The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.: Kittered at the I'ostollkc at I'Uttsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter --$1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - "Ntif ram! Now ymi ve -ael ii. -:o:- Walell iriiw. I In- Nebra-ka vii he :o:- iiaiil for THOUGHT FOR TODAY. .J. Manuel.- impii-- a- I h indicaic ifi! i.i.'A'-r. A man J who b Mire T hi.- inl, J. carries '' broad and eon- v -n( i-il Air. ssion, which .J. everybody read-. And you .J. caininl rightly train mil' to ! .J. an air and manner, except .J. ,y making him Hie kind of .J. a man of whom Hint man- 4" .J. ner is u natural expression. .J. Nature forever puts a .J. premium on reality. -F.m- J I I'HOII. ! M-M-I W-H-I M-I-M HM :o: The umlirella market has md been backward so far this season. :o: A farmer named llernice Pcp per lives up near West Point. We will bet lii is it hot, number. :i : Congress h,t- lJ''.;ii called a co ordinate branch of the govern meiil. but President Wilson si el II i- bard fir a graduate to realie how much be has jet to learn. :o: W hen you eatch some people Idling lite truth they will attempt to In out of it. -:: No, we don't blame a woman In kilOW how to keep H"5 I f( . j m ,,j tf w. j, J mm bll J.' fiet S While bouse several lap- ahead. (M1 ;i iull)1,,. :o :- llnusecleaniiig isn't worse than cleaning the .streets, if Ihe latter is done half way rifhl. The past speaks of a time when .hum with one ureal gush of blossoms storms Ihe world. Itut Memorial day has moved the dale, to May. :o : A pure while moose has lately been brought from Alaska, and if should be parcel posted direct to Ihe Colonel as a consolation prize i '- i S A Hhip with ItH'i on board has iusl been rescued by wireless signals. There nre several lea sons why people live longer than ' formerly. 1 Thirty O.-agc. Indian-, worth re than . I .iiito.miu, are in Wa-hinulou lo .-ee the ureal father. These plutocrats while in the capital may have their at tention called o the fact that there is lo be an income lax. A newspaper cannot reform conditions by misrepresentation. Such a course will not even make friends for a paper. Of course, here ami " there you will tlnd a ipan who rcli-hes sensationalism, but what the public wants is clean cut facts. :o: Ernest M. Pollard of Xchawka mid Secretary C. C. Marshall of Ihe Stale Horticultural Society 1 1 ; i i ' considered plans for liar- c-iing l lie unprecedented nppie crop expected this fall. The Ne braska orchaidisl s are eager for ' assistance ami every euori win be made to attract workers to Nebraska. (io.-.-ip i- a noun; common, cry common, but not necessarily f feminine Render. Plallsmoulh June brides have )eeii ipiite numerous, am! Hie stampede is not ended. :o: 1 About all one hears now is gnod roads, ll'ie wheal, oats, mass and splendid prospects for the greatest apple crop eer raised in (lass county. Instead of I brow inn oil' their coats in a warlike altitude the .laps have decided to keep them on.. The American jingoes should follow suit. :o : Another attempt is to be made to limit foreign immigration and place it on a percentage basis. Any way will do so it is limited from undesirable quarters. Here we are in .lune and the back alleys have md been clean ed and weeds as tall as a gnod sied man all over the city, pre senting an unsightly appearance. It is easy to remedy this matter and a movement should be start ed by the city to compel Ibis work to be done. Ihe senate 'bdiby" invesliga limi committee has decided to extend its present iinuir.v into a sweeping invesi igai ion oi an or uanied ctl'orl that have been made lo intlueiice actum upon legislation of any kind now pending before congress, or tin der consideration in the recent past, liood! :o: The cement manufacturer-, in se-sion in Chicago the other day agreed lo donate 1 per cent of Ihe annual output for the next Ihrei ; i ai in order to construct a ua li:ina! biuhvvny from ocean b ocean. Nearly i.oiio.uiiii has al ready been subscribed and if Hi in e-i nl plan i- carried out, $10, 0(10, Pill) of cement will be donated eiH'Uiih to practically cover expense of Ihe highway. ' :o: Itecenlly old Nat Cloud win don ned the conventional black and look lo himself another blushing bride, No. r. Then came old He Wolf Hopper, who also has his den decorated Willi divorce de crees, and did likewise. Thai ties Ihe score between Ihese masters of matrimony, and leaves you free lo place your money without he- iim prejudiced by past perform ances. 