' ' r.-S. ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. AT THE BEG TENT m 6 Audience at the Tent Last Night Was Small on Account of the Threatening Weather. From Wednesday's pally. At the meeting last evening (hero was but a small crowd and many of them very timid, as the clouds were looking very bad and all were somewhat fearful Unit a H'Vcre slorm 'might conic. It was thought, that after the song serv ice and the announcements bad been concluded that they would terminate the meeting for the evening', but after the time bail arrived it was thought well that a short sermon bp given, and Hcv. Smith talked for about llfteen minutes on the theme, "Wanted a Man," which, hurrying as be bad to, could not give the care and attention that ho would have liked to. First he said that, all wore men, in one sense, of the term, but were detlicient in some thing which was very important in the makeup of the I rue man. He cited the fact that I he liber tine was not. a man, .in the sense of the word, that the text called for a man, nor was the cigarette llond, as he had by his habits de prived himself of much that went to make up the true man. The drunkard resembled the human, but had lost most of the manly principles which go to make the man we all admire and desire to respect and love. The spendthrift who wastes his money instead of providing for the members of bis household, is lacking in the sense that ho has denied the faith .and is worse than the infidel. After saying what the man was not, he told what it required to make the man, and especially the kind which tho text called for. The man must, in the first place, be honest, for without that trait no manliness could exist; then he must be truthful, for the lying lips would not grace a manly man. Then the man must be industri ous, that is, he must try and pro duce something: in this world bee hive, otherwise he would be only a drone. He must be generous, for it takes more than a stingy tightwad to exercise the highest prerogative of manhood, through the whole oatagory he went on enumerating the essentials which went to make up the real man. Coming to the last, he must be a Christian, for that is the highest and crowning feature of true manhood. Having gotten thus far the meeting was dismissed, as it looked like rain might fall any moment, and it did begin very soon. The announcement was made that the meeting this after noon would be made interesting by reason of the invitation of all those over 05 as the invited guests of the afternoon meeting. Pro- 11 i . vision nas neon mane ior ineir conveyance and for a bouquet for each who should come as guest.!!, FORMER PLAnSMOUTH YOUNG HAN MARRIED Leander Barnes and Miss Nora Thorp Wedded Quietly In Council Bluffs. THE FOURTH OF JULY CELE BRATION WEST OF THE CITY l''rom TiH'Hriav'H Dally- The celebration which is to be held at the Tulene grove, west of this city, on July l-'oiirlh is lo bo one of the old-fashioned kind, free from all the excitement ami noise that is such a distinguish ing mark of the modern style of celebrating the great natal day. Here you can take your family and lunch and enjoy the day in peace and quiet amusements and not return home in the evening all tired out, but thoroughly en joy the day. The Messrs Tulene have arranged everything for the comfort of the citizens who visit I heir grove and those who fail to lake advantage of the celebration will be the losers. An automobile line will convey the people to and from the grounds at, the rate of L'5 cents each way, and makes it easy fur all to attend the big celebration. The advertisement of the celebration appears else where in this issue and it ex plains fully the different attrac tions for the dav. Start Work on Fountains. Work was started today on ex cavating for the laying of the piping for the new public, drinking fountains and they will be ready for service in a short time. The new fountains will fill a long-felt want and prove a very convenient addition to tho city, and will be much appreciated by all who visit here, as well as our own town people, who feel the need of water to quench their thirst. From Wednesday's Dally. .Miss .Nora Thorp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Thorp, and Lauder (!. Iiarnes, night foreman of the press were married in Council Bluffs Saturday after noon, much lo the surprise of I heir friends ami relatives In Ne braska City. Xo information re garding the wedding was received in Xebraska City until Sunday morning, when Omaha papers contained a short notice of the issuance of the marriage license. Mr. Barnes did not work Saturday, but his associates in the Press uflice did not know for a certainty that a wedding was likely, al