The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1913, Image 3

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    You Know Us
We are In business right here where 3011 live. You are an
acquaintance, neighbor or a friend of ours. This ir.oney-back-if-not-satisfied
offer should prove the sincerity of our claims.
W htm we say wa believo w hv
th beat Irxhivb and back up our
tatemrnt wnii our un iualitled pnmi
to return without question or
formality tlie money paid us for it,
if it doe not prov entirely aatis
factory to you, we Micve we are en
titled to your confidence.
Our business success and preatiga
depend upon your confidence in us.
We know we must secure mid hold
your confidence in order to get and
keep your patronage. Therefore, we
Would not dare ninke thin offer if we
were not positively certain that we
can prove our claims for
Our experience with them and the
many reports we have received from
those who have ucd them prove
that they are really the most pleasing
and satisfactory bowel remedy we
know of,
Rexall Orderlies tasta like candy.
They are soothing and easy in action.
They don't caune griping, nausea,
purging or excessive looseness, aj do
the usual physio or laxative. Rexrii!
Orderlies seem to act as a toni'
trennthener upon the nerves and
tuusclesof the bowels. They prompt
ly relieve constipation. They act to
overcome the cause of constipation.
They tend tr eliminate the ruue
of sick headache, bili('u-i;rM, bud
breath, nervnusness and other ill
attendant upon i'laetivn bowels.
Make Us Prove This
We wan' you to oine to our store
and get a p;ieka of Kex:ill OruVr
lies. l'-e a few or use up the rntiie
box. Then, if you are not entirely
stUfied, come, back and tell us and
we will promptly return the money
you paid u for them.
You promisn nothing you sinn
nothing you oUo'.aie ymir-elf to us
in no way wh:itecr. We accept
your mere word.
Don't you now believe that Hexall
Orderlies are worthy of a trialT
Could any offer be more fair?
Try Them at Our Risk
We particularly recommend Rexall
Orderlies for children, aged persons
Bud for delicate people.
Rexall Orderlies come in vest
pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10c
M tablets. 25c; Kl) tablets, 60c
UfiUttI dosti one tablet.
Ibr iiuut jr tour I uC Ism oiiul,
tlie Matter of tne Kstate f C'lirls-
tlan Slot-lir. 1 'i l asi'd.
Notice Im heieliy Kiven that the
cii'iiitoi of f-aul ilci casct will meet
with ti e evecutor of said estate before
me, the (.'utility Jmlue of I'hsk t'ounty,
Neluaska, at my ottice in. the 1'ity of
I'lHttsniouth, in' said Cuss County, on
the "titti tlav of April, 191:1. and on the
4th day of October, m:t, at ten o clock
a. in., each of caid Mays, for the pur
pose of pi esent intf their claims ami
having the same examined, adjusted,
allowed or refused. Six months are
allowed the creditors of said deceased
; i.iv.ocr.t their claims, ami which
period expires on October the 4th, 1913,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Witness m hand and the seal of said
Count v Court, at l'lattsniouth. .Ne
braska, this Mh dav of March, 1913.
(Seal) Al.I.KX .1. HKKSON,
Countv Judye.
I), t). DWYKK, Attorney.
In t 'iinnl y Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Kstato of William
.1. O'lSrlcn, Iieeeased.
Notice Is hereby Kiven to the credit
ors of said deceased that lieui'iims will
lie had iiiion claims tiled iiuuiust said
estate, before me. County Judtfe of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room In Fluttsmouth, In said
Countv, on the 11th day of April, 1913,
and oh the Kith day of October, 1913,
at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for ex
timination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be tiled in said court
on or before said last hour ot nearinp.
Witness my hand find seal of said
County Court, at rlattsmouth, Ne
braska, this luth day of March 19.!.
(Seal) Al.I.i;. .1. W'Jl'JSO.N,
County Judtfe.
The new (.c.ureN i t !;o i
t I't n i ii tr vi hundred.- of iiil i. tis
fnp younir intMi and women us
railway mail clerks, iototlic o
clerks let ltr carriers. He. Ages
IN to ir. Salary :( to $ir0.
