PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. TH LlftS DAY, AUGUST 14, 1D13. (BIRt Murray fa I Our Deposits are guaranteed by, the State Guarantee Fund 4 per cent interest paid on all Time Deposits for one year. Do your Banking Business with us. Murray Stilts W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier Tin I iln a ry lim.ri. Sillily Mini- flllll i t I at the nfler- 1'oliel J business Monday. Mi-s c i-tiM- in i ii n'nl I c i 1 1 an. I wile made a ( Nebraska City Miss .Mae Lewis folks Sunday. William Nickels well iluyr I Ills week. visiled homo having a ara Ymiiiu" visited her 'jollX Cilv. Iowa", a few days I a - t week. .Miss III iImmI .-on. a I'i'iM la-s mati of Mi-- Villa Capon, is tn"e tMiest of the Capon family this Week. Mi s. IM II i--j - ami sou. liar.., I. of Brew-! .-r. N-ji.. arrived Satur day I'll. I will mako an extended isii wii It r.-I tl i .Mr. a;.. I .Mrs. . V. Ke I u r n I from l'Iai::.- ie-,v niuht. wlinv Ihoy attend I ho funeral of UovaJ. in'.I re Tuesday hi'oji o William Mrs. ('. Wiley is n umbered wilh Iho sick this week. Miss Kliaholh Oliver is vi.-il-iiiii friends in Palmyra a fov days. .aiio I. owis was transacting: bu-ine-s in Plallsmoulh Wednes day. Poarl Duay is visiting rela tives at Nehawka, ami I'nion this Wook. Mis. Frank Ithodeu was look inu aft.-r hu.-iuoss in IMal I -nioul h Moih lay. Miss Horlha Nickels was call in mi Plaltsmouth merchants Monday. Mr. an. I Mrs. s. ). Pitman ami Mrs. I'.liner Hooilokor were shop- Mr. II. 1'.. Sn..-r an. I eLildren. I pin;: in Omaha Momlay. - f FairfioM. Inttii. -neul a . low Tin s,,riai :il lewi-ton va:i ays tins wook wilh !:. lamily ol j -er pleasant affair. Kvory one II. I.. !.!iam. Miss Silvder is a al I I'liiliii'- -ltrnf ;m ri able more ii ii'iiiiam. I I'MMIIII'. The I.a.lios Aid s..eiely i,r Iho; t;,.i-c Nickels was a I'latts- Christian church will im.-.-I al Iho m,iul li vi.-ilor Sal unlay afternoon, rhun h on ".-i 1 1 1 . i i . August Frank huuay. who lias hoon J", at " 1 p. m. F.ry mem- iji,.,! wilh tho siok. is-much im- l..-r is mm v uracil y r. .pie-led o , al this wi ilii!. ho pro.i, as hu.inos: of. a vory wm .,mi,(ll1 la.,.. ,,, j;,,- -rave imporiam-e w.U mine a (if iri Tl,.siiiv !"r a, "",!- , :i ,,.. ,", Mrs. , Horl Saloholl rol ui m il Tuosdav I Al I isuu on hor ohl homo farm niuhl from a trip ) Slanloii ounty. where ho hail hoon on the lookmil fur a farm. Mori ' -ue- -ooih'il in loashm a lino tarm of tt'0 aoros. within oi-hl Stanton. I ho county oat ! a ko j. ii- ! in in I i mo ; oar's i-i oi. milos uf ami will) for iu'vl Fain 4:arr..ll Phiiuviow. .oi.. for a isji v, it h ami Mr-. Fharlo ami family of amo in Sal unlay his paronts, Mr. F. Farroll. Mr. Iho ami ro-poopo,in t'.arroM. i'- w. ll port s o I,,. i- 'asS o mi 1. 1 v Plain, low noijjhl.oi hooii .o a- w i 1 1 as (onl.l ho ovnoi-loil .-i.Iorin' iho o!roino hoi w oat In r. Will Hamilton is tho man who huil.l.s aeoor.iin to co.iliad. Tho l.owi.slon Sunday school w ill hao a picnic Thursday aft oriToon. August Jl. Moot at Iho ohurch al I o'clock. Kvory ono is cordially invitod. I'arly picnic suppor al ." o'clock. I if sure In -on. I Iho children, or Ininv litem. K.' S. 'lull, . F. I'rendol. v. lioodokor. Frank Marlor Miss Klla .Nickels entertained (h,. konsinulon for l.lio lihrary 'I'hur.sday aflornooii al tho homo of Mrs. Tull. I'efrosh-nionl-.s wore served and has hoon added In (ho lihrary treasury. Yes It's Hot Weather Woiv, But don't forget that in Dear Old Nebraska it gets cold also, so be wise and make those comforts now. We have a nice line of Silk alines -and comfort Cretonnes in beautiful patterns and shades at 1 0c, 1 2c and 1 5c per yd. Cotton bats in 1 0c, 1 5c and 25c grades. Our ready sewed bats can't be beat. HI ATT MURRAY TISJTT NEBR. Will Seyholl was an