Pay the Price of the Best No More No Less CONOMY in buying a cream separa tor docs not begin nor end with the price. You may easily pay too little and just as easily pay too much. Learn the secret of gears that work without back lash. Learn the importance of a self adjusting bowl spindle bearing. Discover the difference between brass and phosphor bronze as a material for bearings. Buy a separator with an oiling system that cannot fail you even for a few minutes of a run. The separator that meets these specifications and that will do good IS 1 i ill1 I 1 work for a long time is an I HC Cream Separator Dairymaid, Bluebell or Lily It is the cheapest separator you can buy be cause it will do better work and last longer than any other separator. I II C cream separators turn easily and they are easy to run because the working parts are accurately made and the bearings are suffici ently lubricated. The shafts and spindle are the strongest used in any separator. The shaft and spindle bearings are supported by the frame, but have no contact with it the con tact is between the steel spindles and phosphor bronze bushings. The gears are spirally cut so that there is no lost motion between them. They are entirely protected from grit and milk, and at the same time are easily accessible for cleaning. See the local dealers who handle these ma chines and ask them for demonstrations of the skimming efficiency of an IHC separator. You can get catalogues and full information from them, or, write iiternational Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Council Bluffs la. m. Eft FRANKS. RE CEtVES DRAFT FOR 51,000 Tli.' Cedar Creek loilyre of thj A. (). I'. V. No. 172, has just had the pleasure nf turning over l the willow of one of their deceased members, Mrs. Fmil Franks, a draft for l.tiOi, which represents the alue of (he life insurance policy in that order carried by her husband. The Franks family nave been in ery poor llnancial condi tion during the long illness and the death of the husband and father and the amount of the policy will come as a boon to these people. Mr. Franks died about two months ago and the members of I he order at once Kt busy to see I hat the amount was turned over a soon as possible, ami I hey are very much pleased wilh the action of .the head lodge ill gelling I ho matter settled in such a satisfactory manner. There are six small children .in the Franks family, and the neighbors and friends have looked after them during the lime they have been in such poor circmnsl ances, and such worthy acts as these speak stronger than words tie true Christian spirit, and the pood people of Cedar Creek ami Eight Mile drove deserve great, praise for their worthy acts. , J. A. MISS SHEA ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Elizabeth Shea nave a linen shower in honor of Miss Ida Johnson, at her home Friday evening. The color scheme was carried out artistically in pink and white throughout, the dining room and parlor, oven to the very covers of her shower parcels. A dainty two-course luncheon was served at 10 o'clock. The thought ful hostess bad arranged ques tions, which were answered by the guests on large sheets of paper, consisling of advice to I he bride-to-be. She received plenty of it from her friends, who actually tried to assume experienced faces, and Mis.s Johnson bad to promise she would follow at. least some of her prescribed rules. She received many pretty and useful presents. At a late hour camp broke up and the jolly crowd wished Miss Ida good luck on her prospective journey through life. The only out-of-town guest was Mrs. (). A. Nystrom of Omaha. If you have anything to sell an ad In the Journal will sell It. Pains in the Stomach. If ymi continually complain of pains in Hie stomach, your liver or jour kidneys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or TJrighl's dis ease. Thousands recommend Fleet ric Hitlers as I ho very best stomach and kidney medicine made. II. T. Alston, of Haleigh, N, C, who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were derailed and my liver did not work right. I siill'ered much, but Electric Hit ters was recommended and I im proved from the first dose, I now feel like a new man.' II, will im prove you, loo. Only 50e and s I .HO. Recommended by F. !. Fricke & Co. QUITE III IN OMAHA Mrs. Akin Murray was a visit or yesterday in Omaha, where she spent Hie day with Mrs. J. A. Mur ray, who has been unite sick the last