r 10? OISGU! t:o1 caUoc, mado vitli ROYAL Balling Povdor aro doliciouc, health ful and easily mado. DEMON SMART MANAGES TO YANKEE ROBIM SECURE CIRCUS TICKETS 15 NEARLY HERE ELKS ENJOY ANOTHER PLEAS ANT AND ENJOYABLE EVENT From Wednesday' Dally. The Elks' looVe last evening held a most enjoyable stag party at tlio club rooms in the Coales' block, which wan attended by about sixty of the members of the order. The evening was one of great pleasure to nil those attend ing, and the committee arringing tho affair certainly covered them selves wilh glory in conducting the delighlful occasion. One of the principal features of the even ing was the sumptuous luncheon served to the company. The luncheon was in the nature of an imported affair, all the articles entering into it being imported for the occasion, and the words of praise for the spread were loud from the participants of the en joyable lime. Keeps Fine Establishment. ). K. I'armele, the liveryman, is engaged in keeping up wilh the procession by having his buggies and carriages all repainted ami decorated for lb' use of I he patrons of his ham during the coming season. Mr. i'armele sees I hat his vehicles are kept up in line shape, and he has a very able assistant in John Hoelel, who has charge of the back line and keeps his team and hack in lirst class shape. RE-ADVERTISE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WALK SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS EN- , M. llob class of church home of From Wednesday's Pally. The young ladies of J ertson's Sunday school the First Presbyterian were entertained ut the Miss (iertrude Morgan last even ing, Misses Crete Mriggs and (.iertrude Morgan being the hos tesses on this ocaesion. When ever invited to the Morgan home Iho guesls always anticipate a lino time, as they are most hos pitable entertainers, and the an ticipations of (he guesls were fully realized in the entertainment afforded them last, evening. The hostesses hail planned a number of amusements with which to fur nish entertainment, fur their guenls. One of Ibese plans ma terialized into the nature of a card game known as "ghost," which created considerable merriment ami a soi l of rivalry in not being the ghost. Another game was in troduced during the evening which was also very pleasing. It was also a sort of card game in which Iho chief aim was that of making words with the b iters on each card. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan then told the guesls of I heir eastern trip, and some lime was spent in looking at photos of different and important points, which proved very interesting. The hostesses served deliciom refreshments, consisting of ice cream and cake, and at a lale hour the guesls dis persed, declaring I hey bad had a most delighlful time. The city council, at their meet ing Monday evening, decided to readverl ise for bids for the fur nishing of material and construc tion of sidewalks and cross walks in Ibis city. The first ad vertisement brought out only one bid, ami Die council desired lo give everyone! an opportunity to gel in if they desired, so I he bids! will be received at the next, coun cil meeting on May ll. The bid I bat, was received was not, opened and will be passed over until Hie next meeting. Hello, sonny! Hun an' tell yer boss that Deacon Smart's here to buy twenty jol!ars worth 'o dry goods an' 'groceries to git two circus tickets frc. Yer ma 'low ed 'at now I'm a Deacon in the church 'at I'd be bleeged to cut out the circus bi.ness, but, shucks, sonny, I ,jePt got to take yer to see Iheni animals an' help educate yer. So put me down fer a sack 'o sugar, ".no; Monarch canned goods, ', and1 say, I'll git yer ma an' Mary Ann each a silk dress, that'll be another $10.00. I Mow yei dad ain't no slouch at spendin' the long green lo git circus tickets fer nothin'. Yer ma lold Mary Ann 'at she 'lowed lo come down and trade 'nuff lo git two tickets an' take yer herself, so I got up early an' beat her to it. JIa, ha I bo, ho! I tell ye, folks 's has lo HIKE tor keep up wilh Ole Man Smart. SMART by name an' SMAHT by nater, by gum! !reat cats! let me out the back door. Here conies yer Ma an' Miss Dillberry now. Mum's (he word, st.nny. One of the Most Extensive Shows But Two as Large In the World. You Can Prevent Hog Cholera Kil! Hog Worms and Have Fat Hogs. Don't let Hog Cholera and Worms teare yoult' on easy matter to prevent them. This positive fact I vouched forby thousands of Farmers and Hog Raisers In nearly every state In the Union. Just feed with the dally hog ration a small quantity of MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DAPPLE GREY HORSES PROF. KOLBABA'S RECITAL TUESDAY EVENING MAY 6 Marshall, Dentist, Coates blook. As one of the features at tho recital given by the pupils of the Kolbaba Violin school on Tuesday evening, May (i, will bo Iho ap pearance of W'ilma, Hie lillle 5-year-old daughter of l'rof. Kol baba, who will assist the class in the rendition of Hie closing num ber on llii program, "America." This lillle miss is a wonder on the violin ami her playing has at Iracled Hie attention of musicians wherever she has appeared, and universal admir:ton has been expressed at her laienl, and it, is freely predicted that, she will lie come famous in time on Hie violin. The Finest Horses on Earth Car ried With the Yankee Rob inson Circus. Without question the horses of the Yankee Robinson circus and Texas Hill Wild West are the llnest ever carried with a travel ing concern. These horses are all young and of I he very highest class. They have several blooded animals, all of which are display ed in the horse tents free of charge. If you come to town for nothing else than