the voice ho always uses when he's punishing Eilly and me. 'i;il!y came to apologize to you for be ing rude to your your guest, lie told me all about it. and I think he's sorry. Tell Mrs. Carter you are sorry, son." AVhen that man speaks to tne as if I were just any old body else I hate him so it is a wonder I don't show it more than J do. Hut there was noth ing to say, and T looked at Eilly, and lhv!r looked Then suddenly he stretched out bis little arms to me. and the dimples wink- in fi over. "TfoTTcuIT kiss TLy "kiss "spot a hundred times while 1 bei0 hug ycu for that nice not black dress." And before any stern person could have stopped us 1 was on my knees on the grass kissing my till from the "kiss pot" on the back of his neck, while he hugged all the starch out of the sum mer before last. And Dr. John sat down on the bench quick and laughed out loud one of the very few times I ever heard him do it. He was looking down at us, but 1 did not laugh up into his eyes. I was afraid. I felt it was safer to go ou kissing the kiss spot for the present. uy way. Bill," he said, with his voice danc ing, "that's the most effective apology I ever heard. You were sorry to some point." Then suddenly Billy stiffened right In my arms and looked me straight in the face and said in the doctor's own brisk tones, even with bis cupid mouth set in the same straight line: "I say I'm sorry, Moliy. but d n that man, and I'll git hiui yet!" Yhat could we say? What could we do? We didn't try. I busied my self in tying the string on Billy's blouse that had come untied in the bear hug. and the doctor suddenly discovered the letter on the bench. I saw him see it without looking in his direction at all. "And how irany pounds are v.e near er the string bean state of existence, Mrs. Molly":'' he asked me before 1 had finished. t-'.11jl!lfLL''"1iL Va tlHTJ-'li'l voice in the world, fairly crackling with friendship and good humor and hateful things like that. M'hy 1 should have wanted him to huff over that let-' ter is more than I can say. But I did. and he didn't. "Over twenty, and most of the time I am so hungry I could eat Aunt Ado line. I dream about Billy, fried with cream gravy," I answered, as I kissed again the back of tho head that was beginning to nod devu against my breast. Long siiafiows lay acr.s the garden, and the w hite Leaded old snow ball was signaling out of the dusk to a Dorothy Perkins down the walk in a scandalous way. At best spring is just tho world's matchmaking old chaperon andought.to be .watched. I still sat o:ithesrdss,aIid "Ibesanto cuddle Billy's bare knees in the skirt of my dress so the c Ingres couldn't get at thein. "But, Mrs. Molly, isn't it worth it all;"' asked, the doctor as he bent over toward us and looked down with some thing wonderful and kind in his eyes that seemed to rest on us like a bene diction. "You have been just as pluck as a girl can be. and in only a little over two toionths 3011 hare grown as light footed and hearty as a boy. I think nothing could be lovelier than you are right now, but you can get off those other few pounds if you want to. You know, don't you. that I hare known how hard some of it was, and I haven't been able to eat as much as I usually do thinking how hungry you are? But isn't it all