The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1913, Image 8

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1 11 cc PDnui
Tho Sunday School Picnic a Big
Success, With Attendance of
Nearly 300.
From Wednesday' iJally.
Then? was fun k a lore jesti'i
day at 111' liiif f-'i:ote of Ted W'ilos
west uf this city urt tin- occasion
of (he annum jiicnic of the
Methodist Sunday school and
everyone who .attended voted it
one of the nioel enjoyable as well
as one of the Iwftt handled events
of its kind that, has been friven by
(he church.
Promptly at i o'clock the
transportation committee, under
the chartre of C. E. Uabbett, was
on baud at the church with sev
eral hayracks and .carryalls,
which were loaded with I he younp
people and the load . ot good
things to eat and taken to the
picnic grounds, where the fes
tivities of the day commenced.
Base ball games and matches of
pitching horseshoes amused the
boys and men of the party, while
Ihe little folks had the time of
their lives with the many swings
that had been erected by II. II.
Cotton and his force of assist
ants, and the ladies spent Ihe
time most eujoyably in an old
fashioned visit.
The chief feature of Ihe day
was Ihe big picnic dinner, and
I here was enough on hand to eat
to provision an army, and despite
the fact that some 250 hungry
persons were fed at the dinner
there was much left. The tables
were arranged in a square and
the serving (able placed in the
center, where Mrs. K. 0. Hill, Hie
chairman of the refreshment
committee, and her assistants
held forth and served out the de
licious dinner to Ihe jolly crowd.
Wooden plales and tin cups had
been provided for every guest,
and as I hey gathered at the table
Ihe sparkling ice cold lemonade
was passed around, and if all re
ports are true it was "some
lemonade," and Ihe committee
who prepared it ore deserving of
a medal, and there was enough
on hand to last the entire day. At
the close of Ihe afternoon Ihe
crowd wended their way home
ward, tired, but mighly well
pleased wilh Ihe good thin1 they
had enjoyed.
In dealing with Ihe question
of handling the luiloiuobilu travel
in the city, as well as that ot
other vehicles, there is one rule
that should be strictly enforced
by the olllcers of Ihe law, and
that is compelling vehicles lo
keep on the righl side of the
street. Then? is every day teams
or automobiles going up and
down Ihe street ami I raveling on
the wrong side, which makes it
hard for (hose who follow the
rule of Hit! load lo keep lo the
right side of Ihe street in travel
iug. Automobiles or learns driv
ing down Main si reel should fol
low Ihe south side of Ihe street,
while those going up the street
should keep on Ihe north side
By keeping Ibis rule there would
he less danger of collision, and
everyone would know just what
way they should travel. As it is,
teams proceed up either side of
Ihe street ami automobiles are
forced lo get. out on the wrong
side, and there is no telling when
an accident may occur that might
result, in a vehicle getting dam
aged and someone badly injured
This rule is as important as Ihe
speed regulation ana uom snouia
Do enforced to me icncr oi me
law in justice to me auiomomie
drivers, as well as (he general
public who use Ihe public high-
Fop Sale at a Bargain.
Only restaurant In town. No
opposition. Clearing at least $100
per month. Carrying a full lino of
cigars aim tobaccos, coniecuon-
ery, soft, drinks of all kinds, ice
cream. will stand closest in-
vesligntion. Reason for sclilng
poor health of landlady. W ill (lis-
pose of same by inventory or set
D. C. Farnhnm, Proprietor,
Union, Neb.
Buy your ranoy
the Journal office.
stationery at
Card of Thanks.
Hi- most hisirlfelt
It i
lo express I
friends who
the lire I hut
our iieiliLoi's and
assisted us during
(ii'stroved Ihe coun
ty building last Thursday after
noon i'ur deep apprecialioii of
their efforts lo save Ihe building
and lo a e w hat of our household
goods I hey could. Such kind ac
tions will never be forgotten and
we (rust we may lie enabled in
liiiii to repay these kind friends
for I heir assistance.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. Tains.
From Tucdav-8 Dallv.
The following from the W'orld
llerald of this morning will be of
great interest lo our citizens, as
it relates lo the lessening of the
number of trains going through
this city each day over the Bur
lington. It is not known just what
passenger trains through here
will lie changed, if any:
Many of the Burlington trains,
both freight and passenger,
crossing the Missouri river at
lMattsuiouth and coming north to
Omaha on the Nebraska side, will
be brought direct lo Council
Bluffs from the east and across
the river at Omaha over the
Union Pacific bridge in the future.
