- I ' V W O O i O IS! V 1 f I 7 ti Era ... ( i: It is now time that you were placing you order ?cr bind er twine while the prices are at the lowest notch. Standard Twine, 10c per pound Extra Twine, 11c per pound Pure EVlanilla Twine 12c pes- lb, We are also selling the famous ACME BINDER. Call and let us figure with you. I; The Farmers' Elevator Henry Heebner, Manager Murray, Neb. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. In tlie IUrlct Court of Caaa County, IVebranka. In the Matter of the Application of Oeore K. Ryan, Guardian of JoHepn Elton Kyan ana atcuib j. Minors, to Sell Keal Estate: Notice Is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order to me Issued by Hon. Harvey D. Travis, Judtfe of the District Court of Cass County , Ne ."braBka, on the 20th day of May, 191.1, for the ale of the Interests of Joseph Elton Ryan and Archie J. Ryan, minors. In and to the real estate here inafter described, beiw? each an un divided one-fifteenth (1-16) in and to the east half of the northeast Quarter (E Vi NE. V) of Section sixteen (lb), Township ten (10) north, Kange nine (9) east, and also each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40) In and to all of lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in block four (4), In the Village of Alvo, according to the re ,.,,r,i..,i tiint. nil in Cass County. Ne braska, there will be sold at the farm ers & Merchants Bank, in the Village of Alvo. in said Cass County, Nebraska, ti.o hnnr nf 10 o'clock in the fore noon, on the 6th day of July, 1913, at public vendue to the highest bidder for .Kh the Interest and estate of said Joseph Elton liyan and Archie J. Ryan, in and to the above described real estate, to-wlt.: Each an undivided one-fifteenth (1-15) in and to the east hnlf of the northeast quarter (E. NE. ) of Section sixteen (16). Township ten (10) north, llange nine (9) east, and also each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40) In and to all of lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), In block four (4), In the Village of Alvo, according to the recorded plat, all in Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 10th day of June. 1913. GEOKGK E. KYAN, Guardian of Joseph Elton Uyan and Archie J. Ryan, Minors. By Samuel B. Hams, His Attorney. ii Bans o Keckler & Schafer, coal for Road District No 8 Mathew Sulser, road work, Road District No. 1 Arthur L. King, blacksmith work, Road District No. 8 .... Jno. V. Gorder, road work, Road District No. 1 Fred Nolting, same W. C. Houcher, same, No. 6 Ed Carr, same, No. 16 Henry Vette, same, No. 13 LEGAL NOTICE. John V. Wood, Defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of January, 1913, Elsa Wood, t'laintlft herein, tiled her petition in the District Court of i'aau I'nuniv Mphrnxkn. acalnst said defendant, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce upon the ground of willful desertion for more than two years, and failure to support and for the custody of the Infant .hiM thn ismie of said marriage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st oay oi .iuiy, ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CHEDITOHS. In the County Court In and for Cans I 'mint v. ISrhriMikn. In Re Estate of Walter J. White, Deceased. Tn All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that hear ings upon all claims against the above estate will be had at the otllce of the County Judge, Court House, Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on August 2, 1913, and February 3, 1914. at nine o'clock a. m. on each of said lavs, and that all claims not (lied by said hour on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. (Seal.) Bv the Court, ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. 14 AWLS & ROBERTSON, Attorneys. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Robert Martinis will lake notice that on Iho 27th day of May, 1 1 1 3 , M. Archer, a justice of the peace of Platlsnunilh City, Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of at tachment for the sum of $27.00, in an action pending before him, where Clans Jess is plaintiff and Robert Marquis is defendant; that property of the defendant, con sisling of money in the posses sion of the C, II. & Q. II. R. Co. garnishee has been attached un der said order. Said cause was continued to July 1 4th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. CLAUS JESS, Plaintiff. Plattsmouth, July 1. 