THE I J. SOKOL Annua! Sale MANHATTAN SHiRTS JULY 31st TO AUGUST 30th $1.50 Qualities, now $1.15 $2.00 Qualities. now SI .38 9 5nnnniiti nn,fi1.88 AUGUST 17TH A Partial List of Contestants, Which Denotes a Very Large Attendance. TOUliEtlT Oil Copyright 1912, OUR regular "season-end" sale of Spring and Summer Suits be gins next Saturday August 2nd. We have never offered you so fine an opportunity to buy clothing be low value, as we do on this occasion. The best makers in the United States, including Mi-cheal-Stern &. Co., Alfred Decker &. Cohn, and Hart, Schaffner &. Marx make up our selling stock. For quick action the following prices are made Suits worth up to $18, sale price $10 Suits worth up to $25, sale price $14 'Suits worth up to $35, sale price $18 Straw Hats one-third off regular price. Manhattan Shirts TCI THE T01SEND GUN CLUB TEAM WILL PLAY THE BOOSTERS SUNDAY On Sunday afternoon at IJ o'clock tin- Hooslers of this city will mix with the Townsond (inn club team of Omaha on Iho local diamond ami I In- game should bo a very inlcesliug one, a teams arc well matched and have been play iiiK in pood form of laic. Tlic Townscnds appeared hero a few years ago and were then one of the best, teams in Omaha, and I his year they are playing np to their usual form. The victory of the llooslers over the Advos last. Sunday showed what the hoys can do when they pet down and play hall and it is hoped they will show the same .form against tin' Townscnds. Platform Dance at Tuleno's. There will be another one of those pleasant platform dances given at the Tuleiic grove, west of Plallsniotith, next Saturday even ing, August 2. There will be flue .music by I be Scoboda orchestra. IVm't fail to attend. 7-28-lwk-d&v For Sale. One horse, perfectly gentle, will drive single or double, lady-broke. One horse i years old. Two year ling colts. All first-class st u IT. A bargain if taken at once. Or. O. Sandin. Walk on Hardwood Floors Don't have your floors covered ith germ-laden carpets. Hard- wood floors require no carpets and are more healthful and easier to care for, and also look much better. Our select Oak and Maple Flooring is economical in the end. Come in and let us talk it over with you let us show you how little it really costs to have good hard wood floors in your home. Richey Bros. PlatUmouth, Neb., Lumber Lath Posts Shingles Alfred Decltf A Cola Stetson Ham Card of Thanks. We desire to express to oui many friends and neighbors oui thanks for their sympathy am help during the illness and lif'll of our beloved mother. Jacob Bengcn. Cornelius Itcngeii. Mrs. Thomas F. Ruby and Family. Mrs. John Stone and Family. Mrs (Sen. Mengen and Family. Poor Digestion. We cat too much. We arc shilling ourselves recklessly with improper food, which is of no benefit to he body. The greater part of such food will not be as similated, but will remain in tin inleslines undigested, causing various difficult ics, heaviness pain, headache, foul breath t rumps. It is also most wclcoim lo different germs. We should lake good care to gel rid of such undigested food and mil allow I he same lo ferment in I he body ami inile disease. Let us recom- mcn you Triuer's American Klixir of Killer Wine, which will expel such waste mailer am regulate your Hi vvels. It. will p lieve consl i pa I ion, inlcstina pain, vomiling, jaundice, head ache, loss of appclite am nervousness. At drug stores Jos. Triner, t:m-l3:i! S. Ashlam Ave., Chicago. III. Stiffness o muscles and joints will quickly Yield to Triner's Linimenl. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will, lead to chronic consl ipation. Moan's Rogulets operate easily. 2! a box at. all stores. Plaster v Lime Cement Roofing Preparations for the big Sokol tournament in this city on August 15, ll and 17, arc being pushed by the committee in charge and the occasion bids fair to be one of the largest of its kind ever given in the state, as already some cighlv-nine turners have entered for the work of the tournament and the list includes some of the oading Bohemian athletes in the west. On the opening day, Friday, August 15, the visitors will be met at, the station by the band and the procession of the local society and the visitors be form ed and inarch to the T. J. Sokol hall, on West Pearl street, where the exercises will be held during all three days. Saturday will be devoted to the turning work of the meeting, as will also Sunday, when the tournament will be brought, to a close. There will be a number of ladies' teams here to take part in the tournament, coin ing from