Mt i K i: or nto position to voti: r M'K.tlAI. TAX. I Tin- electors f tlie County of Cass, 1 i i it . . i . - ii .,t .. t .. .OI'lH-h.l, Will irtft- iimiu' at veiial eleitlon tn lie lulil on the Mli i;iv of .April. ,. I. 1 !!!, at ttm n-KUlur v.iiins; plates lii all tlie lileeim ts unJ WHiils iliruuxl.oiit said lounty, the f"l Iowihk i iif t lun a ml pi uiMisiiioii will he .-Tihmit teil to u vote of the people: Shall the Hoard of Ominly Cninmis stonera Of Cuss County. NehiaikH, or other person or pi rsons eluu eil by aw with the appropriation of money ml levvinir of tuxes for suld county ; for the time beins. )propiiate tin; num of JlL'.Oiil) anil. in addition to the 1 rtil;ir annual taxes, cause to be levied ii all taxable property of puM county. ' special tax Ktitlicient to raise .said j mouiil for the purpose of building a ,runty Jail on tlie Court House irroumls I the City of l'lattsinouUi. Cass. t'oun fiy, Nebraska, takniK such uction as the j requirements of the law and the in ' terests of the public may demand; prt I vided that said special tax be levied 1 :t the time of making the icKular levy of the la'nriiil taxes for the year l'.tU, itid be entered upon the tax list for iinnt vcr and collected in the same manner as oilier taxes, and Hint pro ceedings shall lie commenced for the erection of said jail us soon ns the tuthoritv is obtained from the electors is possible under the law, and be continued without unnecessary delay until the same shall hae been com pleted and provided that said special tax be levied and collected one year Hid one year only. i That the said (luestiou and proposition ' ,-ihovc set forth shall be submitted to 1 tbe lesal voters of saiil county In tlie I following form und manner; that Is to 1 sy the form of the ballot to be used at ' -said election in favor of said question jnrt proposition shall be as follows: i "I vote for the appropriation of $12, . MO and for the levy and collection of a Bpeciul tax sufficient to raise said urnount for the purpose of building a Oounty Jail." And the form of the ballot to be ' used at said election against said ques tion and proposition shall be as fol rws: "1 vote ntralnst the appropriation of the sum of $12,000 and unainst the levy And collection of a special tax for the purpose of building a County Jail." Dated this 1st day of March, A. P., It VI. C. It. JORDAN, Chairman Hoard of County Commis sioners. C. K. UEEBNEU. JULIUS A. 1'ITZ, Commissioners. (Seal) f Itest: r. C. MOKOAN, County Clerk. A Moment's Work. NoImmIx knows what the next i . . . t . 1 1 1 -r. t lias in store fur liim. II mn I"' Itif :-:ii'iiii'-l link ur the I'ralol ili-a-lei. Today we feel healthy ami strong anil tomorrow may u iVir from a st'riuiis sick ness. In iew if these rapid chances in llic state of our health e should he prepared to meet I hem. A very piod remeily which is indicated in eery iiylisposil ion as a prevent ie of disease is Triner's American Elixir of Killer Wine. II will tiiiekly expel from I he ho.Jy all wasle mailer, w ill stimulate the organs of digestion ami will strengthen them for their work. The cleaning out of the hoily does not. cause any pain or discomfort. I'se this remedy, in constipation, loss of appetite, in digestion, headache, intestinal pains. At driir stores. Jos. Triuer, I33:i-I33'.i S. Ashland Ave., CJiieajro. 111. In rheuina tisin and neuralgia try Triner's Liniment. NOTICK OK SUT TO l'IKT TITMI. h Ihr District Court In nnd for Cunn County, Nehraska. Simon Gruher, i'luintill, vs. Ualtie Rurnuni Wills, et al., Defendants. To the defendants, llattle Itanium Wills, Harry WlllR, Harry O. Harnuin, .lames W. ISarnum, Sylvester Harnutn, ir., Adelbcrt Harnum, Mary Barnum, liitncr Hannah, Mrs. Homer Hannah, first real name unknown; Mrs. Dewis Karnum, first real name unknown; l'Wis Harnum, Jr., Charles ltarnum, L. . Sinclair, first real name unknown; Jlerbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dickerson, Dickerson, first real name unknown; George Barnum Bowers, the unknown heirs and devisees of Lucy liowers, deceased; tlie unknown heirs :nil devisees of Besty Boyd, deceased; James Chase, Belinda Chase, Lucy J. ias. B. F. Murdock, jr., first real name unknown; Mrs. B. V. Murdock, ir., first real name unknown; Alphonso Otiase, Thomas J. Watson, Mrs. Thomas J. Watson, first real name unknown; and the unknown heirs and