N t ;!(' to I't- 'cu at I In oflkt' r..'imty C.itM'k. I'hittsnnuilh, ai.i.kn j. iikf.son. County Judiie. lMatisin.-uth. Neb., May L'Stli, 1013. 5-29 iwks FOR MITH K UK lil VltDllVS MM' la tbr District C ourt of t ouul), enrWa. In the Matter of l lit- Application of (ii'oi'K" r:. Kvan. tiiuiriimn uf Joseph K!to:i livan ! Ai.liie J. K;ui. Minors, to Sell Itenb I-IslutPt Notice Is hereby niven. tliat in pur Miaiue of an onler to nie issued by Hon. Haivev L. Travis, Jul of the l'istrict Court of L'uss County. N' hravka, on the :ith Jay of May. 113. for the Bale of t. e interests of Joseph Klton Ryan and Archie J. Kyan. minors, in and to the real estate here inafter described. belli eacli an un divided one-tifteentli in and to the east half of the northeast quarter K U NK '4 of Section sixteen (lb). To'wnslup ten ll') north. KanKf nine ( east, and also each an undivided one-tortieth O-IOi in and to all of lots thirteen ( 13 1. fourteen illl and iifion US), in block four (4). In the Village of Alvo, according to the re- : jiU,1Mm ers c aiercnaius rtuiiK, in uic tmuKo iii Cass i'ountv. Nebraska, at the hour ot 10 o clock in the foi e- , v f ('.,ss u,j Stale tf noon. on the 5th day of July, 191J, at liubiio vendue to the highest bidder for luak;i. as required by law, signed rah. the Interest and estate ot saiu NOTICE OF APPLICATION LIQUOR LICENSE. Ni'lirc i hereliy jrivt'ii In all li"istns interested and to tlie pub lie, tliat the und'-rsined. (i. i. hn v fi ln.l hi iwl il ii m hiaska, there will he sold at the Farm-i and application Willi tile Village cl.-rk nf tlif Yillaiie uf Murdock. VERY IMPORTANT IB THOSE SEEKING NATUR ALIZATION PAPERS ash. the Interest and estate ot saiu , . ..... ... . inl...,, loseph Elton Kyan and Archie J. Ryan, !' Ill-' leqillied nuilllM I in and to the above uescrioeu reai estate, to-wit.: Each an undivided one-flf teenth (l-lo In and to the east half of the northeast quarter ( K. NK. 'i " Section sixteen (16). Township ten 10) north. Range nine (9) east, and also each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40) in and to ail of lots thirteen (13). fourteen (14) and fifteen (la). In Mock four (4). in the Village of Alvo, according to the recorded plat, all In Oass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. I'ated this 10th day of June 191,). GEOUGK E. KYAN, OnardlAn of JoseDh Elton Ryan and 111 Archie J. Ryan, Minors By Samuel Hams, His Attorney. XITICK TO I'llKIHTOKS. la County Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, , Cass County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel Adams, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will he had upon claims tiled against said estate, before me, County Judge ot Cass Countv. Nebraska, at the County Court room In Rlattsmouth, In said County, on the 30th day of June, 1913. and on the 31st day of December, 1813, at 9 o'clock a m, each day for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. it .Lima mnut lie riled In said .n'nrt on or before said last hour ot ''evv!rifea mv hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth. Maska, this 3rd day of June, 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. BKKSO.N. County Judge. nf resi- l'reelinlders of the said vil- lauf. setting forth tliat the ap plicant is a man of respectable olinrarler and laniinvf and a idenl of the Stale of Nebraska, Hint prainsr that a license may isMied to the said (i. G. Wil- lamson tor tne sale 01 man, piritnous and vinous liquors for the municipal year, at his place of business, situated on lots 2 and 3, block 18, in said Village of Murdock. Action will be taken upon said pplicalion at the meeting of the Hoard Thursday evening. June 0.1 li. C G. WILLIAMSON, June 9, 1913. Applicant. l,K(iL AO'I'H K. John V. Wood. Defendant, will take notice that on the 24tli day or januui.y ioi j viua Wnn.i Plaintiff herein. nle lier petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said .defendant, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce upon the xround of willful desertion for more i, veiirs nnd failure to support nd for the custody of the infant child, the Issue of said marriage. ou .are required to answer said petition on Kir teioie me .isi o;iv m jm.v. ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff. ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appoint ed to examine and report a road commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Section 20, Town ship 12. Range 14, running thence South along the West bank of the Missouri river, as near as prac ticable, through Sections 20-20 and 33, Township 12. Range 14. to the head of Gochenour's Island hence crossing the slough, thence South along the East bank of the slough through Section 33, Town shin 12. Range 14. arid through Section 4, Township 11, Range 14 and terminating on the South line of Lot 15, in said Section, has re ported in fanr of the establish inent thereof: ami all objections hereto, or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk' Office on or before noon on th 25th day of July.. A. I. 11H3. or curb mad will be established without reference thereto. (SeaP D. C. MORGAN. County Clerk. Plattsmouth. Neb.. May 20th Tin' naturalization department of I hi' district clerk's otlice has received notice from Itie depart ment of labor at Washington thai en and after September 27 all declarations of intention to become citizens declared before the new law went into effect in llmii, are void ami parties not making their application for sec ond papers before September 27, will be compelled to secure new first papers before they can vote or be allowed to procure their second papers.- A great many have neglected to tile for their second papers, and if they are not careful will be compelled to go clear through the process of making application before they can secure their citizenship paerrs. THE RAMBLERS" ARE NEKT ATTRACTION AT BALI PARK From Wednesday's Daily Manager Johnson of the Hoost- ers nas secured ine Hammers oi Omaha as the at tract ion for Sun day afternoon at the Booster park in this city, when they will at tempt to grab a soft one from the oral team, but if all signs tin not fail they will receive a fine trim ming at the hands of our sterling vnung athletes, who are showing fine form and should be able to ive the Omaha boys all the rambling they desire. The game will be called at 2 o'clock and every live fan is expected to Ik on hand early In assist in win ning the game by their rooting for the home team. Mrs. Frielrich Improved. From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs.' M. L. Friedrich is reporl- i'ii loony as ieeiing siigmiy im proved over her condition of the past few weeks and her friend- are liopctul she w ill conl nine lo grow belter from now on, as she has suffered greatly during I he period of her illness, which has extended over several weeks. She has been very sick and her con dition at times has been very alarming, but il is hoped now Ihat she will he able lo rally ami recover her former health. Pays Visit to Country. Jacob Meisinger returned this morning from a short trip out in the country, where he visited at the homes of his sons, George P., jr., ana Jonn Meisinger, jr., over night. Mr. Meisinger reports that the crops out in that section of the county are looking flue and the prospects are fine for bumper crop, lie drove in this morning with his brother, J. M Meisinger, who came in to look after some business matters for a few hours. Eating and Seed Potatoes. Good eating Ohio potatoes while cookers, (5 5c bu delivered vour town. Late white seed potatoi's, not irrigated. 75c bu Native alfalfa seed, '.).50 bu. Ask for samples. Johnson Urns., Nebraska City, Neb. Have Fine Picnic. Yesterday afternoon a bevy of our charming young ladies de cided tn forsake the hot city, and inking their lunches with them departed for the river, and be ueal h the shade of the towering Missouri river bluffs spread most templing luncheon, whic was hugely enjoyed by t lie jolly crowd, who remained there unti twilight time warned them home ward. There were some nine young ladies in the parly. Alvo Notes -NEW IDEA WILL PAINT H. G. LONG RESIDENCE AT MURRAY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. llids will be received up to noon on Friday, June '27th, 1113, for gradina roads, out of I he Inherit ance tax fund, as follows: Beginning at the S. E. corner of Section 15, T. 11, R. 13, thence west. 11 miles, there are 22 fills to make, each till to be 2 feet, bid on tills also: also nn same mad there are 11 cuts, each cut lo be 2 f'-el,, bid on cuts and lllls com bined; slump ca.