The Plattsmouth Journal : Published Semi-Weekly IV. A. MAT1CH, Entered at the rostoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter fV;n PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - ----- - In order to reward an honest and faithful official, the city should increase the salary of Johnny Fitzpat rick, the ellieient night watchman, to at least ten dollars more on the month. :o: rt is frequently averred that were such laws as the Alberts' law submitted to a vote of the jieople they would not carry. California is to give us a demon stration of the truth or falseness of the claim. ' It will submit just such a law at the iient regular election. : to: W. J. Bryan, secretary of state, is quite ilrnily persuaded that the manufacturers of armor and of battleships and of gun powder are war patriots for the wampum there is in it. And tells them so right to their face. There never was a lime when Mr. Bryan did not fully understand what he was talking about, and lie never lacked for language to make his expressions fully un derstood. :o:- 11 is reported that Los Angeles and Topeka are going to put "plain clothes" Women in their police department, and the ques tion is, will it pay? Springfield, Mass., has had policewomen for somo lime and found that it paid big in keeping down immorality in young and unprotected girls. The policewomen are really u moral force, and women's or ganisations aro a unit in saying that it is only a question of time until all cities have policewomen. . . :o: t The fly is the creature of the junk heap, the garbage can and of all such unmentionable things. It is from these vile places he comes as he sails gaily into your unscreened windows. lie enters the human habitation loaded lown with the most deadly microbes. He is a microbe sponge. You can remove flic garbage can and the dung pile. This will help some. Then you can have a swatter in each room of your home and swat him every time an opportunity is alTorded. ; :o: I'latlsinoul h was a little - too late in securing the Omaha High school cadets fo spend their out ing at the rille range near this city. We are informed that a letler was received in this city a month ago from the boys in re gard to coming here, but from some cause no at lent ion was paid to it. Then was the time to have extended the invitation. They go to Missouri Valley, Iowa, this year. Maybe if we take the mat ter up in time we can get them nest year. MR. HENRY PECK AND.MS FAMILY AFFAIRS i l ' 1 '"ill : i i . i i - i 1 1 1 -1 I - I - I - I I l f L U - '' . ... - - " 1 . MaHalBHBMHMHaM -M- ammm BHMHMVMHNM mwmm-i w - -- MiBM1 . at Plattsmouth, Neb. IitlMtitt- Let us be hopeful and cheer ful, the rains will soon be over and the farmers will be the gain ers thereby. :o: The Adams Express company will no olnger accept liquor shipments in less than four gallon packages and over to dealers outside the state. This order is now in effect. The Webb law ( has evidently frightened the express companies, and they don't care lo take any risks. -:o:- Now that the exact geographi cal center of the United States has been established in Smith county, Kansas, there is some curiosity fo know what the government in tends to do with it. Some years ago Central City, Nebraska, was considered the center, but it is there yet. :o: They can talk panic till their throats are sore and it won't scare Woodrow Wilson, nor in the least deter him from doing his duty, lie will attend to the panic business, for he knows just where the cry slarted, and there's just where il will end, but not the way the insiiualors would have it. :o: There are many people in this section of the country who have known John J Irish, at one time designated the "Oreat Iowa Democrat." He lived in Iowa a great many years and finally re moved lo California, where ho has since resided. He is always post ed on questions of importance'. He declares that the legislation adopted by the California solons violates the trealy, drags our honor in the dust and leaves us stripped of good faith and cloth ed in dishonor. Less land is owned and less land leased by Japs in California now I ban four years ago. The Japanese are steadily leaving. In the last two years the number decreased i, 033. It fs plain, therefore, thai we are being pushed into grossly insulting a friendly nation by sheer lying. The fact seems to be hat the men engaged in build ing battleships are intensely anxious to spread a war scare, This talk of a contlict between 'Japan and the United States is the 'same as that between dermany ami England, between Oermany and trance, between England and Russia. The public is exploited and every nation is taxed to serve the purpose of the steel magnates. II is I he most gigantic fake that, was ever organized and worked. Since there is no chance to em broil the United States with any European power the steel fellows work up this feeling against Japan. lf the nth; range will not be in shape for the Omaha High sehuol cadets, why not secure the Straight place? We should not spare any effort to get these young fellows to come to Platts mouth. There will be about 500, including an excellent band, which will give a concert