1'nlil death doth Ihem purl from some bride or other, instead of the divorce court, each of these keen competitors prob ably will continue to go at top sp I. and it is dillicult to pick a winner in the wedlock league on Ihe dope available. Iion't kick; one hundred in the shade is nothing; to what it will c before the summer is over. Stale Auditor Howard warns i i t t i ' ... investors against taies oi uig lividends on lire insurance stock. Those million dollar rains nine just a little bit loo frcquent y right now lo stiff the farmers. :o: It is a good idea to postpone vntir vacation until uue in tiie fall, so you can look forward lo it for a long time. (If course Col. Iloosevclt is vindicated, but the while wim manufacturers should be willing In pay the costs. :o: Flies are slow in arriving Ihis year, but the pesky mosquito is very prominent in presenting his bill after sundown. :o: The fool killer should get after Ihe man who keeps saying, "I should worry." We have had about all of it that we care to stand. i The matrimonial market is certainly very brisk Ihis June so far, and Ihe fever may become more contagious its Ihe month advances. :o; c tb" job in Ihe canal Zone as governor of Panama and ll ln-r vear i- a salarx not ! slieeei at. :o: President Wil-on is a man of the bottr and the common people ire Willi him. witnoui iear or favor he dues just what lie thinks is rigiil. io ii, v oourow : Some times we think that the recall would prove the proper l n t . . 1 1 - aper. v uen an omciai negiecis his duties there's where the re- all would work charmingly. Jack .Johnson, the nigger slug- ger, gels one year in tite peni tentiary at, Juliet, Illinois. He night to have gotten a life-time sentence. A motion for a new trial was denied. The (iood ltoads Year Hook, just issued, doesn't credit Ne braska with any great amount of good roads, to be sure, but there has been much money spent up on them, just the same. .o : The strawberry season is at its height and it is gratifying to note that I lie price is no higher than common on account of the locust . . . t i ii i . i.i i in Mexico, Hie nan vvevu in r.gypi or the suffragettes in London. :o: The progressive party in the bouse of representatives has de cided that there shall be no af (ilialion with the republican parly. The leaders asserted that Ihe bull moose movement is growing phenomenally and that it is I he true refuge for all progressive republicans and democrats. The lad who went through a grave yard and whistled to keep his courage up had nothing on these progressives. If anything were needed to make lite whole move ment ridiculous it is the present cfTort. of lloosu'vell to bring his cabinet itiU vurt. to testify that I hey were., accustomed lo smell his breath but never detected the odor of whisky thereon, md even after he had twim drinlung the mint juleps prepared for him by Ihe custodial of the White house. A few years ago King, Ihe good roads pioneer, was brought to Simplest and Best by Every Test The Excelsior "ALWAYS MAKES GOOD" The Fastest and Most Powerful Motorcycle in the World. Power Quality Belt or Chain. 7-10 H. P. Twin Cylinder. Price 5250 H. STEINHAUER & SON Phone 380 J Plattsmouth, Neb. A VULNERABLE SPOT. The slander squad is unable to accuse president Wilson of drink- n, cilv lo l,.t:ture, and all the ing to excess because, he never touches liquor in any form. So I hey will probably have to start the rumor thai he beats bis wife. When Mr. Metcalfe is installed as governor of Panama he should invite some of his Nebraska newspaper friends over there to keep him company. They say it is awful lonesome down there, Mel. .:o: We were asked yesterday at leas! t wen! y limes "If Platls 1 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 1 was going lo celebrate?" Now, 'what could we tell them? Not one tiling has been done in thai direction, except Ihe appoint ment of a committee on arrange ments about six weeks ago by the Commercial club. good roads advocates within a radius of ten miles were induced lo turn out and bear the great road drag exponent. He woke the farmers up on the road drag business, ami much road drag ging was done and Ihe byways greatly improved. Yesterday the vvriler had the pleasure of accom pany ing Dr. Cook of this city to . Murray, where he was called on a professional I rip. We w ent and returned on the automobile route between here and Nebraska City to a point where we turned west to Murray. Some of the road wasi in very fair shape, but nothing! Those alarmists who always see trouble ahead - because they have armor plate to sell to a trusting nation, or for some other equally logical reason, have pointed out from time to time, if not more frequently, that the Philippine