The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1913, Image 3

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    la the lliMlrirt Court In and for t
County, .Nrbrnnka.
William L. Nickels, assignee of tlert
iui M. Wiifs, hii.1 William r.ainoy.
diaries KJward
diaries Ed-
Js'otlee to the defendant.
ward N iley:
You will take notice tln.t on the 30tli
Oav of April. A. !.. 1913. William U
Nickels, plaintiff herein, tiled his peti
tion and allldavlt tn the District Court
of Cass Countv, Nebrauka, attalnst you.
the object and prayer of which is to
revive a certain judgment obtained
asrainst you bv Gertrude M. Wiley and
William llainey on November 16. A. U.
1901, for the sum of 6i8.0 with in
terest at the rate of seven per cent
per annum from date and costs of suit
taxed in the sum of 124.60. which said
Judgment on November 14, 1911, be
rnm dormant. That no part of said
judgment lias ever been paid, and a.1
lesinK that during all of said period
ot" time you have been Insolvent, and
r.ihvlnir that an order be entered re
viving said judgment, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon In the sum
must be filed in tlio County Clerk's
Ollitv on or before noon on I lie 5th
ihiv of July, A. r., ton. or sucti
road will lie vaeateii without
reference t hereto.
(Seal. D. C. MOUfiAN,
County Clerk.
I'laltsmouth, .N'eh., May 1st,
County of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Rachel Adams, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that
there has been filed in this court
petition for the aopointment of
Alvo Notes
of 628.oo with interest at seven per aM administrator of above estate.
cent per annum from November 16, 1
i!ui, and aii accrued costs. That a heariner Ail! be had upon
You are required to answer said petl- . . ni::nn linfnro fhi rmirf in
tion and affidavit and show cause. If petition oeiore IIUS COUI I in
any, on or before the 16th day of June, ,e C01lrt House at PlattsniOUth,
A. D.. 1913, why an order of the Din-
trlct Court of Cass County, Nebraska, Nebraska, Oil the otst day 01 May,
should not be entered reviving saiu . c, nviock n m of mid
indirment in said sum. and awarding M 1 al - O CIOCK p. 111. 01 bdlU
piaintirt execution tnereon. dav. AM objections memo, II
If you fall to answer, appear or show . . fl. . hpfnre
cause before said aate. your aeiaun "
will be duly entered therein, ana saia sa, dav an(j llour 0r ,eann?.
Aplai. f rai' I'np will tiA iMHllPfl. Of U 1 1 I
Witness my hand and the seal
order of revivor will be issued, of all
of which you will take due notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May, A. D. 1913
Assignee of Gertrude M. Wiley,
and William Kalney, Plaintiff.
of the County Court of said Coun.
ty this 12th day of May, 1913.
County Judge.
In the District Court la aad for Caee
County, nebraaka.
.Inhn W. Rnrr. Ifov A. Barr. et al..
Josie C. Barr, et al.,
was in Oma-:
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Board of County Commis
sioners of Cass County have found
that the public good requires that
Notice is hereby given that under a road be opened on the Section
and by virtue or a decree 01 tne wis- i- n.immencinff at
trlct Court in and for Cass County. Ne- UP. Commencing at,
braska, entered, in the above entitled Where Hoad NO. 303. CaSS County,
cause on the 3rd day or May, a. h , , . , . .
1S13, the underslgnod sole referee win iei)raSKa, crosses me cucuuit
on the lutli day or June at 11 ociock ,. i . nH innu K nnrl 17
a. m. at the south front door of the Hue Detween eCllollS o ana II,
Court House In i the City of Plattsmouth, Township 10 North. Range 13,
Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public ' ... . .
auction to the highest responsible bid- Cass county, Nebraska, running
W for cash the. following described i,nc( u;i ft.ii.wi
pal estate, to-wit: im. nn .-w. ...... .....
The West half (W) of the South-Mo Hoad No. 155 between Sections
cast quarter (SEVi) of Section three n , . ,.
i:t: the Northeast ounrter NK Vi ) of ulul
Section ten (10); the South half S) n.,M!rf, n r,auS fKintv. Nebraska.
1 I l.n Vnrthwuol n no rtoi- fNWUl nf 1 ' ' '
Section ten (10). all In Township eleven I Rim ai OD. ecuoilS nereio. or
(11). Range nine (9) East of the 6th . . . j,lm,ri, . ,,.
V. M. in Cass Countv. Nebraska, and ( lailllS 101 damag" llllisl lie 1110(1
IJ.M0U (4)SiW n'r I'10 County Clerk's ollice on or
Pecks Grove Addition to the City of '
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, before noon Oil the 1 01 II day Of
and Lots live hundred rorty-seven i
and five hundred forty-eight (548)
the Village or Ureenwoou, cass uounty.
