NOT1CK OK ti I Alt 1)1 A VS SI.K. In ill" lilrll Court of Chnn fount?', NcbrMnUa. Ill Matter ol tin- Application of 'ircirtf K. Cyan, Cuanlian of Jnsepli Klluti liyaa ami Anliio J. liyan, Minors, to Ileal Kstate: Nothp is liercuy given, that in put sua ric' of uti oiiIit to me issued by lion, Jiaivey l.. Travis, Jutle of t lie I'ihtrii'i Court of Cnss County, Ne braska, on the 201I1 Jay of May, 1913, for the sale of 11, v interest of Joseph Klton Ryan and Archie J. Kyuu, minors, in ami ti the real estate here inafter described, being; eacU an un divided one-tifteentli (1-liMin and to the east half of the northeast quarter 1 10. Vs NE. ' ) of S.H-tloti sixteen (161, Township ten UOi nortli. KanKe nine east, ami also eacli an undivided one-fortletli (1-iO) in and to all of lots thirteen (13), fourteen (Hi and fifteen (15), in block four (4), In the VillaKe of Alvo, according to the re corded plat, all in Cass County. Ne braska, there will he sold at the Farm ers & Merchants Bank, in the VillaKe of Alvo, in nald Cass County, Nebraska, .ut the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon, on the rtli day of July, 1913, at public vendue to the hiRhest bidder for fasti, the Interest and estate of said Joseph Elton Kyan and Archie J. Ryan, in and to the above described real estate, to-wit.: Kach an undivided one-fifteenth (1-15) in and to the east half of the northeast quarter (E. NE. M) of .Section sixteen (16). Township ten (10) north, Jlange nine (9) east, and also each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40) in and to all of lots thirteen 13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), In Mock four (4i, In the Village of Alvo, according to the recorded plat, all In Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 10th day of June, 1913. GEOKGB E. KYAN, Guardian of Joseph Elton Ryan and Archie J. Ryan, Minors. By Samuel B. Iiams, His Attorney. MrTICH TO CHKDITOKS. In County Court, STATE OB1 NKBKASKA, Cass County, km. In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel Adams, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditor.-- of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County ' Court room In I'lattsmouth, In said County, on the 30th day of June, 1913, and on the 31st day of December, 1913, at 9 o'clock a m. each day for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska, ttils 3rd day of June, 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEEHON. County Judge. M.GAI, MITlt'H. John V. Wood. Defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of January, 1913, Elsa Wood, Plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the District Court of Cuss County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce upon the ground of willful desertion for more than two years, and failure to support and for the custody of the Infant child, the Issue of said marriage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st dav of July, 1913. ELSA WOOD. Plaintiff. ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appoint ed to examine and report a road commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Section 20, Town ship 12, Ranpe 14, running thence South along the West bank of the Missouri river, as near as prac ticable, through Sections 20-29 and 33, Township 12, Range 14, to the head of Oochenour's Island, hence crossing the slough, thence South along the East bank of the slough through Section 33, Town ship 12, Range 14, and through Section 4, Township 11, Range 14, and terminating on the South line i Lot 15, in said Section, has re ported in favor of the establish ment thereof: and all objections hereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's Oil ice on or before noon on the 25th day of July., A. I). 1013. or suoh road will be established without reference thereto. (Seal) D. C. MORflAN. County Clerk. Plattsmoulli. Neb., May 20th, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Hids will lie received up to noon on Friday, June 27th, 1013, for grading roads, out of the Inherit ance tax fund, as follows: lteginning at the S. E. corner of Section 15. T. 11, It. 13, thence west 11 miles, there are 22 tills to make, each till to be 2 feet, bid on fills also; also on same road there are U cuts, each cut to bo 2 feet, bid on cuts and fills coin, bined: slump east of bridge No, 41 to be grulibed. Meginning at north line of Sec tion 30, T. 11. R. 13, at one-half Suction line, thence south 4 miles, there are 11 tills and 1 cut. each fill to be 2 feet and the cut to lie 2 feet, at Otli fill to be made so as to get 28 ftfot wide at culvert, at 10th fill to be made &o as to get 28 feet wide, steel culvert to be lengthened. Beginning on north side Sec lion line between Sections No. 1 and 2, T. 11, R. 11. thence south 5 miles, there are 13 fills to be made, each fill to be 2 feet, at 4th lill washout to be filled on east side. Beginning at S. E. corner of Section 25, T. 12, R. 13, thence west one mile, thence south two miles, there are 5 fills to be made, first fill west of U. B. church to be 2 feet, second fill in same valley to be 4 feet, third fill at Cole valley, south of bridge, to be 4 feet, fourth fill near Cole house to be 2 feet, fifth fill at concrete culvert to be 2 feet. The entire distance of all the roads to be graded. noad-bed to be 28 feet wide, a full and rounding slope from the line of stakes in the center to tho ditches on either side and not less than 18 inches at th center, grade from the high side of the road. Certified check for 8100.00 to accompany each hid. Blue prints of all cuts, fills and distances tr bo seen at tli nflU'.c ..r r,.uiity t'.l,'i''u. IMaitsmruilh, Neb. ALLEN J. IlKLsTlN'. County Jiiiise. Plattsmouth. NV1., Mav 28th. 1H13. 