MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1913. THE NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The NEBRASKA MILLITARY ACADEMY offers to the loys of Nebraska and surrounding slates, the advantages of a first class Mili tary School close at home. Fireproof building, good equipment, splendid care and instruction; a school where the individuality is developed, where there are no failures. Prepares for college and business. School open September 17. Enrollment has begun. For information apply to B. D. HAYWARD, Superintendent LINCOLN. NEBRASKA MRS. EMMA 0. PETflTT FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE IN THE DISTRICT COURT 4? i From Friday's Dally. This morning in lh oihYe of District Clerk .lamps Huberts. .n a .-nit for divorce was tiled, ntith'd Knmia O. I'd lilt vs. Frank J. l'.-t-tilt. Th' plaintiff, who i a resi dent of l.oui-ville, -tales in her petition for divorce that she was married on .Tuly :i. I'.iO',. at Hast ings. Neh. The petition recites that the defendant ha heen guilty of meat cruelty toward the plain tiff and that he has faile, to pro vide for the main! anance of the -aid plaintiff and tin minor child. The petition al-o a-ks that the cu-tody of the child he triven to the mot her. FUNERAL OF LITTLE CHILD OF MR. AND MRS.E. R.IHRE Frnm Friday's Dailv. The funeral of the ;l-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. U. Ihrie of this city was held at Ma nilla. Iowa, la-t Sunday at the old horn of the family. The little one i a I heen sick for a short time with -ummei- complaint and -leadily ;rew wor.-e until Saturday I'VriiiriL'. when it pas-ed away and was taken hack to the old home for hurial. The sympathy of the many friends will uo out to the hereaved family in their los ,,f t heir beloved little one. Card of Thanks. We wi-h to thank our- friends and neighbors for I heir kindness -hown us at the death of our in fant. Mr-, and Mrs. F. It. Ihrie. LADIES' AID SOCIETY OF THE METHODIST CHURCH ELECT OFFICERS From Friday's Daily. The Ladies' Aid society held a very intere-tiny and pleasant meet iny in the chur ch parlors vesterday afternoon, at which time they were delightfully enter--taiiie.) by Mes.james Oe.uye Kaf fenberyer. . F. Habbill and Miss Flla Kennedy. Most of the lime duriny the busines- sessjon was taken up in clo-iny the ear's work, and the ladies found that the past year had been a most successful one and one of the best they had ever known. The ladies al-o held their annual ejection of oth'rers. and elected Mr-. W. L. Au-lin. president: Mr.-. Helen Mauzey. first v ice president: Mrs. Thomas Olenn. second vice presi dent: Mrs. Val Hurkel. secretary, and Mrs. Maryaret Mauzy, treas urer. The remainder of the aft ernoon was vvhiled away m a most enjoyable social time, and in the meantime the hoste-sc- served a charminy luncheon, which yieatly added to the pleasures of the aft erno. m. Fop Sale. One .10-foot tower Sampson windmill and one 8 horse power. Inquire of W. CI. Mejsinpcr, six miles west of Plat tsmouth, or call phone No. 2522. 8-1 9-t fdvtw Saint Catherine Academy, Jackson, Nebraska A boarding school for young women, conduct ed by the Sisters of Saint Dominic, accredited to the University of Nebraska, approved for Normal Train ng. For catalog apply to The Directress Saint Cathrine Academy Jackson, Nebraska PASSENGER TRAIN NO. 14 IS DELAYED SEVERAL HOURS NEAR LA PLATTE From Fridav's Dally. Last eeniny the passengers on No. 1 over the I'.mlinirl on had a most delightful experience on the way down from Omaha. The train left the metropolis on time. Init when it reached the whi-llini po-l. just north of La Platte, dis covered that a freight train in front of them had pulled out a drawbar from a car and was -tailed on the track, and il required several hours to yet I he tr ain out of the way in order that the pa-.-enyer could yet Ihrotiyh. and if was after- midnipht when it ar rived in tin- city with a very -ore" hunch of passengers, who had spent several uncoinforl aide hours waitiny for the train to uef on l he inov e. FINED FOR DRINKING INTOXICATING LIQUORS ON THE STREET From Friday's Daily. ;eorye Ward, yiviny his re-i deuce a- Craiy. Mis-ouri. and W. Hopkins of Murray were hailed before Judye M. Archer, this morniny. ch.iryed with drinkiny inloxii-at iny lbiuor on the streets of I'lal t siuoul if in a manner ayain-t the p.