The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 24, 1913, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly
IV. . HA'l'ICS, I 'i il iui-
Entered at the Tostoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-das3 matter
.J. .
lie sun' of Hie foundation J
of your life. Know why oii J
live as you (Id. I'm1 ready lo
give a reason fur il. lu J
uo, in sueli a mallei' as life, J.
build an opinion or custom,
or what you guess is true.
J Make il. a mailer of certainly
! and science. Thomas SI arc
King. J
That Easier bonnet is all Hie
rage and I hey all waul 'em.
It will soon he lime (o make
garden. A i nl you glad for the
exercise j will a (Ton?
There are many things Platts
nioiilh can have this .season if we.
'all unite in going afler Ihem.
:o: -
The special session of congress
will begin Monday, April 7. It
is predicted hy I he wise heads
Ihal, il will he a hrief session.
California has had an unusiial
ly severe winter, and it is hoped
that the tourists who went there
to spend Uieir money will liavn
.sense enough lo stay at home and
spend the money where Ihey
made il.
The good roads proposition
should not he lost sight of in Hie
hurry and Hurry of other matters.
It is about lime to begin I ho
agitation in earnest, and the time
is almost here for active opera
tion. :o:
If Mrs. Woodrow Wilson has
Ihe courage lo shock Washington
society hy gowning herself on
1,000 a year, her hushaml will
lind no room lo complain that his
salary is being ealen up hy her
extravagance in dress.
The logislal ore of Missouri has
passed an local option law which
virtually makes that stale pro
hibition. According lo advices,
(lie ell'eel of this law will make
very county in Missouri hut three
"dry," ami will open up a rich
Held for bootleggers and cheap
mail order houses selling rotten
II is generally conceded uov
Ibal it, js dangerous o shake
hands. In China cei,body shakes
his own hand. but in Thibet, when
a young lady meets a comiianion
she slicks mil her tongue al full
length ami at the same time pulls
her right ear. This avoids con
laminaHon, and the idea is lo bo
introduced in Chicago al Ihe mis
sionary exposition, which begins
on May :). This is really an im
provement on Hie "lurkey trot,"
Iho "bunny hug" and other in
novations of Hie old-time
The democrats of Nebraska as
sembled today in Lincoln to do
honor lo Hie new secretary of
state, lion. William Jennings
Hryan, on his Ilfty-third an
niversary. Mr. ltryan has come
all the way from Washington to
bo present on this occasion, and
to greet his many friends. To
night the annual banquet will bo
held in the large auditoriuifi, and
it will bo crowded to its utmost
capacity with enthusiastic demo
rat s, who rome from every corner
of Nebraska lo pay tribute lo the
great commoner. May he live lo
enjoy many more such occasions,
and may peace and happiness ever
bo his lot, is the prayer of the
at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
The Sunday base ball bill has
been signed by the governor and
is now a law.
Who will be th." firs) one to de
clare thai Ihe peaches are all kill
ed? II is about lime I hey were
show ing up.
'I'lle leading siill'i;i"el .,f
Anii'iii a are about In gel into il
among themselves. Lord, hut
won't the false hair tly if they do?
The base ball meeting at Tom
Walling odice Monday night is
intended for the officers of tho
association and Ihe active players.
Improvements have already
been commenced in various sec
lions of the oily and carpenters
and contractors generally look for
a bet lor season than last year, if
Ihal could possibly be.
If good boosting will do the
bii.siuess. I'lallsmoiilh will be
right in line for a grealcr city
than ever before. The Commer
cial I'llll) is rollllmseil lit' -Minn
' I - - ' "' "Ollll,
live wires Ihal are always mi tho
nioe for any and everything
beneticial to h,. metropolis of
Cass counlv. Incessant unit; will
ilwass be bound to bring forlh
good results.
In enlarging the depot and
erecting new buildings at tho
-hops in this city the Hurliugton
will have a gang of extra work
men in IMaltsmoiilh at least three
or four months this season, and at
oast ijsr.O.noo will bo expended in
good hard money by the company.
This, jn connection with Ihe many
oilier improvements lo bo madej
in the city, I'lat I sinoul h bids fair
!" bo one ir the busiest towns in
Ihe West. "See I'lllt tslllolll ll Suc
ceed," won't you ?
The high cost of living dues its
woes) among the poor people. It
wouldn't mailer if the rich had to
pay a little more in proportion to
what the poor have o pay for the
necessaries of life. tut th-.y
don't. A day laborer is compelled
I" eat more than lb ies who
"live mi the fal of Ihe land," and
in proportion ho is the very man
that Millers from the high cost of
living, because it costs everything
ho makes to sustain his wife and
Some peoplr, when they lind
an nrlicle on the si roots or any
where else, make no effort to lind
the owner. The Journal desires
to sa to soi'li i . ik.,1 ii...
