The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1913, Image 7

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To the Farmers and All Users of
Mrs. Pankhurst, Famous
English Suffragette Who
Gets Three Years In Jail.
German Ship Mimi Overturns at
Bay City, Oregon.
Will Not Adandon Attempt to
Take Scutari.
I wish to announce that I have
complete line of the celebrated
Racine-Sattlsy Company Farm
Machinery which I am pleased
to show, and I solicit your trade
. p.
(I Have a Full Line of
IMal Isitnuilh is to have a real
first-class circus this year, the
advance agent for I In famous
Yankee llnhinsiui company having
come in yesterday to close the
date for Ihe appearance of his
show here on .Monday, May ilh,
This is one of I lu hesl circuses
on (lie road and I lie opportunity
will lie given our people lo wit
ness a good show right at homo.
The Hohinson shows are com
plete in every way ami they carry
a large miinhcr of high-class
artists, who are lopnolchers in
their line of work. The exact loca
tion of the grounds has not been
made yet, but will probably bo the
O'Xoill properly in Ihe south pari
of the city, where most of the
circuses have put up in Ihe last j
few years.
Cause for Alarm
Los of appetite or distress after
eating a symptom that should
not be disregarded.
It is not what you eat but wnst you
digest mid assimilate that dors you
pood. Home of the strongest, health
iest persona aru moderate eaters.
Nothing will vuie more trouble than
a dixord'Ti J etuninih, hud many
proplo contract tcrioua maladies
through dioic'ard or abuto of the
y tjrfr. i t?!jT?r from indi
eestion, or dyspepsia, to try Re 1 ail
Dyspepsia Tablets, with tho under
standing that m will refund the
money paid us without question or
formality, if after use you are do!
perfectly satisfied with results.
We recommend Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets to cuatomrrs every day, and
have vet to hear of one who has not
been benefited. We believe them to
be without equal. They five prompt
relief, aiding to neutralize acidity,
stimulate flow of gastrio Juice,
etrengthen the digestive organs, ana
thus promote erfert nutrition and
correct unhealthy symptoms. Three
sites, 25 cuU, 60 cents, and tl.
You can buy IUxnll Dyspepsia Tablet!
In this community only at our t;Mi
outh- , n Nebra,ika
There is a Rri'.tl Store in nearly every town
and city in the I'niK J biv, Canada and
Omt Britain. Ttiers la a different Keiall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill
rh especially designed for the particular ill
which it is recommended.
The Resell Stores are America' Gteateet
Drug Stores
A great big stock of the latest and best in Curtains
and Curtain Materials--
Lace Curtains, 98c to $6.50 per pair
Nets, 20c to $1.00 per yard
Scrims, 12 l-2c to 75c per yard
Sun-proof Arcadian Cloth for Over Drapes at 50c f
per yard.
Seeds that Grow.)
Very Pleasing Solo.
A I he si tidy hour of Ihe Young
Men's Hible class yesterday Mrs.
11. i. Ilawls favored Ihe class with
one of her charming solos, "Hold
Thou My Hand," which proved
very pleasing to Ihe class and was
given in her usual finished man
ner, which has pleased the music,
loving public of the city so often.
Mrs. Ilawls also sang Ihe number
at Ihe morning services al Ihe
M. K. church before Ihe large at
tendance of worshippers.
Tl'i is morning Joseph Luken
virt, who is employed in the
freight car shops of Ihe Turling
ton in this city, appeared before
District, Clerk Jas. Robertson and
made application for his llrst
naturalization papers. lie is a
native of Russia and has decided
dt renounce his allegiance to
Nicholas II, czar of the Russians,
and become a full Hedged citizen
of Ihe L'niled Slates. II. Wain
Iraub was called upon to trans
late tin' matter from English to
Russian for the applicant. This
past month has been a very busy
one in the ollioo of the clerk, as
there has been a large number of
our foreign population making
application for their first papers.
Pains in the Stomach.
If you continually complain of
pains in the stomach, your liver
or your kidneys are out of order.
Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney
trouble, diabetes or llright's dis
ease. Thousands recommend
Electric Riders as the very best
stomach and kidney medicine
made. 11. T. Alston, of Raleigh,
N. C, who suffered with pain in
th' stomach and back, writes:
"My kidneys were deranged and
my liver did not work right. I
suffered much, but Electric Hit -tors
was recommended and I im
proved from tho first dose. I now
feel like a new man.' It will im
prove you, too. Only 50c and
1 .00. Recommended by F. 0.
