The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 19, 1913, Image 6

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EMiwra y
Prki-ared in the Interksts of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
(if any of the reader of the Journal know of a social event or an Item of interest In this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under
this heading. We want all items ot interest. -Editor Journal.)
- Deposit Your Money in this $
Bank and Pay Your Obli
gations by Check.
ty we ac
2 depositors.
If you make your payments by check you have a re
cord that cannot be disputed.
We regard all business transactions as strictly confi
dential. Combine absolute safety with satisfaction.
We accord careful consideration to small and large
l"Our deposits are secured by the State Guarantee
We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year.
We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us.
We Solicit Your Business.
Murray io lonli
Wayne Lewi is reported on the
sick lint this week.
Charles Heed is supporting a
new Ford auto (his week.
I torn To Mr. and Mrs. K. (i.
Lewis, June 17, a hoy.
Mrs. A. F Smith is reported on
Hie sick list, this week.
Mrs. Henry Os, was calling' on
friends at Murray Monday.
II. H. Nickels was transact ing
business in Plallsinoulh Friday.
Mrs. L. M. MoVey is reported
slightly improved at this writing.
Miss Lillian Wheeler was a
guest of Miss Winnie lliilcheson
Mrs. Charles Creamer was a
business visitor in Plat tsmnuth
Mrs. W. F. Moore and daughter,
Francis, spent, Sunday with Oscar
Gapen and family.
Nick Klaureus and family were
among those transacting business
in I'laitsmoul h Saturday.
Mrs. Elsie Court, returned to
her home in Omaha, after visit,
ing a few days with her sister,
Mrs. E, G. Lewis.
' Charles Swab and wife were
Omaha visitors Monday, where
they purchased a Hue new auto
through Major Hall.
Miss Etta Nickels made a husi
ness trip lo Nehawka Wednesday,
where she was looking, after
Spirclla interests.
Miss Esther Godwin left for the
western pari of the slate Wed
nesdav, where she w ill spend I he
s u n i rr-'- wit li a sister.
.Miss Elizahelli Campbell, ac
companied by tier grandfather,
Mr. William Woods, made a busi
ness (rip to Omaha Friday.
A large croud was present Sun
day afternoon at Eewislown, when
Itev. W. A. Tnvlor delivered his
always splendid sermon. Services
Kundav afternoon. June 2K
Miss Ellice Smith has been
numbered with the sick for the
past few days.
Grandma Campbell, who has
beeii miilc sick for the past, few
weeks, is improving.
J. A. Walker was looking after
some business matters in Ihe
county seat Monday.
Frank Slichleineier made a I rip
lo Omaha Wednesday, driving up
in his new Cartercar.
James Tigner of west of Mur
ray was delivering corn from (hat
community Thursday.
Men Herkman, who has been
sick for the past, few weeks, is
improving the past few days.
Charles Creamer and Walter
Sans are the owners of new
Ford autos this week. Old Ken
osha is coming lo the front for
up-to-date conveyances.
The f.ewiston Sunday school
will hold Children's day exercises
Sunday evening, June A
short program will be given and
a silver offering taken.
Miss Ella Nickels entertained
the l.evvislon Olee club Saturday
evening and a very pleasant lime
was spent by the members pres.
cut. A dainty lunch added much
lo I he enjoyment of I he guest s.
The Sunshine band social,
given al the Christian church last
Sal unlay evening, was a grand
success in every particular. The
attendance was quite large and
lln young ladies look in about
I. Oil.
I. I.. Smith ami daughter-in-law,
Mis. Herman Smith and chil
dren, were Plal I sinoul b visitors
Wednesday afternoon, driving up
in Mr. Smith's auto. The Journal
man. who wa in Murray thai day.
was favored with the return trip
with them, which was sure a great
accomuiodal ion to us and a most
ideasant ride.
Straw hat time
is surely here. We have just your
kind and style.
Hats from 10c to $1.50
We are closing out our
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
so here is your chance to get
the best at a low price.
Hiatt & Tutt
Mavone Chambers is visiting
with relatives in llavelock.
Miss Vila Gapen was a Platts
niouth visitor Tuesday of this
Come out Saturday evening to
the church supper and have a
good time.