Nebraska, which said last described
be opened without reference
(Seal) I). C. MOIU1AN,
County Clerk.
Platlsniouth, Neb., May 9lh,
lots in the Village of Greenwood will
be sold subject to the life estate there
in of .Tosle C. Barr.
Said sale will be held open for one
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
Sth day of May, A. D. 1913.
C. A. RAWLS, Referee.
C. S. POLK, Attorney.
Id Conoty Court.
Cass Countv. ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cor
nelius Beniren. Deceased.
Notice Is herebv arlven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had unon claims filed against said
.Actito hefnrA me. Countv Judflre of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court IlOUSe in Plattsmouth, Ne
1 . . I Til...... .... . 1. n ..A 1,1 I
-ounty. on the 3ist day of May, 1913, braska, beginning Tuesday, June
'BPa.A."lS.S!"d "ay ."iKMff.'i"Sr"i4 10th. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m
Inatlnn. adiustment and allowance,
All claims must be Died In said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
.-County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. this 29th day of April. 1913.
County Judge.
The County Board of Equaliza
tion will set for the purpose of
equalizing the assessment of Cass
County for the year 1913 in the
Commissioners' Chamber at the
In the County Coutt in and for Cats
County, Nebraska.
and continue from day to day up
to noon on Saturday, June 14th,
All claims for equalization
must be filed on or before Friday,
June 1311i. A. I)., 1913.
County Clerk.
In Ka Estate ok Wai.tik I
J. Whitb, Ukckased. f
To all Persons Interested:
' i. - t . .. .. i : a A .1... . L. .. .ml.
I uu rr nrni.Y nullum iiiaiim iuiii un. i r.. .r,if. -t. -vi-inn k o T- 4
of May, A. D., 1013. Annie Iona White, tiled her MAIL Ur INKuHAbKA,
In County Court.
netition in tlie altove court allckrlng the death
testate of Walter J. White, on the 4th day of
May, A. I)., 1103, and presenting an instrument
purporting to be said lust will and testament
for probate.
A hearing will be had on said ietltlon on the
31st day of May. A. I).. 11113, at one o clock . m..
before which hour all objections tiiereto. if
any. must be filed,
liv the court,
ALLKX .1. llEESON. County Judge
llawlsac Koticrtson, Attorneys.
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appoint.
cd to examine and report a road
commenciiifr at the Northeast
corner of Lot 2, Section 20, Town
ship 12, Rantfe 11, running Ihence
South alonK the West bank of the
Missouri river, as near as prac
ticable, throunh Sections 20-29
and 33, Township 12, Ranffe 1 i, to
the head of (iochenour's Island,
thence crossing the slotiph, thence
South aloiifr the East bank of the
slough through Section 33, Town
ship 12, Range 14, and through
Section i. Township 11, Range 14,
and terminating on the South line
of Lot IB, in said Section, has re
ported in favor of the establish
ment thereof; and all objections
hereto, or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's
Office on or before noon on the
25th day of July,, A. D. 1913, or
uch road will be established
without reference thereto.
(Seal) D. C. MORA AX,
County Clerk.
Plaltsinoplh, Neb., May 20th,
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioners appointed
to view and VACATE a road com
mencing at half section line on
south side of Section 28, Town-
ship 10, Range 12, running thence
north one mile on half section
line thorugh center of said Section
28, and terminating at north side
of Section 28, on s.-iid half section
line, (said road referred to is
known as a part of Road No. 165)
has reported in favor of the vara-
tion thereof; and all objections
herein, or claims for damages,
Cass County, ss.
In the matter of 'he Estate
Alice M. Tague, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be had upon claims
filed against said estate, before
me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court
room in lMattsmouth, in said
County, on the 31st day of May,
1913, and on the 2nd day of De
cember, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in.,
each day, for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, this 1st day of
May, 1913.
County Judge.
FOREST ROSE The best flour
on the market. Cive it a trial.
Get That Name
in your mind memorize
it ay it every time you
buy whiskey and you will
always get the bet.
Miss Edith OgU'
ha Saturday.
Mrs. Reed returned from Oma
ha on Tuesday.
J. A. Shafer was a South Bend
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. H. A. Bailey was shopping
in Omaha Saturday.
Miss Blanche Conner returned
from Lincoln Wednesday.
Operator Griffith is relieving
Operator Evans a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirkpat
rick went to Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. Chas. Rosenow is visiting
relatives near Elniwood this week.
Mrs. Perry Cook and Mrs. Geo.
Sheesley were in Lincoln Thurs
day. Operator Andrews of Havelock
visited Wednesday with Operator
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Candy and
son Archie were Omaha visitors
J. II. Stroemer and son Alford
auloed to Lincoln Tuesday on
R. A. Stone and Orville Quel
horst were in Omaha on business
Mr. and Mrs. Hickler, of Lin
coln, were in town on business
Miss Stella Sheesley and Mrs.
