Have a Straw Buy your straw hat today and get the full bene fit. Drop in when you're by here and see the mag nificent line we are showing in every new shape: Sennetbraids, Panamas, Porto Ricans, Bangkoks, Manillas and Mexicans. Every price from 5c to S10. They're worth more than they cost when the sun shines hot. Children's Wash Hats, 50c C. E. Wescott's Always the Home of Satisfaction s ons BATTERING DOWN WALLSJF HELL Hot tha Srteol of the Bible, Says Pastor Russell, BUT THAT OF THE DARK AGES Local fJews will visit at (he home of Mrs. Ada Moore and family for a few days. From Wednesday' Daily. Miss Marilla Maxwell came down from Fremont last evening and will visit here with her rela tives for a time. F. E. Vallery was a business visitor in the metropolis today, depatring for that city on the early Burlington train. Sheriff Quinton and County At torney Taylor were out in the vicinity of Greenwood yesterday attending to county business. J. N. Jordan and wife drove in this morning from their home near this city and were passeng ers on No. 15 for the metropolis. Nicholas Ilalmes, the Weeping Water miller, was in the city to day for a few hours attending to Pome mailers at the court house. C. L. Graves or the Union Ledger came up last evening from his home and spent several hours here looking after some business matters. Henry Born, wife and son were passengers this morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where they visit ed for the day with relatives and friends. Misses Nora and Jennie Bat ton departed this afternoon on No. 23 for Newman Grove, Neb., where they will visit over Decora tion day. Mrs. F. B. Manley of Grand Is land, who has been here visiting San) G. Smith and wife for a few days, departed this afternoon for her home. A! ' E. Lakemorie 'orie 'of the prominent residenls of the west ern part of the county, was in the city today looking after busi ness matters. J. E. Johnson came down from Omaha last evening on No. 2 to attend to sonif business matters, as well as to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Manning of near Eagle motored over this morning from their home and From Tuesday's Dally. L. D. Hiatt and wife of Murray were up last evening to attend the class play at the Parmele. Tom Mapes of Helena, Mon tana, arrived last evening for a short visit here with his mother and sister. A. M. Holmes returned to his home at Murray this morning, after a short visit here with rela tives and friends. Frank E. Schlater and wife were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they spent the day looking after business matters. W. G. Boedeke rand wife came up last evening from Murray to attend the class play. Mrs. Henry H. Tartsch arrived last evening on No. 2 from her home at Sioux Cily to make a short visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ballanee. Col. J. B. Seybolt of Murray came up this morning from his home and was a passenger on the early Burlington train for South Omaha to look after business mailers on the slock market. Quite a number were in the city last evening from Union to attend the class play, and among them were the following: Mr. and Mrs. John McCarroll and daughter, Miss Nettie; Misses Ruth Garri son, Lola Wolf, Ida Clark, Dovie Barkhursl, Messrs. Rue Frans and Harley Thomas. Harry Creamer, wife and little son came in last evening from Red Cloud, Neb., for a short visit here with Hie parents of Mrs. Creamer, Rev. V. L. Austin and wife. This morning Rev. Austin and Mr. Creamer were passeng ers for Omaha to spend the day. Miss Golda Noble, accompanied by her brother, V. Everett Noble, were passengers for Kearney this morning, where they will attend the commencement exercises of the Kearney Military academy, at which time Iheir brother, Evan Noble, will graduate. B. L. Philpot of Weeping Wa ter drove up this morning from his home in a line new Maxwell "35", which is one of the latest on the market and a very hand some appearing machine. Mrs. Belle Waterman and daughter, Ethel, of Hay Springs, who have been here visiting at the home of Judge and Mrs. B. S. Ramsey, were passengers this afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit for a short time. C. M. Seybert of Louisville was in the cily today for a few hours looking after some matters of business. Must Do as Others Do. People usually want to appear greater, richer, than they really are, saying that they must do as others do and that they cannot keep behind their neighbors. Un fortunately, they forget to con sider Iheir physical and mental strength. The unceasing nervous strain, the constant excitement and worry, the heavy meals and strong drinks must effect their health, must shorten their life, unless they are very careful. We call those careful who do not neglect the slightest indisposition or nervousness. They use at once Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine to tone up their weakened body. A good dose at bed-lime and another in the morning will drive out of the body all waste matter and will give new strength to the digestive organs. This remedy is recom mended in diseases of the stom ach, the liver and the intestines At drug stores. Jos. Triner,-1338- 1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. After a hot bath rub the body with Triner's Liniment and all stiffness of muscles and joints will quickly disappear. For Sale. New buggy, ahrness and No. single