VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, AUGUST- 11,-1913. NO. G2. GUTTING OF RIVER IS TO BESTOPPE! River Will Bo Checked by Govern- ment and Burlington From Cut ting on the Iowa Side. From Friday's Daily. The matter of protecting (he banks on the Iowa side of the .Missouri river from the encroach ments of that stream, which has been a great Problem tolhe officials of the Burlington rail road, as well as the land owners along' the stream. seems in a fair way of being- settled, according to reports received from Iowa. The matter looks fair for being seltled, as the United Stalesgov ernmenl and the Burlington rail road have ayrcod on an ap propriation of spo.noo for the purpose of riprapping the bank of the river between Folsom and the east end of the big bridge, where so nruch damage v;n done tliis spring, and where it seemed for a time the river would cut in be hind the bridge" and leave It over a dry river-bed, as the Missouri seemed determined to force a pas sage for itself near Pacific Junc tion. - . ; J Recently Claude F. Andrerson, the banker at Pacific Junction, was sent as a special represent ative oi inr 1 1 1 s countv pernio lo Washington to try and prevail upon the government to take some action to protect the land owners and the railroad from the loss of their propertv from the ravages of the river, and his nif sin seems crowned witn suc cess. . At I lie last session. or congress STn.Otiii was appropriated for the work of this kind along; the river and the money w;(s placed; in charge of tin- chief engineer of the war department for this di 1 riot at Kansas- City, but the linpes'of the residents along the river in Mills county were damp ened a hurt time ago when it was learned that 'only J? 1,200 had been set a-dde for Ihe worli near Fd sim. fiutl it was to try and secure a inure fair appropriation that Mr. Anderson. was sent to Wash ington. Tli's matter was threshed over hv the war department and it was found very difficult to set tle, as il would invoJve the reduc ing of the appropriations made to olln-r points, but finally the-government agreed to furnish the sum nf .?.(. 000 if Ihe land own ers and the railroad would each put up an equal sum. The matter hung fire for some time, as the land owners, who have -suffered greatly from losses by the river,-could not meet the conditions irnposed by the gov-; eminent, but the Burlington llnally came to hhe rescue of the situation and-offered to advance the ?30,000 for the land owners, in addition to their own ap propriation of $30,000,; provided the government would allow them to have supervision of the work and meet all conditions a,s they might arise. .This matter was a stumbling block for. some time, until the war department agreed to the proposition, if Major Deakvone. the chief engineer of the war department, would ap prove it, and the railroad officials paid a visit to him at Kansas Cily and the matter was arranged to the satisfaction of everyone. The Burlington contracts to put in the riprap at i0 per foot, or it, 000 feet for Ihe $90,000. - This will carry the work from the pres ent riprap down the river and well beyond the point on the-Keyser land. This will throw" the current into the proper channel, and iL is believed wilt keep it there until it reaches the section .just above the bridge that has already been pro tected by the railroad company. The price is less than the same class of work Has heretofore cost the government, and the Burling ton's "experience and interest- is an insurance that the work wilt.be done in the best possible manner. One feature will be that the frack grade will be raised high enough lo provide an absolutely safe levee against the highest raises of the river. The Burlington is anxious fl.v at I. , -1 11 . a io j,ei ui me woik wnne tne tow stage of the water makes it favor able, and it is probable that-ar tivities will commence at once. Secures IWore Darnproof Hose message nas just Deen re ceived from C. C. Weseolf, the buyer for Wescot ts Sons, who is m Chicago, announcing that h has just been able to secure an other 100 dozen of the celebrated Darnproof hose, which are sold at six pair pair for CO cents-. . The firm during the past few months 1 . - 11. m- s-. t . .... nas soiu some D.uni pairs oi lliese hose in Plallsmouth and vicinilv JUST RETURNED FROM VISIT TO OLD SCOTTISH HOME From Friday's Dally. This morning R. P. Taylor and wwe arrived in tins citv lor a hart visit with Mrs. Tavlor's brother, James M. Robertson and lannly, before continuing on to their home at Franklin. Nebraska at rn i .wr. xayior ana wue nave just re turned from a visit to their old lome in Scotland and greatly en joyed the visit among the scenes of their younger days." Mr. and Mrs. ray