devisees of Thomas J. WatRon, deceased. You are hereby notllied that on Feb ruary Cth, A. D. 1913, plaintiff filed his -wit in the District Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska, to quiet title to the fol lowing described land in the County of "aRH, Nebraska, to-wlt: The Northeast quarter (NE!4) and the North half (N.) of the South Bast quarter (SK4) of Section twen-tv-nne C1U. Townshii) ten (10), Kanee thirteen. (13), East of the 6th 1. M. because of his adverse possession by ntmself. and trrantors for more than ten ywars prior to the commencement of wild suit, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or Mttiilable, in and to said lands or any part thereof, and to require you to set fnrth vnnr rlcht. title or interest there in, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same adjudged inferior to tJie title of plaintiff to said lands, und fr frnornl eoiiitnhlc relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. Vnu are required to answer said peti lion on or before Monday, the 24lh day of March. A. D. 1313, or your default will be dul v entered therein. SIMON GKUBHU, I'lalntlff. t : A WLS & KOBEItTSON, Attorneys. NOTICE WANTED TO BUY A second hand platform scale. Inquire of Frank Gobelnian. 3-18-tfd MISS BESSIE YOAKUM. New York Society Girl And Heiress Who Will Wed Francis R. Larkin. Your Easter Gown 1 OltDKH TO SHOW CAISK. In Hie DlNtrlct Court iu and for Cbms Couuty, Nebronka, In the Matter of the Guardianship of Anna C. Chllcott, Insane. This cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Wesley Cliilcott, guardian of the estaf.e of Anna C. Cliilcott, Insane, praying for a license to sell the interest of his said ward, Anna C. Chllcott, in and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: The northwest quar er NW'i or the northeast quarter (NKVi) f Sec tion twenty-four (24), Township ten tlO). Hange thirteen do), In Cass County, Nebraska. Said petitioner also alleging rnat ine wife of petitioner, Anna 0. Cliilcott, was adjudged insane on the lath day of April, 'J02, and has ever since re mained insane, and Is now confined In the insane asylum of the State of Ne braska. That petitioner Is the owner in fee simple title of the above de scribed real est,ate, and the court is asked to ascertain tlio present value of the Interest of petitioner's said wife, and to authorize petitioner to sell tlie same at public or private sale. IT IS THKKKFO ! O ) ' KP that all persons interested in (he estate and Interest of sa d Anna C. Cliilcott, in sane, in and to the above described real estate, appear before me at the olllce of the Clerk of the District Court, at l'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 14th day of April, A. D., 1913, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause why the court should not determine tlie present value of the Interest of paid Anna C. Chllcott, In and to the real esate hereinbefore described, and why license should not be granted to Wesley Chllcott, guardian of Anna C. Chllcott, Insane, to sell the interest of his said ward in and to the above described real estate. This order shall be served by pub lishing the same in the l'lattsmouth Journal for at least three successive weeks prior to the 28th day of March, A. D. 1913. Dated this lBt day of March, A. D., 1913. OKOnOR F. CORCORAN, Judge District Court. BAWLS & ROBKRTSON, Attorneys. MH;.Ui NOTICK, la hr District Court of Conn Comity, .clirnka. Morgan R Brantner. l'ln in UlT, vs. Joseph McCreary, Cass County, a Municipal Corporation of the State fl Nebraska, the Un known Heirs and De visees of Zecheriah Kerr, Deceased, the Citizens Hank of l'latts mouth, Nebraska, a Cor poration, Now Defunct, K. G. Dovey Son. ; Copartnership, and "'Maries R I'earsall. Defendants. T Joseph McCreary and the Unknown Heirs nnd Devisees of V.echerlah Kerr, Deceased, Defendants: You nnd each of you will hereby take notice that On the 10th day of February l!H2. I, Morgan K. Brantner, I'lalntlff in the foregoing entitled cause, tiled iny petition in tlie District Court of Oiss County, Nebraska, against you .id others, the object, purpose and prayer of which Is to obtain a decree from said Court removing liens and 'binds from nnd quieting the record title of the following described real .slate, situate in Cuss County, Ne braska, to-wit: Commencing at a point ftftv-two and