though it was surmised a short time after they left the city. Lack of proof, however, kept the mat ter out of the Sunday morning paper. The bride is a trained nurse and has spent all her life in Xe braska City. She is a popular and highly esteemed young woman with hosts of friends to wish much happiness. The groom lias been in the employ of the Press for nftmy mouths and is a splen did young man in every particular, lie has been in charge of the "make up" of the paper since early last fall, coming here originally from Plattsnioulh. The Press joins the many friends of Mr. ami Mrs. Barnes in w ishing I hem a happy and pros perous wedded life. Xebraska Cily Press. The news of the wedding was not a very great surprise to Un friends of Mr. Barnes in Ibis cily, as I he fact that he was about to lake unto himself a wife has been common report here, and he will receive the best wishes of his friends' in this city on bis mar riage. It is the universal wish that Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will en joy a long and happy married life. Mr. Barnes was reared in this cily, being a ,on of the late Jr. A. P. Barnes, and is a young man well and very favorably known, who bi.s made a success of his chosen calling, that of a printer. He was employed here for a num ber of years in the olbce of the Kvening News and Xews-Herabl, and later removed to Nebraska Cily, where he has since made his home. May "Dock" never 1m; in need of "small caps" and his "shooting slick" never wear out. THE DAUGHTERS OF THE mm REVOLUTION WATER COMPANY EXTENDING IRK INTO SOUTH PARK Platform Dance. There will be another platform danco given at the Tulene grove, one mile west of Plattsnioulh, on Saturday evening, June 28. Music by the Svoboda orchestra. Remember the Regatta Habana Cigar. Always the best. Robert Richter, manufacturer. You Can Prevent Hog Cholera Kill Hog Worms and Have Fat Hogs. r.uy 1 Don't let Hog Cholera and Worms tcart vou-lt'i en taty matter to prevent them. Thl pciltlv fact It vouched for by thousands of Farmers and Hog Raiser In nearly every state In the Union. Just feed with the dally hog ration a small quantity of MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE It renders hogs Immune to Cholera i tones them upi Keeps them on their recti makes them fat and sleeki destroy Worms i Increases your pork; profits. MERRY WAR POWDERED LYB ha proved Itself to be the turest preventive of Hog Cholera, exterminator of Worms and the best hog conditioner and fattener In the world. Her I evidence that will convince you. Mr. H. H. Unterklrcher of Wever. Iowa, writes: "I am recommending MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE to everyone I see. a It I a great hog condi tioner and worm destroyer." Ask us about MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE. A. W White, Dry Goods & Groceries PLATTSMOUTH. Phones : Ind. 206. Bell 71 NEBR. From Wednefliinv'n riAiiu The I'Uttsmouth Water com pany has commenced the work of laying Hie new mains in South Park for the extension of the service lo Jhat part of the city, ml I he installing of the four new fire hydrants ordered by the city council in that locality. There is to be two distinct lines run into this part of tho city, one starting at the end of the present line near llaeh's store and running soulli 1,000 feet and two lire hydrants' are to be installed on this extend siun. The other extension is to start from Patterson avenue and, run 1,000 feet 'south of lleriiil street nnd is also to be supplied with two fire hydrants for lire protection. This new addition U tho lire district will give gox protection to that part of the city that heretofore has been out of the limits of the fire protecion and will give the residents along thj line a chance to have city watet? placed in their property, as well! without much additional cost t them, and will be one of the most important improvements that ha4 be"ii made in that locality ir) recent years. Don't use harsh physics. Thi reaction weakens the bowels', leads to chronic constipation, fief Hoan's Ilcgulets. They operate easily. 25c at all store's. ' How's This? We offiT On Hundred Dollar, H,nrcl for n ra. of CiitarrU that catniut be curi'd bj Hull Juturru tun'. K. J. CHENEY fc CO., Ti.UmIo. O. We, (ho tindcrftlffnrri, hure known F, J. nn'iiej for the lt 10 jar, ami IuHfyp IiIid SwfwUjr lioniiral.l). In nil bualni'u IranaurUimi nil UnanHnllr nine lo curry uut 1117 cOllt-atluin luudc I17 Ills lirm. NAT. HANK OF COMMKRCE. Toledo, Ohio. Hall'a r.f.rrh ,... 1. ti... 1... ,,. ........ BlrwtljF Uhiu (he blood autl inuiiia nirfatva ? - pjniriii. imummunn ncnt rr.