The new contract was entered in
to by the roads last week. It will
probably lake effect August 15 or
Sepl ember 1.
The w est bound I rains crossing
Ihe bridge at lMattsuiouth, and
bound for Lincoln will use that
road. The number of trains cross
ing Ihe bridge there and coming
lo Omaha will be greatly lessen
ed. The change will be more
noticeable in Hie freight traffic,
as all of the freight trains ore
now brought to Omaha by the
I'laltsinouth route.
The new contract, which was
made several months after Ihe
former one expired, calls for
thirty passenger trains and eigh
teen freight trains of the Burling
ton road to cross the Union Pa
cillc bridge hero every day. As
only twelve passenger and no
freight trains now use that route,
there will be Ihirly-six more Bur
lington trains across the Union
Pacific bridge daily. The increase
in trallie may hurry Ihe building
of a new bridge at this point.
Fioni TuecOay'i Dally
Yesterday afternoon (i. M. Pat-
ton was a caller at I his office,
bringing wilh him a photograph
of the idd Platte Valley House,
which for years occupied the site
of the building now occupied by
William Holly, William Henrich
sen and Ihe Journal office. For
many years this was one of tho
leading hotels in this part of the
I ale and many of Ihe dis-
tinguisticu men ot trie early days
were guests of this place. Tho
hotel building was lorn down in
1882 to make room for Ihe Wa
terman opera house, which stood
on Ihe silo for some ten years,
being destroyed by fire in 1802,
and a few years later Ihe present
building was coi ipleted by Mr.
Waterman. The photograph is
most interesting lo Ihe old set
tlers of the city, as well as the
younger generation, as it shows
Ihe great changes that the years
have made in this city.
For 8al.
1913 model motorcycles and
motor boats at bargain prices; all
makes; brand new machines; easy
monthly payment plan. Get our
nronosition before huvinor or von
. 1 1 . u -
wjll regret iL Also bargains in
USP(, mo0rcyclc8. Write us to
day. Enclose stamp for reply.
Address Lock Box 11. Trenton.
Mir ah. 7-21-10wks-wkly.
Most Delightful Surprise.
Last evening J. P. Falter of
this city was given a most pleas
ant surprise when his threo sis
ters, Mrs.
J. J. Horn, Mrs. John
cber and Mrs. II. nonstock of
Creighton, Neb., arrived to innl;o
.Mr. latter and ramilv a visit of
a few weeks. This is a very
pleasant gathering for brother
and sisters and the occasion will
bo one long
the family.
remembered by all
iojniojnriBui 'janjom
from Wednesdays Dally.
The front of the building of
Anton Trilety, on Main street has
received a new coat of paint and
now .present a very neat and trim
.appearance, in keeping with the
other buildings on the street that
have been decorated by the own
ers. The building has been
painted in a very tasteful com
bination of colors I hat gives a
very pleasing effect. The work
was done by Frank (iobelman and
his force of workmen and is a
neat and attractive job. Mr.
Triletv. the owner, is bound to
keep up with the procession in re-
card lo keening his property in
first-flass shape.
Another One of Cass. County's
Charming Daughters Caught
in Matrimonial Noose.
From Tueday' Dally.
Last evening at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Peter Perry,
near Myuard, occurred the niar-
nage of Mr. Albet II. Lang of
Univesity Place and Miss Manota
Perry. The wedding ceremony
was performed by Rev. Charles
Cole of University Place in Ihe
presence of a largo number of
the relatives and friends of the
contracting parties, and for tho
happy event, the rooms of the
Perry home were decorated in a
very artistic manner in green and
white, making a beautiful selling
for the ceremony which made
these two worthy young people
man and wife. The bridal couple
was preceded into the parlors
where the ceremony was per
formed by little Miss Helen Perry,
a niece of the bride, as ring
hearer, and Misses Edith Perry
and Hope .Allen of Omaha, bear
ing the bouquet of the bride. Af
ter the ceremony the bridal
couple departed on an extended
wedding trip and will he at home
after September 1, at Douglas,
Wyoming, where Ihe groom ex
pects lo locate and where Ihey
will make (heir future home.
