t r i 0 n How-de-do Mrs. Dillberry; I can't stop a minite, but say! have you heard the news? They're goin' to have a grand opcnin' at that big Day-light store of Soeumchsen's next Saturday and they're goin' to sell things awful cheap! My sakes! they're goin' to almost give some things away on that day! Nice sunbtinnits and ging ham aprons is goin' at nineteen cents, an' lots cf other fine bargains. Say! they aint no use of anybody spendin' railroad fare to Omaha, when you can get better bargains right in yer own town at the Day light store! An then they're clean an fresh an haint been handled over by nobody knows who! Believe me, I'm goin' to get in on the Openin' day display. Mary Ann says we'll go early and stay late. We can set in the rest room when we get tuckered out. Mary Ann says she wants one o' them American Lady cor sets, they improve the figger so much, an Goodness Knows she needs improvin'. Well I must be goin'. I'll meet you Saturday at Soennichsen's Openin'. Be sure and come, cause it's sure goin' to be the thing Goodbye! o !1 which tin' latter slates thai she and her daughter, Miss Marjorio, will return In Nebraska for the siiiiiiiit'i' in .May. We arc glad to slali' that tli" latter i- imprnv inu in health. Miss Salome Kivuller uf .Nod away, fnwa, was a guest uf Hie V. F. hiers home Monday night. Miss Ki-eiiHer lias ;i general mer rhii''ilise store m Nodaway and is doing well in this enterprise, i which she lias conducted since i n Louisville a few ears ago. lias lieeii 111 liinaaa miving THE KUNZ WILL CASE IS CONTINUED UNTIL THURSDAY. MAY 22N0 -in- :ooi vv vvvvv v WEEPING WATER. Republican. ? Ul Uli f rrnrn 3 USE PHONE 54 TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY O iiri 11 a r , 3 fit s j? nil HELPING OUT THE BERLIN UNFORTUNATES Neighboring Towns Display True Spirit in Sending Large Delega tions to Aid in the Work. The little villain uf Itollin is tdowly recovering frnin the effects of Ihe lerrihle tornado lhal. swept over I lie place, hut I hero is great, (lifflmlly m securing sullicient help to clean the place up and start Ihe work of reconstruction, and Ihe neighboring towns have boon sending in relief workers, who have assisted as far as pos sible in Ihe work of rebuilding Ihe (own. W eeping Water sent over sixty live men last W ednesday, and Ihe wiirl hy people of Klniwood, be sides raising 70, mi Wednesday loaded some einhl men in an auto and hied themselves lo the unfor tunate town to assist in Ihe car penter work mid general llxing up of Hie buildings. The men ran into a hunch of carpenters who were working on Ihe job at UO rents per hour, and they at once began t' protest egainsl the relief workers attempting lo assist the unfortunates ami applied Ihe epithet of "sculi" to Ihein for I heir kindly olliecs to those who had suffered in Ihe sloriu. Tins Klni wood people I'mally returned home, promising o return, which Ihey did on Thursday, wilh twen ty men, and finished Ihe job that Hie high-priced carpenters from Nebraska F.ity had refused lo work on w ilh Ihe volunteers. This is Ihe lime when there can be a great wink done there, and work that their own people can not do in a year. The amount of needed help in lterliu is great and be merchants there are handicap ped by Ihe fact that, Ihey are try ing lo clean up their stocks of goods lhal remain and cannot, do any great amount of relief work, ami Ihe labor of a few men will amount to a great deal more lo the I own than donations of money at this I ime. The volunteer workers who went to lhal place to work cer tainly deserve much praise, and Ihe condemnation of the public should he visited upon Hie men who would Iry and oppose I hem in their work of charity and help fulness because they were not regular carpenters. The Kim wood hunch of good fellows ex pect to go later to Ilerlin to put in niiolher day assisting in the good work. The neighboring towns in Ihiit seel ion have responded nobly lo the work of aiding Ihe unfor tunate people. was awarded Ihe ; doing Ihe work, be love wood for being assisted by William llulllsli. I,. K. Kanghorsl is having his store building neatly repainted over Ihe entire exterior. The body will be of dark drab coloring with suitable trimmings, and when completed will undoubtedly have a very pleasing effect. Den nis Sh a I'll is plying Ihe brush. ' - J. LOUISVILLE. ! Courier. : elmwood. : J I.eadcr-Kcho. The ireenslale residence was sold Friday, to S. W. Ilyllon. A. N. McC.rory spent Ihe week wilh his sou, Marian, who is in Ihe Clarkson hospital at Omaha. Miss Iterlha luyau left, Sunday evening for her home al