The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1913, Image 6

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German Inventor Can Cause or
Prevent Rain,
Richard Rodrian of Berlin Anxious to
Demonstrate to Government That
His Theories Are Correct Laughed
at In Germany, He Says, He Will
Seek Vindication Here.
Richard Kodriiiii, Berlin's "weather
maker," Is coming to America this
summer, hoping to Interest the Unit
ed States agricultural department In
his theory of weather control, accord
ing to recent dispatches from Germa
ny. The electro-technician, who evolv
ed the theory that weather changes
are caused by electrical activity, which
can be controlled by the use of elec
trical Instruments, has been unable
because of lack of funds to construct
powerful Instruments. However, be
declares that he was responsible for
the pleasant weather In eastern and
southern Germany this year on Whit
monday and Ascension day In the face
of official predictions of rain.
Theory In Electrioity.
"I am convinced," said Ilerr Kodrlan
recently, "that not only storms and
tornadoes, but floods and earthquakes,
are caused by electrical chances In the
air. Often floods are much greater
than the amount of water that has
fallen. The earth is probably Inter
laced with canals of gas, which, when
the pressure changes, expand, forcing
the underground water to the surface.
This pressure also produces earth
quakes. In all the disturbances In
Europe since I began my Investiga
tions the weather map Invariably Indi
cated the coming catastrophe. I shall
study tho American charts and shall
prove that the same Is the case there."
"These catastrophes could be avoid
ed without a great outlay of capital.
America has the duty of guarding the
I'anama canal from earthquakes and
of saving largo regions devastated by
floods. I am trying to Interest the gov
ernment because tho power of chang
ing tho weather also means power to
cause any desired weather, and unless
this power Is In the hands of a great
International alliance catastrophes of
fl terrible nature might be produced.
I was once approached by some Ameri
can who wished me to blight the
Anierlcan cotton crop after they had
laid in n big stock of cotton. I was
also asked to cause an earthquake In
France, but I am Interested in the as
sistance and not In the destruction of
t Seeks to Be Vindicated.
Ilerr Kodrlan Is coining to America
with sulllclent funds to conduct experi
ments, lie says he Is seeking vindica
tion and not a fortune. Ho has been
ridiculed for years by the Berlin news
papers, and, while given a hearing by
scientists, he feels that the lack of a
university degree has prevented fair
trials from being made. Ho says he
made a contract with ono German
utate to stave off freezing weather an
outlre winter and failed to do so on only
one day. lie had the financial backing
of a friend and got a small sum from
the Hotel Keepers' association, which
was Interested in his efforts to bring
good weather on holidays,
Benefactor ol Lad Seeking Education
Bequeathed a Million.
Dr. K. S. Illgley or Wellstou, O., has
Just been repaid $1,000,000 for the loan
In the early eighties of $700 to Charles
Froelich, a struggling farmer lad, to
complete his education as a mining
engineer. Soon after Froelich went to
Australia and was not heard from for
several years.
Fight years ago Froelich, grown be
yond tho physician's recognition, walk
ed into Pr. Hlgley's olllce and paid the
$700, with compound Interest He had
been successful In Australia and South
Africa and was wealthy.
After a few weeks Froelich returned
in AiiKtrntia. NciihliiL' wan hnnnt frnm
him until recenny, when a lawyer
arrived from Melbourne, Australia, and
notified Dr. Illgley that Froelich had
died without relatives and had left his
entire estate, valued at $1,000,000, to
his benefactor Dr. Illgley Is seventy
years old.
Soientista Seoretly Test Theory of De
funct Harvard Professor.
Scientists In the Harvard medical
school are trying to read the brain of
the lato Dr. Maurice IIowo Richard'
son, ex-member of the faculty of that
Institution. The examinations are be
ing conducted secretly In the n euro
pathological department and under the
direction of Dr. 10. E. Southard.
