The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1913.
The Attendance Was Good, and
v Boosters Were Defeated by a
BLi'SLli; Score Of B to 4. . .
' ,The contest
licipated in
athletes and
South Omaha
which was par
by our sterling
the Armours . of
yesterday at the
Booster ball park was a very hot
ly contested frame ami the honor
of another victory for our Hoys
was lot larprely through a num
ber of very costly errors made at
times when it meant runs for the
visitors, who won the prame by a
score of to i.
Connor, who was on the mound
for the locals, was working- well
and eleven of the packers vainly
fanned the air in an effort to land
on the slants of the old scout.
Andy ('raves, who did the tossing
for the visitors, was touched up
frequently, although he succeed
ed in putting it over on seven of
the locals, and allhohgh there
were a number of errors riKide by
the visitors, they- were not as
rostly as those of the Boosters.
The visitors succeeded in an
nexing a couple of scores in' the
lirst inning, when Collins singled
to center held and was followed
by A. ('raves, who got a little in
field hit and was safe on an error
by Whelan, and they both were
Hide to score on errors, giving
them a nice lead over the Roost
ers., ' '
A Tli.i llitK.1 Inn ii-(V Om I h a l.ktll
1 III' I 111! U 1 I I I I J li - J". I III I'K Uin
get busy with the big stick, and
as a result Whelan, Connor ami
Carle, by timely infield bits,
succeeded in reaching lirst, and
they scored on Mason's single and
Mann's sacrifice, and these runs
tied the visitors, as they had been
able to sequre one score in their
half of the inning, when Iliatt got
away with a little hit that was not
handled fast enough, and be suc
ceeded in reaching. lirst and then
pilfered second, and on the two-
bagger of Cochran scored.
In the ninth each of the teams
annexed one run, which left th
contest a tie and forced the game
into an extra inning, with the re
suit that, the visitors were able to
carry off -t lie honors of the day
and end the agony of uncertainty.
A. Graves was hit by a pitched
ball in the tenth inning and was
able to reach the third, sack on
'an error by Inghram, and on (he
single of Tut tie came over the
pan with the run needed 'to-bring
ivirloryr to the packers. The
Roosters were unable to score in
their half and left the final. scre
r to ' in favor of the South Oma
ha aggregation. The Line-up of
the warriors of the diamond was
as follows : - ,
Armours I.ishin, catcher; A.
raves, pit cher;Hyan, first; Tut
lle, second; Cochran, third; Lan'g
liein. short;- ;l)onovan, Iliatt,
right; Graves, center; Collins,
Roosters- Carle, 'catcher; Con
nor, pitcher; Salsburg, first;
Whelan, second; fnghram, third;
Smith, short; Mann, right; Real,
center; Mason, left.
Miss Jessie Fox Better.
This morning the reports from
the bedside of Miss' Jessie' Fox: are
very encouraging, and her family
and friends are much pleased at
the turn for the better in her
case. A few days ago she was
seized with another bad sptMl and
her condition was most .serious,
but she seems to be getting;aIong
nicely now, and it is to be hoped
she can soon be counted on the
highwav to recovery.
Sunday Was a Gala Day With the
Turners and Many Friends
From Omaha.
The turning exhibition given
yesterday at the Katolitky hall in
this city was a success in every
way and the large crowd that at
tended .the event fell that they
had enjoyed a rare treat in wit
nessing the exhibition.
The South Omaha delegation
who took part in I lie tournament
Vere met at the depot by a delega
tion from the local society, who
accompanied them to the-Holy
Rosary church, where services
were held, aud then the parly pro
ceded to the K. S. hall on West
Locust street., where the exercises
were opened "by a number of dif
ferent athletic events by the
members of the local society, as
well as the South Omaha delega
tion, and much good was accomp
lished -toward preparing the class
here for its work at the-national
tournament soon to be held in
South Omaha.
