The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAQE 2.
r. nn.. . ( VAN BRUNT '
LOWERS (Emerson
v The usual large crowd visited
tlu- llili school grounds last
rvi'iiiny Ik enjoy the weekly fon--rrri
-iei by Hi.' Ibirlinglon band,
and all seemed greatly pleased
with I he delight ful program given.
Tin- prom-am had been very care
fully chosen ami consisted of
.-onie of I In highest class of
-d audat d musie Mini there was no
mi" present hi 1 1 i l i!l feel well
paid for al lii!iiir (he concert.
The select in of Hit Toreador's
song from "Carmen"' was line of
I In- most plcaskig on Hie program
for I lie evening ami was receiveil
wilji : i i i ii-! i pleasure by lie large
crowd. lut I be music lhat aroused
i!ie greatest enthusiasm among
lie- li.-l.-ners was lhat of "The
American Pa'nd.". a medley of
u: i : : 1 1 i ; 1 1 : I airs, ami ilie band
was -i :i!'('llfl ii play the nuinber
111" second trim', so -j-real was Hie
a ;pla;:-. The overture, "Past
and I'ri'M'iil,'' was given in a very
pli a-iiitr manner, as was also Hie
number. "I'i'dcr I be Hose,1 a very
v.lrhy wall. selection. These
weekly concerts have been so
popular' that. Hiey are looked for
ward to wilii great pleasure Jy
I he general public and no more
pleasing form of amusement
could have been devised for the
summer evenings, ami given as
!hey are in dilVelelil sections of
I he eily liiey afford everyone an
opp. rl unity (o attend and enjoy
Every Man Will
S25 or $30 Suit
Prise of
to Satisfactio
It's the final clearance of the season.
and we've stopped at nothing to clear
the way for Fall. Beginning tomorrow
morning, August 19th, and -
August zjrd, we will offer at special sale, 82 suits left
from our Spring season. These suits come from 3uch world
famous makers as Hart-Schaffner & Marx, Alfred Dec'ier
& Colm and Micheals-Sterns
irom 510 to au, mostly $25
' period we offer the entire lot at
" t-v
See our West
Representing Pratt Food Co.
II. Howard i?Tnian of Lincoln,
Neb., representihg the Pratt Food
Co. of Chicago, was in the city a
few hours yeslerdav ;n the in
terests of lhat company. Mr
(ierinan is one of those joval,
whole-souled fellows, always well
met, and as he represents one of
the best slock food companies in
the world, he has no trouble in
doing business wherever he goes.
The f i im of J. V. Fgenberget
handle the Pratt foods and have
placed in a good supply for the
present season.
Most disliy ..riny "skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc.,
are due to impure blood. Burdock
Mood Mllers as a cleansing bfood
tonic, is well recommended. $1.00
at all stores.
Mrs. Joseph F. Iladraba was a
passenger this morning' for Oma
ha, where she will vis'f for a few
hours wilh Miss Clara JJooknieyer
at the hospital.
iuy McMakcn and little daugh
ter were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will look
after some mailers' of business
for a few hours.
II. M. Shlaes was a pa'ssenger
Ibis morning on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha, where
he will look after some matters to!
bu-Hiress for ihe dav.
Itching piles provoke profanity,
but profanity won't remove them.
loans Ointment is recommended
for itching, bleeding or protrud
ing piles. 5c -at any drug store.
and Value-giv-
realcs All Records
Want a $22.50
at the Startling
ending on Saturday night,
&. Co., and regularly sold
suits. For this short sale
a cash price, per suit
- -
Preparations Made to Entertain
the Visitors Most Royally
During the Week.
Next week will see this city in
vaded by the fair army of'school
teachers, who will assemble here
from all over the county lo at
tend the regular county institute,
as under Ihe law all teacher
holding a county cerlihcate arc
required lo attend the institute
as well as those holding stale
elementary certificates. Attend
ance at other .summer schools will
not let out the teachers from at
tending the county institute, as
the special work can be looked af
ter better here than at Ihe sum
mer school.