driver. Outfit at the home of Geo. Marks, Nehawka. Wes Kivett. M Warm Weather Tip That Should Be a Help to All the Feminine Gender Cool, roomy, Underwear Muslin at from 25c to $5.00 Either Lace or Embroidery Trimming. Silk Hose, the Gordon make, at from 50c to $2.00 White Waists-Acorn Brand 79c to $5.00 The kind advertised in mail order houses that children's parasoi-Cot. can be bought here at ton and Silk 1 9c to $ I i i n least 50c cheaper. :y Jesus Promises to Destroy the Bible Hell Why the Superstitious View of Hell Should Bo Battered by All Lov ers of Truth Tho Bad Effects of the Error Faith In True Qod Is Vanish ing Becaueo of This Colossal Error, This "Doctrine of Demons" Inven tion Not Learning, but Ignorance, Opposes Error's Destruction. Kansas City, Mo., June 1. ros ter Ilussell ad dressed here today largo audiences of Bible Students. We report oue of bis discourses, In which he declared the hell of the Bible a totally dif ferent one from the hell of the Dark Ages. This error, he said, still casts a gloom over the masses and hin ders a proper appreciation of the Di vine character re Love nud Justice. lie took a combination text: "0 Sheol hell, I will lie thy destruction" (llo- sea 13:14); "0 Hades hell, where Is thy victory?"! Corinthians 15:53. My text, said tho Pastor, teaches that Jesus will destroy the hell of the Bible, the tomb the stnte of death, lie will do It by delivering all man kind from death by the resurrection. Thus He will ultimately gain Ills great victory over sin and death, and deliver humanity from their power. No one but Jesus can do this. Hence we must wait for the appointed time the es tablishment of the Messianic Kingdom. Meantime, it la ours to batter down tho hell of torment which for centuries has troubled God's saints, and turned tho hearts of the masses from their Creator. The Tastor dealt some rigorous blows at the doctrine he condemned, They were not blows of anger nor of sentiment, but Mows of logic and of Scripture. He urged his hearers not to think that the cultured and intelligent ministers oppose him. Ills opponents are comparatively few, he said, and they are of two classes. Some good, and honest, but Ignorant; others thor- oughly informed, who no more believe In a hell of torture than does tho Pas tor, dodge the question and give the impression that they believe it, so as to hoodwink the people, and keep them in darkness on a subject of the moot vital Importance to human happiness. now and throughout eternity. The masses of Christian ministers are educated. Treachers in general know well that the Bible does not teach a hell of torture that tho words Sheol, Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus do not signify a place of torture where all except tho saintly will everlastingly suffer. These ministers do not come forth into the open with me to combat the error, presumably because they do not realize that this terrible blasphemy against the Divine character lies at the bottom of nearly all the godless ness and the growing unbelief in the Divine Word now prevalent To me It is evident, said the Pastor, that rev erence for God and faith in the Bible can never be restored until this great Moloch of false teaching shall be de molished. This explains my zeal for the exposing of error of the past, and for the revealment of truth on tho sub ject of future punishment All the precious promises of the Bible and all Its Just penalties are negatived and made of none effect by this colossal er ror of the past, whenever it is recog nized, conceded. The Pastor did not on this occasion attempt explanations of some of the three or four parables, which by mis translations, misunderstandings and Interpolations have been made to sup port the God-dishonoring doctrine that everlasting torture is the wages of sin, In contradiction of the Bible statement "The wages of sin la death." He con tented himself with reminding his hearers that lie had already preached on the parable of the "Rich Man and Lazarus, the parable of the "Sheep and the Goats," and the Lord's state ment, "where their worm dieth not and their fire is not quenched"; and agalu In Revelation, about the Devil being cast with the beast and false prophet Into torment These four figurative statements. the Pastor declared, ore the whole basis, so far as the Bible is concerned, of the doctrine of eternal torment He hnd preached upon all of them. Many of his hearers hnd read his sermons and wore familiar with the reasonable ex positions of thoo Scriptures. To oth ers who have not heard and hare not rtad, he offered to send bis views In printed form, free upon postcard appli cation. The God of All Gracs. Tho God of tho Bible, snld the Pns tor, Is such nt) one ns every liumsiu heart needs and craves. He Is a God of sympathy and love, respecting Whom It Is declared (IValm 102:19, 20). that He looked down from Ills Holy Habitation and beheld, mid Ho heard tho groanlnif of the prisoners. "Then His own Ann brought salvation (Isaiah 03:5.) The groaning of the prisoners vas not in some faraway fiery furnace, but right here on earth in every home. St Foul declares, "The whole creation grounetb ami travalletb in pain together." He Is julto right. Our race groans because we are slaves of Sin, nud Sin is paying us the pre scribed penalty, namely, death. We are a dying race, mentally, mor ally and physically. We are more and more disappointing