The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly K. V. IIATHS, HtilillMliur Entered at the TostoH'ice at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska as second clas3 matter $V5Q PER YEAR IN ADVANCE r- THOUGHT FOR TODAY. V 'Hi. V greal Mini occupied Willi ideas, lie. si performs J , small duties. -I' , i :o: l.uckv Plallsniou'lh ! The slnrm ,ill aruurid us, nil no serious damage here. Fvcry taxpayer in ("ass counly will save money by voting for Hie jail proposil ion. :o; Yes, it is lime lo plant your potatoes, Init we wouldn't advise you o do it just yel. :o : The new I rain on I lie Missouri Pacific is almost, an assured fact, ami will probably be put on about Hie middle of April. her come! The jail proposition is ju-l as plain as the nose on a man's face, and there is no use lor the oppon ents to try lo deceive the lax payers. Tell the Irulb! Kvery taxpayer should hear in mind I hat the jail matter is not. a bonded imh'bledness, but a straight tax levy, and Ibe same is paid al one time, Thirty cents on the 1. olid and you are done with it. :o: since the superintendent of the mint al iHuivcr lias declared thai there, is no gold in 19111 nickels, doubtless many of lliem will lie found in Ibe alleys and waste baskets where I hey have been thrown by Iheir disgusted pos sessors. Senator Hitchcock will soon have I vvenly-live pnslollirc ap pointment lo make, these being in olllces in which the commission has expired since .January 1, or about Dial date. The, olllces at Hastings ami SI. Paul are among I hose. Most of I he others are in the Fifth and Sixth districts. :o: Along wilb he introduction of I he bill in I be ( hio legislal ui'e regulating women dress I here was made the slalement in the assembly hall, that the present mode of women's allire was large ly responsible for Ibe wave of im morality. Coiilii it be asked thai mothers give the question as much sluily as they give to the suffrage movement?" :o: Lincoln Star: The govern ment's investigation of the har vester trust, so far as the Omaha end of the inquiry is concerned, seems to hae left Hie impression upon Ihe minds of those who read the testimony that Ihe har vester company is such an ardent friend of the farmer that it ought lo have been allowed to elect a president last fall, if only to en able it to gel even wilb Taft, who bad offended it seriously by pro claiming it an outlaw. A citizen does not necessarily have to belong to the Commercial club to be progressive, but it would have more effect in the line of progressiveness if he was a member of that great booster or ganization. He could work more effectively surrounded by a corps of enthusiastic workers, whose aims are in Ihe same direction lo make I'lattsmouth a slill heller town than it is. Yes, my friend, we know you are progressive, and all that, but don't you think it would bo better for you to jump righ t into I bo band wagon nnd assist in furnishing the inusi, "See Plalfsuinulh Succeed?" at Plattsmouth, Neb.: March is perhaps endeavoring lo make 1 1 1 for the shortage in 1 "fhiii :i r . - :o The special session ol congress ids fair lo be a heavy one, as inr as il lasts, ami il may last II summer. " Keeping everlastingly at it is what makes a good town. That is just what the I'lattsmouth Com mercial club is doing, und evi dences of their good work can bo viewed in every section of the city. :u: Kven the English nobility is feeling the need for cultivating its idle estates for the production of foodstuffs. One bird has just de cided to put l,(ioo acres that has lain useless for generations, un der Ihe plow. The Paris nolo bandits have i n guillotined. New York and llhicago hae m it el decided what I hey will do willi (heirs. The minor preliminary matter of ap prehending them H (Irs) o be dis posed of. :o: As he on limine of all the agita tion girls will net belter pay, ami I hey should have il, as many legislatures are taking Ihe unit, lei' up, and when each slate lakes Ihe mailer in charge, there is hound lo be something doing 'in this line. ;o: Among Ihe court procedure re forms proposed in New York state i a provision that a court in the I rial if a cause, "shall have full power lo disregard any mistake, irregularily or defect which does not affect Ihe suiislanl ial rights of ii parly." As a pioneer in remedial legislation New York sels many examples woilhy of eiuulal