PAGE 6. PLATTSIWOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1913. BLIND LEADERS OF THE BLIND Time Words Apply to Pastor Russell and Others, He Says. DECEIVING AND DECEIVED. Ministers Have Deceived the PeopU Respecting the Bible Teachings But They Were Themselves Deceived, Hence Not Wilfully Guilty The duty cf the Hour Is to Undeceive the Pub lic and to Remove the Slander From God's Word and Character Courage Necessary Otherwise Many Will Fall Into the Ditch of Unbelief The Educated Are There Already. London, August 10. I'iistor lJus i?el I addressed the London Taber nacle congregation twice today. AVe report one of lils Vk - . ' ' f'--i4 1 discourses from f y -3 the text. "If the . d lead the loth shall to the ditch' yASTOK. Klljj&tLLJJ The J'astor open- with the words: How Mind Me have nil teen stupidly blind iu respect to our Heavenly Fa Hut's words! We have believed human traditions, -which ve ought not to have believed, and left unbelicved the Uible teachings, which ive ousht to have believed, until the Church as a whole has become thor oughly puzzled in respect t every thing religious. I am not judging any particular person or sec t. The matter is o general as not to need specification. All h3ve sinned, all are out of the way of Truth, lost in the fog of super Btition "and . crpr, guided thither, as St. Paul foretold, by "doctrines of de mons." (1 Timothy 4:1.) There is no time for faultfinding. Thoduty of the liour is to get right to pet back Into harmony with Clod, and to obtain the true light on His Word that will re store Christian faith, love, devotion. Warning nobody except the Arch-Ie-ceiver, Satan, we find, as the Master predicted, that the whole, world" has been made drunk by the false do trines which Satan gradually introduc ed during the Dark Aj"R-''The Inhab itants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornica tion." (Revelation 17:2.) Some wore crazy drunk, to the extent of perseeut Insj others; some were stupidly drunk. Like drunken people, we.' mixed up and confused the good and the bad. In one breath we told of the love of God His mercy, gentleness, patience nnd how all of I lis children must be come copies of His Divine character. Then in another breath we painted this God. of Love as sitting down, before creating humanity, arid deliberately, wirh fore-knowledge, arranging that thousands of millions should lo born in sin, misshapen in iniquity: and Hint after a few (short years, full of trou ble, all of them with only rare exco tions. should be turned over to fire proof demons, to be tortured through all eternity. "When a soberer thought would sug gest that the liro would destroy them, that the torture could not last more, than a few hours, then a drunken thought inspired by the Devil came that God delighted in the torture of His creatures, and that all those thou sands of millions would have life in jected into them by the Almighty Jliiu uclf, the great Fountain of Life, ho as to prevent them from ever ceasing to be. ceasing to suffer s as to perpetu ate a great chamber of horrors such as no human mind could imagine. Dante pictured the Inferno most hor ribly, that eternal torture chamber, over whose gates were the "words, "Who enters here abandons hope." Satan's Great Success. The Master styled Satan the father Of lies. His first great lie misled our first parents and murdered them, by leading Mother Eve to disbelieve God's Word. "In the day Hint thou cutest' f thereof, thou shalt surely die."" (Gen 'esis 2:17.) Satan contradicted the Al mighty, snyinir. "Ve shnll not surely file" cannot die, ye are immortal, your life is a perpetual one. Satan has since impressed this false hood upon the whole world, and has largely succeeded in deceiving all. "When in fulfilment of God's "Won I people die, Satan has brought in the deceptive theory that they really have become rme alive than ever. ."Wjth the theory that nobody can die came be other theory that when they seem to die they merely go somewhere else to live. Thus, contrary to the Scriptures, the whole world has come to believe that at the moment of death the saintly go to Heaven and all the remainder, more nlive than ever, go either to Hell or Purgatory. The plain, common-sense . statement of the Bible that all both pood and bad, old and young go to Bheol. Hades, to the tomb, is ignored. The Bible teaching, that