The county superintendent will
be expected lo provide places for
Ihe teachers to board during the
time they are in the city and
every possible aid should be
given her lo have suitable rooms
for the visitors ready, and any
one who can accommodate one or
two of the teachers at their homes
should notify Miss Foster as soon
as possible in order mat i tie
proper arrangements can be made
for their care. v -
Ihe enltfrtainmeiu program, as
outlined for the week, consists of
the following: Mondav at 8:30
p. m., reception to teachers and
their friends by Plattsmoulh
Commercial" club at the High
chool building.
Tuesday evening at H :), mov
ing pictures at I lie -em tliealei
by courtesy of the Commercial
Wednesday an evening of music
will be given at Ihe High school
building, at which the leading
talent of the eily will give num
bers for the entertainment of the
visiting teachers, and this event
will be followed im Thursday
evening by the concert given by
the lUirlinglon band.
Let everyone join in making the
institute a splendid success (hi
year, as tiie one last, year was
without doubt one of th'e most
pleasant ami profitable that had
ever been given in i lie county.
The work on the Mercerville
chool has been completed, ami
the building placet! in proper
hape for the opening of school
in epteinuer. During the last
few years tins building has been
allowed to run down considerably
untiPil became unsafe for tin
pupils to attend and for some
time it was contemplated to have
Ihe building abandoned and sold
lo the city for a house for the
sexton of the cemetery, but as
there are quite a number of fam
ilies living in that locality it was
decided lo lix it up. A new
foundation was placed under the
Duilding and the lloor replaced, as
well as' liunimerous small repairs.
and now the building is in good
shape. The carpenter work on
I In- building was done by J .K.
Mason amj C. A. Welsh, who are
experts in their line, and a good
job was turned over to the city as
the result of their labors.
lhis morning Robert Hlack was
brought into the presence of
Judge Archer, charged with binir
in a state of intoxication on last
Saturday. The defendant had
promised to appear Monday for
trial, but failed to show up, and
the police instituted a search, but
without success until yesterday,
when he was discovered bv some
parties peacefully sleeping be(
nealh the shade of a large r tree
on Isoulh ririh street. It was
thought by the parlies finding him
lhat he was dead, but upon in
vestigation he vas found very
much alive and was foree"d to ap
pear in the court to face his
charge. The judge, after taking
in the testimony, decided that a
line of $2 and costs, amounting to
5-, would about lit bis rase, and
it was "hung" orv him by the
court and he was allowed his
iberty for a short time to pro
cure 'the amount. -
On Saturday August 23rd We Will Sell for
9 to 10 a. m. Men's Cotton Socks at per pair . (Have your change ready.)
10 to 11 a. m.
11 to 12 a. m.
1 to 2 p. m.
2 to 3 p. m.
3 to 4 p. in.
4 to 5 p. m.
5 to 6 p. m.
6 to 7 p. m.
7 to 8 p. m.
To Visit at Red Oak.
This morning Edilor J. I. Long
of the Xehawka News, accom
panied by his wife ami family.
came up from I heir home in their
automobile and b'll on Ihe J:i7
train this morning for Red Dak,
where they will visit wilh Mrs.
Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1.'
A. (5ray, and attend the Chau
tauqua, which is being held there
this week. Earl Vial accom
panied Hie party to tins city aim
took the car back to Nehawka.
It. L. I'ropsL has just returned
from an extensive trip through
the western part of the stale
aloiij; the Hurliiigton south of tht
IMaLte river, and linns ilie crop
conditions there very bad as far
as corn is concerned. From her
west to Hed Cloud, where he isif-
ed. he found thai the corn ba
gotten up from two to four feet
but had been blasted by the hot
winds and dry weather until then
was nothing left of it. These con
ditions also prevailed near llasl
ings and lloblredge, wluro h
was lor a short lime, and a mug
the railroads when" 1 here were no
tire guards the railroad company
hail men stationed to prevent lb
liav hclds and pastures imni
catching lire, so dry was the gen
eral condition of things. ,Mr.
1'ropst reports that most of-th
threshing in lhat. locality had
been finished, with the wheal run
ning vfroni 25 to i bushels pet
acre and ot excellent uuaiiiy,
which wilrTlid largely in olTselting
the loss caused by Ihe shortagi
in corn Ibis year. From general
reports all over- Ihe stale am
from personal observation of
parlies who hae isiled the dif
ferent sections, (lass county
seems to be among the. best coun
ties 'in the stale a s far as condi
tion of crops: their corn seems lo
lie less badly burned I ban in
other sections, while, the wheal
yield is enormous.