Omaha visitor Tuesday. TV 1 1 Smith's wife and youngest child are on Iho sick list. K. It. Oiit't')) was a Plal t smoul Is visitor Saturday afternoon. II. I. Todd was a passenger to Omaha on business Monday. IF ii. Todd and family expect to start for Canada next week. Uobert tioo.l lranacted husi ness in Plallsmoulh Saturday. Mrs. FaPiue and daus-'hter. Kva. were "Omalia visitors Saturday. I.. M. MoYey and family were calling on Murray friends , Thurs day. Fharles Swali and wife were visiting friends at I'uiou Thurs day. M. F.hurehill is now the owner of a Hush aulo. (ioo.l foi- Mirk. Mrs. John Kppings is numheri'd among' t!u few sick in this com munity. Mrs. Fee Tharker has been quite" sick for some time, hut is .improving. Fnole Lewis llerg-e. who has been poorly for some lime, re mains' about the .same. .Mis. F. M. (ioodwin was called to Plallsmoulh Saturday by ill- nes of her aired lather. (ieorgo W. jUhoiJeit was down from Plallsmoulh Wednesday to look after some mailers on his farm of (own. Mises Xettie. .lossie Moore audi F'ara Wolfarth wore down from Plallsmoulh to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J). Iliall. Virgin of near Plainiow. by Jiis lit lb prui. came in .Monday evening tor a few days" visit with his parents ami friends. " i It'll Perry and family and O. apen and wife autood to Lincoln Sumlay nioruiiig and attended the assembly, returning the same evening. Mis. Ir. 15. A. Itool and .son, F-arl. of York, arried last J'riday c ening" for a few days" visit with Mr. Itool's parent.-. Mr. and Mi Ji. A. Itool Sr. Will File. Fharles Troop and F. V.. Mitzger were in South Omaha Tuesday attending" the horse sale, and then Mr. Troop and .Mr. File started for Folorado fo buy some feeders. Iae Slagle.' wlio is holding down a hoinosload in Wyoming, came in Ibis week In assist in settling up the estate of his father and mother, after which lie will return home. Mrs. Minnie Wood and daugh ter. Zolnia. ami son. Lelaud. came down from Lincoln Tuesday even ing for a visit with her uncle and aunl. Mr. ami Mrs. li. A. Itool, and other friends in this vicinity. Hill Hoedekor. I In bronco buff er and son of Henry lioedoker. a former resident of Louisville, e parled for his former homo in Wyoming, where his fattier re sides, one day this week, lie has been 'living here for several uionl lis. S. O. Pitman ami wife and Mr. and Mrs. Klnier li leker depa'rf- od af ." o'clock Saturday morning in Mr. Pitman's automobile lor Orleans, la., and. readied their destination al 7 o'clock Iho same evening, a distance of miles. That's going- some. Hex Young", who was run over bv an automobile near Plalts- mouth a tew days since, is mruv .-T-rioiisIy hurt than expected, ami is confined to his bed. The at tending 'physician thinks, how ever, that Hex will get along: a- well as conl.l lie reasonahlv ex pected. Jack SJjaw look- I). Sjirader t Plal I sinoiit h Tuesday, from w hen ho took the liurliiigton for Oma ha. In returning homo .lack had I he 'misfortune lo break some of the gearing: of his machine and all "day Wednesday he ami Jim Haines were engaged in repairing the eritlor. Father M. A. Shine, rector of St. John's church at Plaltsmouth, came down and Dr. (Jilmoro had his automobile in waiting at the depot to convey him to the Dab ney Thacker farm, southeast of Murray. This is the neighborhood whore"" explorers have been at work taking up from the bowels of t-he earth all kinds of relics of ancient days. Father Shine is very much interested in -such things, as is also lr. r;ilmort who has already .secured a number of valuable relics and is anxious for more. Entertainment at Oldham Home. - An afternoon lunch and pro gram will be given at the home of 11. L. Oldham Thursday. August -M. for the benefit of the library The following