the redemp tive work of Jesus assured all a res urrection from the dead, is made null end void by Satan's declaration that nobody Is dead. Immortality In Christ. Tlfe Bible does indeed hold out for the Church the hope of Immortality; bat it is only a hope, not already a possession. Man was not created un- aualifiedlT Immortal. The life given STta' tvis.onlT' a TniT.rtrre'c,r.6, '7f" TI .vou 1.1 is it in harmony with his Cre-. itor's cum ma lids, he might enjoy it 'orever, as indicated in the words, I'.e fruitful and multiply and fill the yirth" with your posterity, and snb U:e the earth as ye have need of It. s your posterity increases, extend tha sounds of Kden, until it will inchula :he whole earth. . " Hut that the life was a tentative one. I .onditioua! one. is indicated by the rhreat that disobedience would bring leath the cessatu.i of life. Thus, kIkii the sin had been committed, God Jeclared, "Accursed is the ground for :hy sake. In the sweat of thy face dialt thou eat'breail, until thou return to the ground: for dust thou art, and jnto dust shalt thou return." Genesis J:17. 10. The whole world knew that it was lying; and not even a suggestion of a reversal of the curse was made -un to the time of Abraham. Then, for the first time. God declared it His purpose to bless all the families of the earth, which implied the rolling away of the curse. This blessing, the rolling away of the curse, was to come through Abraham's Seed. "In thee and in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed St. I'aul declares that this Seed is The t'hrist Jesus the Head, and the Church His Body. Ga latians :':1ri. .".). But the Apostle explains that even this statement to Abraham was more or less indistinct: it did not bring the matter clearly forward and give posi tive assurance of everlasting life. St. Paul declares that this was accom plished throuch Jesus, more than 4.000 years after the fall. He declares that "hrist brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.:! Tim. 1:10. Now we may see that this promise of immortality, deathlessncss, death proof existence, is a very much grander one than we ovei supposed.. Immortality is a quality of life which thus, far is possessed only by Jehovah God and by His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Noth ing in the Scriptures indicates that even the angels possess death-proof bodieS. On the contrary, the Bible teaches that Satan, one of the very highest" angels, is to bo destroyed. This shows us that this immortal, deith -proof quality is not possessed by the angels. Their everlasting life de pends trbou the Divine covenant that, so loin; as they are in harmony with God, lie is pleased to perpetuate their lives in a most joyful condition. The Bible assures us that only the elect Church will ever attain the im mortal quality peculiar to the Father and to the Son.. This promise of "glory, lionor. immortality," is made merely to the saintly Church, and is to be attained in the First llesurreetion by those found worthy. "(Mi such the Second Death hath no power." Bcv elation :.'0;t. But our Lord Jesus not merely brought to light immortality as God's gift to the Church. The Gospel of Jes'us brings to light a bone of everlasting life to the noli elect world to so many of them as, under the light of the knowledge of the glory of God during the coming Millennial Age. will fully resMind and be of those who will bow the knee and confess with the tongue the great King, and be uplifted to human perfection by the arrangements of His Kingdom. For these God has the same everlasting life that He has already given to the angelic hosts. This everlasting life4of the future Is usually stylodfe.nmortalit.v; for it will be a deathless life- a life free from the imperfections of the dying condition. But the immortality of the IUble,-which is for the Church alone, is separate and distinct, and elsewhere described as "the Divine nature." 