to ourselves and to others, and we hasten toward the tomb, slaves and prisoners going down into the great prison-house of Death. That prison-house of Death, the tomb. Is the Bible hell. All the aches and pains which come to us as we approach and enter the prison are incidental parts of the penalty. But "There's a wldeness In God's Mercy, Like the wldeness of the sea." He has purposed a blessing upon ev ery member of the race, all of whom have suffered the loss of Eden hap piness and of life Itself through the disobedience of the first man, Father Adam. The Second Adam Is to com pletely undo the work of the first, and is to give to every member of the race fullest opportunity for reconciliation and return to the Father's House, The work of Jesus at the First Ad vent was only a preparatory one. Ills death was necessary as the correspond ing price for the sin of the First Adam. Only by paying that penalty could He ever have the right to destroy the great prison house the tomb, Hades and to deliver the prisoners by resurrection from the dead. Ills work was satis factory. He has been received up into glory "where He was before," only with added dignity at the Father's right hand. There He waits, the rsalmlst tells us, for the hour to strike when He shall take His great power and reign. Fsalm 2:8-10. The first feature of Ills campaign will be the binding of Satan. Then ne will cause the Sun of Rlghteous ness to shine forth, with healing In Its beams. The light of the knowledge of God shall till the whole enrtlu Every knee will bow and every tongue con fess. All will have tho fullest oppor tunity for return to God. and only the willingly disobedient and rebellious against light will die the Second Death, and go into "everlasting destruction." "He Upon the Throne Said." Beautifully does the Book of Reve lation picture the coming glories of Messiah's Kingdom and the blessings to mankind. Mark that it is the en throned Messiah who declares, "Be hold, I make nil things new," and who tells that, as Jehovah's Messenger and Representative, He will wipe away all tears from off all faces and give beau ty for ashes, and the oil of joy for the spirit of sadness, Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 01:1-3. The God of Love and Grace, the God who sympathizes with His creatures and who promises ultimately to wipe away all their tears, is tho only God who appeals to the human heart and head. Our misconceptions in the past served to drive the' world further and further away from God, nnd even tho saintly found It difficult to worship Him In spirit and In truth so dense was the cloud of Ignorance and super stition which enshrouded us. Hark to Cardinal Newman's words, "Lead, kindly Light. Amidst the encircling gloom." God Is sending out His light and truth. The encircling gloom Is break ing. The errors and superstitions which hindered us from seeing the beauty of God's Word are being scat tered. The light from one page and statement Is shining upon another. The entire Word of God Is heard as never before. God is epenklng. His people are hearing. BIblo Students in all parts of the earth are nwakenlng to the unsectarlan study of the Lord's Word.-2 Timothy 2:15. True, Satan Is Btlll active. He Is not yet bound. The Prince of Darkness hates the light, battles against It, and enlists on his side as many as possible. Alas, that he is able to gain a few as honest and ns blind as was Saul of Tarsus, nineteen centuries ago. Theso now breathe out threatenlngs, as did Saul. But we have confidence that all sincere ones of them, like St Paul, will soon see a great light and hear the great voice of the Master, and be fully delivered from the evil spirit of persecution, which, In our day, uses slander and "shoots out arrows, even bitter words," to destroy the Message and the messengers of the Prince of Light, now shortly to take His power to reign for a thousand years, subject ing all things to the Divine standards. "Doctrines of Demons. The Pastor declared that In his Judg ment there is no doubt that the Church during the Dark Ages came under the Influence of the "doctrines of demons" referred to by St Paul ne declared that the demons of the Bible are identical with the fallen angels of Genesis 8. They seek to hide their identity, representing themselves as holy angels or as dead human beings speaking to tho living through roedl urns, as In Bible times through witch es, wizards, necromancers, astrologers soothsayers, etc. These, under Satan's domination, have for centuries sought to substan Hate Satan's He, and to deceive man kind into believing that the dead are not dcad-luto believing that Satan told tho truth, saying, "Ye shall not surely die," and that God told the un truth when ne said, "Thou shalt sure ly die." To turn tho hearts of men away from the God of Love and Mercy they have traduced His character and cultivated human fears Light and Darkness In Foreign Lands The Pastor related soino of his ex perlonces amongst the heathen In In dla. The inure Intelligent quickly learned of the difference between the Message of Hod's l ove which tho Pas tor bore, nr.d the message they had heard from the missionaries. Some of them appeals! to htm to stay longer for they wanted to hear more. They declared that they could not accept the teachings of the missionaries, to th effect that nil of their forefathers had gone to a hell of torture, simply