Anyone who can tiualify should
call and see Mr. V. II. Car! at the
Hiley Hotel, in l'laltsnioiilli, on
Tuesday, April N. Mr. Carl will
be there on the dale named only.
This is a p'od oiiorl unity for
Nouiiii' people to pd into the gov
ernment service. i-2-lttl-1 1
CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Ucxall Orderlies are not sold by all drug,
gists. You can buy Hexall Orderlies only at The Hexall Stores.
l'ou can buy Hexall Orderlies in this community only at our store:
The ffca& Store
There is a Rnrall Store in nearly every town and city in the United Rtatos, Canda aim
Crest Britain. There is a different Keiall iiemedy for nearly every ordinary human UW
each especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended.
The Rexall Stores aro America's Greatest Drug Stores
i.idioit mckvsk.
Notice is hereby Kiven to all persons
interested and to the public, i.iat the
undersigned, J. L. Kussell, hu filed
.'.is net i lion and application in the ollice
of the city clerk of the City o. I'lutts
inmiUi, County of Cass, and istnte of
.Nebraska, us requited by law, signed
tiv the reiiult'ed number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that tho applicant Is a man of
respectable character und standi? and
; resident of tho state of Nebr.'iska and
praying that a license may he Issued
to the said L. J. JUissfll for the sale
of mult, spirituous and vinous liquors
for tlie period of one year from the
(ate of the heariiiK of said application
)n a building situated on lots eleven and
twelve (11 and VI), in block twenty
seven (27), in the First ward of the
said City of rlattsmouth, Nebraska.
J. L. UUSritCM..
March 18, 1913. Applicant.
LiuLoit i,
Notice is hererjy Riven to all iicrsons
interested and to the public, that the
iindersluned. Wm. Weber, has filed
bis petition and apistion in the otllce
of the city clerk ni ttte City of Flutts
mouth. County of Cass, and .State of
Nebraska, as roaui ed by law, signed
by the require..' '.umber of resident
free-holders of U.s said city setting
forth that the applicant Is u man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Wm. Weber for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing1 of said application
la a building situated on the west half
(wft) of lot one (1), In Block thirty
four (34), Fourth ward of the said City
of Plnttsinouth, Nebraska.
March 18, 1913. Applicant.
his petition and application In the office
of the city clerk of the City of I'latts
niotith. County of C;iss, und .State of
Ncbniska, ns required by law. signed
by the required n umber of resident
free-holders of the said city settiiiK
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable t haracter and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
prnylnw that a license may be issued
to the said Kd Kire-nbercer for the sale
of ma j t , spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the bearinK of said application
in a building situated on the east half
(e'i.) of lot twelve (12 1, in block twen
ty-eisht (28), In the First ward of the
snld City of I'liittsmouth, Nebraska.
March IS, 1913. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all person
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, J. H. McDnnlel, has filed
his petition and application in the ollice
of the city clerk of the City of 1'latts
moiith, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city sotting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing ami
a resident of the state of Nebraska und
praying that a license may be issued
to the said J. K. MciJanlel for the salo
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building: situated on lot six (6), in
block thirty-three (33), In the Fourth
ward of the said City of rlattsmouth,
Nebraska. J. li. McDANIKL,
March 18. 1913. Applicant.
XOTIl i: OF "M.K.
III I lie District Court of Ciinh County.
In the Matter of the Kstato of Nicholas
llulines, Oeoetised.
Notice is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of lion George F.