Fricke & Co.
uirtaios, eks
aod Scrims
From Plattsmouth Backs Relief
Proved by Lapse of Time.
liackache is a heavy burden.
Nervousness, dizziness, head
ache. Rheumatic pain; urinary ills;
All wear one out.
Often oll'ecls of kidney weak
ness. No use to cure Ihe symptoms,
Relief is bul temporary if the
cause remains.
If it's Ihe kidneys, cure the
I Joan's. Kidney Pills are for
kidney ills;
Read about your neighbor's
Here's Plattsmouth testimony.
The kind that can be in
vestigated. E. M. Buttery, Tenth and Wal
nut streets, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says: "I still use Doan's Kidney
Pills occasionally and recommend
I hem just as highly as I did in
15108, when I gave a public state
ment endorsing' I hem. I used
Doan's Kidney Pills for pain in
my back and hips and oilier
symptoms of kidney trouble. The
ipiick relief they brought war
rants me in endorsing them."
For sale by all dealers. Price
f)0 cents. Fosler-Milburn (lo.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the IJniled States.
Remember tin; nam' Doan's
and take no other.
Another Good Improvement.
The new walks that are being
placed in front of tho Majestic
theater and Ihe First National
bank buildings will greatly add to
the appearance of that part of tho
business section and make the
whole block complete with good
up-to-date permanent walks. Tho
work is being done by the force of
men employed by W. J. White,
and the job will bo tlrst-class
when finished.
Don't uso harsh physics. The
reaction weakens the bowels,
leads to chronic constipation. Gel
Doan's Itegulets. They operate
easily. 25c at all stores.
Heavy Sea Prevents Rescuer) From
Reaching Imprisoned Underwriters
Were Working to Get Boat Off Reek.
Were Working to Get Boat Off Reef.
Day City, Ore., April 7. Tweuty-two
men, including the ship's captain, the
president of a wrecking company of
Portland ami the representative of the
marine underwriters, were trapped in
the hold of the German ship Mimi,
which capsized off the beach, after
having been hauled off a reef on
which it had been fast two months.
How many perished is not known.
Figures were seen on the bottom of
the wreck. It was supposed they had
cut their way out.
A heavy sen was pounding tho
wreck and Hfcsavcrs refused to at
tempt a rescue until it calmed. They
said no boat could be launched and
vefused to h't volunteers take their
boat The llfesavers are camped on
the beach watching for a chance to
reaVh the wreck.
The Mimi, in ballast for Valparaiso
from Astoria, piled up on the reef on
Feb. 13 last. It was not seriously In
jured and the underwriters contracted
with Charles S. Fisher of a Portland
construction company to float It.
Fisher, his secretary and seven rig
gers, Captain YV. E. Crowe, representa
tive of the underwriters; Captain
Westfall of the Mimi and eleven of his
men were aboard the ship when it
capsized. All were below decks when
It turned over, It is thought, as no
bodies or survivors have reached the
Mrs. Heath Says Cost of Living Can
Be Reduced by Bulk Purchases.
Philadelphia. April 7--The failum
of the American housewife to buy tc
the best advantage is one cause of the
high cost of living, according to Mrs
Julia Heath of New York, president
of the Housewives' league, who spoke
before the annual meeting of the
American Academy of Political ami
Social Science.
"It is the duty of the wife to spend
what her husband produces in a way
to obtain the greatest and most last
Ing benefit," she said. "American
housewives have found they could nol
do this singly. By combining they ul
ready hnve accomplished wonders ant)
will accomplish more.
"Buying In packages instead of in
bulk Increases the cost of living. The
consumer pays the cost of the pack
age and the extra cost of handling, as
well as the printed advertising which
adorns the package. Every item on
the list adds to the cost of living. Tin
time Is coining when we will return
to ihe use of bulk kuOi1, but will de
mnnd sanitary handling from tho pro
ducer to the consumer."
Chicago Grand Jury Reports "Arson
Trust" Indictments.
' Chicago, April 7 A report bristling
with criticism of methods employed
by fire insurance companies In the la
suance of policies was made to Judge
Burke by the special grand jury which
has been Investigating the so called
"arson trust."