program will bo rendered: Piano I uet Yilla and FIsje Capon Marie LTrish Jara A oung K.i.Uh Frish (Iraee Long liiMii'vivc Frish Lura Lloyd HUE CASE OF CHARLES CLAYTON NOW ON TRIAL Yocal . . Heading" Vocal . Piano . , Vocal . . Piano . Vocal . . Heading Vocal . . Vocal . . After Examination of Numerous Witnesses, on Motion of De fense, Case Dismissed. The case of Iho slate of Ne braska against F.harles Clayton, who is charged with grand lar ceny in taking a pookelbook con- Farrie Thomson taming tne sum oi m. neionging Mrs. Win. Troop to Fdward Schwald. was given a Loretla Walker preliminary hearing before Jus- Hose ShafTe.r lie M. Archer this morning" and Fhe program will begin al i::tO attracted a great deal oj atlen and a charge of to cents will beltion. there being a large number made tor refreshments. Men asfpresoiit al I he hearing from Mm well as women are invited lo this h ay. whore the parlies in Iho cas. n extra etfort will ho reside ami whore the crime was entertain ti e men ilia . poscn 10 hum- peon eoimun- program made to w ill al lend .Thursday afternoon at the Oldham homo. Mr. Oldham slates dial he has sal i:i Iho milk house from lime lo time while th women of his household gave aft el'lioon kensillglolls. bill oil this date he has decided to come out in the open and do a little enlei laming" hiiiise . So tning your husbands, w il h voi leod. The case was handled for the slale bv J. F. Douglass, whib A. L. Tidd appeared as attorney fi r '.la Ion. Fdward Schwald was Iho lirs witness called by the slale am told his side of the case. He had hoon working al the farm of Schwald Harry I odd. near .Murray, up to diiVoreul Monday; August i, and had piit I the city i ... r .1-. II.-...1I.- oii a ( ouui i.o uoi joeiiu- won auu iiil'nl on wine, ami two bodies of boor on their way from Plallsmoulh. Clayton bail accompanied biro to Ihe room at lh holel w,here he had slept. - There was no ligbl in the room, but bo felt I he pocket book there in his trousers when ho-removed them. When he found Clayton at. the blacksmith shop Ihev had searched tho bedroom to trv and lirnl the money, and then gone to the lively barn t look for it in the buggy, but fail ed to find it. Ho had told Khodon at the barn thai ho had lo-t a g-old niece. After this ho had gone down the track ami slept from noon . unt il evening in' the grass south of the depot and then gone back to town. J. W. Uergor, the proprietor, of Iho. hotel whore the two men had stayed during the night, testified thaj he saw Clayton leave the house about 7 o'clock in Iho morning". bill did not- know of Schwald being there until his granddaughter had gone to the room lo clean it up and had found him. and she nolitied Mr. Uergor. who' had gone to the room ami woke the young man up. This was aboul S o'clock in the morn ing. The defendant was placed on die stand and denied having had anlhing- to do with the loss of GOVERNOR SULZER. New York Executive su i Impeached by Lower House of Legislature. Mrs. H. G. Todd Entertains. Mrs. II. O. Todd entertained Tuesday afternoon at her largo ami handsome homo. south of town, for her coif-in. Miss fiaird. The afternoon was warm, but a lai'ge electric fan made the guest comfortable. Miss liaird expects to start a rooming" house at tin Agriculture school at Lincoln I hi; ... fa 1. and her Irionds. gave tier a surprise in Iho way of furnishing for- her rooms. Dainty refresh mollis wore served. I hose pres ent were: Mesdamos J. Dash James Holmes. i. 11. Oilmoi e Oood Todd. II. Chrisleiiseiv, James Hrown. James Loughridge and William Hrown: Misses Jessit Todd. Paulino Oldham. Margie Walker. I.eora Hrown ami Alice Todd. Close Call for Homer Shrader. .Last Sunday 'evening Homer Shrader had more than a gentle reminder o he ijesl motive tor nado that visited