PAGE 8. PLATT,S!WOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, -.THURSDAY, "AUQ UST 7, 1913. OUR EAST, MM will be "Traveling Goods Headquarters" for the com ing week. We have placed there a splendid assort ment of trunks, suitcases, telescopes and bags at prices to suit every purse and purpose. Hand Satchels; all sizes Matting Cases, steel frame and corners, some having straps and extra inside pocket Telescopes, all sizes ....: . Karatol Cases, splendid for service and almost as durable as leather Suit Cases, all leather . . . , Hand Bags, all sizes, imitation leather. . . .' Hand Bags, all sizes, genuine leather Trunks, ordinary and steamer designs Wardrobe Trunk with hangers for eight suits or dresses .. : We invite you to w Always the Home of Satisfaction WHY NOT ERECT THE CITY FIRE BELL IN A CONVENIENT PLACE? We have often heard I he in quiry made, "Why does not the city have the fire bell placed where it can be used in case of fire?" The citizens here for many years have been used to hearing the bell ring out the warning when the lire alarm was turned in, and its clanging cry has. brought out more than any thing else the citizens to assist in the extinguishing ofv the flames. The idea of having the whistle at the shops blow in case of fire is a good one and should he- kept up, but with the bell it was much easier to tell where the lire was located and the numbers for the wards could be heard more distinctly than the whistle, as is often the cage with the whistle the sounds do not reach clearily and the firemen are sometimes at a loss to discover the location of a fire, but with the fire bell in use it is possible to give -the ward numbers several times so that the citizens can clearly understand in what ward the fire is located. The niatter of having the bell placed on the top of the city hall was discussed some lime ago and many thought very, favorably of the proposition if it would not in volve loo great an expenditure to the city. The council should take the matter up and see what can be done about it, and if possible try and arrange to have the bell placed in position for use in case of fire. Has Hand Badly Mashed. irom Wednesday's Daily. Deslerday Joe Lukevce, who is employed on the car repair de partment of the Burlington shops, liad his hand quite badly mashed while at work and was compelled to seek the services of a physician to have the injury dressed, and he will enjoy a short lay-off from his duties. Paints and Co. Phono 36. Oils. Gering & MEN who want Clothes bar gains come here and go out satisfied that they got what they want. When you stop to consider it there's nothing like this combination A special price on the kind of clothes we offer. Hart Schaffner & Marx, Society Brand, and Micheals, Sterns & Co. Spring and Summer suits worth from $18 to $35 now selling at one of three sale prices. 10 $ Straw Hats now one-third off. Panamas now1 one-fourth off. Manhattan Shirts - DOW ...COc to $2.00 .$1.50 to $5.00' . . 65c to $1.50 ..$2.00 to $5.00 . ..$5.00 to $15.00 $1.50 to $3.00 ...$5.00 to $13.50 . ..$3.50 to $20.00 .$21.00 inspect these values escott s ; ons MARTIN PETERSON MEETS WITH A VERY PAINFUL ACCIDENT A few days ago Martin Peter son, who is employed by II. C. McMaken & Son on their ice wagon, met 'with vc very painful accident that has put "him on the down and out list for sortie time. He was delivering ice, ami desir ing to back up, took the team by the heads and backed them up, when one of the horses unexpect edly stepped forward and 'planted his foot on that' of Martin, with the result that the little toe on his left foot was broken, as well as the foot in general being badly mashed and bruised. ' He at. once sought medical aid ami had the injured member dressed and has been compelled to travel around on'crutches Jor the last few days. HELPERS ENTERTAINED AT , HOME OF MRS. M'ELWAIN The Helpers of the Christian church were entertained in a very pleasing manner yesterday after noon at the home of, Mrs. "S. K. McElwain, and the afternoon was most delightfully spent by the large number in attendance. The rooms of the McElwain home were very tastefully decorated with cut flowers, making a very charming scene. , The guests were served with delicious fruit punch on entering by Miss Myra Stenner, and the afternoon was spent by the ladies in plying the busy needle on their fancy work, aiid some very fine specimens of "tat ting" were shown as the result of the ladies' industry, and the oc casion was voted one of the. most successful the society has held. ' "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. It has been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. White acre, Buffalo, N. Y. . v Stetson Hais 4 $18 LET THE FESTItfflL QOESTIDH SETTLED E15IIT SI ONCE There has as yet . been nothing done in regard to "holding a fal festival, in this cily tins year, as has' been suggested several times in the past lew months, and the time for definite action is getting short. . It' , no Commercial club does not care to take up the proposition and put on some kin or. an entertainment, then some of the fraternal orders should be "given the privilege if they' so de sire of providing a celebration. It seems that the 'best," and what could be secured . 