Corcoran, Acting Judge of the Mistrict
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made
on the 20th day ot March litis lor the
sale of real estate hereinafter described.
there will be sold at the soul door ot
the Court House, at rlattsmouth, Ne
braska, on the 20th day of April. lln,
at 10 o'clock u. m at public, vendue
to the highest bidder for cash, under
the terms of paragraph nine of the will
of Nicholas llulmes, deceased, and the
order of above named Court, permitting
a member of the family of said de
ceased, to assume end take over the
lild of nnv outsider any time before the
closing of sale. Twenty per cent of
the bid to be paid In cash ut the close
of the sale, and the balance of the bid
to be paid at the time of (he conllrma
limi nf tt,H sale hv said Plstrict Court
or .In dire thereof. ' The laud to he sold
u lb,, followlnir: M4 of KK'1. Sec
"X. Vwti. 12. inmire fl: S"',.j of SV, and
,'V U of SV,4 of Sec. S, Twp. 12,
KaiiK-e i:i; S'i of SK'i and S'i of SV',
and .'W',, of SW',4 of Sec. 7, Twp. 12,
Itu !- 13: 'i;i, of NWli of Sec, !,
Twp. 12, Kiinge 13, and Lots 10, 11 and
12. in Block 2. of the City ol i'latts-
iiinnlh nil in Cass Countv. Nebraska
Said Lots 11 and 12, Mock 2. to be sidd
unlit, -! to the Homestead right therein
of Henrietta Halmes. widow. Said sale
will remain onen one hour.
Hated this 24th day of March. 1913.
Kxeeutor of the Kstate of Nicholas
llulines. Heceased.
D. O. HVVYKlt. Attorney.
Homo r.lutpler of the l'.asl orn
Star liebl llioir annual election of
Ulcers Ial evening' at their lodne
t'oiiis in the Masonic huiUlin
mil the tollowinvr ladies were
osen for the ensuing year to
fill the ililVerciil ollices:
Worthy Matron Mrs, (ieorp1
W. 1. J. C,. Peterson.
A. M. Mrs. Alice Hanie.
0. Miss Clara Weyrirk.
A. (J. Miss Ktlna Peterson.
'Treasurer Mrs. V. V. Leonard.
Secretary Miss Verna Cole.
'There was a larjjc at tendance
the inenihers of the worthy
I.MU'Olt MClvVXi:.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Kd Donat, has . filed
bis petition and application in tne ollice
if the cltycierk of the City of l'latts
innuth. Countv of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as "required by law, signed
hv the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable chat.ii.ter and standing and
a resident of the stute of Nebraska and
praying thnt a license may be issued
to the fit Id Kd Ponut for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
dato of the hearing of said apnlieation
in a building situated on the east half
(e'i) ot lot twelve (12), In block twenty-nine
(29) In the First ward of the
said City of IMattsmoulh, Nebraska.
101.) HON AT,
March 18, 191.",. Applicant.
Mtlt on i. u t:si;.
Notbe Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to tho public, that the
undersigned, Kd Kgenberger, has filed
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it conies to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at .he Journal office.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, thnt the
undersigned, Adolph delse, has filed
his petition and application in the ollice
of the city clerk of the City of l'latts
moutli, County of Cass, nnd Slate of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that the applicant Is u man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the stale of Nebraska and
pravlng that a license may be issued
to tin? said Adolph (.Seise for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the bearing of said application
lu a building situated on the west half
iw'ii ot lot six in), in block thirty
four :;), In the Fourth ward of the
said City of rlattsmouth. Nebraska.
March IS, 1913. Applicant.
I. Hit Oil MCK.VSF..
Notice Is hereby given to all nersons
Interested and to the nubile, thut the
undersigned, Peter (Joos, has filed
his petition and application In the ottice
of the city clerk ot the City of rlatts
mouth. County of Cass, und State of
Nebraska, ns required by law, signed
by the required number ot resident
free-holders of the said city setUii!.1:
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska nnd
pruving that a license may be Issued
to the said I'eter Oooh for tho sale
of limit, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of tl.e bearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve
1.'. In block thirty (30), In the First
ward of the suid Cltv of rlattsmouth.
Nehrnskn. l'KTKi: UOOS,
MiiicIl lt. 19U. Applicant.
( fok in: mum;.
the County Court of Ciinh County,
In the Matter of the Kstate of Alice M
Tnirlie. I leceaseil.