-a.-e and law of the city. The jude. after- due de liberation, decided thai their- of fense wa- worth about and co-ts to the city for its violated law and in failure to make a set tlement Ward was committed to jail, while Hopkins ae -ecurily for the payment of the tine in t lire., dav-. YOUNG PEOPLE OF ' EAGLE UNITED IN WED LOCK GY JUDGE GEESON From Friday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Judye Allen J. J'eeson was called upon to per form the ceremony that united in the holy bonds of wedlock Mr. Fred Mucnchau and Miss Hoblyer. of Eaule. in this county. The judye performed the ceremony with his accustomed ease and impressiveness and the Vouny people b-f't (In court house feeliny the responsibility of the obligation that had ju-l united them for life. The bride is one of the most charminy youny ladies in the vicinity of Lay( and is hiyhly respected and esteemed by all who know her-, while the proom is a youny man of very hiyh character and one yreatly respected by all who know Jiini. He is a member of one of the prominent families of the western part of the county and his friends who know him so well will be de liyhted to learn of liis weddiny and wish him and his charminy wife a bny and very happy mar ried life in their journey through life. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. Local News From Friday's Pally. ". V. Hayiiir vv;is ii jia.'n'i' I his morning fr V:wifw .Iiiiu-tinn Id jiINmuI lli iM soldier-' iv inii'Mi. Mi.-fs I .on :uil Dorr's Yallcry of Mn:if-I wi'H' in 1 1 1 - city today to alH'Mul ihf luiifial ol" Mis ..- A. F. Hcd'MitifMi was in tho r-i I y today I'm- a few hours looking af ter soiin hu.-iut'ss niattrrs f"i- th' 1'iiiliriptoti. T. M. Carler and wile wviv pa- -enyer- this iimriiiii? n No. ( for I'acitic .Junction to attend tlie old -oldiers reunion. Mrs. Isaac Kiny. who is here visitiny with relatives, was a pas--nyer this afternoon for Omaha, to vi-il for a few hours. V. F. (iillespie of Mynard came down from Omaha last evening on No. where he had been lookiny alter -ome business matters. A. W. Hover and wife were pas. senders this inorniny, for Pacific .luiiction. where they will alien, the old soldiers" reunion today. Oeoiye Itho.len and mother de parted this rnorniny for- Missouri Valley, Iowa, they expect f t illie. near which visit for a place short W ill Mason departed this after noon for Louisville, where he ex pects o enyaye in a ball yame, tillinir the pitcher's box for the Luii- ille team. rh Mullen of Klmwood in this morniny frmn his to attend the funeral of ca me borne ! Jessie Ko. which wa- held this afternoon. Liy Iti-own. the old relialde citizen from Kenosha, was in the city today ,bokiny after some matters of business with the mer chants. Jake Koch of South Omaha was in the city today for- a few hours lookiny after- some matters of business and visitiny with his friends. Asbury Jacks and wife were pas-enyers this morniny on .o. I for- I'acitic Junction, where they expect, to at lend the old soldier.-' reunion. Mi-s Mathilda D.mat and her yue-t. Miss Irene. Brown, of Columbus. Neb., were passeneers this morniny for Omaha, where Ihev will visit for a few hours. F. T. Comer and wife and Wil liam 1 elcsl ernier and dauyhler. came in this morniny from their home at Flniwood to attend the funeral of Miss Jessie Fox. J. Schullz and wife, who have been speiniiny several weeks visitiny in California with friends at Los Anyeles. Lony Beach and 'other points, returned home last ev en iny on No. 1 i. Henry H.