The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1913, Image 6

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Here Is a money-saving proposition for prospective
home builders. Read this wonderful building offer.
Buys All the
to Build this
6 Room
Price includes all
R lumber, mill work,
i.u -i : i :.i
irig Mooring, ceil
U-.vXtiJi, J . UhT-dX- annual
I'l imi I hi' amount nt lin ship-
i i.i;l ui 1 1 ii i nam in ii"-
lii'i thai lli"ii' i any .-Imrliif
in I hi' crop.
C. W. I'illiiimi write from
Mi-ilfiiiil. Oklahoma. Iliat they are
liailly in iii'i'ii ui lain, as nu-
wheal is heading mil verv short.
Victor Sturm was one of tin-
inn1 al tin- I'ni. Ihis
ir ii i ii a capliancy
elect inn nt'
tt the
Hirers fur Hie
inn, finishing lumlier, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and Lard
ware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us for freight-paid price
This is Our House Design No. 2362
Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the cootpio
sous feature of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large
number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attractive ap
pearance from the outiide.
Free Book of Plans.
The handsomest book aver stab-
lished ot its kind. Shows the lati-st ol
D drrn, up to-date desmns of houses, bun
c a low i and barns, l'rre to all rosprcli
builders. Contain! a world o( valuable in
lirmalion. If you intend to build don't
dtlar sanding (or this valuable book.
Consult Us.
)f yon with any inforaaatioa 00 the
building subject we are here to l(ie it to
von irae ol charge.
Our vast exiierii-nce enables u to show
you tha "bort-cuu" of building ope
rations, as well a. selections ol material..
Don't hesitate to ask us (or any luforuia
Uoo Deeded.
We Save You Honey.
No other eoaeera eaa anaka yea
such low prieea oo building material lor
house dcsivn such as we show above.
Buying direct from mill and lactones la
enormous quantities for spot cash enables
us to undersell all competition.
We are satisfied with eae aaaall
rose which uieaus an iioaieose saving to
Plans Free.
We make ao charge lor the elaaa
for the house desina illustrated above.
Others would ask from 32 to $35 and not
be in a position to give you the peraoaal
atteatioa necessary.
Call and Seo Us Before Buying
Before building a you should call at our office aud let us figure on tbe materials,
and oiler yoa some euggestione from our extended experience. We eaa .are yon
anoacy and help you to build the most attractive and comfortable borne possible (or the
money you have to spend.
I iiniler
POP Ilia a
Fresh new Binder Twine direct from
Our name on the tags guarantees
every pound of it.
Spot cash 10c per lb., credit .-2c
per lb. higher.
Cedar Creek Lumber Company
HMMMMH4"WHHM' near Coleridge mi Faster Sunday,
UNION. J.'ha.l ilieil lasl week after his leg
I- Lodger. Hvin anipiilaled. Wr are plrasrd
WTl"rrn",,nWvvrrb to say I hat I lie report is er-
Merrill l'ollanl sold lt' .-prim:
rliirkeus la.-l week fur -f renls
per iinnd. that brouuhl liim over,
ill rents each. They were Itlnnle
Island Ui'ds. and Merrill, says it
.1 . - i l . : i. . . i
iloesn i i.;iv in rii i se iin.Miiin imii
Mrs. Charley Stone and Miss
Oorolhv Stone raine in Moinlax
from Colorado and will .spend Hie
summer anions their relatives
he re. Charley has disposed of his
hank at Yampa. Colorado, and al
present is looking for another
local ion.
Mr. and Mrs. david Coiiihs of
l'orl snioiitli, Ohio, canif in Tues-
S Jt 1 t 1 1 ( 1 1
tiav i or an rxifimeu visu io me
l. C. West family. Mr. Combs is
in unfit' of Mr. West and I hey
were met liy trie latter at Lincoln
and brought home by automobile.
Dr. J. A. Pollard was up from
Salem Friday on a business
mailer and found time to make a
pleasant call fit fhis oflire. The
doctor practiced
many years am
friends llial are
see him. J
A represeulal ive of the Carter
car company was here Saturday
wilh one of their 'ill horse power
machines and pave a demons! ra
limi of what their car could do as
a puller. Anions other things ho
hitched onto a big Hal car stand
ing on the siding and walked off
with it. They have a flue-looking
car with sonic exeellenl features.