Ashland, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. K. I.. Wolcoll. Mrs. Annie Mouth and children left Friday for their home in Iowa, after a visit at the homo of Mrs. Month's uncle, I.. F. f.ang horsl. I. .1. Marshall will hereafter drive a nice Ford louring car, hav ing a short lime ago purchased from II. A. Williams one of that popular make. Nensliel & Son have purchased an unto louring car for livery purposes, and we understand they have engaged Willie Winkler as chauffeur. We wish them suc cess in Ihe venture. The old trees and rubbish on the Ilohbs lot of the K. F. f.ang horst department store, have been removed and Ihe premises look KM) per cent belter, fi. S. Wart A new babe is reported at I In Arthur Dean home in Missouri. Mrs. Dean was formerly Anna Uronkow. ( William Ossenkop has pur chased I lie Fraler properly on Cherry street and will move in as soon as Ihe Fraler family move lo Texas al the close of the school year. We are sorry to report the serious illness of our old friend, Julius llagoss. lie has been in poor health all w inter with a com plication of disorders ami lias been bedfast for the past two weeks. Mrs. K. C. Twiss, who lias been in poor health all winter, suffer ing from the effects of an attack of pneumonia, is slill in a delicate condition and is unable lo leave Ihe house, although not bedfast. Mr. and Mrs. John Price, have arrived here from Amazonia, Mo., and will make this Ihcie future home. Mrs. Price is Ihe daughter of Mrs. (ieorge Myers. They pur chased Ihe Phelps properly mi Railroad avenue. Miss Dulcie Fraler, who had Ihe misfortune to fracture the small bone in her limb below Ihe knee, two weeks ago while visit ing in Lincoln, is improving sleadilv. although she will lie obliged lo walk on crutches for another live weeks. Mrs. P. C. Slander is in icceipt of a letter from Long lleach, Cal., from Mrs. Nellie P. Agnevv, in W. M. Kangliorsl, Unite sick for some lime, i ready for his duties at the depot. Oscar Johnson of Coad, Neb., came to Omaha Monday with a couple of cars of slock, so came on down for a visit wilh his par-' cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Peler Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Draver left Saturday morning for their future home al FJurwell, Neb. The good wishes of the community go wilh them on I heir voyage of life. Martin Mogeuseii left Monday I'm- North Plallo, Neb., where he will lake up Hie work of fireman on t he U. P. railroad. Marl in w ill make good al anything that he undertakes, as he is the right kind of a young man lo make good. Harry Poller came in Tuesday morning for a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. S. . dirardet and family. He lias given, up Ihe quarlet work and is now mi his way to Central, Montana, to en gage in the real estate business. Richard lilmore came in from Mall-mouth Ihe lirsl ol the week, i i i i - i i : . ... 1 . ' win-re lie nas neen visiting ins nighler since leaving Silver City line ago, ami will iiiuko his home here, thing in the house al he owns on the south side. Carl Slirader of Avoca was in town Friday and visited hi- liltle niece, the youngest daughter of Julius Knglekemeier, who is ipiitc sick ;il Ihe home of her nurse. Mrs. J. W. Carter. Dr. T. P. Liv ingston of Plallsinoulh was called over Sunday in consultation with Dr. Under. Al latest report she was very much heller. I'nderliiker K. Ralnour went lo Nehiiwka Sal unlay to prepare the body of Mrs. William KaulTinann, who' died al the home of. her sis ter, Mrs. D. 1). Adams, on Friday, for shipment to the home at Hi'ownsville. Xeh., where inter ment was made. .Mrs. Kaufmann was the wife of Stale Senator Wil iam KaulTinanii of Nemaha county. The county court has been ipiite i bii.-y the pal two (lays in Ihe handling- of various probate mat - ' lers Ihiit came up for hearing in. that tribunal. Veserila the greater portion of the day was ial.en up in the hearing of the mailer of Ihe pro le ot the will of Ihe late David Cbrislian Kun, the probate of the will lieing contested by a son of I lie deceased. John W. Kllll.. of i H' i'li'i. i he cause was continued .... i: l ' i ' i i .. . . si.... .v Wlin was1"111'1 inur-nav, MilV again I , Final settlement was had in Ihe estate of Henry J. Behrns, de ceased, a former prominent citizen of Avoca precinct, and the admin istrator of the estate, Joseph Zim inerer, cashier of the Hank of Avoca, discharged from his re sponsibilities. This morning- the estate of Mrs. CMia Polacek was given final set tlement and the husband, John Poliicek, who has been serving- as administrator, was relieved from his duties. SI. LUKE'S WOMAN'S AUXILIARY HOLDS ITS ANNUAL ELECTION