Fifty-nine Indictments, based on
thirty-one alleged Incendiary fires, and
Involving fifty six alleged members ol
the trust were returned. The report
declares that 50 per cent of the fires
In Chicago are of Incendiary origin.
Urge Probes of Publicity Violations
Washington, April 7. Perry Pel
mont and former Senator William 12
Chandler addressed a letter to Senatot
Kern, majority leader In the tippet
house, pressing for favorable action
upon amendments proposed to the
campaign publicity law to empower
federal courts to order summary In
quests Into alleged Infractions of the
publicity laws, upon proper petitions
of certain federal officers or any ten
voters. The same provision was
stricken from an original publicity bill
on Its passage through congress.
Twine Strikers Ignore Ultimatum.
Auburn, N. Y April 7. -Leaders of
the 1,700 twine mill employees who
have been on a strike for two weeks
decided to Ignore the ultimatum of the
International Harvester company giv
ing Its workers until tomorrow to re
turn to work. The company announced
that the cordage factory would b
moved to Germany, whore the product
of the plant here Is sold, If an Imme
diate settlement was not effected.
Quench River's Liquor Thirst.
Wichita, Kan., April 7. Hundreds of
gallons of whisky, nearly 200 cases of
beer, and many gallons of wine, repre
senting liquor confiscated by city of
ficials In the last year and a half, were
dumped Into the Arkansas river here.
Million More for Carnegie School.
Pittsburgh, April 7 Andrew Car.
negle has presented $1,000,000 more
to the Carnegie Technical schools, It
was announced, making a total of $3,
000.000 that ho has given to the en-
I - A
Photo by Auu'iicm rrt-na ANMtciutlon
Suffragette Leader Removed to Hos
pital of Holloway Prison.
London, April 7. Mrs. Emmeline
Pankhurst, the militant suffragette
leader, Is reported to be In a serious
condition as a result of her refusal to
partake of food since her imprison
mint live days ago and has been re
moved to the hospital of llolloway
Forcible feeding has been resorted
to and the efforts of resistance, com
bined wilh the partial nervous col
lapse of the suffrage leader at the
time she was sentenced, have brought
about a state uf nervous prostration
Her condition Is giving tho utmost
concern to the prison physicians, who
may appeal to the home office for nn
examination by outside physicians.
Driver Loses Life in Auto Acci
den! at Lincoln.
Linco'u, April 7.--John Miller, a
chauffeur for Ihe Ensign livery, while
driving a car north on K.leventh Ktreet,
struck the fountain at J street and
was inl'ired so that he died In u short
time. The tonneau of his car left the
frame and cut off the top of the foun
tain, which was u gilt to the city of
Lincoln by 1). K. Thompson. Miller
had been employed by Ihe Ensign
company but a few days. He leaves a
His Inquiries Have to Do With Pro
posed Railroad Merger.
Washington, April 7. Attorney Gen
eral Mcllevnolds' office resembled a
school room, with the head of the de
partment or Justice as a student of
geography and railroading, looking
intently over a half dozen maps of tlu.
United States, outlining the country's
network of railroads, the attorney gen
eral analyzed the new propositions
submitted by the Union Pacific for the
dissolution of Ihe Union Pacific-South,
em Pacific merger.
Discover Mammoth Cave in Utah.
Ogden, Utah, April 7 With what
appears to be prehistoric hierogly
pries carved on lis walls, a mammoth
cave, rivaling the famous caves of
Kentucky, was discovered in this vi
cinity. Thomas Whltaker, a rancher,
made the discovery. The cave Is lo
cated In the mountains, near Promon
tory Point, eighteen miles from Ogden.
The front chamber of tho series Is
seventy-five by 150 yards, fortyone
feet high and the walls bear pictures
of Indians crudely drawn.
Has No Complaint Against Senator,
Washington. April 7. After examln
ing Mrs. Minnie B. Bond and Jim R.
Jacobs of Oklahoma, who brought cer
tain charges against a western sena
tor, District Attorney Wilson Uiiued
the following statement: "I have
heard the statement of the complain
Ing witness and her friends, whom she
broucht to this office to support her
accusations. I find no justification
whatever for laying any complaint
against anv United Slates senator be
fore the grand Jury."
. Declamatory Contest.