1913. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present C. R. Jordan, C. E. Heebner and Julius A. l'itz. County Commis sioners; D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Minutes of previous session read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Clerk of District Court filed his re port of fees collected second quarter, 1913. Recorder of Deeds tiled his re port of fees earned second Quarter, 1913. A petition received from J. AC Tee garden and others asking that $2.00 per week be allowed Mrs. A. L. Mar shall for the support of Max Barger, commencing July 1st, 1913. Commis sioners decided to allow the sum of $1.00 per week, commencing July 1st, 1913. The following claims were allowed on the ueneral rund: J. V. Maguey, auto hire to com missioners 4.UU Hammond & Stephens, supplies to county supt ..is C. E. Heebner, salary 34.50 J. 11. Tarns, salary 85.00 C. R. Jordan, salary 50.00 C. 11. Taylor, salary and expense 162.39 Mrs. . Dora Flelscliman, care of blind man 3 months lS.uu W. R. Bryan, expenses county assessor's otllce 23.20 Dr. E. D. Cummins, Insane Soren Hansen 8.00 C. A. Rawls, same 3.00 James Robertson, same 6.50 C. D. Qulnton, same 10.78 Peter Meislnger, same 3.00 Geo. A. B. Hicks, same 2.80 C. D. Qulnton, same 2.00 F. M. Massle, director S. D. No. 8, room for Jail election, Alt M. Archer, State vs. Carter Wil son C. D. Qulnton, same Albert Anderson, same Emll Newberg, same Cam Seybert, same J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's cert B. 1. Clements, Inquest John Balrd G. H. Manners, auto hire to com missioners R. B. Jameson, wood to Mrs. Wlnrhell Huns Slevers, salary and laun dry 78.00 Julius A. i'ltz, salary and mile age 36.00 Mary E. Foster salary and ex pense lub.bU I. N. Hunter, viewing road No. lti'i Fred Patterson, talking levels on road east of Murray Dr. E. D. Cummins, Inebriate case Vm. W. Hall J. M. Leyda, same James Robertson, same C. U. Qulnton, same Geo. Relcl'art, same ('. M. Seybert, same Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., conl to county 17.25 The Plattsmouth Journal, print ing to county 39.90 , I). C. Morgan, salary and ex- j pense 215.41 W. R. Brvan, county assessors I salary for year 1913 600.00. Fred Patterson, otllce work 40.00 i Don Rhoden, helping county surveyor L40 Nelson Jea n & Co., coal to I paupers ls.vu James Robertson, salary and ex pense, 2nd quarter, 1913 207.00 John Bauer, mdse, and labor to Jail 95 John Bauer, auto hire to com missioners 13.00 Peter Claus, mdse. to Jail 1.25 J. Hatt & Son, mdse. to poor.... 13.00 G. P. Eastwood, mdse to county 3.80 A. P. Chrlswlsser, auto hire to commissioners 11. A. Schneider, postal supplies Agent C, B. & Q., ticket to pauper C. W. Baylor, coal to pauper and county farm G. W. Harshman, same 25.00 W. C. Boucher, same, No. 6 6.75 J. H. Wagner, same, No. 4 181.80 J. C. Lomeyer, same, No. 6 122.00 Jos Allen, same. No. 16 35.30 W. J. Althouse, same. No. 6 26.60 Joe Allen, same, No. 16 94.85 Lee Arnett Co., same. No. 6.... 7.00 6.88 261.50 52.15 3.95 6.00 5.00 6.74 2.80 2.80 2.80 22.00 7.75 4.50 9.00 5.00 6.60 8.00 3.00 5.75 5.58 3.90 3.90 District No. 27 11.00 Lee Arnett oC, same, No. 6.... 7.00 James Johnson, same. No. 2.... 9.40 The Avora Lumber Co., ma terial, Road District No. 14.. Win. 11. Rush, road work, Road District No. 7 A. F. Seybert, same, No. 2 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., lumber, Road District No. 2 G. V". Leach, road work, Road District No. 14 74.60 Walter Byers, same, No. 27 .... 18.70 J. C. Nlday, same, No. 11 84.00 Lee Arnett Co., culvert, Road District No. 7 65.19 Lee Arnett Co., same. No. 16... 87.88 W. 11. Leeslev, road work, Road District No. 6 D. B. Gunn, road builder, Road District No. 1 Ben Reckman, road work. Road District No. 10 J. M. Hoover, same, No. 3 Walter Green, blacksmith work, Road District No. 10 George Polsal, grading roads, Road District No. 1, Com. road fund 125.00 The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: A. F. Seybert, bride work $ 5.60 Gust Brockhage, same 85.10 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., bridge material 177.50 Wm. H. Rush, bridge work 62.60 C. H. Nold Lumber Co., bridge material 134.13 E. T. Tool, same 363.33 Nebraska Constr. Co., bridge work and advance on work and material 2639.26 George Polsal, allowed for bridge work 400.00 oard adlourned to meet Wednesday, July 2. 