C. M. Jordan were Lincoln visitors
Mrs. Dan Manners and children
of Havelock spent Tuesday with
her mother, Mrs. N. Knott.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ellison
of Waverly visited Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. N. Knott.
Alex Skiles, C. R. Jordan and
Miss Pearl Keefer were passeng
ers for Murdock Monday.
Mrs. Chas. Bucknell and daugh
ter, Miss Grace, went to Lincoln
Tuesday to visit relatives.
Edward Parsell, of Lincoln was
here Wednesday taking care of his
mother's grave at the cemetery.
Miss Pearl Keefer returned Fri
day from Litchfield, Neb., where
she has been visiting her parents.
John Skinner returned home
Saturday from Deer Creek, 111.,
where his mother is at present.
J. II. Foreman, Sr, II. Thomas
and L. B. Appleman was in Eagle
and Elniwood on business Tues
day. Peter Klyver left Wednesday
for an extended visit with his
daughter and family at Central
City, Neb.
Harry Vickers and Miss Anna
Daniels, of Omaha, visited the
former's mid her, Mrs. Mary Vick
ers, Sunday. J
j. A. Miaiier was appointed
First Vice President of the "Ana
emia Club" for the state of Ne
braska for the ensuing year.
The Alvo school closed Friday,
May 23, wilh a picnic at the grove
on I he Dreamer farm, now owned
by Mrs. Frank Cook, eusl of town.
Last week Mrs. J. A. Shaffer
shipped 100 eggs from her mot
lied Anemia chickens to Moor
cralt. Wyoming, for hatching.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Forsythe
visited a couple of days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner,
reluming to Lincoln in their aulo.
Mrs. Bina Kilzel entertained at
dinner last Thursday the Misses
Margery Carr and Edith Ogle,
Prof. A. D. Dick and her grand
son. La Verne Stone.
Hiss Violet Ough went to South
Bend last Thursday. She was ac
companied home by her cousin,
Miss Eulo Weaver Tuesday, who
will spend a few days wilh her.
Miss Edith Ogle left Monday
for Beaver Crossing, Neb., where
her parents reside, after finishing
a successful term of school here.
The Epworlh League gave a
surprise and farewell parly in
honor of Miss Edith Ogle, at the
home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. P. Rouse
Friday evening. Avery pleasant
fine was had.
Ed Casey, Mrs. Chas. Godbey
and daughters Mrs. E. D. Friend
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Evans and daughters were among
those going to Lincoln Wednesday
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Evans
will visit in Lincoln and Havelock
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman,
sr., autoed to Lincoln Sunday,
visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
L. E. Bobbitt and family and Mrs.
Foreman's brother, Joe Prouty
and family. Mr. Prouty has im
proved in health and can now sit
up part of the lime.
Mrs. Fred Kear gave a surprise
parly Saturday evening for her
brother, Archie Miller, in honor of
his 19th birthday. Ice cream and
cake were served. The evening
was spent in playing games, the
prizes being won by Lee Thomp
son, of Lincoln, nnd Guy John
son, of Nehawka. Many nice pres
ents were received and a very
enjoyable lime was had by all.
Well, me an' the boss
has got things started to hummin'
now and I guess our new subway department
for fine queensware will soon make the people
sit up and take notice. There aint no flies on
us, I tell you. Excuse me; the boss wishes to
consult me about something important. Yes,
sir! Yes, sir! I'm comin'.
0-o-orah He says to "hustle on the job!"
Shucks, I was jest a tellin' about the big improvements; but, come in
an' see for yourselves. We have the finest
Strawberries, Grape Fruit,
Oranges and Pineapples
on the market, not to mention fresh vegetables of all kinds. Then, in
our Dry Goods department we have a new lot of
Sheer Flaxons, Lawns, Etc., besides a
dandy 25c hose that takes the cake.
assessor of Greenwood precinct.
He was brought to this city by
Dale Boyles, the Alvo attorney,
who looked after business in tho
county court for a few hours.
went to
and wife
L. B. Appleman of Alvo motored
over Thursday morning from his
home, bringing in his returns as
Wash Dash lost a valuable cow'
lasl week.
Mrs. Frank Blatzer was in town
shopping Friday.
Mrs. Dr. Duff was shopping in
Louisville Tuesday.
Walter Hesseiiflow
Louisville Saturday.
W. II. Itaiighman
spent Sunday in lown.
C. A. Gauer and son were in
IMallsiiionlh Thursday.
A. ). Anil went to Plattsmouth
lasl Friday on business.
Mrs. Jake Lull ties was shopping
in IMallsiiionlh Saturday.