The attendance, both at the aft
ernoon and evening meetings, was
quite large and .1 splendid lime
was enjoyed by all those who were
fortunate enough to be present at
the hall. As a final to the ex
hibition a very pleasant ami de
lightful social dance was given
which lasted until a late Hour,
when (he,mcrry crowd of dancers
dispersed for their homes, feeling
that this bad been one of the most
enjoyable events thev had taken
part in for some time. .
I tie music for the dance was
furnished by an orchestra undei
the leadership of ,Toni Svofa
and the strains of music produced
by this organization was very
much appreciated by the dancers.
The exhibition was given for the
purpose of lilting the class out
ror t lie national event, and as a
result of the liberal patronage
quite a neat- sum was realized
wnicli will le used Jor tins pur
John . McNurlin this morning
received a card from Omaha stat
ing that his daughter, Mrs. Ed
ward Sprieck, of Plainview, was
getting along nicely at the, hos
pital and that it was the intention
of the doctors at the hospital "to
allow her some nourishment,
which is doing fine, as she was
only operated on Thursday at the
Omaha General hospital for ap
pendicitis, and the splendid prog
ress she. is making will be the
source of much pleasure to her
friends throughout the county.
J " t
AFTER another week of
steady selling like we just
had, there 11 be slim pickin for the man
who wants one or more of our higli grade
suits at $10, $14 or $18.
For this , week there are still enough
of good Grays, Tans and Browns in mix
tures and plain pattern effect from the world's best makers'.
Suits worth
up to $20
Suitsx worth
up to $25
Suits worth
up to $35
Ha is
Saturday evening a very de
Iighlful o'clock dinner party
was given at. the borne of Miss
J.enfui Urady by the youiiv ladies
employed in the store department
at the local shops in honor of
Storekeeper K. C. Hill and wife,.
The dinner was a most tempting
one and " was -served in four
courses and the occasion was a
most happy, one for. I he young
ladies a'n i the guests of bonoiv
Mr. Hill, who has been storekeep
er here for a. number of yenrs, is
one of the most genial gentlemen
who ever held that position and
his employes -arc all his loyal,
steadfast, friends, and m his man
agement of bis department he
has won much praise for the
manner in which he. has looked
after the interests of the railroad
company, ami during the time he
has been here the store depart
ment has been greatly improved
and raised in efficiency. The din
ner parly Saturday was a very de
lightful affair and .will be Jong
remembered with great pleasure
by all taking part in it.
Some lime has elapsed since
the attention of . lire health
authorities was called to the slop-ped-up
condition of the creek J hat
conveys the sewerage of !he city
to the Missouri river, and no steps
have been taken as yel to have
the creek opened up in order to
allow, the sewerage lt llow inLo
the river and the. stench arising
from this stream is something
fierce and it is ijuile noticeable
from the Burlington depot and is
very unhealthy, as well as very
dangerous to the public - health
and some immediate action
should be taken to have the creek
opened up.
Another mailer thai should be
looked after by the public is I he
condition of -their wells, as the
long dry spell 1ms caused the
volume' of water in the wells !o
become very low, and as the depth
of the water decreases the danger
from malaria and typhoid fever
increases. as the low condition of
Itje water allows I lie Miscast
germs to mult inly. and inosc
owning wells should take rare t
boil all the water used out of
them, as it will probably save-a
s.ev-re epidemic' of sickness for
the families owning the well
This. is a small mailer, but if at
tended to as it should be will
save much unnecessary sicknes
and trouble throughout the city.
Remember, to boil your .well walei
before using.
Niore -Trouble From Greenwood.
More trouble has been. reported
from I he vicinily of ireenwood,
as the result of same bad feeling
during. 'the late soldiers' reunion.
John WoTf.ihoe and .Jack Heron
are reporlcd as having threatened
the life of Henry II. Weideman,
proprietor of the saloon at that
place, and just what action will lie
taken has not been linally decided
upon. The men were brought in
vestcrday a ndx lodged in .jail.