worth it? I think it is. Al fred Bennett is a very great man, and it is right that he should have a very lovely wife to go out Into the world with him. And as lovely as you are I think it is wonderful of you to make all this sacrifice to be still loreiier for him. I am glad I can help yon. aud it has taught me something to see how how faithful a woman can be across years and then in this smaller thing! Now gire me Billy and you get your appie and toast Don't forget to take your letter in out of the dew." I sat perfectly still and held Biiiy tighter in my arms as I looked up at his father, and then after I had thought as long as I couhl stand It I spoke right out at him as mad as bops, and I don't to this minute know why. "Nobody in the world ever doubted that a woman could be faithful if she had anything to be faithful to." I said as I let him take Billy out of my arms at last "faithfulness is what a wo man flowers, only it takes a man to pick his posy." With which I man-hod into the house and left him stand ing witli Billy in his arms, I hope dumfouniled. I didu'tlook back to see. I always leave that man's presence so mad I can never look back at him. And wouldn't it make any woman rage to have a man pick out another man for her to be faithful to when she hadn't made any decision about it her own self? I wouder just how old Judge Wade Is? I believe I will make up with Aunt Adeline enough before I go to bed to find out why he has never married. Men are very strange people. They are like those horrible sums in algebra that you think about and worry about and cry about and try to get help from other women about, and then, all of a sudden X works itself out into perfect ly good sense. Not that I thought much about Mr. Carter, poor puni! Yben he wasn't right around I felt it best to forget him as much as I could, but it seems hard for other women to let you forget either your husband or theirs. I know novv tLat I really never got any older than the poor, foolish, eight een ye-'ts clulj that .Aunt Adeline mar- DEATH OF BEN GLENN . . AT SIDNEY, NEBRASKA Ib-ii I.. !. !!:! v.n- )';.: ::: t bo ii- j enbtir-. Xold-jika. A!.-i:-l c''. ! INN'.'. i'...i Si.!; .-. .N'.-iirn-- ka. Au-ii-i . I. ! t i .'!, :i-'d iue;i -i". . 1 1 ! years ;co no- ia'. i i " w .. - the .0!-e-l .if i-.-ii -..o- Hi M :-. .lin: Mr.-. 1 . . ok:: n. a . i . w 10 i .slllle itittl. Lie i- .sUi'N i '.J !v li.a;- - i ! t-r-. !!- w.i- io'L i the vniiia iir-i "i' ! die. lie i t i Oi ! ea ! -I i-l i he lit . la;-e ;aa : 1 a ! o I I : o 1 . a i i e. a'-ii !'(i . 1 ' v. ! 1 : - a . a 1 ' t a a 1 , ; 1 ' c i rli'i-lll ' .!i:-:-. .Mi.l ioo: c ia ; 1 t . ! i '. In a--u a..a ; . 1 a - - i v, .- i e i a .:'' i : a 1 1 - .llei-i.:-- b li. - i.t'.- :a i e ;i i 1 ::i' 1 ea Iji- 1 l.l ' 1 lie a I'i III - !' 11 a - I ,, e ! i 1 ! 1 1 !: -.a--.o I ,1 ' ll. a. 1 lie r- a w -1 i ea a ! 0 ii ! : in- Ira- ! I e. ,1 : I'lle !l ! - I . ! I 1 ':' ill - I ' 1 .llai La 1 aloe. Me s,.-r . 1.1 ' k ; r ' i a iia- ii a la Ja aa.i wo.- ..!.;i:e. :!a- !i..a'-.- i w . . M' '!!!.. r l..;;-, .ai.i-ii a ad !''.;- Ii I 1 '. 1 . 1 1 1 i ' i - ' I I I I . 1 I : 1 i I lie well! I . . IO-. ir. , 1 lie la i I -;lV ill i i" 1 1 1 i ' i e ;i - ! 1 .i 1 . i . i -. a 1 id t.. be lo- ; ' i I-.-;: 1 'Mi::, ii : :! - iii!