The bride is onfr of the mosl
talented and charming young
ladies in this section of the coun
try and her friends are without
number, and while her absence
from their midst will be greatly
felt, she will carry with her to
her new home the best wishes for
her future happiness, The groom
is a young man of sterling char
acter and of splendid business
ability and well worthy of Ihe
charming bride he has won. May
the suiishine always light the way
of these two worthy young people
through life is the universal wish
of their many friends.
b iom Wednesday'! Dally.
This morning in the oflice of
District Clerk James llobertson,
llasmus Peterson of this city tiled
his application for his llnal
citizenship papers and, forever
renounced his allegiance lo
Christian X, king of Denmark
Mr. Peterson came to America in
18G7, arriving in Aew lork on
August 1 of that year, anil came
at once to Omaha and thence to
I ll il I mini I h wtlrtpn lln h 11 a uinpn
l 111 I It II J ' II I II , " V V O fc'w.v-
resided. Mr. Peterson decided to
take warning of the notice sent
out by the naturalization depart
ment at Washington of the fact
that all old applications for first
papers made out before tho act
of 188G would be of no value af
ter September 27.
Depart on Pleasure Trip.
ITrAm VV Ailnotov'a T)ntlv
County Judge A. J. Beeson and
family departed today for Edison,
Nib., where thev will snend some
two weeks visiting, and the judge
will rest up from his duties. Dur-
ing the absence of the judge Miss
(Jertrude Iteeson wiU be on hand
to sell marriage licenses to those
needing them, so there is no need
of the young people delaying
their matrimonial ventures
the return of the judge.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. R. Bryan,
county assessor.
The Journal has just received a
Iter from W. K. Shephenlson,
who formerly resided in the vi
cinity of Murray, but who is now
residing in Grass Hange, Mon
tana, and the letter is a very in
teresting one in describing the
climate and conditions in that
section of the country. The letter
in part is as follows:
'I have just bought a re
linquishment on 320 acres of
gently sloping bottom land and
I have built a small house on it.
Have got a well 24 feet deep with
live feet of cold water in it.
There is a tine forest within half
a mile of my farm and the fuel
and posts and logs for the barn
and outbuildings will be free for
the hauling. The small grain
crop here is looking fine and the
wheat harvest has just begun. I
feel sorry for you Nebraskans
during the spell of severe heat
you have been having, as we have
had a few warm days, registering
90 in Ihe sun, but any time you
would find a shade you would be
surprised at the coolness of the
atmosphere. We have slept un
der a quilt each night all summer
long. There are lots of Iowa and
Nebraska people ' homesleading
here, and there is not a train
that does not bring eastern peo
pie here,, who come lo look up a
possible location. This is an ideal
wheat, garden, fruit and vegeta
ble country, with plenty of rain,
no cyclones, good fishing and
hunting in fact, a place where
work comes as near being play
as is possible anywhere. The
range for cattle and sheep here
is rapidly diminishing on account.
of Ihe steady
increase of the
From Tuesday's Dally.
Section 13. IL shall be unlaw
ful for any person, corporation,
or association of any character
whatsoever, to sell or to attempt
to sell in this stale or to sell or
attempt to sell to any person re
siding in this stale, any character
of securities without ilrst obtain
ing a permit as herein provided;
and when any person, corpora
tion, or association of any char
acter whatsoever has obtained a
permit hereunder, it shall be un
lawful for any such person, cor
poration, or association and for
any agent or representative
thereof, to make any false or
fraudulent statements, orally or
jit writing, to the coiiiiiiisison or
to anyone else, concering any se
curity offered for sale or alleged
lo have been sold; and any per
son, corporation, or association
of any character whatsoever, and
any agent thereof, knowingly or
willfully violating any provision
of this act, shall be punished by
a line of not less than one hun
dred dollars, nor more than ten
thousand dollars, or shall be im
prisoned for not less than thirty
days or more than two years, or
both; provided, that, when any
such false or fraudulent state
ment is made by the agent or
representative of any of the per
sons, corporations, or associa
tions hereinbefore mentioned,
such agent or representative
shall be equally liable to the
penalties herein prescribed, as
though he were himself the prin
cipal, and in addition thereto the
principal shall be liable to be as
sessed the fine prescribed in the
same manner as though he or it
had committed the acts herein
prohibited; provided, however
no action to rescind any contract
of sale made in contravention o
the provisions of this act shall be
maintainable unless the same i9
instituted within one year.
