The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1913, Image 6

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How Differently It Reads From
Wiiat We Once Supposed!
Paster Rursell Say Unintentionally
Wa Read Error Into Our Bible Our
Eye We'a Oimmod by "Dark Age"
8moke The Fog Lift God' Glory
Begin to Appear The Bible Shine.
It Truth li the Balm of Gilead.
Poor Ditcouraged Humanity Need
Just Such a God 8hortly He Will
Wip Away All Tears.
Pasadeua, Cal.,
June 15. Pasa
dena la favored.
Pastor Russell
waa to have apo
kea today In Los
Angeles, but the
boat awlltortama
were unavailable.
Instead, he spoke
this forenoon at
Santa Ana. this
afternoon and
evonlng hore, giv
ing Friday and
Saturday to San Diego and Los An
geles. Pastor RuhhcH addressed a thor
oughly representative audience. Ilia
afternoon topic was. "Beyond the
(irave." Ills evening topic we report
Ills text was, "God so lovod the world
that Ho gave Ills Only Begotten Son,
that whosoever bellcveth in Him
should not perish, but hnve everlnstiug
Ufe."-John 3:10.
Forcefully the Pastor pointed out
that once Christian people, even Bible
students, misunderstood this text and
read into it a conflicting thought dis
honoring to God read it as though It
said that God so loved the world as to
keep them from perishing. In order
thut tho few. the saintly Elect might
attain to glory and look over the bat
tlements of Heaven and seo all the re
mainderJews, heathen and the mass
es of Christendom writhing in tor
ment to all eternity unable to perish
forced to live, In order that they might,
by. their sufferings, entertain the more
fortunate, who were guaranteed bliss
to the full.
What right did we ever have, said
the Pastor, to thus put into the mouth
of our Savior, as our creeds have done,
words which Ho never uttered words
which nre very untrue indeed, a blas
phemy against our Maker!
Light Shine Through tho Fog.
' We are not faulting our forefathers
Ilad we been In their place, doubtless
we would have been us confused ns
were they, and wo might have Indulged
In heretic burning, etc. And had they
lived In our wonderful day of great
light knowledge, privilege, opportuni
ty, education. Bibles, etc., doubtless
they would have had hs noble Ideas as
ourselves respecting tho proprieties of
Christian conduct and Divine conduct
and Love and Justice. The Bible tells
us that Satan and his fallen ungels are
responsible for those terrible "doc
trines of demons" which have given
thinking people such horrible night
marcs, and driven so many of them
away from God and the Bible Into un
belief, ngnostli'lstn. and even atheism
Let us rejoice In the light of the bet
ter Day which has dawned. Let us be
come Bible students In the highest
sense of the term Never before has
there been such an opportunity for
knowing the real teaching of God's
Book what It does contain and what
it docs not contain. We have the Bi
ble, concordances and helps, and we
have the general education which per
mits us to study them. Our forefa
' thers labored against lack of education,
time, lack of Bibles, and lack of good
artificial light.
What the Word Periih Mean.
When we come to think of It. the
word perish contains not tho remotest
suggestion of fire or torture. In our
ignorance we read all that Into the
text and into other texts of similar
import; for Instance, the statement
that God is not willing that any should
perish, but would that all should come
unto Him and live; and tho statement
of St Peter that the wilfully ignorant
shall perish like bruto beasts, made, to
be taken and destroyed; and the state
ment through tho Psalmist, "All the
wicked will God destroy." now lurid
these simple words became before our
Inflamed and- perverted Imaginations!
flow some of us rang tho changes on
theso Bible terms hi a vain attempt to
drive men toward God through fear,
when God declares that He does not
want such to come and has no pleasure
whatever in their worship or service!
Did not Jesus toll us that the Father
seeketh such to worship Htm as wor
ship Him lu spirit and in truth? (John
423.) And our perversions of the
Divine Word and Plan ouly helped
men away from God to such misun
derstanding of Him that they could
not worship Him In spirit and tn truth,
and, at most, could worship only In
form and ceremony.
The Tastor told of an experience he
had in India. Some of the higher
casto Hindoos, wholly unapproachable
by the missionaries, heard that ho was
preaching a more reasonable message.