-cker was a passenyer on the early Burlinyton train litis morniny for Omaha, where he will look after- some business matters f.r the Ford Auto com pany. Mrs. A. C. Tulene and little sop were passenyers this morniny for Springfield. Neb., where they will join Mr. Tulene. who is at that place operaliny his merry-yo-r unl. Mrs. D. B. Crawford of Ilarlintr ton. Neb., who has been here visitiny with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vallery and family, returned home this morniny on the early Thir linyton train. Mrs. C. I Richards. accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Belle Phillips, of Ohio, who is visitiny here, were passengers this morn iny for the metropolis, where they will visit for the day. Miss FIsie Hubbard of Flliott, Iowa, came in yesterday to make a short visit here with her broth er. T'hil Hubbard and family. de par t iny this morniny for her home. Fieorfre Hoinrich of Havelock, who has been here for a few days visitiny with his prandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ileinrich. in the south part of the city, return ed home this morniny on the early Burlinyton train. Mrs. James lligrley and daugh ter?, Mrs. Rhoda Cotner of Stella, Neb., and Mrs. George Barr, werv pa?on?ers this morning on lin early rimirliiiston train lor Coun fil T'lufl's. whtro Mrs. r.otru-r is takinpr medical treatment. William Cot-hner of S.-ward and (ienre . Dovey .if this city (turned this morniriir from .Miami. Ohio, where they wfi'o in altcii'lanco at the convention of I In Siama I'hi frat id il y. which has hccn ho!dinr il- national meeting in that city. Charles Vallery and wife of St. Joseph, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Streijjhl and daughter. Marie!, drove out to the J. R. Val lery home, near Mynard. Thursday in their louririy car. where they -pent the day-in a most delightful wav vi-il iny an'l auto r-idiny. AT TACKS LITTLE DAUGH TER OF E. A. WURL From Fridav's Dailv. Yesterday afternoon while Helen, the little r.-vear-.dd daugh ter of Mr. and Mr-. F. A. Wurl. was playiny with some of her lit tle companions mi the sidewalk near her home she was attacked by a small doy and before .-he Could be rescued had been Sev erely Jdtten in a number of places fm her body and was badly friyht ened. The doy. which was the property of A. Matous. had been leased by some boy- shortly be fore attackiny the little yirl, and bciny naturally a rather vicious animal, as soon as he saw the lit- .1.. I l-i.. ! i ? i mi I in li.r liitoiT j her in the arm. ami as -ie tried to escape lie mi iter -everai rimes on ttie lovv.-r limb, and the child in tryintr o yet away fell n the walk and received several very severe bruises. Mrs. Wurl, as soon as she heard the cries of her little yirl. rii-h.-.l out and yrabbed uj I tie child and the doy then attempted to altack her, but was driven off. The ..y later at tempted to attack some ladies passiny near- the same place, and a man named McOuary ran out of his residence, armed with a yun. and as the doy t urned on him suc ceeded in puttiiur it out of busi ness. The doy which caued all the trouble, it is understood, has been the cause of several other children in the neighborhood be iny bitten, as only day before ve.-ter.lay the little son of A. M. Itenner was bitten by the doy while he was passiny alony Sixth street on his way home. There are a number of equally vicious animals in this city that should be killed off, as they are a nuisance as wen as a menace 10 rne saieiv of the children and some of the laryer ones very danyeious to the yrown-up people, especially in this hot weather. Got the Wrong Man. From Friday's Dally. In the article relatiny to the repairing of the Mercerv ille school that appeared in this paper it was stated that C. A. Welsh had as sisted in the carpenter work on the building, when it should have been Charles Hitt. We make this correction in order that no in justice will be done to either of t he part ies. THE DEATH OF GEORGE WEYR1CH, SR.. AT PEKIN A message was received here yesterday afternoon from J'ekin. Illinois, announcing the death of George Weyrich. sr., but the message did not inform the rela tives of the cause of his death, giving the mere .statement thai he had passed away. .Mr. Weyrich was a brother-in-law of Mrs. George Meisinger of this city and of Mrs. fieorge A. Meisinger, re siding near Mynard. and was quite well along in years, being in the neighborhood of 7.T years of age. His wife died some twenty years ago. There remains eight chil dren to mourn the loss of this worthy man, and six preceded him in death. The funeral was expect ed to be held today, and on ac count of the short notice the rela tives from this city were unable to attend. Sorority House Party. Miss Katherine Lowtv and lhe Misses Marie and Emily Ilouska left Wednesday for Albion to at tend a Delta Zeta house