The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 07, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Simi-Weekly
BATES, Isl 3l-icix-
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
No one is respectable who,
r is not doing" his best.
J Horace Fletcher. J
J. ' . 4.
Only- one more month and
.school commences. '
The Nebraska City chaulauqua
last week proved a great success.
, The lly swatter still comes in
very handy, if you have ihe
energy to use it.
:o: '
The. currency fight at Wash
ington is now on good and plenty,
with a full determination on the
part i'?''lirreS'rdent Wilson to have
; .
it hi'i way. .
j Secretary McAdoo is surely on
to his job. A ikl in
timidation from the Wall street
crooks can phase him in carry
ing out his duties.
Governor forehead does not
like nepotism in any form. In
this respect the governor is -a
man affer our own heart.
Neither do we.
Those fellows around the state
house should kiss and make up,
and make matters more congenial
for visitors. You are doing busi
ness, for the people, and- not for
yourselves. v"
Please remember, as you go
along' the highway of life
Plattsmouth people are in. favor
of a fall festival. And if they
can't get it through one source
they will have it through an
other. :o: :
John It Rockefeller says,
- "waste of energy is one oT the
wanton extravagances of the
lime." It's all rig-lit for John 1.
to talk thu, but with waste of
energy is the only thing we have
to get gay oh. '
It is pleasing' to . nole the
solidity of the democrats in con
gress. With very few exceptions
they are standing' right with
President Wilson. That's the
proper caper, and if they con
tinue to stand by him it will mean
a great deal to the success of the
democratic party. In unity there
is strength. The people at large
have i the. utmost confidence in
President Wilson, and he has not
made one move yet to change the
minds of the people that he is
the proper man at the h-ead of
ihe government.
S , ' - ' r1 ,
-i&r? f o oue. oueTV j yX . f -
at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
China is poor in other respects,
but its vein of trouble continues
to prove inexhaustible, or there
abouts. . .
An hour on the front porch will
convince anyone "that there are
more , kinds of bugs than are
absolutely necessary.
Every town around us is ar
ranging some kind of fall amuse
ments, while no stir in that di
rection has been made by Platts
mouth people. Why is this thus?
There are many Mexicans who
are eager for Huerta's job, and
some who might go so far as to
get it in the same way he did.
Mexico is indeed a wrecked coun
try. ;
Ty Cobb was a visitor at the
While -house the other day and
made a hit with President Wil
son. His reception was so genial
that it was not necessary to tell
him to "steal home."
General Manager Iloldrege is
one of the best crop authorities
in. the state. lie says there is a
probability of a crop of corn in
Nebraska about the average. We
can only hope that Mr. Iloldrege
is correct.
: :o: '
If cxv-Senalor Bailey concludes
lo become a candidate for the
democratic nomination of gover
nor of Texas there will sure a J
warm time down in the Lone Star
slate at ihe primaries. There is
really but one party in Texas.
. :o:
John O. Yeiser of Omaha; has
announced his candidacy for the
republican nomination for gov
crnor. John may be "a pretty
brainy fellow, but he will never
be governor of Nebraska, no mat
ter how incessant his hankering;
for the job.
Chicken thieves are raiding the
country for spring frys. They do
their work, at night, of course,
and are very quiet about it. One
farmer over near-Eagle had 200
taken at one haul. Keep an eye
on the . scoundrels. . . " .
The Auburn Herald is booming"
lion. (Jeorge ,N. Berge for the
nominal ion for governor on the
democratic ticket next year. Mr.
BergeV is a splendid man for the
place, and we candidly believe,
with a united party, harmoniously
marshalled, he. can beat .any man
the republicans can put up
against him. He is an exceed
ingly popular man in every sec
tion of Nebraska.
Because everybody is doing it,
doesn't make it right. ' ',
:o:- .
The wheat crop is the largest
ever raised in Cass county.'
: ; ,- . . -.
Most things are pretty well
won that come to those who wait.
One of the hardest things to
do is to try to be friendly with a
grouchy person. .
' :o: .
Some men grow better by
comparing themselves with better
men, while others improve
through police regulations.