few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. I'.ck. Mrs. Murray has not been in I be best of health for some lime and the recent 7 si Mi C'i'A1 gU5S Li-Q death of her daughter has great ly affected her strength, and she is suffering from a general break down. The many friends of this worthy lady will await, most anxiously for a favorable report from her bedside and trust, she will soon be able to return home. GALLED TO RIVER10N TO SEE VERY SICK RELATIVE Takes Charges of Route No. 1. John Heeson, who has been em ployed in the liiirlinglon paint shop for the past few months, this morning assumed the duties as carrier on rural route No. 1 out of this city, which has been in charge of N. il. Isbell for the past, few years, but owing t,o his illness he was compelled to give up. John has had considerable experience along this line, and is eminently well qualified to give the patrons excellent service. J. R. Iliimnierlleld ..departed Saturday evening for Riverlon, Iowa, where he was called by a message announcing the serious illness of bis cousin, William Slraway. The message staled that Mr. SI raw ay's recovery was dispaii;ed of and Mr. Rumnierlleld left, al onre in order to reach his cousin's bedside. He is the only near relative that Mr. Slraway has in this section of the country. That, the gentleman may be able to recover from his sickness is the most sincere wish of the many friends of Mr. Ruininerfiebl in this city. For Burns, Bruises and Sores. The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflammation and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. II. Ilaflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sore on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 2.r)C. Recommended by Ed Rynotl & Co. To See the Great Eastwood Oil Cook Stove Demon-1 strated is a Safe Sale! No Smoke! No Smell! No Explosion! No Danger! Any Child Can Operate Without Danger The Stoves are manufactured expressly for me with my name and full guarantee. See them in my West window. All kinds and all size ovens and all prices. Hot weather is coming. Buy early and get the very best. See EASTWOOD, Plattsmouth, Neb. The Cass County Hardware Man LOYAL REWARDED REBEL DOOMED Two Examples Given in Bible, Says Pastor Russell. THE SACRIFICE DF JESUS, Prtc;pt Enforced by Examp'o God's Great Leseont For Men snd For An gels Satan and Christ The Great Rebel and Mis Failure God' Loyal Son nd His Victory Both Are Held Up to Us For Examples One Pic tures What God Ht.-s The Other Pictures What God Approves The Penalty Upon the One Illustrates God's Provision For All of his Dis poa tion Tiie Reward of the Other Illustrates God's Love and Blessing Toward All the Followers of Jesus. Toledo, 0.. April U. -Pastor Uus sell. Mely known through tils pub lished sermons. Is here today address ing Bible Students, and also us usual, the public. Crowds see in anxious al ways to henr lilm. Wo report one of bis discourses, from the text: "Humble your selves therefore under the mighty hand of (io'l. that He may exalt you lu due time."! Peter 5:0. The Pastor declared that the Bible everywhere holds up the Lord Jesus Christ as the glorious Pattern of what is most pleading to the Heavenly Fa ther, a Pattern then-fore to he copied by all who would abide In Clod's favor. Ho reminded his hearers t lint there are certain steps necessary before any can come Into the favor of God, and properly lie called Ills children, or said to be under His supervision and care, or be permitted to address Iliru in prayer, or to consider themselves heirs of Ills favors ami blessings. This is mado very clear by the Apostles and also by Jesus Himself, paid the Pastor. The Apostles declare the necessity of an Advocate with the Father before any can approach Him. eomo Into His presence or receive any favor from III tn. Jesus expressed this same thought, flaying. "No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." As a matter of fact, therefore, a coinpi'.ratively small proportion of hu manity have any of God's favors nt Hie present time, said t tie Pastor. Hut we rejoice in the breadth of tho Mes sage, which assures us that in God's "due time" all shall be brought to n knowledge of Messiah, nnd privileged through Him to enjoy the gift of God -everlasting life. P.ut what Is coming nnd what Is here now aro two differ ent matters. No one lias authority to make tho Narrow Way n Rroad Way, nor to say that many will tlnd It when the Scriptures declare, "Few there be that find it." Our consolation is that tils