party, given by Miss Alma Carsten. Miss Myna Thierolf of Plattsmouth will join them Saturday. After a week's stay in Albion, Miss Emily Houska will accompany Miss Thierolf to her home in Plaits mouth. Omaha News. VICIOUS DOG Local News From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. Fva II ad ley departed litis morniny for fib-nwood to i-ii with friends for a few hours. Adam FornofT was in the cil today from near Cedar Creek to attend to some Week-end shop- piny. Mrs. Isaac Kiny departed thi rnorniny for her home at Superior, N b.. after- a visit here with relative-. I'. H. Meisjnuer was in the -i t yesterday for a few hours lookiny after some trading wit i i the mer chant s. Miss J'.elie Hakes of N'ebra-ka City is here visitiny at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Mason. f.r a few hours. L. A. Mesinyer. wife and family were pas-enyers this morniny for Omaha, where I hey will vi-il over Sundav with relatives. Walter Connors and Harry Carle departed this afternoon for Spriliy tield. Where they expect to play in a ball yame in that city. Joseph Karnes and wife return ed this morniny from I'acitic Junction. where they were at lendiny the old -fillers reunion. John T. porter and wife, of near Murray, were in the city today for a few hours lookiny after some business matters with the mer chants. .Misses Amy Oeyer and Fdith Miller- of Memlola. Illinois, are in the city, beiny yuest.- at the home of Hev. and Mrs. W. I.. An-lin for a short time. Fnelkenn-ier- of Ml. Pleasant precinct, accompanied by his wife, was in the city today attendiny to some tradiny with I he merchant s. Miss Curie Sherw 1 was a assenyei- this afternoon for I'a citic Junction. where -h,. will look after some business matters for a few hours. John Cotner. wife and daugh ters were passenyers this morn iny for Omaha, where they spent a few hours lookiny after some matters of business. Mrs. Joe .lindra and children of Omaha, who have been here visit iny at the home of Mrs. Jin. Ira's sister. Mrs. John Nemetz and fam ily, returned home this afternoon. Miss Mildred Johnson returned this morniny from Rock Island. Illinois, where she had been for the past few weeks visitiny with friends and relatives. Mrs. Andrew Lulkins and baby departed this morning for Shen andoah. Iowa. where they will visit at the home of Mrs. I.utkin's parents for a short time. Mrs. Maggie Mason and lit He son depar ted this morniny on No. 1 ." for York. Neb., where she will visit with relatives for a few days. Henry B un. wife and children departed this morniny for Omaha, where lhe family will visit over Sunday with relatives at Benson, while Henry will return home this evening. John Roller departed this morniny on No. 15 for Havelock, where he was called by the serious illness of his father-in-law. who is quite low and not expected to live. Miss Mary McGuire departed this morning over the Burlington for Osmond, Neb., where she ex pects to lake up her leachiny duties in the schools at that place next week. Miss Fern Long of Lincoln, who has been here visitiny with relatives and friends, departed this morning for Omaha, where she will visit for a time before going on to her home. Joseph M. Hiber departed last evening on No. 2 for Maxbery. Towa, a small town near Creston. where he will assist J. M,. Johns in some plumbing work for the firm of John Bauer of this city. Miss Dorothy Joy of Chicago, who has been here for the past few weeks visiting at 1he home of her grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Leist, and aunt, Mrs. Robert Troop, departed this morning for her home. Take Things Use Your Telephone Why not take your telephone into active partnership today and let it help make your work easier? THE TELEPHONE will run your errands, bring information, help you watch details, and in almost count less ways assist you in completing the day's work in an easy, cool and satisfactory way. Suppose you devote the day to work ing with your telephone. Use it on every occasion. Then see how much more you have accomplished and how much easier your work has been. .Just work the Easy Way by tele phone. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager Mr-. (I. S. Forbes departed last evening on No. J fm- La I', .it e. Indiana, where .