lor came over in the 'olumbia of the Anchor line, run ning between .New ork and (!las- ow, and report having saw lloat- ing ice some twelve miles from the vessel on which they were traveling. This is the eleventh trip across the water for Mr. Tay lor and it is very interesting to hear liim discuss the differences between conditions in our country and in Scotland. CONTINUED IMPROVEMENT . IN JUDGE TRAViS' CONDITION From Friday's Daily. y The condition of Judge II. D. Travis is reported as heng much improved at the hospital in Oman ha. where he is taking treatment, and the most cheerful prospects are entertained for his recovery from his illness. lie takes plenty of exercise each day and is ap parently being greatly benefitey bv the treatment given him, and while far from well, has shown such a marked .improvement that his family anil frie.nds are over joyed at the prospects rot lus re covery. That the judge is im proving is mighty pood news, as he is one of the best judges on the-district bench in Ihe stale and the loss of his services would bt- a severe blow to' the judicial dis t riot over which he presides. TWO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS OCCUR N EAR HURRAY From Friday's Daily. Twowvery serious accidents are reported from ' I he vicinity of Murray yesterday, as the result of which the victims will be laid up for some lime. The most serious accident, was that of Freddie Shoemaker, who was injured at the 'home of his father. Henrv Shoemaker, southwest if Murray The young man was thrown 'from a hog chute to, the ground, quite a distance, and was knocked un conscious, and Dr. (i. H. CJilmore was summoned from Murray to attend the young man, and it was discovered upon examination that he was suffering from concussion of the brain and was in uuite a serious condition. The injured lad was made as comfortable as possible and was reported in the evening" as getting- along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The second accident occurred at the farm of W. J. Patridge, some eight miles southwest of Murray, when Charles .Tefferies, who is emplo3-ed on the farm, was thrown from a hay rack on which he was riding, and striking the hard ground was knocked un conscious and was generally bad y bruised up and received 'a bad injury to nis right ankle. lne. young man was confined to lus bed by his injuries and it will be some time before he will be able to be out again. Returns From Oklahoma School. From Friday's Dally. Miss Ka Allison returned last, evening from Weatherford, Okla., where she had been teaching at I the summer normal school for several months. Miss Allison has been an instructor in Oklahoma schools and in the university there and ranks among Ihe lead ing- euueators in ine state and is in constant demand for teaching there, where her work along educational lines is best known. She will remain here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Allison, for soma time, resting from her school duties.- VERY HANDSOME . CHURCH WEDDING THIS MORNING Mr. Wilson Walter Moore and Miss Helen Margaret Spies United in Wedlock. ') Operated on for Appendicitis. Mrs. Edward Sprieck of Stan ton, Neb., was operated on for ap pendicitis at the Omaha fiencral hospital yesterday, and at last re ports was getting along nicely and seemed: on the way to re covery, Mrs. Sprieck is the adopt ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin. of this city and they were at, the hospital to visit with their daughter yesterday. The many friends of Mrs. Sprieck thoroughout the county will await with much anxiety for favorable news from her sick bed. CHEAT HEED OF REST DOOMS III THE CUT Something That Will Bo Very Much Appreciated by Troso Trading In City. AVOGA PICNIC A BIG SUCCESS EVERY WAY AUTO PARTY HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM INJURY OLD SETTLERS' REUNION THE NEXT BIG ATTRACTION The bills for the twenty-fifth annual old settlers' reunion of Cass and adjoining counties have been prinled' and ' distributed throughout different sections of Ihe county and the old residents are looking forward with pleasur" lo this event, as it affords them an opportunity to meet with obi neighbors and friends. The event will take place at Union, in this county, on Friday and Saturday, August l.r and 10, in the beauti ful grove southwest of that placet where the reunion was held last .year. The . people of Union al ways exert, themselves to the ut most to make these (lays pleasant ones for the visitors and the re union is always looked forward to with much pleasure. Has His Finger Mashed. From Saturday'!. Daily. tieorge Bagley, who. is employ ed in the car repair department at the shops, received quite a severe injury to his left hand this