SI m D) u 1 i J . Mow bearing its Close Positively Closes Saturday slight irr- -rrrr--a mi 11 W We are going to exert every effort to make this one the greatest success of them all, and if low nrices on high quality goods will bring the business. M. -M- w t Wp nrp prmfirlpnt thnt vnnr mnnpv will tfn farther L in buying at this Spring Sale than ever before. these prices over and come in and be convinced there is no need to go out of town when such a sale is at home. X-.5.'.U,iV II li I - 7c' 1 1 Look V tm 4 Special Price on Milliney -Yards of itoskeg Ginghams- 5 Yds Yds 36-inch width Hope Muslin ecfaSs in Dress and Mash oods Departments Half Bleached Muslin, 36-inches wide, 10c values. . Rivel 81x90 Finished Sheets, $1.25 values Aurora Pillow Tubing 42 and 44-inch, 25c values. Silkolines, 36 inches wide, 20c values Feather Ticking, fancy stripes, 20c values Percales 36-inches wide, values to 15c. . ., . 8c 85c 16c 11ic 16c 10c Fancy Lawns, good pattern, 15c values .9C Poplins or Voils, (all colors) 35c values 19c Black Sateen, 30-inches wide, 20c values 14c Serges in all colors, (best grade sold during this sale) values $1-25,-Q $1.10 and 85c at 89c, 75c and QC Curtain Swiss, best grade, 35c values Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses! Children's Cresses Tretty Wash Fab rics, size 2 to 14 vears. will be sold S2.50, $2.2.',, $1.95, $1.45, $1.13, 98c. 6c and 45c Children's Coats and Jackets in Norfolk styles at $5.50, $4.75, $3.95 and $2.75 Children's Gowns Values, $1.00, sold now at 69c Children's Hose will be sold 22c, 19c, l ie and 11c Baby Dresses during this sale will be sold atiwc, 69c and 45c Notions from one cent up Corsets At a snecial price $3.00, $2.50, $1.69, $1.19, 89c, C3c and 43c White Lingerie Dresees Values $6 to $10. 50 during this sale at $5.25 and $4.75 Ladies' Wash Street Dresses Latest styles, all colors and sizes at '$3.75, $2.95, $2.49, $1.98, $1.79, $1.45, and $1.19 House Dresses Values $1.48 up to $2 25 a t $1.65, $1.48, $1.15 and 95c Gingham Aprons Will be sold dur ing this Bale at 42c and 22c Ladies' Rubberized Coats will be sold during this sale at $9.50, .$5.95, $1.75 and $2.25 Ladies' Dress Skirts in all colors and sizes. Values $6 to $12, will be sold $8.00 $6.95, $5.50 and $3.90 Ladies' Suits Values $15.00 up $30, during this sale at $18.50, $16, $12.50 and $9.50 Ladles' and Misses' Spring Coats Values $6 to $27.50 at $17.50 $13.50. $10.50, $3.50, $6.50 and $4.50 Umbrellas for Ladies', 48c, 79c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.98. Excellent values Aurora Sheeting 35c values will be sold at 24c Coates" Thread 6 spools 25c Ladies' Underwea AH Bizes and pri- ces-$1.25, 98c, 65c 43c, 23c, 19c and 14c Tailored and Fancy Waists Values at 75c to $5.50, at $3.75, $3.25, $2.50, $1.98, $1.48, 98c, 89c, 69c and 48c Black Petticoats Values $1.00 to $3.25, will be sold $2.75, $1.90, $1.25, 73c. 89c. 69c and 48c Towels Will be sold dur ing this sale at 49c 39c, 21c, 14c, 12c, and 9c Gingham Petticoats Values 65c and 75c will be sold