the parade, do not fail to go lo the horse tents and view these fine animals. At tendants are on hand lo conduct you through the stables and no charge is made for this service. Al l'laltsnioulli Monday, May 5. Mr 8. Thompson Sick. From Wednesday' Dally. For the past week Mrs. J. L. Thompson has been quite sick at her home on Vine street, and for several days her condition was quite serious, but she is apparent ly improving slightly and her family have great hopes that in a few days she will be ablo to be up and around. Her illness has been the cause of much regret to her many friends throughout the oily. Cards of Thanks. Wo desire to express lo our friends ami neighbors and mem bers of the lire department, our deep appreciation' of Iho assist ance they rendered at the de struction of our homo by lire on Saturday afternoon and for sav ing for us what they could of our properly. An occasion of Ibis kind is one that shows how valu able friends are, and our friends certainly came lo the front in splendid shape lo help us. V. M. Mullis and Family. To those who so manfully worked Saturday afternoon to save our home from catching tiro from the eonllagralioir at the Mullis home wo desire to return our most sincere thanks, and while words are not capable of expressing our feeling of grati tude, still we take this method of thanking the neighbors and fire men who labored so hard to save our home. Mrs. Jacob Slenner and Family. Without a doubt one of the most iuleresling features of a circus is the unloading . of the show and its equipment. Im mediately upon the arrival work commences. The men are divided into squads, named according to their respective duties. The squads are known as the car, tent, slake, animal, driver, cooking and ring squads. Early in the morn ing all but the last named squads are at work. The animal and driver squads are at work as soon as the switch ing has finished. The horses are fed and harnessed. The drivers are divided into two classes, those who take tho wagons, tents, poles, etc., to the show grounds, and those who drive the teams that assist in the unloading'. There are six teams and drivers employed in unloading the Yankee Ilobinsoi Shows. Three teams are used in hauling the wagons down tho inclines from the cars to the ground. Three more teams are employed in taking tho wagons from Iho edge of the incline to a place out of the way, so work will not be impeded by waiting for those who are employed in taking I be wagons to the show ground. One man hooks a rope to the wagon first in line, while two more men are busy guiding Hie tongue from one car to another dow n I he incline. To the rear of the wagon another rope is fastened so as lo steady it as it goes down I be incline. One man is busy working with this rope, which is wound about a stake well fastened to the unloading car. Two or three teams are hitched lo each wagon to take it to the grounds. 'There are about ten such squads busy with this de livery work. While this work is going on the animal squads are preparing their animals for removal. They unload them and take them to the grounds, whore they are carefully groomed for the morning parade. Three hours is sufficient lime for the unloading and transfer ring of all equipments. There are about one hundred men in these squads, each squad having its own boss. Tho work ing of those squads is very sys tematic, so as lo economize time. Tho economy of time is one of the chief aims of the management of largo circuses. The big shows will come lo rial ismoiii n tuoiuiay, April . Reserved seat tickets can bo bad at. Weyrich & lladraba's drug store. Then you can avoid the rush al the ticket office on the show grounds. If 0 It renders hogs immune to Cholera; tones them up; keeps them on their feet) makes them fat and sleek; destroys Worms; Increases your pork profits. MERRY WAR POWDERED LYB has proved Itself to be the surest preventive of Hog Cholera exterminator of Worms and the best hop conditioner and fattener In thi world. Here Is evidence that will convince you. Mr H. H. Unterklrcher of Wever. Iowa, writes: "I am recommending MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE to everyone I see. as It Is a great hog condi tioner and worm destroyer." Ask US about MERRY WAR POWDERED LYE. A. W White, Dry Goods & Groceries PLATTSMOUTH. Phones : Ind. 206, Bell 71 NEBR, Vcic JUNIOR GUILD OF ST. LUKE'S PARISH ELECT NEW OFFICERS From Wednesday's Daily. The Junior Guild of St. Luke's parish met with .the president, Mrs. T. P. Livingston, last even ing for the election of officers. Tho following officers were select ed for the ensuing year. First vice president, Mary Donnelly; second vice president, Violet Dodge; secretary, Jessie Robert son; treasurer, Marbara Clement. After plans for Iho work of the iluild were discussed some very delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, which were very much enjoyed by those present. NEW AND UP-TO-DATE ENTER PRISE FOR PLATTSMOUTH from Wednesday's Dally. This afternoon John W. Crabill and E. II. Schulbof were passeng ers for Omaha, where they will purchase their slock of Victor talking machines, Victor-Victro-las and records for their new store wnicn win do opened snortlv in the rear room of the Crabill jewelry store. These gentlemen will run a first-class, un-to-dalo 'slablishinent and will handle the latest talking machines, and their stock of records will consist of the latest productions on the mar ket. The establishment of this store will till a long-felt want lero, as it has been impossible lo secure any of the late records without going to Omaha to pur chase, and with Ibese excellent gentlemen in charge the public an rest assurred I hey