Dr. Richardson was a firm believer
that thoughts made definite lines In
the brain, and tho present examlna
tlon Is being conducted In accordance
with his wishes as expressed In his
will. lie believed that a person's
thoughts were recorded and were at
the time of thinking visible on tho
outer walls of the cerebrum, ne held
that If these lines were read and the
seat of the thought located It wonld
make it possible to correct defects la
the bruin by surgical operations.
of Hie News
Right Off the Reel
Crystallized rose leaves and cli'ip
wrfunieil witii violets are Chicago's
l.ilot in fool
A father has the right to spunk his
daughter with a shingle even if she be
twenty years old and married, a Penn
sylvania judge decides.
Flftoeu men drawn recently on the
circuit court Jr.ry panel in Kansas
City were excused tiecause the stork
was expected In the home of each one.
Couple in Luray, Va., dived under
water and came up married. A min
ister accompanied them to the bottom
of the Luray caverns and tied the
Melvln Lane, ten years of age, grad
uated from the Mahwah (X. J.) public
school. Is said to bo the youngest grad
uate in the country. Ills general aver
age was 09.
The University of Pennsylvania mu
seum has purchased a magnificent col
lection of 302 pieces of ancient opal
escent glassware, dug from the tombs
of Palestine and Syria.
Dr. Carrel Says the Interruption la No
Longer Dangerous.
Tho following very interesting state
ments, some of which are considered
striking by the leading lights of French
medical science, were made recently In
raris ty Dr. Alexis Carrel of the
Rockefeller Institute For Medical He-
search, New York, at his first ofllclal
lecture at the Paul Hoaujon hospital.
Dr. Carrel announced that he was
now able to operate In the chest cav
ity with as much ease and safety ns
lu tho abdomen. "It Is now a simple
cut," ho said, "and wo open the thorax
and operate upon tho lungs, heart and
aorta as we treat the kidneys and the
Intestines. We now know also Just
how much the brain, the spinal cord
and the heart can stand as regards
the temporary anaesthetics required
by operations.
"The heart suffers very little from
Interrupted circulation as long as care
Is taken that It has enough oxygen.
and It may be stopped for Ave or even
ten minutes without danger, while In
the spinal marrow the circulation may
be stopped as long as twenty minutes.
"For tho brain, however, four min
utes Is the limit of safety, and after
flvo It Is very dlfllcult to restore nor
mal conditions."
A huge field of work remulned, ho
said In conclusion, to be done as re
gards operations upon tho human
heart, and tho study of these was of
the greatest possible Importance. This
was especially true ' of surgery for
aneurisms and the shrinking of the
aorta or pulmonary arteries.
The lecture was received with great
But Little One Will Have Six to Lug
' If ho lives until he Is twenty-one
years old Charles Durant Hearst El
bert Hubbard Sngue Malnes will re
ceive $20,000 and the Interest accruing
for the next twenty-one years.
Tho child, born In Poughkeepsle,
N. Y., Is the first son of George G.
Malnes, a real estate operator and
leader of the Progressive party, who
eloped two years ago with Miss Mae
Zimmerman of Flint, Mich., a student
at tho Glen Uden seminary at Pough
keepsle. The youngster will be christened
Charles. .At the end of five years the
namo Durant will bo added, and he
will be given $1,000. Five years later
tho name Hearst will bo added, and
another $1,000 will be given him.
When he Is fifteen the name Elbert
will bo added and another $1,000.
When ho Is twenty the name Hubbard
will be added, and when ho arrives at
tho ago of twenty-one the name Saguo
will be added, making bis name
Charles Durant Hearst Elbert Hub
bard Saguo Malnes, and ho will bo giv
en $20,000 with accrued Interest
Quaint Document Resurrected In the
Nick of Tim.