1913. D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk. 6.00 20.00 182.15 72.50 7.50 Plattsmouth, July 2. 1913. Ron rd met as per adjournment, with all members present. The following bills were allowed: General fund A. U. Morse, toilet paper t 6.50 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas to court house. Jail and street lamp 16.50 K. Alansueaker, deputy snerin s salary, June. 1913 45.00 Plattsmouth Water Co., water to jail 20.00 Road fund W. B. Banning, lumber for Road District No. 11 22.45 Bridge Fund W. B. Banning, bridge lumber.. 109.35 Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, July 15, 1913. D. ('. MORGAN. County Clerk. Mi. K. II. l!ai(o caiin' down: fro in ( alia Sal unlay e eniiiir I'm' a 1 i' I at thi' S. S. Forbes! home. Mark W hile and if.- of the vieiniiv of Hock Hiull's, was in the city Saturday atteudiuir to Mime uialti'i's of business for a lew hours. Mrs. Kate Melluh, who has been hi'i'e tor several days visiting her daiuhler, Mrs. 'Thomas Wal ling, returned home this noon ier the Missouri Pacific. Mrs. James Bulin and little son departed this morning for Sterling, Neb., where they will visit for two weeks with relatives at that place. N. P. shultz and little daugh ter, Alice, returned this morning on No. 0 from Missouri Valley Iowa, where thev visited over Sun day with relatives. Mrs. J. A. Crotise and son, Karl, and Miss Dollie Crouse returned this morning to their home at Lincoln, after a few days' visit at the Henry Steinhauer home in this city. J. 1). Clark and wife of Chicago who have been here visiting with Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. II. S.J Austin and family, for a few days, departed for their home Sat urday afternoon on No. 2. Postmaster II. A. Schneider and family departed yesterday for Gil- roy, uaiiiornia, wnere iney win enjoy a visit with relatives for a month, it being the annual vaca tion for the postmaster. Miss Anna Hassler of Lincoln, Miss Myrtle Harrington of York and Karl Hassler of Osceola, who have been visiting hero over the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. William Hassler, returned to their homes this morning on the early Bur lington train. Mrs. L. H. Kgenberger and daughter, Miss Helen, were pas sengers this morning on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where they visited for the day with friends, as well as attended to some business matters. Halph Oodwiii of Omaha came lown Saturday evening and visit ed over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. (Jodwin, near Murray, and was compelled, on account of the Missouri Pacific wreck, lo return home this morn ing over the Burlington. Miss Hazel Plager of Omaha, who has been visiting here for a few days with her cousin, Miss Clara Mockenhaupt, departed this morning for her home. Miss Mockenhaupt accompanied here to the metropolis to spend the day. WATCH FOR OUR a j arves! Sale 15 SELLING DAYS July 12th to 29th Positively opens and closes as announced a cele bration worth while . Uoscoti's Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction Roy Tolman of Lincoln was in the city yesterday for a few hours visiting with friends. Robert Stivers, wife and two children, who have been hero visiting at the Simon Clark homo over Sunday, departed this morn ing for lilenwood, where, they will visit at the home of Mr. Stivers' parents for a few days before their return to their homo at Cedar Creek. Robert Stivers, wife and son came down from Cedar Creek Sat urday afternoon and visited hero over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sliver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Clark. Orandpa Clark was very busy yesterday visiting with his grandson. G. K. Wescott and grandson, Mason Wescott, departed last evening on No. 2 for Chicago, where they will visit for a short lime, and it is possible Mr. Wes cidt may decide to take a trip back to his old home in Massa chusetts before reluming west. Causes of Stomach Troubles. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient masti cation, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeat ing, partaking of food and drink not suited to your ago and oc cupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon bo well again. Kor sale by all dealers. FOR SALE Residence properly An 8-room house, 3 lots, gas, electric light, city water. A. 0. Moore. For Sale. A few good single drivers and redy work horses. Also a fresh milk cow. Terms and prices right. Frank Vallery, Plattsmouth, Neb Notice to Library Patrons. In order that the librarian can have her annual vacation tho pub lic library will be closed from July 15 to August 15, except Sat urday afternoon and evenings, fop tho purposo of exchanging books. By Order of Library Board. FOREST ROSK The best flour on the market, dive it a trial The Journal for Calling Cards. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lix-al iiHi,tln, tlii-y ounnnt reach thm tllM-ani'il iKirtlnn of the nr. Thcro U only on way to rnrn ili nfiif, mil that la by conatlttittonr tl n'meillca. Dcafm-na la rauni'd by an llilUinc oiniHthm of the uiuci.ua llntiiK of the Kuatnrhlam Tun.'. When tlila tuna la lnniimoil you ha ruiulillii aound or lni'rfi'Ot bearing, and mhrm It la cnllrcly cloni'd llnafucaa la tint r.-mi It, and unb'aa tho Inriuiuiiiatlon can bo taken out anal thla tube rratoml to Ita normal romlltlon, bear ing; will be deHtroyed foreTer; nine caaea out of ten are cauaed br Catarrh, whleh la nothln but 0 Inflamed condition of the miieoua aurfaeea. W' will glto onn Hundred Itollara for any canw of neafneiw (eauaed by catarrh) that cannot ba cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for clrc- F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. Bold by DrtiKRtati, TSc. Tuke llall'i Kauilly I'llli or conatlpitlvn. ac: Local Kews 4.00 42.08 26.60 8.92 The following claims were ullowea on the road fund: AntcuHt Krerklow, road work, lload DlHtrlct No. 8 $174.60 ClmihlU HroH.. Kt-adlng. Road DlHtrlct No. 8 74.40 300 FARM RENTERS WANTED IN THE . Big Horn Basin, Wyoming There are splendid opportunities now to rent improved, irrigated farms in the Big Horn Basin on a basis of a share of the crop produced If interested, write me quickly, and tell me what sized farm you want to rent. THE NEW CAREY ACT LAW The new Carey Act Law in Wyoming does not require residence on the land. You buy the land from the State at fifty cents per acre. A reasonble amount must be cultivated before proof is made. Write for particualars about this new law. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION. Join one our excursions to the Big Horn Basin on the first and third Tuesdays of each month; Low home seekers' rates on these dates. D. CLEM DEAVER, 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. hnrnitfratlon Agent i mm Mr. J. V. Newell came in this morning from Chicago for a short visit hero with relatives and friends. Herbert Sherwood was a visit or in the state capital today, where tie was called on some mat ters of business. P. C. Hansen of Omaha spent I Sunday here with his mother and sisters, returning home this morning on No. 15. F. J. Ilennings, wife and daugh ter, Miss Helen, were in the city Saturday afternoon looking after the week-end shopping. Chris Parkening drove in Sat urday from his farm near this city and spent a few hours here look ing after matters of business. Hon. C. E. Metzger of Mynard was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some trading and visiting with his friends. Earnest Wallcngren and sister, Miss (instil, departed this morn-. ing for Hoyal, Neb., expect to visit for a willi relatives. Frank Beeson, jr. came down Saturday No. 1 i and spent Sunday here with relatives, returning home on No. 15 this morning. Jot; Nt'inetz came down from Omaha Saturday evening on No. 2 and spont Sunday here at the home of his brother, John Nemetz, returning to the metropolis Ibis morning. (!uy (iould and wife and litl laughter came in Saturday after noon from llavelock, whore the family spent the Fourth, and Mr. (I'Hild remained here over Sunday. where short they time of Omaha evening on Wfoll tit , It Is Said: "A cheerful grin will let you in where the knocker is nev er known." There is nothing like a good cup of coffee or tea to make one feel good. Our coffees and teas are the best on the market and we handle such a large variety and at all prices that you cannot fail to be pleased. Stockings are quite an item at this season of the year. Let us show you our 25c mercerized number. We convinced that this is an exceptionally good value for the money. Brassiers We also have an ex ceptionally good Bras siere for 50c. No trouble about the fit of an H. & W. since they are cut up such good lines and give one the slenderness so much desired. (8MB a,"fcr