upon the street every evening during their stay. -:o: The more one reads of these efforts by the European powers to declare for other nations what new borders shall be established for them; of the intrigues and "politics" of territory grabbing; and of the commercial reasons therefore the more one becomes convinced that America's best slogan is "Americi for Americans and hands off of all other na- I HOIS. -:o: The Fourth of July is rapidly approaching. What is the com mittee doing about the celebra tion? Many have asked us if we were going to have anything doing 'in IMattsiuouth. Let the committee make some sort of an announcement of what they in tend to have to entertain the people on the great natal day. It seems the country people are arranging to come to Platts mouth. :o; Young women are earning all the way from i to $8 per week at Omaha, doing housework, the maintenance items of board and odging, as a matter of course, being "thrown in." Evidently there is not so much demand for a minimum wage law for girls in Omaha as there is for the survival of the fittest; for, 'obviously, a girl in a fairly good Omaha home, with only one mistress, has an easier place than a girl behind a counter at $0 to $8 without those other very material perquisites. If, then, she can eliminate only moderately the slavery to fashion she really needs have lillle fear of an.y other slavery. Grand Island Independent. ; :o: Trouble between Japan and the United Stales has come from the Jingoes who have been fanning the war talk. Among these is Major Henreicli Werner of the German army, who declares that afler having lived leu years in San Francisco and making money, lie is going home to Oermany to live. Hut he says that the mobil ization of the small army has been going on secretly in Cali fornia for years. In isolated parts of California which he visited in his automobile be found small companies of Japs spending their noon hour and their evenings in drilling. Even those engaged in menial work have organized small survey parlies and made maps of every spot in California and the information they have gained is of priceless value lo them. The difference between valor and discretion is Ihusly explain ed: If you travel from here to California' without tipping the porter, that would be valor. And if you came back by a different route, that would be discretion. Twenty. five editors from dif ferent parts of Nebraska oc cupied the pulpits of the Omaha churches last Sunday. The Kear ney Democrat adds, "that was perhaps one of the hottest days the devil ever experienced in Omaha." :o: Will Chris (Jrunther become deputy revenue collector? That appears to be a decidedly in teresting question among the democrats of Nebraska. If he does not, we shall always think he ought to. If there is a man in the state deserving of such ap pointment, that man is Chris (Irunther, if services lo his party is any criterean. In the disposition of patronage by the government at Washing ton, I hose in whom this power exists want to proceed very care fully, and be positive the offices are placed in the hands of relia ble democrats. An applicant's record as a faithful worker in his party should be some recom mendation to the powers that be. This is the proper policy to pur sue in Nebraska, as well as in all other states, if the party expects lo succeed in the future. There should be no "shenanigan" play ed, and the faithful democrats are on guard to see that there is none played in Nebraska. The Iowa aviator who was con victed of a serious crime and sen lenced to life imprisonment, is showing some of the manly spirit at, least. He had contracts for (lights this season which his manager says will pay him five thousand dollars. He asked the courts to be allowed to carry out the summer's programs that he might earn the money for his family before he enters the gloomy confines of bis prison home. The request has been granted and during the coming summer months he will daily risk his life that his family may be provided for after he retires to his living death. :o: Too much prosperity has ruin ed Jack Johnson, the nigger pugilist. He has been found guilty on seven counts of violat ing the Mann act, and his chances of going lo the penitentiary for a long term of imprisonment are exceedingly good. Johnson's head became duly inflamed with his easy victory over Jim Jeffries. He set up a saloon in Chicago that speedily became the resort of the tough element.. What gave the greatest offense, however, was his marrying u white woman, and when she killed herself, finding the intolerable conditions of her life with a nigger insupportable, he formed another alliance with a while girl named Lucile Cameron. Public indignation was so aroused that he was prosecuted, and of fenses against the law were easy to find. The punishment of tho nigger is just, and he will pass from, the history of pugilism, a field in which he should never have been allowed to enter to do battle against white men. The commission form of gov ernment may be all right, but the recall feature of (he law seem-, to be one of great trouble in some of the cities that have adopted it. In some places the people