morn ing while engaged at, his vork. He got' his; finger caught between a bolt and a piece of board, with the result that the finger was severely mashed, ami the unfortunate man wilr be forced to take a, few days layoff frcmi his duties until the member is well. Keep comfortable. Use Talcum powder. This we ok at Gerlng & Co8, 7c and 15c. Fhone 3G. From Friday's Dallv. The following from the Omaha; Bee of tjjis morning gives the ac count of a narrow escape" of'an Omaha automobile party from a serious accident on Ihe road from tliis citv to Omaha and shows the need of having persons to look auer ine uriuges anu oangrous places in the roads that are liable to cause a serious accident and perhaps the death of some per son: "A parly of motorists from Omaha had a narrow escape from death last night at the bridge over the Pappio river, two miles sout.1i of Fort ('rook, on the Plattsmouth turnpike. The bridge was open and without danger lights, when the "motor car driven by Chauffeur Harry Lusk and occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oilniore, Miss Amy Oilmore and Mrs. O. D. Woodward of Kansas City drove up. Lusk saw the danger just in time to avoid running into the open stream. He blocked the road to prevent other motorists runninj into the stream and then brought the party to Omaha. From Saturday's Daily. The picnic .held at Avoca Thursday was one of the largest that has been held at that place so far. and from early morning until late at night the village was crowded with visitors, and those attending from this city report the number of automobiles at something astonishing and that it was almost impossible to get out to the park where the picnic was held, as the roadway was filled with cars going and coming from the grounds. , The success ofrthe picnic is a tribute to the live and energetic citizens of Avoca, who have work ed early and late for the success of the affair, and their example of pushand energy is worthy of be ing followed by the other towns of the county who expect to hold celebrations of different, kinds during tbe coming few months. The celebration drew persons from every section of the county and everyone who attended fell that the .citizens of Avoca had done themselve-ri--4roud ' in the matter of the celebration and next year they will be greeted by an even greater crowd or en thusiastic visitors. Tulene Brothers of this city were present at the picnic with their merry-go- round and assisted in furnishing amusement for those caring for that kind of sport. From Saturday's Dally. This morning at 8 o'colck, at St.. John's Roman Catholic church, occurred the marriage of Mr Wilson Walter Moore and Miss Helen Margaret Spies, the cere-mon3- being attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The beautiful solemn nuptial high mass of Hie church was perform ed by l alher M. A-. Shine, rector of the church, and the ceremony that united these two happj- hearts was celebrated in a very impressive mafliier. Preceding' the entrance of the wedding party into the church Miss Opal Fitzgerald sang, in a' very sweet and charming man ner. 1 Love ion truly, tne ac companiment t being played by Miss Marie Fitzgerald and W. R. Ilollv on Ihe violin. Promptly as the notes of the wedding march sounded the wedding party enter ed Ihe church and took Iheir sta tion THE BAND CONCERT DRAWS BIG CROWDS From Friday's Dally. Last evening the High school grounds were filled by a large and enthusiastic crowd to enjoy . the concert offered by the Burlington band, and the music was excellent and added further to the fine showing made by the band so far this season. " The program had been selected with great care and embraced selections from the best composers and all were handled by the band in excellent shape. Especially were the two numbers of Tobani, "Our Wedding Day" and 'the always beautiful "Hearts and Flowers" much appreciated by the audience, who were de lighted with the manner in which they were given. A very pleasing beforc the priest, where the and odd selection was that of the unite them COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAKE APPROPRIATION OF 61500 FOR NEW BUILDING 00N SEIVERS MEETS WITH A VERY PAINFUL ACCIDENT From Friday's Dally. This morning a very painful accident occurred to Don Seivers, who is employed in the store de partment at the Burlington shops, while he was engaged at b'is work, He was working in a pile of scrap iron, and in moving some of the scrap around a draw-bar yoke bo came dislodged and fell over on Don's foot, badly mashing all the toes on his left foot and injuring some of the tendons of the fool From Friday's Daily. The county commissioners at their meeting, in this city this week entered into a contract with' Guy