They camo, entreating him for further
meetings, declaring their respect for
the intelligence of Christians, but that
they could not believe the doctrines
usually preached. They could not be
! iL
neve In a Gk1 unjust, so unnierei
f:i!. s ni'-ke'l thiit Hf would torment
ihei.t :iik1 their forefathers through nil
eternity Ik'i'iiusc tlay did not believe
cm Jesus, ulna tiny hml not so much
as heard of I X i ait. They said that their
gixls were not so unjust; for they for
hnile men to torture even dumb brutes.
They preferred to hold on to the rea
sonable gods of their fathers rathjr
tlmu to believe In the unjust one
prearhed by the missionaries.
Can we blame them? asked the Pas
tor. On the contrary, he admitted that
In the past himself and other Chris
tians had seriously misinterpreted tli
Bible. He urged his hearers to study
the Bible itself and to Ignore the un
reasonable teachings which are driving
tueii away from the Bible and the God
which It presents.
Pastor Bussed found that the heath
en do not really worship the Idols, but
through the Idols seek to worship an
unseen deity. At first he wondered
that they could bow before such hide
ous, awkard. vicious-looking linages.
Then the thought came to hi m. that
these poor heathen had formulated
their gods of clay, stone, bronze, etc.,
but that we Christians bad formulate!
Ours differently Instead of using ma
terial substances we merely construct
ed Ideals and described them, and that
from this viewpoint, the creedal pic
tures of the God of Love are farther
astray than the images of stone, wood,
Import of tWe Text
Look critically at our text Exercise
the gray matter of your brains. What
does it really say? It corroborates th
account in Genesis 2, m explained by
St. Paul In Romans &J12-18. By on
man's disobedience sin entered into
tho world and death as the result of
sin, and death passed upon all men,
because all men are sinners by herdl
ty. This death penalty has been car
rying down our race to the tomb for
six thousand years. The present death
rate is about ninety thousand per day.
The declaration of the Bible Is that
these all would have perished would
have had no more future existence than
bte-M(l not been .for God s coin
passlonato mercy. "The great Love
with which ne loved us" while we
were yet sinners. Epheslans 2:4. 5.
Our text comes in here, and assures
us that this salvation of mankind from
perishing comes only through God's
I)ve and Mercy, operating through our
Lord Jesus Christ. Wo ask, What did
our Lord Jesus do for the race? The
Bible promptly answers. "Christ died
for our sins according to the Scrip
tures"; "Jesus Christ by the grace of
God tasted death for every man"; "He
poured out Ills soul unto death"; He
made "Ills soul an offering for sin." 1
Corinthians 15:3; Hebrews 2:0; Isaiah
53:10, 12.
ICt us note carefully that as perishing
does not mean eternnl torture, so the
Redemption price which Jesus gave is
not eternal torture nor purgatorial suf
fering, but death. "Christ died for tho
ungodly." Other Scriptures tell us that
the death of Jesus was a Itansoin
price. or price corresponding to the
penalty that was upon Father Adam
and Inherited by his race. The Bible
thus explains that God, by providing
an equivalent price for the sin-penalty
against Adam can be Just In releasing
us from the death pennlty.
Ad Saved From Perishing.
I The simple proposition of tho Bible
lis that ns Adam and all of his race
legally perished, so they have all been
legally redeemed from that perished
condition the death of Jesus being the
Satisfaction price. It is because of
this redemption that the Bible assures
us that there Is to be "u resurrection
of the dead, both of the Just and the
unjust." because all were redeemed
redeemed from tho perished condition.
Hence the Bible lays great stress
upon the resurrection of the dead, and,
further. It assures us that the resurrec
tion of mankind must wait until the
completion of tho Church Then the
Second Coining of Christ will be In
order, that lie may exalt Ills Church
with Himself as the reigning Power,
the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, which
God for four thousand years has prom
ised shall be exalted to glory for the
very purpose of blessing all the fam
ilies of the earth the non-elect.
"Them That Sleep In Jetui."