one-half tTi2'i) feet Kast of the Southwest corner of original Lot twenty-six Cifi), in Section eighteen 18, Township twelve (12), North, in Range Fourteen (14), Kast of the tith I'. M., thence running North one hun dred thirty-live (1.15) feet, thence Kast fifty-two and one-half (12) feet; thence South one hundred thirty-live (135) fet; thence west ilfty-two and ono-lialf (S2'4) feet to the place of beginning, shown and designated on tlie plat books of Ir regular tracts in the olllce of the register of deeds of said County, us lot No. till In the Southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section. Also commencing nt the Southeast corner of said Lot twenty-six (2t, in suld Section eighteen (18). Town-,-dilp twelve (12), North, Range lour leen (141 Mast, and running thence north one hundred thirty tl30) feet; thence West sixty Dili) feet; thence South one hundred thirty (1301 feet; thence Kant sixty (80) feet to the place of beginning, and shown Rnd designated on the said plut books of irregular trai ls as Lot No. 61, In said .Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of mid Section, excepting, however, a f-trip olf of the South ends if said Lots heretofore conveyed to the City of I'lHttsmouth for street purposes. ir I'luintill', n n'-raln.sf you and other defendants nnd to exclude nnd enjoin oil and eni'h of you from ever assert ing or claiming any r In lit, title, estate, rierest or lien therein adverse to V'lilntifT, and for such other and further r'iief as may he Just and equitable. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 2 1th day of March, 1913. or the allegations con ouned In said petition will bo taken a." t"ie and a deereo rendered as prayed : "r therein. Dated: February lot h inn. MORGAN K. BRANTNKit. i'lalntlff. By JOHN M. LI3YDA, His Attorney. JVOTICH TO CHKIMTOHS. In the County Court of Iuhn County, .cbrnnkn. In tlie Matter of the Kstute of Chris tian Stoehr, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of suld deceased will meet with the executor of said estate before me. the County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at my office In the City of I'luttsnioiith, In said Cass County, on the 'Jtith duv of April, 1913. and on the 4th day of October, 1913, at ten o'clock a. in., 'each of said days, for Hie pur Dose of presenting their claims mil having the same examined, adjusted, allowed or refused. Six months are allowed the creditors of suld deceased to present their claims, and which period explies on October the 4lh, I'M:!, at ten o'clock u. m. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, at l'lattsmouth, Ne braska, this Mb day of .March, 1913. (Seal) ALLKN J. BHKSON. County Judge. D. O. DWYKR, Attorney. M)TICr. TO ClIKDITOHS. In County Court. STATU OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In the Matter of the Instate of William .1. O'liiien, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will be bad upon claims filed against said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the Count v Court room In l'lattsmouth, In said Countv, on the 11th day of April, 1913, nnd on the 13th day of October, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must he filed In said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said Countv Court, at l'lattsmouth, Ne braska, this Hllh dav of March. 1913. (Seal) ALLKN J. BKKSON, County Judge. :-. . C -i " Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Yoakum of New York announced the engagement of their second daughter, Miss Bessie F. Yoakum, to Francis R. Lurk in of New York. Miss Yoakum wns introduced to 3ciety several years ago, and she has frequently passed tho summer In Newport with her parents and also at their coun try place, Tywacuria Hills, in Farming dale. N. Y. She Is devoted to outdoor sports and Is said to be a good shot, hav ing last autumn disthiKidshed herself at the hunt of big game In Texas. QUICK REVISION OF TARIO PLANNED Democratic Leaders Will Consult will look much better over a "Gossard" Corset. Our new spring Gossards are just in. $3.50 $5.00 $6.50 They lace in front E. G. DOVEY & SON. M J . G. G. BELIE OF OMAHA WILL DELIVER ADDRESS FRIDAY NIGHT Invalids Need Pensions. l,rf)(i snliscripl ions b till! Ladii's' Homo Journal Sl.r.O, (lie Sal unlay Kvcninj; l'osl ? 