because they never heard of Jesus. They declared that they could not be lieve In such n God. even though they respected tho intelligence of the mis sionaries on other subjects. They suld, "Our god do not allow us to torture eveu brutes or Insects, and hence would not themselves de light In torture. How can we receive the Christian's God. with sentiments less noble than our own?" The Pas tor's reply was, Dear Friends, we have all made mistakes, more or less in the past God's Word Is now opening up to us more and more. We are learning wherein we misunderstood Him and His gracious purposes. Begin a prop er study of the Bible. You will find It soul-satisfying beyond all else. The Pastor tells that in India scores of Bible Student classes are springing up; and native teachers in India, Chi na, Japan nnd Korea are hearing of the God of Love and Mercy and of the better and clearer understanding of the Bible, with rejoicing hearts. Tho Gospel of the Kingdom that Messiah is soon to become the great King, to es tablish righteousness, to overthrow sin and to uplift humanity he says ap peals to the simple minds of the Orient; especially to those attracted to Christianity, but unable to enter heart ily into its service because of the dark ness, mysticism and unreasonableness attaching to Its exposition. The prayer of our Methodist friends, "Send out Thy Light and Truth, 0 Lord," is surely being answered, said the Tastor, even though some godly Methodists are slow to perceive the answer. The Message of the Love of God which pnsseth all understanding is tho Messngo which was forceful with our own hearts as Christians, and is the only Messago which has power; hence our Master's prayer, "Sanctify them through Thy Truth; Thy Word is Trutb."-John 17:17. Fear may be tho beginning of Wis dom, but Love is surely its goal. Per fect love castetb out all fear, and brings us near to the great Fountain of Grace and Truth, Mercy and Love. In His Divlno presence and fellowship we find a transforming work progress ing in our hearts and more and moro such become copies of God's dear Son and prepared for a share with Iliin In the glories of Ills Kingdom. Ignorance and Fear Oppose. Only ignorance and fear can oppose the Message of God's Grace, and pre fer the doctrines of demons. Only the narrow-minded can pray, "God bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no more. All of our breadth of heart and bend must concedo that a God wise and powerful enough to be man's Creator must also be just and loving; for Injustice is un wise, and lovelessness Is devilish. God declares that Ills work Is perfect, and that He made man a moral image of Himself. Our fallen condition Is a part of the penalty of sin, as tho tomb Is the companion of it No complaint could have been made by our race if God had left us thus to perish like brute beasts But tho Bible declares that He Is rich In mercy, and unwilling that any should perish, but desirous thnt all might be recovered to everlasting life. Again, wo read that God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that who soever belleveth on I Ilia might not perish, but, on the contrary, Instead of perishing llko the brute beast, might attain through Christ to everlasting llfe.-John 3:10. The world has not yet hod the prom- ised blessing of God; for the Divine Plan Is that Jesus must first select from amongst the world a company of Ills own disposition of loyalty to the Divine will. Not until those shall be fully selected and glorified will the great Messiah, Head and members, be completed. Thcu Bridegroom and Bride enthroned in glory, tho work of bless ing will begin. And that work will be the overthrow of sin, and thus the overthrow of the penalty of sin-death. It will mean the recovery of mankind from bondage to sin and death. It will mean the up lifting of the partially dead mental, moral and physical powers to perfec tion. More than this, it will mean for those who have died without the knowledge of the Truth an awakening from the tomb, that they also may be brought to this knowledge of God end to a privilege of sharing in the great Redeemer's work and merit No won der the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest," at the birth of the Re deemer! No wonder they declared, "We bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be unto all people"! God's glory has not yet appeared to man. False doctrines, Ignorance, su perstition, still becloud tho vision of humanity. St Paul's words still ap ply: "The god of this world hath blind ed the minds of all them that believe not, lest the glorious light of God's goodness should shine into their hearts." 2 Corinthians 4:4. The good tidings of great Joy for all people are as much for those who died before Jesus as for those who have lived since. They have gone to the great prison-house of death, Sheol, Hades, the tomb. They are prisoners there. They await the release to be accom plished by the One who redeemed them at Calvary. When released, tho Mes sago of the angels will be fulfilled In them. They will her.r tho good tidings of redemption. Sheol will bo destroy ed. Victory over Hades will bo com plete. No prisoner shall bo left therein. All shall be awakened from the sleep of death. The guarantee for this is the Word of the Lord, backed by the great fact that tho Redeemer gavo Himself "n Ransom for all, to ho testified In due time." 1 Timothy 2:4-0.