There is slill room for Im
provements, of course, but Platls-
moufh has done wonderfully well
in this direction this season.
A panic would please some of
the republicans in congress about
as well as anything that could
happen. But, thank the Lord, they
have not the power to bring Hon,
as they once had. .
Maybe the pessimists who have
commenced to croak about the
corn needing rain don't remem
ber what a great amount of
drouth Nebraska corn will stand
and slill turn out 'a'bumpcr. crop.
We do hope at the next meet
ing of the Commercial club it
will take some action in regard to
the fall festival, or drop it, so
that some one of the fraternal
orders can take the matter up
and do something in that direc
tion. - -
to According to Mulhall, . the
lobby at Washington spent an
nually from a half to three-quarters
of a million dollars defeating
laws that would have been benfi
cial to the common people, but
unfavorable to the national'trust
Is it any wonder that the
republican parl kept itself in
power for fifty years?
Notwithstanding the - increas
ing use of automobiles through
out the corn bells, the agri
cultural department is far from
certain that the farmer is getting
all there is in it out of the corn
crop, and a new line of investiga
tion is being followed, with a view
of increasing the by-products of
the cereal. The corncob, for in
stance, has been thought of re
cently as a possible source of
artificial tire material.
"x Wisconsin has an anti-gossip
law which should adorn the
statute books of every stale in
the Union. It carries with it a
penalty of $500 line and im
prisonment for peddling damag
ing stories .about your neighbor,
and particularly to make remarks
reflecting upon the good name of
his wife, mother or sister. Such
a law should certainly have the
desired effect, even in Nebraska,
and , Plattsmouth is one of the
cities of the stale where it would
prove beneficial lo the community
at large. . N v
The longest usually
taken-by the family Princess, so
mother can get a little rest.
- ' -
Everybody seems busy but the
professional loafer, and is is
busy, too with his tongue.
, x -:o: v .
Reports from the harvest fields
show that the corn, crop will have
to be a real bumper to keep up.
: :o:
Bulgaria has been' beaten for
wanting more than its share, jmd
is having- some difficulty finding
that sympathy to which it feels
it is entitled.
The drouth don't seem lo have
any effect on the weeds. The crop
here in town is almost as prolific
as ever and needs another round
with the scythe.
. ' :o: . ,
The integrity of the tobacco
trust is now being questioned. In
all fairness to the trust, -it is
never claimed that Ihe election
cigar came under the pure -food
;o: :
The Nebraska City News is
urging1 I ho Commercial club of
that city lo get to doing some
thing. This gives the Journal a
gentle reminder that the Com
mercial club of this city is lying
quite dormant right now, and has
been for a few months past.
Speaker Champ Clark is about
right when he says that our pub
lic schools will not be as they
should be until the teachers are
paid enough to make teaching a
life profession. This paper liasi
contended for years that thjp
school teacher has "never received
enough salary.
Least we forget have you
visited the "City of Jhe Dead" re
cently? If not, why not? Are
you afraid of the weeds? xThey
won't hurt you if you will take a
scythe with you and lake a little
exercise in culling the weeds that
have been' allowed to grow on
some of the graves. The place
whercest the dead should be
kept neal and respectable at least.
Then let those who have friends
resting in Oak Hill cemetery get
a move on them.
Attorney General Lucey of Il
linois gives his opinion as to the
voting" qualities of foreign-born
women in the slates that have
adopted woman suffrage, by' the
declaration that a. foreign-born
woman, who marries va citizen ot
the United States, whether such
a citizen be nalural-born or na
turalized, by such act of mar
riage becomes a citizen of the
United States. An unmarried
foreigii-born woman, whose
father did not become naturalized
until aflcr, she arrived at her
majority, would not, by such act
of naturalization upon the part of
her father, become a citizen of the
United States. A woman born in
the United Slates whose father
was not naturalized prior lo her
arriving at her majority, is a
citizen of the United Stales.
I . .71 f ' ' -v- ' oa.TV-sEcoNj?