2 Feter 1:1. As We Now Sober Up. This Bible presentation f t lie matter that God's proposition Is life or dcaJh we are beginning to see is most reasonable, most logical. Furthermore, His proposition is that when His I'Jan will have been completed, none shall have life at all who will not have it in perfection. He desire not to have mental, moral and physic:!! cripples and degenerates in His Kingdom. He will give all the fullest opportunity for recovery through the Kcdeemer and the Messianic Kingdom. All who will nt le obedieut to the Divine arrange ment will be everlastingly destroyed, as, thorns' and thistles arc destroyed, and as uncontrollable wild beasts are : destroyed. This is the Divine Word on the subject. '2 Feter 2:12; Isaiah 33:12. Thus eventually God will have a clean universe in which His Will shall be done on earth even as now it is done in Heaven. Eventually every kr.eo will bow. and no one need any longer say, "Know thou the Ixird"; for all shall knovy Iljm, and love Him, too. Then the darkness, ignorance, super stition, which has blinded us will be past. Then our great Creator will be seen -to be our very best Friend, the Father of Mercies, the God of all Grace. Perhaps, indeed, we shall love righteousness and appreciate our God 11 the more because of the previous slanders of the Adversary, which for C,"0 years have misrepresented Ilini. Undoubtedly the Divine Wisdom, Justice, Love and Towc-r will be more clearly seen by both angels and men as the result of the Diviue permis sion of the reign of Sin and Death. Without this permission of sin Ave would never realize the absolute jus tice of God in allowing our race to po down into death and in rescuing us in no wonderful a manner by the send ing; of Hi- Fon to die for us, paying the Itodemption-priee of Adam's penal ty, "Dying, thou shalt die." We never would have seen so clearly the height of Divine Wisdom, nor the depths of Divine Love. Kven the Power of God, manifested in the wonderful display in the heav ens every night, is more wonderfully shown by reason of the permission of sin. Even the Wisdom and Power of CToJ fSr.wn forfTi rn the turn. in ur auism will be addd to by reason of Ihe permission of sin. How so, is it asked? We reply that God's great Wisdom and. Power will be manifested in 4he resurrection of the dead. The Church's resurrection from human na ture to tf.e Divine nature, from weak ness to power, dishonor to ;'lory,' from an animal body to "a spir al body, will be a stupendous expression of Di vine 1'ower. And the fact that the mental powers memory, character will be carried over is beyond our com prehension. r Then comes the resurrection of the world. We are not to think of the resurrection of the bodies that have fallen into dust, as the Bible mentions nothiug of t lie kind, and. resurrection involves no such absurdities. But what the Bible does propose for the woiidas w ell as for the Church, is the resurrection of the soul, of the being, of the intelligence. The Apostle ex plains that God will give to each a body as it pleases Him. The bodies provided for the Church -will be of the spirit kind. The bodies provided for the world will be of the llesh kind. ' Wonderful as this is, it is not all; for the human iKidies that are to be restored thus by Divine Power will be the exact coun terpart of the present bodies, repre senting the same memory, mind. will. Thus each will kuow himself, and will know the others with whom he was acquainted in the present life. How wonderful, how stupendous, how un believable, except as we are able by faith to grasp the fact of our own lit tleness and the Divine greatness! True, as the Aostle tells us, not all men have this faith not all men are aide to believe w hat the Bible so clear ly sets forth. They stagger at the great proposition. But their stagger ing and unbelief will not change the facts. God's Wisdom and Power will continue to operate, notwithstanding our imbecilities. Those who cannot exercise faith cannot belong to the Church class, called during the present time; for with this class faith is a par amount requirement. Foolish Incredulity Wise Faith. How strange it seems that nearly everybody can be credulous of non sense, while only a few comparatively, can have faith iu the true realities of the Divine promises! For instance, how few seem able to believe in the Power of God as respects a resurrec tion of. the dead. On the contrary, how many can be credulous enough to be lieve thatihe dead are not dead even when they see them to be dead, ami the ir senses demonstrate that fact! Under the delusion of Satan, man kind have cuine to imagine hells and purgatories, and to believe iu them. although they do not have even a sus picion or a thought as to where these places" are! What bettor proof could we have