Surely no Bible student worthy of
the name has overlooked the fact that
the Bible everywhere speaks of the
dead as asleep nowhere does It tell
about their being In Heavenly glory
or purgatorial suffering, or In a hell of
torment Neglect of the Word of God
bos confused our poor. Imperfect Judg
ments. We lost our way In tho fogs
of the Dark Ages, conjured up by Sa
tan in support of his lie, "Ye shall not
Jurely die," and In contradiction of the
Lord's Word, "The soul that slnneth it
shall dle."-Exeklel 1S:4. 20.
Now we remember that Jesus plain
ly said, "No man hath ascended up to
Heaven." Now we romember that nei
ther Laaaros nor any awakenod from
death had any talos to toll respecting
the things seeu or beard when dead.
Now we remember the particular dec
laration of God's Word, "The dead
know not anything." Now wa remem
ber that the Scriptures teach that the
dead are asleepour own unconscious
ness every night being an Illustration
to us, if we had only heeded the Word
of God lnstoad of tho word of men.
Now we se that the death state is call
ed a sleep, becanso of God's Intention
to have n great awakening, or resurrec
tion of the dead. It will come in the
morning of the New Dispensation.
The Ono who died for man's sin Is to
be tho great Restorer who will awaken
all the sleeping ones. Did He not Il
lustrate this ut Ills First Advent and
thus show forth the glories of Ills com
ing Kingdom? Did He not declare
that Jalrus' daughter was asleep, and
awaken her? And did He not say,
"fjiannn sleepelh." and awaken hliu?
He did not resurrect any of these
They were merely awakened and be
fore tin? time lor the general awakeu
lug Hcni-e they fell asleep again. A
great awakening Day, however, Is near
at hand, the Pastor declared.
He carried his hearers back to the
remote past. He reminded them of
the record respecting Abraham, that
he slept with his fathers. He usked
who the fathers were and where they
slept, and replied that they Were hea
then He asked whether they could
sleep in Heaven, or whether they
could sleep in so warm a place as Pur
gatory Is supposed to be, or In the still
more unreasonable hell. He took It for
granted, apparently, that his hearers
agreed with him that sleep under such
conditions would be Impossible, and
that the only conclusion must be that
they slept In death.
The Pastor reminded them that simi
lar expressions were used In respect to
the good and bad kings and judges and
prophets. They were gathered to their
fathers, they slept with their fathers.
Similarly, when St. Stephen was stoned
to death, we read that "he fell on
sleep." He cited St Paul as teaching
that all the Church will sleep, except
those who are alive at the time of the
Second Coming of Jesus: "We shall not
all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
lie quoted Jesus' words. "All that are
tn the graves shall hear His Jesus'
Yolce and shall come forth" -the faith
ful, the saintly, to a resurrection of
Hfe perfection, honor; the remainder
of mankind unto a resurrection of trial,
testing. 1 Corinthians 15:31.
Without the death of Jesus, said the
Pastor, all of the race would be per
ished, and only In the resurrection
have we any ground whatever for be
lieving In a salvation from death. Only
because Christ died is there an oppor
tunity for the Church during this Gos
pel Age to respond to a "high calling"
to the Divine nature. Likewise only
through the merit of Christ's death
will the world of mankind be saved
from perishing and have an opportu
nity durlug Messiah's Kingdom to be
recovered from sin and death condi
tions, from ignorance, superstition,
etc. from the tomb.
Gradually they will be raised up, up,
up. in the image and likeness of God
in tho flesh, ultimately to enjoy Him
forever in a world-wide Paradise, from
which will be cut off In the Second
Death all wilful evil-doers, all who pre
fer sin to righteousness, when the
Truth shall be made clear to them and
when the opportunity will be fnily
within their grasp. Incidentally, the
Pastor mentioned u gross mistransla
tion of the Inspired Word In John
5:21), nnWly, "resurrection of damna
tion." The Crock word here, he said.
Is krlis, nud has not in it the slightest
suggestion of Are or torture or suffer
ing. The Revised Version renders this
verse properly "a resurrection of
Only "He That Believeth."