are get ting very tired of that sort of government. :o: The threatened panic from the eastern gang that has heretofore run this government, is not wor rying the western people very much just at present. A man with iron nerve is at the head of this government, and his name is Woodrow Wilson. They will find hint the leader. :o: The war scare on account of the alien law in California seems lo be decreasing daily. The Japanese are an enlightened race of people and are no more anxious for war than is the Unit ed States government. The only people in this country who would like to see a war are those who would receive mamiuoulh sums for building war vessels. And these two countries do not intend to gratify simply their desires. :o: It would seem that Nebraska has quite a number of applicants for foreign positions, and we notice among a dozen or more mentioned for various positions the name of I). 0. Dvvyer of this city for minister to Siberia. The Journal believes Mr. Dvvyer will not only prove a good man for this place, but any other that might be ottered to him by the ad ininilsration. Such appointments will no doubt bo made by direction of Mr. Bryan, and the Nebraska democrats can depend upon re ceiving their share of such ap pointments, and no more. In dealing out these positions we trust Mr. Bryan will not forget our friend Dvvyer. i :o: Plaltsmouth is getting more compliments from outsiders I ban many of our people have any idea. Every stranger who cpmes to town remarks about the city's thrifty appearance, and there is good cause for such remarks. The improvements that are being made all over the city in the residence sections, as well as in the business section denotes thrift and prosperity. The old board sidewalks are a thing of the past, and cement walks are taking their place. ' The energy of our business men is also noticeable lo a great extent. They are taking more pride in fixing up and arranging their stores more on the order of metropolitan establishments. It makes one feel proud to hear our farmer friends remark that the old town is com ing right to the front. They also nole, with considerable pleasure loo, that their county seal, town is one in which they can feel proud. Let us keep tip the good work. Live business men make a live town; they can soon get rid of the drones and knockers by forging right onward, paying no attention to those who are not worthy of such notice as good citizens generally receive. Perhaps if California had done as the legislature of Arizona has done in excluding all aliens from owning land, the Japs would not feel so bad over the action of California. When one looks at this matter in the proper light it would appear that California should have made the law to ex clude all aliens, no matter of what nationality. :o: If you have one of the aew nickels you had belter keep one as a souvenir as it is understood no more are to be issued. Slot machine manufacturers are find ing fault with the nickel, claiming it cannot be used with facility in their devices. However, it has been found that the new coin can be slipped into a saving deposit without inconvenience, and using it that way is a very commendable alternative. :o: The immigration at our eastern ports presents many grave prob lems, and it has been deemed ex pedient to place many restric tions on the individuals who pre sent themselves for admission into our country. When we wel come foreign immigrants it is on the supposition that they will make desirable citizens, taking their place and doing their part in the development of this country. We want no others. :o: The world is getting belter. We have believed thai a long time, and every now and then we pick up some new point 'in confirma tion of our opinion, which makes us. feel good and be more opti mistic than ever. Just now we have been looking over the elec tion returns in municipal elec tions all over the country. With a good deal of satisfaction we note that even in .the cities where the commission form of govern ment has not eliminated political party lines, these lines are being forgotten and the l ien elected aref about half and half democrat and republican, with tvery now and then a man who does not claim close affiliation with either party. In these reports we see the ad vance of the city voters to the point where a few good men on a ticket cannot carry a lot of bad men into office with them. The voters are doing their own choos ing, and picking the men, not their politics. It will be some time yet, perhaps, but the day will come when Ihis same system will reach out to county, state and even national politics. We are not arguing that political prin ciples should be forgotten, or that it is not right to consider what a man is going to stand for in the way of principles when he gels in office. This knowledge is neces sary lo judge of the fitness of the man to represent the ideas and interests of the voters. But we do believe that when the American people begin lo demand something more of a man than agreement on political ideas better men will be sent inio office, from Hie White house clear down to the township road overseer or the city dog pelter. By Gross