-he will vi-il for a lime with relative- and friend in the old home illi'i'e ail. I 1ll- licipale- a very enjoyable lime. I.e.- Farri- and S. Y. Fopenhav cr of ii'-a r I n io 1 1 came up I Ii i -uiorniiii: from their farm home to look a II er -ome it:i -1 hi mat ters, and while her.- Mr. Farri had his name en ; I led for I In- old Reliable. F. I.ohnes ,d' n.-ar Cedar Cr.-ek wa- in lhe nlv today for a -boi l I ime. and w lnle here paid the Journal oilice a much ap preciated call, renewing the -ub-scriplion of hi- brother. J. !. I.ohnes. to the Semi-Weekly. Mrs. J. It. I'orler of llail.-r. N-b.. who has been in tin- ea-t v isil iny il Is friends a id relatives, came in this mommy on No. 1 ? and will isil here with .Mrs. Har riett A. Sliarpe and familv and other friends l.r a short lime. Miss Nellie llyan. who has been here is it iny wit h friends, depart ed this nioinim: for in-r home at Lincoln, and was accompanied home by her friend. Miss Cecil Sch iappaca-se. who will vi-il there over the slate, fair week. Mrs. V.. Sfielim of Lincoln came down lasl eveniny for a short visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hoiiyla--. Mr. and Mrs. Siiehni have ju-l returned from Wi-con-in. win-re they -pent their honeymoon at the home of the yr om"s pa rei 1 1 s . Most Liberal Building Offer Ever Made. We Positively Will Furnish our Customers Free of Charge Plans for the Beautiful House Shown Below Our Free Plan Offer Without any obllsration on your part we will gladly furnish yon the plans for the above house desiya and a.-tist you in ti e selection, of the materials. We want to encourage home building and oiferthe best facili ties and proposition ever made. Save Money, Time and Worry Our price of Ss'.OO for thf ahnvc Hous. D'-Min No. 1150 is at the wiil and wt; wul uladly quotf a d.-livr.-d price which wnl make you a tiitf a.vini:. Our system of s.-.iinz a!l the materials Favi-s vou time and nwdii-ss cxp'-nsi'. c make prompt delivery ol all t.n-iti-ms so as to avoid any dcla1' in tlic buiiditu; operations. Consult Us Before Building--lt Will Pay You Before Luildine a hom? you should call at our office aud let us figure on the materials, and offer you some suggestions from our extended experience. We can t yoa money and help ycu to buili the most attractive and comfortable Lome possible lor tb (Eo&ey you have to tpeiid. .CEDAR CREEK LUMBER COMPANY. LJC Easier Today Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next ion years, unless I die in the. meantime. I have now an extra fine .-tallion, tin best in the state, for sale. Well broke fop both harness and saddle. Win. Ciilmonr, I'latt smouth. Neb. n. f. i). No. i. Wall Paper, 1913 patterns, 25 per cent discount. Not remnants, but a complete stock to select from. Gering & Co. Phone 36. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC., of The- I'lal t -n'onl h Journal, pub-li-hed Semi-Weekly at I'lalt--m. .nth. Neb., re.piir.-d by the .-: of Auuu-I - i. I'.'l J. Fdilor. M. A. Hale-. IMall-- lllolllll. Neb. Manainy Fdilor. It. A. F.ale-. IMal I -nioiil h. Neb. Itu-ine-s Manay.-r. It. A. hates. I'lal l.-moiil h. -N.-b. I'ubli-her. It. A. hales, plall--inouth. Neb. II. A. hales. -oe owner, l'latls- lll o I 1 1 . Nell. Average number of copies of each is-ue of thi- publication sold or di-lributed. through lhe mail or olheiwise. o paid -lib-, riber .iiiin,r the siv months preceding the dale of thi- -lafement. I. o-.Ti. It. A. I 'ATI 'S. Swor n to and -iib-cribed before no- thi- -"111 day of Aiiu-u-t. li't.'i. Sea! TIM CM WALLINO. Notary Puldie. My commission expire- JYb ruai v i::. liU'J. i H SCO) (ID COM Bit s All the Materials to Build this 8 Room House Price includes all InmKr rniil work, lath, shingles, Fidinir.fli HirinsT.ceiUn!' finith. ins lumber, building paper. iji pi , j; uiit , w eiyius ana hardware, l'rice is at milt or factory. Ask us for freight paid price. Binding Guarantee All tliP mati rials furnished are nMolutol? brand n. w cli;m and lresh st.Kik. 'lhe 4uality and urad,; of each item im exactly as s-x-citiecl. lhe quantity is aiwtvt suf f ici. tit t compl.-t.. t h- desiirn according to the plan. Jn additun, we will take back :mv ma'-nal not nsd. in eoMi conditun. and cred.t you at full purcUsc- price..