I " ' ' 1 1 s I II U, I III!
law is very severe in such cases.
The Under of pockelbooks, or any
article of value must al tempi to
lind the owner, and in case (his
N not done, and the articles are
found in his possession, the law
dealers with such persons as com
mon thieves, and punished ac
cordingly. This is said in good
faith and as a warning.
President Wilson has again
exhibited sound judgment in
ignoring parly factions in his ap
point inenls. There is no uso or
sense in parly faclions, notwith
standing some men are never bet
ter satisfied than when the party
is rent in factions and don't care
so long as their own nests are
well feal bored. Hut President
Wilson is not going to recognize
this class to any great extent lo
the detriment of those who have,
alw ays boon loyal lo I ho party, no
matter which faction won out at
the nominal ion primaries. We
see wherein President Wilson has
taken the proper shoot for the
sake of peace and harmony in the
democrat io party.
If Ihe Mexicans look half as bad
as the cartoonists picture them
no wonder they wnnl fo kill each
.imouyii uroom corn is worm
only si i a ton now, the prices of
brooms remain as high as ever,
There are also other things we
.i 'i i i i l
' ' ' 1 1 I II IH1IT.SI illlU,
A congressman just retired
served several times as the party
w hip, but never made a speech,
The best whip is not, necessarily
ii. hi 1 1 i
uie one won i no (lines cracker
- - v
Th.. -pring. summer and tall of
i.M- is going to be a great year
....... .
r .. i.i. , . . ...
.or rnoismouin m more ways
I nan one. r.vervhodv is urnnir to
....... I -
' iiinib-
in view that will help the city. All
we nave to do js gel down to bus.-
1liws flml luiwli
iiicnani oiney, formerly mem-
Imp i.f fiiw.iKi. ...1 ...I'-, .1 I
..... iumi:i i i niiiii s l auinei,
.... , i , ., , , . .
... ill nil 1 1 Ml. -I.-n. ri Jill 11
, ... 1
III I I'il'l I I ; l I I I II I.i- ll.wi...Ill
Wilson, but declined. Wo know
a gentleman down in Missouri, in
tin- person of David It. Francis,
who would till I lie bill to perfec
I . I . . .
i."s .meies, according iij til
Associated Press, has set another
precedent. l-'ire-proof baskets
liave been ordered for the cilv
f bonis by the board of educa
lion lo ealeh the "snipes" thrown
away by school ma'rnis addiclei
to Ihe cigarelle habit. (), Lord!
I'he egg consumer is undoubt
edly interested in the new pro.
position lo dale the cases of eggs
when I hey are put into cold stor
;ige, but he cannot help feeling
al a dale on the eggs when Ihey
are put into the rases would in
pire more confidence
Tho new secretary of Ihe navv
lunches on three bottles of milk
and a loaf of bread. A sailor sol-
do,m gels milk, but it must be re-
nieinbered that Secretary Daniels
is an old North Carolina ediloi
iieiueiiuier inai uie is Mil a
I r f ..I. .. . . 1. : 1 .1 . . I. ! I
Clin.- mi iMi.iiii'i-. wiiiie oeaui is a in a cen, ami n niev can he con
sure thing. vinccil lh:il il' lln.v v ;..!,.(.. 11,,.
According to J-'rank Carpenter,
i no woriii-roiiowneil traveler, the
. .
people of ihe Uniled Slales own
two-llflhs of he wealth of Mevieo
I at Ihe present rale of in-
crease will soon own the rest of
il. when il will only be a quest ion
r happy assimilation as to what
will I me of Mexico.
A New York (rust company has
issued js edict threatening dis-
missal for every one of its young
men employes who marries while
'' iving a salary of loss than
l(in ii month. If such a reslric-
ion should become general, the
race suicide alarmists would have
real grounds for their warnings,
All fanners, and in fact every
O NO ' C I 7I 1 1 Will 1 I n a !l il V I il' in
r mi., in
l.;.. i.. ...mi . . . ... I
.oum, win voie ior uie su',-
jail proposition. They all
know how badly Cass county is in
need of n jail, and they know that
one will have to be constructed
sooner or later. Thou whv not
i any to uie support of the pres.
cm proposition. No one should
... I
let a prejudicial mind control him
in IIUS matter. I
Mrs. William C Clark of Clove-
land, Ohio, is only 35 years old, ing environments, lie says his
and yet she has given birth to plan has worked well in individual
twenty-seven children. Recently cases, and ho is certain that it
she presented her husband with will be practicable on a largo
four boys. Tho quadruplets died scale. The girls in these homes,
because of an injury to the under tho eye of tho mistress,
mother. This is Ihe second set of are educated, taught the art of
quadruplets the woman has borne, cooking, the care of the house
She also is the mother of three hold, and of young children, vvhilo
sels of triplets and the sets of the mistress of the house acts as
twins. Six or her twenty-seven guide, councillor and friend. That
children are alive, the oldest, no- is to say, unless she goes 4.IT to
Mini, neing m, and the youngest,
years old. Mrs.