I am not forgetting, said the speak
er, that our text proffers Divine bless
ings only to believers. Neither am 1
forgetting that only a few are believ
ers In the Scriptural sense now. Sta
tistics mention four hundred millions
of Christians; but as we nil know, this
includes practically everybody In Eu
rope and America, with a few In Asia
and Africa. It Includes many in pris
ons and Insane asylums, penitentiaries,
etc. And that leaves three times as
many whom we call heathen, who have
no knowledge of Christ whatever
twelve hundred millions. Surely none
of these are believers In the sense de
fined by Jesus and tho Apotitlea.
Jesus implies that if any one renlly
believes Ills Message, his faith will
transform bis whole life bo would see
so great a blessing promiseu to tuo
faithful follower of Jesus that he
would count all other alms and ambi
tions ns loss and dross and run with
patience the raco set before him. Only
these nre believers, and they are com
paratively few. They nre a fine com
pany. They will get the prize, the
"pearl of great price." the Kingdom
Joint -heirship with the Redeemer in
Ills glory, honor and Immortality.
But are no others to be blessed? If
not. why did Jesus taste death for ev
ery man? Does not that expression
Imply that every man will have some
opportunity of profiting by Jesus'
death? It surely does! Those who
now hear, appreciate, believe, lu the
Bible sense, alone will have an oppor
tunity for sharing the First Resurrec
tion of tho blessed and holy. But the
remainder, we are assured, will all
come forth from the tomb to bo grant
ed on opportunity then for hearing and
believing and gaining an Inferior bless
ing. The blessing now is a spiritual
one only; but the blessing to be offered
under Messiah's Kingdom will be an
earthly ono Restitution, human per
(ectlon in an earthly Taradlso everlast
ing. Tho Bible tells all this, says Pastor
Russell. It declares that the god of
this world, Satan, Is now blinding the
minds of nil except believers. It equal
ly tolls that In God's due time, during
Messiah's reign, all the blind eyes will
be opened, and all the deaf ears un
stopped, (Isaiah 85:5.) Then the whole
world will be granted an opportunity
of enlightenment respecting the God of
Love, and His wise, Just and loving
terms of reconciliation, and will be
blessed by the great Mediator of the
New Covenant Note bow this Is ex
plained by the Apostle: God wills to
have all men come to a knowledge of
the Truth, that they may be saved. To
this end He has provided that Jesus
shall be the Mediator between Mm
wif and mauklnd. In harmony with
the ! ather s Plan, Jesus Is now select
lng the Church class, to be a Royal
Priesthood, a Bride class, to share with
Him In His Klugdom glory and Media
torial work for the world. It was to
tb end that lie gave Himself a Ran
som for nil to bp testified In due time.
-1 Timothy 2:1 (i
Notwithstanding the Threatening
Weather There was a Very
Large Attendance.
The cyclone which isited
Omaha and other places al East
ertide has left its impression un;
the minds of the people to that
extent that I hey shy at a cloud
and a refreshing breeze. Last
evening at I he tent, during the)
very interesting discourse of
Itev. Smith, when the breeze
which everyone had been desir
ing, arrived, the congregation be
came affrighted like a timid child
and skurried home, probably to
put the windows down; anyway,
the meeting was brought abruptly
to a close.
During the evening until that
time the meeting had been a very
good one in all its features; the
music and singing had been an
especial treat and had consisted
in the chorus and congregation
singing, besides a chorus sung by
a number of little girls, which
sounded very beautiful. Mis9
Mathilda Vallery rendered a very
pleasing number, which was en
joyed by all present, as well as
was the one by Mr. Klinger, the
"Ninety and Nine." Another
feature of the singing was the
male quartet, which was strong
in its pleasing features.
The subject of the evening was
"The Backslider," and it was
handled in an admirable manner
until the wind frightened the
audience away. Tonight the sub
ject will be "The Love of iod,"
and will be the musical evening
of the week. Among other good
features will be a solo by Mrs. E.
II. Wesroll and another will be
one of I he favorites by the male
Al the lent yesterday after
noon was held the men's meeting,
and I here were gal tiered a large
number of men. who were very
much entertained and interested
by the story of I lie rescue of
"Win" MrClure. I he engineer on
I he Iowa Central railway. There
was much line music during Hie
afternoon meeting and it was well
attended. notwithstanding the
The won i sm meeting, which
was held at I lie Christian church
al the same lime thai the men's
meeting was being conducted in
the tent was well attended and
much interest was manifested.