The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Luke's parish held their annual election of ol'licers yesterday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. T. P. Livingston, and the mooting was attended by a large number of the members, considering the dis agreeable weather that prevailed all day yesterday. The election resulted in the selection of the following ladies as the officers of the auxiliary for Ihe year: Presi dent, Mrs. J. II. Kuhns; vice presi dent, Mrs. W. J. White; secretary, Mrs. A. W. Dawson; treasurer, Miss Dora Fricke. Following the election the ladies discussed the plans for the year and how Ihe work of tin.' society could ho made more effective the coming season. EAGLE. v J- p.eacon. 1.7 I V-WsLfl-.A For that "Rainy Feeling" try our $5 Slip-On Offer. Here It is: Men's double texture slip-on cout, sewed and cemented, military col lar, slash pockets, full length, together with one of the new slip-on hats, nil for $5. "You canna beat it." Umbrellas $1 and Up YOU have never before had an oppor tunity to invest your $15, 620 or $25 to such an ad vantage as now in our new Spring suits. We can show you many beautiful new fab rics, carefully hand-tailored in the smart new models. Look early at these suits from $10 to S30. gf? C. E. Wescott's Sons f Always the Home of Satisfaction .Miss I'.niina Hwerlh is on the ick list this week. Valeria Hurdick has been on the ick list the past two weeks. Mrs. (J. II. Hudson has been piile ill for die past two weeks, ml is improving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Iioblyor left I'uesday for points in the western i art of Ihe si ale. They expect lo io nunc a month or six weeks. A base hall mooting w as held at Svracuso luesilay ailernoon anu leauue was formed of which will bo composed of various towns in Cass, Otoe and Nemaha counties. Mr. Talkinglon of Surprise, Ne iraska, was in town again this week looKiiiK lor a novise, pre paratory lo moving bis family here, lie was unable to llnd n iiilablo house, so has not just decided what he will do. Wo are glad lo report that Dick Wall, who has boon suffering from i severe attack of rheumatism at Ihe homo of his parents near Kiijile, is rapidly improving and will soon he able to return to his homo at Henson. The poles and all line material for our electric light, plant ar rived the latter part of last week, and Mr. Tninkenbolz lost no time in putting a man to work in gel ting everything in readiness for erecting the poles. A. H. McDonald of Rocky Ford, Colo., stopped over in Kaglo the taller part of last week and visit ed a couple of days with his uncle, A. I.. McDonald. He was returning from St. Joseph. Mo., having re cently shipped sheep there from HockyFord. Notice to Hunters! Notice is hereby given that all parties caught tresspassing on my farm, north ami east of the automobile road and north of the llurlinglon track, near Oroapolis, will bo proseculed to the IVIest extent of the law. Some of my radio have been killed by Ihe careless hunters, and no tres passing withoTit, permission will lie allowed in the future. A word to Ihe wise should be sul'!,cient, for I will surely exercise lie; law on all violators. Henry Horn. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hais NO IMPROVEMENT IN CON DITION OF MRS. EIKENBARY The Best Flour on the Market MOOMP. FOREST ROSS WAH0OMILLCO WAHOO.NEB. "OR EST ROSE The condition of Mrs. Henry Kikonbary, who has been very low with paralysis al her home, con tinues lo show no improvement and her recovery seems unlikely, l'hysiciaiis were al her bedside all night, but the efforts lo bring re lief to her seems unavailing and her family have gathered at her side (o remain until the patient's condition changes. The fact that she hits beep in poor health for some years makes is hard for her to resist the attack and but liltle hopo is held out for her recovery. Dance Is Postponed. The dance which was to have been given by Ihe St. Agnes Sodality al the K. S.'hall on Sat urday evening, May 3, has been postponed until Saturday evening. May in. The best of music .will be on hand and a general good time is in store for all who attend. Remember the date Saturday, May 10. For Sale at a Bargain. A combinal ion folding bed, wardrobe, writing desk, chest of drawers and full length plate glass mirror a beautiful piece of furniture in perfect condition and as good as new. T II. l'olilock, Plaltsmouth, Neb. Commercial Club meets third Thursday evening of each month. WIS pifV Delicatessen and Bakery All Kinds of Sandwiches at Everything That's Good to Eat in Our Line. Best Bread, Cakes and Pies. i WIH II II HKH