ion by ol her stales. II seems a sure Ihing thai Ibe mothers' pension law will pass Ihe present lenislal lire. The bill provides Dial where parents or eilher fal her or mother is unable lo care for children properly a cerlaiu amount shall be paid 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 by Ihe commissioners of Ihe counly in which they lie for Ihe support of Ihe children. The amount fixed in Ihe law not moro Ihan 10 per month for each child. Such a law is now in force in seeral stales. I'milding operations m I'lalls inoulh have been continuous for several vein's. In all seasons, in all inonihs of Ihe year, bouses are under course of const rucl ion, eilher public or residence. A drive over the cily al an lime w ill reveal lo Ihe observer improve ments here ami (here in all parts of the' town, which will tell the story heller than the Journal can tell il a story of real growth of real development of perman ent, progress. :o: Indiana is nol the only slate that is trying to interfere with (lie press. Tim senate of Arkansas has passed a bill providing that tho newspapers of the slate shall give the same display lo com plaints made on articles as I ho articles llieinsclvcs, and shall publish all such complaints when asked. And lhat stories of di vorces and crimes must be pub lished on inside pages and under small heads. Violations of the law are lo be punished by lines and imprisonment . This coming irom i no siaie oi Arkansas is funny indeed. The general im- prcs.-ion is inai publicity is a cure for rascality, but the Arkan sas solons are evidently afraid of the I ruth. Line up with the army of Plattsmouth boosters. It's your duty, if you have property or are in busMiess here. :o : Cre.lulty is a common fault, but no fakir can convince us he is selling diamonds for four bits apiece for advertising purposes. :o: Japan will borrow 150,000,(100 for internal improvement. No olher proof is needed lhat Japan is a nation wilb new-fangled ideas. :o: Among the many iinporlaiit looking bills filed among Ihe l,.'Wo introduced in the legis lature, many of Iheni are proving to be worth less than Ihe paper I hey were written on. :o : We admire. Ihe man who comes out in Ihe open and fights, but we have great contempt for the slimy serpent in human form that tries to smear your face with honey and at the same lime slick a dagger in. your back . :o: There is lo be another .suf fragette parade in Washington soon. If the American suffragists keep on (hey may become as notorious as their sisters in laud. :o: Weeping Waler is lo have I wo cily tickets to be o(ed on ill their city election. Our friend, Fred Oorder, is lo have opposition for mayor in Ibe person of W. M. I'llilpot. Ami now Ihe complaint is made I hiit Ihe new nickels llrsl issued by Ihe department are too large for existing- slot machine. Too bad that Uncle Sam didn't think about this before he had these nickels coined. (iovernor 1'oss of Massachu setts has signed a bill passed by the legislature, which provides a fine of ft 100 for women who do no cover Ihe point of (heir hat pins so thai Ihe public will be protected from injury. Nolhing wrong about such a law. President Wilson praises the press as "Ihe country's best friend." This is anolher notable change in Washington since March i. Mr. Wiison's predeces sor regarded Ihe press except for ii few slandpat organs as Ihe mil ion's most alarming menace. :o: President Wilson seems to have a hard lime securing an ambas sador o (Jreal lirilian. Iticbard Olney, 78 years old, and Hr. Fliol. T'.t, have both declined the honor. Not bul whal they are equal to the I ask, bul they think some person of inal ure years ought lo handle thai great and responsible position. There are several good men who are able to till Ihe bill, and among them is l'avid II. Francis of Missouri. "F.ggs, Jeers and Mobs Slop F.nglish Suffrage Talks,' savs a headline. In the meantime the snlTragelles are burning smaller buildings, culling telephone and telegraph wires, and defacing properly by posting cards in scribed, ''No peace until votes for women." The English govern ment, however, is evading signs of seeking a shorter cut lo peace man according the ballot to malicious agitators and destroy crs of property. :o:- I lie ideal merchant of the future will be tho merchant who iiueiiigenuy conimnes ins ad ferlising policy and his sloro policy