D. McMaken for the wrecking of the walls of the building at the county farm that was recent ly destroyed by fire, and it was expected to start the work today on Ihe structure in order lo place the foundation in position for the erecting of a new building as soon as possible. The commis sioners also passed a resolution appropriating the sum of 1,500, which will be used toward the re building of." the structure, and with the $5,000 secured from the insurance on Ihe-building, will rive some 35,500 to start the wprk of the building on. If it is pos sible to carry on the work without the need of a special election it will be a big saving to the tax payers, as the cost of the election would run into the neighborhood of SS00, and this would help greatly in the erection of a new building. Father Wynn Wot So Well. From Saturday's Dally. The condition of "Father" Wil liam Wynn is reported this morn ing as being not as well as before. and if. was necessary to convey the as be spent a very bad night and injured inan.ti ine oiuce ot tne seemed much weaker and had surgeon, wiiere tne wounds were great difficulty in resting, as the dressed and he was sent home, hot, sultry weather seems to have where he will enjoy a short rest affected him crenilv and has from his duties. The injuries greatly discouraged his family were very paintul, although it. is and friends, but. thev hone that hefearh other not, tliougnt tnat anytning serious I wU-1 be able to rally from the wijj result. sinking spell wilhout. serious re sults. " words that were to for life were spoken. The bride, who was handsome ly attired in white charmouse with the long llowing veil' of white tulle, made a very charming pic ture and "was attended by h'er sis ter, Miss Hermie Spies, as maid of-honor, who was very charming in a costume of pale blue. The entrance of thV bride was pre ceded bv the bridesmaids. Misses Delia Moore and Helen Egenberg er. and they were joined at the altar by the ' attendants of Ihe groom, ' Messrs. Andrew Moore and Louis Epenberger. . As the guests arrived at the church they were shown to Iheir seats by the ushers, Misses. Marie Spies. Jes sie Moore. F.theJ Leyda. Lsther Larson, Emma Bauer and Chris tine Soennichsen, 'who were all gowned most, exquisitely, and as thev gathered at the chancel rail made a very charmin piehire . Following the ceremony the wedding" party proceeded to the home of Ihe bride for a few min utes and were then driven to the Burlington station, where the bride and groom departed on No. i for St. Joseph, Missouri, from where they', will proceed to the former home of Ihe groom at King City, Missouri, for ,a short visit with relatives and will be at home to their friends in this city after September . The bride is one of our most charming 'young ladies. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Spits, -and has been reared lo wmianhood in this city, where her sweet and charming disposi tion has won her a host of friends, who will rejoice with her in tier new-iound Happiness and wish her and her worthy husband a long and happy married life Mrs. Moore is a graduate of the Plattsmouth High school and is a very talented young lady and her friends are greatly pleased that she will continue to make her home in this city The groom is a son of Mrs. Adah Moore and is a young man of more than usual excellence in character and has been for the past few months connected with the Journal printing plant, and all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance are his friend and all join in wishing that the pathway of himself and wife through life may be filled with sunshine and that they will find the supremest ' happiness with Oarden Matinee," and the num ber, "Yankee" Bird," brought out a vigorous hand from the audi ence, who were very much pleased with its lively strains. Taken as a whole the program was excel lent and the large crowd attested the interest, as well as the pleas ure these concerts give the pub lic and it affords a splendid- mid week-entertainment during the heated months, when the, citizens can get. Out in the cool of theeven- ing with their friends and fam ilies and enjoy the delightful music of the band. The concert next week will be given at. Garfield park, in the south part, of the city, anVj afford a treat to those resid ing in that part oi town. THE DEATH OF SISTER OF JUDGE BASIL S. RAMSEY From Friday's Dally. Yesterday evening Judge Ram sey received a telegram conveying the sad int'elligence that, his joungest sister, Miss Rebecca Ramsey, died yesterday morning at the old home jiear Hoo&stown, Beaver county, Pennsylvania. She was just past oi years old ana was tne youngest ot a iamiiy oi eight children, of whom only two are now living, the judge