1he easiest would be a. first-class ' carniva company, and an opportunity has been offered several times to s cure the Parker people here, but the matter in regard torlhe at titude of the city was in such shape that any organization hesitated to take the matter, up, but if an agreement could" be reached permitting a carnival company to show in proper shape here the question of amusements .for a festival could be solved. In selecting a company, however. one. should be picked that would have a number of good first-class free acts for the public, as tlii is a-feature that adds greatly to the drawing power of a celebra tion of this kind. Let. the matter be settled at, once either for or against a festival. THE VARIETY STORE A VERY BUSY PLACE THE PAST WEEK The Variety store of B. fold ing has been a very busy place the past few-days, as the proprietor is preparing for the installing of an up-to-date millinery depart ment in the store, where the latest styles of ladies' hats can be pro cured, and in order to make way for the new department there has been several changes made in the arrangement of the interior of the store to accommodate' ttie large stock cf goods carried. The new department will be placed under the management of Miss (olda Dunkleberger and will be run with a view of giving the ladies the latest creations in the line of hats. The store through out has been fixed over to take care of the stocks of fall and win ter goods that will arrive shortly, and a person will be surprised at the appearance of the store, as it is completely filled with articles in every line that a person could possibly ask. MORE APPLICATIONS FOR FINAL NATURAL IZATION PAPERS Two more foreign-born' resi dents have tiled their applications in the ofliee ' of District Clerk James Robertson asking for the final naturalization papers in order that they may become full fledged citizens of this great re public. One of the applicants was John Johnson, a resident of Ne hawka, who came to this country in 1898 from Sweden, and he has sworn off allallegiance to the monarch of that country and will in the future be numbered among our citizens Carl Zavgren, fore man of . the Burlington- bridge gang, is another who lias grown tired of the rule of kings and carno to this country in 1903, and has now become an American citizen' in the fullest sense of the word. TURNING EXHIBIT AT K. S. HALL NEXT SUNDAY There will be a turning exhibi tion given in this city on Sunday afternoon at the K. S. . hall on West Locust street. The exhibit tion w,ill be for the benefit of the active class, who will go to South Omaha to attend the national tournament. There will be a class here from South Omaha to attend and take part in the exhibition. Dancing after the exhibition and excellent music will be furnished. Admission: Gents, 25c; ladies, 15c; children, 10c. . 8-5-d5t. Horses and Mares. I have just recefved a carload of horses and mares ' that are for sale. Some broke, and unbroke. Perry Marsh. . . .7-21-2t-wkly , What Should We Cat? ' The simplest ' reply to. this cmestidn is: "The right kind of food; and vonly as much as we need." This would keen . us- in perfect health for a long time The-right -"kind of food is that which' agrees with you, which causes you -no inconvenience, no heaviness, no laziness. You must not over-eat. ' Should, you still notice that your stomach is not right or should you feel some dis comfort in the bowels, use at once Triner's American Llixir of Bit ter .Wine. It will 'clean out your digestive organs and expel the cause of the . irritation. - I. will stimulate these organs to work and will prevent const ipat ion 'and other difficulties of digestion. It is verv good in diseases of the stomach and t h,e bowels, 'as also in nervousness ami poverry 01 blood. At. drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-4339. So. Ashland Ave.. Chicago, 111 -Triner's Lini ment is very strong and often brings perfect relief with one ap plication. . MISS EMMA BAUER ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF MISS SPIES, BRIDE-ELEGT Yesterday afternoon Miss Em ma Bauer entertained m a very charming manner at her home on rine street in honor of Miss felen Spies, whoso wedding to Mr. W. Y. Moore occurs Saturday morning, me anair-was in ine nature of a miscellaneous shower and was attended by the member of the bridal party. The afternoon was spent most-pleasant ly in tne playing of various games, which proved very amusing and pleas ing to the company, and at the onclusion of which the bride-to De was escorieu to tne oining room, wnere a targe market nas- et. decorated with ribbons, was iscovered, and which container many handsome and useful gift? from the guests, and in addition to the guts the bride received the best wishes of the party on tier approaching nuptials. A most licious and 'tempting luncheon was served to the1 company at o clock by Mrs. John Jiauer, as sisted by .Miss Beulah Sans of Murray, which proved one-of the most enjoyable features of the afternoon and served as a lilting climax for a- most delightful event. , ' FORMER PIONEER CITIZEN IS HERE FROM CALIFORNIA Last evening D. F. Young of Glendale, California, a former resident of this city some twenty- three years ago, came in to look over the old town and visit with his former friends. Mr. Young was associated here in .the elec tric street railway with the late O. II. Ballon in the early 90's, and on his trip this time he noted many changes in the cily. Mr. Young, when he was a resident here, lived in what was known as Mercerville, and was greatly sur prised at the. changes made in that locality, as most of the lots there had been turned back into farming tracts. He has been at Decatur, Neb., visiting his mother and goes from here to St. Joseph and thence south through Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico' before returning home. " WAS A SPLENDID SUCCESS The ice cream social given last evening by the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Luke's church on the lawn at the F. G. Fricke home, was a splendid. success in every respect and those attending report a most delightful time. The lawn was decorated in a tasty manndr with Japanese lanterns and made a very pretty setting for the oc casion. .The ice cream, which was donated for the use of the ladies by Mr.