PAGE G. MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1913. 10c 10c Boys' Suspen riers Boys' Knick- AQ bocker suits Boys' pure all wool knick- 0 C er suits ZilJ Boys' good school shirts 25c 25c J9c I5c Boys' good dress waists Boys' caps Boys' Ties . fall Silk- Men's Straws $1 SAM HINKLE APPOINTED CHIEF CLERK IN THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE Samuel llinkle of llaveiock was on la.-t Saturday appointed chief cb-rk in Governor Moiehead's otlice and assumed his position Monday morning. Mr. llinkle is a Aery capalde man, having for some years heen employed in tin ollices at tin Ibirlinglon hops. Since leaving llle tlnps he has been en'aued in tin real estate and insurance bii-iness and for several terms was mayor of tin city of Hae lock. J.a-I tail he was a can didate for the nomination to tin otlice of railway commissioner, on the democratic ticket ami look considerable interest in Covernor Moiehead's ram pa ig n. Havel. ck Times. Tin news of .Mr. Winkle's pointim-nt to thi position in the dlice of iJovernor Moreliead will be most pleasant news to the many friends of .Mr. Winkle in this city, where he was a resident for a number of years, and the governor will find him a most capable ami etlicienl man in his i Hice. How tne Trouble Starts. Constipation is tin cause of many ailments and disorder? that make life miserable. Take Cham berlain's Tablets. keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sab by all dealers. A few Boys' Porosknits nt WELCO To the School Teachers! ""E take this opportunity to speak to the school teachers of Cass county and extend to them a most cordial welcome. W e would like to meet all the teachers of Cass county and desire you to make this a resting place to meet your friends. Plenty of Ice Water and a good Rest Room. We have a nice assortment of Dress Goods for those school days. We carry the most dependable line of merchandise that can be pur chased. Call in and look over our stock. Yours respectfully, E. G. Dovey & Son Thi IS the Last Week of Our FINAL CLEARANCE SALE! It will pay you to read these prices and avail yourself of these Bargains. WESCOTT'S "Fixre ry loocJ-y s7 Store Express Their Thanks. The T. J. Social society desires to express llieir deep apprecia tion of tin generous patronage of the public during the tournament in this cily and also to the citi zens who decorated their places of business for the event as Well as to those who so kindly placed their automobiles at tin service of the committee for ue in tak ing I he vi.sit.ors from the Hurling ton station to the hall ami to Superintendent Haird for his courtesv shown ihe committee. OF PENMANSHIP The follow in? clipping is taken from the ebra-ka City I'ress and is in repaid to tin penmanship department at Otoe County Tea chers' Institute, which was h.-ld at Aebrasa City last week. Miss Ma rie Kaufinann of this city had charge of this department. As proof .if the etiicaoy of the Palmer system of penmanship as a means to piml w rit in-;- Miss Kaufman yesterday exhibited same specimens of plain and fan cy writin-r by ten-year-olds in the IMat I simuil h schools. They are surely remarkable examples of pood penmanship, especially when the aues of the pupils art con-birred. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Examination free. ME SI3 9 I such values you never saw in town A few dress shirts left at only 49c (Several size 17) A few sizes Men's Union Suits m at Men's Suspenders lisle webs on fresh ... . ZUu Men's fancy silk lisle hose 19c Men's Pants a lew pairs jj SONS Boys' Pants 50c ADOLPH GEISE AND PARTY MEET WITH ACCIDENT NEAR ROCK BLUFFS W'hib out motoring yesterday Adolph ieie and wife experienced a narrow escape from very steious injury in an accident that befell their automobile. The parly were running up a hill on Ihe Rock I il ii H road near where the .John Warga farm is situated, ami when almost I., the lop of the hill tin axel of the car broke and Ihe ma chine al once began l run back wards down llle scep incline of the hl'l'l, des,ile he efforts of Mr. Cejse. who applied tin brakes to ihe machine, but this failed io hold the car and tin automobile hacked into a small dilch along the roadside and fell over on its side ami it is almost miraculous thai the whole party were not seriously injured. .Mr. Seise ex aped from the car without in jury, while Mrs. Oeise was thrown out of the back of the automobile and if tin car had turned a lit tle farther over would have been cruhed to death, .lake l.utz. who was jn the parly was also I brown out id' tin machine, but without serious injur. The automobile was quite badly mashed up in the accident, one of the wheels be in "J broken, as well as the glass wind shield and the broken axel, which will cane it to be in the department for a few day it can again be used hv Mr depair before . e . Costly Treatment. 