Section 5. The enforcement o
this act and alt its provisions is
hereby committed to the Ne
hraska state railway commission
which is hereby authorized am
empowered to execute Ihe same in
accordance with Ihe provisions
J- C. Russel Very Sick
Lew Husel and little son tie
parted this morning on the early
Hurlinglon train for Lincoln
where he was called by the illness
of his father, J. C. IUis-e, who is
not expected to live. Mr. Rust'
sr., was a visitor here a short
time ago and many of our people
had the pleasure of meeting thi
fine old gentleman, and the news
of his illness will be a severe
shock to them.
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
and has
V Knnnl
GucJUM Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that triflo ivith and endanger tho health of
Infants and Childrcn-rExpericnce against Experiment,
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnrcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVorma
and allays Fevcrishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep,
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Use For Over
Prom Tuesday's Daily.
A complaint has been tiled by
Acting County Attorney J. E.
Douglass in the ollice of Judge
M. Archer against Charles Han
sen, residing near Nehawka,
charging him wilh resisting an
ollicer in the discharge of his
dulies. It is charged that last
Thursday when Marshal Xoel of
Weeping Water visited Nehawka
to serve a warrant on Mr. Hansen
for some disturbance in Weeping
Water a few days previous, and
as the ollicer attempted to serve
the warrant, it is alleged Hansen
esisled him, threatening him
wilh a large rock and an emptv
ecr bottle, and Ihe marshal was
orced to relire, fearing for his
afety, and he asked the county
authorities to take the matter up.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
00 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. i.
Most Liberal Building Offer Ever Made. We Positively
Will Furnish our Customers Free of Charge Plans
for the Beautiful House Shown Below
Our Free Plan Offer
Without any obligation on your part we will gladly furnish you the
plans for the above house design and assist you in the selection of the
materials. We want to encourage home building and offer the best facili
ties and proposition ever made.
Save Money, Time and Worry
Our price ol COO (or Ihe above House
rVumn No. 1150 ia it the mill and we will
Kindly quote delivered price which will
pinko you a bin navinir.
Our ivati'in o( aellinf all tho matcrinl
tavca ynu time and neeJleM expense. We
make prompt delivery of all theitenmoai
to avoid any dulav ia the building operation.
Consult Us Before Building It Will Pay You
Before building a borne you should call at our office aud let as figure on the materials,
and oifcr yon soma sufiMtioas from our extended experience. We save 70a
aoaay and help you to build tho most attractive and comfortable tome ttatiblo (or tbe
money you have to upend.
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has beea
lias borne the signature of
been made tinder his per-
filing I-vl stnn cinsA ta infaiinr
no one to deceive von in tli is-
Signature of
30 Years
From Tuesday Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. L. B.
Egenberger entertained in a very
charming manner at a porch
party in honor of Mrs. Helen
Muinm of Missoula, Montana,
who is here visiting with her
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. P. F. Goos.
The afternoon was most delight
fully spent by the ladies, who had
brought their fancy work with
them, and the plying of the busy
needle and social conversation
served to pass several delightful
hours, when a most delicious
luncheon was served by the hos
tess and the occasion was voted
one of (he most pleasant that had
been enjoyed by the ladies for
soup time. The guests departed
at the close of the afternoon,
feeling that Mrs. F.genbPrgrvvas
a roval entertainer.
Horses and Mares.
1 have just received a carload of
horses and mares that are for
sale. Some broke and unbroke.
Perry Marsh.
FOREST HOSE The best flour
on the market, fiive it a trial.
Buys All the
to Build this
8 Room
Price includes all lumber,
mill work, lath, shingles,
lumber, building paper,
nipe, cutter, sash weights and
hardware. Price is at mill or
r-j..-.l factory. Ask us lor freight
paid price.
Binding Guarantee
AM the materials furn idled are absolutely
brnnd new, clean and fresh itock. The
quality and grade of each item ii exactly
as specified. Tho quantity is always suf
ficient to complete the design according to
tho plan. In addition, we will take back
anv material not used, in good condition,
and credit you at lull puicoase price.