II. C. I'ullanl made a living I rip
. . 1 .1
o naveuna xveiinesnax auu
riiursilay. Mrs. l'ollanl and Vir
ginia accompanieil mm in uie
tulomobile as far as Lincoln.
where they visited while be went
out on the (ram. lie says Ihey
bad a tine rain out there Tuesday
nighl ami that I Iwy will have a
big wheat crop. He has thirty
acres of alfalfa on bis place that
will be u revnue-proilucer fhis
eason. .
DON'T BE FOOLED by Weight per Rod or Roll
There's no bunkem" about weight per
roll when you buy "Pittsburgh Perfect"
because it is constructed without using
fxtra wire to make the fence-joints. The
extra weight of the joints in all wrapped,
clamped.twistedor tied fences supplies no
extra strength, but actually weakens these
fences by persistently dragging down the
panels, wearing them out before their time
and making you buy more before you
should. "Pittsburgh Perfect," the only
fence with Electrically Welded Joints, is
a one-piece fabric of unequaled strength,
durability and economy, because we
eliminate the expense of extra wire, and
put this money into extra quality.
Made in Different Style for FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN, P-r,.,, D.J f 1inl.inf tyaA
Ask your dealer for "Pittsburgh Perfect" and insist on his furnishing it Do not allow him to persuade
you that some other fence is just as good. If he doesn't sell it, write us direct.
"Pittsburgh Perfect" Brands of Barbed Wire:
Bright, Annealed A Galvanized Wire; Twisted
Cable Wire Hard Sprin. Coil Wires Fence
Staples; Poultry Netting Staples! Regular Wiro
Nails; Galvanized Wire Nailss Large Head
Roof in. N nils ) Single Loop BaleTieat "Pitta
burgh Perfect" Fencing. AU mad el Open
Hearth materiaL
v jfiSiPj
If you are interested in Wire Fencing, write
for FREE copy of our ALMANAC. 1913-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
medicine here
has a host of
always triad to
slating that Mr. Hullis' brother
was sick ami wauled lo see him.
James I'lemins' of Superior
came down to spend decoration
day here and lo lake bis daugh
ter home with him, who has been
making her home with her aunt,
Mrs. C. K. Heelmer, since her
mother's death.
I'. S. Harncs and Clark Newlon
were Omaha passengers Tuesday
morninir en route to I lie Masonic
convent ion. They were joined
here by l'.d door of Wabash and
Joe Mullen of Klmwooil. making
two pair. i
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Orion went !
to Omaha Monday morniiifr. Mrs.!
Orion will i i 1 wilh her dauyb-l
trr. Mrs. Frank Smith and family,!
while Steve attend the pram!
Indue of the Masonic order which j
is in session I here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Al l bur Slander I
came over from I.ouisvilh
ila eveiiinir for a few day
at the Peter
Mauiler w
work for Mr. Spannler. whilr
Mrs. Slander will do some visit
in?. Win. Puis, nine and one-half
miles northeast of Weeping Wa
ter, started the -week rihl on
Monday by invest intr 2 r t in
one of the elejrant Maxwell aulos
handled by the IMiilpol uaraue. It
is a six ('Winder ,"H horse power,
foil r-pas sender machine.
fore the noon hour. The remains
were taken charfrc of by the un
dertakiiii.r linn of Slander &
Slander and prepared for ship
ment to Kearney, where a sister
of the unfortunate man resides.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). Ruby of
Forest (irove, Orejron, visited
their many friends in this vicinity
this week. They were called to
Nebraska because of I he serious
illness of Mrs. Ruby's sister, Mrs.
William Mallory, who recently
underwent an operation for can
cer al the Inimauuel hospital in
Omaha, ami no hopes are enler-
laiiieil lor ner recovery.
Spanaler home. Mr.
do some mechanical
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Kvery family without ','xception
should keep Ihis preparation at
baud duriuz the hot weather of
the summer months. Chamber-
Mon-i Iain's Colic, Cholera and diarr
. slay ! lmea Remedy is worth many times
its cost when needed and is al
most certain to be needed before
the summer is over. II has no
superior for the purposes for
which it is intended, liny if now.
For sale by all dealer.-.
in neat ly repainted and trimmed
up preparatory for occui ancy by
the "newlyweds," Mr. and Mrs.
August Rosenovv.
Clayton A. Roseuerans of
Plaltsinoulh is holding' down the.
business of the Rosenow lonsorial
parlors during a two weeks'
absence of August, who has a
frond excuse for beinp away at
this important point and change
in life.
Mrs. Hal lie Capwell returned
yesterday morniiiK from del
Rapids, S. !., where she had been
a resident since leaving here sev
eral years atro. and we are pleased
lo learn she is back lo slay with
us anil contemplates Ihe purchaso
of an Klmwooil home.