'I was troubled with const ina- ion and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine ami ij ettiiiieiii, wi nes I., il. nines i l.. . . l . -. l : i i . ir ti: of Whitlow, A:k. "I went to a St I ouis hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure wa effected. On returning home I betran taking Chamberlain's Tab lets, and worked rip: lit alonir. I used them for some time and am now all right." Sold by all deal ers. Improved Machinery. The machinery display at the Nebraska state fair, September 1-5, will be the best ill the Tinted Slates. The automobile, farm im plements and tractor exhibits are without equal anywhere. Then, too, the best of amusements have been provided. Liberal i's band, assisted by ten praml opera stars, will furnish free music. five stale bands will also jrivc free concert s. The Famous O. I. C. Swine. Amonpr the lirst of this popular rapid prowl h swine that has been brought to Nebraska can be found in the herd of Mr. Samuel Parker, south of this citv. They prow very rapidly and will reach the market point sooner than any other breed of swine, consequent ly consuming less food. Mr. Parker has the agency for this county, and will bo pleased to have all breeders call at his place and inspect the animals he has. For Sale. 1913 model motorcycles and motor boats at bargain prices; all makes; brand new machines; easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it. Also bargains in used motorcycles. Write us to day. Enclose stamp for rejily. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Micsh. 7-21-iOwks-wkly. Wall Paper, 25 per cent dis count. Gering & Co. Phone 36. Men's Suits S7, $9, $11, HANDSOME WEDDING AT THE HOLY ROSARY CHURCH THIS MORNING This morning al Hit? Holy Ro sary (lalholie church in f In west part of the city occurred the mar riage of .Me. Anton '. Koubeek and .Miss Frances .avralik, I In cere monv thai united this worthy couple Iti-iiiir performed ly Rev Father John Vlrek. I In priest of tin church ami lln I : 1 1 1 i lu I nup lial mass of the chinch was used tin music I i n r ft 1 111 i sli ! by lln choir of the chinch under lln di rection of Mr. Cyril .lamia. Tin church was hca nt i I'ii 1 1 v decorated lor lln occ;isj,,n with Mowers ami plants ami mam' a verv artistic setting for (In- wedding ceremony Tin bride ami groom were attend ed hv Mr. Auu-u-t llair as best man while .Miss Anna .Froiii served as bridesmaid. Tin church was thronged with tin friends ami relatives of the contracting par ties who atl.'r the wedding cere- iiiomv showered tin m-wlv we...'. COUple Willi llieir Ill's- WISlles lor a long ami hannv married life. Remarkable Cure for Dysentery, "I was alia.;.:.: v.:tM dvsenlrv about July 1.1th, and used t doctor's remedies with no relief, only getting- worse all lln lime. I was unable to do anything- and mv weight, dropped from 1 ST- to IlM pounds. J suffered for about two months when I was advised lo use Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrho. Remedy. I used two bottles of it and il gave me permanent relief," writes 15. YV. Will of Snow Hill. X. C. Sold by all dealers. Returns From Chase County. Mr. and Mr-, frank Cook re lurne.l iioim vesteroav iroiu a vi-jt to their farm in Chase coim I v. Mr. Cook brought with him a sample of the corn pniwn thi summer in the icinity of hi farm and il looks line. We say: that there lias been much more ram in (.lias. couniy man we nave had here. Mr. ami Mrs. Cook made a Inn lo iiie moiminms ui Colorado ilurincr their vacatiou.. Ilavelock Times. WELL DESERVED The Praise That Comes From Thankful Plattsmouth People. One kidnev has known merit . 1'lat t sinoul It people rely upon il. Thai remedv is I loan's Kidney Pills. Plallsmoulh 'testimony proe il reliable. Charles f. Mat and Walnut lroi farmer, Nin! h , Plat I sinoul h. Neb., says: '"Kidney complaint seemed to come Upon llle all of a sudden. I attribute il lo a heavy co. which settled on my kidneys ami made them weak, causing the kidnev secretions to pass loo frequently. I often had pain across the small of my back. When I stooped sharp twings darted through me. I felt languid and had little ambition. When someone advised nie lo try Moan's Kidney Pills. 