To All Persons Interested In Said
fnon rendlnir the dulv verified pet I
Hon of otto Tauuc und Fred O,
Tuirue. filed In this court, praying for
)hc nimolntmeitt of William C. Kamsev
as administrator of the estate of said
deceased, It Is ordered thnt a hearing
bo bad on said petition at the County
Court Room, in said county, on the Hist
dav of April, 191:1. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in., and that notice of the
time and place of said bearing be given
to all persons Interested in said estate,
I iv the niilillcation of a copy of this
order for three successive weeks in the
I'lattsmout li Journal, a legal newspaper
printed and circulated In said county.
I inted this 2Mb day of .iarcb, P'Kt.
AI.I.K.V .1. JHOKSON, County .lodge.
From Wednesday's Daily.
As-islant (leneral Freight
A-'ent W. Y. Johnson of the lUir
lintitoti is ijuoted as saying:
"During in thirty or more years'
residence in Nehraska there never
has heen a spring when pro.-pecls
looked so bright for a wheat crop
as now. 'The acreage is unusually
irge and I he lields begin to take
on a bright green color. Every
where the fanners are busy. They
have not commenced plowing for
corn, Iml all of them through (Ins
stale and Kansas are right in the
midst of sowing oats and barley
and it looks as though the area
of cullivated land would be larger
than ever before. In many locali-
ies farmers have commenced
breaking their uncultivated land,
which later on they will sow to
ig and
ed by
order present at the nieeli
great pleasure was exprec
the members in the excellent
oiiicrs cnosen to gunie Hit1
esiinies of the order during the
ensuing year.
lla or plant to
present prices
looks as if this
a Panner year
sod corn. With
maintaining it
was going to be
for the western
Wednesday's Dallv.
I he past, w eek
reports llial tin
From Tuesday's Dally
'This morning while
Kinney was driving
loaded with household
of the subway onto I he
Tom Mo
il hayrack
goods out
mith i:.
Counts Court In nml for Ciihm
(Hint), Ncliraskn,
Tie Kstate of l"luh Schwab, I ie
iised. all persons interested, and par
ticularly John Schwab, Samuel
Schwab, .losepli Sc'nvnb. Kiln Schwab,
Nellie Schwab and Zciiu Schwab:
You are hetehv mil Hied that on
March 'i. 191:1, Sarah M. Mason and
Chillies li. Schwab liled their petition
alleging the denth testate on March
I'.'i:;. "f I'.flllnh rVhwnh, a resident
of the County i f Cess. Nebraska, pos
sessed nf tin eit.ite therein, and request
that an Instrument bled therewith be
founo to be the last will and testa
ment of said decedent, and admitted to
probate as such, and asking that
Charles Kddle Schwab, nominated
therein ns executor, be appointed us
A hearing will b bad thereon on
April '-'I, 191:1, ot nine o'clock a. in. at
the ollice of the County Judge, Court
House. Plat tsmoulh. Cass Countv Ne
braska, nt which time orders will be
entered in accordance with the find
ini-s of the court.
All ohlectlons thereto. If liny, must
be Illed before said hour on said day of
P.v the Court.
AT.I.KN .1. !ll".KS. County Judge
on the river bottom road one of
the wheels of the wagon sank to
the bub in the mud and the con
tents of the wagon were scatter
ed around and it was necessary
to unload the hayrack before the
wagon could be gotten out of the
iniid. The road at this particular
place, at the east entrance of the
subway, is in miserable shape and
a regular mudhole has been form
ed there and the city should lake
steps at once to see that (In; road
is placed m proper contiiiiou tor
travel, as a great many auto
mobiles come inlo this city from
Iowa points, and tins muilhole is
a disgrace to the city and rausi
t verv poor oiiinion of conditions
icre among the visitors.
(u-nuine Hod River Seed
Potatoes, Early Ohios, 75
cents per bushel. Also
choice Timothy at $4.75 per
cwt. All kinds grass seeds.
Remember your stand de
pends nil on your seed.
Nehawka, Neb.
The Good Roads Town.
Polls open next Tuesday at 8 a.
m. and close at 6 p. m.