Narrow Way leads to special glory, honor. Immortality and the Dl vino Nature, and will develop n spe cial, elect class. Then subsequently, this select class will bo used of the Lord in blessing, tho non-elect many with ft great, but inferior blessing. The Pastor demonstrated that his text relates not to tho world in gen eral, but merely to the consecrated few who during this Age hear the in vitation, nccept it, nnd become foot step followers of Jesus. These hnve their sins forgiven ns u result of fulth In the precious blood of Christ and of consecratlou to do tho will of God. These then hnve the Redeemer ns their Advocate with the Father, nnd are nc cepted In tho Beloved ns Ills brethren. These are the prospective members of the Bride of Christ, who by the Lord's grace may now suffer with their Redeemer in cross-bearing, nnd by nnd by share with niin His glori ous Kingdom. Theso nro begotten of the Father through tho Holy Spirit, nnd thus become New Creatures in Christ. No longer nre they to be classed ns membors of tho human family, but ns spiritual sons of God, of n new order, higher thnu the nngels, but not yet perfected. Their perfect ing ennnot take place until their pro bationary trial shall hnve ended, nnd it will not end until death. In the glorious First Resurrection, therefore, these will be perfect, as sons of God on the Divine plane, nssocintes midpoint kclrs with their Lord and Redeemer. To These Our Tsxt Applies. These ' nro exhorted to come with boldness to tho Throne of Heavenly Grace, to obtain mercy, nnd find grace to help in every tlmo of need. These, nnd only these, mny know that their prayers nre nlwnys heard. As Jesus said, "Their messengers do nlwnys have access to My Father's presence." (Mat thew 18:10.) Tho exhortations of the Apostlo are to these nlone-not to the world. In our context tho Apostle holds up Jio Lord Jesus ns tho great Pattern of humility, the example for nil of His followers, admonishing that they should walk in Ills steps, if they would have tho Divine favor that Ho enjoys nnd attain with Him to Jolnt-helrshlp in Ills glorious Kingdom. Ho was rich, yet in obedlenco to tho Father's will Ho laid nslde the riches of His Heavenly estate, and became poor-not merely appeared poor. lie laid nslde. or divested Himself of Ills spirit eon- oiuxn nna gmnr. ami instead liu- mau conditions. From being above the aiiireN. He of His own volition took n nature ami place "a little lower than (lie angels." And He did this, knowing It was only a preliminary Mop. He knew that the particular steps of self-denial and suf fering were to follow. He humbled Himself to become a man, because a man Adam had sinned, and through him a race had come under sentence of : death, and could not extricate Itself. Only an uncondeimied man could re deem the condemned one. For this purpose Jesus left His glory, and "was found In fashion as a man." The Logos did not become a sinful man, a blemished or imperfect man. On the contrary, lie was "holy, harm less, undented and separate from sin ners." Otherwise, He could i.ot have been the Redeemer. Being sinless, how ever, this perfect One would sutler nil tho more from the shame and igno miny connected with the mission He undertook. As It was not a babe, but a man. that had sinned and was to bo redeem ed, thcreforo Jesus needed to wait un til He readied manhood's estate thirty yenrs Iteforo lie could begin Ills min istry. Promptly t thirty He made His consecration, and symbolized it by water Immersion at Jordan. Then He went forth, declaring tho Message which Ho knew would be mlsunder-stood-tho Messago of God's Love, the Message that there must be a sacrifice for sin, tho Message that Ho was the Sln-Offerlng, tho Message that as a re sult of that Sin-Ofl'erlng, blessed fruit ago afterward would come, In the Mil lennial Kipgdom, which would bless nil the families of the earth. As Ho foreknew, mnnklnd, even the best prepared the Jewish people were not ready for the Message. Thus, as Ho foresaw and as tho Scriptures foretold, they crucified lltm-lguornnt-ly for as St. Paul declares: "Had they known It they would not hav crucified the Lord of glory." (1 Corlnthlaus 2:8.) St. Paul reminds us that we should consider Christ's undc servedness of persecution, lest we should be "weary and faint in our minds." Similar ex periences must to some extent come upon us. And if He who was perfect endured patiently, we who nre imper fect may well exercise great patience. And so In our text tho