that the world for U.noO years has been under the malevolent influ ence of "the Prince of the Power of the Air. who worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience"? What bet ter proof could we have that the world lias Peen under the influence ot mis leading spirits and "doctrines of dem ons"? thoroughly believing Satan's false statement, "Ye shall not surely die" ye are Immortal and thoroughly rejecting God's statement, "Thou shalt surely die." Immortality is :i gift of God, and not an inherent quality. "The soul that siuneth it shall die"; "The wages of sin is death" not eter nal torment Patience and Sympathy Necessary. If a number of drunken men have been iu each other's company, and a few of them begin sobering up, it would behoove them to be very sym pathetic with their companions still in a befuddled condition. This is our at titude. Some of us are more or less awake. Some of us have learned what real Bible study moans. Some of us are getting the eyes of our understand ing open and are seeing some of t he- lengths and breadths and heights and depths of the Ixve of God, which sur passes all human understanding, and which we did not before see. (F.phe sians 3:10.) The graces of sympathy and patience are called for under such conditions. Those that have the Truth, that see the Truth, should not only be models of saintliness. holiness, but also models of kindness, gentleness ami pa-' tioneo in dealing with the brethren. God is merely biding His time, let ting His will and Word and character be misunderstood by some and mis represented by others, letting men have an experience with doing their own wills and trying their own plans and theories, that thus the lesson of sin and its tendencies and results may be clearly seen and appreciated both by angels and by men. Then the Lord will arise, and through His Anointed Son will display His Power and make known His will. He will lay righteous ness to the line and justice to the plum met, and will sweep away every refuge of lies. His will shall then be done on earth, even as it is done in Heaven. Thus we see the fallacy of the circle-reasoning of those who would judge the Lord merely by their own weak nesses, and noV by His .Word. ' How grand is the view presented in the Scriptures! How wonderful the Divine Character, as presented in the Divine Plan of human salvation! AH men are to be rescued from the Adamlc death penalty. All are to have, n full opportunity of "knowing about the Savior the Life-giver and cf ac cepting Him. Then whoever willingly rejects the grace of God, nnd prefers sin to righteousness, will be esteemed a wicked sinner, unworthy of everlast ing life. Such, the Bible says, will die the Second Death. From this there will le no redemption; for "Christ dteth no more." Hence from it there will lie no resurrection. But the horri ble doctrine of eternal torment Is not Biblical. It is a part of the "doctrines , of demons." 1 Timothy 4:1. x ( JUDGE ENGLAND, : SUGGESTS PLAN . Proceed Under Junkln Law Against Telephone Combine. SAYS IT COULD BE FOLLOWED Takes Raps at Executive Officials and Says They Have Been Lax McKel. vie Finds Constitution No Bar to His Candidacy. Lincoln, Aug. 11. People who are opposed to the telephone rate raises which are scheduled for the state at large and which are thought to he ill nd ised on the part ot" the telephone combine, have recourse through the Junkin anti-trust act, according tc Jiidee W. H. Fngland of this city, head of fhe clnn which is fighting the local company. . Judge Kngiand maintains that the attorney general could proceed against the lJell and the Lincoln telephone companies under the antitrust act, and that the 1911 merger agreement entered by those two concerns could easily be shown to be in re Etraint of trade and against the best public welfare of the state at large. Tlie judge insists that it is the duty of the executive officials to enforce tin; law and that if the railway com mission is not willing to get busy ou the side of the people, then the gov ernor or attorney general should. Says he: "It is rather startling to observe how oi.r commonwealth has been lonnd lagging recently.. At practically the same time that congress was in struct ill:; the interstate commerce com mission to 'prepare a history' of every propeity of a common carrier under its juris'if tion, demand was repeated