5-29-lwks NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereiiy given to all persons interested and to I lie pub lic, that the undersigned, (i. (i. Williamson, has tiled his petition and application with the village clerk of the Village of Murdock, County of Cass and Slate of Ne braska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resi dent freeholders of the said vil laiie. setting forth that the ap plicant is n man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the State of Nebraska, and praying that a license may be issued to the said O. 0. Wil liamson for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the municipal year, at his place of business, situated on lots 2 and 3, block 18, in said Village of Mur dock. Action will be taken upon said application at the meeting of the Hoard Thursday evening. June 2Gth. G. O. WILLIAMSON, June 9, 1913, Applicant. THE PAST CHIEFS OF HONOR MEET WITH MRS. L B. EGENBERGER Prom Saturday's Dally. The Past Chiefs of the Degree of Honor were entertained in a most charming manner at the home of Mrs. L. B. Egenberger yesterday afternoon, and the meeting was one of the most en joyable that this order has had for some time and the company was delighted with the splendid hospitality of their hostess. The Egenberger home was very taste fully decorated in white roses and yellow daisies, making a very handsome appearance, which ad ded much to the enjoyment of the fourteen members of the Past Chiefs who were present. At an appropriate hour the hostess, as sisted by Misses Helen Egen berger. Grace Thompson and Opal Fitzgerald, served a most tempting four-course luncheon, which was very much appreciated by the company of ladies, and it was wilh great regret that they departed for their homes, feeling that the occasion had been one of great pleasure to all present. FORTY-SIXTH STATE SUNDAY From Saturday's Dally. The program for I he foiiy- sixlh annual convention of the Nebraska Slate Sunday School association, which meets in Lin coln Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 17, 18 and 19, have been issued, and the pro gram as arranged for contains some very excellent features. The opening Tuesday afternoon will be taken up by a discussion of primary department methods, and in the evening addresses will be delivered by I lie president and W. C. Pierce of Chicago. Wed nesday the teacher (raining, child study and primary conference work will be taken up, as well as junior, intermediate and senior Sunday school methods. In the evening an address will be given by Miss Kennedy of New York on "The Critical Years in Soul Win ning," and a short talk by Dr. McElfreh. Thursday the con vention will lake up bible study, temperance and special topics, and at 7 o'clock in the evening a monster men's parade will take place, followed by an address by Dr. C. T. Paul of Philadelphia. The headquarters will be estab lished in the Lindell hotel and arrangements have been made at Lincoln to provide rooms for 2.000 visitors to that city, as the meeting is expected to be the largest ever herd in this state. The convent ion w ill be Field in St. Paul's Methodist church and the singing services of the- meeting will be directed by L. L. Henry, who was so successful at the Grand Island convention last year, and promises to be most excellent. All Sunday school officers and teachers of whatever denomination are invited to be present and take part in the con vention. The attendance from this city will include represent atives fnun almost every Sunday school in the city. Sell your property by an ad In Thursday evening of each month. ASSESSMENT OF THE E Company Gives i.1 Valuation to Railway Commission at One Sum and Assessor Another. from Saturday's Daily. At the session of the board of equalization of the county com missioners yesterday afternoon the question of raising the valua tion of the personal properly of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph company was brought up for bearing and attracted a great deal of attention, as there was quite a number of citizens on hand to hear the case. L. E Hurt, general manager of the telephone company, as well as H. E. Mattison, general commercial manager of the Lincoln company, came down from Lincoln to rep resent the interests of their con cern. The city was representee in the case by City Attorney Tidd, as well as the judiciary commit tee of the city council, and quite a great deal of the afternoon wa3 taken up in the arguments before the