islands constitute a vulnerable point of our posses sions in the event of hostilities with Japan. Japan, they will tell you, is within easy striking dis tance of our fur eastern' posses sions, and a force of brown soldiers could he landed on north ern Luzon while our insufficient transports were being titted for a western voyage. Already it is suspected that every Jap peddler or coolie who infests the islands is believed to be an army olliccr in disguise, anu maps oi tne en- lire archipelago, with positions f Iroops and fortifications now repose in the archives of Ihe war office in Tokio. All of which, and much more, i is i i t ' . one cannot, eiiectiveiy dispute from this distance with the data al hand. In fact, we are inclined to beli.H-ve much of it, and the map is sufficient to show Japan's advantage in a contest staged in I hi Philippines. Hut, for all lliat,. we shouldn't worry and be comif Uo vvarnr like the island clixnaLe. It will be recalled that part, of our plan of punishing .-pain was to take the Philippines as- part of the spoils of war, only we paid for the privilege in real money as well as force of arms. Thai was some 11 flee it years ago, and probably Spain is laughing stilt at the joker in the treaty which swished on us that bounti ful source of trouble. The Philip pines contain considerable fertile territory, and sufficient people to make il blossom as the rose or more so. Jtut they are much such people as Mr. Kipling described as "half devil and half child Note that he menlionvd the devil half lirsl, as it is usually most prominent. In fifteen years the Philippines have been for us nolhiug but a source of trouble and expense, and if Japan fancies .-lie can do belter it might be well lo let tier try. for this country, and one which should appeal lo the common .sense of every taxpayer. Fight ing Japan would be a large and unpleasant job, and would be of no benefit to those destined to do most of the lighting. Which is the main trouble with all wars, and the reason why they should be discouraged by everyone who has no battleships for sale. Ie ing a hero may get a man elected to something or other, but it is asking loo much in the way of a campaign contribution. -:o:- Our friend, E. S. Carver, of the Crant City (Mo.) Times, hav ing been in doubt concerning the scope of Ihe order made by the postmaster general with refer ence to marking certain articles a "advertisement," recently wrote to the postofTice depart ment at Washington for a con struction of (he order. Under date of May -Mi Mr. Carver re ceived the following from lion. A. M. Dockery, third assistant postmaster general, which shows that the order will not be en forced: "In reply to your letter of the l'.'lh instant, I have to in form you that the supreme court of the United Slates has entered an order restraining the post master general from the enforce ment of paragraph 3, section 2, of the act of August 2 4. 1912, re quiring that all editorial or other reading matter, for the printing of which payment is made, ac cepted or promised, shall be plainly marked 'advertisement.' Pending decision by the court in the cases brought before it to test, the constitutional validity of !he act, this department will take no action looking to its enforce ment." This is a very important matter to all rewspapers. ;o: Hev. Frank Crane, in one of his essays, advertises for a "boy who will listen carefully when he is .-pnken to. who asks questions when he does not understand, and docs not ask questions about, things that are none of his busi ness. A hoy who would rather put in his spare time in Hie Y. M. C. A. gymnasium than to gamble for There is apparently no reason , pennies in the back room. A boy extra, while in spots it looked like! for believing that there is any oc- iwln. is more eager to learn how it had never seen a road drag. This section of the road should receive more attention, because it is the most traveled. casion for war, but if there is such danger and peace can be bought at the price of the Philip pines, it would be a real bargain i" -peak good English than to talk slang." In-. Crane isn't really looking for a boy. He has an angel in mind. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross evc vVce oca one tea-Mo wAS M!? -JL up e A A Peck J mow r, i , i -,- . , 1 1 tT . .1 1 M , THt i I 1 1 I ' .--w.wr i - - I 1 I ... i 1 tc m ri':JTi.'""'uiT- tuniiiu,u,iii,i t"i j vwvw r I I I I I PeCKl aD (HOW IS IT HCtf ICAUCPUP Btu. 4" ne a.d vVa.oV "PECK HOW 4iTWHeil I . .. PH ' rtLl- I M 1 IK. s J J lit 'Q l. wm; va two ,iTJ ML n ) im ...... -ANa RTrtuv v iltJ ,j LJL-.r ihaje