Another civil service examina
tion for substitute clerk in the
poslollice.iii Ibis eily will be held
here on Saturday, September lj'.
All applications should be filed
before September This posi
tion pays yo cents an hour uuen
fin duty, al i lie previous exam
ination there were three girls and
oue-iuaii who i.ook me examina
tion, and Ihe department would
like to have three on the list for
erviee when necessary. The
position of substitute, clerk is at
present held by Mrs. .Minnie I'iek-
ard. All information in regard Jo
Ilie evaminal ion can be 'secured
from Frank-A. Cloidl. al the local
For earache, toothache; pains,
burns, scaldi, sore throat, try
lr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splen
did remedy for emergencies. .
Men's good Dress Pants, mostly Dutchess:. . .-.
Boy's good Knickerbocker Suits in all sizes, 4 to 16
Boys Suspenders, good, new, fresh rubber
Men's Suits including blue serge, one hour only
Men's plain white hemstitched Handkerchiefs (Have your change
Men's Dress or Work Suspenders, new goods (extra good value)
Men's fine Dress Sox, fancy and plain colors
Men's fine Dress Shirts to be worn with white collar
Men's fine Silk Four-in-hands, only
No Goods Sold at These Prices
has. r.o"ok and son. Frank and
wife,-who haveSteen out J l':e
weslern part of Ilie siale I u lb"
past few das, returned home liii
morning. Mr. Cook has soiije
I'.tiid near Imperial thai needed
bis attention, as well as be need
ed a little vaealiou, and the trip
was made fop combiyed business
and pleasure. . While in thai
locality they visiled one day and
look dinner wilh our old Cass
county citizen. Mr. Herman Del
maun, a former merchant of Elm
wood. Mr. Cook says that. Mr.
Pet maun has sure si ruck it lucky
in Chase county this year. lie
has 170 acres in corn Ibis year
thai will average .!.) bushels to Ihe
acre; also 1 1 acres in I5lur Suuaw
corn'lhal is gi'ioil. Mr. Cook lel'l
a sample of this corn in the Jour
nal ollice window, and if you do
not think il is good take a look
al il. Charley was uol so, jubilant
over the ei op comlil ions , as he
was over Ihe dinner he was treat
ed to Ihe lielmiuin home. He
even made us very hungry telling
about it.
- One of Ihe neatest show win
dows displayed for some time by
anv of Ihe merchants is that of
F. A. Wurl. who has " placed in
his Main street windows a lim
showing ot the latest tilings in
curtain goods, and the artistic
blending of Ihe colors and Ihe ar
rangements of the goods- make
one long lo go in and lay in their
curtain material for the fall sea
son. tMr. W-url has made a study
of Ihe art of window dressing and
has produced some very line ef
fects in dilVerenl lines, but none
more handsome than IhU which.
they iTave al. the present.
Runs Splinter Into Foot.
Yeslerdav while playing around
home little Helen Wescolf had
the misfortune to slep on a 'piece
t boanH and as a result ran n
large sliver into the heel of her
loo!, which become untie pamlul
and it was necessary to call a
physician lo remove Ihe trouble-
i i.- i- i. i:i
some piece o wooo. which ue him,
and l lie nine lauy was nume as
omfortable- as possible and is
not seriously allecled hy ihe ac-
Goes to Seo Montana.
A party of gentlemen iparled
from this eily Tuesday for the
famous Judith Masin oT Montana,
consisting of Ocorue Snyder, ('. If.
Vail cry, Henry Kaufmaiix and
(iranl Hawkenbery. The party
will be looked afer hy W. L".
iin.Kiii-i-iins 'and if is needless to
say they will have "some time."
While. iifMontana Mr. Vallery will
visit ihs daughter, Mrs. W. K.
Shepherdsou and family.
( ne
way lo relieve habitual
constipation is to take regularly
a mild laxative. Doan's IteguleU
are recommended. for this pur
pose, 25c a box at all drug stores.
ju iyi iyi ui msy i
Other Than at Hour Advertised.
Funeral of O. P. Monroe Today.
from Wednesday's Dally.
The funeral of the lale . I.