ly being made before the Nebraska railway commission to get lor the pub lic a part of the history of the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company. The majority of the commission re fused to make the inquiry. "Again whil? the federal law officers pre setting anout to apply the Slier lean act to the Hell Telephone syndi cafe, our state law omcers .are ignor ing the situation in this community which, from the point of view of the telephone pation, far outstrips any sit uation found in a community served directly by the mother monopoly." McKelvie Mot Scared Out. Lieutenant Governor McKelvie, whose political enemies have brought up the constitution to show that he i ineligible to make the race for the gov ernorship while ocuppymg a position in the present executive department of the stat.:'. s'ays that he is not going to get out of the way oh that account lie explains the matter by this state ment: "I do not believe it was the intention of those who trained the constitution to bar a state official from advance- mcnt in office if the people consider h:ni worthy. The; paragraph referred to undoubtedly means that no state of ficial can hold another state office dur ing the period for which ,he was eleet . It certainly does not mean that pimply because one has been elected to one office in the executive depart ment lie cannot be a candidate for an other oiliee in that department' Secretary Takes No Chances. Secretary of State Wait is not ex actly afraid that the state supreme court will decide that an election should be held this year, but he in tends to take no chances in the mat ter, and therefore has sent letters out to city r.nd county clerks asking them to forward him t lie names of all voters cf their sub-divisions, as provided for in the initiative and referendum law passed at the last legislative session. The names will be used as the mailing list for sending out copies of the refer endum questions which are to be voted upon at the next state election. As a matter of fact, there cannot possibly be an election held this year, although those who want it might try ever so hard. The time for filing for the vari ous places is now many days past. To Hear Matter Sept. 10. The proposed changes suggested for the Hastings ami Superior branches of the Northwestern are not out of the way of the railway commission. Due to the insistency of some of the Fremont merchants that the matter be carried out to a finish, the commis sion has ordered that a hearing be held on Sept. 10. At that time it is believed that representatives from practically all of the towns affected will be here before the commission and that a strenuous objection will be fnade to the change. The matter. was first broached by the Company officials merely as suggestions, but the Fre mont people took kindly to the matter at once, while the out-in-the-state peo ple looked upon it with some misgiv ing. Collect CorporationTaxes. A total of $47,775 in corporation taxes and penalties has been collected by the state department during the first six months of the present year. ThOigrcater share of that, amount came in under provisions of the old corporation tax la. The Potts law went into effect tne middle of July, but will not affect the. payments of a large number of the corporations of the state until next year. Then it is believed that the total amounts of cor poration tnxes will be doubled over that of any previous year. The reve nue resultant from the operation of the new tax law, it Is belirved, will " it be far f"jui $200.0.00 er annum. MILLER JSED MUCH MILE AG Vouchers Show 56,000 Miles Paid fcr in Two Years. Lincoln. Aug. II. A total of 50.0't'l miles in mileage books have been pur-1 chased 'by State Architect Burd Miller j In the two years he has held cfT.ce, ac-1 cording to vouchers on file in'the and-! itor's office. This is enough to travel over every mile of line s in the state and then some. The hooks were purchased of' the ; Northwestern company and were ! signed by Robert McGinnis. Five of j the books were purchased hi July, ; 1!M1, just aft?r he had gone into of-1 fice and while he was subject to the i board of public lands and buildings, j In July of this year, under the bonrd! of control. Mr. Miller was changed j from a salary to a percentage pay !iis for, his work. oucliers lor two books were not; properly