-l of bridge No. 4 1 to be grubbed. Beginning at north line of Sec tion 30, T. 11. R. 13. al one-half Section line, thence south i miles, there are 1 1 lllls and 1 cut, each lill to be 2 feet and the cut to be 2 feet, at fib till to be made so as to get 28 feet wide at culvert, at 10th fill to be made so as to get 2S feel wide, steel culvert to be lengthened. Beginning on north side Sec tion line between Sections No. 1 and 2. T. 11. R. 11, thence south 5 miles, there are 13 fills to be made, each fill to be 2 feet, at 4th. fill washout to be filled on east side. Becoming ul S. E, corner of Section 25, T. 12. R. 13, thence west one mile, I hence south two utiles, there are 5 fills to be made, first fill west of U. B. church to be 2 feet, second fill in same valley to be 4 feet, third fill at Cole valley, south of bridge, to be K feet, fourth fill near Cole house lo be 2 feet, fifth fill at concrete culvert fo be 2 feet. The entire distance of all the mad to be graded. ' Road-bed to be 28 feet wide, a full and rounding slope from the line of stakes in the center to the difch on either side and not less than 18 inches at the center, grad' from the high side of the road. Certified check for .lon.no to accompany each bid. M. M. Beal, Hie boss painter of IMallsmoiilli. has succeeded in landing the conlracl for I lie pain! in- of the line new residence of II. ',. Long al Murray. This will In' quite an extensive job. as Hie house is one ot 111" lines! in this pari of Hie counly and is large ciuhl-rnnni resilience ami will he a line addition In Hi thriving village of Murray. Mi Beal is an expert painter and will h" abb- n Hun over lo Mr. Long a splendid piece nf work, as his 'una- experience has enabled him In carry nut a job uf this kim with neatness and dispatch. Clar ence ileal will depart tomorrow for Murray In attend to the paint ing of the house and gel things in readiness for starling the work of painling. and when the job is completed Mr. Long will have a home of which he can feel very proud. Buys Heston Green's Place. Ralph C. Mullis, who last week sold his North Sixth street home to lr. Bachmann, has just pur chased the Heslon Green place on Lincoln avenue. This is one of the most conveniently arranged li-rnoin houses in town, and with ils spacious grounds will make Ralph an ideal home. The deal was consummated through G. F S. Hurton. Mrs. DelesDcrnier Recovering. A special from Eimwoml, under late nf June 18, says Hint Mrs. William BelesDernier, who re cenllv underwent a serious opera- ion in one of Hie Lincoln hos pitals, has passed I lie crisis and convalesing. The Journal is pleased lo chronicle Ibis fact, with the hope that the excellent lady will soon be tier entire former self in the enjoyment of entire good health. The I lelesl lel'llier family have many friends in IMallsinnulh and Cass county, who will extend enngrat mat imis linon the recovery of Mrs. lieles- Oernier. Miss Gravce Bailey was a Lin- lu v isitnr Sal unlay. .1. A. Shaffer was in South Bend Monday and Tuesday. George Leibliart visited friends iml relatives in Lincoln Tuesdav. Miss Elsie Slout left Tuesday or an extended visit with rela tives in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. I'elerson uf Eagle! pent Sunday with their son, I icorge, and family. Mrs. Fred Proiily and Glen nnsrong made a business Irin o i.incoin Monday. E. M. Stone and William I'pte- grove auioed to Louisville Wed nesday on business. A. J. Greivish and family of incoln spent lasl Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey. Mr. and Mrs. W. (). Boyles of .incoln spent several days Ibis week wiin relatives