Monrae was. held this afternoon
fruu I heir lale home on lower
Main si reel and w as ali ended by
a large number of friends of I be
deceased as well as Ihe members
of Ihe Fagles' lodge of which Mr.
Monroe bad been a member dur
ing his lil.'lime. The sermon was
preacher by Hey. W. L. Austin of
Ihe First Methodist church who
spoke brielly of I be life of the de
parted as well as comforting
woids to the sorrowing wife and
friends'. .The Moral tributes were
numerous and attested the high
esleem in which the departed had
bu'en held throughout the commu
nity where he has resided for the
past thirty years.
1 lie water company expect. -in
a few days to be able to starl work
on the extension of the waler
mains some .roo feet, on South
Fight h street for (he purpose of
placing a fire hydrant in the vi
cinity of the Columbian school.
For years Ibis building has been
without Ihe proper lire prided ion
and Ihe new extension of the wa
ter service wiM be a great benefit,
not only to the school building.
bul all Ihose residing in that
locality, as it affords them a
inuch-ueeded ' safeguard against
being wiped out by fire. During
the past year the eily has hail the
lire limits extended in the south
part of town and thai section is
now well equipped with protec
tion from fire.
Hero From California.
Last evening Farnesl F. Wurl
and wife of Long lleach. Cali
fornia, arrived in Ibis eily on Xo
V to make -n visit here with Mr
WuiTs parents. Mr. and Mrs. If.
Wurl. and olher relatives. Ifolh
Mr. and Mrs. Wurl are looking
line and are enlhusfastie boomers
for California, believing that
there is no country like thad but
they are enjoying greatly their
visit at Ihe oiu iimne, wnere mey
bolh resided for so many years.
They expect lo visit here and wilh
their relatives in this section un
til about the lirsl of October.
Mrs. Frank Slcppal was in the
metropolis today for a few hours,
being ,a passenger for that, city
this morning.
In order to close out a lot
of Ladies' Low Shoes we
offer at per pair '. . .
50 pairs of Low Shoes that
$2.00, and $2.25. Sizes 2,
f X-
w . if
Cash, Only
. .3c
: $7.00
ready) 3c
.. 49c
The August number of the
Midwest, published al Lincoln by
Will M. Maupin. is replete wilh
good tilings and as usual boosts
for Nebraska. A .Nebraska farm
er pays his n-speds lo the "Mod
ern Absaloms," and the editor
show s w herein the new insurance
cde works an injustice to home
instil ut ions. Ada Caroline Worl
man's "Opinions of Cousin Caro
line' make spicy reading be
those who keep abreast of I lie
limes, and Nat M. Avers con
tributes another interesting his
torical sketch in which he tells of
a famous hold-up on Ihe t'uioii
Pacific in the early days. A brief
history of the Nebraska stale fair
is given, and in this connect io;i
Will Maupin coulribules bis re
port of another ".Memory Fx-
..cursiou" wherein he takes you on
a visit wilh him to the lillle old
county fair of your childhood
days. Why pot a semi-centennial
exposition celebrating Nebraska's
half century as a stale? Midwest
tells you about il in the August
number. There are a lot of spicy
anecdotes, personal and other
wise, and you will be interested in
the department of "Snap Shots al
Men in the Public I've." They
are all N'ebraskans that you will
like to read about.
Midwest's evejy issue is a lib
eral education in the greatness of
Nebraska, and every Nebraskau
interested in his stale's develop
ment ought to be a regular sub
scriber. The magazine deserves
a place in every Nebraska' home.
and should be in every Nebraska
public school. ff your news
dealer does not handle il, send
direct to Midwest Magazine, J.'jfi
Hankers Life Huihling, Lincoln,
Neb. SulxM'i'ipl ion l..r)ll per year.
People of Plattsmoulh Honest.
That the citizens oT IMalls
nioulh are very honest i, evi
denced by Ihe fact lhat night be
fore last one of (he merchants
here left a large number of books
and magazines lying on the out
side of his' place of business dur
ing the night and in the morning
I hey were all I here and not one
had been disturbed. There are
few places where this could be
done withotil Ihe owner of the
store suffering the loss of sev
eral, if not all of his magazines.
and it speaks well for our people
and their honesty.
-sj- u n
formerly sold at . $1.75,
2, 3, '6, and 4.
$55 iifl