Clark's mother had twenty-eight
children. Her grandmother had
twenty-nino children, quadruplets
and triplets among them.
March does not seem to have
lost any of its gentle-reminders
thai this js the month to "blow
jiul jf ex-President Tafl
should happen to visit Ovster I?av
he's the kind that could carry his
smile -with him
Plattsmoulh is a good town
(me of the best in tho stale and
good enough for anybody. Keep
boost in
for the old (own.
I I I II K i luin I . ,f . . I .. I . n.. K .-. .-
prolliliiled the killim' i.f I, nil
. .... I... 1 , 1 1 . i 1 1 I I.1 Ill L (1 1 I Il.lS
f,ot,, "TIim.
I iiiil IIUICl
ho .,,,.., , ,... n s(. tm
. ' " v
. is in rmi. , ,L,,
j'resii en km. in,h, u
,llaill (hat ' a
nl(Ml(v nf ,. . . ,
I . .
. innHino. ... ii..
.......v.. ..niitiiii uui, ne to mo
hungry oHioo-honf e?
I . , . .,
-niri' ii-f wiuow luu years
. .
ol,l, says a paper of that ty. is
" r
hout to become a blush ner bride.
Those California papers never tire
of trying to convince us of the
superiorily of California climate.
It would appear to the general
public Ihal some time a Kansas
City jury would have pride enough
in their stale to put an end, sonu
...... , . . i i i
o nr t . iv ii'-'i'iinttv ..n
- j - r-i v i . . oil
some sorl of an end to the Hyde
1'"' 1-n nl. Tribune has il
down in good shape when it says:
"If being progressive means go
ior IHI.J, we wouiu rauior no
legislature would adjourn." It
would bo money in the taxpayers'
pockets to do so.
The I niliil Stales senalorship
is still hanging lire in the Illinois
legislature, witli no possible hope
of breaking the spell. f ihe
legislature adjourns wit bout
electing, Coventor lUnine will up
P'iid th" senator (,,
mil -trust magnates are afrah
. . ! . . II r
anli-lrusl law Ihey will go to iail.
like Ihe i r go to jail when thev
violate a law, no one doubts that
the Sherman law would be obeyed
and the nrobb f i I !: I
solved. The Sherman law pro
vides for iail sin I enei.s lr
" "
magnates just as other laws pro
vide for jail sentences for other
kinds of robbery, but for twenty
years and more I bo federal courts
have not boon impressed by Un
fact. This is why so many net
sons have come to bo suspicious
"f 'ho courts, and to sincerely bo
Hcvo thai (he poor do not receive
Ihe same kind of justice that is
met oil out lo the rich; it explains,
too, Iho recent remarkable growth
of socialism and the agitation for
the recall of judges
'l l. . I i .11 i.i
i no oisiriei aiiornev in mil
waukeo advertised in the daily
papers of that citv for one htin
drod married women to take into
their homes clean, good young
girls as maids. Only those need
llOIllv who will Intn nn" nnlivn in
Merest in the welfare of their
charges. The district attorney
says that ho is going to inaug
urate an extensive cnmrwiicrn In
rescue girls who are working: for
inadequate wages in vice breed
play bridge, and leaves tho girl
to struggle along and do the best
she can, turning her out as a
mere scrub-woman instead of
making her n trained cook, or a
comnetent housekeeper.
The open season for shoolinor
and shooting accidents is now on.
-:o: -
The lale blizzard was a remind
.... ii.., i i
i nun ,-iu jn;; nils not vet ar
Tl.i i-
.mis jLiin-i prcicrs to wait un
til blooming lime before it t-n
dors a decision on (he peach
:o: '
We learn from (olographic re
ports that the ground-hog's ens
soilness extends even to South
There is such a thing as too
much of a good thing, but March
was never known to be accused of
anything like that.
The liryan banquet in Lincoln
Wednesday nig hi was the great
est ever. More than two thou
sand gnosis were present.
Three states are lacking to
ratify the constitutional amend
ment to elect I.'niled Slates sen
ators by ii direct vote of the peo
II would be a good idea if the
stiffs would save some of
energy f,,r Iho harvest held if
(hoy are so blamed anviiim f.-...
equal rights.
John I). Rockefeller says he
wauls lo see Ihe Panama canal
before Ihe waler is let in, and it
is generally understood luj can
aiioi'u ine trip.-
:u: .
All those who have an interest,
in the country's welfare arc now
reading garden seed literature,
which is almost ns interesting as
Peruna advert isenienls.