1 l:..I a supply from Gering v Co.'s Mi ng Store. They soon beneliled me and two boxes made a permanent cure. I can eerlainlv recommend this remedy to anyone who has kidney com plaint." " I'or sab by all dealers. Price .10 cents. I'oster-.M ilhurn Co., Mull'alo. New York, sole agents for the United Stales. Keineinber the name Moan's and lake no other. Some Fine Corn at That. One of the Journal's mighty good friends from south o Mur ray had occasion to pass the corn field of Nick Eriedrieh last Satur day, and seeing I hat the ears were looking pretty fair he stepped the first four rows in the held and pulled the lirst four ears he came lo. These ears were brought lo this otlice Saturday, and we think look mighty line considering the long drouth. This gentleman is a pretty good judge of a corn field and he thinks the hold will aver age better than .'5.1 bushels to the acre, ot course sucn nonis are verv few and far between. . Minister Praises This Laxative. Rev. IL Stubenvoll of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's New- Life Pills for constipation, writes: Dr. King's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better reg ulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c, at F .G. Fricke & Co. The Semi-Weekly Journal. Since (In installation of Hie Journal's hew (loss Press wo hae added one column more of reading matter to each pag tins change was made so that wc might have a small auiounl of re serve itace al times when it. will he needed on our eight-page e.Ii lion. When advertising businc is rather slow we will In compell ed lo issue a six-page paper. At l lie present time we w ill issue an eight-page paper .n Thursdav. at which lime we have considornhh counlry news mailer , ami will need inol of this space at all I lines. tin .Monday lor the pres ent, al least, we will issue a .six page paper. There were months in the year when Ihe old size of the Journal was ample to accom modale all Ihe news of the coun try with room to spare. With an eight-pae, paper on Thursday ami a six-pane on Monday, we will l ill have two columns more space than under the two former eight page papers, ami give us two papes in reserve for the .Monday isue when we need il. W'e trust thai our readers will he picas. -d wild Ihe new arrangement. VERY BAD AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT NEAR EAGLE The following account, ot a verv Sever. auiomoiHie accident, m which a resident of the west part id' the county was one oi me vie- t ims. ippeared in the Slate Jour rial of this morning ami will be Hi n 1 1 icii irueres . to ne lnem of tin injured man t hrouirhoiit the count v: Dr. J. S. Anderson of Seward, president ot the state hoard ot xaniiners for veterinary surge ons, and l- rank l. aiming ol r.aiMe were in. Hire. in an aulomotule ac cident a mile West of Eagle. Neb, il 11 p. in. Sal unlaw l r. Anderson was thrown over tin windshield of tin car and wa: eoiisnierablv bruised. J-rank fanning, whose machine crashed head-on into Dr. Anderson's, was more seriously bruised. Moth machines were badly broken by the impact. Dr. Anderson had driven I Eagle to make a professional call and was on his wav to Lincoln when the accident occurred. We was driving toward the west, just starting to descend a lull, when he saw the lights of another ma chine approaching some distance away. We slowed his machine down as he neare.l the turn at the loot ol tlie hill. Mannings car came al a taster pace, nown tne hill from t he west. Dr. Anderson drew to the right side of Ihe road. but Manning swung !iarply. rounding the turn, colliding with the doctor's ma chine. Moth men were thrown out of their cars and bruised consider ably. Moth were picked up by passing' motorists and taken to Eagle, where their injuries were attended to. REX YOUNG WAS IN PLATTSMOUTH SATURDAY AND IS RECOVERING Saturday afternoon D. A Young, aeeomaiipied by his son, Rex Young, came up from the.ii home near Murray and spent sev- erat Hours nere mowing unci . i . i. . . ft nine nusini'ss, ami wiine in town i - i i-i. i D. A. stopped at tin Journal headquarters to make a short ocial call, and one that was much appreciated. This was the first visit of Rex lo this city since his accident some few weeks ago. when he was run over by an automobile, and he is still com pelled to get around with the aid Tli,. in lulling ll.-k oi a cruicii. in'-- jiijmn-.s ustained in the accident were , i . i . more serious man at io m. supposed, as ho had throe ribs broken. besides being badly bruised and cut in places all over his body. The accident was caused by his falling out of the roar of a wagon that was towing a disabled automobile, and the car passed over the body of Rex, in flicting the injuries that laid him up for such a length of time. .Platform Dance Next Saturday. The Tuiene Uros. have arrang ed to give another of their delight ful platform dances on Saturday evening. August 30th, at their grove west of this city and a cor dial invitation is extended every one to be present. The music will be furnished by the Svoboda or chestra and a good time is as sured to all. We offer 300 pieces of double folded, extra quality, new patterns, guaranteed colors, Gingham just the thing for school dresses. Get your supply out of this lot. Largest stock best patterns in town. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ Congregational Meeting. A Congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of Plattsmouth. Neb., will be held at the church, Wednesday evening, September .'rd, at H o'clock p. in. for the purpose of considering the calling of a pastor. All members of the church and congregation are urged to be present. My Oder of the Session. H--.T,-tfd. Notice. During' the (lass County Teach ers (institute wined will he held in this city during ihe coming week the Male l.ihrary Commis sion will nave on exhinuion at tin public library in this city, a Traveling Library. This library is eonsiuercii one ot inn mosi helpful to the teachers and all the teachers are invited to call al the library and see it. The public li brary of this city will also have some of their reference books and books which will aid Ihe teacher in her work on exhibition. The library hour; are from to r:.'Ui p. m. and i to f p. in. A Successful Fair. 111 arrangements have been made for one of the most success ful stale fairs in Ihe history of Nebraska. It will be held at Lin- coin ssepicnther i-.. .n live lock, race and horse entries have been made. A large force of men is now at work preparing the rounds for the reception of the throng's of visitors. Attractive Exhibits. In order to see what Nebraska can produce m a ur year, aiienu the stale fair at Lincoln, Septem ber l-.l. The agricultural, horti cultural and fruit displays will be especially strong this year. Many counties have prepared ex hibits which will surprise those not familiar with Ihe resources oi lie siaie. Which Daily Paper? Readers of The Lincoln Slate Journal are getting some very im portant news nowadays about the tariff, (he currency lull and the trouble in Mexico. This paper wants vou to read it awhile just lo see if it is no Ihe paper you will want all the lime. A cut- price offer is made of one dollar from now until January 1, l'Jl i. YTRAGOOD Manhattan Shirts for The Daily and Sumlav.Journa!. The paper w ill be slopped al. I hat time. This serial rale j- made only to induce you lo try tin paper and liml out for your-ef if it is not Nebraska's greatest newspaper. The sooner m.u x-nd in your dollar tin more papers you will g'ef for your money. Ad dress State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Death of an Infant. This afternoon at 1 :JO the lit tle :t-weeks-old baby boy of .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gradoville died at the home of the parents in the 'west part of the citv of stomach trouble. If the brother, Charle Gradovillc, jr.. can reach here this evening' from llaveiock lln funeral will It. held tomorrow from Ihe Holy Rotary church. 100 FIGNICERS HERE SUNDAY FROM OMAHA There was a gala occasion at the T. J. Sokol hall in this cily yesterday, when one hundred pupils of the Mohcmian school in Omaha, accompanied by their parents and friends, visited this city to hold their annual picnic in the cool shade of the pleasant Sokol park. The visitors came loaded down with good things to eat and to have a good lime and that they realized their purpose was evident from the pleased ex pression on the faces of the com pany as they proceeded to the Missouri Pacific depot, where they boarded the 7: 11 train for the metropolis, all of Ihein thor oughly tired out. but feeling that the occasion had been one of more (ban usual enjoynn nt. The reputation of this cily as a place lo spend an enjoyable time is growing in the metropolis and a trip "down lo Plallsmoulh" is al ways looked forward lo .with great pleasure and each Sunday sees several parlies from Omaha coining here to spend the day in the cool and shade of lln country. Parents, send your boys to join the Boy Scouts. Mr. McLalTorty is a bright, capable young man. We will "show Ihe boys a good time. They learn nature, courtesy and patriotism. No expense. VACATION Days are al most over and it's time now to think of what the boys shall wear when school begins. Boys play harder and work better when they're neatly dress ed. Your boy can start his school year this September with lots of "Pep" in one of our XTRA GOOD Suits. For this week, we have placed Boys' Suits in two lots, S3 and $4 each. Boys' Suits worth Jg as high as $5 Sale Price Boys' Suits worth as high as $7.50 Sale Price Stetson Hats ?4