1 .50, Hio nminlry (mmiIIi-iiiiiii $1.51), will earn for llw Invalids' Pension As sociation, which will insure my self anil IT) other sufferers $100 a nn mill cacti. Your renewal worth r0c. Also any publication. rOX'T WITHHOLD IT. Always a. I. tress, f.OUDON, TIIK MA(!A ZINK MAN, Omaha. Neb. 3-13-U-wkly Washington, March 20. Quick tar iff revitiion along lines acceptable to the Democratic leaders of both houses of congress was the object ot a confer ence between the ranking tariff re visionists of the party in the senate and the house. The conference, mark ing the completion of the tariff re vision bill in all essential particulars by the house ways and means commit tee, was designed as a move to get to gether on common ground nnd to smooth the ways for the launching of the first Democratic tariff in many years under a policy of swift, harmoni ous avtion. Senator Simmons of North Carolina, chairman of the senate finance com mittee, nnd Senators Stone. John Sharp Williams nnd Smith of Georgia constituted the senate subcommittee for the conference wilh Chairman Un derwood and some of his colleagues of the wiijs find means committee, the senators going to the house side in accordance with the tradition Incident to the revenue-originating fund ions ot the house. House Democrnts are confident they have framed n tarlfT measure that wiil lie a faithful conformance to the party platform nnd satisfactory, generally, ns a downward revision measure, and that the revision In one bill should lie nble to run the gauntlet of both houses without much scarring. A. conference later bid ween Sena tors Simmons, Smith, Williams. Hughes and Chairman Underwood re sulted In tlie understanding that tariff rates will lie thoroughly considered jointly by the house and senate ronv mil tecs nnd President Wilson before the tariff revision actually begins in the house. who iilteml the lliinl "oc cupation" address at the Presby terian church tomorrow evening will have a rare chance to hear one of (lie leading business men of Omaha, as Mr C. C. Helden of that city will address the young men of tlie city on I lie subject, "The Merchant." Mr. Helden is one of tlie leading business men of (lie melroiidis and his talks arc both interesting and at the same time of fjreal value, as lie lias devoted his lifeliine to I lie. study of this subject, and is a member of the linn of Thompson, Helden it Co.. of Omaha, one ofi the lending, linns of (hat city, j and bis successlul career as uj iiiei-cliiinl will make his talk one I of the best that the liuilders' class 1 1 it seiMil'id. ill addition loj Hie leclui'c several musical mini-I hers w ill he jjiven and luncheon j In Hie MHiug men n of the church. Will Read the Daily. V. K. Perry, from near Mynard, Hie successful ami popular Duroc Jersey swine raiser, was iu the city Tuesday evening looking af ter some business mailers, and while here called al Hie Journal otlice to enroll his name for Hie Daily Journal for one year. Mr. Perry lias been taking the Semi Weekly, but thinks he will like (lie daily much belter, as many other fanners have been doing tlie past few years. We still have a large number of blank pages in our ledger, and tlie paper mills supply us with plenty of blank paper, and our presses are still pretty fast, so there is no reason why there should mil be a great many do like Mr. Perry come in and let us send you tlie dailv. I servei ! bl.lies VERY DELIGHTFUL OCCASION AT THE STEHHER HOME Receives New Sonq Books. The Methodist Suiidaj school of this city, which is one of the largest, in point of persons en rolled of any iu the city, have just received 15(1 new song hooks which will be placed in use for the services next Sunday morning. I This Sunday school lias a splen did graded system ami has classes j from Hie lillle lots up to the adult class. The school embraces over .'