thai section on th" night of Kasler Sunday. The wind blow a terrific gale around the home of Homer and he bail about come to the conclusion that he was doomed for another twist er. ' Cherry and peach lives were blown down lo a large number. as well as some apple trees. Some large trees in the yard wore blown down. Homer says ho and his wife wore considerably scared until die whwl passed away. It was indeed a very close call for Mr. and Mrs. Shrader, and while considerable damage was done Ihev feel verv fortunate that it was no worse. came io .wurrav. neiore working for Todd he had worked for some time at (lie farm of Itohert Shrader and had received a cheek for S7a mi iiuilling there and had pent sill of this when ho went to .Murray with Iho .?. r in a pocket- book, and the last ho had seen of the money was on Tuesday night, when he had gone lo sleep in l.lavtons room in the F.orgor hotel in .Murray. Clayton had ac companied him to Iho hold and left him, staling he would go and lake his girl homo, and ho had md hoard Ciavton come in thai night. When ho got nil in the morning uli.nii S o'clock he had discovered the loss of his money. The wit ness staled thai when ho had come in I roii i i tie IimM larm no had met Clayton ami thai Clayton had asked him to accompany him to Plal I smoul h that afiornooii. and Ihoy had hired a foam at the barn of Don Hhoden and drove to Plat Isnioul h. While here, the wil- ness siaioii, nicy uau visuen a aloon and had taken several drink iomo jvil h die money. Ilis testimony in re gard lo the Plal I sun ui th trip was about Hie same . as that of as fo Iho details of (ho places isiled w hile iil Ho staled ho had re I h'e nigh! of the loss of Iho money abmil midnight, sleep ing in the room wilh Schwald. -and had gollen up shortly before 7 o'clock and gone on! lo allend to some business at the blacksmith shop, and did not know of Iho loss of Iho money until he was (old by Schwald. After I he. present al ion of some evidence in re-bultal in the afl oriioon the ca.e was presented to. die court afier the arguments of Iho attorneys. Judge Archer re viewed Hie case, pointing" out. mm condition of the complaining wit- I I 1" ness wiien no roiiiriieii lioni Plal t smoul h. iho amount of liipior (hoy had drank, ami how easv it would nave .peon ior mm to have lost the money oiif of his poekel. and ..die fail dial th romii in which he had slept lia boon open and anyone could hav gotten in there jusl a- easy a Mr. Ciavton. He also pointed out J he fact I hat I he only ovideip presented as to Schwald having the .v(i.r on him was his own slat V vJ f " i v j v S i5 "y t V- if E. . 4 c 5 V Ha , L H W"jj( t fig It' " x f Photo by Ar.:erlcau 1'iess Association. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR COMPETE IN DRILL Indianapolis Commander Held to Have Made Best Stowing. ment. and the fact that tin com iinl thai they had ordered plaining witness, as well as th eer. wiiiskv ami w ine i nero. , (. ,.n, ant. i eierred to .naving Claou (idling the saloonkeeper lost a s." gold piece; and in tin ... that it was for a man named oni i ion of the court the ovideno Croon, but when they had gotten i was not sullicient lo warrant th inlo the buggv he had said it wa Miobling" of Mr. CI avion to the di-- Miss Fli.abet h Oliver, who has I n visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Countryman. for the past week, returned homeland called him to (In all hot air. They had started back home and reached Murray about i' o'clock, afid that (In li.pior hid boon unloaded al the home of the man. Croon, and" then thev lurd driven lo the livery barn where the team was unhilched Clayton had said Ihev might as well go In bed, ami accompanied him lo the Hergi"T hotel and to his room, where the witness had undressed and gone