Hazol-Menthol Plasters, a quick
relief in Lumbago, Backache, Kciatica,
Neuralgia and many painful affections.
They drive away the pain until it is ipiite
forgotton. Yard rolls $1.00; smaller si .e2"c.
Dealers Lave thera in stock, or direct from
Davis A I.wrenr Co., Nw York.
Snmplci milled upon reqneit, Be. ilHnips.
Don't experiment, take
Cough Balsam
and relic I Is certain to fol
low. Uacd lor obstinate
coughs, colds, sore throats,
or bronchial Inflammation.
Contains no harmful drug:
All dealers.
there has
city was
harboring a gentleman who had
been brought here for the purpose
of ferreting out violaters of the
law. This gentleman, it seems,
has been able to worm himself
into the confidence of some of
our citizens before his mission
was discovered, and was able to
secure some facts that were
greatly to his adaulage, but il
is not known just what use will
be made of them. These de
tectives are very smooth in their
work and are able to put one over
on the unsuspecting' in a good
many cases, and il would stand
the people in general to keep their
eyes open tor I lie si rangers that
blow inlo town ami at once get
interested in matters that might
involve the parties into trouble.
Some of the parlies that claim to
have met the gentleman report
him as a most pleasant and
genial fellow and one who at once
it, willing' to enter into anything
that is proposed, and il would be
well for the public to be on tho
lookout for this smooth, plain
clothes man, if they desire to keep
out of trouble and see that their
feel do not stray from the straight
und narrow path.
Local Hews
t roin Wednesday's Daily.
Kdwanl liouat departed isler
tl.iy afternoon for Weston, Neb.,
win-re he will visit relatives for a
short time.
R. 11. Nickels of near Murray
was in the city yesterday for a
short lime attending to some mat
ters of business.
James W. Holmes of Murray
was in the city yesterday, having:
tlrien up from his home in bis
line Herg louring car.
;. ". I Ionian, w ho has been
spending the winter at Corning',
Iowa, returned home yesterday
afternoon on No. ;l;J.
William Rice of Murray was in
the city eslerday for a few hours
attending to some matters of
business with the merchants.
Misses Mat lie Larson and Villa
liapen returned to Peru Monday
evening, w here I hey will resume
their studies at the state normal.
Will Hopkins of Krickson, Neb.,
came in yesterday ami will take
his father, Isaac Hopkins, homo
wilh him to reside in the future.
Martin Sleppat and wife of
IMiiir, who have been here visiting
their son, Frank and family, de
parted yesterday aflernooii on No.
..'1 for I heir home.
Mrs. Kmily Dickson and Mrs.
Kllen Mnrdock of Nebraska City
were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where I hey will look after
some matters of business.
Ross Mitchell of Havelock, a
former l'lal Isniouth boy, was in
the city yesterday visit ing with his
old friends. Ross has grown so
much Ihtil it was hard to
recognize him.
County Commissioners C. It.
Jordan, C. L. Heehnor and Julius
A. I'ilz were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where Ihey
at I ended lo some business mat
ters for the day.
Charles Ileeson of Minneapolis,
who has been here for a few days
visiting his mother, Mrs. Allen
neeson, and other relatives, re
lumed to his home this morning
on the early Burlington train.
Mrs. Carl (i. Frieke returned
this afternoon from Omaha,
where she had been visiting for
several days with relatives. Mrs.
Russell Harris accompanied Mrs.
Frieke home and will visit for
n short time at the home of her
parents, F. (i. Fricke and wife.
Mrs. Roy llreese and little
daughter, Margaret Eunice, who
came to this city to attend tho
funeral of Miss Ulanche Murray
and to visit relatives nnd friends,
were passengers for Olenwood,
Iowa, Ibis morning, where they
will visit friends before reluming;
lo their home at Red Oak, Iowa.
Mrs. llreese was formerly Miss
Maude Wells nnd resided in this
city for a number of years.
Kroni Wednemluv's T)ully.