All controversies as to the disposi
tion of the estate of Benjamin Frank
lin have been Bottled by the restora
tion of the manuscript of his will by
the Historical Society of Pennsylva
nia. The document, which was re
cently resurrected from a vault under
the Philadelphia city hall to verify an
office copy, was found to have deterio
rated so much that restoration was
Tho testament exudes the personali
ty of the great man, from his own de
scription of himself to the last quaint
bequest Iiis son William, once gov
ernor of New Jersey, was cut off with
a tract of land In Nova Scotia with tho
following explanation:
"Tho part played against mo In the
late war, which Is of public uotorlety,
will account for my leaving him no
more of an estate he endeavored to de
prive me of."
gj m pA tea
Survivors of Great Battle j
Now Arc but a Few
FOR mouths the eyes of the coun
try have been focused on Get
tysburg. North and south, east
and west, have vied with each
other to do honor in fitting fashion to
the veterans of the great battle, fought
fifty years ago. who gather there and
to those others who for half a century
have answered uo eurthly roll call or
whose names are Inscribed in the ros
ter of those who have passed on in the
Intervening years.
Seventy thousand grim men In gray
and 80.000 equally determined men In
blue gathered In the green fields
around that then tiny hamlet In south
ern Pennsylvania half a century ago
to battle for what each believed was
right Battle rent banners proclaiming
past valor fluttered along their ranks
as they hastened toward, each other
over the dusty country roads, and can
non, saber and bayonet rumbled and
Photo by American Press Association. !
flashed through the quiet hill passes
as the hurrying hosts were arrayed by '
their generals for one of the greatest
battles In martial history to us by all
odds the greatest
Of this vust host a handful, hardly
enough to make a division In those
mighty days of long ago. 5,000 meu
who wore the gray and a scant thou
sand of tho veterans of the blue, have
been found who are able to revisit tho
scene of their former glories. The
never halting, remorseless whirligig of
time has revolved for the decades of
ever broadening amity over historic
Gettysburg and over those who par
ticipated in the great struggle there,
but It has left few to tell at first hand
tho heroic Incidents of tho struggle.
Of these valiant veterans some are
but sixty-five years of age, and the
celebrated battle was fought half a
century ago! Some are men near the'
hundred year mark, for thev were of
j middle age when they followed the
drumbeat of 18113. Some are bent
nearly double with Infirmities, and
some have to bo wheeled about in in-'
valid chairs. J
Show the Old Spirit. '
Hut of them all, whether feeble and
faltering with their advanced years or
rrlppled and maimed with old time
wounds, not one is less stern of eyo or
mien or weaker In patriotic purpose
than when he marched Into Pennsyl
vania that long ago June day to the
strains of "Dixie" or "The Star Span
gled Ranuer." j
They came from all parts of the re-1
public, those stout hearted warriors of
fifty years ago. to fight their wonderful ,
hnttln Hi'vontnun nnrOinrn cli.. .......
- - - - 1 v . ii Duucn t?lOi
tho homes of Union men and ten south
ern commonwealths the native heatb j
of the Confederates. i
They of the gray descended from the
north In rSG3, although their homes
and general supply base were In the'
southlaud. One week before Juno 2'2.
18G3 their great commander, Lee. had
ordered his Second army corps leader, '
Lieutenant General Richard 8. Ewell
to cross tho bonier of the Keystone
Stata This ho speedily did with CO.
000 men eager for Invasion, and by the
night of June 28, 1803, these troops'
had occupied Chambersburg. Carlisle'
and York with their advance artillery,
pointing their cannon at Harrlsburg
from the opposite side of the Susque
hanna river. They felt that Pennsyl
vania's capital would surrender to
them within the coming week and
were confident the close of July would
find them In possession of Philadel
phia. Hut Just as they were reachlrs
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Receiving Mighty Host From
Forty-three States a Her
culean Task.
forth "for these rich prizes they were
ordered to withdraw. Iee's Invasion
had been interrupted, and the Confed
erate commander was forced to turn
Fwell's corps right about and hurry
it southward toward Gettysburg. Thus
inarching he faced his Union foes and
Invited battle rather than risk an at
tack in Ills rear.
Before the Battle.