Do not forget the Fourth of
July picnic, Invite your friends
aifd come.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Maker on last Saturday, a
baby girl.
Misses HutU and Ellen Hamil
ton are spending the week with
their aunt at La Platte.
Madeline Dooley went to Oma
ha this week for a few days' visit
with her mother, who is working
in that city.
J. D. Shrader was a Platts
mouth and Omaha visitor Tues
day of this week, returning home
Wednesday morning.
Jack Philpot shipped a car of
sheep to the South Omaha market
Wednesday of last week. They
were loaded at Murary.
The market will be conducted
at the Presbyterian church Satur
day afternoon. There will be
many good things for your Sun
day dinner available.
Abe Flecker, I he genial Ford
auio agent for this county, has
been doing some good business in
this local (I y the past few days.
He sold two cars Ibis week.
Jack Shaw, who has been in the
hospital al Omaha for the past
few weeks, returned lo Murray
last Sunday, feeling line. He will
remain here for a few weeks at
Mrs. Mary McOaniel and chil
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Will llodg
ens of Nebraska City came up to
Murray Saturday evening lo spend
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Sporer.
Hen II. Wiles is now riding a
line new llumpohilc auto that he
purchased a few days ago in
Omaha. The car is a lillle dandy
and Hen says it is the besl hill-
climber in the land. He was in
Murray Wednesday afternoon.
Hill Patterson cut his finger
Unite severely on a sickle Wed
nesday while making some re
pairs on the machine. Dr. Oil
more dressed the injury ami Ihe
results will not be of a serious
Miss Laura Puis met with quite
a serious accident on Wednesday
of last week, by falling and dis
locating her wrist. The injured
member has caused her consider
able suffering, bill is gelling
along nicely al this lime.
Mrs. Frank Young, jr., met with
quite a pain Tut accident a few
davs ago, when she stepped on
an old rusty nail. Ihe same pene
trating through Ihe fool. The lask
of removing Ihe nail was a dif
licull one, as well as very painful.
About (flirty of the friends of
Mrs. Nellie Long 'spent the after
noon with her last Saturday. Mrs.
Will Sporer and Mrs. J. W. Ed
munds furnished delicious re
freshments for tin' guests. A
very pleasant afternoon was
Mis Mary West, sister or Mrs.
otto Puis, was taken to the hos
pilal al Omaha Monday morning,
where she underwent a surgical
operation al S. Joseph's hospital.
She is gelling along nicely anil
her many friends hope that she
may be able lo return home soon.
Dr. Hannah made a liberal
donation to the library this week
in the way of three good books
entitled. "Darkness and Dawn,"
"The Hoy's F.ives of Christ" and
"The Virgin Birth of Christ." He
is very anxious that Ihe public
lead these books. The associa
tion certainly appreciates this
Mrs. Will Smith departed Mon
day morning for a several months'
visit in the west. She will meet
her father, Mr. A. M. Holmes, at
Grand Fsland, where Mr. Holmes
went a couple of weeks ago and
has been visiting wilh relatives
at Ravenna. They will go to
Kimberly, Idaho, where they will
visit for some time at the tiomo
of Mr. and Mrs. I). 11. Churchill,
Mrs. Churchill being a daughter
of Mr. Holme. Later Ihcy will
go lo Noise, where Noel B. Jlawls
lives; also Portland and Seattle.
and to Three F'orks, the- home of
Joe llavvls. On the return trip
they will visit Minnesota points
and Chicago. The trip will con
sume Ihe entire summer and will
be a most, enjoyable one to both
Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Smith.
Willard Mellinger of Monleray,
Mexico, was in Murray a few days
last week visiting at the home of
his niolher-in-law. Mrs. Mira Mc
I onabl.
Miss .Mary Jameson of Weep
ing Water spent a few days in
Murray the past, week, a guest at
Ihe home of her sister, Mrs. J. F".
The line home of H. C. Long is
progressing very nicely, and be
fore many moons Mr. and Mrs.