Crete, Schuyler and two from South Omaha. Among I he turners taking pari in the tourna ment are the following leading abides of Ihe slate: First Class I'eier Peeka, llu- dolpii Zikmund, Omaha; V. Skoe- dopole, Ravenna. Second Class Vojla Joseph Pavlik, James Kir I Whitehead, Frank Joseph Kapic, Joseph Kostal, Hrcjcha, Fisher, llorak, South Omaha; Anion Trcska, Jiri. Krupa, Ad Fastovica, Frank Pospichal, John Adam, J. Iloloii bek, Omaha; Joe Ylacck, R. Slecher, J. Slecher, Frank Ounk, Frank Bjeak, Frank Janecek, Lodge; J. Kostal, Ravenna; K. F. Klobasa, Schuyler; J. Micak, Dodge; J. Horak, South Omaha. Third Class I,. Kozel, Frank Bonos. Ravenna; Joe Machal, Soulh Omaha; Joe I'olster, John Ulasek, A. Mashal, Joe Rqmes, John Ilusak, John Fisher, South Omaha; Frank Koul, V. Langpaiil, Frank Krajicek, Frank Murda. The girls' learns to bo present are as follows: Olga Dlask, Anna Kovanik, Anna llorak, Anna Krumlonat, I.ibWe Slerba, South Omaha; K. Sedlacek, A. Voknoka, A. Itenak, It. llorak, A. Patac, A. Vonasek, II. Opocensky, South Omaha; Olilie Trejbal, Marie Trejbal, Helena Laslovica, Helen Pavlik. Albina Palew, llo.ena Turynek and Klsie Spicka, Omaha The judges for the tournament have been selected from among Ihe leading members of I lie Sokol society of Ihe stale, as follows Jar Vaukal, Jos. Slerba, Oldrich Jclen, J. R. Fiala, Roy Prochazka, Omaha; J. Stndnicka, Dodge; J Vonasek, South Omaha; Frank Okrine. Bruno: Frank' Slavct- nisky, Joe C. Brt, Ravenna; J. C Nesproy. J. P. Cerveny. A. V. Kubicek, Crete; A. Matous, Km inons Ptak, Plattsinouth. The following: have been elected lo represent, the local society nl the tournament: Veteran class, V. Pilney; second class, Charles llirla. Charles lladraba, Robert Rcbal, Frank Aslieiibrennei J. Knlasek; I bird class, C .Mason, Olio Pilney, Frank Rcbal, Anton llasson, Anton Rys, Anton Svoboda. , BURNING OF STRAW STACKS ACROSS RIVER EKCITED OUR PEOPLE There was considerable excite ment in the city last evening over the appearance across the river of what seemed to be a large fire, and it was thought by many at first that some of the buildings in Pacific Junction were on fire, but it later developed that the flames were caused from three large straw-stacks which had caught fire. The lire lasted for several hours and made a very impressive sight, as from the higher points in the city Ihe flames could be seen quite distinctly. A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdick Wood Bitters. On the market 35 years. $1.00 a bottle. -7 oniris C. E. UlESCOTT'S Always the Home of Satisfaction TWO FiREALAHMSWERE ll T And the Fire Boys Promptly Re sponded and Did Their Duty Manfully. iwo lire uiarms iasi evening i and early this mroning kept the' citizens and members of the lire department on Ihe go, and to bo Hi alarms there was a large outpouring of the citizens to as sist in extinguishing the flames. The first alarm was about 9 o'clock, and as the shop whistle conveyed the intelligence that the lire was localed at the Burlington shops, there was an instant rush for I bat place lo discover Ihe local ton of Ihe lire. A steel car containing some old lies had been switched into the lower part of the lumber ard, and as they were very dry and oily, it is supposed a spark from (lie engine started the blaze, but it was discovered before it had got, much of a start, ami Ihe shop employes reaching the scene, at once hitched on the hose and quickly had the lire out before the arrival of the carts from tlii city lire department. The loss was iml much, and it was Ihe cause of greal relief lo everyone when it was found that the shop buildings were not af fcclcd by the flames. About ;i:.'t0, ;;s John Fil.patrick, Ihe night merchants' special police, was making his rounds he nolioed a strong odor of smoke in t ho "vicinity of the Hold Riley and at once proceeded lo in vesligale and found (lames just breaking out in Ihe rear room of Ihe l.orcnz meat market and grocery on Norlh Sixth si reel. The room where the lire broke out is used for smoking meals and Ihe preparing nf stock for the meat market, and it is supposed Ihe tire resulted from Ihe heat from Ihe smoke house, where a large quantity of bacon was be ing prepared for use. The flames spread very rapidly, and al though Hit! lire alarm was given at once by Mr. Fitzpalrick, Ihe tire was under good headway when Ihe hose carls arrived on Ihe scene and three lines of hose spread to play on Ihe (Ire. The blaze was confined to the one room by the able efforts of Ihe department, and although the wooden ceiling of