, HUM ' f wfc-rs vets. ; . ( HOtf . Ot 9Tft6TiPrtT-
' ' vee U: f j-vee. title N V" eve the
' ' ' ' I ; ' .'-'f
i" "" , .' x - - . . . "Ul ;. - ' i
, . , . - u-mj. ' - a
If you don't' think Plattsmouth
is a busy town, just make the at
tempt to hire a -mechanic of any
kind and then you will perceive
they are "all busy."
:o: :
When women's skirls became
so narrow that they walked with
difficulty, the style was made the
subject of criticism and censure,
.and now that she slits the skirl
to facilitate her progress, she is
criticised more severely than
ever before. What, pray, can -she
do to satisfy the public?.
Evidently Ambassador Henry
Wilson is not gelling .much
pleasure out of the vacation
President Wilson invited him to
take,' from Ihe way he is com
plaining'. Poor, fellow! H is
hardly probable that he will re
turn to Mexico if he returns at
all with any indications of rest
or consolation.
:o:- :
The "loan" sharks" of Omaha
have a new way of doing business
now, since the new law went into
c-fTect. " They fix up the necessary
papers in Omaha and then pro-
ed icross the ' l iver to loan
the money. . Pretty slick, these
money sharks are. It is pretty
nfrd to down the man with the
to Ihe law which
went iYllo
effect April
ho sells cold storage
eggs as Iresii eggs must, on com
plaint of customer, replace lhei
with "fresh, eggs, sor . be liable to
proseciitionIt also provides that
the-merchant must replace spoil-
ed'eggs. Another ruling provides
that" anyone -buying a box 7f
fruit is entitled to a full quart
and the merchant who- sells less
is subject to penally. ,
o '
There is plenty of money in
the Nebraska banks to move the
crops without, the assistance of
Waif street, consequently the
government at Washington does
not need to make any arrange
ment inlhat direction-so far as
we are concerned. There may be
need of assistance in some of Ihe
olher siales,".and it is just as we ll
lo be prepared for any emergency
fn cose Ihe Wall street luanipula-
tors try Jet create a panic, which
I hey no doubt would do if they
could. But that man McAdoo is
just a little bit loo slick for
I hem. N
v r:o:
Those who think they kliow so
much about the condition of af
fairs in Mexico may grilmble and
growl lo their heart's content,
without any effect upon -the ad
ministration. J'resident Wilson
and Secretary Bryan, fully know
Ihe situation down in that coun
try better than those who seem
to know so much about it and
don't know anything". If the
Mexican difficulty -can be adjusted
without " further bloodshed, we
say it should be done. And the
great majority of the people of
America are rigit with' President
Wilson and Secretary Bryan in
their efforts lo do so.
In opposing the order of Post
master General Burleson extend
ing the first :zonc limits, rediic
ing rates. and increasing the size
of package mailable, the rail
roads assert that it will result in
losing- lo them millions of dol
ars now jaid by the express
companies for transportation of
such packages. This seems to
confirm the postmaster general's
claim that the increase will take
from the express companies and
give lo tiie government ' the pay
ing" package business.
It is rumored that a Lincoln
deihocrat recently returned from
Washington with his feathers
considerably ruffled. Of course
he was after an appointment of
some Kind, auUx stated mat it
looked to him as though. Ne
braska would receive no appoint
ments of, any consequence until
the senators and 'members of
congress and Mr. Bryan could
come lo some understanding in
matters pertaining , to appoint-
ments in this'state. If these mat
ters are not amicably adjusted by
the powers that bV'we would
not give "two whoops m hades
for the chances of electing a con
gressman or a candidate on tne
Jeiiiocralic state ticket next year.
-:o: '
Pope Pius X, who a few months
agowas believed to be on his
death bed, 'was busily engaged
last week -in the preparation of
a plea for international peace
which he intends to be the most
important' encylical of his
pontificate. The encylical will
be formally issued August 9, the
tenth anniversary of the holy
father's installation as successor
of the Ia'tevPope Leo XIII. The
document" .will contain an urgent
pfca summoning I lie Catholic
church-- everywhere lo a world
wide' effort for- permanent inter
national peace. 11 will call on the
archbishops to begin the propa
ganda immediately and will in
struct the legates to these gov
ernments diplomatically related
to the Vatican, lo make formal
representations to the soverigns
of those' nations, urging their
participation in Ihe movement for
i.mversal peace.