Iloldregp, Neb.. April 7 M'." Lemc
Dennis of Hohlrege won first place In
the dramatic division of the South
west Nebraska school declamatory
contest. Addison Doling of Palisade
won first In Ihe oiatorlcal and Miss
Freda French of Edison first In thf
Six Nations Have Battleships Lined
Up Before Port' of Antivari British"
Admiral Pens Warning Note to Pre
mier Tomanovics. i
Cettinje, April 7. The little king
dom of Montenegro has thrown down
tho gauntlet to the six great powers.
It declines to yield lo the demand of
the powers to abandon Its attempts to
pain possession of Scutari, and baa of
ficially announced that "there will be
no departure from uu attitude which
conforms to the necessities of the
state of war existing between the al
lies and Turks."
An international fleet, comprising
warships of Austria-Hungary, Italy,
France, Germany and Great Britain,
is now blockading the Montenegrin
port of Anlivari. Russia Is not repre
fionted by a warship, but has ac
quiesced in the naval demonstration.
The British admiral sent the follow
ing message to the Montenegrin pre
mier, Dr. 1 Tomanovics:
I have the honor to Inform you
that the International fleet Is assem
bled in Montenegrin waters as a pro
test against the nonfulfillment of the
wishes of the great powers. I desire
to call your excellency's attention to
the presence of the licet as a proof
that the great powers are acting In
concert, and mpiest lliat their wishes
be fulfilled without further delay.
Please Inform me immediately that
your government Is ready to carry out
the wishes of the great powers."
To this the Montenegrin premier
replied In a note expressing regret at
the presence of the fleet, which hn
considered a violation of the neutral
lly proclaimed by the powers at tho
beginning of the war. The premier
' Ucsplie 'he pressure which the
presence r the fleet Implies, there
will be no ibvarture from an attitude
which conforms to the necessities ol
the state of wnr existing between the
allies and Turkey."
A biignde if Austrian troops from
Cattaro has been maneuvering near
the Montenegrin boundary. The ctis
tomary note has not been given th
Montenegrin government, ami Aus
riu's action is considered unfriendly
and menacing.
Albert McDermott Slain by Elberl
Munn In Quarrel Over Steer.
Cortez, Colo., April 7 A duel tc
I the death was fought hero by prear
rangenicnt between Elbert Munn and
Albeit McDermott, according to tlu
former, in which McDermott was
killed after the second shot from
Munn's revolver. Munn surrendered
himself to the authorities.
lie stated that Ihe duel resulted froir.
a disagreement over the ownership ol
a steer. According to Munn tho twe
men became so angry that thoy de
elded upon a duel to settle the owner
They agreed, It Is said, to back awa)
from each other and begin shooting
on n prearranged signal. They were
to shoot till death.
The first bullet from Munn's re
volver entered McDcrmott's side. Thf
other penetrated the body Just below
the heart.
Doth men were owners of large cat
tie ranches In Dolores county.
Bryan Delivers First Sermon.
Washington. April 7. Secretarj
Bryan, laying aside affairs of tho staU
department, delivered before a re
llglons mass meeting the first of a se
ries of pildiesses which he will mak
under the nuspices of the Christian
Endeavor union of Ihe District of Co
lumbln. Mr. Prynn said he was alwav
glad to address religious meetings foi
men in an effort to counteract growing
tendencies toward skepticism.
Beats Sheriff to Scene cf Indictment
.Icrseyvllle, 111., April 7. Sher'1
Chappell, who went to 1.09 Angeles '0
arrest Edgar M Davis, president o
the Alton, Jerseyvllle and Pcprla
Electric railway, was notified by tele
graph that Davis had arrived In .It
Beyvllle and given bonds for his flp
pcarance to answer Indictments chaig
Ing larceny and emhof Scment. H'
shortage Is alleged to approximate
Bryan Denies Reports.
Washington, April 7. Published re
ports that Luis Manuel Rojas, second
vice president of the Mexican house ol
deputies, had filed with the state de
partment charges that Ambassador
Henry Lone Wilson "was responsible
morally" for the assasslnntlon ol
President Madero and Vice President
Suarez brought forth from Secretary
Bryan the statement that no such
charges had been received by him.
Parcel Post Business Is Heavy.
Washington, April 7. Moro tha
150,000,000 parcel post packages were
mailed during the first three months
the system was in operation, accord
Ing to computations announced by pos
tal experts and based upon reports
from the fifty largest poHtotflces. Ap
proximately 55 per cent more business
was hurdled In March than In January