during this sale at 48c i Ladies' Hose 15c to 50c values will be sold during this sale at 43c 23c 19c, 14c and 9c Ladles' Silk Gloves Long and short, all colors, values 69c $1.25. sold at 98c 85c and 48c Kimonos Crepe and eilk sold during this sale at $4.75, $1.89 aud $1.48 Ladles Gowns Value3 98c to $2 will be sold $1.69, $1.25, 98c and 50c Toweling Values at 12c to 25c, sold now, 23c 14c, 12Jc and 10c adies Wool Dresses All colors and sizes values, $6 to 112, at $9, $7.95, $6.50, and $6.00 Embroideries and Laces 35c, 15c, 12c, 9c, 7c, 5c and 3c Ladies' Hand Bags Will be sold dur ing this sale at $2.50, $1.75, 95c 69c and 48c "New Break" Combs 15-25-35c Ladies' Handker chiefs Will be sold dur ing this sale at 29c 23c, 10c, 11c 8c and 4c A complete line of cull buttons, stick pins, t i e holders, fobs and chains, from 5c to 50o. Men's Silk Hose All colors. 45c 25c and 19c s -Clothing and Shoe Department !- GO in G3 co Men's Suits from $15 to $20, during this sale, $18.50, SH.SU and $10.00 Men's Slip-On Coats $2.15, $4.85, $il.75, $7.05, $7.95 values from $9.50 to Men's Work Shirts wing this 15-day sale itt 45c ,E $3-50 CO o E o Men's Hats During this 15-day sale at $2.75, $1.93 $1.4.) and 95c Mens' & Boys' Belts 48c, 33c and 21c ca 5 CO CO CO Men's Shoes $3.45, $2.98. $2.79, $2.45, $2.25, $.., and $1.45 Ladles' Shoes $3.45, $2.90, $2.45, $1.98, 91. Ti ana $1.58 ft CD Red and Blue Handkerchiefs will be sold dur lng this sale at 4c CO G3 "c3 Boys' Suits at a very low price during tins sale. Men's Overalls and and Junipers 89c, 7!le, 69c uml 48c Bovs Overall and and Jumpers during the 15-day sale, 45c, 33c and 23c Windsor Ties during the 15-day sah' at 19c Boys' Straw Hats 1.23, 95c, 79.', 49c, 39c, 27c ami 19c Fancy Yests worth 2.00 up to 5.00, will go at 1.79 and . 98c Men's Dress Shirts 1.9, 1.73, 1.49 1.29, 95c, 73o am 59c Mens and Boys Fancy Caps Valued at 1.00, in thin sale ut 69c 48c, 39e, 29c and 22c Mens Fancy Straw Hats 2.45, 1.95, 1.49, 1.25. 95c, 79c, 09c and 45c Trunks and Suit Casts During tho 15-day sale will bo sold at a very 1 o w price, from 95c up Suspenders Mt:n's ami boys' 45c: 23c, 19c and 1Cc Boys Knickerbocker Pants 1.25, 9Hi-, 89c, i9c and 43c Mens Underwear 2-picce garments, during the 15-day sal at 39c Silk Neckwear will lie bold dur ing this sale at 43c, 29e and 21c Work and Dress Gloves 1.45, 1.19, 95c, 73o 45c, and 29c Umbrellas During the 15-day sale, 2.45, 1.1H, !0i 73c and 48c Collars In all styli-s and sizes will be sold for 10c 's Hats & Caps 93c, 7.V, 48c, 35c 23c Men's Hose in all colors, 23c, 19c, 14c, 11c, 9c. aud 7c Handkerchiefs 23c, 19.!, 12c, Ho, and 4c Boys' Shoes $2.25, $1.9S, $.7ii $1.35 during this 15-day sale Misses' & Child ren's Shoes $2.19, $1,93. $l.0'. $1.35, 05c and 48c Shirts Ono lot of Shirts in broken sizes, worth 75c and $1. Will go for 29c Men's Pants 3.45, 2.75, 1.98, 1.79, 1.45, 1.25, and 95c Mens Union Suits Worth 1.25, will he sold at 95c F. is PARTR0ENT "THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES" TP V. ZUCKER, Manager