board. The city contends that as the Lincoln company gave in to the assessor here the valuation of their plant at $29,000, and also made a sworn statement to the state railway commission, to se cure an increase in telephone rales, that it was worth $78,000, the assessed valuation of the company should be put up to the figures given in to the state rail way commission. The company contends that the tig ores given in to the assessor represents a greater per cent of their personal property than that of any id her private taxpayer in the county, and that as the valua tion of their plant in the county is $147,000, one-fifth of this is $2', 000, and is a high valuation for the plant, as in the figures given to the commission it was necessary to figure some on the expectancy of the company as to increase in business, as well as expenditures in improvements. The board decided to continue the hearing until the IlOlh, when the mailer will again be threshed out before them and the question self led. Fine Wheat. From Saturday's Da 11 v. W. II. Seyberl, one of the lead ing farmers of near Cullom has sent to the Journal a speciman of some of the wheal raised on his farm, and it is erv excellent looking. The wheal is some It vt feet high and the straw is of ex cellent quality and headed out in good shape, and if it can be taken as a fair example of the wheal of the county there is little doubt that Ibis will be one of the big gesl w heal crops in I he history of the comity. The wheat has been placed on exhibition in Hit windows of the Journal and all who desire o inspect this grain are given an opportunity. LOST Between Alex Ilhoden's place and Mynard. an open-faci gold watch with fob svliicb has overall ad on it. Kinder please leave same with Dr. J. L. Brown, at Mynard. or at this office, and receive reward. (5-7-2td-2lwkly SHERWIN WILLIAM'S Paris Green INSURES Purity and Uniformity On account of the fine ness and ligh gravity of thn green, it remains in suspension with water and sprays better than any other made. When you buy Paris green, be sure you get SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. For Sale by .FRIGKE&Go. The "REXALL" Store Phone 186 TELEPHON PROPERTY Is His Mission Matrimony? Auuut Itradway, who is em. ploed in the Burlington tin shop here, yesterday ecured a short vacation and departed for Bres cotl, Iowa, where lie will visit friends fur a hort time, and it is rumored that a more tender mis sion lias taken Mr. Bradway to that place, and many of his friends would not be surprised to see him return home securely tied with I lie silken bonds of matrimony ami accompanied by a sharer in his joys and sorrows. HOW A FORMER RESIDENT SEES THE CHANGES HERE I'lattsmouth succeeds every body can see it. If a former citizen returns after a number of years lie has not wind enough to nake his expressions about the enewed city. doing through any street of the capital of Cass county the rapid change will be noticed. So many old houses are remodeled, having now the ap pearance of modern buildinsrs. and paint and nail and wood were not spared during the spring sea son. The renovation of the citv an especially be noticed on Main street, where a number of stores are in such a modern form that it is not necessary to undertake further pilgrimages to the me tropolis to satisfy the curiositv. Quite a change can be observed, too, on Fifth street. The corner on Vine street was, during the later years, no place for sight seeing which would speak of pro gressive citizens, but now we find an up-to-date postotllce in an exc ellent condition, with the assur ance that it will be supported. ven beneath its walls, by the oving hands which from afar ex pended already a neat sum to en courage and keep up I he spirit of progressiveness. And, citizen, turn around and see another building, which was for a num ber of years decorated with a big red animal and a bag -of tobacco. I he city hall or the court of pie poudre. as the Frenchmen call it. No longer could the animal and the tobacco pouch be a symhlnm; the excellent artist of the school of Oobelmaii has given the home of rcsoliil ioiM for the success of e 'betterment of the city and e betterment of its inhabitants the most touching finish. And if the meetings and resolutions formed in the house which went rough the metamorphosis from a soda manufactory to a modern town hall, contains in former times not bin!.' of the spirit of tho ivei'-painled s inholnni, then Icre always will In so formed and executed that I'lat I smout h Succeeds! A Citizen. ASKED BY JUDGE ARCHER TO "LIGHT OUT" FOR OTHER SCENES from Saturday's Dallv. ' Last evening a young Woman Hiving the nai f (Irace Bounds arrived in the city and proceeded o one of the hotels, where sin regi.