- ,.!t-i an -. hi- .1 i - ii a - a !' 1 1 a 1 1 '. u!-i-. M:-. ;!. ; i' -e .- i i a ! i :':: -a i e : 1 i . - I l lo.tir- !' ! !;e a' la..-:, : j t M.-. l:.'..v. -i'- 1... to-:-. - i a I w ! . i I lie I a e . 1 (ii,: : iia: i io ! aii.i ra;- ' 1 ! 1 a : a 1 : : .. h: iia. 'i 0 a.i-. 1 a . , . ' . . -: i-ii a ' - -. 1 : ! . : 'ii i : i. Jo M a. aad .-': ee illOi il l'.-'A 1 1 a 1 I : Tlie fa ae- ;.: v, ; ! ,:..: 11. a al : !: ."! I'!:.- . .,. :;-,- . , a ,,a ii b ! ile 1 ill ; . a ! a - : ai a . a 1 I 1 i ; . 1 1 : 1 1 h;. !'..: . an- 1 Mi : - - i ''I Liee I 1 - W ; i"e. r. w. a. ' . i e a 1 a -lake 1 o-a .'--.-i-.:,. a . ij-V. I"W :'. 'i'"':l i. M..-'i'!i. A :: ..-'.;. lea i'!-' lave !.. -ad iv-. .Me-. : .r. aa.i lev ! ai' .-; 1 a ! - -. i'a lO ii AtVe ;! I) Hoar i in-: . '! an :o a . 1 ia 1 : t e a i I e : '. 1 ' . I.I' i I j..-.v '.'.-a i : . I . I' i .' i 1 . -- ..f ie ! ! he la-: 1 a 1 1 a 1 . ; 1 - : - - I I 1 a i !'. - , ill a . ai lM:e t.. !!.- .ie'a ir llie lei. r; r. 1 --a a i . M ; -. ' -1 i a . - a . a ; aer . i ; 1 1 : ': h 1 . - r -. !--- ).'i-;i a: M ;i a ;-. 1 : 1 :a i ii ill I line I ' .' ill.- 1: : t ii la. Saunders County Added to District From Tuesday's Daily 'I'. II. I'nii.iek. , he c.araiavf ai I .-1 1 ; i 1 1 ;.. ' 1 - fi . r I io' I a ai-i . i a T''!- aln-ae T- I ea rn ; !i e.aai'a:;'- !'"!' 'lie lii-lrj.'l ei Miiiii .-e.i . . !' I 1 , i - s aii.i Tine cainia'- ha- j i ! -! hail Sani ler- e.iaill .a..e.l !. an-1 will i a ihe ! 1 1 i a i under hi- -1 ; - i.a'N 1 - 1 ' ihe li.rve liial .Mi-. !'i.i- !i.-'.- e pi.;ae-'ee ;a !!:' reie- dome loi-ine-- J i : i a:ea hail :n in-i a lit ii.in the 1 av-eaa-ui I h i - hue , . f , a-i Mail 1 - 1--. e. by lew and hi- ninl'l y nl. or-' I ti i ! j ;te ll 1 - j 1 1 I e 1 1 a I a e 1 1 1 . . Liia'"ia ei.ie.ai) iiis i-jet. a a.laiaa 1 1 ! i I ', j I ; lo- i Has Finger Washed. Fr:'iii Tuesday's T)a!T. e-l 1 I'll::', a I'i ei-i m ii ; ea er w ii - a s i" a -. : -!l;l' ill I .-,.! I life la o i -e el 1 1 a i ' ' ee - ..;i. a l:C a' nl' 1 il! ii! 1 1 -In- iiv !. v.;,- i,!sr..f!it:: - 111" eaueaii hi ael n-o- . . ' 111- .iiiU - l .v- nalei-iaai! Ii the !,.- w ilea 1! !' 'I'll-- -.'W-.i wa slij.aeil ealeiiiiia llie !a . i- ,.a ! !;. j : i. ii i;:!o :. larae .i:a r.l;i- -'I' Ha- l;-a--k wilii the r-still j w h-f - a;-.aii- ..f ;! ..v.- . 1 V.- I - i 1' i - a . .. I .. . ... . . : I 111;;- I.e. I iiiia. r aa.! v.'i!! h" t-,a pel ho! A w7-a I !i a ' aaa a i .-or I . Hp !'! a few !:(- ;. I i -a - ! . I Top Sale. i .) 1 3 lia,.iel noitiin-yeles an.l j motor Jii;iN at i;uq:un price : a!! aiakes; Itrarnl new i.K'.cliiia'a-: ea. - yi monthly paynieaf plan. C1 our j propasi! ion liefnre b'lyinc or you will regret, it. Al-o '-inrpaia- in 1 nse,l nK.i.reyc!ei-. V.'rit e tt- fo- lay. -.:i''!ose sl.t!ii; for reply. ; A.hir-e-s J.nck P.o .11. Tr.'tlton, , 7-2i-l0vk -v.'kly. , ! to 1 1 ' : 1 ; i : : ; i 0 , -e 1 !-:M-.( - 0 i-.' o i 1 1 : tli.- j .' f, 1 , , i : i i v. Ol ;i. cl ! iiO :.!-! a i e- AIM . . 1' . i v, . : . ; i- e;- e.-i ii 1 ii" ::' ! :!r !!. h.i.i ri -, ; : r 1 lo i i : i - 1 ( 1 - .ii''.- 1 .1 ri;; ; !-'. i.-a; !o-o !. i- r: l.l'- J.. 0 1 i ' 1 - ail'. i 1 "O. ;,-:.! a - 1 1 - . : a : iii.- . . ; I ; . : ' : ii 1 a r- - - -. 1 i ;-. 1 t-. .1 i : i- : ' - 1 : 1 . 