exhortation Is that we perceive how Jesus humbled Himself, nnd that wo should think It n great privilege and pleasure similarly to experience humiliations. The Rewards of Humility and Loyalty. No doubt tho Logos, "the Beginning of the Creation of God," the "First born of every creature," the one by whom all tilings were made, had such loyalty to the Father that Ho would have been obedient, even had no re ward been attached to tho invitation given Illm. But, on the other hand. It would not have been consistent with kindness, love or Justice for tho Father to demand of His Son such a sacrifice Justice can make no such demand. And if Love makes such n suggestion It should properly back up tho sugges tlon with some promise of special favor or blessing. According to the Apostle, God did Just this. Ho in formed ni.s Son that Ho would appre date such a sacrifice, nnd set before Illm a Joy, n hope. The Apostle does not explain the de tails of that hope, but wo may infer them: (1) The Joy of the Father's blessing in n superlative sense. ('.') The Joy of bringing many sons of God to the plane of glory ns His Bride class. (.'!) The Joy of rescuing the world of mankind from sin. sickness, sorrow, pain, death, and of uplifting. or resurrecting all the willing nndohc dlent of the race to human perfection, nnd nil that wns lost by Adam. (I) An exaltation to n still higher station than that which lie had left. He would bo made partaker of tho Divine nature, far above angels, principalities nnd powers, nnd above His own previ ous high station ns tho Only Begotten of the Fnther, the Logos-the Word. -John 1:1-3. Here we nre, dear brethren, with the Apostle's words nnd the full scope of his inspired testimony before us. Ho tells us that Ir we desire to bo of the glorious Class of more than conquer ors, who will be honored by the Re deemer, we must tin in bio ourselves to the doing of the Divine will to the best of our ability, as our Redeemer humbled Himself to do tho Father's will perfectly. Not that tho Futher will accept anything less than perfec tion, hut that our Redeemer will mnke tip to us by the Imputation of His righteousness for nil that which we lack through our share in Adam's fall and Its consequence. In other words, If wo hnve tho same loyalty of heart that tho Master had, wo will do what we can, and so doing shnll bo ncceptn bio to the Father, through tho Son. Satan's Couree In Contrast. Notice, now, tho contrast between Patau's course and that of tho Lord Jesus. Satan took the opposlto course from that which tha Redeemer took. Instead of humbling himself, willing to do everything that would bo pleas ing to tho Fnther, he wns proud, haughty, and sought to exalt himself. Lucifer wns rich before his rebellion, before he beenmo Sntnn, tho ndversnry of God. Yet lie was not so rich, had not so high a station, ns tho Logos, who wns tho very chief of nil of God's creation, through whom the Divine energy operated in tho creation of nil tUngs that wero mado. Murr well tho courso of pride, that led to Satan's sin, nnd will ultimately lead to his degradation and destruc tion. Mark well also the course of Jesus, ns It led Illm through obedience to humiliation, and then to tho highest glory. Which example shall we fol low? Which fato will be ours? Shall we In humility walk In the footsteps f our Redeemer, nnd become His Joint-heirs in Ills glory, tonor and im mortality? or shad we take the other -oi::-so of pride, am! t!::is boron. c dlnci pies of the Adversary, and learn of him. and reach his doom -destruction in the Second Death? The Axistle intimates that God tests us upon certain general lines, general principles operating His Government. "He that humblcth himself shall be exalted, and he that exaiteth himself shall be abased." Beloved hearers, it seems to me that, with these illustra tions before- us. it would be folly for ns to permit the seeds of pride or per sonal ambition to take root in our hearts. Let us be diligently on tho outlook to eradicate everything of the kind, and be close students of our Mas tor, copying Ills course. There Is a reason behind every Di vine command and regulation. Men may make arbitrary rules nnd condi- , tlons without justifiable cause, but w may be sure that the great Creator has n good reason for His every net nnd re quirement. In the present case, we can readily discern the necessity for the Divine requirement of humility. The Lord Jesus nnd His Church are In vited by the great Jehovah to tho very