Yesterday afternoon licit
w as taken to Omaha on llu
sou ri l'acilic, where he was
lo St. Joseph's hospital
operated on for dropsey,
which ailment be lias been
to hi!
a suf
ferer for some time. His brother,
William Iliner, departed for Ihe
metropolis (his aflernooii to hi!
present when Ihe operation is
performed. The serious condition
of Mr. Iliner will be the source ol
much regrel to the many friends
in this city ami tneir nest wisucs
for his restoration to health will
extended to him. It is not
known just when tne nperanoii
will be performed, a's tin.' doctors
have not fully decided the mutter,
jut the outcome will be awaited
anxiously by Mr. lliner's friends.
H UU Lba Liu U LdU
D PI? f9) n
All new snappy, up-to-the minute stuff at Rock Bottom
u Prices. Also Benjamin Moore's Paint, Muresco Sani-
flat, White Lead, Pure Lineseed Oil, Varnishes for all
purposes, Brushes, Tile-Like etc., at
(1 Exclusive Wall Paper and Paint Store. North Sixth St., Plattsmouth, Neb f)
From Weilnenday'1 Dally.
The members of the Woman's
Relief Corps and their friends
were entertained most pleasantly
eslenlny afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Johnson, in Ihe
north part of the city, ami Ihe
ii ling was attended by a large
number and Ihe occasion was one
of great pleasure, as well as
prolil, to Hit! guests and members.
The aflernoon was spent in social
conversation ami a very delight
ful time was enjoyed until an ap
propriate hour, when the hostess,
assisted by her (laughter, Mrs.
John W. Chapman, served.a most
delicious and templing luncheon,
after which the ladies departed
for their homes, feeling that it
was a rare I real lo he a guest at
the Johnson home.
fhe Journal ollice is the place
lo get a bargain in stationery.
Only 10, 15 and L'O rents a box.
while they last.
Remember, you are not voting
for a bonded indebtedness when
you vote for the Jail proposition
next Tuesday. It Is a straight tax
levy, and the entire $12,000 Is
paid in one year.
iii(iiPBi(iniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiwHMiiMii VlT'l'V '. l i 1 N
r J " ' .lnliU.U.ilml.mlulUil.UHmiHUIIO.
: GOOD OLD LW. fl-v
-r Connoisseurs Jv;
know that its delicious flavor
is beyond comparison. Find
out for yourself. Order from
Stun- of Ohio. City uf Tulrd". I.nm Conntjr,
! milk J. I Ui'lir iiiKki H imtli that ln I" K'lil
iiartnrr of the llim nf C. J. Clii'iicjr & Co., du
Iiik liinliii'HK In Urn City of Tiilcdii. County luj
Hlntc iifuriMild. Hiid Unit mild llrm will y
the inn .f (INK 1HMIRKI In M.I.A IIS !
tiicli mid cfiTy rimo of Cnlurrli Hint a him t b
ur.'il liy lliu uku of Hull' Catarrh Cure
fn-orti lo liifnrc mi nnd milwrllied In ny
trowni c, Ui'ji Otli day if heiTUilicr, A. I).,
tiul. . A. W. URBASON,
Notary i'ubllc.
Hull' Ciiturrh Cnrn ! Inken Inti-mully n
tit directly upon the nnd nnmmm nr
f.ieen ut tiie k)Iciu. Scud fur tcKtluiotiialii,
K. J. CUE NICY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold liy nil hillBtili-tn, 7.e.
Tnk Hull'a luuill; 1'IIU for cguntlimtloa.
Do You Know
you can buy Wall Paper for a whole room from 75c
Remember, this is for 1913 stock, not remnants
or old stuff, and we are figuring on a basis of wall,
ceiling and border for a 10x12 room, 9 feet high with
three openings.
You know we charge the same price per roll for
the border as the wall and ceiling. If you buy paper
at 10c per roll, the 9-inch border costs 10c per roll of
48 feet.
Can You Beat This?
niiiiinil U y in IImmmhiJ ... M i ,m mm mf - '
' if"