1 : i .ill v. ii .at :o a I e i ! l : Tk'-'x'. lO-l . . va i!i- 1 ; : -. 1 i ; 1 , j : ' I 1 ,.v ei' ( . Friday. 1 a : I v- a 1 I l': at ; i'. 1 a M; .11 t 1 .1 !: he Saturday. : - v. ; 1 - i 1 e "leu nae ie-i'e Ilia ,!.. :aa; aial i -.-:': i lake ! lo- .a;. a ;.o ! dn-i . tail 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 - : a - : ; a ' ; 1 i ; -: i 1 i lie i e. I'd OH ' a.i" ', a , -: e- a I i-e I- !i- i e-:i::-M: I ,i' ille p 1 ..a rk a - .-! ' !',-. ,1 ai! 1 : . f k -.-; .-I" i Ilea: c i a .jea ; - Hi' ' at-- a ;ai ' I " . Ti. ..!!. ! 1 ' .a ra a ii'.i I'liin'-rl a ' I '1 .iii.'.l ;; I I .a- !iii- I'!''--I i '. ! a;-;a- taade ;ia ;ai- ideal ! a I , ; ' 1 ! 1 : 1 mi ! !i i j t j ri.lllliin: j 1 a a-ai I en! . Ill - . iv.: i.e. I La! I I. iaai lalii'.iae, riek. ..!' Vela a I ! ! m,. i-k; : : ; : v, ... a . w a 1 ; ae-i-at thaj IV I i 1 , . r;i a e. :i - ;i I j iaiaa !.! I he j :a .ai! iieai.: j v. i - a t-;,;:-e ni v.ei'i.'.i - In" hi.l:' aa lo.-.i- -i -a I i.j.-l' ! Well. .e- il ' r.'.ir :::.i " '' a! . lie oai 0 ..a.-.-i't f ilii.v.i." iii.. I tii a-- 1 , lii. a I tliii a' ;,;aa 1 !.e itaaa-i e.. In i.ariiiA. i'i I ! , - . . : . k , 1 !'.a- a eia !v - . - - ' ' :a -!-i ' aaaa :ia. I.... . ... - -IO. I 1 . 1 e ; . . ' .- . , I . !;l!ie 1 . 1 . ' o : -pea ' In" Iia . 1 1 1 1 a a i 1 m : 1 j - i a I ;.a a a e. er . a a ; e.i I he j '''. ! ; 1 I . e a a " ' i I J 1 1 ' 1 ' I I.;!, I iill.es a- tin ! -;-n ;ai- ..:' I j At I ait' p. 1.1. U: -rain ':! . - i.iea v v : '. I : .-1 a e lie!.! e , a ; - w a - ; . 1 : i" -. ioi i . :a - !v Mi-- '.',a ,' Y' :.-... F M a ;;-ay ''! i! n!.l .- I 1 k a ..1 1 ir. .1 ?.i:m-' : -.la. ;inl ; !..- o-a nmlr - o--. iir 1 1 i.l Mi-- 1: la. . 1 a a I . !':a; , il'.! U ! i:;altvr.- F?0-ua:Oa ! 1 0 ' ' i " i i ..." i i ' " - i Vi '" ' -rp?i.l f.ai.'.i r a;.' .-!; i ;:.:i l-b i" i. ' : . :' : : t!. ,-, (Ag drv.-a .1 li i.V- 1 ; .. r-A -t : aral. J'r-ircl v-.'ivk. 2. - it :. ; v.vA n;'-.-; the ::::i'i:;ra ' :. I; 1: ' : ' ; iaa:.arj cvonty ow-i tha io r--iy '. '. ;i : 1 i 'i i'i:i:iu ".f rii:t. '.. it ir-- -. :'.: ; ' .-k i:;i:'c:ai t:trc'.:j':i i-.-r:-! V.'haa r.-iiniiaia iaa L I, s Pi .1 v1 . 1 1 v. c I ! k l : leiiulird 1 -a-a-ara-inntitire; a:al I'.i-'t: fully inilcud t-f v.a.r.l.'.:;' it. P H E vS-?-r';:;-o v.'i!i wo;': ma.'!!.; lait'ina! rro';!3 for t ha cv. a.- Ta. V." 1 SI CI il I II C inrr.'.ir,;' . ilitii--..; and a'l :- .-'a: a : 4 I . III-. f 'i i- a tr.rc has its puni, -v. l.": i cnili'a coniriv-, t'l.-y r;4ae innnara evenly, r a i:;-.:i t -r the wiii r i tii.. :-t.'v r. 1 r.-: 1 ?ka;i-; aial aaa;.: . - ai r ;.-.'' chi 1 i '-:'.'. . .1 to a'::', ri :ia the larl"-- fli:u:-a U.r i la 1 vat.-r 'i l- n ar l uryi:";: a aLra cf the io-..i, a-1 - :.- j U'dt SCC all the -a thh ga va;;a: 4 "ah.r I'tna your r. The dealer hae catalog r 1 m Crti'" ;!;.-. -1 t ' 1 J. -Ji - o I ..1.4 C -sA, T'-- v:-4 V,.-t I'm-, r'.i-r'- ' :-' t;-'- sZ-i" .' T , , 4 ' ,C. "7V' .-.' t . I f ; I 1 (. '-1' : ICT t:l J " - r. at - J. i.. w T.. w It. J it-- ::::'.ain:r al thMii all --3 a: a c. ri : r 'a as c,L '.;at at " ' ! '. "a is L' i a .- '.' M;al- ; ac!; : i''J-.V;-r. e ;.-...;.' .A ;a a- ;-.-..T 'If -.: ;a lh : I'll (.1 j;--' j ixjv yc.;, cr, v. ; ;t- j.-j .; r '--r-i a. a: .. . ' . ' ' :: t . a i -a j : tia-i atiy !k . a. Ma .alia.