They of the blue the oft defeated
but undismayed Army of the Poto
mac came up from the south, led by
Major General George G. Meade, who
Photo b American Press Association
had superseded General Joseph Hook
er In the command only the day be
fore. So It came that on that 2i)tu of
June morning fifty years ago the first
order of the new Union leader was one
urging the swiftest possible pursuit
of the Army of Northern Virginia,
flushed with its recent successes at
Bull Run, Fredericksburg and Chan
cellorsvllle and now lu the north in
vading a Union state. The Federal
troops were eager to do battle for the
first time on their own soil. Their
progress from their starting points at
Harpers Ferry and Frederick was re
tarded somewhat, however, because of
wary maneuvering uecessary to the
keeping of a barrier of bayonets be
tween the gray Invading enemy and
the Washington capltol dome in tho
near distance.
It is hard for the man who has never
"smelled powder" to realize the pecul
iar and tho full significance of this
mighty reunion. Can we who have
had no share in the terrific battle un
derstand the complex feelings of the
grizzled veteran who clasps the hand
of the very man who raised his saber
to deal him a deathblow? Think of
linking arms with the particular man
who spilled your blood and feeling
kind toward tiltn and fraternizing
with the one tlmo demon zouave who
bayoneted you so you were left wel
tering In your gore and thought he had
served you quite right!
A Historic Rallying Ground.
Yet these are the very things that
make Gettysburg again the rallying
ground of the followers of Meade.
Sickles and Hancock and Lee, Long
street and Pickett as well as of the
other thousands of brave veterans who
took no part In the battle there, but
gave their meed of blood and service
to the cause they loved during four
years of bitter strife.
Facts and figures are not yet avail
able as to the exact number of veter
ans taking part In the celebration, but
the number Is sure to be well In excess
of 40,000 and may even pass the CO,
000 mark. These and the thousands
of sightseers make a host far greater
even than that of the two mighty ar
mies that battled there.
And what a difference between the
Gettysburg of 1913 and the Gettysburg
There was no preparation for the ar
rival of the blue and the gray fifty
years ago. The countryside, soon to
reverberate to the boom of cannon, tho
shriek of shrapnel, the groans of the
wounded and dying anil the hoarse
. ,..4
cries or men in near or ?art, my quiet
under the summer sun or the silent
stars. Only the subdued noises of
woii and told preceded the measured
tread of the Lusts that soon would
clash amid those peaceful surround
ings. Men tested or ate us they could,
on the bare ground or behind some
hastily constructed breastwork. If they
rested or ate at all. The grim, black
cloud of war hung over the land.
The Gettysburg of 1913.
What a contrast to this picture the
Gettysburg of 1913 presents?
For weeks the government and the
state of Pennsylvania have left noth
ing undone which would make for the
comfort and health of their honored
guests. Upward of 5,000 tents, each
capable of holding twelve men. but
destined to hold only eight, were
erected and separatecots for each vet
eran supplled.
Every modern agency was employed
by the government to conserve the
health of the old soldiers, and extraor
dinary care was taken to insure the
best medical, sanitary and commissary
arrangements. For this purpose all the
available surgeons connected with the
department of the east were ordered
to Gettysburg; two large field hos
pitals were equipped and also three in
firmaries. Quantities of hospital ma
terial were shipped from various gov
ernment depots, , and the Red Cross,
White Cross and other relief societies
sent nurses and surgeons to aid In the
work of conserving the health of the
tented community.
The Camp Arrangement.
The camp Itself was laid out under
the direction of the regular army. It
Is about a mile and a half long by half
a mile wide and skirts the actual bat
tlefield. Immediately adjoining It a
great tent capable of seating nearly
C 4 4,
.. Lit L' 5y
Photo by American Press Association.
15,000 people, is erected as a gathering
ground for the veterans and for the va
rious exercises of the celebration.
The camp Is laid out by states, In or
der to facilitate identification and sim
plify such matters as the delivery of
mail and the finding of any particular
group by visitors or veterans from oth
er states. Each veteran on reporting
to the officer In charge receives an
Identification tag, which he carries dur
ing the reunion. This tig will give his
name In full, the name of his nearest
of kin, his home and street address,
height and weight and the name of the
veteran organization with which he Is
The Equipment.