(Hi persons and is in a inosl i lloiirish iny condil ion. FINE DISPLAY OF EASTER FLOWERS AT CECIL a WARGA'S s I The windows of the store of Warga ('ceil presented a lovely ' sight this morning, being tilled with some of Hie handsome llovvering plants, from"! lie green house of Stenner Hrolhers, am) the collection embraces the beautiful and fragrant Master lilies, hvaeinlhs and other sea sonable (lowers in gorgeous pro fusion, and to the lover of (lowers the scene was most alluring. This linn has certainly got, a tine as sortment and those desiring to buy Mowers for Kasler would have little trouble in. being fixed out by these gentlemen. Buy your fancy the Journal office. stationery at HnzoI-IHonthol Plasters Effectively rnliuve p'dn. The soothing C foctA of Menthol aro quickly felt in Buck, ache, Rheumatism, Scinticn and other painful affections. Yard rolls $1.00; roirtv. liirsio 2.c. Ail druKKintH or direct by muiL Dvi Lawrence Co., New York. tiamplui mailed upon requeat, Be. itampa, ESdSSEfEIJE ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- Sell your property by an ad In the Journal. The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates addiess or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be matfe at he Journal office. -WILKINSON I HALL- Mexicans Will Absorb Reduction. El I'nso, Tex., March 20. Contracts already are being written by Mexican cattle raisers designed to absorb any decrease in tariff rates which the spe cial ttcssinn of conRresH may make in the cattle list, according to V. W. Bogel of Marfa, Tex., who is here at tending the Texas Cattle Itaisers' an nual convention. Rogel said Mexican cattlemen are stipulating in their con tracts for delivery that if the United States congress reduces the tariff the price paid thm for rnttle must he In creased proportionately. HOUSE OF DEATH DESTROYED Place of Many Tragedies at Last Is Burned. Chicago, March 20. The tragic ex istence of the "House of Death." at 259 Wentworth avenue, closed with its destruction by an Incendiary fire, in which three lives wen1 lost. Frank Pustella and his brother-ln law, Jo sepli Cavelierl. escaped with severe burns by jumping from a second story window, but Mrs. Pustella nnd her daughters, nefl three and four years, were overcome by smoke ns they reached n window and perished in the nanu s. I lie iiouse gained its name because of the fatalities which have occurred within It during the last trn years. Big Profits on Subsidiary Coins. Washington. March 20. The fed eral government, made the enormous profit of nearly Jd.noo.OOO on the coin ago of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and halves during the fiscal yenr of 1912. A very ih-lighlful occasion ofj esieniav alli'i'iiooii was me luni'beon gieu by the Helpers of the r.hrisl iau cliuivh al I lie home, of Mrs. lue. Stenner, in the west part of Hie city. There was a large number in si I lemlance iu spile of the inclemency of the wejit tier. I 'or I lie occasion I lie Stenner home hail been nmsl al liiielixely ilecoraled with tulips ami carnal ions, which bail been artistically arranged. The hours were whileil away in conversation ami various amusements anil in pliiniiiiur for the market, which the ladies will conduct al Hay wood's store Siil in-day afternoon. At the proper lime an excellenl two-course luncheon was pro vided by Hie hostess. Those for tunate enough to be present re port Mrs. Stenner a splendid entertainer and are in hopes that they will be invited ! her home again in Hie very near future. v (ii-nuine Ited Ither l'olaloes. l-.aily Ohios, 17 cent', per bushel. Also choice Tiniol hy al l.TTi per e I. All kinds jirass seeds. Ilelliemlier olir land de pends all on otir .seed. I'. I'. SIII I.UON, Nehauka. Neb. The ( Inoil llmuls Town. .1 , ,-- J tDeep-sealed Colds ; ill T ! I Bronchitis Coughs, Croup, Conimlna no harmful drug: All ilcnkM. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., New York. Has His Toe Washed. Fred Philbrick, a bridge car penlef, emplocd by the Iturlin lon al Ashland, was injured Ibis morniuK by having a lie fall and mash one of his toes in a very i severe manner, ami he came to Ibis city where Hie injured mem ber was dressed and made as comfortable as possible, and he will enjoy a short vacation from bis duties for a few days. Commercial Club meets third Thursday evening of each month. You Want New and Up-to-date I Wall Paper LOW FREIGHT RATES on Household Goods We nan rltovon lownrfrelght rte tlian jron cn Kt on Honinhold liooil, Autot, etc.. to any point in 1 1 United Sutes. I.nt u iliip for jron anil SAVE YOU MONtY. Writ uonrant office for low rnUt. Missouri Rlvsr Freight F'd'g Co. Omaha. Nab. Kansas City. M when you have those rooms done. "Special Sales" usually ofTer "last year's (and sometimes much older) stock under guise of "bargains" Our stock is all new and of 1913 do siins only. Weyricli , Hsdraba Sole agents for Lowe Bros. ' Faints , Chl-Namcl Varnish