here. L. B. Appleman autoed lo Lin olu Tuesday. He was accom panied by J. l Rouse and family. Mrs. William Newkirk visited her daughter, Mrs. A. Paling, at Greenwood the past several days. Miss SI el la Sheesley spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Carlton Gullion, in Lincoln. The Misses llumberger were lemonstrating the Goodrich toilet articles in town Monday and Tuesday. Miss Helen English of Lincoln returned home Wednesday after spending the past week with Miss Gladys Appleman. Miss Lois Keefer of Litchfield, Neb., came in Friday lo visit her sister, Miss Pearl, nnd other rela tives for a few weeks. Mrs. h. L. Uplegrove was a passenger to Lincoln Wednesday evening, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Appleman. Among those going fo Lincoln Wednesdav on No. 13 were Mes- dames John Murley, E. M. Slom C. C. Bucknell and Charles Good- ley. Mrs. Abide Cook nf Blair, Neb., who has been visiting relatives here the past Iwn .weeks, left Wednesday ninniing tor her home. The Misses Oella- Sullon and Edna Jordan wen I to Lincoln Tuesday In attend the Slate Sun day School cnnvenlinn as dele- gales from here, Fred Weaver of Smith Bend ami his brother, Jesse Weaver, nf Marquette, Neb., visited Saturday night nnd Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. .1. P. Rniise and family left Wednesday evening for a two weeks' visit with Iheir (laughter, .Mrs. George Kolihill and family al Mmirehead, Kansas. The Missionary society met wilh Mrs. George Curyea last Wednesday, and the Mulders' Council iiiel I here Tuesday of this week. Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr., remained to tea Tuesday evening. Mr. mid .Mrs. Harry Curl is, ac- coiiinaiiied liy Mrs. Mia Mower ami sou. William, of Lincoln, came down in their car Sunday iiflernoon, visiting a few hours a I he home of J, A. Shaffer. onurc Sproodors Tho Best Manure Spreader ON THE MARKET TODAY! This machine may be seen at my implement department a new addition to my general black smith and wagon business, I also handle the AVERY Corn Planters and Cultivators!c In fact it is my intention to carry a general line of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see me for whatever you may need. D.0. SOUTH SIXTH SL, sasiiji Plattfsnuuth, l!cb. 9 8 bars While Flyer Soap, 25c. 4 cans Corn, 25c. Pineapples, 30c size, 25c. Pineapples, 25c size, 20c. Pineapples, 20c size, 17c. 12 boxes Matches, ill. Straw hats, caps, shoes and ox fords, both men's and ladies', children's and youths'. Dress goods, wash goods and prints. Lace curtains and win dow shade. Gents' furnishings. All these and many more you ill get at good bargains. Bring in your produce. F. E. Pallerson. Eagles' Special Meeting. There will be a special meeting of Plattsmouth Aerie No. 3(15 at Iheir lodge i ms on Saturday evening, June 18. Initiation of candidate. Omaha degree team will be present. All members are requested to be present. By Order nf the Worthy President. To Undergo Second Operation. Miss Marie Spies is expected home this evening from the hos pital in Omaha to remain for a few days, returning Monday lo the metropolis, where a second opera tion will be performed on her eyes. Her case was much more severe than was anticipated and it was thought necessary to per form a second operation. Mrs. IL II. Augustine end litlle daughter, who have been visiting at the Ben Beckmaii home, near Murray, returned this afternoon to their home. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Has Sprained Back. denrge Miller, Who IS employ ed b Frank Gnhelinau as a paint er, is laking a rest today on ac count of a sprained back, due, it is said, to haviiur allenipleil In lill a ouarl of pain! onln a ladder. DIM to HSiaSyp Here is a money-saving proposition for prospective home builders. Read this wonderful building offer. mm SHERWIN-WILLIAM'S ESS Blue prints of all cuts, tills andMer For Sale. One J. I. Case threshing outfit, with Gas Scot engine, complete, on reasonable terms. Enquire of E. W. Clark. Union. Neb. (-lH-lwk-ibvw Sweet Potato Plants for sale, .2.0(l per thousand1. Inquire