Mrs. Andy Seyberl, of Culloni,
Snndayed in Cedar Creek.
Mr. Paul Roberts and wife were
oul driving in I he country Sunday.
Jerry Schroder went, to IMalls
iiionlh Wednesday on business.
(. P. Meisinger and wife were
shopping in Plaltsnioutli Friday.
Our Blacksmith, James John
sou had his parlor papnred lliu
Lee Steadies and wife, of Illi
nois, were visiting in town this
Dave Jardine came in Sunday
to do some trading with the mer
chants. The rain Wednesday night
washed out quite a lot of corn in
this neighborhood.
Louise Gauer came in from
Plattsmouth Saturday to spend
Sunday with home folks.
Mrs. Warren is having her res
idence raised and remodeled,
fius Seiquist is doing the work.
J. J. Schneider and wife went
to Blair last Saturday morning to
visit their daughter over Sunday.
Several auto loads came here
Sunday to enjoy the day fishing.
Cedar Creek with her mother, Mrs.
Keil and Kcil have rented the
hotel dance hal land will give a
dance on May 3 1st. Success to
I he boys.
The Sunnyside boys will play
Cedar Creek boys next Sunday at
Cedar Greek. It is expected to be
a close game.
Dr. Duff is having the wall put
in his cellar under his residence
Ibis week. Mr. Vanscoy, of
Louisville, is doing the work.
Lelie Duff, Johnio Gauer and
Lawrence Meisinger went to
Weeping Water to attend I he
gradual ion exercises Saturday.
Johnnie Thierolf is the cham
pion fisherman of this town, lie
has rauglil more fish than all of
the rest put together.
Walter Salsburg, of South of
town, is quarantined on account
of smallpox. This will be hard on
Walt to he compelled lo stay in so
Mr. J. W. Wolff and wife, Wal
ler Hessenflovv and Miss Mary
Moore started for I he ball game at
Plallsniiuilh Sunday afternoon in
the auto, but broke down and had
lo relunl home,
Sanford's Place at Cedar Creek.
We are now prepared to serve
our customers wilh ice cream on
every Friday evening, Saturday
and Sunday. Come in and see
me while in lown, S. J. Reames,
Propiretor, Cedar Creek,, Neb.
Sweet Potato Plants for sale,
2.00 per thousand. Inquire of W.
A- Barnhart, on Lincoln ave., sec
ond house south of Augiisil Gor
der. 5-29-iwk-d-5i-wkTyr
oBimcn to mMMI
Here Is a money-saving proposition for prospective
L. . I 9 . . ml I m a m
name Duiiaers. neaa mis wonaenui puuaing oner.
l -V
Buys All the
to Build this
6 Room
Price Include, all "irTSll
lumber, mill work, 1 -w-""rJ'3T
lath, shinirles. aid-
ing flooring, ceil-
inp, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and hard
ware, frice is at mill or factory. Ask us tor freight-paid price
This is Our House Design No. 2362
Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the conplo
nous features of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large
number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attraotira ap
pcaranea from the outside.
Free Book of Plans.
Tha hsodioniett book Tr (tab
ll.bcd ol ill kind. Shows the latest ot
modern, up to dato designs of houm-t. bun
galows and barns. Vree to sll prosprcti?a
builders. Contains world of valuable in
formation. If you Intend to build don't
delar tsading for this valuable book.
Consult Us.
If rtt with aay Inforaiatloa 00 tht
building subject we sre bere lo give it to
you free ol aharf a.
Our vast experience enables us to show
you tha "bort-aat." of baildlag opa
raiioas, as well as selections of materials.
Don't hesitate to ask us tor any informa
tion oeedtd.
We Save You Money.
No other eoaeera aaa saaka yea
each low prleaa on building material for
house design such as we show above.
Buying direct from mill and factories la
enormous quantities for spot cash enables
us to undersell all competition.
We era satiated with aaa eaiall
Brett which means an immense saviug to
Plans Free.
We make aa charge tar tha elaaa
for the bouse design illustrated above.
Others would ask from $2 to $35 and not
be In a position to give yon Iba aeraeaaJ
atteatioa necessary.
Call and 800 Us Defore Buying
Before building a home you should call at our office aud let is figare on the materials,
and offer yaa some evggeetloaa from our extended experience. We aaa save yea
aaoaey and help you to build the most attractive and comfortable bone aosslble for the
money you have U rpend.
10c lb is our established price for this season for first
quality stahdard binder twine made 1913. This twine
has not been stored in some warehouse for several years,
but will be shipt direct from the factory from this year's
stock, assuring you of perfect binder twine that is so good
that we have had our name printed on the tag, which in
dicates that we personally guaranteeevery poundof the
twine that leaves our yard. This price is spot cash, 4c
per pound higher lor credit 10c lb.
Cedar Greek Lumber Company