who believes not only in -i .11.. i I.. i t . gelling business through carry ing out to Ihe limit his printed claims vvlm realizes that the customer is Ihe whole foundation of bis business and lhat upon Ihe way Ihe customer of today is rented depend Ihe number and the confidence of the customers of to morrow. Jerome p. Fleishman. The Journal wishes it could guarantee its readers that this would be the las) snow of )be sea son. Ikit we are afraid to even attempt it. Faster is over, but the old woman feels still inclined to keep on picking her geese. You can bet your bo) loin dol lar that I'latlsmouth is the best town in Nebraska of its size, and is improving gradually every year improvements thai amount lo something monuments of the industry and thrift of a city that is wide-awake and 'up and doing all Ihe lime. One of Ihe largest and liveliest Commercial clubs in Nebraska is what talks for the old (own. :o:- T Ii a t a change is to be made in the matter of appoinjing fourth class postmasters is made mani fest, in the statement of Post master (ieneral .Burleson. Ho holds that Tuft's order was poli tical, and therefore not in har mony with (lie intent of the civil service law. lie is preparing a plan to be adopted in Ihe matter of naming post masters, and w hen lhat is promulgated applicants will know how lo proceed. -:o:- Never forgel you are a part of Ihe l own, ami thai your own de portment helps lo make up the strangers' estimate of the place. Sell all you can and buy all you can al home. Kvery dollar that i.- senl or carried away from home makes Ihe ovn so much poorer. If you have the means invest in .something thai will give some body employment. o not kick ill a proposed improvement simply because it is no at your door. The jail proposition is a live i.-fciie, ami will remain so until Cass counly has a decent ami safe place in which to keep its prison ers. The building of a new jail will save transferring prisoners lo Omaha or Lincoln for safe keeping iniiil brought back here for trial, ami then, perhaps, sent bark lo oi;e nf cilies o re main mil il a r.ol her lerm of court. For all of which Ibe taxpayers if Cass counly will have lo pav Ihe expense. The taxpayers of Cas county hould bear in mind I Iml t he jail mailer is ind to be one of homi ng I lie county, inii a plain lax levy. The whole business is paid in one year, and I Here is the end of il. Those fellows in Ihe west pari nf the county who are trying to mislead Ibe farmers by staling thitl il will h" a "bonded indebtedness" should id h-asl have the manhood lo stale fads as they arc. :o: While in the governor's olllce a few weeks ago, and in viewing the portraits of past governor's that AT THE PARMELE THEATER EUGENE PERRY'S EXCELLENT COMEDY DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS 56 PA A Beautiful Story of the Great Canal Special Scenery THE BIG STEAM SHOVEL AND DERRICKS WILL BE SEEN ONE NIGHT ONLY Prices Scenes of Some of the Ruins in Omaha Tornado - i V- " LOCUST STREET 71 CHURCH RT3.MOVINO BODIES hung on the wall, we noticed the absence of (iovernor Sheldon's porlrait among- ihem, it ml won dered why. The Lincoln Star comes to our relief and furnishes the reason thai it has not, long since been one of the collection of the former governors of Ne braska, as follows: A portrait of former (Iovernor (leorge L. Shel don, who is now living in Mis sissippi, may soon be added lo the collection in the state ex - eculive olllce, making Ihe gallery complete from the lime thai "Ne braska became a stale in 18G7. XV H, ,m Vis i try - i -v fc- i. ' ..-4 i . .'.'.'... ;.,-;, , V t V i ...... ..: :'' . v- ' ' ' - -'--' ws 1 Kt t .:. v ' " - . . - i.-., i ..'-'-! i , ....v.-'-, -. ''- tVS:'.irtV " , SS2C3C3I E3SSC3 J L JVL L u 25c, 35c and 50c No 1 LOOKING WEST. DEMOLISHED. FROM THE RIT.V3. Martin W. liimery of Omaha, who served as private secretary to Sheldon, is on the track of a suit able picture and thinks he can gel il for Ihe governor's office. When (iovernor Sheldon retired in lUO'.i he had a portrait made with the intention of leaving it in the ollice, but it did not prove lo be ii good likeness and was not hung up on the walls for that reason. Mr. Sheldon's subsequent jdeparlure from the stale has put. Iiim out" of touch with Nebraska ajairs, and it has been dillicult lo get a picture of him. 3ssgaaKw?ssh'.'rL'tvBagaj Higher. Si 2IS1 r