of W. A. Barnhart, on Lincoln ave., sec ond house south of August Gor- 5-2lt-lwk-d-2l-wkly Paris Green INSURES Purily and Uniformity On account of the fine ness and Ugh gravity of this green, it remains in suspension with water and sprays better than any other made. When you buy Paris green, be sure you get SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. For Sale by F.G.FRIGECE&GO. The REXALL" Store 186 Phona 186 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and children look supper Monday evening wilh Iheir auiil, liina Kil.el, en route home from Plait sinoiil h, where they look their niece, Miss Cora Hung, to her new hoine. Mrs. Andrew llos, daughter and grandson, of Portland, Ore., have been visiting wilh Mr. and Mrs. Iliehardsnn the past few nays, leii inr Iowa on .n. in eii- nesday In visil a daiighler. She will juin Mr. Hess al Auburn later. The Ladies' Heading club sur prised Mr. and Mrs. William K. Case Monday, June ICi, taking Iheir dinner 'with them, the oc casion being the tenth wedding anniversary. About thirty-three were present and a flue time was reported. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Itoyles of Lincoln were the out-of-town guests. Fred Prouty was very pleasant ly surprised last Saturday even ing, June 14, it being hi3 48th birthday. Mrs. Prouty had in vited his Sunday school class and a few friends and relatives, who came, and a very enjoyable even ing was spent. His class pre sented him with 3. Ice cream and cake was served and all pro nounced it a good time. You are iiilssm& some mighty good bargains if you fail lo visit Pallerson's store during the 30 days' sale. Here are a few of our reduced prices in grocery depart ment : Liberty Flour, first grade, $1.32 Goodie's Ties!, guaranteed 1.33. 21 pounds Sugar, 81.0(1. 21 bars Suiinv Monday Soap, f 1.00. Buys All the Materials to Build this 6 Room House Price includes all lumber, mill work, lath, shingles, sid ing flooring, ceil- 11 ing, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and hard ware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us (or freight-paid price This is Our House Design Ho. 2362 Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the conipio uom features of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very larpe number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attractiT ap pearance from the outside. Free Book of Plans. The hnntliomctt book ever pab liilied ol its kind. SIiowh the Intent nf moilrrn, up to-d;ile dcsivnii of linusm. bun- r.ilows and li.irns. I tec to nil prosix-cuve milder. Contains a world of valuable in Inrinution. 11 you intend to build doo't duUy (undinK for Una vuluublu book. Consult Us. If you wish an? Informatioa on the buiMmir .ubjert Wl' ru hero to liive It to you frca ol eliarfa. Our v:it experience ennblm s to .how you lha "liort-ouu" of building ope rariont, as well aa selection, nl millennia. Don't hesitate to libit us iur any lufuruir Uud Deeded. We Save You Money. No other concern aao meka yoa aueh low prieca on huildinif muteriai lor a bouse design such aswc show above. Duyinir direct from mill and factories in ennrniiiuH quantities for spot cash enables us In undersell all competition. We ara .atlafled wilh one .mall profit which uiuan. au iujueose safiUK to yuu. Plans Free. We makft no cbarfe (or the plant (or the house design illustrated aboe. Others would ask from $2 to $35 and not bo in a position to kito yuu tlio per.oaal attention necessary. Call and See Us Before Buying Before building a hoaie you should call at our office aud let as figure on tbe materials, and offer yon tome .offcitlon. from our extended esperience. W eaa save yon money and help you to build the most attractive and comfortable Lome possible (or the money you have to speod. inder 7 itondard Tivino, )or lb. . . Fresh new Dinder Twine direct from factory. Our name on the tags guarantees every pound of it. Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c per lb. higher. RDFR NOW AS OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED Cedar Greek Lumber Company