Tom and tleorpe Willcockson
of lioslon were truest s decoration
day of their auul. Mrs. I.ona
Willcockson. They came here
from Heaver City, where they had
been lo see their father, II. P.
Willcockson, who, we are sorry
lo learn, is coiitined lo his bed by
a critical illness, and hopes for
his recovery are practically
rIfT .'
Leader-Echo. J
4 Republican.
' 1"). nay Frans went lo Omaha'
on the Monday evenintr train to
look a 11 or some mercantile mat
ters. Will Rev nobis came down from
Omaha last Friday for a visit wilh
his parents mid other relatives,
Ross Niday and wife are re
joicing on (tccouut of a recent ad
dition In their family circle a
daUKhler, born Tuesday evenintr,
June It. ,
Attornev W. A. Hubert sou was
down from Plal I sniou'l h last Sal
unlay atleiidiiiR lo some profes
sional business, and had time to
call and "skin" I his editor in a
chess name.
Mrs. W. o. Yountr, northeast of
town, who was seriously ill for
two weeks, is now KellinK aloliu
ami how it originated
have not learned. I. tile Craw-
Ion . irol ier or lie iii.iurei imv. cnii im
returned from Coleridtre a few or ram.
davs atio and says that Ray is
tre I iiifr nloiiu nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcr lhtrrett of
avelock were down Friday to at-
democration day pro-
nifflv iiiii her many Iriends are
pleased ,lo learn that she is abb
lo be out and is almost fully re
covered. Mrs. ltarbara Tax lor, Mrs
Mary Taylor and daughter, Rach
el, Miss Klsie Taylor, Miss Hal lb
Taylor and C. II. Tax lor went lo
Wcenintr Wider last Friday, at
tending Ihe decoration day
Moss McCarroll and wife moved
Wednesday into their new home
in the central part of I own, where
they have a very pretly location,
as well as one of the neatest and
most convenient residences in
Mrs. J. W. (. amble of Omaha
passed thrmiKh here on yesler
duy forenoon's train", troinur to
Howe, to visit her datiKhler, Mrs.
Herman Thomas, and the tine
new frrnndiliiutrhter that recently
arrived at the Thnimis home.
Mr. and Mrs. Men F. Hnbaek
departed Wednesday morniuK for
Seattle, Wash., m response to a
telegram informiiiK them that
their son-in-law, Charles Hemp
hill, was very seriously ill and
death might occur at any time
Mr. Ilemiihill was a resident of
Ihis vicinity for a number n
xears, and his many friends here
regret to learn the sad news from
his home.
The report reached here a lew
days ago thai Ray Crawford, who
Kidney Troubles Attack Platts-
mouth Men and Women, Old
and Young.
Kidney ills .seize xouim and old,
Otleii collie with little wainintr.
Children suffer in their early
x ears
Can't control the kiilnev seen
I ions.
tiirls are languid, nervous, suf-
Ier pain.
Women woiiv, can't, do daily
Men have hum- and achintr
If von have ii iin form of kid
ney ills'
You musl reach the cause the
Doan's Kidney Pills are for
weak kidneys
The following testimony proves
their worth:
William Oilinour, farmer, four
miles south of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
s.ixs: "doan's Kidney Pills have
icen used wilh the best of results
rua i a 1. 1 I
in my lainuy. i no paueni mm
been suffering intensely from
lameness in the back and could
get no lasting relief until she be
gan using; doan's Kidney Pills.
They did more to check these
troubles than anything else that
had previously been taken."
For sale by all dealers. Price
nn i'. .uls Kiisler-Mi burn Co.
V' V II... - - - ......... .
Kuffalo. Now York, sole agents for
Ihe United Stales.
Remember the name doan's-
aud take no other.
Miss F.ililh, our accom-
moilaliiig assistant at the posl-
ollice, is oui of the ollice tins week
n account of sickness.
The latest reports from Prof.
R. ,. Pool, who underwent an
operation for appendicitis, is that
be is gellimr along nicely now.
Chas. Spohn. out east of town, lll druggist
Most Children Have Worms.
Many mothers think their chil-
i jv : r : j : ,-.
(iron are suuerint: mm uiuies
t ion. headache, nervousness,
weakness, cost iv enss. when they
are victims of that most common
f all children's ailments worms.