Long will be able to boast of one
of the finest homes in Cass
county. j i
There will be a supper given at
the Presbyterian church on Sat
urday evening, June -M. The
menu will consist of chicken
salad, sandwiches, cherry pie and
ice lea, 15c. Ice cream and cake,
10c. Kverybody invited.
Dr. J. F. Ilrendel took Grandma
Hall to Omaha Tuesday, where
she was placed in St. Joseph's
hospital and underwent quite a
serious surgical operation. She
is improving as well as could bo
expected at this time.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Lewis, on Sunday, June 15, a
bouncing baby boy. The neigh
bors all say the little man looks
just like dad. Iloth the mother
ami little one are doing nicely,
and of course Fd is sure happy.
About thirty friends spent the
afternoon Wilh Mrs. W. W.
Hamilton, given in honor of Mrs.
Hamilton's mother, who is visit
ing here. A very delight fill aft
ernoon was spent. Hefreshiuenls,
consisting of ice cream, sherbet,
cake and ice lea was served.
The Missionary society met
wilh Mrs. I'.. S. Tut I last Friday
afternoon. Thirty-live members
were present. A commission form
of government for the society was
adopted. Mrs. C. D. Spaugler,
Mrs. Liza Young and Mrs. Hbodeii
were chosen as Hie commission
ers. .Mrs. Davis ami .Mrs. onmore
assisted Mrs. Tutt in enterlaining.
Mrs. Fred Ranige and Mrs. John
Stones and Mrs. Oeorge Gregg
were guests of lire s-ofiety.
Prepare for Your
Spring Work Now!
Z0UR plows need
sharpening, and other
machinery may need re
pairing. Line them up
now and bring them in,
and let me put them in
goodcondition for you by
the time the Spring rush
arrives. You will be busy
then and so will I.
f Steve Heckner, who has been
suffering from appendicitis, was
taken lo Omaha by Dr. (iilniore
last week, where he was placed in
the Wise Memorial hospital and
an operation performed, lie is
getting along nicely ami no doubt
will soon be able to return home.
Miss F.dilh Laltue has taken
charge of Ihe telephone central
station in Murary, entering upon
the duties as manager last Thurs
day. She will be assisted by her
sister. Miss Fva. Mrs. Donley re
signed to accept cither employ,
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Heckner, on Tuesday of last week,
a bouncing baby boy. Hoh mother
and little one are dning nicely,
and although Steve is in the hos
pital suffering and recovering
from an attack of appendicitis, it
is one of the happv times of his
Dan Palmer, residing over east
of Murray, on the Cole place, and
in the employ of D. A. Young, who
has the farm rented, has been a
very sick man for the past few
days. Mr. Palmer is a very aged
gentleman, nearing the 70 mark,
and his sickness is due to his ad
vanced age.
Mrs. P.. H. Millard and family,
of W hi I tier, Colorado, arrived in
Murray today for a few days'
visit with friends and rela
tives. Mrs. Millard was formerly
Miss Stella Neely of Louisville,
and has many friends in Cass
county who will enjoy a visit from
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis and
family made an automobile trip
to Lincoln last Saturday, return
ing home Sunday afternoon, ac
companied by Earl Davis, who
will visit with Murray relatives
for a few days. Earl is Ihe sou
of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. flavis of the
capital cily.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. William
Laltue, on June 12, a baby boy.
Holh mother and little one are
gelling along nicely and "Rill"
says he is Ihe happiest man along
Ihe entire Missouri Pacific system
and that if he always feels just
as good as he does now, Murray
can sure boast of I he prize sec
lion of the whole line.
D. J. Pitman, S. O. Pit man, J.
A. Walker, Dr. Gilnmre and
James Loughridge went to Plal Is.
mouth Wednesday evening to at
tend Masonic lodge. Several
members were advancing in the
order, ami a banquet was given
in honor of Ihe occasion. The
SI. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's
cioirch served Ihe banquet.
The Murray Slate Hank is sure
undergoing a genuine spring
housecleaning. Cashier Hoedeker
is not satisfied wilh having one
of Ihe strongest banks in the
county, but is also determined lo
have one of the finest, bank homes.
The interior of Ihe room is going
lo be treated to a new steel ceil
ing, new paper and painl, and
when completed will make one of
Ihe prettiest rooms in the county.