to bed. Woke up about 8 o'clock and had missed his monov. Ho then went to the blacksmith shop lo see Claylon roar of I riot court, and In- dismissed t complaint and t In .defendant was allowed to rol urn to his hmin cleared of the ( barge of which h had been placed on trial. Wednesday evening. Misses Kli.abelh Oliver and 'Mary .Moore' left Friday morning for Syracuse, Neb., for a week's visil al inn Home oi .ur, ami .ir. Lewis Wiles. Mrs. Wiles, Miss Oliver and Miss .Moore were roommates while attending the Peru, slate normal. , J. W. lierger of Murray came up this morning from his home to attend fhe Clayton trial, which u'Qc ViaKl Inilnv' .. .. MURDOCH. (Special Correspondent.) is homo on a Miss Mela .eitz few days' vacal ion. K. P. ,1'vcrell. returned' last Sunday from her (rip to Colorado shop, where he told him to give him his pockelbook. as ho know he had laken it for a joke. Tin money was kept in a hip pocket, which was fastened with a (lap and button. Clarion bad told him he had paid for the team. Tile witness was cross-exainin , i a.. . rr: 1 I If.. on iiv .Aiioriiev j. mo. mi? sicoco his; home was in Chicago, where he had lived for almost all his life i i..i i . . on lo llie time no uau cmic Murray lie had been as lar south as Parsons. Kansas. In re- plv to the pieslions the witnes: slated he had genie from Chicago to Decatur, Illinois, and then to Kansas City, going from iliere lei Parsons, and from there back to Kansas Cilv and then north nnlil he reached Murray last April, lie NEW AND PERMANENT SIDE WALKS IN OUR GROWING GUY The city has begun a very sub slant ial improvement in the west er'n port ion of the city in I lie con slruelioii of a pernianenl from "Kleventil street lo Thirleeiilh on Main si reel. Foi several vears this section of walk lias boon oul and in bad shapi for (ravel and a great many resi dents of Iho western part of the cilv are compelled to pass here ..:ioh dav. ami it is n'n the way t the T. J. SokoT park, w here I hi louriiameiit wilhbe held Iho lasl of Iho week, and every ellorl wilt be made ( have 'it" completed in lime for. Iho even I. ' The city ollieials are conslanlly jdanng in now permanent walks all over the cilv and thenv is md many towns . . j i .. ...... ! ..I' iii i no siHie i ii.ii i i i i.iortsi hi more or bolter walks than can lie found in Platlsnnnil h. and the good work is being pushed as fast as the eilv's funds will permit. i . . . ..I i .i Charles Sehafor spent Sunday had md had his pociieinooiv oui with his folks in Mauley. I in the saloon in Plallsmoulh. 1I i ... il :i Ale I ii n i:i Id was in Omaha had some J?2 in silver with hin. " - - ------ i a few days last week. ( ieorgo Skiles was 'shopping in Klmwood Saturday. A number of people from Mur- dock went, on their Visual fishing trip last Monday to Salt creek Oats in some places made bushels hi Iho acre. Mrs. Joe Lang and baby are They had driven up to III e saloon on their arrival here and taken quite a number of drinks.- Went from the Ceise saloon to some oilier one and had a tew drmK. William Hice of Murray came up this morning to attend Hie Claylon trial in Justice Archers court. SO Ccdiolman paint store wav back they haM stopped in a iioed hall to play a few games of . t A . . here visiting relatives and friends, pool and then weru oat h. io Some of the Murdock people Ceise's where the booze was ' l . .1. I. ,l.w.,.. 