One olbe most interesting of
the -t'ontesJs over proposed
amendments to the tariff law in
the senate will be that in con
nection with Senator Hitchcock's
proposed alteration or addition,
imposing a graduated tax on, to
bacco manufacturers. -The larg
er the output of any one concern
the higher the lax rate! Ne
braska's senior senator declares
That the nain objection . to this
plan of regulating or limiting aUhe bill and pressing it will say,
monopoly in tobacco that it
will Work. Tiie administration
opposes the amendment-, but
many senators of democratic
faith ire said really lo "favor it.
Senator Hitchcock has in the
meantime withdrawn from the
democratic caucus so .far as this
question is concerned' and will
light it out on the' Uoor of the
The slate board of equalization
has accented the work of the
county assessors without change,
and makes a total levy of 7.80
Is the cemetery committee of
the city council doing its duly?
From complaints thai reach this
oifice we would judge jiot. Every
citizen should take pride in licep
i'ng the resting place of their
dead in good order. But for some
cause or another our people are
negligent in this respect. The
weeds about the cemetery are
nearly as high as a man's heaa
and a disgrace lo any civilized
community. If it is the duty of
a committee lo 'look after the
condition of the cemetery why
don't they perform I heir duty and
secure someone who will keep the
"City of. the Dead" in respectable
shape? The Journal is going to
keep howling until something is
done lo make Oak Hill as respect
able as ;t ought to be.
' There is something refreshing
in reports appearing every now
and then about headquarters of
Industrial Workers of the World
being demolished. It is oje of
the most, dangerous organizations
of modern times, recognizing no
law, countenancing violence of
any sort in securing the demands
of its members. Men, at the head
of it are avowed anarchists and
smart enough to secure a follow
ingTif ignorant and irresponsible
members of labor unions. There
should be no room for the red
flag in this great country and a
good many old-fashioned' citizens
have looked with misgiving and .
forebodings on - the .tolerance it
has received in the last few years.
It is possible the violent teach
ings of the I.. W. W. may drive
common sense people into de
manding a greater respect for the
flag and the law it presents.
Parties wishing to enter Ihe
Journal office at this season
should be governed by the fol
lowing rules: Advanqe to Ihe
door and give three distinct raps
or kick Ihe door down. The
"devil" will attend lo Ihe alarm.
You will then give him your
name, pOsfollice address ami Ihe
amount you .are owing for the
paper, lit? will admit you. You .
will advance to the center of the
room an! address the editor with.
Ihe following. countersign: Ex
tend the right-hand about" two
feet from the body, with the
thumb and index finger pointing
to a ten-dollar bill which drops
into the extended' hand of the
editor, at the same time saying,
"Were you looking- for me?" The
editor will grasp your hand and
"You bet." After giving the news
of "your locality you will be per
mitted lo retire with a receipt for
an obligation properly discharged.!
:o: .
Senator Cummins ofTowa does
not like fhe new larill", as he pre
dicts all kinds of disaster after it
is put in force. He says it im
poses duties that are dangerous
ly and destructively ' low, and
which, from end lo end, griveous
ly diseriminalps against the west
in fa'vor.of fhe casl that is to
say, in favor of the manufactures
and against the farmer. This is
just simply ajsaniplc oT the man
ner Ihe republican senators lake
in their attempt lo defeat the
tariff. But the -west has a great
many just as smart men as Sen
ator Cummins in the two houses
of congress, ' and he can't convince-but
very few that they are
going to allow anything" in" that
tariff bill that wilt prove detri
mental to Hie hard-toiling jeo
menry of the west. Senator Cum
nuns is" a good politician, and he
is one of llml class that fears Ihe
adoption of Ihe tariff bill because
it will prove disastrous to the
republican parly, which has al
ways favored protection, that has
been favorable to the -manufacturers
of the east and delri-i
fneulaL to-the western, farjner procurers :