- Schiappacasse, was most delicious,, and the-cakes furnish ed by the ladies was most tempt ing, and everyone attending felt that the event was one of the most delightful they had ever ex perienced! 1YIr. RV Tritsch, Refracting Optician, will be at the Gering & Co. Drug Store every Wednesday and Saturday evening for the pur pose of examining eyes. A full stock of eye glasses and spec tacles In stock. Examination free. THE PLAnSIViOUTH y no REGULAR SESSION They Set Monday, September 8, as the Date of Opening the v City Schools. The Plaltsmouth -board of education held its regular' meet ing Monday evening at the. Plaits mouth Slate, bank and looked-after a large ' amount, of routine business and discussed, plans for a number of. necessary repairs on the various' buildings. .The board lias set Monday, September 8', as the. day for. the opening of Iho schools of the city, which will be cheerful news for the scholars The school board also decided on a levy of JO mills, the same as last year," to defray the expenses of the school for the, ensuing year, and although the board de sireti to make a number ot im provements in the schools, it. was decided to let the levy remain as before. The Plallsnioulh schools are ranked among the best in the state, but there are a number of features needed to place them on a more modern, looting and to keep up with the other cities with their' high schools, and among these is the installing of depart ments of domestic science and manuel training. ' Both of these departments are becoming more and more needed in the public schools throughout the country, as they add to the value of the education learned from books, that, of practical experience, and fits the young man or woman to cope with the battle of life by having a practical knowledge of a trade or the science' of runninp the home, which will prove of un told value to them. It is a very laudable ambition on the part of the school board to make these departments a feature of our High school in the future, and in their efforts to raise the standard of the schools they should have the support of every taxpayer and citizen, as there is nothing in a community more valuable than that of a good, modern public school system, and its value is becoming more evi dent each year. Another feature' that I the schools in this city lack. is. that of a department of music, and this conld be installed without a great deal of expense, as it would only be necessary to' secure an instructor, as the school is pro vided with a piano. With the in stalling of. the normal training and domestic 'science the expense would be much greater, as it will require considerable equipment for them, but let us speed the day that places them in our public chools. VERY PLEASANT PICNIC SUPPER AT THE HOME ' OF MRS. ADAH MOORE A very pleasant picnic supper party was given at the home ol Mrs. Adah Moore last evening to a number oi relatives ana irienus in honor of the approaching wed ding of her son, W. W. Moore, to Miss- Helen Spies. The jolly crovyd sat down to a repast that was ample to satisfy the most epicurean' and a most delightful time was enjoyed, for several hours before the gathering broke up and the guests departed for their homes, wishing the young people much joy in their wedded life. Those composing the party were: J. Ji. L.eyia, wne anu family, Herman Spies, wife and family Mr. and Mrs. August Cloidt and Mrs. Moore and family. Fletcher's Genuine Castoria only 19c. Gering & Co. Phone 36 Heavy, impure blood make a muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausa, indigestion. This blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gestion, use Burdock Blood Bit ters. $1.00 at all stores. For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies. Doan's Ointment is highly re commended.' ' 50c a . box at all stores. Get your eyes examined at Ger- ng & co.'s fay wir. m. Tritsch. Examination free every Wednes day and Saturday evening. Maims Most Liberal Building Offer Ever Made. We Positively ' Will Furnish, our Customers Free of Charge Plans ' for the Beautiful House Shown Below El ' : ' -- it rr. i V Our Fre Without any obligation on your part we will gladly furnish you the plans for the above house design and assist you in the selection of the materials. We want to encourage home building and offer the best facili ties and proposition ever made. Save Money, Time and Worry Our price of SS95.00 for the above House Design No. ll.nJ is at the mill and we will gladly quote a di-liveretl price which will make you a bis savins. Our system of sellini? all the materials saves you time and needless expanse. We make prompt delivery -of all the items so as to avoid any dcla" ia the building operations. Consult Us Before