1 :.. II.., -rrr- Qllil fllOV v-.m- oVi'P lo I , I'rpiiw ooi l iii il' Jiairii in i " i- f reunion last week. started back lo Murray, lb itorn To Mr. and Mrs. Will not seen them take out the noozo n,.i.u i. ...i l:it tieise s. "oxceot i no cae. en mi nil , ii j" , m;i .ii. t. . llenrv Amgwert is visiting his beer. (.layion nan goueu oui sister in Coyncil UluiTs, Iowa. (irst al the livery oarn. lie uau .,., A rvio-t. Qi llAnu on ill SUt. dOWll ill VL CUttll -.Willie HI- short visit last week. a number of neonle at- had thrown up some, tended the piano recital given by sick irora uuuKing Mias r.nler, last, .week. Leo Allison of Murray was in e city today . for a few hours looking- afler some matters of and then Clayton had gone to tne 1(U?jIloss and on the Mark While came up yesterday aflornooii from his home near Murray and attended to some I railing for a few hours. "eorge M. 1 1 i 1 I of near Mynard . n . I I. . came in yesterday irom ins mum- to lordi after some matters ed" .i .i: v business im a snori- ume. Mrs. Georgia Creamer came up Denver, Aug. 14. Rapor eommand ery, Xo 3, Indianapolis, according to public opinion, presented the host exhibit-ion of drilling in the first day's competition by commandory drill teams at the parade 'grounds of the tliiity-.'coTid triennial conclave of Knights Templar. Asc-alon. No. 1C, St. Louis, and Co'nmbia, No. 6J, Washing ton. D. C, both on approval of the immense crowds which Verc wateliins. Ek'troit comrnaridery, Xo. 3, conced ed the host drilled team of the Kirights Templar, gave an exhibition drill, it being barred from competition, which drew prolonged applause from the crowd. GO TO BALTIMORE NEXT YEAR San Francisco Named as Place for Holding 1915 Meeting. Milwaukee, Aner. 14. Raltimore was unanimously chosen, the rneetinf? place of the next convention of the American Federation of 'Catholic So cieties st the closing session. Offi cers were re-elected- as follows: President. Charles I. Denchaud, Now Orleans; secretary, Anthony Mat re, St. Louis; treasurer, F. W. Jlecken l;amp, Quinoy, 111. San Francisco was selected as thn place for the 1915 convention. Sun Yat Sen Marked for SIaughter. Tokyo, Aug. 14. One hundred as sassins have 1 been sent to Japan to kill Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Huang Sing and other Chinese revolutionary fugitives by Provisional President Yuan Shal Kai of China, according to the Japa nese newspapers. BASEBALL SCORES team was being unhitched, and this .morning from her nome, as he was south of i his city, lo attend to They had some business matters for a few- drank some w hisky, os well as J hours. National League. At Brooklyn First game: IUI.E. Pittsburgh ...10000000203 12 3 Brooklyn 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 14 0 Camnitz-Gibson; Curtis-Miller. Second game: R.1I.B. Pittsburgh 00300000 03 4 4 Brooklyn 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 8 3 O'TooIc-Kelly ; Yingling-Miller. Western League. At Topeka: R.TI.n. Topeka 400000 90 13 12 2 Omaha 00001210 3 7 32 3 Cocreham-Crist ; Robinson-Johnson. At IJnro'.n: R.I Ml Lincoln 00000400 4 4 0 Des Moines 0 0100000 0 1 5 3 Clauss-Baker; Faber-Sleiglat. At Wichita: R.ILE. St. Joseph 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 5 1 Wichita 10001100 3 5 1 Bnscher-Gi'ifnth; Regan-Castle. At Denver: R.H.F:. Sioux City.... ..000 0000 0 0-0 2 G )?nvcr 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 6 13 3 WhiteRapp; Hagerman-Block. Nebraska League. At York: - R.IM1 Superior 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 06. 11 3 ork 20 0 22 00 0 17 7 5 I fatch-Rcss ; Everdon Brown. ' At Columbus: R-ILPl Grnd Island 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 C 8 0 Columbus ..... .0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 02 7 3 Franklin-Smlzer; A rtley -Ramsey. At Kearney First game: R.II.E.' Fremont 1000 0 00 102 9 2 Kearney 0 0000130 4 11 1 C etch el I-S tangle ; Plympton-Erickson Second game: R.II.E. Fremont "...0 0 0 10 001 02 5 3 Kearney 02100100 4 7 0 Thiessen-Neu; Lotz-Erickson. At Hastings: R.H.E. Beatrice ...0010001002 4 4 Hustings " ."3 0000010 4 7 I Haley-Coe; Willey-Richardson. -t 1 r n?i The Weather, aiFlK!