At last Ihe long-expeel ed rain
fall for which we have been so dc
vOuledly hoping, has occurred and
as a result of it. the farmers and
residents of this. city are feeling
very much elated, as'il was need
ed in Ihe worst way by the" corn
crop, as well as the pastures and
the lawns of those residing-in the
city. Saturday night or early
Sunday morning gave the lirst in
dications of "he breaking of the
protracted dry spell, as a very
slight, rain fell, and last evening
the heavy -clouds gave promise of
a downpour, which came across
with the goods about ! :."(' with a
line raio that fell in a. torrent for
about three-quarters of an hour
ami brought great relief to the
dry and famished earth and
greatly cheered the spirits of
everyone, who bad- almost given
up hopes of it raining at all. As
a resull of the rain -every! hing ap
peared fresh and green this
morning in marked contrast to
the willed condition caused by Ihe
excessive heal and the sweeping
hot winds, and as a result of tin
rain I he" corn crop through ibis
section will be greatly increased,
and as most of it was in fair
.shape, will resull in a good crop
after all. .
The -draft for 5,000, madi
payable lo Cass county and
covering the loss in lull on in
policy held by the county on til
county iarni building, which was
destroyed by fire-a short time ag,
has been received by .f. P. 1'altei
the local agent of the Queen In
surance company of North
America, with - whom the policy
was carried. This is a very prompt
settlement of the large claim and
Ihe counlv will be able to apply
Phe amount of the insurance to
the rebuilding of the county farm
building, and it will come in very
nicely in aiding the commission
ers in carrying' on the work and
be a lift for tin1 taxpayers, who
will be spared the necessity of
raising this sum from taxation.
The Queen is one of the strong
est insurance companies in the
country and has always made a
record of prompt and satisfactory
settlement of its claims, and Mr.
Falter feels very much pleased
that Ihe company met so prompt
ly the loss incurred by the
county. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swinniker,
who have been in Louisiana for a
few weeks looking over the land
situation, returned home last
evening, -greatly pleased with
their. trip. While in Louisiana.
I hey purchased some ICO acres of
land near Kent wood.
Misses Alice and Nellie lirink,-
man were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha lo visit for the day
with friends. .
The new water wagon ordered
some three "weeks ago from the
Sludebaker Vagoii company, ar
rived yesterday aud this morning
was. unloaded from I he car and
will be equipped for service at
once to settle the dust on the
l reels, and the old wagon, which
has been in' service for the past
twenty-live or thirty years, will
be numbered among Ihe things'of
the past. ' The. new sprinkler is
one of the best made and is par
ticularly adapled to cities of this
size. The lalik will contain some
(no gallons of water and is con
structed of steel and tilled out
with a sprinkler that will ope'rate
more successfully on Ihe paved
streets than the old one, and from
now on we may-expert more sat
isfactory work in llie line of street
A case of what is claimed to be
grand larceny has been reported
to ihe counlv authorities from
Murray, and the allorney today
tiled a complaint, on that chargo
Delore justice .Arc tier.- II seems
from the' reports 'made lo tin
authorities that the atlair occur
red some time last Tuesday. The.
complaining witness in the case
is Kdward Schwahl, a young man
who for Ihe past few nionths has
been making his home with Rob
erf Shrader. was in Murray and
went to the hotel there with Gha
ijiayum, a young man wno nas
been wrtrking on a farm there, and
decided to spend Jhe night. It
seems that Schwab! had with him
the savings" from his summer's
work, amounting to some $05, and
he claims this was in his cloihes
when he retired for the night.
When he .awoke in the morning
nd pul on his clothes he found
that, the .money had disappeared.
The authorities were notified later
and the complaint against Clayton
filed. The reports from Murray
seem to indicate that I tie case is
very much complicated, and -more
peiiineiH fads may be brought
out laler.
1). A. Young of, the vicinity of
Murray was a visitor in this city
today, driving from his home this
morning. Mr. Young was a caller
at this oibee and ordered a copy
of the Plattsmouth Journal sent
o. his daughter, Mrs. S. L. Law-
ton, at Sioux City, Iowa.