Madero had plenty of money
before he sat in that Mexican
game, so there may be something
in Uie theory that ho was looking
for trouble. In which case he
can't kick on Ihe results.
, :o:
Congressman Mann of Illinois
has doubtless discovered by this
lime Ihal the Washington suf
fragette paraders are like other
women in one respect.. Scorned
Ihey let. their fury know no
The Missouri Pacilic manage
ment has promised lo give the
people heller local passenger
service, by which Ihe people re
siding in Ihe west part of' the
county can come to Plattsmouth
and return home the same day
without any (rouble. Oood!
Quick revision of Iho tarilT is
planned by President Wilson and
the senate and house. If a re
vision will reduce the high cost
oT living, let il proceed al once,
for that is what the great mass
of the people are interested in
more than anything else, just
Now there is talk or removing
the stale university away Troin
Lincoln altogether. Should this
become a serious mailer, it will
make the Lincolnites hump them
selves to retain it. Healrice has
a citizen who odors forty acres
of land for the site and give the
state a clear title to the same.
: o :
Spring will soon be here in
earnest. Fix up. The most hum
ble collage in Plattsmouth con
bo made neat and attractive. A
common board fence, without
plane or paint, can be made neat.
Don't tie up your gate with a
fence post. You can get a fast
ener for 10 cents or make one
yourself in thirty minutes with
out a cent of cost. It takes no
money to burn up the old rubbish,
tlx up broken fences and make
your home look homelike. The
busy and industrious find time to
tlx up their fences, but often the
men who make little or no garden
and let the yard resemble a last
year's bird's nest, are those who
have the most leisure lime on
their hands.
"The (aritf legislation will bo
ready !'... presentation lo th.,1
Inn;-..," w lU'piVsenlalive' Uu-
(),'1VV (. "m three or four days
afi.'clh,- limis;. convenes."
Ihe house of representatives
still maintains its slrong love for
the principle of the recall, in
cluding therein judicial affairs.
The Journal never believed in the
principle of recall, but if we did
we would not be in favor of mak
ing any disl inc( ion . between any
ollicials the judiciary as well as
the balance.
The American people are. pav
ing annually about $80, 000, 000
inure f,. their' cotton goods than
(bey ought to pay, because of the
iniquitous Payue-Aldrich larifr
aw. The sixty-third congress is
preparing to interfere with this
robbery. There will bo a big down
ward revision on all kinds of cot
ton goods.
In Now York counterfeiters have
already put out issues of parce'l
post stamps. Although the de
nomination of the new stamps
range from one cent to one dollar,
(bey are all printed in the same
color, red. and are of similar de
signs. The new dodge is to raise
the cheaper stamps and there is
so much confusion in the post-
olliee ihal the fraud easily passes
:o :
Uoveruor Morehead has signed
(he Sunday base ball bill, passed
y both houses of the legislature.
II permits the playing of base ball
on' Sunday, within the corporate
limits of cities or towns where a
majority of ih0 voters declare
themselves in favor. Outside of
the corporate limits Sunday
games may be played on permis
sion of the county commission- ,
How vague and elusive art,
must be is shown by the current
criticisms of tho new nickel. One
critic declares that the nickel i3
an ugly coin; another that it's
chief objection is its beauty Its
popularity, manifestly, must be
based on other than artistic con
sideration. No difference about
the looks of the coin il will buy
a glass of beer or a cigar, and
pass for just as much as the old
Oh. you idle rich! Down at
Palm I'.each and other southern
resorts ju.y i,ave to jUV(.llt new
ways of enjoying themselves and
one of them is the wheel chair
lour of the resorts. At one of
(hem a string of twenty-eight
wheel chairs started out, and made
the rounds of the places oT
amusement, ending up with a sup
per. The guests then disem
barked from the wheel chairs and
went back to Palm Ileach in a
lions,.. boat. I isn't much; just
heals giggling ill a reeoplion and
Ihiifs all.
Why have we never been able to
place an income lax on Ihe statute
books? js the fiueslion Ihnl tm
turally arises. Here is the an
swer: High protectionists have
prevented the passage of an in
come tax law, because they know
thai the more money the govern
ment collects from taxing in
comes, the less excuse there will
b for tarilT lax. To lake pro
tection away from the tariff trusts
is to interfere with their mono
polies. And how could the tariff
trusts regulate prices and gouge
consumers without monopolies?
One of the genuine farmers of
Liberty precinct was in the city
yesterday and" gave the Journal a
friendly call. In talking of the
jail proposition, he said he was
in favor of il now, but voted
against it before. Ho also stated
that a great .naiorilv of ti..
farmers of hjs neighborhood
thought it would be cheaper to
build a new jail than it would lie
to spend twenty times as much
for a now court house. That is
the way many of the big farmers
look at the mailer.