the structure TURNED IN LAST IG Will soon be here and the children will need a few new Dresses for the days that will follow. We have an appropriate line of goods for this purpose Ginghams stripes, plaids and checks 10c to 25c Percales blue gray and red 9c to 15c Galatea Cloth plain and fancy 18c to 22c In the hosiery line we can fit you in black, white and fancy at 10c to 40c Shoes-a nics line at $1.00 to $3.00 20 per cent discount on Children's Ready-Made Wash Dresses. iin. 1 1 jo ...UL ,.w.Wjp..., "" was badly burned and charred, Ihe steel roof on Ihe outside held the flames from breaking out and spreading to the roofs of the ad joining buildings occupied by the Streighl furniture store and Ihe Nebraska Lighting company office. In the room where the lire start ed was a large gasoline engine, and the wooden pulleys attached to run Ihe different machines were burned completely up and some 300 pounds of bacon that was in the smoking oven was completely destroyed, being burn ed lo a crisp. All the woodwork in the room was burned so badly that it will have to be replaced. The fire was gotten under con trol just in lime, as Ihe intense heal had broken the glass in the door leading into Ihe main slore and would have given Ihe de vouring flames a sweep inlo Ihis room but for the efforts of the fire department. The main room, where the stock is kept, was not damaged in Ihe least beyond be ing smoked up. and the firm feels very fortunate in having got I en off so lucky, as had Ihe fire got ten a good start it would probably have swept, through the stores of f.orenz Rrolhors, Slrcight & Streight and Ihe Nebraska Light ing company. It is estimated 'by Messrs. f.orenz that I heir loss will amount close to $500, which is partly covered by insurance. Publicly Thank the Firemen. We desire lo take Ibis method of publicly expressing our deep appreciation of the splendid work of the members of the fire de arlment ami citizens in general, who assisted in saving our build ing and contents from destruction from lire last night. Had it not been for Ihe prompt, work of tin fire boys our entire building would have been desl roved, ami we feel a deep debt of gratitude lo those efficient men. Lorenz Brothers. Files Petition for Probate. This morning a petition for the probale of the last will and testa ment of the late Julius F. Ragoss of Louisville was filed in the county court. The petition asks for the appointment of Mrs. Mary K. Ragoss, Ihe widow as ex ecutrix of the estate. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. The result was last ing." lion. John R. fi arret t, Mayor, Girard Ma. "God Hunting a Man" at the Christian church Sunday evening. ESKS - .. iirgs .... . SOWS ARE COHERING THE POOR HOUSE MATTER The matter of the erecting of a new building at the county farm has been holding the attention of the county commissioners for the past week, and as soon as they find where they are at on the legal part of the question they will take some action in the matter. It is not known exactly whether or not, in an emergency such as the destruction of the building has brought on, will al low the commissioners to proceed ahead with the work of erecting a new and suitable place to keep tin? county charges without hav ing to submit the matter to a vote of the people. The insurance on the building was some $i,000, and that is not enough lo get Ihe building replaced, for although under the law the commissioners could expend $ 1,500 for building purposes without the necessity of a vote. The commissioners de sire if possible lo make Ihe new building a one-story affair, doing away with the necessity of climb ing up and down stairs, which is very trying on the old people who are compelled to make their home I here. The building has been looked over by a representative of Hie firm of Fisher & Lawrie of Omaha and plans will be submit ted to the commissioners for a new building'. For Sale at a Bargain. Only restaurant In town. No opposition. Clearing at least 100 per month. Carrying a full line of cigars and tobaccos, confection ery, soft drinks of all kinds, ice cream. Will stand closest in vestigation. Reason for selilng poor health of landlady. Will dis pose of same by inventory or set price. D.'C. Farnham, Proprietor. Union, Neb. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, the best in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm: Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. , , R. F. D. No. 1. Buy your fancy stationery at the Journal office. E3ES1 ii astifiJ.i'.'., w.ii"J!iii"iJ. .-'