B - .
...WE OFFER...
On many broken lots and ends of lines left from our Bte Harvest Sale.
The prices we make now on these are blood cuts to effect a quick clear
ance and make room for new Fall Goods. You know when we say it
ve do it and no monkey business, so keep your eye on our ads and our
windows. It will pay you.
7 dozen mens
fancy dress
hose left, from
25, .'J5 & 50c line
ance .
A few gen
uine Poroskuit
Shirts iiiid
Drawers, some
sizes iiiis-OQ.
sing, at jC
'Also :i few
genuine Poros
kuit union suits
Final C'ler.r-
anee at
onl v . .
Men's 15 V D
style Nainsook
Final Clear
-at. onlv
Men's Straw
Hats for dress
wear, a Final
at only
Watch for Prices on Men's Suits and Boys Suits
Always the Home of Satisfaction
Supl.-W. I. O'lU-ien had two
narrow escapes from death dur
ing the pas I' 'week. Iurin the
storm Monday iiiorniiijr he was
awakened hy a terrific Hash of
liuhlniiifr. juirkly he discovered
that the dof kennel, within fifty
feel id' his sleeping porch, was
on "lire. The li.uhlnin had struck
it. That was narrow escape No.
I. That same ai'lcrinmn while
j.vjdnu: down a hill near Oreapolis,
line d" the steering- rods,' of his
auto hroke. lie tpiickly turned ulT
the sas and put on the hrake, hiil
he fore he could slop the car the
machine had crashed through a
fenceand into a (iejd. The ma-'
chiue'was fortunately not tlani
a.yed much. The place where Ihe
accident occurred is a. had one,
and Ihe occupants of the car
escaped luckily. irelna Iheeze.
Wall Paper.
Phone- 36."
Gering & Co.
If. Vallery took a day of'
his duties on the farm and
to this city Saturday lo look
business matters. '
A much-needed change nnd one
that w.ill he much npprecialed hy
the merchants who do their ship
ping over Ihe P.urliu.uton is the
appont nient of Joe Thompson as
freight' ttMcnt at the local freight
house. Th company has not had
any u;-rcnl here for about a year
and a half, the work beini;- forced
onto Ihe ollice force of tin- pas
senger station, nnd as they are
overrun with work il has not re
ceived as close 'rare as if a man
especially for the job had been
there, and Mr. Thompson will
prove tin' right man in the right
place. He started in on the job
this morning'. Hubert Newell will
lake Mr. Thompson's place on the
express wagron.
How the Troitjle Starts.
Constipation is the causts of
many ailments and disorders that
make life miserable: Take Cham
berlain's Table! s, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. " J-'or ; sfe hy" all
Talcum week at Gering & Co.
7c and 15c. Fhono 36.
The editor of I his paper
IMatl snioulh a short- time
day morniim-, and whib
called at the Journal ollice.
people arc busy installing
was in
I here
a Mr-'
new (ioss press that. musL have
set them back more money than
the average editor man ever saw.
P.ob ISafes, who owns the Journal,
came to I'Jattsmouth a few years
ago with a change of neckljes and
the d'lerminaliftfi lo wake that
sleepy oh! town up. llow well he
has succeeded is attested by the
really line plant he owns over
there. In addition this he has
put several compelilors through
the .ropes and now there is only
one paper at the county seal hiil
that is a j-'ood one. Nehawka
Get your eyes examined free by
Kl. Trltsch at Gering & Co.'s Wed
nesday and-Saturday evenings.
Joe Nemelz and little babe re
turned to Omaha this afternoon.
a short visit here with rela-
Our Crabapples for Canning
are -now on the Market
have Neilson's ' Honey
both in comb and
strained in jars
have no
our Soap Window. , Have
you tried the soap we
are still selling three
bars for 25 cents?
- i
-CALL 54 or 322