will bo treated righl. First Picnic Breakfast. V'rom Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday morning at tho early hour of (') a merry crowd of young ladies wended their way down to the river for an early breakfast. A huge fire was built and the breakfast was deliciously pre pared by I he young ladies. At 8:30 I bey returned, having had a very delightful' lime, but the only drawback was thai they had to climb the hill for school. -Those that participated in this joyful event were: May Martin (Menu, Lydia Todd, Wanda Ramsey, (iladys MeMaken, Ola Kall'enberg er, Sophie llild, Mildred Snyder, Margaret Albert and Miss Maddux. Have you tried tho Forest Rose flour? If not, why not? It is the best flour on tho market and is sold by all dealers. To See the Great Eastwood Oil Cook Stove Demon strated is a Safe Sale! No Smoke! No Smell! No Explosion! No Danger! Any Child Can Operate Without Danger The Stoves are manufactured expressly for me with my name and full guarantee. See them in my West window. All kinds and all size ovens and all prices Hot weather is coming. Buy early and get the very best To Appear Before Commission. Tho City Council has directed mo to appear before the Railway Commission to represent tho city in its protest to tho increase of telephone rates on May 8th. Fiery citizen is invited to make a writ ten statement of your objection to an increase in telephone rates and mail same to me or leave same at my office on or before May 5lh. A. L. Tidd, City Attorney. NOTICE. AH persons knowing them selves to bo indebted to the firm of Robert Sherwood & Son will pleaso call at the store and settle on or before the 12th day of May, or tho accounts will bo placed in the hands of a collector to secure payment. Robert Sherwood & Son. See EASTWOOD, Plattsmouth, Neb. The Cass County Hardware Man POLICE CHIEF RAINEY GETS SEVERAL WEEKS' VACATION From Tuesday Dally. This morning Chief of Police Hen Rainey secured a lay-off of a few weeks to attend to tho re moval of his implements to the farm on Speck's island, in which he is interested, and he will 'go there to see that the work for tin coming season is gotten untie way in proper shape. Tho islam is a very fertile piece of groum and I he boys should secure a larg crop off it Ibis season, as every thing is favorable for a splendid season, and tho high water failet to do any damage to the land. Th farm will bo in charge ofWes Kalasek and Frank Ashenbrenner, who will reside there during the summer months. To admire, to love, to regret, is to live, SfU'l grout writer. Do not let the regret bo brought on !y a cough or cold, which if t routed wheu it first appeared would have euily been controlled. Allen's Congh Balsam brings welcomed relief in such cases. Contains no harmful ingredients. 85c, EOc. and $1.00 bottles at all dealers. keep it Handy For an gmergpney : J when accident or vnddfn plcknem 1 comes, nothing U more vteful than f I rnuf mvTm'l InTftlnalile forOiarrhtPt, Cramps, etc. PERW DAVIS I PAIR I KILLER.! Released on Parole. Fred Ohm, who has been con- lined in tho county jail for some months, has been paroled by- Judge II. D. Travis for a period of one week on bis god behavior, and if ho is able to keep in the straight and narrow path he will be allowed to continue to enjoy his liberty. The authorities decided to give him an opportunity to se cure employment where he could earn some money, and during the few days ho has b"en out ho has been busy working and it is to be hoped ho will continue to keep out of trouble. OIIDEK TO SHOW CAL'SK. In the District Court of Casa Count. v. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Application of ueorge JS. Kyan, Uuardlun of Joseph Klton Kyan and Arrhle J. Kynn, Minvrs, to Sell Keal Estate. Now on this 4th day of April, 1913, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of George E. Kyan, guardian of tho persons and the prop erty of Joseph Klton Kyan and Archio J. Kyan, minors, praying for a license to sell the Interest of his said wards In the following described real estate to-wlt: East half of northeast quarter ( 10 N. K. '4), Section slxteeen (16), township ten (10), range nine (9) east, in Cass county, Nebraska, In which real estate the said wards own an undivided one fifteenth (1-15) each, and lots thlrteeen (13). fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in block four (4), Village of Alvo, Cass county, Nebraska, In which said wards own each an undivided one-fortieth (1-10), or so much of said real estate and of the Interests of said wards therein na It shall seem to the court to he for the best Interests of said wards. It la hereby ordered by the court and adjudged, that the next of kin, and all persons Interested In said matter, ap pear before me at chambers at the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m on the l!0tli (lay of May, 1913, to show cause. If any there be. why such license be not granted to said petitioner. It is runner ordered mat a copy oi this order bo published In the l'latts mouth Weekly Journal for three weeks successively next Immediately before the date of said hearing. Given under my hand at the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on this 4th day of April, 1913. HAUVEY P. TRAVIS, Judge of the Dlstrct Court. r NEW IDEA -Llonure Sproodors The Best Manure Spreader ON THE MARKET TODAYI This machine may be seen at my implement department a new addition to my general black smith and wagon business. I also handle the AVERY Corn Planters and Cultivators! c In fact it is my intention to carry a general line of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see me for whatever you may need. SOUTH SIXTH ST Plattlsmouth, Neb.