-e. Trice 7i cent ier bottle. l.j ill UniMl.l. Take Hull's Kawllj Villi lor conitlttl From W'tuneiiduv's Dally. Fonlanella chapter of the Daughters of the American Hevolulion met at "Sunny-side," the Imme of Mr. and Mrs.' E. H. W'esiolt, Saturday evening and the organization was perfected, as well as the ollicers for the en suing ear elected. This chapter was organized on April 21, 1913, but tin's was Hie first meeting of the chapter and was attended by leu or twelve members who form the charter membership. Plans fur next year's work were discuss ed and laid out and committees appointed to look after the various mailers that will come up. Thi! members were treated during the course of the evening lo a very tempting luncheon, which served to add to the pleas ures of the evening. The ollicers chosen at the meeting were: Regent Mrs. E. II. Wescott. Vice Regent Mrs. C. C. pai- mele. Secretary Miss l.eona Brady. Treasurer Miss Madeline Minor. Registrator Mrs. M. A. Street. Historian Miss Ellen Pollock. Chaplain Miss Alice Tuey. Organist Miss Hazel Tuey. The name chosen for I he chapter is one famous in the early history of Nebraska as one of Hie famous chiefs and traders who lived in I his section of the slate around Plaltsmoutli and Hcllcvue, and he is buried at Hellevue in sight of his trading enterprises. I 3:1 II HAND BADLY LACERATED BY CLOTHES WRINGER From Wednesday's Dally Mrs. Zacli Shrader, residing in Mt. Pleasant precinct, met with a very painful accident at her home yesterday while engaged in her household duties. She was put ting some clothes into a wringer I hat was operated by a gasoline engine, and was unfortunate enough to have her left hand drawn into the machine, with the result that the lingers wen; (pule badly injured, having all the skin on the upper portion lorn off be fore she could extract her hand from Hie wringer, and it is most fortunate that no bones were broken. Medical assislance was summoned at once and she was brought to t his city, w here I he Kill For Infants and Children, i I PCI ; K I VYiV fllJli ALCOHOL 3 PKtt f-i-N'i. A cge tabic Prpparalion &rAs similaiing thcFoodanifRcgu'a (mgliicSioraacisaiuLBiwclsof Promotes Digesttonfliff tfur ness and Restrontalns neither OpiimuMorphine nor Mineral isot Narcotic. ficnpiilt Sttd" JbcJntm MMItSdtf AihtStcd HiUrianukSih ll'crm Scrd' Anerfect Remedy for Consflp tton . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Yornis,CoHVUlsioas.Fcvcrisli- ness andLoss OF Sleep. facsimile Signature of The Centaur Compass, NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of IF IF In Use For Over Thirty Years Inn E3ir r? n n Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC CENTAUA COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY injuries were dressed and the un fi'i'tunalc lady taken to Hie home of her sisler, Mrs. Thomas Sul livan, where she remained over night, returning home this morn ing on the 8:55 Missouri l'acitic train. The injuries were very painful, but Mrs. Shrader was feeling much heller Ibis morning and it is thought she will be all right in a short time. CLUED AS AH HATE OF GLE100D INSTITUTE From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon the county attorney received a message from the fowa stale institute for the feeble minded at (Ilenwood in tpiiring about Albert Stevens, (he young man who was sentenced yesterday for carrying concealed weapons to three months in the county jail. The Iowa authorities claim he is an inmate of the feeble minded institute, and his actions certainly show mentality no of the brightest. ft is not known as ye what action will be taken in the mailer, although it is probable lite young man may be paroled from jail and turned over to the institute ollicers for re moval to (ilenwood, where he can be looked after in belter shape. (i. V. Olson of I'n ion came up lo Plattsnioulh yesterday and will lake charge of the Metropolitan Insurance Co., which has been under the management of Captain Morrison for the past few years. Mr. Olson seems to be a pretty fine young fellow, and he will soon move his family to this city, lie has had considerable experi ence in the insurance business. Yep! the Boss Has Really Gone on His Vacation! But believe me, Sonny will be able to take care of your orders in fine shape. The Boss says: "Sonny, take care of things," so you will find me on the job J every minute. Here are the Fresh Vegetables We are Seldom Out Of: V a. J String Beans Wax Beans Cabbage Peas Cauliflower We Also Have Canteloupe Grape Fruit Plums Fresh Tomatoes Red Beets Turnips New Potatoes Cucumbers Raspberries Pineapple Currants When ordering your groceries den't forget that we carry a complete line of Dry Goods and notions. It is pretty convenient to have them brought right to you these warm days. 1