-dered and was assigned a room. A short lime after this James. Jones, a former denizen of Ibis peaceful lit lie citv. appeared at fhe hotel and impiired for Miss Bounds, slating that he desired o speak to her, and accordingly was ushered to her room, and I hereupon demanded thai the lady come across with some of I he coin of the realm, or at least lunch money and (lie means for James to return to Omaha, and upbraided her for getting him to and then refuse to "divy" up with him. The re marks of James rather nrovoked (.race and she replied in kind ttiat lie could secure his carfare in a wanner region than IMatts- niouth. At this James was angered and tapped Grace several light ones on the face, which re- suted in their being ordered from the hotel and they sought shelter at tho home of a friend, and this morning the minions of the law gat tiered them in and brought them forth into the court of Judge Archer, who, after listen ing to the testimony, decided to allow them to depart on the aft ernoon Burlington train and shake the dust of this city from their feet and they tot them selves hence. LOST Between F.genbcrge r's ::oal olllce and Hock BlutTs. an :ik watch fob. Finder please re- urn lit Will Kgenberger and re ceived reward. FOREST ROSKThP best flour on the market, fiive it a trial NEW ill El Manure The Best Manure Spreader 0!LI!lLjT TODAY! This machine may be seen at my implement department a new addition to my general black smith and wagon business. I also handle the AVERY Corn Planters and Cultivators! In fact it is my intention x am iiiipicnieius oi ma fri, ivji TYiiaicver yui THE WAY THEY DO THE BUS INESS IN YORK COUNTY From Saturday Dally. A special from VorK under date of June 13, says: "Valuation of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph company in York county and the Hradshaw Telephone company were ordered raised 50 per cent by the board of equaliza tion just before it adjourned. In addition In the 50 per cent in crease the county assessor was instructed to tack on the gross earnings of both companies last year. "The valuation relurned by the Lincoln company was approxi mately Mr,3.0(IO. With the in crease and the gross earnings ad ded the amount will be brought up to .'81,500. The Hradshaw company was assessed about $8,- h i aicvcr you may need 0. EL EBEQSH& SOUTH SIXTH ST., Phtferfh; fti. J ooimgi to HmHdl? Here is a money-saving nume uuiiaers. Meaa inis Buys All the Materials to Build this 6 Room House Price includes all lumber, mill work, lath, shintrlcs. aid' ing flooring, ceil .'u"""'., uu''uik paper, pipe, gutter, sasn wcignts ana Hard ware. Fnce is at mill or factory. Ask us (or freight-paid price This is Our House Design No. 23G2 Economy of flxr space and low cost of construction are the compio. uoiji features of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attracUr ap pearance from the outside. Free Book of Plans. Thm handsomest book ever pab lish.d o its kind. Shows the latest of modern, up to dalu desiirns o( houses, bun jralims and barns, free to all prospective builders. Contains a world ol valuahle in formation, if you intend to build don't delay tending lor this valuable book. Consult Us. If roil wish eay Information on the builthnir subject we are here to irive it to you free of eharf e. Our vast experience enables us to show you the "short-outs" of buildiaf ope rations, as well as selections ol materials. Don't hesitate to ask us lor any informa tion Deeded, Call and See Us Before Buying Before building s boae you should call at oar office aud let u figure oa Iba materials, and olf.r yea eosae eafie.tioat from our eitended eiperieoce. We eaa eave yea snoner and help you to build the most attractive aod cealortabto boat possible for the taooey you have to spend. Itondord lindor Tivino, por Fresh new Bindor Twine direct from factory. Our name on the tags guarantees every pound of it Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c per lb. higher. ORDER NOW AS OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED Cedar Greek Lumber Company IDEA Spreaders to carry a general line ail Kinds. , 000. After the board's inatrim. t w v vtW tions are carried out the amoual will be close to $11,000." Entertains Helper.. A delightful occasion of Wed nesday afternoon was tho lunch pm held at the pretty home of Mrs. H. C. Van Horn, under the auspices of the Helpers of the Christian church. There was a large number of the members and friends of this splendid or ganization in attendance, who were entertained in a very charm ing manner by the hostess. An interesting business session was held, after which those fortunate enoiiiih to be present were in viled to partake of a lovely two course luncheon provided by tho hostess. The remainder of the afternoon was whiled away in a very pleasant social time, and at a late hour they dispersed, de claring Mrs. Van Horn to be an excellent entertainer. proposition for prospective wonaenui building offer. I : km We Save You Money. No other eoneera eaa snake yea tneh low prlee on building material lor a house desmn such as we show above. Buying direct from mill and factories la enormous quantities for spot cash euablei us to undersell all competition. We are satisfied with one email profit which means an ituaieose saving to oit. Plasj Free. We make ae barge for the plaae lor the house design Illustrated above. Others would ask from $2 to $35 and not be in a position to give yon tba personal atteatioa Decenary. lb. . r u