The equipment of the sleeping tents
for the veterans Includes 41,0-10 cots,
40,000 blankets, 10,000 wash basins,
11.350 candle burning lanterns, 00,000
wax candles and 0,000 galvanized iron
drinking water buckets. The total
weight of this equipment Is 1,342.007
pounds, and the total value approxi
mates $220,000. The hauling of the
tentage and equipment together with
the baggago of the veterans, is esti
mated at $15,000.
The kitchen outfits weigh 135,044
pounds, and the weight of rations es
timated as necessary Is over 1,000.000
pouuds. Forty thousand mess kits and
more were provided by tho govern
ment and this means at least 40,000
enameled plates and an equal number
of knives, forks, teaspoons and cups.
The commissary department as pro
vided by Uncle Sam consists of one
chief commissary, ten commissary ser
geants, four commissary clerks, 1.G00
cooks and cooks' helpers and 130 bak
ers. General Sharpe, commissary gen
eral of the army, before the celebration
figured that the cost of the four days'
rations would be $5i.6C3; the wages of
cooks, helpers and bakers, $27,030,
while the mess kits would add to this
total about $10,000. Add to this $534
for one field bakery, $1,084 for 400
army ranges and the railroad fares of
the commissary force, and the total
cost of the commissary equipment and
service amounts to $112,109.
The Water Supply.
In order to provide an adequate wa
ter supply tho government expended at
the Gettysburg camp about $44,000.
The lighting of tho streets of the tent
ed camps cost about $0,000, while the
rakes, spades, brooms, garbage cans
and other utensils needed In the proper
sanitation of the camp adds still an
other Item of about $1,500
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Labor Bureau Charts Show a
Steep Raise Since 1899.
Investigation Into Prices of Staple
Foods Cover Thirty-nine Large
Cities Advance Last Year Averages
3.2 Per Cent Meat Soars Upward,
While Eggs Cheapen.
Every principal article of food, ex
cept sugar, of fifteen staples represent
ing approximately two-thirds of the
expenditure for food by the average
workingman's family, showed a decid-
ed increase In retail prices on Feb 15,
1913. compared with the average price
for the ten year period of 1890-99, ac
cording to the last Investigations of the
statisticians of the government bureau
of labor, which have Just been made
public. Sugar was 4.6 per cent; smok
ed bacon was 111.6 per cent higher.
Increases in other food articles were:
Sirloin steak, rf.8 per cent; round
steak, 84.5; rib roast, 2.7; pork chops.
89.4; smoked hams, 09.1; pure lard,
62.3; hens, 06.6; wheat flour, 27.4; corn
meal, S8.1; strictly fresh eggs, 56;
creamery butter, 63.5; white potatoes,
23.6; fresh mUk, 40.1.
The prices were collected In thirty
nine important industrial cities In
which live one-fifth of the total num
ber of people In continental United
There was an advance of 3.2 per cent
over Feb. 15. 1912. in the relative
prices weighed according to the aver
age consumption of the various arti
cles of food In workingmen's families.
Retail prices of Feb. 15, 1913, compar
ed with those on that date a year ago
In some large cities, show:
Advance In Meat.
Sirloin steak Increase: At Roston, 10.1
per cent; New York, 17.3; Atlanta.;
Chicago, 13.1: Kansas City, 17.9; New Or
leans, 14.8; Denver, 12.1; San Francisco.
23; Seattle. 19.0. Decrease, Dallas, 0.S per
Round steak increase: Boston, 7.2 per
cent; New York, 17.6; Atlanta. 11.8; Chica
go, 19.S; Kansas City, 20.1; Dallas, 6.G; New
Orleans, 26.7; Denver, 12.6; San Francisco.
20.9; Seattle 19.9.
Rib roast Increase: Boston, 20.8 per
cent; New York, 16.6; Atlanta, 10.7; Chica
go, 6.5; Kansas City, 11.4; Dallas, 6.8; New
Orleans. 6.8; Denver, 13.5; San Francisco,
15.9; Seattle, 27.L
Pork chops Increaso: Boston, 22 per
cent; New York, 23.9; Atlanta, 10.7; Chica
go, 22.0; Kansas City, 23.3; New Orleans,
6; Denver, 20; San Francisco, 114; Seattle.