highest position In tho universe, next to Himself. Such an exaltation would bo dangerous to any one possessed of a spirit of pride or selfish ambition. Who can tell at what time the smoldering fire might break Into a blaze and cause confusion and disorder? Consider Satan's case. What might have been tho result had ho been en trusted with so high n position ns that now occupied by the glorified Jesus? There would have been genuine re bellion In Heaven of the kind Milton so foolishly imagined. How we can see the wisdom of the Almighty in testing those whom He would exalt to His own Divine nature! Even His well-beloved Son was required to dem onstrate His faithfulness nnd loyalty unto death "even the Ignominious dentil of the cross." So the Apostle says that It became God, "In bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through stnTprlngs" to prove Him per fect by tho things which He suffered to demonstrate that tho things which Ho had always professed nnd had al ways done, expressed the sentiment of His heart in the fullest and most abso lute sense. Thus again we read, "Though Ho wero a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He . suffered." (Hebrews 5:8.) Again we read that it was because of His faithfulness that God highly exalted Illm nnd gave Illm n namo above every, name. If this was necessary In the case of our. Re deemer, before the Father could prop erly so highly exalt Him, what shall wo say of Ills followers? Surely we must agree to the necessity for most thor ough testing, proving, demonstrating, the loyalty of the Church before they could be made partakers of the Divine nature and sharers of that Heavenly liory.-2 reter 1:1. This is the Import of our text: Re member tho heights, the glories of tho Heavenly calling which you have re ceived of God through Christ! Re member that you wero by nature a child of wrath, even as others! Re member that once you were alienated from God through wicked works! Ko member that God is working In you to will and to do His good pleasure, to develop in you the diameter pleasing to Himself! Remember that unless tills work of grace go on in your heart day by day, it will not be accomplish ed! Remember that unless it lie ac complished, yon will not be lit for a place in tho kingdom! Remember that God has predestinated that only such as demonstrate that at heart they are copies of His Son can ever be Ills Joint heirs in the Kingdom; and remember that In nil this we see the force of tho text: "Huniblo yourselves thcreforo under the mighty hand of God. that He may exalt you In due time." Our trials and difficulties, our stum blings and repentances, our vows to the Lord, nnd our endeavors to keep those, aro parts of the great humbling process necessary to our exaltation. Trials and Temptations Necessary. When we get the proper focus ou this subject or the calling and election of tho Church, it clarities everything. We see now that if we could escape trials and difficulties and testings, we would escape the necessary schooling experi ences, and be unlit for our graduation, unfit for a share in the First Resur rection. It takes us some time to get this proper view of matters, even as when we wero school children, It re quired some time for us to learn the lesson thnt to be helped with an an swer or tc bo excused from a lesson or to hnve u holiday were all disadvan tages. A sulllclent number of such failures to learn our lessons properly would mean unprepiiredness for exam ination day. We have entered God's great training School. Its great Teach er is our dear Redeemer, to whom we nre betrothed. Every lesson In the courso is uecessary for our polishing nnd preparation for theglorles to follow. In this School everything depends ipon ourselves. Tho arrangements are all of God nnd thcreforo perfect. The great Teacher will not fall iu His duty toward us. The results, therefore, are with ourselves. If we learn the les sons, wo shall surely bo graduated, nnd be presented before our Heavenly Fa ther and tho holy nngels with honov nnd glory. But If wo fall to lenrn the lessons necessary, we shall have only ourselves to blnme. Indeed, from the viewpoint which wo shall have beyond the veil, wo surely would not want a place for which we were not prepared, and God would not give It to us. In this entire matter, therefore, we see that God Is operating Ills elections, se lections, instructions nnd final npprov nls along tho lines of nbsoluto justice, fairness, principle not favoritism.