At the lent last night there
were nearly live hundred present,
notwithstanding- the excessive
heal during the earlier pol l ion
of the evening. The lent was
very comfortable, as a slight
draft crept under the canvass and
in a measure made I he heat seem
less slifling than it had been out
side during tne day.
Tomorrow evening the afler-
noon meeiing win ne uem hi
t.r instead of at :i:30, as here
fore. This will lie just before
the evening service, which will be
it H o'clock, and the subject will
Profit and Loss," ami will lit
a ( .hrisl lan
business discourse,
afternoon meetings
1'lie oilier
will be al n
.'10 as heretofore.
Yesterday morning al 8:15
Mrs. Jennie It. Wells passed away
al the home of her son, . E
Wells, in lied Oak, Iowa, after an
Iness covering about a year
from heart trouble. Mrs. Wells
was a resident of this city and
county for many years, the fam
ily having resided in South Bend
and this city, and was a lady be.
loved and highly esteemed by al
who had the pleasure of knowing
her, and in her death the sym
nathv of the entire community
will go out to the bereaved fam
ily in their hour of grief. The
body of the deceased will be
brought to this city tomorrow
afternoon at 3:20 and be taken to
the St. Luke's church, where
services will be held and the in
terment made in Oak Hill ceme
terv beside her husband, who
preceded her in death some year
LOST Between Plattsmouth
and Louisville a Presto-o-lite
Tank. Finder please leave same
at this or the Louisville Conrit
olllce and receive reward.
Farm for Sale.
Anvone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. It. Bryan
county assessor.
Correct Statement of Accident.
In the article in regard to the
in.iinv to Frank Slaac-k, which
occurred at the shops Friday, the
statement was made tie was in
jured on the air compressor, when
the accident occurred on a pneu
matic air machine operated from
the air compressor. Mr. Slavacek
has been working on this ma
chine for some time, being se
lected on account of his long and
careful service for the shops, for
the job of running this machine,
which requires a great deal of
kill, and the accident was due to
pulling the lever controling the
machine in the wrong direction.
There was a large crowd pres
ent last evening at the T. J. Sokol
lall, in the west portion of the
city, to witness the presentation
"The Temperance Apostle," a
three-act farce comedy given by
the members of the dramatic club
f South Omaha, and it was
pronounced by all who witnessed
it as one of the best dramatic of
ferings ever given in this city in
the Bohemian language, and the
clever work of the excellent com
pany of actors met with the warm
approval of the audience. During
the progress of the play several
pleasing vocal numbers were
given by different members of the
company, the accompaniment be
ing played by the Holly orchestra
of this city, who also gave several
excellent numbers between the
acts of the play. There was a
arge number here from South
Omaha, driving down in cars, and
number arrived on the Missouri
Pacific at 1.' :10 yesterday noon
tud spent a delightful day at the
ool and comfortable park of the
society. After the play the visit
ors were entertained at a social
anee for several hours, and al
though many were kept away by
tin' threatening weather, still
ccasion was most enjoyable
ill who attended.
Saturday, June 1 i, was a gala
iv in the annals of Ihe l. E. O.
sisterhood ot Piallsuioulli, when
they entertained Chapter M of
South Omaha. Ihe visiting ladies
were met at, thw noon Missouri
'acilic train and taken by auto to
Ihe home of Mrs. Fannie Dick
son, where an appetizing four-
ourse luncheon awaited them.
Ihe house bore a most festive ap
pearance, with tin? chapter colors,
yellow and white, entering into
Ihe decorations, and the chapter
(lower, the Marguerite, was every
where in evidence. In honor of
Flag day the spacious porches
were convened into a vername
lower of red, white and blue.
A musical and literary program
followed Ihe luncheon, after
which "gelling acquainted" was
the order of Hie hour. Chapter
F of our city has hail many de
lightful occasions, but. none more
thoroughly enjoyed than Ihe one
with their sister chapter last Sat
urday. A mutual feeling of re
gret prevailed when train-time
drew near and departure was in
evitable. A number of the local
chapter accompanied their guests
to the Missouri Pacific station
and a hearty "come again" re
sounded as tin train pulled out.