and Mrs. Bella R. Waterman of Hay Springs. Neb.7 and who, -with her daughter. Miss Ethel, recently visited at the 'Ramsey home in Plattsmouth. A more extended notice will appear later. A suggestion that sounds mighty good in regard to provid ing for the comfort of visitors in the smaller cities of the state ap pears In the Valparaiso Visitor of a recent date, and it is very time ly and might well be taken note of in this city, where the accom modations for those visiting or trading are none of the best. What is very badly needed here is some rest room where the farm ers and their families can rest while in the cily, and while many Of the store have met the proposi tion by having places fixed in their stores for their customers, still the great need of a central place where anyone can drop in to rest for a few minutes is very badly needed. A room could be procured easily and 'fitted up with chairs and tables and some read ing matter and ice water in the summer-time and it would be much appreciated by everyone who comes to this city from the , surrounding country to trade, as well as for use in celebrations. The article from the Visitor is as follows : "There are many of the smaller cities in Nebraska that have prac tically no provisions made along the line of public cdmfort for those who come to their town for business or trade. This is nof. a pleasant matter to discuss, but it ..L.J I is a matter or no little importance to many places, and it is some thing thai business men ami Commercial clubs can well afford to stop and think about, for if is some of those, little things that count the. largest in making sur roiinding trade appreciative of a town. When the seasons of big celebrations come, when towns celebrate the Fourth' of July or inaugurate picnics and festivals, how often do they entirely neglect this one simple proposition of having provisions made for the public comfort of those who come? This is. not a work of any prominence in the way of de velopment work in a town, but at the same time it is just as im portant and more so than many expensive improvements that are done to entertain and interest trade. It is worth more than thinking about. It is worth act ing upon and these suggestions are made' in the hope that our own town will realize the value it will be to establish a public corn fort station for the . accommoda tion of men, women and children. MANAGER OF INTER-STATE AUTO'COMPANY'IN TOWN Cass County's Crops. Frank McNurlin of northeast of town was in town last week and said that he had been in the county 45 years and had never seen such oats as his neighbor, Charley Hinze, raised this year, lie had five acres that made 85 bushels to the acre. What is the matter with Cass bounty land? It don't need irrigation. If this dry weather continues it will'cut our From Friday's Dally. - Tiff C. MpU'ao rf rimnhfl manager of the western branch of r . V ut wun- the Inter-Slate Auto company, is oul . crop tne county has in the citv for a few days looking a'ready Produced a record-break- after business matters for his "e Tu- V' uais ana nay . . tin sav nof nine sdnut ik. corr.nanv. 'i ne Inter-JS ate oeo-r . " amuum pit; Jirtr; i'ct'll vri v puttcaiui nt. i . . - ' their work in this locality and " " ' JS "ort now it have disposed of a number of g"""1" lore Part oi the their, machines, and they have Dr. d. II. Oilmore, Bert Jami son, ill 1 roop anu rarl Jenkins of Murray comprised a party of Omaha visitors this morning, go ing to?the metropolis via the Kan sas City-Omaha Scenic route. Miss Janet Brantner of Pender came down Saturday evening and will visit here for a short time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cory. - Picnic at Eagle. . The Sixth Annual Picnic will be held at Eagle Thursday, August 21. A cordial invitation is extend ed to everyone to come and enjoy themselves. All kinds of amuse ments. Accommodations for all. 8-lI-3twkly given great satisfaction to an who ahve purchased them and there is no testimony as strong in favor of an'automobile as that of satisfied customers, and it is .ii matter of much pride to Mr. Mc- Kce and his company that they have been so successful in this matter. season. Stand up for Cass coun-l'- Weeping Water Republican. Good Surrey for Sals Cheap. A light, two-seated surrey, nearly new, will sell. Call on me at Mynard.- W. B. Porter. 8-4-Imo-wkly I & Co. Is Ovecome by Heat. From Saturdays Daiir. This morning while at. work in his shoe store Joseph Fetzer was overcome by the extreme heat and it was necessary to remove him to his home. While the at tack was not severe, still it was thought best to give the patient rest in the cool of his home. J Phono 36 for anything In the drug line. Free deliver, ninn s m . ..Q I