The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1913, Image 2

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Omaha Team Failed to Demon
strate That They Were Really
In the Game.
The Plaltsmoul'i Booslcrs se
cured a victory oer the Brode
gaard Crowns base ball team yes
terday afternoon in a rather one
sided contest. The Held was wet
and very hard to play any very
sensational hall and the home
team had little diflicnlly in secur
ing (he honors of the day by a
score of D lo 4. and the last few
innings of I he gaum were charac
terized by an unmerciful slaught
er of the Omaha players.
The first inning opened with
Fasnak at the bat and he was
given a walk to first by Connors,
but he came right back at young
Mr, Whiteacre and proceeded to
strike him out, while Dolson also
fanned the air and Malherson was
out on a fly to center field that
was gathered in by Heal. In the
Boosters' half of I he inning 13eal
was put out, Fasnak lo Whileaere
at first. Louie Smith, who is
showing some batting eye this
season, followed him at bat and
placed a safe one over second and
tho the fireworks started, as, Mc
Cauley. the veteran first sucker,
knocked a little Texas leaguer
over first and tin ball was lost in
the grass and Smith came home
with a score, and after a short
deliberation Mac also cantered
across the plate with the record
of a home run to his credit. Don
Arries Hew out to Malherson at
third, and Mann, who had hit
safely, was caught on the play.
The opening of the second
made the game look very doubtful
for a few minutes, as I he Crow ns
began to get busy. Gibbs, the
first man up, hit a short drive to
second base, and on an error was
able to reach first. Versity hit a
slow one to third base and Sals
burg threw to Carle to make a
double, and on the error of Carle
both men were safe. Berlin was
unable to connect with the slants
of Connors and retired to the
bench, while Larson, who follow
ed at bat, drove a fly to left field,
making third and bringing in one
score. L. Whiteacre, the pitcher
for the Omaha learn, secured a
Iwo-bagger I hat brought in two
more, and on a throw to second
he came home with another, mak
ing a total of four for the visitors.
The two following batters were
retired by being thrown out at
first. The Boosters were unable
to connect safely with the ball in
their half. Carl knocked a fly to
Fasnak at short and Connors
fouled out to third, while Mason
fanned the air.
In the third the game was Iieii
'd up considerably in Platts
mouth's half of lb; inning when
Salsburg had knocked a little fly
to Malherson at third, Heal was
given a pass to first and proceeded
to pilfer second, when Smith
clouted a safe one to third base
and was safe al first on an error,
while Meal came across the pan
with a seme. McCauley secured
a safe bit, vhu the Crowns
caught Smith off third base and
he was chased back and forth be
tween third ami home until final
ly the high sign was placed upon
him anil he retired In the bench.
Mann ended the agmy by striking
There was nothing' more doing
in the scoring line until the sixth
inning, when the Boosters an
nexed another to itn'ir large and
growing score, as .Mac was hit by
the pitcher, and ns he holds the
record for these accidents was
not greatly damaged, but Beal was
sent out to run for him, and when
Mann hit lo right field the fielder
dropped the ball and caught Mr.
Beal at second, while Mann was
safe at first. Carle was also hit
by the pitcher and sent lo first,
when on the drive of Connors
Mann came over with another run.
The Boosters then proceeded to
light on the pitcher who bad been
placed in the box to relieve
Whiteacre and the jolts he re
ceived will linger in his memory
for some time, as in the seven in
ning Mason, the first man up,
was walked, Salsburg retired,
pitcher lo first, Beal then came to
the scene with his (ordwood stick
and proceeded lo lake a two
bagger I hat brought Mason home
and on a wild throw lo second
Beal scored. The Boosters had
the bases filled, but there was no
more scoring this inning. There
was quite a collision at the home
plate in this inning between Beal
and Dolson, the. catcher for Oma
ha, who attempted to block the
home plate, and as a result re
ceived a very severe crack in the
nose which caused him to have
lo leave the gain", his place be
hind Ihe bat beinir taken by Ber
lin. In the eighth Plallsinouth
further increased their lead when,
with Iwo men out, Salsburg hit
safe to third, Beal was walked and
on the' hit of Smith Salsburg
came home. McCauley was pass
ed to first, and then Captain Mann
livened things up by securing a
two-bagger that brought in Beal
and Smith. This wound up the
game, as the Crowns were unabli
to do business in Iheir half of Ihe
ninth ami Ihe Boosters departed
trom i lie Held I lie victors ny a
score of 1) lo I.
One especially pleasing feature
of (he game yesterday was Ihe
pitching of Connors, who was in
splendid form an. I struck out
eleven of Ihe Criwns, besides
making a number of very fine as
sists. The game was umpired by
France Ballance and his decisions
were uniformly fair and pleasing
to everyone. The line-up of the
teams were:
Itoo.ilers Maiiii, catch; Con
nors, pitch; McCauley, first; Carle,
B. Arries, second; Smith, short;
Salsburg, third; Maon, left; Beal,
center; D. Arries, right.
Crowns Dolson, catch; L.
Whileaere, pitch; hiteacre, first;
Vcrsily, second; l-'asack, short;
Malherson, third; Larson, left;
Gibbs, center; Berlin, right.
The Day Set Apart Generally
Observed by the Churches
and Citiiens.