Peevish. ill-tempered. fretful
children, who toss and grind their home
teeth, with bad breath and coliky 1 ivvn weeks' vi
pains, have all the symptoms of family.
having worms, and should be
given Kirkapoo Worm Killer, a
pleasant candy lozenge, which ex
pels worms, regulates the bowels,
tones up the system, and makes
children well and happy. Kicka-
poo Worm Killer is guaranteed.
or by mail. Price
A dautihler of Charles Uriltell
of Salida, Colo., is here on a visit
iwiHi her grandfather, J. d. Hrit
I tell.
' Mrs. Oscar Alien and daughter
J of Omaha relurneii ! their home
Sunday, aeoompaui ' by Mrs.
Allen's brother. Willie MrCrory.
Mrs. Keiter and two children of
Kansas City returned to their
Tuesday morning after
it xvilh John Olson
(ilen Yallery of the vicinity of
Mynard was attending to some
business matters in this city Sat
urday, and while here took time
lo call at this ollice and have his
subscription extended for another
F. L. Burdick In Town.
, L. Hurdick, who was in the
for a fexv hours last Salur
has lived in Cass county for
past twenty-five years and
been a successful carpenter
savs ua lie n-vear iocusis are
hatching out thick there anil the
bushes are covered xvilli lliein.
This is their year, you know.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mollis left
Tuesdav afternoon for cargo, N.
!.. in answer to a loiter received
Kickapoo Indian Medicine
Philadelphia and SI. Louis.
j uouriei. t
A line large barn on Ihe farm
of Louis Ounkak is fiist rearing
completion. The slruclui'o is 3
lii, 1 i-fool posts. W. C. Hart lot t
is the carpenter in charge.
Word was received Tuesday an
nouncing the birth of a boy at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted (lord
lier of duliith, Minn. Mrs (lord
lier was formerly Miss I ucile
Min ford of Ibis city.
Die F.iileniniller residt m e
properly m West Miuwooil is lie-
Paris Green
Purity and Uniformity
On account of the fine
ness and ligh gravity of
this green, it remains in
suspension with water
and sprays better than
any other made.
When you buy Paris green, be sure
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Cham
berlain's Tablets is daily beconi-'
iug more widely known. No such
grand remedy for stomach and
liver troubles has ever been
For Sale by
The "REXM.L" Store
lliirolil Hrunsoii and wife of
Clackamas. Oregon, are here this
week visiling relatives and
I friends.
Mrs. Katherine Powers left Ibis
week for Murray. Iowa, where she
will spend the summer on a farm.
Miss Lot lie Koop is at homo for
Ihe siumner. having closed a very
successful year's work teaching
at Wosl Point.
H. (1. Hoover ami xxife returned
Wednesday from Topeka, Kansas,
and are visiting at the homo of
Mr. Hoover's mother.
Another heavy rain Wednes
day night. Too much rain right
now when winter wheat is head
ing may cause rust to form and
ureal Iv ilaniaire the crop.
The school hoard met, YVodnes-
dav evening and closed up tho
year's business. The annual
school meeting for ttie election of
two members of the board and for
makimx tho annual school levy
will be held on the last Monday
in this month.
Mrs. Nellie P. Agnexv am
daughter. Miss Marjorie, of Los
Angeles. California, are visiting
relatives in Plattsmouth. They
have lived in California for sev
eral xears. but because Ihe laltei
enjoys better health in Nebraska
nv hiivo decided to locate ill
Harrv Weir, a laborer at tbe
National slone o.uarry. died from
and contractor in and around Ne
havvka, and his work has no doubt
done much to beautify the sur
roundings of the pretty little
south Cass town, which is noted
far and near for her progressive
spirit, during all these years Mr.
Hurdick has never boon a reader
of the Plaltsinoulh paper, but
while here he called and enrolled
his name for Ihe Journal for one
year. Should Mr. Hurdick reside
in Cass county for Ihe next twenty-five
years, we will do our best,
lo see that he is never without the
A Want Ad In the Journal will
bHrg what you want.
Kelps the Farnier to Sell
The farmer was worried over the market
reports. Corn was raising. When it reached -
a certain figure he proposed to sell. The
day before it had almost reached his price.
What would it bring today?
The farmer needed first-hand informa
tion at once. He stepped to his telephone.
The Long Distance connection with the buy
er in a distant city informed him that corn
had reached the top figure, and he sold his
crop at a handsome profit.
The Telephone System enables the pro
ducer in remote rural districts to keep in
touch with market conditions without the
necessity of leaving home.
By-the-way. have you a Telephone?
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
known. For sale by all dealers.
sunstroke last Saturday just be
had his leu broken in n runaway