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "rapid
eating is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit of eating
too rapidly you are most likely
suffering from indigestion or
constipation, which will result
eventually in serious illness, un
less corrected. Digestion begins
in the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly masticated and in
salivated. Then when you have
a fullness of the stomach or feel
dull and stupid after eating, take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
trouble and constipation have
been cured by the use of these
tablets. They are easy to take
and most agreeable in effect.
Sold by all dealers.
Mrs. C. M. Parker was a pas
senger Ibis morning on the early
Burlington train for Omaha,
where she will visit for Ihe day
with her sister, Mrs. I. L. Long
worth, who is just recovering
from the effects of an operation.
Mr. Peter A. Welch of Omaha,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August
Bach, sr.. this city, submitted
I" a surgical operation Saturday
morning for gall stones, and
while the operation was quite
serious, the patient is getting
along nicely up to the present,
time. The operation was per
formed' at the St. Kalherine hos
pital, and Mr. and Mrs. Bach
were with their daughter at the
time, returning home Saturday
evening. Mrs. Welch had been
suffering for some time, and the
operation was postponed upon the
surviving of each attack until the
condition of the patient became
quite serious, and over forty
stones were removed. The many
friends of Mrs. Welch in this city
hope thai her recovery may be
rapid and permanent.
This morning about 10:30
Sheriff Quinton received a tele
phone message from Cedar Creek
announcing that a man had been
shot at that place about 9:30 and
the sheriff at once started for
Cedar Creek in an automobile to
look into' the matter. As far as
can be learned the wounded man
was seated with some companions
near the river, when the report
of a shot was heard and parties
hastening to the scene of the
shooting discovered one of the
men to be suffering from a
wound indicted from a weapon
which it is reported (he men were
handling, and the circumstances
as far as heard in this city point
to the shooting as accidental. Dr.
Worlinan of Louisville was sum
moned to Cedar Creek to attend
to the case.
Hev. C. Cole was in Lincoln one
day last week.
Mrs. Edna Jones was a Omaha
visitor Monday.
Lewis Hornbeck was shopping
in Omaha Thursday.
(ieorge . Skylies was shopping
in Elmwood last Friday.
F. O. Beal was a Omaha busi
ness visitor Monday.
Mrs. fireeii of South Bend was
on' our streets last Friday.
Master I'll is entertaining
Master I.ish of South Bend this
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor of
Louisville were in town one day
last week.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John
Schurin. a 10-pound baby girl,
last Sunday.
(ieorge Williamson and Id
Hornbeck were in Syracuse last
Tuesday. "
Do you want a car ride? If so,
ask George Williamson; he has a
new Ford car.
From recent reports we hear
that Murdock is to have a "band"
again. Aren't you glad?
Nellie Hush left Sunday even
ing for Lincoln, where she in
tends to go to summer school.
The Murdock It. N. A. nl tended
a banquet given by the Omaha Ft.
N. A. last Wednesday evening.
Miss Cora E. Sin it It and her
niece. Fawn Camera, were visit
ing with friends Saturday and
The M. E. church is preparing
for Children's day next Sunday,
June l,r. Everybody come and
see what old and young can do.
Miss Neva Elliott of Havelock,
who has been visiting her friend,
Miss Edna Joehanson, the past
week, lias now returned home.
Mrs. J. W. Hughes, who has
been seriously ill in the hospital
al Omaha, is now home again and
is feeling as well as can be ex
pected. Wild strawberries are now ripe.
Get your baskets and pails and
go lo the country for berries be
fore the other fellow beats you
Buys Ralph Mwllls Home.
Dr. O. K. Bachmann has just
concluded the purchase of the
home of Ralph Mullis, on North
Sixth street. This is a com
modious and comfortable house
of eight rooms, with two full lots
and an abundance of shade
trees, and wilh the improvements
Ihe doctor contemplates will make
him a beautiful home. The sale
was effected through O. F. S.
The Journal for Calling Card a.