Sunday was generally observed
as Ihe day set apart to pay
tribute to the mothers of the
country, and thero was hardly a
resident in this city who in some
manner did not stop their worldly
cares to render a just nomage to
the one who loved them best. To
many the day was bright with en
joyment of the society of the
mother, while to others the day
took them back over tho years in
to the land of long ago, when a
gentle, smiling face was bending
over them, and the memory of
that mother's love came like a
blessing on the tired and worn
spirts of many, and through the
vistas of years they were again
a child at mother's knee, and
though she was taken from them
years ago si ill at the call of recol
lection she was a; their side on
this day, which has been fixed up
on as mothers' day.
The day was observed in the
Methodist church al each service,
starling with the Sunday school in
the morning, when an extensive
program was given by the differ
ent members of Ihe school and
the attendance was very large.
Carnations, the emblem chosen
for the day, were given out at
each service and everyone attend
ing carried their Hover home with
them as a reminder of what the
day meant lo them. The Young
Men's Bible class of the church
had arranged a special meeting at
3 o'clock in the afternoon, which
was greatly enjoyed by the largo
number in attendance. The
services opened by a selection,
"Tell Mother I'll Be There," by
Ihe Young Men's Glee club, the
solo part being taken by Walter
Briggs, and (his number was very
much enjoyed ami was rendered
in a manner that greatly im
pressed all with the solemnity
and beauty of the day. Superin-i
lendent W. G. Brooks recited a
poem of Tennyson on "Mother''
in a very pleasing manner, which
was followed by a leading by Mrs
Allen J. Beeson on the spirit of
Ihe day, which was given in her
usual finished manner that
brought tho feolirg of the day
Will have on sale a limited number of pieces of Mes
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Now is the time to think of that New Dress. We
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Money Saving Articles is What
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H. M.
into the hearts of all present.
Jennings Servers sang the beauti
ful solo, "Throw Out the Life
line," and his selection was one
of the most delightful of the aft
ernoon, and was followed by a
very able address by Hon. R. B.
Windham, who, in a few remarks
covering some twenty nunuies,
paid a most glowing tribute to
motherhood and Ihe duties and
obligations of the young men to
wards their mother, and his re
marks were the best along this
line that has been delivered in
this cily and the class feel deeply
indebted to Mr. Windham for his
eloquent and forcible address
The services were brought to a
close by the reading of a Mothers'
day message by Superintendent
Brooks, and the young men de
parted feeling ereally improved
by attending this service.
The Junior League of the
church had, under the direction of
the superintendent, Mrs. Frank
Gobelman, prepared a very in
teresting and pleasing program,
which was given before a large at
tendance of the members, as well
as their fathers nnd mothers, and
it was given in a manner that re
flects great credit upon both the
Leaguers nnd their worthy teach
er. who has devoted much time to
this department of tho church.
In the evening the Epworth
League celebrated the twenty
fourth anniversary of the inter
national society, as well as the
twenty-first of I ho local society,
and tho program in common with
all the societies of the world was
carried out. The new officers
were installed into their various
ofilces, the charge being given
them by Rev. W. L. Austin, pastor i
of the church, in a very impres
sive manner.
German St. Paul's Church.
A very large audience was pres
ent at the mornirg service to
observe the impressive Confirma
tion service at St. Paul's church.
Rev. J. II. Steger, in his sermon,
which was specially addressed to
the young people who were to
make a public confession of the
religion of Jesus Christ and to
confirm and ralifv the promise
made at their baptism, spoke
about the word: Thy word is a
lamp unto my feet and a light
unto my palh. After the con
firmation was performed accord
ing lo the riles of the church the
choir rendered a very beautiful
hymn suitable for Ihe occasion.
In Ihe evening a program was
given in accordance lo the cele
bration of Mothers' day. The
I heme of Ihe program was "Die
Mutter im Deutschen Liede," and
there is certainly no other
language on earlh which has as
manv wonderful poems which de
mother than the language of the
poets and thinkers. Messrs.
Ilichter and Wesch both sang two
beautiful solos. A number of old
beloved German songs were sung
by the congregation, also a num
ber of poems were recited and
read by members of the Sunday
school, and the program was not
finished when the approaching
thunderstorm made it necessary
lo close the celebration, but in the
hearts of those who were present
the words of Ihe poet are re
"Kruch von der Ileimat must ich
Vom Elternhause lieb und traut,
Mich Iriobs von einem Ort zum
Ich hoerte frcnider Sprache Laut:
Doch in des Lebens regem
Das seine Fesseln inn niich
Wird mir vor allem leuer bleiben,
Das Lied, das meine Mutter sang."
Miss Catherine Dovey, who for
the last few months has been in
New York studying voice culture,
has returned to this city to make
a visit here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George E. Dovey. The
teachers who have been instruct
ing Miss Dovey are very en
thusiastic about her voice and are
free to predict that a great future
awaits her in her chosen line of
work, that of teaching voice
culture. While in New York Miss
Dovey has had instruction from
some of the most talented teach
ers in the east.
Poor appetite is n sure sign of
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It would surprise you to know
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Darius Downey, of Newberg Junc
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have any trouble with your stom
ach or bowels gie them a trial.
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FOREST ROSE The best flour
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Here are a few facts
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Manhattan Shirts
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scribed Ihe blessed love of the