approved. According to state! ctficials, when 'Mr. Miller wanted a mileage book he w ould go to a mem-' ber o! the board of public lands and j buildings and have an order on the railway company signed by that mem-1 bcr. According to Iind Commissioner rir-ckman, Mr. Miller .withdrew two vouchers voluntarily after the matter had been called to his attention. He is said to have stated that he wolild rather do that than have publicity in the matter. Mcmh?rs of the board are going to bold a consultation with Mr. MiMer here this week, at which time full facts are to be pried loose. HOWARD ASKS FOR REHEARING Stale Auditor Files Motion in State Supreme Court. Lincoln, Aug. 11. State Auditor W. B. Howard filed in the supreme court an application for a rehearing before supreme court of the case in which he' was demited of the insurance depart ment by a peremptory order of the court. Mr. Howard sets out in his ap plication that no notice was given him of the application for a writ, that he was deprived of a chance to be heard in the matter and that he was de prived of his rights as an officer of the state and against the constitution of the state, which gives every mac a chance for a defense. HEAVY RAINS IN CORN BELT Showers Reported From Missouri Riv er West to North Platte. Omaha, Aur. 11. Riiin Las fallen very generally over the corn hclt of Nchras.ha.. Western' Iowa also got some good raiirn. Reports receiv-c-d Indicate that a very large portion of the state has hcen covered, the precipitation vary ing from a quarter of an inch to more than two inches. Rain is reported from Otoe, Cass, Johnson, .. Lancaster, Saiindcr.s, CI;ige and Adams counties, which is reasonably certain that the great cornliehld of that wonderful sec tion' south of the riatte river has had some relief from the drought that has prevailed lor the last six weeks. North of the Platte. Dodge county joins the ! list. Hall county reports good rain, and I out in Lincoln county a deluge of two j inches at North riatte is reported. j TO ENFORCE PURE FOOD LAW Inspectors See Good Fare Is Served to Fair Visitors. Lincoln, Aug. 11. Food Commis sioner Harnian is looking after the di gestive apparatus of the state fair vis itors. It is his intention that those who flock to Lincoln on Sept. 1-3 will not encounter the adamantine sand wich or red lemonade fresh from the pickle works. All food products and all drinks will be inspected hy the deputies of Mr. Ifarman. The inspection will not be a joke either. Cleanliness and sanitary surroundings will he insisted upon at each and every hash foundry on the state fair grounds. Prices for meals will range from 25 to 50 cents and sandwich-ec will be invoiced at all prices. Engineer's Helper Dies on Live Wire. Norfolk. Neb.. Aug. 11. James Combs, aged twen.ty-six years, engi neer's helper at the Norfolk electric light plant, was instantly killed by falling on a live wire at" the switch board while sweeping the floor. A shock of 2.C00 volts passed through his body. Combs came here a month ago from Sterling, Colo., and lcav-es a tvidow. Change at Tubercular Hospital. Lincoln, Aug. 11. The rfsiguation of Mrs. Parker, superintendent of the state tubercular hopital at. Kearney, was accepted by the state board of control end Dr. Nellie Del? snbaugh of Grand Irlar.d was chosen to take the place." The change will be effected Sept. 1. . John Richards Is Dead. Lyons, Neb., Aug. 11 John Rich ards, an old settler of this place, died, nged eighty-five years. He leaves a widow nnd three sons and one daugh ter, George. Francis and Louis, all of Lyons, and Mrs. Mary Weed of Mag nolia, la. Albion Men Hurt. Albion. Neb.. Aug. 11. William Dod rill and Clyde Trouper, two young men of this vicinity, were thrown from a buggy on the street and sustained se rious injmies. The buggy was badly wrecked. ' - 'nr. f -.iiin.r'ii. C I WIS K rflTCN 4 ill Most Liberal BuskJing Offer Ever Made. We Positively Will Furnish our Customers Free of Charge Plans fcr the Beautiful House Shown Below 4&m. mm r KUt -vr ffhHi Ivk' :4 i-a Our Free Without any obligation on your plans f r tho above houe design materials. We want- To encourage ties and proposition ever made. Save r'snsji Tix-e and Wcrry Our price r.f S-fS.00 for th nl)ov. ilou?.-; I i-mu;i .. H5o is at tin; mill and v wi!l Kladijr iuc.te a d.-Hvi-rcd price wliicb will Illlike yml :t 1;: savin:.'