Building: It Will Pay You . Before building a home you should call at coir office aud let us figure on the nlaterials. and offer yu some suggestions from our extended experience. We can save you money and help you to build the most attractive aai comfortable home possible iot the money you have to spend. ...CEDAR CREEK LUMBER COMPANY AN INTERESTING RELIC ON DISPLAY AT J. C. YORK'S BARBER SHOP Thoro is quite? an interfstins? relic on exhibition at the harl'ier hop of J. Q. York in tjie Red Men building in the shape of a lnrjre bovyie knife, which has been cured as a keepsake. The knife, is a larsre and vinous weapon and .vas evidently used, here.fn an early day and is quite elaborate in design. The hilt is made in the form 'of an eagle's head and on the blade appears the initials "F. A.," together with cjwVn; which gives the impression that it at omi time belonged to some newcomer from a foreign coun try. The knife, together with the scabbard, was unearthed on the place of Mr. Kalasek in the north west part of the city some thirty three years ago, and Mr. York feels quite proud of his new pos session. - 1 TEMPORARY QUARTERS , ERECTEO AT THE POOR FARM FOR THE INMATES From Tuesday's Dally, This afternoon Superintendent Tarns of the county farm removed the last of the: inmates who have been staying in the city since the (Ire that destroyed the building on the farm. The superintendent and the county commissioners have fixed up temporary quarters at the farm for the old people and th'e will be taken there, where it is more quicr. and'where they can receive more attention and care. The commissioners are still un decided as to just what steps to take in regard to the matter of re building the structure, as the money available on (he insurance is npt sufficient to put up a structure as good as the old one and it will be necessary to make the new one more modern and upi-to-date, which ; will require quite a . sum of money. If the matter could be adjusted without the need of an election it would save the citizens some $800, which would go a' long way to ward helping to get the structure put up in proper shape. Rents Robertson Farm. C. N. Hansen, -George. JMarks and Thomas Kivett, all from near Nehawka, were in Plattsmouth Tuesday afternoon, driving up in the auto of Mr. Hansen. Mr, Kivett came up . to see District Clerk Ja mes Robertson in regard to renting his farm, near Louis ville. Mr. Robertson's terms were very accentable fn Kivett, and as Mr. Kivett is onp of the best renters in Cass county, ie gentlemen were not oner closing a contract, and Mr Kivett will move to the Robertson iarm next March. SfJDCiDTfyOfl Buys All tho Materials to Build this 8 Room House Price includes all lumber. mill work, lath, shingles, sidir-.flooringr, ceiling, finish ing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and hardware. Price is at miller factory. Ask us for Ireight paid price. Plan Offer Binding Guarantee AH the materials furnished are absolutely brand new, clean and fresh stock, i'1'lie quality and grade of each item is exactly as specified. The tjuantity is always Suf ficient to complete the dekitfrj according to the plan. In addition, we wiij take back any material not used, in rood conditiou, aud credit you at full purchase price MISS MARTHA BARKER ENTERTAINS HER SUN DAY SCHOOL CLASS Miss Martha liarker very pleas antly entertained her Sunday school class at her homo in My naid on Thursday afternoon. The little folks enjoyed various games on the lawn and were then called in to "pin tails on a donkey," at which Miss Esther Fight received tho royal prize, and the booby prize fell to the lot of little Ruth Brown! At an appropriate hour a dainty luncheon was served on the lawn to the little folks. Those taking part in the enjoyable event were: Misses Esther Fight, Mable and Charles Howard, Emma Rich ardson; Robert Propst, William Fight, (Jlenn Wolenkamp, Hazel Schultz, Gretchen Warner, Ruth Brown and Florence Kaufmann. Miss Barker was assisted in serv ing by Misses ("J reel a ould, Mary Wetenkanip and Mrs. Carey. ATRIP THROUGH THE COUNTRY FROM PLATTS MOUTH TO LINCOLN From Tuesday's Dailv. Yesterday morning about G:30 Dr. Bachmann and James (J. Mauzy embarked in the Buick automobile of the doctor's- and started out on d trip through the northern part of the county and on to Lincoln, where they arrived about 9:!5. On the way out sev aral stops were i.-;ade at the .homes of the patients of the doc tor, and he looked after their needs for a short time and then the journey toward the state capital was resumed. The party report that the country between hero and Lincoln looks and although that section has re ceived rain since we have here, still the corn looks badly dam aged -by the dry weather. WhMo in Lincoln the doctor and Mr. Mauzy enjoyed a short visit with John Heiwrich, who is employed at the Chapman Drug company, and report him as getting along in fine shape and that lie is well pleased with his situation in that cily. Fop sale at a Bargain. Only restaurant In town. No opposition. Clearing at least $100 per month. Carrying a full line of cigars and tobaccos, confection ery, soft drinks of all kinds, ice cream. Will stefhd closest in vestigation. Reason for selilng poor health of landlady. Will dis pose of same by inventory or set price.j D. C. Farnham, Proprietor, Union, Neb. Farms for Rent. One 200-acre farm and one 240-,acre farm for rent. Apply at the Journal office.