Pitman & Davis are placing on
the ceiling.
Celebrates Ninth Birthday.
Master Vent Hendricks cee
braled hi.x ninth birthday Thurs
day afternoon by inviting a com
pany of his small friends in to
see that Hie occasion was proiter-
j ly observed, and the dainlv ami
delicious lunch prepared by Mrs.
Hendricks did not go to waste.
Those present were: Francis
Moore. Hazel Sullivan, Marie and
Mabel Sullivan. Marie Hutcheson,
May Schlichtemier, Henrietta
Creamer, Wella and Mary Parks,
Helen and Hose Heed, Alice Nick
els'Oohlvn Wollard, Lena Klau
reus, Vergill Campbell, Winnie
Hutcheson, Betty Campbell. Fern
Hathaway, Francis Campbell,
Ilayninnd Creamer, Itmtald Sch
lichtemier, Alvador Nickels, Jean
Nickels, Frank Swab, Oscar
Campbell. Roy Klaureus, Edgar
Wollard, Vern Hendricks.
V alter Green,
Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing j
Murray, Nebraska I
Tornado Insurance.
Wouldn't it be better to receive
a check from an insurance com
pany after a tornado or cyclone
takes away your home than to be
compelled to use your own hard
cash to rebuild? I represent
Standard Old Line Companies, and
can write your insurance at a low
rate. Heller look up your policies
and if you have no tornado insur
ance call at the bank and let me
tix you out.
W. G. Hoedeker.
A Want Ad In the Journal will
brlrq what you want.
Equal Suffrage Petition Day.
Lincoln. Neb., June 16, 1913.
ft is planned to start the cir
culation of the petitions for the
submission of the equal suffrage
amendment in all parts of the
stale in a concerted movement,
beginning July 1C. That date will
be. made "Suffrage Petition day;"
in all the counties, and it is hoped
'that the local workers and friends
(of the movement will at once,
inane arrangements for a general
meeting in your county. Wher
ever desired outside speakers will
be senl to these county meetings
lo assist in the organization and
lo help start off the petition work.
We would like (o hear at, once
from Ihe suffragists of your
county, in order that we may know
what plans they can make for the
"Petition day" meeting, and how
headquarters can help them. The
lime is short, but this general
rally day can be made a great suc
cess if all will gel busy now.
Mrs. Viola M. Harrison,
Execut ive Secretary.
W. K. Shepherdson In Montana.
The Journal is in receipt of a
letter from W. K. Shepherdson,
from Lewislown,,' Montana, re
questing us to change his paper
from Worland. Wyoming, to that
place. He says he is located in
the famous Judith Hasin of Mon
tana, and it is the garden spot of
the world. He says he has sold
his holdings in lln? llig Horn
Hasin and his permanent home,
will be in Lewislown. He says
Lewislown is a modern town in
the way of buildings and accom
modations, and wheal, oats and
alfalfa are raised in abundance in
Ihe Judith Rsin. The Journal
joins with the many Cass county
friends in wishing them success
in Ihe new home.
Tops the Omaha Market.
J. H. C. Gregory shipped three
cars of the finest stock that has
been shipped from Murray in
many a day last Sunday. They
were on the South Omaha market
Monday morning and brought Ihe
lop price, which was $8.05 per
hundred. Mr. Gregory bought the
cattle right last fall, he fed them
right all winter, and struck Ihe
right market. I'nder such cir
cutustances what could keep him
from making good money on
I hem?
For Sale.
Three Shorthorn bulls, eligible
to reaisl ry. If. G. Todd.
FOR SALE A beautiful home,
all modern, al a great sacrifice,
lias eight rooms, three lots, in
good locality. Must be sold al.
Windham Invest ment & Loan Co.
n under Twin
It is now time that you were placing your order for bind
er twine while the prices are at the lowest notch.
Standard Twine, 10c per pound
Extra Twine, 11c per pound
Pure Manilla Twine 12c per lb,
We are also selling the famous ACME BINDER. Call
and let us figure with you.
The Farmers' Elevator o.
Henry Hccbncr, Manager
Murray, Neb.