. Our syst-in of seiiintr all the mat.Ti:iU savfS you time and noedlt ss Xi :iS'-. We mako prompt delivery of all the items so ns to avuij auy dcla1' in the buiidini; operations. Consult Us Before Bui!ding:-Jt Wirt Pay You Before Luild'ns a homo you shouM call and oner you loiae tutitian) from i.ur money :md help you to build the most attractive and. comfortable Louie possible for the ujcu.y you Lave to spend. ..CEDAR CREEK LUMBER COMPANY.. 1 f30!SIgrag,mag LSGCOLri, NEBRASKA The NEBRASKA MILLITARY ACADEMY offers to the boys of Nebraska and surrounding slates, the advantages of a first class Mili tary School close at home. Fireproof building, good equipment, splendid care and instruction: a school where the inriivirhuilitv is leveloneil where there are no failures. Prepares fcr college and business. School open September 17. Enrollment has begun. For information apply to . B. D. WAYWARD, Superintendent LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Local Mews John Jainla came (Imwh day evening I'rohi Have visit with hi-; parents, J;u;ila, sr.. ami wife over : Sa l iii' lock to Frank 'i 1 1 nl ay. Miss Woo. Is ( J eo rg I s Katie Iles, Flsie ?.Iesis. Harry Rice ami iohelman ilepai-ied Saltir- lay hen afl erm.i in for i Ii-nvooI. fliev visited with relatives over Sunday. Charles S. Stone and wife Mrs. ). C. West, or Nehawka, Miss Allison were passengers morning -on the. early Hnrlini train for Oimiha, where they visit for Ihe day. ami and this itoil will . Miss Cora H. Anderson of Red River Falls. Minnesota, and Miss Ciraco A"ewbranch, who have heen onjoyinjr a vacation trip alonu' the 1'aeille coast, visiting' the dincrenf points of interest, arrived in the city yesterday and are the guest. of Mesdames Fva Reese and C YV. Havjor for a short time. Mr Ohio, 10. 1) lived Helle Phillips of Conneant, accompanied by her son, Dr. Phillips, of Cleveland, ar this morning and will visit af the homes of 'Mrs. Phillips' .daughters. Mrs. C. P. Richards and Mrs. A. I.. Todd. The doctor is a hrolher of the ladies and a very pleasant visit will he enjoyed. if HE BEST DISPLAY OP BRASKK5 FINISHED PRODUCTS mm MS mm Ilbsmlfs Band i 11 H l 7'! BF&WE RACES DAILY-k PATTERSONS SHOYS .VAUDEVILLE, ASK TOUB AGENT it mm Brjvs All tho Materials to Build this 8 Room House'" Price includes all lumber. mill work, lath, shingles, f idim.',fl' oring, ceiling, finish ing lumber, building paper. Dine, trutter. sash weights and Hardware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us t'jr lrcignt- paid price. Plan Offer part we will gladly furnish you the and assist you in the selection of the home building and oiler the best facili Binding Guarantee 'All trip materials furnished nrf nhsolutely brand in w. clean and frej-h sut.k. '1 he tiuality'and f;r;ide of each item isrxactlv as six-cilied. Tin- quantity is always Snf f.cient to complete tin- design acc.irdint; t tin; plan. In addition. wi will tnkf- hack nv material net used, in good condition, and credit you at iai! purchase puce. at our office and let us figure on the materials, extended experience. we can marts you MILITARY SCSOEP Henry Hunt and family droe in yesl rrday from I heir farm home and vi-iled in lm rily for a few hours with friends. Miss Jl.erSl'e Wiles oT IMalfs 'iioiilh spent Ihe ial luo week-; visiling- with her hrolhefs at Mauley, returning- home Saturday eveninir. Mrs. 'J'. .1. Todd and little son. who have been here visiling- with Mrs. Tod.'- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ilcury Manzy, lor a few week-, departed tlii.- aflernooii for lloir home al Kearnev. Miss Del'.Ila Venner, who has been visiting relatives and friends at Lincoln for the pas yv week, has returned to her home in the vicinity of MYnard. She was ac companied home hy Miss Fern Long, who will visit relatives at Mynaid. and during the coming week will spend several days with s hnolmales ami friends in Ihjs city. Peter llalme drove in I oil a v from his farm, live miles ved ,,f this city, and purchased a load of lumber from our dealer's lo he use. in repairing: a h.irn on the farm. While in the city Mr. Holmes called al t he . Journal ollic.. and had his subscription Hie Old Reliable advanced another ear. Mr. Jlalmes thinks very favorably of the chances for a corn crop through this section. r - 31 V.mW SPECTACULAR v DISPLAYS Qmnd Opera Co. FOR R.R.RATES, H i? B ft n i) (J 'I