9.2. Decrease: Dallas, 2.1 per cent
Smoked bacon Increase: Boston, 25.5
per cent; New York, 13.5; Atlanta, 19.2;
Chicago, 11.6; Kansas City, 6.8; New Or
leans, 7.8; Denver. 17.1; San Francisco, 9.8;
Seattle. 19.7. Decrease: Dallas. 7.1 per
Pure lard Increase: Boston, 20.5 per
cent; New York, 10.4; Atlanta. 7.7; Chica
go, 8.7; Kansas City, 16.3; Dallas, 11.09;
New Orleans, 15.5; Denver, 2L3; San Fran
cisco, 21.5; Seattle, 17.5.
Hens Increase: Boston, 14.2 per cent:
New York, 7.6; Chicago, 14; Kansas City,
4.4; New Orleans, 4.7; Denver, 9.8; Seattle,
2.2. Decrease: Atlanta, 19.3 per cent; Dal
las, 0.5.
Variation on Flour.
Wheat flour Increase: Atlanta, 2.8 per
cent; Dallas, 2.1; New Orleans, 3.9; San'
Francisco, 2.8; Seattle. 4.6. Decrease: Bos
ton, 6.76 per cent; New York. 9.9: Chicago.
13; Kansas City, 6; Denver, 6.6.
Cornmeal Increase: Boston, 0.1 per cent;
Atlanta, 0.6; Chicago, 0.8; Kansas City. 3.5;
Dallas, 15; New Orleans, 11.9; San Fran
cisco, 5.4; Seattle, 4.8. Decrease: New
York, 1 per cent; Denver, 2.6.
Strictly fresh eggs Decrease: Boston.
19.9 per cent; New York, 17.5; Atlanta.
19.1; Chicago, 20.6; Kansas City, 18.5; Dal
las, 8.8; New Orleans, 5.9; Denver, 7.8; San
Francisco, 1.7; Seattle. 5.1.
Creamery butter Increase: New York,
9.7 per cent; Atlnntn, 10.7; Chicago, 2.7;
Kansas City, liS; New Orleans, 1; Den
ver, 4.9: Seattle. 2.7. Decrease: Boston.
9.5 per cent; San Francisco, 3.3.
White potatoes Decrensp: Boston, 41
per cent; Atlanta,; Chicago. 39.1; Kan
sas City. rt3.8; Dallas, 20.6; New Orleans, ,
22.1; Denver. 40.4: San Francisco. 40.4; '
Seattle. 49.S.
Sugar Decrease: Boston, 15 5 per cent;
New York, 14.7; Atlanta, 20.2; Chicago.
19.8; Kansas City. 16.6; Dallas. 1S.7: New
j Orleans, 15.4; San Francisco, 17.3; Seattle.
13. Z.
Milk Increaso: Boston, 10.6 per cent:
New York, 10.4; no change at Atlanta,
Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, New Or
leans or San Francisco. Decrease: Seat
tle. 3.3 per cent
j Minneaota Chippewas Organize to Gain
! Same Rights ac Whites.
The Chippewa Indians of Mlnuesota
. have organized to obtain their Inde
I pendence. From being mere wards of
the federal government they would
chango to a self supporting basis,
: whereon they would stand on the
same footing as their white brethren.
' Already two big conventions have
been held this year to discuss their
plans, and their capable leaders are
confident that they will gain their de
sires before long, which is full cltlien
ship and freedom from all undue re
straint as a separate race.
Many Chippewas have adopted mod
ern methods of living. They farm
their lands with intelligence and dwell
In comfortable houses with all the con
, venlences.
! Those who a.-e banded together In
the present movement say they want
to gather all the Indians of the state
in ono organization, settle all claims
against the government abolish Indian
agencies and special schools, promote
agriculture and Industry among the
tribes and put all of them on an Inde
pendent basis, supervised by the state